Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, February 20, 1906, Image 1

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    Cass cwr
Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Tuesday, February 2Q. 19Q6.
No. rr
Vol. XLHI.
A Well-known Physician Writes
of the Disease.
Ed. Gazette: Typhoid fever is
an acute infectuous disease.
The specific cause is a bacterium
which was discovered by Eberth,
whose researches were later con
firmed by the careful investiga
tion of Gaffky. We are inform
ed that those bacillus are found
ber of patients and the largest
mortuary report.
If the greatest percentage of
typhoid fever is produced
through the water supply, how
are we to account for cases up
in the mountainous regions
where the water is supposed to
be the purest of the pure? We
have seen . some cases where
there was not another case with
in miles of them and they used
no other than cistern water the
cistern well covered and no pub-
2 1.. 11 -t wn-n-no rf fVlfk
m ony.a u, : Hc or frQm
body during tne iever, . anu uwi - . ,
thev bear a close resemblance to
bacillus coli communis, which is
always present in the intestines
of the body, and to the so-called
peracolon bacillus, and the bacil
lus dysenteria.
which to get dust There was a
lot of decaying vegetables and
other matter in the cellar.
There have been more reputed
cases of typhoid fever in and
near Corvallis during the last
two or three months than I have
T 4-Ua f How hvwr
i wa T-V":' known during any one of the
far the germs oi typnoia iever , . OQ - -
could be carried in water? This
I cannot answer. Some author
ities claim that it can be carried
some distance; some say that the
typhoid bacilli will retain its
vitality from seven to fourteen
days in water, disappearing from
the same on account of the pres
ence of saprophytes. This is a
vegetable organism living in or
on dead and decaying organic
It is also claimed that if the
conditions are favorable the
germs will remain alive for some
months- and even for years, in
clothing and in soil. Most
authors agree that the bacilli
cannot maintain a permanent
existence outside the human
body. Typhoid fever may be
found in all parts of the globe
and at all seasons of the year,
but more freauently during the
last 2 years. Tne greater per
cent of those cases, are among
users of well water. How do
they account for it in the wells
if they get it from the water
J. O. Wilson, whose son had
typhoid fever, had a sample of
his well water, together with a
sample from the well of a nearby
neighbor, examined by Profes
sors Knisely and Pernot. Mr.
Wilson reports that the profes
sors stated that his well water
was the most they had ever
examined and his neighbor's
was bad. Both of these wells
are about four miles south of
town and one is about 300 feet
and the other but little farther
from the river. .
If typhoid fever, diphtheria,
cholera, etc., are not produced by
inhygenic, conditions, ithen why
do the authorities order a general
cleaning up and disinfecting
Again - Victorious.
Favors Temperance but is Not a
.. ' . Prohibitionist.
A large audience gathered at
the court house last Thursday
evening to listen to the lecture of
Rev. Homer M. Street, who has
been denounced as being a cham
pion of the saloons.
This, in his preface, he denied,
saying he was championing the
cause of right and iustice and if
his arguments pleased the saloon
men and displeased the prohibi-
In the basket ball game played
at the Armory . Friday evening,
February 16, OAC's r team de
feated Willamette by a score of
21 to 7. The gams was a good
one and was played well by both
teams. While Willamette has a
strong team they did not proy
to be an equal to our boys.
This was the fifth game tor
O AC this season and also (-;
fifth victory, as they have not
yet been defeated. They defeat
ed Salem's Y. M. C A. by a
score of 3 to 7, Monmouth by
- h" i . r -rt- V -m t r
UtXXixs uy j
credit of the later, as he founded
his belief upon the scriptures.
w- mi
.Following, ne gave an ex
haustive analysis of tne evil ef
fect of the prohibition movement,
both from a social and a relig
ious standpoint. He argued that
the attempt to make the liquor
auestion resoonsible for the
wrongs and evils of
ette by 21 to 7, which is, indeed,
a fine showing. -
In Friday's game the number
of baskets made were: Swann,
v. Reed, v. Whipple 2; Bilyeu,
1, and Judd, 1, and the numoer
of fouls made were: Reed 1, and
Guv 1.
The line up was as follows:
Swan Forward Guy
Reed " Judd
Cream SiNef
GUARANTEED not to injure anything,
no matter now, nne. Absolutely tree
from Ammonia, Acid, Cyanide of Po"
tassium, Poison, or any injurious sub
Just the thing to make old jewelry
look like new, and it acts like a charm
in cleaning precious stones, cut glass'
ware and silverware.
Albert J. Metzger
Occidental Building, - - - Cprvallia
Hair Invigorator
And Dandruff Eradlcatsr
S 1
- i - i t , ' 5. 2
Trada lark Registu-Ml.
Price, - Fifty Cents
. Manufaeturad by
The Vegetable Compound C3m?any
Corvallis, Oregon HI
Guards . ' Nelson
' 44 Simpson, capt.
! Damon's
New 'Orleans
1-1.1. L J.1
in. 01 when an epidemic, of either of
faU after a M.." tho5e diseases breaks' out; ;witli
is-less frequent during the good results from the cleansing?
spring. The dust during the dry ye hav advocated for years
season is sunrjosed to be a p:ood that this disease, with others,
disseminator of the germs. can be produced bf a filthyr an
Typhoid fever may occur at P1,!?10.
any age, but . is: most frequent
in persons between . 15 and 30
years of age. One attack usual
ly renders the person immune
thereafter, but not always. It is
almost .unanimously admitted by
the authors that the germs are
admitted through the mouth,
stomach and intestines and less
freauently by inhalation. He
also states that every great epi
demic of the disease has been due
surrounding . 'which
will eenerate or nroduCe the
germ. Further, that it can be
carried by water, fruit, vege
tables, or food of any kind milk
when not cooked or boiled.
It can be carried as can the
crerms of scarlet fever or small
pox, but not so readily, in the
clothiner where ' it nay be
disentangled and. carried by the
air to the mouth or nose. And
last, but not least, which we
haveiheld for a long time, is the
fly. Prof. Pernot and others
have been experimenting for
to contamination of the water some time with the fly and have
supply. While we will admit decided that this may be a source
nifii. i u of contamination. May not
l.UMnraf buppiy m-jr this be one of the greatest of all?
ana is a great suurce 01 cuiiuaim- Hg is eVer around the sick room.
nation, are there not many other in the kitchen and dining room
means by which the disease may in cities and hamlets and ever in
be disseminated? May I ask
how the germs of other diseases
spread? Is it mostly through
Take la grippe, diphtheria,
cholera and yellow fever; go into
the "horse kingdom" and we
have distemper and epizootic.
Those are all germ diseases. How
are all those diseases spread?
Some by being taken into the
nose and mouth, some by con
tact and some through the at
mosphereby inhalation, and by
no means are the germs of those
diseases carried at all times by
the water. Nor can we say that
the germs of typhoid fever are
carried by the water at all times.
How can we account for the
great epidemic of diptheria in
Oregon, Washington and Idaho
in the spring of 1S77, when they
had it in the cities, villages and
in the hills, even? It was no re
specter of location, but much
more fatal where the sanitary
conditions were of the forest.
the mountains, and on every
thing. Look well to your flies,
as well as your water, milk, and
other sources.
As to the sick room 'look well to the
hverienic conditions of the room. See
that everything is kept perfectly clean
ana that there is plenty of "fresh air.
See ?thatHall the (excrements from the
kidneys and bowels are immediately re
moved and emptied and tbe chamber
thoroughly disinfected with carbolic acid,
corrosive sublimate, chloride of lime,. or
formaldehyde. As to the disposition of
the discharge if you bury it someone is
liable to get a benefit. If you disinfect
the contents in the chamber and damp
it into the closet the particles are liable
not to be thoroughly broken up and
disinfected in the chamber before taken
to the closet and by this means scatter
the disease. My method, ami I "con
eider it the only safe one, is to burn or
pour boiling water over all discharges.
After vou are through with the fever
have the room thoroughly cleaned and
disinfected. Until the patient is well
along in convalescence the discharges
should be well cared for.
Very recently it has been shown u
the U. S. government laboratory at
Washington, and in the city laboratory
at Philadelphia, that the introduction of
so small an amount of sulphate of copper
society was
uniust, and all efforts to cure the
r 1; i ,nft;n0r ff Cate, capt. Center Whipple
I UllAI1
an eruption to cure a person ot
hnils. He said that the evil men -oper
do comes from the heart, not from
whiskev, and that if the hearts
of men were purified all the
mliiclron irt ttl mnrlA TTT f 1 1 1 fl Tint
..oi,. o'r;m?oi -f VifTn fnr thoW Damon's New Orleans Colored
own purity ot character would Students will appear at the Opera
teach them to leave intoxicants Uouse friday, etruary 23, in
I a grand vocal anu lusuuiucuiai
He also argued that prohibitory entertainment lnere are scores
fha enmnhKirv olacc rr ot concert companies, juouee
.,;,f anA o ;cu f tHp. intPl- sineers and suchlike on the road
igenceofmen, and stated that a loaay, om iucy iu mu.; w
nr?ooi r,oic;on f nil siifh liven alongsiae ot tms auracuon
0 ...... I Ti d. nt AtiO
ocal option would be that the day, but the Crowing cnmax 01
maiontv in any community had nve icais uVlviu. ."-6.
a right to dictate to the minority the iruit ot whicnis a company
what they should eat, what they 01 artists wnq wm
shonlfH olause . ot trie most cnncai au
av smrf 'mhAt thev shriiild think. dierio It is conceded that, they
j : r . . 1 , 11..:. i
Takino- up the question-Irom exceu au oiners m iuc.i pa.
i MiMdAt&y hJrfU ' oi form of entertainment. A nca
leugta upon te religion 01 jesns 1 inuui - v
y-. . '. -. ti- ii-it t . Wniu in ennh ati ortiQrio man
vonst, ais love iornis ieuowmcu. ikuuv av ;
his charitv for the weak and err- ner that will , leave a pleasing
lag ana.enaea wim iac siiniug & "x
climax." "If Tesus Christ were in who witriEssar.
Corvallis today and made and
handed out wine as he did at the Gomirig attraction Opera House
marriage feast in Canaan he three nights. Commencing Monday,
would be imprisoned for violating February ze, tno empire 1 uew-
the local option law." He duot- Company in repertoire.
ed from the Bible at length to
prove that Christ did - not forbid
the use of wine, but on the con
trary commanded it: 'Take this
in remembrance of me." "Take
thv monev and buv what thy
soul desireth, whether ot wine,
etc." He then took up the
Greek text and proved that the
41oinos" mentioned in these pas
sages and many others quoted re
ferred tothe fermented juice ot
the grape, not to the fresh wine,
as currently claimed bv the pul
pit. In conclusion he said,
4tThe churches of today in cham
pioning prohibition were setting
themselves above the Son of God at the Gazette office
and branding His personal acts
while on earth as crimes against
society and humanity."
Mr. Street is not a polished
orator, but he speaks witn an
earnestness that impresses his
audiences that he is at least sin
cere and that he believes he is
right. J
For County Recorder-
A Specialty
We are making a specialty in the form of the latest and most
up-to-date eye glass mounting, ever offered to the public.
This eye glass mounting is "The Heard" guaranteed to stay on
where others absolutely fail.
If you care to investigate call at my store any time. 1
E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.
The Weekly Oregonian and the Gazette
Both one year for $2.55
Scientific Stockings
, At 2SC.'yr
Best value ever. . .
Knees, heels and
toes of stoutest Irish
Service guaranteed
on every pair.
Try them once and
stop mending for good
and all.
I hereby" aaooonce myself as a candi-
Aata for the democratic nomination for
the offioe of connty recorder, subject to
the decision of the voters at tbe prim
ariw, April 20th.
lyf Harley L. Hall.
Messrs. Fallertoa, Habler & Reed are
prepared to do city and country spraying
at reasonable rates. Leave orders with
J. R. Smith & Co. 15-18
- Send jour boy for our "Cadet" Course in Jia-Jitsu Japanese Art of Self
Defense. . It's free, and hell like it. -
Have your job printing done
The same may be said of the la- as 1-100,000,000, or even 1-400,000,000 will
sninne When a few Years ago it I destroy the typhoid bacUlus in a very
speadto all parts of the union. Jwhoare- a,alrea hM
. . , ... ,1 been Buccesstully used in large reser-
wnere tne nygienic surrouna- voir8 for the parificaUon o the water
jngS are the most! unfavorable supply of towns. It is efficient, very
there we have the, greatest num- cheap, and entirely harmless to human
. Notice.
The Philomath Mills will be prepared
to furnish pins and brackets lor tele
graph and telephone works after Jan
nary 25, 1906. Inquire of M. k at
mills. 9t
Take The Gazette for all the
local news.
beings who drink the water and even to
fish in the water.
At the present writing it would seem
that a very great discovery in the pro
phylaxis of this disease had been made
by the introduction of copper sulphate
as a germicide.
If the water containing typhoid bacilli
is placed in burnished copper vessels , for
a few hours most of the typhoid germs
will be destroyed .
It is well enough to look to other
sources, as well as the water, in times of
epidemic. Prof. Pernot's report ia the
last issue of the Times should be well
studied and adopted, or the plan of the
government as givan abve, or bvJi
adopted. G. R. FakbaI
We Fix Everything
Trial Solicited. Work Guaranteed.
J. G. TYLER, Successor to Dilley &. Arnold.
Has just secured the services of one of the finest me
chanics in the valley, and from now on will be pre
pared to do all kinds of repair work from a padlock to a
threshing machine. Guns, sewing machines and locks
a specialty.
We have just received a complete line of 1906 Base
Ball Goods, also a fine line of Up-to-date Fishing Tackle.
Flash Lights, Batteries, and Sewing Machine Extras
always on hand.
Foley's Kidney Cure
BMMkc kidneys mad bladder right .
The most liberal reduction ever offered on HALF
ROLLS and REMNANTS now on at our store
This is to make room for our 1-rge spring stock that is soon to arrive. If you need floor cov
ering of any description, now is your opportunity. Come early while you can get choice of
patterns. Remember we have wall-paper at 7 1-2 cents per double roll.
Hollentaerg & Oady