Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, February 09, 1906, Image 1

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    Vol. XJLIII.
Corvatxis, Benton County, Oregon, Friday, February O, lOOG:
ISO. 14
Great Exhibit of Thoroughbreds
and "Spotted Ponies."
At the Benton', County Citi
zens League Tuesday evening it
was decided to have a "Horse
Fair" in Corvallis about May 15
or June 1st. Crosby G. Davis,
residing near Corvallis, and very
much interested in the raising of
good horses, presented the matter
to 1 he League in a very forcible
manner, with the result that a
committee was appointed, with
Mr. Davis as chairman, to pro
vide ways and means for the
Corvallis has become of late
years quite a center 0 for horse
buyers, in fact, a great many of
tii hest horses in the state are
rui ed in Benton county. Good
h s have been bringing fancy
p ' ;-s here for the past three
ye s, and it is but a common
thint to hear of a good horse be
in old at $200 or a well match
ed team for $ 400 or $500. Mr.
Davis says, and he certainly
knows, as he is in the business,
that it costs no more to raise a
god horse than it does to raise a
poor one, ad that it does cost
just as much to raise a steer for
market, as it does a horse; the
steer eats just as much as the
horse. But when you market
them, the steer brings 2 cents per
pound while your horse, if he is
a good one, brings from 15 to 20
cents per pound. There is
very little market foi the steer,
but the horse market is already
developed. Then why not raise
more good horsesr v
The idea of holding a horsl?
show is to attract attention to this
section of the country as being a
market for the best horses. Rib
bons, medals and other prizes
will be offered for the best horses
in the different classes, such as
stallions, brood mares, one-year-old,
two-year-old t tc. , best team
of drivers, best single driver,
riding horse, etc. There will be
a great number of classes, so
everyone who owns a horse can
get in.
This show will attract buyers
from all over the country, and if
anyone has a horse for sale, this
will be the opportunity to get
him in, carry away a ribbon or
two, or a medal, and then sell the
animal for a fancy price, if he de
sires so to do.
There is nothing that makes a
better show than a collection of
good horses, and when the boys
bring in the "spotted pony"
with the piuk eyes, and the
farmer his old plow-nag, which
can outrun all the cows in the
pasture, there will certainly be
something doing. "I think I
will place my money on the
spotted pony- with the rabbit
eyes. Now, can you imagine
the fun when we get all this
bunch of horses together? I think
that we can have every afternoon
devoted to a little race meet,
along with our Horse Show in
the mornings."
Mr. Davis is very anxious to
get in touch with all horse men
and others who have horses to
sell as soon as possible. Those
who are interested can drop a
card with their name and address
to him or else, notify John F.
Allen, Secretary Benton County
Citizens' League.
Along the Coast.
With the announcement that
the Oregon Coast & Eastern
Railway Company is to be formed
by Eastern capitalists to build a
line across the central part of
Oregon in connection with one
from Portland to Tillamook, and
thence south to Coos Bay and
later on to Eureka it develops that
an entrance will, be sought into
Portland by way of Front street
It is said that local property
owners are interested in the
scheme, and that terminals and
certain rights of way will be pro
vided for, in addition to a fran
chise on Front street.
W.J. Wisley is representing
the backers of the project here.
Behind Mr. Wislev is J. L. Great
singer, of New York; Senator
William H. Lvnn, also of New
York, and Baker & Crabtree, St
Louis bankers."
Joseph N. Teal, of the trans
portation committee of the Cham
ber of Commerce, stated today
that the committee was satisfied
with the representations made by
the promoters of the enterprise
Tust what transcontinental roads
it is proposed to connect with in
the East has not been given out,
but it is hinted that the line
counted on is the Chicago &
"One thing is certain," said
Mr. Teal, "the men connected
with the project are strong finan
cially. If the plan is carried out
it will furnish independent out
lets by two or three transconti
nental lines through connections
farther south and east. The
company will expect from Port
land the treatment such an enter
prise deserves when applications
are made for franchises."
Deeds for Tight of way are be
ing taken with the understand
ing that if the road is not con
structed as proposed the property
will revert to the original hold
ers. 1
Local men are credited with
having guaranteed $1,0x0,000
toward the enterprise, and the
promotors have placed a bond for
an equal amount in the posses
sion of the Securitv Savings &
Trust Company. The coast line
is to be started first. It is a
separate proposition and the
money has been provided for it
Unite on Hawley.
Specific facts count tor far
more than glittering generalities.
In last Sunday's Oregonian a
news article was published show
ing that W. C. Hawley has the
active support of the leaders 01
both factions of the republican
party in Marion county. Such
support would be impossible un
less nawley had the confidence
of the rank and file of the party
and possessed those qualities
which are necessary to make a
capable representative in con
gress. Only a clean,- absolutely
honest, broad-minded, man, pec
uliarly fitted for the office, could
bring to his support men who
are ot opposing factions. The
men whose names were printed
are not mere petty politicians,
but are the solid busines men ot
Marion county.
Act is Mandatory.
The following was dispatched
from Salem February 7:
Attorney-General Crawford to
day rendered an opinion holding
that it is mandatory upon county
courts to appoint county health
officers under the provisions of
the act of 1905. That act de
clares that the county judge and
commissioners shall constitute a
county board of health and shall
employ a secretary: who must be
a graduate of a reputable medical
college and a regular licensed
physician. The secretary shall
be the health officer of the board
and shall receive from the coun
ty quarterly 1 y2 cents per capita
for the population of the county
up to 50,000 people, tne popu
lation being determined by multi
plying. the number ot children of
school age by four. .
As this compensation ' will
amount to o cents per capita per
year, the office credited by that
act will be a desirable one in a
number of counties of the state.
The same act requires the city
council of every incorporated
town to employ a health officer at
the same rate of compensation.
No county can pay its health
officer less than $100 a year, and
no city or town less than $10.
So far none of the counties have
paid any attention to the law,
but as this opinion was rendered
at the request of the secretary of
state and board of health, it is
probable that the county courts
President Withdraws W.
Bristol's Nomination.
The tollowing dispatch was
sent out from Washington, D,
C, Feb. 6: v " .
. President - Roosevelt today
withdrew from the Senate the
nomination of W. C. Bristol as
United States Attorney for Ore
gon, and then forwarded to Mr,
Bristol a copy of his letter to the
Coos Bay Land & Improvement
Company, together with that
company's letter testifying to the
authenticity of the original.
Mr. Bristol will be expected to
make a prompt explanation of
this transaction,' showing what
excuse it any, there was tor at
tempting to derive fees from both
parties to a contract when he was
employed as attorney for on
party. "
ir ivir. cristoi tans to mate a
satisfactory explanation, the
President will probably call for
his resignition and ask Senator
Fulton to recommend some one
to take his place. If, however,
he has some " valid excuse for
writing this letter, an excuse
which he can back with evidence,
it is Rarely possible that his name
may be sent back to the Senate..
It will probably be ten days or
two weeks before another move
is made.
Definite information containing
circumstances, of the charges of
unprofessional conduct which
have been filed against W. C.
Bristol at Washington and held
up his appointment as United
States Attorney for Oregon, in
addition to that contained in the
Oregonian's Washington dis
patches,' was furnished by L. H.
Maxwell, Deputy Assessor of
Multnomah county, lastf night.
He said he had a knowledge of
the facts connected with the case
and could testify to the authenti
city of the letter which Mr. Bris
tol is alleged to have written to
the Coos Bay Land & Investment
"I am secretary of the Coos
Bay Land & Investment Com
pany," said Mr. Maxwell, "and
know personally that the letter
which is credited to Mr. Bristol
was written by him as the re
presentative of Page & Hogart,
Mr. Bristol, at the time the letter
was written, was acting as attor
ney for Page & Hogart, a firm
located at that time in Portlaud
and conducting a realty business.
I never met either member of the
firm and our transactions with
the company were carried on
through Mr. Bristol as its attor
ney." '
The sentence from the letter
written by Mr. Bristol, which is
given in the press dispatches from
Washington and which Mr. Max
well states is a correct excerpt
from the original, is as follows:
"In view of the fact that what
I might say or da may have con
siderable influence on the result
of the transaction, I suggest that
you will call your people together
and let me know what lump sum
you are willing to pay me in case
the deal goes through."
This letter Mr. Maxwell says,
was written on June 4, 1902, to
the Coos Bay Land & Investment
Company ty Mr. Bristol at the
time he was attorney for Page &
August Kreuger, of Richland, was here
Tuesday on ; business and while here
took a birdaeye view of hia Oak Grove
farm which ia one of the best in the
Robert Jones and family will leave
about the first of April for Klamath
Falls, where he is interested in a large
brick yard.
The last few days of spring weather
has caused farmers to realize that spring
will soon be here and they are begin
ning to plan their work and get busy.
Many teams have been doing field work
the oast week and the open winter has
ers to be well along with their work.
Many are pruning and spiaying their
orchards while others are looking after
their berries and gardens.
Wm Reed came over from Linn and
has been visiting at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Charles Boundy, for sev
era I days.
Uncle Drury Hodges, of Wells, made a
trio to Albany on business Wednesday.';
Will Adams, who is making his home
at Buena Vista, was visiting I t friends
here Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Cady, of Pales
tine, were visiting friends here Thurs
day. - ; ; : ' '
. The meetings that have been in progress
at Palestine for the last two weeks,
closed Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Laurenson spent
Sunday visiting old friends in Albany.
Mrs. V. A. Carter, of Wells, who has
been very sick for some time, is on the
mend . . " : "'
Joseph Hecker, a 'pioneer ofSosp
Creek, has been confined to his bed for
some time with a severe attack of la
grippe. There was only one pupil who took
the eighth grade examination . at Oak
Grove while Fir Grove has five pupils
who are anxious to get their diplomas.
Miss Bertha Oady, ot Palestine, was a
visitor at the Laurenson home last Mo -
Mrs. Vjola Woods, of Corvallis, was
calling on' old friends here Sunday. She
will return to her home the latter part Of
the week.
Joseph Wood, who has been making
his home with his son, Calvin, for the
last year, is far from being a well man.
He had a severe attack of pneumonia
some years ago, which left his lungs in a
very bad condition lrom which he hasn't
bean able to recover. He is getting well
along in years, and quite feeble.
The Artisans, of Wells, gave a ball at
that place Friday night. A large crowd
was present and a general good time re.
Henry Starr was a Pbilomath visitor
last Saturday.
George Winters attended the meeting of
the A. O. TJ. W. lodge in Corvallis last
Louis Henderson met with a very
painful accident a few days ago, by catch
ing bold of a barbed wire when in the
act of falling.
Messrs. Manning and Jieeley were
Corvallis visitors last Saturday.
Bad colds seem to be going the rounds
through the neighborhood.
QThere is fto be a basket social at the
Beaver Creek school house Saturday
evening, February 10. for the purpose of
raising funds to buy a bell tor the scnoo
house. -
Mr. and Mrs. Daniels were pleasant
ly surprised by a number of their friends
last Friday evening. A good time is
reported by all.
The Yellow Fever Germ
Has recently been discovered. It
bears a close resemblance to the malaria
germ. To tree tne system or aisease
germs, the rnost effective remedy is Dr.
King' New Life Pills. Guarauteed to
cure all diseases due to malaiia poison
and constipation. 25c. at Allen & Wood
ward's drug store.
Have your job printing done
at the Gazette office.
The Philomath Mills will be prepared
to furnish pins and brackets for tele
graph and telephone works after Jan
uary 25, 1906. Inquire of M. k at
mills. 9t
Take The Gazette for all the
local news.
the most liberal reduction ever offered on HALF
ROLLS and REMNANTS now on at our store
This is to make room for our kr-e spring stock that is soon to arrive. If you need floor cov--ering
of any description, now is your opportunity. Come early while you can get choice of
patterns. Remember we have wall-paper at 7 1-2 cents per dquble roll.
; HolleDberg" & Oady
shows that many good watohes are
spoiled by tampering. No matter how
tittle you suppose is the matter with
vours better
A whole lot of damage can be done by
those who are not acquainted with the
delicate mechanism. We know watches
ana can repair them as they should be.
.Bring us yours 11 it doesn't go just right.
Albert J. Metzoer
Occidental Building, - - 1- Corvallis
. A Specialty .
We are making a specialty in the form of the latest and most
up-to-date eye glass mounting, ever offered to the public.
This eye glass mounting is "The Heard" guaranteed to stay on
where others absolutely fail.
. If you care to investigate call at my store any time.
E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.
The Weekly Oregonian and the Gazette
Both one year for $2.55
AVfcgetable Preparationfor As
similating foe Food andRegula
ting the Stomachs andBowels of
Promotes Digestion.CherFuI
nessandRestContains neither
Opium,Morphine norMneraL
A perfect Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
Hair Invigorafor
And Dandruff EradZcator
"" a
.V.TKCSirW-..' I
0 3
a -
? 3
7 -
Trado Hark Registered.
Prise, - Fifty Cents
Manufactured by
The Vegetable Compound Company
Ccrvallis, Oregon 9tf
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
or uver
Thirty Years
y udmiu
ft At
VJ1 r
will be compelled to observe it
been very instrumental in helping farm