Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, February 02, 1906, Image 1

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Vol. XLHI.
Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Friday, February 2. 1906.
Pacific Coast Product Makes
Fine Test.
The study of the structural
timbers of the Pacific coast was
begun by the Bureau of Forestrv,
now the Forest Service, in 1893,
in order to determine with great
er accuracy the exact scope ef
their commercial use. At that
time the only laboratory 'in the
West suitably equipped for wor
of this character was that of the
University of California. Ac
cordingly, the first testing station
was established there, and the
program then prepared has been
steadily carried out since. Keen
interest and heaity cooperation
have greatly aided the work.
The lumber mills of the coast
have furnished all the timber
needed; railroads and steamship
companies have given free trans
portation for the test ' material ;
and the University of California
hts contributed the use of its
well-equipped testing laboratory
and a supply of power.
In this fiist series ot experi
ments the Forest Service has
aimed to determine the mechan
ical and physical properties of
timbers used i n buildings,
bridges, and other structures
where strength is called for. The
test specimens have been selected
from the mill and the lumber
yard, so that they might be rep
resentative of the lumber in
actual use.
The tests cover all grades of
the product, from clear, straight
grained sticks to inferior pieces
containing such knots and other
defects as are found in common
and second-grade timbers. By
this means it is possible to es
tablish both the liability of the
timbers to contain season checks,
knots, windshakes, and other
similar detects, and the precise
effect which these have on the
strength of the timbers. The
knowledge thus oblained enables
the engineer or architect to de
sign timber. structures with safety
and economy, and, in addition,
provides reliable basis for the
inspection and grading of the
products of the mills.
A variety of factors enter into
the precise determination of the
strength of timbers. In dealing
with full-sized structural timbers
it is necessary to know the rate
of growth of the specimen, its
weight per cubic foot, and the
stage of seasoning which it has
reached, as expressed in mois
ture content. To check these
determinations, tests are also
made on small selected pieces,
cut from straight-grained, large
beams, tree from defects, so that
the relation which these factors
bear to the strength of the timber
may be analyzed and problems
attacked simply and directly.
The red fir and the western
hemlock have hitherto monopo
lized the tests. Red fir, whose
merits have long been recognized
in the West, stands without
questiou first in importance
among the structural timbers of
the coast. Lightness, strength
and durability are its distinctive
valuable qualities, and the fact
that it can be obtained readily in
sticks of exceptional size without
defects greatly enlarge its utility.
In recent years its introduction
to the eastern markets has made
rapid strides. The results of the
tests confirm conclusively to the
exceptional merits of this timber.
Western hemlock has not readi
ly been received in the market..
Chief among the obstacles with
which it had to cope is the sim
ilarity of its name to that of the
eastern hemlock, whose. poorer
qualities it has unjustly beeu
held to share. Though large
quantities of the timber are cut
and sold, they are marketed under
fictitious names, such as Wash
ington pine, Alaska pine and
gray fir, for under its own name
the western hemlock has even
now no market standing. Yet
the results of tests already show
that, though it is not so strong
as serviceable as red fir or long'
leaf pine, its structural value
compares favorably with that of
loblolly or Virginia pine, and
that it therefore deserves to be
marketed on1 its merits. The
effect of publishing reliable in
formation in regard to the
mechanical porperties of this
timber by the Forest Service will
be to encourage its legitimate use
and to remove existing prejudices
against it.
During the Lewis and Clark
Centennial Exposition at Port
land, Ore., a testing station-was
operated in connection with the
forest exhibit of the Government,
and tests of structural timbers of
large sizes .were made daily. At
the close of the exposition the
machine was reinstalled at1 Eu
gene, Ore., where the University
of Oregon has equipped a test
ing plant especially to co-operate
with the Forest Service in this
work, and special investigations
to determine the effect of knots
on the strength of red fir are be
ing carried on. At Seattle,
Wash., the State University has
also completed a testing labor
atory which will be operated by
the Forest Service in co-operation
with the university. Here in
vestigations of western hemlock
will be conducted along the lines
followed with red fir at the Uni
versity of Oregon.
About a vear ago the Forest
Service issued a circular, "Pro
gress Report on the Strength of
Structural Timber," which gave
the partial results of the tests of
Pacific Coast timbers and which
ha1 been exhausted by the re
quests made for it an indica
tion of the practical interest of
the studies. A revised edition is
now in preparation.
The Portland Market.
In the livestock market, cattle
are considered easy, sheep firm,
and hogs strong. The supply of
fat cattle is ample for the time,
on account of stockmen being
anxious to dispose of their fat
steers before the fodder gives out.
Considerable hay has been fed
out in the stock raising districts
this season, where the supply, was
supposed to be ample, but feed
ers will have to be more saving
of theii fodder, in view ot con
siderable cold weather ahead.
Arrivals of fat beeves are fully
up to the demand from day to
Sheep are scarce and are ex
pected to continue so until after
sheering in the Spring, when a
good many wethers will , be
thrown upon the market.
Fat hogs command top prices,
and drovers are scouring the
Northwest in quest of porkers lor
the Portland market. This
Scarcity is expected to become
more pronounced unless live hogs
are brought out from the East by
the car load.
Fresh ranch eggs have drop
ped to the 25c mark, and are ex
pecting to remain there for a
while, as Eastern and cold" stor
age products have disappeared.
Fresh eggs receipts are heavier
each succeeding day as a result
of mild weather, and dealers look
for a further decline as the sea
son advances, until the bottom
has been reached in March or
Live chickens are plentiful,
and the top price secured for
fancy hens is i2c per pound.
Large numbers of roosters are
among today's receipts, and these
are of dull sale at 9 and 10 cents.
Unless a better demand appears
toward the end of the week, even
these low prices will fail to clean
up stocks. Commission men who
handle chickens are beginning to
feel anxious over the situation.
Dried prunes have advanced as
a result of scarcity of all dried
fruits. As high as 7c a pound is
predicted for the larger sizes be
fore the new fruit crop appears.
As soon as prune prices advance,
their consumption seems to in
crease contrary to the rule in
other commodities.
Successful Session 1 .That was a
Revelation to Many.
The county Sunday school con
vention opened with a song and
prayer service led by Rev. Bush.
In the absence ot the president
and vice-president at the opening
hour, Rev. Feese was elected to
preside. The roand table confer
ence ana address, "Turning
the Light Upon the Lessons of
1906," by Rev. W. C. Merritt,
filled a profitable afternoon. The
evening session opened with a
prayer and song service. Rev.
Bush took up the address,
"Reaching the Unreached" and
brought out the work of the
Home Department as very help
ful in this capacity. A beautiful
solo was rendered by Mrs. Bush.
Rev. Merritt' s address, "Our In
spiration in Working With the
Young" was a wonderful master
piece. He showed very forcibly
what a vastly large percentage of
good is to be derived from work
ing with the young while they
are yet in the plastic age. Fri
day morning Rev. Green conduc
ted the prayer and song service.
Rev. Merritt then took his hear
ers over the ground where Jesus
walked, until they almost felt
that they were there, showing the
helpfulness of the map in teach
ing. Rev. E. H. Belknap de
livered a splendid address on
"Getting and Kt epingOur Schol
ars," bringing out the "thought
that every church member should
be in Sunday school. Prof. V.
C. Swann very ably told "What
we should know about our
pupils." The morning service
closed with a Round Table Con
ference. Decisiori day and its
. Rev. Noble opened the after
noon session with prayer and
song. The report ot the nomi
nating committee, which follow
ed, in the business session, re
sulted in the election; of officers
for the ensuing year; Prof. Henrv
Sheak, Pres.; Prol. Stanley O.
Watkins, vice-Pres. ; Mrs. Sarah
Cauthorn, Supt. primary dep't. ;
Mrs. A. G. Wright, Supt. Home
Dep't.; and the re-election of
Miss Flossie Overman, Statistical
Sec, and Miss Ethel Hollister,
Rec. and Cor. Sec. Rev. Mer
ritt, in his usual persuasive man
ner, addressed the convention on,
"The Preciousness of the Lost."
Mrs. R. J. "Nichols presented
some beautiful thoughts on "The
Little Beginners" and Mrs. J.
A. Cramer presented a paper on
the "Primary Class Proper."
Rev. C. T. Hurd opened the
last session by asking all to join
in repeating the 23rd Psalm, fol
lowed by devotional service. An
address, "The Book We Use,"
by Rev. Ella M. Humbert was
very fine. Mrs. Humbert told
how the missionary heroes were
carrying the Bible into South
America today at the risk of
their lives; how Stanley was com
pelled to leave all his books save
one as he went into the heart of
Africa and how Marcus Whit
man saved this great northwest
by bringing "The White Man's
Book of Heaven" to the Indians.
The congregation was then favor
ed with a song rendered by the
Sunday school choir. The clos
ing address by Rev. Memujf
"Organized to Win," was an in
spirations to all who heard it'and
will be long remembered.
The following resolutions were
then unanimonsly adopted.
Presented by Rev. Feese:
Whereas, we have been so
strengthened and have received
such a spiritual uplift, we reader
a vote of thanks to Rev. Merritt
for his woik among us. Be it re
solved that we make the next
convention the best in our his
tory. Presented by Rev. Green:
Whereas, the two days of the
convention were the brightest
days of the winter, we express
our appreciation to the delegates
from Bellfountain, Philomath
uu uiuu uuiuia iui luca sen
denial in coming so far to make
the convention a success.
Whereas, there were several
well prepared papers . and ad
dresses, we extend to the partici
pants a vote of thanks.
Whereas, the delegates were
received into the homes of our
citizens without previous , ar
rangements having .been made
for entertainment, we extend to
them a vote of thanks for. their
Presented by Rev. Bush:
Whereas, the collection was
very liberal, we extend a vote of
thanks for it and that a copy-of
these resolutions be sent to each
of the local papers.
OAC on the List.
The following from one of our
exchanges will be of interest to
those who were suDoorters of
OAC's football team:
Archie Rice, who writes foot
ball fer the San Francisco Chron
icle, has picked an All-Coast
team in which one Oregon - man,
two from Oregon Agriculture
College and one from the Uni
versity of Idaho are named.
He has picked Moores of Eu
gene, "for one of his ends, and
Dow Walker, ot Corvallis. tor
center. Williams, from OAC. is
named for one of the halves, and
Roosevelt is considered the best
material for guard.
Following is the personnel of
the Rice team:
End Moores, University of
End Elliott, University of
Tackle Sholder, Sherman In
Tackle Crawford, , Stanford
University. '; "'
Guard Thompson, Stanford
Guard Ropsevelt, University
of Idaho.
Center Walker, Oregon Agri
cultural College.
Quarter Stott, Stanford Uni
versity. '
Half Williams, Oregon Agri
cultural College.
Half Snedigar, University of
Full Chalmers, Stanford Uni
versity. This line-up will appear in an
official football guide. Rice
ranks Pacific Coast teams as fol
lows: Stanford. California. Ida
ho, Multnomah Club of Portland,
Or., and Oregon Agricultural
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
administrator of the estate of B. B. Barnes,
deceased, bas filed in the Conntv Court of
Benton County, Oregon, his final account as
administrator of said estate, and that Mon
day, the 5th day ef February, 1906. at the
hour of ten o'clock A. M., has been fixed by
said Court as the time for hearing of ob
jections to said report and the settlement
thereof. K.F.BARNES,
Administrator of the Etate of B. B. Barnes.
Dated January 2, T906.
Have your job printing done
at the Gazette office.
The Philomath Mills will be prepared
to furnish pins and brackets for tele
graph and telephone , works after Jan
uary 25, 1906. Inquire of M. k at
mills. 9t
Take The Gazette for all the
local news.
The most liberal reduction ever offered on HALF
ROLLS and E3MNANTS now on at our store
This is to make room for our Urre spring stock that is soon to arrive. If you need floor cov
ering of any description, now is vour opportunity. Come early while you can get choice of
patterns.". Remember we have wall-paper at 7 1-2 cents per double roll.
shows that many eood watches - are
spoiled by tampering. No matter how
little you suppose is the matter with
yours better
A whole lot of damage can be done by
those who are not acquainted with the
delicate mechanism. We know watches
and can repair them as they should be.
.bring us yours u it doesn't go just right.
Albert J. Metzger
Occidental Building, - - - Corvallis
A Specialty
We are making a specialty in the form of the latest and most
'up-to-date eye glass mounting, ever offered to the public.
This eye glass mounting is "The Heard" guaranteed to stay on
where others absolutely fail.
If you care to investigate call at my store any time.
E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.
The Weekly Oregonian and the Gazette
Both one year for $2.55
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Facsimile Signature of
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The Kind You Have
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