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T MURRAY STREET, HEW YORK CITY. i 3r" A Mystery f i 2$ cfrTwt I I w 7r BURTON E. h T STEVENSON T I I (LQtyTg Cory 1 very happy; yes, sir. They were just like lovers, sir, until her death. .They seemed just made for each other, sir," and the trite old saying gathered a new dignity as he uttered it. I paused a moment to consider. This, certainly, seemed to discredit the theo ry that Holladay had ever had a liaison iWith any other woman, and yet what other theory was tenable? "There was nothing to mar their hap piness that you know of? Of course," I added, "you understand, Thompson, that I'm not asking these questions from Idle curiosity, but to get to the bottom of this mystery if possible." "I understand, sir," he nodded. "No, there was nothing to mar their happi nessexcept one thing." "And what was that?" "Why, they had no children, sir, for fifteen years and more. After Miss Frances came, of course that was all changed." "She was born abroad?" "Yes, sir; In France. I don't just know the town." "But you know the date of her birth?" "Oh, yes, sir the 10th of June, 187G. ,We always celebrated it." "Mr. Holladay was with his wife at the time?" j "Yes, sir. He and his wife had been abroad nearly a year. His health had broken down, and the doctor made him take a long vacation. He came home a few months later, but Mrs. Holla day stayed on. She didn't get strong again, some way. She stayed nearly four years, and he went over every few months to spend a week with her, and at last she came home to die, bringing her child with her. That was the first time any of us ever saw Miss Frances." "Mr. Holladay thought a great deal of her?" "You may well say so, sir. She took his wife's place," said the old man simply. "And she thought a great deal of him?" "More than that, sir. She fairly wor shiped him. She was always at the door to meet him; always dined with him; they almost always spent their evenings together. She didn't care much for society. I've often heard her tell him that she'd much rather just stay at home with him. It was he who rather insisted on her going out, for he was proud of her, as he'd a right to be." "Yes," I said, for all this fitted In exactly with what I had always heard about the family. "There were no other relatives, were there?" "None at all, sir. Both Mr. Holla day and his wife were only children. Their parents, of course, have been dead for years." "Nor any intimate friends?" "None I'd call Intimate, sir. Misc. Frances had some school friends, but she was always well reserved, sir.' "Yes," I nodded again. "And now," I added, "tell me, as folly as you can. what has happened within the last three weeks." "Wilt: begaa slowly, aftet; Tjie'nouse, fiat m the library or even ings, ate scarcely anything. Then Mr. Royce got to coming to the house, and she brightened np, and we 'all hoped she'd soon be all right again. Then she seemed to get worse of a sudden and sent us all away to get Belair ready. I got the place in order, sir, and tele graphed her that we were ready. She answered that she'd come in a few days. Ten days ago the rest of the servants came, and I looked for her every day, but she didn't come. I tele graphed her again, but she didn't an swer, and finally I got so uneasy, sir, I couldn't rest, and came back to the city to see what was the matter. I got here early this morning and went right to the house. Thomas, the sec ond butler, had been left In charge, and he told me that Miss Frances and her maid her started for Belair the same day the servants did. That's all I know." J "Then she's been gone ten days?" I questioned, "Ten days; yes, sir." Ten days! What might not have hap pened in that time! Dr. Jenklnson's theory of dementia recurred to me, and I was more than ever inclined to credit it. How else explain this flight? I could see from Mr. Boyce's face how absolutely nonplused he was. "Well," I said at last, for want of something better, "we'll go with you to the house and see the man in charge there. Perhaps he can tell us some thing more." But he could tell us very little. Ten days before a carriage had driven up to the door. Miss Holladay and her maid had entered it and been driven away. The carriage had been called, he thought, from some neighboring stable, as the family coachman had been sent away with the other serv ants. They had driven down the ave nue toward Thirty-fourth street, where he supposed they were going to the Long Island station. We looked through the house; it was in perfect order. Miss Holladay's rooms were just as she would naturally have left them. Her father's rooms, too, were evidently undisturbed. "Here's one thing." I said, "that might help," and I picked up a photo graph from the mantel. "You won't mind my using it?" Mr. Royce took it with' trembling hand and gazed at it for a moment at the dark eyes, the earnest mouth. Then he handed it back to me. "No," he answered, "not if it will really help. We must use every means we can. Only" "I won't use It unless I absolutely have to," I assured him. "And when I'm done with it I'll destroy it." "Very well," he assented, and I put it in my pocket There was nothing more to be dis covered there, and we went away, aft er warning the two men to say not a word to any one concerning their mis tress' disappearance. Plainly the first thing to be done was to find the coachman who had driven Miss) Holladay and her maid away : from th houae, and with this end in view we; tlsttad all the stables tnem had a carnage been orderea by her. Had she ordered it herself from a stable in some distant portion of the city for the purpose of concealing her whereabouts, or had It been ordered for her by her maid, and was she real ly the victim of foul play? I put this question to Mr. Royce, but he seemed quite unable to reach a conclusion. As for myself, I was certain that she: had gone away of her own accord and had deliberately planned her disappearance. Why? Well, I began to suspect" that we had not yet really touched the bot tom of the mystery. . We drove back to the office and found Mr. Graham there. I related to him the circumstances of our search and submitted to him and to our junior one question for Immediate settlement. "At the best, ifs a delicate case," I pointed out. "Miss Holladay has plain ly laid her plans very carefully to pre vent us following her. It may be dif ficult to prove that she has not gone away entirely of her own accord. She certainly has aperfect right to go wherever she wishes without consult ing us. Have we the right to follow her against her evident desire?" For a moment Mr. Grahaia did not answer, but sat tapping his desk with that deep line of perplexity between his eyebrows. Then he nodded em phatically. "It's our duty to follow her and find her," he said. "It's perfectly evident to me that no girl in her right mind would act as she has done. She.had no reason whatever for deceiving us for running away. We wouldn't have in terfered with her. Jenkinson's right she's suffering with dementia. We must see that she receives proper med ical treatment." "It might not be dementia," I sug gested, "so much as undue influence on the part of the new maid, perhaps." "Then it's our duty to rescue her from that influence," rejoined Mr. Gra ham, "and restore her to her normal mentality." "Even if we offend her?" "We can't stop to think of that. Be sides, she won't be offended when she comes to herself. The question is how to find her most speedily." "The police, probably, could do it most speedily," I said, "but since she can be in no immediate danger of any kind I rather doubt whether it would be wise to call in the police. Miss Holladay would very properly resent any more publicity" "But," objected Mr. Graham, "If we don't call in the police, how are we to find her? I recognize, of course, how undesirable it is that she should be subjected to any further notoriety, but is there any other way?" I glanced at Mr. Royce and saw that he was seemingly sunk in apathy. ' "If I eould be excused from the office for a few days, sir," I began hesitatingly, "I might be able to find some trace of her. If I'm unsuccess-1 iul, we might then call In the author ities.' Mr. Royce brightened m for a mo-, rnent, . ' ' - ; That's it," he said. "Let Lester look Into it." "Very well," assented Mr. Graham. T agree to that.- Of course any ex pense you may incur will be borne by the office." "Thank you, sir," and I rose with fast beating heart, for the adventure appealed to me strongly. "I'll begin at nce then. I should like assistance in one thing. Could you let me have three? or four clerks to visit the va rious stables of the city? It would be best, I think, to use our own people." "Certainly," assented our senior in stantly. "I'll call them in and we can give them their instructions at once." So four clerks were summoned, and each was given a district of the city. Their instructions were to find from which stable Miss Holladay had or dered a carriage on ' the morning of Thursday, April 3. They were to re port at the office every day, noon and evening, until the search was finished. They started away at once, and I turned to follow them, when my eye was caught by the expression of our junior's face. "Mr. Royce is ill, sir!" I cried. "Look at him!" He was leaning forward heavily, his face drawn and livid, his eyes set, his hands plucking at the arms of his chair. We sprang to him and led him to a couch. I bathed his hands and face in cold water, while Mr. Graham hurriedly summoned a physician. The doctor soon arrived and diagnosed the case at a glance. "Nervous breakdown," he said terse ly. "You lawyers drive yourselves too hard. It's a wonder to me you don't all drop over. We'll have to look out or this will end in brain fever." He poured out a stimulant, which the sick man swallowed without protest. He seemed stronger in a few moments and began talking incoherently to him self. We got him down to the doctor's carriage and drove rapidly to his lodg ings, where we put him to bed without delay. "I think he'll pull through," observ ed the doctor after watching him for awhile. "I'll get a couple of nurses, and we'll give him every chance. Has he any relatives here in New York?" "No; his relatives are all in Ohio. Had they better be notified?" "Oh, I think not not unless he gets worse. He seems to be naturally strong. I suppose he's been worrying about something?" "Yes," I" said. "He has been greatly worried by one of his cases. "Of course,' he nodded. "If the hu man race ' had sense enough to Eton worrying there'd be mighty little work for us doctors." "Pd like' to call Dr. Jertklrwon - Into the jjeaae. -1 said. "He knows Mr. f Royce and may" be of he. ' - Certainly. - ru be glad to consult Doubtless want to know about hwm GAS By BURTOH E. STEVENSON A Bright, Entertaining w Charming Story DEALING WITH ROMANCE AND MYSTERY Now Running in the 05 The New York Tribune Says: The reader will not want to put the book down until he has reached the last page. Well written into the bargain." 0- You can, read it without money in the Cortallis Gazette. New Sub scribers supplied with back chapters of the story; o? OUR JOB OFFICE Is unusually well equipped to do all kinds of work. A First-class Job Printer always kept in the office and all work guaranteed to be strictly up-to-date. Bring us the Work that You are particular about 0- CuSSIFIED ! ADVERTISEMENTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS : " . 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WANTED W A iTTE n 500 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE OazkttE and Weekly Oregonian at 2.55per year. BANKING. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general ponFervative banking business. Loans money on approved security. Drafts bought and Fold and money ransferred: to the principal cities of the United States, Europe and foreign countries. Veterinary Surgeon DR. E E. JACKSON. V. S., WINEGAR Snow livery barn. Give him a nail. Phones. Ind.-, 328; Residence, 389 or Bell phone. I2tf " PHYSICIANS B. A. 0ATHEY, M. J D., PHYSICIAN CI .V f . -n t n . bu ourgeuQ. nooma i-t, cant x una ing. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to i p. nr. Residence : cor. 5th and Ad ams Sta. Telephone at office and res idence Oorvallis, Oregon. MARBLE &HQP. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONU meats; curbing made to order; clean ing and reparing done neatly:: save agent's commission. Shop North iLr. :n . c?- "c.,. ..l, "ti. t House Decorating. FOR PAINTING AND PAPERING SEE , W. E. Paul, ind. "480 I4tf Croup. Begins with the symptons of a com mon cold ; there is chilliness, sneezing,, sore th oat, hot ekin, quick pulse, hoarse ness and impeded respiration. Give fre quent small do es of Ballard's Hore hound Syrup, (the child will cry for it and at the first signs of a cronpy cough apply frequently Ballard.s Snow Lini ment to the throat. Mrs. A. Vliet, New Cast;e, Colo.,, writis March I9, 1902; "I think Ballard's Horehound Syrup a wonderful remedy, and en pleasant to take. Sold by Graham ami Wfc-rthaiii. STEAMER POMONA For Portland and way points, leaves Oorvallis Monday, Wednesday and Fri day at 6 a. m. Albany 7 a. m. Fare to Portland, $1.75; round trip $3.00. H. A. Hoffman, AgU 103-10 Health. Means the ability to do a good day's work without undue fatigue and lo find life worth living. You cannot have in digestion and constipation without its upsetting the liver and polluting the blood. Such a condition may be beet and quickest relieved by Herbine, the best liver regulator that the world has ever known, Mrs. D W. Smith writes, April 3. 'o2. "I use tierbine, and find it the best medicine for constipation and regulating the liver I ever used." oOc Sold by Graham & Wortham, LuwKiest Man in Arkansas. "I'm the Incident man in A'kMjisas,"' writes H. L. Stanley, of Bruco, Vgince the restoration of my wife's health after five years of continuous couching and bleeding f -om the lungs ; I owe my good fortune to the world's greatest medicine, Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, which' I know from experience will. Awn 'i-rii HrtAB i f t'aTrAn r n 1 win A '-' TWir' - wife improved, with the. first- bottle and twelve i bottlesfi completed : the ,ccure.T: Caresthe worst, coughs, aid- olda 1 or m 'nkmr remaded: :l "Ati A llaa A Wood- her rXMNry-ftetfO, eBI .(Ifetikgoatiawd,)