Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, February 09, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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It rn thnnfrht that COUnty COUXt
would be adjourned yesterday.
' , Wednesday county court con-
Mias Kate Gerhard has been;the vened for attending the usual buBi
gaest of Monroe friends during the nesg of the month,
week. " ' Next Monday is Lincoln's birth-
We are pleased to report that the dav and throughout this great land
health of Mrs. T. T. Vincent is honor will be done the memory of
thought to be improving. the "martyred" president. ,
The ladies of the Home Mission Sheriff Burnett, who lias been
society of the M . E. church enjoyed quite ill recently at his home in
afte?no?n tea Wednesday at the this city, is reported to be lmproy
homeTJ. D. - Wells. About ing and it. is hoped that , he will
forty ladies were present. soon be well again. ..,
J J Cady.ofthe firm of Hoi- United Evangelical church Sun
J. J. aaj,ut i.u nmrt; Mormner subject,
lenburg ffJl "Christian Unity;" Bingub-
!i ... (.rn hnma tomorrow, the pastor, will preach.
I fina A crnAS Wilson. Of thlS Cltv;
OwSSm ir.y" g8.m. of waT mon&aed in the OrepmU. of
OAO glPM WUl B WrlnelV M OD8 Of thO BlltOOD
'will see a eame worth while if they x,,.
. r,,it. . Misn Winnie 'Michael came up
wno TTrhner. formerlv from Portland, Monday, toBpend
."".a Lrii " .11... kj.hT the week with friends. She is well
io ThVXgouoi and report, alMh, folk, in Port
Condon, Oregon, for the trip to Yd-Iaod to bo m good health and do
Park, made possible by Dg nicely.
the Oregonian contest. I Spraying is on at the big orchard
... ti t ilof tha Ranton Countv Prune Com-
Altorney r . wuudo jcit- - - -- - . .
ter from Iowa we printed in our last pany . - The orchard is so large that
issue, is home again. Mr. Yates the task of spraying .will never be
. , . ne ,uot ended. As it is the work will be
lias mucn io cay m ' . .i . . .
fitate and the hospitality of the prosecuted whenever the state of the
naonle. but orefers "Old Oregon" for weather will permit.
a home. Services at the M. E. church,
. - South. Sundav mornine at eleven.
Mrs. Ella Humbert, or Eugene, ftnd 7.30 . m' Subject of morn.
will preach at the Christian church . fiermnfcThe Good Shephard."
eunaay, uiurmug ,a"" ' At the evening service Kev. M
She will be assisted by Miss Veeta Noble Qf the Baptist church wil
Essen, a splendid vocalist, who will ach J A. Ellison,- pastor.
aBSieii in me uuug nwiw. - m . ...
invited. Walter Tooze was in Corvellis,
Wednesday. He had been over to
, George Gerhard was expected to Ljncoin county looking over his
arrive in Corvallis, his old home, proPpect8 as United States senator
yesterday. He is now city engi- for which office he is a candidate,
neer at Bellingham Bay, Wash., Hfl paBsed OQ down the West, Side
and is getting along nicely. It is after pr.5mising to return at no
thirteen years since he has visited distant date to affiliate with us.
with relatives and friends in this , ,,
wu,u tuo Baptist church Sunday: The
cl y pastor's subject at the eleven
We acknowledge receipt of an o'clock services will be a "Lesson in
invitation to attend the graduating Geometry." All heartily welcome,
exercises of the February class '06, The Rev. M. Toble will preach on
of the state normal school at Mon- Sunday evening in the M. E.
x , a i r i KTT
mouth. These exercises are io ex- church, oouin; QUDject uueeeu
tend over the period from February But Loyed." Cordial invitation to j
f) to Y6. A good program for every all.
day is offered those who can at- Mrg Mary L Los'an a lady ?3
ten' years of age, whe resides near
Rev J. R.N. Bell delivered his the Fiecher mills, slipped and fell
last sermon in this city in the Pres- from the doorstep Wednesday
byterian church last night, morning and was so unfortunate as
It was expected that he would re- to break her left leg just above th
main here until after Sunday, but a ankle. At the age of Mrs. Logan
telegram received made it necessary such an accident is unusually uu
for him to return at once to his fortunate.
Baker City home. Rey. Bell is a preBbyterian church, M. S. Bush,
practical pulpiteer of splendid at- pastor: Bible School 10 a. m.;
tainments and always holds the at- vorehip 11 a. m., subject, "Taken
tention of his congregation. Alive." Union Young People's
People have been talking since eetmg at the Christian church
-Ground Hog Day," to the effect Jning service at 7.30 subject
that there wasB nothing in the old "The Course of True Love." Come
eaw about six weeks more winter nd enjoy the opening song serv,ce.
in case the weather was clear Tbe H m. S. of the M. E.
enough for piggy to see his shadow chUrch, South, will give a Valen
wben he came forth Feb. 2: On t;ne eocjai at the home of Mrs. Mc
this occasion he could see bis Causland, Wednesday eveuine,
fihadow, but it should be remember- February 14. Proceeds to be used
ed that the saw declares for six in thejr qc&i work. A good time is
weeks more winter the six weeks ineured. Eyerybody welcome, and
are not up. the ladies earnestly solicit ycur
Congregational church: Sunday patronage.
School 10 a. m.; Young Men's Class
Too Many "Rubber-Necks" J at
, . the Phone. v -
10 a. m.; Woship and Sermon 11
w- n 1 n
a. m.; Junior Hjnaeavor o p . m.;
Senior Endeavor 6.30 p. m.; Ves
pers and Sermon 7:30 p. m. Morn
ing sermon, "Visions That Help
the Soul;" Evening sermon, "The
Stock Raisers Who Moved to Town
and Got Lost, or Whether is tbe
Country or the City the Better
Place to Live." There will be
service at Plymouth at 3 o'clock.
The little Fteamer Walker, be
longing to a Portland traffic com
pany, and which has been rented
by the Corvallis flouring mills far
the past few months to transfer
wheat on the upper Willamette,
arrived in this city yesterdav with
a thnnsnnd hushela of oats for
Savage & Fletcher, the faedmei).
This steamer is a very small craft,
but has au extensive hauling capa
city, and it was rented ly the
Fischer company, proprietors of the
Corvallis mills, during the extre-ne
low water to- enable them to haul
wheat upon the shallows of the up
per stream during the summer sea'
eon. Statesman.
Wednesday evening about five
o'clock Mrs. P. A. Moses, of this
city, while sitting in her own house
talking to her daughter and
daughter-in-law was suddenly
stricken with racking pains and
her suffering was so intense that
it was difficult to minister to her
needs. A physician was hastily
summoned and it was determined
that she had a most severe attack
of neuralgia of the stomach. Every
thing possible was done to, relieye
her and during the night she be
came more quiet. Yesterday ehe
was not suffering to any great ex
tent, and although quite ill and
weak, was thought to be out of
Snbiect at the Methodist Enieco-
rl church bv the pastor Sunday
. " .. .
mornu g, "The lemptauon oi me
Christ." In the evening the Hjp-
worth Leaeuv will hold a Lincoln
memorial service- The Grand
Army and Woman's Relief Corps
have been invited by the young
people and will attend.
It i3 all right to accommodate
nrti.nlp. but one is oflen ill paid for
favors done. For instance, a few
davs a so Mrs. J. S. Booth loaned a
stranger a ladder to use while be
tanked ud some tobacco signs.
When the man got through he de
parted and a couple of days later
fr. Pojth was still hunting tbe
Mail H.irritjr Dawson' rt-norts
some mighty good work on the part
of Dick Scott ana &a .eucaanan
From what is learned it appears
thit these gentlemen are doing a
lot of strenuous donation work on
t.ha rnnd nftar Willamette Gr ince
Thfl Viavft hitah ad eieht horses to a
grader and are leveling things up
out there. The oast week has
been ideal for such work on the
road, in fact, here in town there has
been talk of the . necessity of run
ning the street sprinkler.
Oa Wednesday of next week we
will celebrate St. Valentine's day.
The old-time customs reporiea o
this favored courtier are woriny o
following, but unfortunately we
have developed the custom or sena
mff annnimnnslv budgets for all
sorts of "cussedness" that can only
hurt the feelings ot tne recipient.
After all there is an element of
fnwardica in our celebration
of this day. To send tokens, of love
and friendphin is well, but to use
the mails as a means of conveying
our hatred is naraiy tae uung.
Editor Gazette: I have just
returned from a trip down the
valley to the counties north of
Benton looking up the seed busi
ness, and while there I tried to
talk, business over the telephone
lines to. Corvallis. On account
of so many -' rubber-necks' on
the (lines t it 5'was impossible r to
transact my business. I Jiever
before entertained the idea that
there were so many "rubbering"
on the lines. It seems that
When the bell rings down goes
the receiver on most of the
nhones- if there are any who
don't rubber I did Hot find it out.
I must say that Mt. View line is
an exception on this .A score, as
there is very little rubbering."
Now, what I want is for the
farmers, and the business men
of the towns between here and
Portland, to get to thinking
about putting a commercial tele
phone line, through from Corval
lis to Portland. Say, start at
Corvallis and go to Monmouth,
thence to Dallas, McMinnville,
Hillsboro and on to Portland.
Then start again at Corvallis and
run to Albany, thence to Salem,
Oregon City and on to Portland.
Let the Deople south so tar as
Eugene, or farther, do likewise
and connect with these lines.
Now, my idea of doing , this,
in makine the start, is for the
presidents of each line to jail a
meeting and get together. The
varions nresidents could be the
board, talk the matter over,
select their committee and get
the matter on foot as soon as pos
sible. The larmers, ana . dusi
ness men ot the towns, should
pull together and use their time
and money to bring about this
telephone system. Let the men
of each county run to the county
line and then those of the next
county connect and do likewise.
I do not like this idea ot hav-
. 1 1
ing to pay 15 cents ton several
times a dav it counts up in a
year. It is better to pay ior tne
ine and then the charge win
only be for repairs, and switch
board services until an automatic
system is established. The tele
phone line from Corvallis to Al
bany has put on charges of 15
cents. Now,, listen: The nrst
thin? vou know these million
aires will get their lines through,
then we will pay dearly for our
talk an4 wish we had improved
the time and put our own lines
in hrst.
I am in favor of the farmers
and business men that live here
and do business owning all coun
try lines and even centrals in
towns: Now is " the
strike, while the iron
don't wait until it is
Say every farmer or business
man who owned a telephone, or
used one, would put up $15 each;
that would mean considerable
money. Still more can be raised
if needed. With these lines
once established we can buy and
sell to Portland and keep posted
on prices, and get the entire
profit without the middlemen
getting a bit out of all our pro
Start theball to rolling don't
sit down and wait ior it to turn
up itself. If you want it to turn
up get out and make it. We
"hayseeds" have been poking
behind long enough by taking
what people pay and paying what
they ask. Raise the best there
is, no matter whether it be stock,
seeds or produce. If it is the
best you can ask a reasonable
price and get it. .
I am looking: ior a bright
future for the farmers of this val
ley. There is as much money to
be made here as in. the Eact if
vou take advantage of the "pick
uds" that await vou. Raise
more clsver, vetches, artichokes;
keep more good cows paying
cows, not some old things that
will .not pay their keep, ine
time is not far off when the
electric light and electric car will
be in or near - most country
I. It. Brooks.
visit, and was on the ill-fated ex
Dress train - that was telescoped
by the Spokane Flyer at Bridal
Veil on Tuesday morning. Mr.
Tones is a brother of Mrs. Hugh
Cnmmings, wife of one of the
new owners of the . Skipton sta
bles in this citv, and visited his
sister for a short time between
tween trains -yesterday. The
young man was in the smoking
icar of. the wrecked train and at
the time of the wreck was in the
act of leaving his seat. ...When
the runaway engine, struck i the
standing train the shock threw
him over the back of three coach
seats and he fell on his head and
shoulders between two -seats in
such a manner as to sustain ser-
inns iniuries. His head and face
were badlv scratched up and his
neck was so badly injured that
he was unable to wear, a collar.
Asked as tovhis iniuries, he
stated that he had seen a physi
cian at the scene of. the wreck
and was informed that he was
not seriously hurt. " Here he was
advised to see an attorney to as
certain just what the extent of
his iniuries were. Mr. Jones
boarded the wrecked train at The
Dalles. His trunk, which was in
the baggage car of the train on
which he came down, was badlv
scarred up as a result of the wreck.
Albany Herald.
Additional Local.
Box. Calf, heavy soles,
whh Quilted Bottoms.
Look for
Anvils In
" Steel Shod for Boys;
Red School House Shoes for boys and Bris, famous the worldover.
; '". Kangaroo, Box, and Vlci Calf Leather, heavy so!es.
"HfiT.1l! AGENT '
- S. L. KLINE. .
Drop head sewine machines $18
at Blackledge'fl. 97tf
Manv neonle have been consider
ing the matter of early gardens of
late, on account of tne hne weatner.
Acme Washing Machines a
Blackledee's. - 97tf
Mrp. O. V. Hurt aud "daughter,
Miss Maud, are going to Portland
toda,x for a visit of about a week.
See A. B- Senger for up-to-date
p'umbmg. J4 t
Tnesduv articles of incorporation
of the "Summit Telephone Compan y
were Ulea witn uierK iviosee. ine
nnnitftl stock is $1,000. in shares of
$5 each. Corvallis is designated as
the nlace of business and the in
nnmoratora are B. W. Johnson, P.
M. Zierolt ana M. u. rraniz.
Snlnhur. lime and salt for Spray
ing at S. L. Klines. 14
Cal Simpson, a cousin of John
and Rafus Simpson of this city,
11 , j t VT n.i
Will leave luuajr iur aiuuioicj, vci., ir
for a visit of some length. He
came to - Uoryallis anout a weeK 1
aero from The Dalles and 8inc6 com- S
ine h-are has ' made a visit to the
O ; -,
All kinds of Dlumbioe at new
shoD. block north Hotel Corvsllis.
A. B. Senger. 14 f
There will be German preaching
in the Presbvterian church next
Sahhnt.h afternoon at 1:30. Rv.
time to O. .1". . "Beverline. of Albany, will
is hot 'preach.
too late, j At. the Conareeational church,
Rnndav eveninsr. Mies Edna Allen
will ems- a solo with violm oougatc
There- will also be two ai.tnems ry
the full chcir.
Marsh Situ), eon, a well-known
man of Elk City, passed through
Coivallis yesterday en route to
Polk county, where he is to visit
relatives. He will visit awhile in
thia county on his way Home.
W. E. Paul, ofthie city, who is
. m 1 1 r(
nnw in the neiehoornooa 01 . ou
years of age, related to a number of
friends the other evening' tne iact
that when he visited Dover, New
TTamnshire. a few years ago the
same lady who taught him at school
when he was a little ooy is stni
She still teaches in the
:-o- 7-- , . ,,
same ola town ana ine sama oiu
school house.
The lamest instrument filed in
the recorder's ofQce since T. T. Vin
cent has been the incumbent was
handed in Wednesday for record.
It is what is termed a mortgage
and is from the Willamette Vallev
CVimnanv and is in the sum of
$800,000. In reality it makes it
nnsfiihlfi for the company to sell
ohnrps nf atnek in this sum. The
same articles have been recorded in
t.h nrmntiea of Linn and Lane
There are thirty pages of type-writ-
x 1
tn mtt,r. maKinz more mau
11.000 words. It will occupy about
nf the mortease re-
1 cord.
One of the important changes, as an
nounced in our December ad, is
that Commencing Feb.jlst.
We expect to shorten up our back accounts, not
allowing any to run lonsrer than 30 days. You will
get 5 percent discount for spot cash, to take the
place of dish tickets. No more long-time accounts;
no more bad accounts; a whole lot more goods for
the money; and better goods for the money, than
the long time and dish houses can give ' you.
We will give out no more dish tickets, but on all
cash purchases, groceries excepted, we will refund
5 percent in Cash.
Our customers will, receive a statement on the first
of each month and in no case will we extend
credit longer than 30 days.
Everv customer
All first-claasjcigira.and tobacco; whist and pool rooms.
treated like a prince.
Fiur doss north of postoffioe
Ici(i. l'iioue 130.
We Fix Everything
Trial Solicited. Work Guaranteed.
J. G. TYLER, Successor to Dilley i Arnold.
When you are in a hurry for
Business Printing
of any kind came to the Gazette
Better service, Better Prices
We can please you
O. C. HIestand. BlaKesM.
Patronize Homo Industry.
Outside Order Solicited.
All Work Guaranteed.
X Healing Gospel.
"If I can see your
Shoes and Hat I can
tell you what kind
of a man you are."
We have the Correct Styles m
Shoes and Hats. . They will bear.
inspection. Try them.
e Marks
Copyrights &C.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
ouickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an
.nvpntion is probably patentable. Communica
ttoM strIrfldential. HANDBOOK on Patent,
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
tpecial notice, without charge, in too
Was on Wrecked Train.
Vernon Jones, a young man
whose home is 12 miles south of
Corvallis, came up from Portland
yesterday .and went on the bay
train on his way home. He
came from The Dalles, where he
spent some time - on a business
The Rev. J. C. Warren, pastor of the
CU.nn Dontiaf ihiinh Ttnlnir. da... KavS
of Electric Bitters: "It's a Sodsend to
monVint it nnrnri mo of lame DaGK.
......... ...... . .fc vuuu . .
oiiA ininfa otili .rtmnlptP TlhTSiCal COl
T iron on nraglr it. tiolr me half All
.. - - -
hour to waiK a miie. iwo ootutss ui
Electric Bitters have made me so strong
T hova irrnt waVrpd t.hrRfl mileS YO. 50
minntes and feel like walking three
Tt'a mono a. now mail of me.1
firoaroet romorlv for weaknesses and all
stomach, liver and kidney complaints.
n 11 I 1 i A linn Jtr A7W
fsom nnner at iviicii u n w
ward's drug store, Price 50 cents.
Corvallis' only exclusive
Men's Furnishing store.
A. k. Ryss,
Opposite Postoff ice,
Scientific Jimtricmi
A handsomely illustrated weekly, i-"?';
5? no 36,sroadway- Mew York
Itch Ringworm.
E. T. Luraa, Wingo, Ky., writes,
ADril 25, 19o2: ' From ten to twelve
. . . v - 1 . .1 1 I
years I bad been amicieu witn a maiauy
known as the "itch". The itching was
most unbearable: I had tried for years
ct cKot Vioxrinor trior! nil romedis T
could hear of, besides a number of doc
tors. I wish to state that one application
of Ballard's 'Snow Liniment cured me
completely and permanently, , Since
then I have used the liniment on two
separate occasions lor ring worm and U
cured otnpletly. 25c, 50c and fl.OJ.
Sold bv Graham & "Wbrtham.