Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, February 23, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Published Tuesdays and Fridays by
Gazettk Publishing Company.
The subscription price of the Gazettk
for several years has been. and remains,
per annum, or 25 per cent, discount if
paid in advance.
There appears to be an effort
making especially by the demo
cratic press, to befog the people
of the state concerning the elec
tion of United States senators by
direct vote. The people are to
be beguiled into believing that
through the agency of pledge
No. I they may elect senators.
A democratic journal publish
ed in Portland leads off in this
effort. In a recent issue it pub
lishes an editorial ' involving
execrable . grammar, false as
sumptions and great mental
travail to prove that the people
are ' 'getting in the saddle. ' '
It exclaims: "No man who
feels that he is a superior to his
constituents need go to the leg
islature." Certainly not, even
though his fellow citizens might
desire to become his constituents.
"If he considers that the federal
constitution imposes upon him
the exclusive duty of electing a
United States senator without
the intervention of the people'
he need not make the race. This
is followed by a murky para
graph intended to show what
state legislatures have assumed to
be and to do, then by this unwar
ranted assertion: "Under pledge
No. 1 the candidate for the legisla
ture binds himself in the event
of his election to abide by the
popular choice for United States
senate, leaving him no further
option" in the choice of senator
"than he has in the purely
formal, clerical work of proclaim
ing whom the voters have select
ed for state office's " Then
this remarkable editorial, re
markable for its dense igno
rance if nothing worse, notices
the expression of a sudden fear
"over the dreadful step. It is
always the case when the people
either take back some of the
powers which they have delegat
ed or seek to exercise some of
their risrhts which had lain dor
The fallacy of all this shines
conspicuously just here. The
DeoDle never had the right to
elect United States senators, so
. this cannot be one
rights which had lain
"of their
" For the same reason they never
had power to .elect such officers
for the office of U. S. senator
did not exist nrevious to the
formation and adoption of the
federal constitution. The fram
ers 01 that instrument lor wise
and sufficient reasons decided
that the people should not direct
ly elect United States senators.
If the people desire to acquire
the right to elect U- S. senators
by direct vote the constitution
must oe changed m the manner
the instrument itself provides,
no one state may make this
change; the whole people by di
rect vote may not do so.
Is is a well established princi
ple of law that there can be no
contract or binding agreement
in violation of law. If pledge
No. 1 really leaves the legislator
no option in the matter it con
travenes the constitution, the
supreme law, and is null and
void ab initio
ine iramers or the primary
law had no purpose of enacting
a law directly in conflict with
the constitution and of requiring
members of the legislature to
cive a pledge, the operation of
which must involve them in the
commission of perjury,
The federal constitution does
impose upon the members of the
legislature cf each state in the
union the exclusive duty of elect
ing United State:? .senators with
out the intervention of the peo
ple. It is not a very edifying spec
tacle when good citizens who
should stand, and ordinarily do
.stand, for the sanctity of law
and its certain enforcement
counsel the whole people of a
state to violate the paramount
law of the land.
Were it not that by some sort
of shuffle democrats hope to pro
fit thereby we should be amazed
to see such sticklers for "the
constitution of the fathers"
clamoring for pledge No. 1. Re
publicans should steer clear of
such complications and stand by
the supreme law. . u .
. Oregon's senatorial represen
tation is attracting more atten
tion in the East than at Home.
Following the courtesies to the
junior senator at the time of his
appointment, many compliments
have been paid the elder member
of the state's delegation, One
of the brightest editorials that
appeared in prominent eastern
papers' following Senator Ful
ton's able opening of the rate
legislation debate in the Senate
was that in. the Indianapolis
Morning Star, as follows:
"Senator Fulton of Oregon
aaems to have acquitted himself
well in the first noteworthy . ap
pearance on the floor of the
Senate in debate with men like
Spooner, Foraker and Bailey.
It is three years now since Mr.
Fulton was elected, and he has
done his work unostentatiously
and well, impressing his ability
upon all who have seen him, and
yet avoiding the haste with
which new senators are tempted
to precipitate themselves into
discussions. He is a man of
fine talents and very great in
dustry. His habit of mastering
the details of his subject and
thinking it through was revealed
in his prompt and cogent answers
to the questions which were shot
at him by the best lawyers in
the Senate."
There is little doubt in the
minds of most members of Con
gress that an adjournment will
be taken this session some time
during May. Following comple
tion of work on the rate-regulation
bill, Philippine tariff and
statehood propositions, there is
little of such urgent nature be
fore Congress that the members
feel it incumbent upon them to
prolong this session. Appropria
tions are to be held to the mini
mum, because of party, condi
tions, and the multitude of
measures affecting only sections
of the country will be subordi
nated to the general sentiment
for an early adjournment.
Connection of Willamette Valley
Traction Company.
There is reasou for making
semi-official announcements that
still another transcontinental
railroad is headed for Portland,
and that, instead of entering
from the north, as in the case of
the Northern Pacific and Great
Northern, it will come through
Central-Bastern Oregon and the
Willamette Valley, says t!:e Tele
gram. Furthermore, it can be stated
currently that it contemplates
coming into the citv over the
proposed line of the Willamette
Valley Traction Company in
event the coveted franchise along
Front street is granted by the
Citv Council.
In svspport of this statement of
mtenlion, evidence of which
only lacks direct
official J
confirmation, it is notable
that the promoters of the Wil
lamette Valley Traction Com
pany project has a building op
tion on the entire svstem of the
Corvallis & Eastern Railroad
property, including all of the
roadbed, rolling stock and equip
ment of the line in operation
between Toledo, onYaquinaBay, j
to Idanha in Linn county to-
gether with a right of way com
mittee with Minto Pass, in the
Cascade range oi mountains and
through Eastern Oregon to
Acquirements of this will af
brd direct rute from the extreme
Eastern line of the state to the
coast, and an outlet to the Pacific
Ocean, but recognizing Port
land as, the nafurat comxneieiai
center of the Northwest, consum
mation ot the deal hinges '.upon
action by the ' City Council - on
the traction company's, applica
tion for the Front strettfranchise;
It has been known i that nego
tiations for purchase ot the Cor
vallis , & Eastern railroad have
been pending for several weeks
in the East, between A B.. Ham
mond and those interested behind
the Willamette Valley , Traction
Company's project,, but it " has
only recently leaked out that a
90-day option had been secured,
acception , or s refusal depending
upon the outcome . of : negotia
tions for a connection with , Port
land. , No. official information
could be secured, .but it is under
stood, from reasonably reliable
forces, that the price agreed
upon is more thau a million and
a quarter. '. " ' V '
Those in position to knew all
facts refuse to discuss the sub
ject at this time stating that any
announcement is premature and
without the sanction, but they
will not deny that . there is
ground for it.
When seen this morning Man
ager A. Welch, of theWillamette
Tiaction Company, declined .to
make any statement concerning
the transaction, as whatever fact
there was in it is not ripe for pub
lication, and that all plans were
based upon the outcome . of the
Front-street controversy.
Four miles of valley line
graded. The Willamette Valley
Traction Company has been con
structing Portland-Salem line
from the Salem end, has com
pleted grades for a distance of
four miles, and is awaiting
action of the Council upon the
franchise question to begin woik
at both ends and rush the line to
early completion. .
Promoters of the Valley Trac
tion project have also announced
their intention to extend the line
from Salem south to Eugene and
to put out a system of feeders
wherever practicable and feasible.
The Willamette Valley Com
pany, which is known to have
interests in common with the
traction company, owns water,
electric light and power plants at
Eugene, Springfield, Albany,
Corvallis and other small Valley
towns, including those under the
Union Light & Power Company,
together . with valuable water
power rights on the Santiarn. ,
Thus it .is not improbable
that the two systems will be
merged in event of satisfactory
developments at this end. This
would mean a network of electric
and steam railways touching
things important, agricultural,
timber and mineral section of
the Valley, and would bring all
products from those points into
he Portland market.
Rev. Lanrer wi)l begin
meetings Sunday evening
a series of
at the Oak
Grove school house.
Emmett Williamson and family left
Wednesday for their home at Portland
after spending a week yisiting relatives
Wiley Hainan, of Albany, has been
spending the week on his farm pruning
and cleaning up his orchard.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Goff spent Sun
day as the guests of Mr. and Mrs S. P.
Velma Laurenson, while visiting at
the home of J. G. Gibson last Wednes
day ha J the misfortune to fall down the
stair way leading to the basement, break
ing her arm near the wrist.
Mr r. Green Morris, of Victor, Eastern
Oregon, is down on a visit. Shr has
been epending a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Goff of this neighborhood, after
which she will visit relatives ia Linn
county before returning home.
We have only heard of one man being
found dead in his orchard and that was a
man by the name of Harris, in Tilla
mook county, but it may become quite
common when ths farmers are compelled
to clean np their old orch ams.
P. E. Johnson will file his petition for
ja'tice of the peace of Fairmonnt Pre
cinct No. 20 in due time to be placed on
the ticket; W. D. Morris will do likewise
for candidate.
Saturday the 24 of this month, is the
day set forth for holding the parents'
meeting at the Grange Hall in Fair
monnt and the good people of this part
of the country are making arrangements
to try and have one of the best of the
kind ever held here. The grangers will
do much toward making the meetiDg a
success and others will join hands to
help the cause along. Superintendent
Shadow Silks, Toile de Soleil. Silk Gauze.
Arnold's Taffeta. Pineapple Batiste. '
Beetle Finish Dimities. '
Eoliennes. Shimmer Silks. Taffeta Checks.
Henley Serge. Dotted Swiss Mull.
Embroidered Silk Organdie.
Zephyr Ginghams. Penelope Cloth. London Voiles.
Wool Finished Batiste. English Chambrays.
Embroidered Mull, Eyelet Effects. ;
Shrunk India Braid.
Complete New
Denman has completed the programs and
sent them out to those who are expected
to take part in the exercises so that they
may be ready to do their part when the
time comes to act.
The primary election law under which
the people "of Oregon will eelect candi
date places greater responsibilities upon
the individual voter than had o be ac
cepted by him under the former system.
Under the old method he could shoulder
the responsibility of selectiug candidates
upon the leaders of the political party to
which he belonged and accept or reject
their choice as best suited his mind.
Under present conditions every in divid
ual voter is a leader, and if the selection
is bad each is personally responsible.
It behooves the voter therefore to scan
closely the record and qualifications of
those who offer themselves as candidates
for office, as well as to examine the
utterances which fall from their lips or
the statements of themselves and friends
to discover if possible hether or not
they are sounding as brass and tinkling
cymbals. .
The warm rain for the last few days
has filled the creeks to the brim and
caused grass and crops to take on a more
thrifty appearance. Stock of all kinds
are wintering in good condition.
Last Saturday Bight, at Simpson Chap
el a large and appreciative audience
assembled to enjoy a social entertain
ment under the auspices of the Ladies
Aid. The literary and musical pro
gram was rendered in the large audience
room and was of good selection and well
rendered. The Bellfountain Orcbes:ia
furnished some fine instrumental music,
after which all went down to the base
ment hall where lunch baskets were
auctioned off. About $70.00 was the
result of the eale, some baskets going as
high as $5.00
Born on the 15 inst., to the wife of A.
H. Buckingham, a so .
New telephones are still bein put
in. That greatly adds to the von
veuience of the whole community.
To the household but
how about the mother ?
Has she been joyful
during the weeks and
months preceding the
Too many mothers
find it a time of fearful
anxiety because of the
knowledge that they
are " not in good heal th."
Thev have allowed
weaknesses, pains and drains to accumu
late till the health is completely under
mined and they are "more than discour
aged." and all because they have been
misadvised by well-meaning friends or
maltreated by an inefficient doctor.
To all such here is tlie news that there
is a remedy that will heal and not hurt.
It was discovered forty years ago by
Dr. Pierce who searched Nature's labor
atory the earth, for the remedial agents
so liberally provided therein. He took
Lady's Slipper root, Black Cohosh root,
Unicorn root, Blue Cohosh root, Golden
Seal root, and by extracting, combining
and preserving, without the use of alco
hol, the glyceric extracts of these natural
remedies he has given to the world
Dr. Piebcb's Favorite Pbkscbiption,
which has to its credit the enviable and
unparalleled record of more than a half
miuion of cures in the last forty years.
"Only those who have given Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription a trial can appreciate
what a boon it Is to suffering: women," writes
Miss Vinna Seamoro, of 33 Elm St.. Toronto.
Ont. "For two years I suffered intensely
from female weakness until life was a burden
tome. I had distressing:, bearing-down pains
so I could scarcely stand up. Had hot
flashes, was very despondent, weak, and ut
terly wretched. My physician c:ave me treat
ments but without success. I tried several
remedies but obtained no relief until I be
ean to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion. I began Immediately to improve, and
in four months' time I was as well and strong
as ever."
Constipation cured by Doctor Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets. -
Simpson's Silk Novelties.
Line White Goods.
About School Census.
The school census for the com
ing year will be made this week
Tl . . . - , 1
it muse contain the names
of all the children actually resid
ing in each district of the countv
not later than Feb. 25, Only the
names of these children who
have a bona fida residence in
said district at this time can be
lawfully included in the said
census. Parents living tempor
arily in a district ;have no lega
right to have their children
taken by the district clerk. Any
district clerk taking such child
ren will make himself liable to a
fine of $25. The law requires
each district clerk to visit each
home and by interrogation of the
parents or guardian obtain cer
tain necessary data.
The clerks should rem-mber
that the law does not allow a
child over twenty or under four
years of age to be included in the
census. After the census has
been taken the said ' census re
port must be submitted to the
legal voters of said district at the
annual school meeting for correc
tions " or alteration which occurs
on the third Monday of June each
year. Clerks, should bear in
mind that they are, not to
forward the census reports to the
county superintendent, but
retain them until after the meet
ing in June.
Notice to the Tax-Payers of Bea
ton County. . -
I have prepared lists of the amounts
due from each tax payer, showing the
names of each party assessed, and
amount of taxes due from each ; if vou
pay all jour taxes on or before the 15th
day of March, you will deduct 3 per
cent from the amount as shown in the
list, if you wish to pay only half your
taxes you must do so on or before the
second day of April, otherwise you will
have the penalty and interest to pay,
While the law does not requfre me lo
accent checks or money orders on taxea,
yet I wdu'.J much prer to have the tax
payers pry their taxes by mailing to me
check or money order, this 19 a protec
tion to yourself as well as help to me as
Icanirakenp yeur receipts of a night
return them by mail and not be rushed
so much during the day. Said taxes will
through the courtesy of the following
gentlemen be found at their places :
Summit, at Titus Banney's store.
Blodgett, at J. A. Wood's store.
Wren, at Richard Wilde's store.
Kings Valley, at Marion Frantz's store,
Miller & Alcorn's store, and Jacob
Chamber's store.
Soap Creek, at the store of J. A.
Fairmonnt, at D. P. Mishler's resi
dence, at Henry Hector's residence,
at T. B. Williamson's residence, at M.
V. Leeper's residence, and at the resi
dence of F. H. Hughson.
Monroe, at A. Wilhelm & Son's
store, and at Norwood's & Co's. store.
Alsea, at W. H. Malone's store.
Willamette, at Norwood & Go's store,
and A. J. Jone's store at Ioavale. ;
Bellefountain, at store of Woodcock &
Taylor, at store of N. Clem.
Philomath, stores of Hill & Son, J. E,
Henkle, F. P. Clark, Scott & Pugesley,
and HoeeB Brothers. f ,t . ,
17-18 Sheriff of Benton Counny, Oregon.
Frightfully Barned.
Ch&s. W. Moore, a machinist,
'ity, vI'h., had -his band fr
of Ford
iiied Bui'kien's Arnica Salve with the
usual reenl r "a qnick nd perfect cure."
li'eateet healer on earth, tor burns,
4'onnd. pores, eeseui and piles. f 25c.
iiien Se Woodward, Umgtfi8ts.
500 Telegraph
ers Needed.! ;
and Railroad Accounting ' :
The activity in - railroad nonetruoiion
throughout the Northwest bas created a
laiee demand' for comoetent leleurauh
operators. We teach telegraphy, thor
oughly quickly, ami eeonre petitions lor
ur graduates. ' Salary 175 to $91) per mo.
Tun oq fee low.. For terms aud particu
lar?, w iter faciac lelegrapu lustmite,
Portland, Oregon. . ; 1017
Cheap Sunday Ri les Between
Portland and Willamette
' : ;; Valley Points.
Low round trip rates have been placed
in effect between Portland and Willan -
ette Valley points, in either diieotioi .
Tickets will be sold
and limited to return on or before the
following Monday.' Rate to or from Cor
vallis, $3.00 Call on Southern Pacific
Co's Agents for particulars. lOltf
Notlce of Sherllf's Sale.
Notice is hereby (riven tht under and by virtue
t :.,. .1 i e 1 r . . 1 1 .
perty. issued out of the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of Benton, under the seal
of said Court and bearing date of February 14th,
190O, upon a judgment duly rendered by &aid Court
which Laura liurr was plaintiff and Agnes C. bicEI
roy and J. C. McElroy were defendants, said judg
ment was rendered in frvor of said plaintiff
-nd against the said defendants for the
sum of five hundred thirty and fifty one-hun-dredths
dollars, with interest thereon at the
rate of 8 per cent per annum from said 25th day ot
November, 1905, and the further sum of $50 attor
ney's fees, and the farther sum of 815.00 Costs and
disbursements; and for the Bale of the real prupe. ty
hereinafter described, attached in said action; and
which judgment was duly docketed in said Court on
the 25th day of November, 1906, and which said ex
ecution issued thereon is to me directed and deliv
ered and commands me to satisfy the said above
sums of money due thereon by the sale of the real
property heretofore duly attached iu said action,
and described as follows, to-wit:
Beginn'ngat a point 10.35 chains west of the
Northeast corner of claim No. SI, tp. 14, S. K 6.
W., run thence West 9.74 chains; thence South 40
chains; thence East 9.74 chains; thence North 40
chains to beginning, containing 40 acres; also be
ginning at the Northwest corner of claim No. 67,
tp, 14, South Range 6 West, thence East 40 chains
thence South 40 chains; thence West 40 chains;
thence North 40 chains to beginning, containing
160 acres. Also beginning at Southwest corner of
claim No. 44, township 15, South Range 6 West,
run thence North 40 chains; thence East 40 chains;
thence South 40 chains; thence West 4O chains to
beginning, containing 160 acres; also beginning at
the Nor beast corner of O. W. JKisor's c'aim run
thence West to East line of R. Belknap claim,
thence South to North East corner George Belknap's
J-Jm, thence East to West line of Laban Sanders
ore fourth section line, thence North to beginning-,
section 82, township 14, South Range 6 West, con
taining 74 aces. Also beginning at one-fourth sec-
township 14, South Range S West, thence East 17.95
chains' thence North 20 chains; thence West 17.95
cha;n8- thence South 20 chains, to Beginning, con
taining 87 acres. Also lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, and North
West quarter ot South West quarter of section 82,
township 14, South Range 5 West, containing 57.75
acres; also lots 7, 24, 25 and 26, in Well's and McEl
roys addition to the City of Corvallis, all the above
and foregoing described real property being and
lying in Benton County, State of Oregon.
And on Wednesday the 21st;day of March, 1906, at
the hour of two o'clock P. M. of said day at the front
door of the Court House, in the City of Cor allis, in
Beaton County, State of Oregon, I will offer for. sale
and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for
cash in band, all the right, title, interest, claim
and estate of the said defendants Agnes C. McElroy
and J. C. McElroy, in and to the sad above describ
ed real property, to satisfy said sums due on
said judgment, costs and accruing costs.
Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon.
February 15th, 1906.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given 1he nndersigned
has been duly appointed by the County
Court of the State of Oregon, ior Bn. m
County, administrator of the estate of Henry
Holroyd, deceased. All persons having claims
against paid estate are hereby required to
present the same at the office ofj. F. Yntes,
properly verified as by law required, at Cor
vallis, oregon, within six months from the
date hereof.
Dated this 13th day of February. 1906.
W . c. JVlCr ADDEN,
Administrator of the Estate of Henry Hol-
royd, deceased. .
The Gazette
for Job Work.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the 2r sG . s?
Signature of CazTcUc
Have your printing done at the
Gazette office. We give you quick
service and save you money. T
Are You Restless at Night?
And harraeeed by a bid cough, use
Ballord's Horehound Pyrnp, it will se
cure you eonnd sleep and effect a prompt
and radical care. Sold by Graham &
Worth am. . 1 .
A Healing Gospel.
The Rev. J. C. Warren, pastor of the
Sharon Baptist church, Belair. 6a., says
of Electric Bitters: "It's a Sodsend to
mankind. It cured me of lame back.
stiff joints, and complete physical col
lapse. I was eo weak it took me half an
hoar to walk a mile. Two bottles of
Electric Bitters have made me so strong
I have last waliced three miles in 50
minutes and feel - like walking three
more. It's inade a new man of me."
Greatest remedv for weaknesses and all
stomach, liver and kidney complaints.
Sold under guarantee at Allen & Wood--ward's
drug store, Price 50 cents.