Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 30, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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A rJnncrhter was boro to Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Small, Thursdry.
Mrs. William Broders and chil
r.i visited friends in Salem last
week. 1 '
H. H. Cr 311133 returned Satur
day from a few day's business trip
to Toledo.
Attnrnev W. E. Yates was up
from Vancouver, Wash., a couple of
days ago on business.
MiM Gertrude Barclay arrived
home Saturday trom a week's visit
mth Minn Gretta Looney near
Prof. F- Berchtold went to Al
bany last evening to act as one of
v. indues at the oratorical con
test at Albany college.
Mrs. Wilbur Garrow will go to
Portland the latter part of the week
to ioin her husband, who holds
good position with one of the metro
politan lumber companies.
Marion Hayden arriyed out from
Alfipa Saturday evening. He came
out in company with Mrs. W. H
Malone, who was en route to Port
Claud I. Starr, who has been id
business in Albanv for some time
sold his interest in that city recent
lv and returned to Corvallis last
Sheriff Burnett Arrived home
from Portland, Sunday. He was
in the metroDolis for treatment for
rheumatism and was much benefit
ted bv some baths taken for that
Merwin McMaines arrived home
Sunday. He has been out on the
ruad in the position of "star actor''
and manager for the "Jack 'o.Dia
montls" repertoire company. From
what the exchanges say he was
success in both capacities.
DuriDff last week Al Kemp, who
recently sold out over at Oakville,
Linn county, moved his family to
this city to reside. Mr. Kemp says
that he has lived in corvallis so
long it is impossible for him to stay
Fred Erickson " was the builder
awarded the contract for construct
ing the Y. M. C. A. building at
the college. The bids were opened
Saturdav afternoon. there were
a number of bids submitted and
quite' a number of them were right
close together.
The Artisans , are still booming
their lodge in this city, from two
to a dozen members being taken in
at each meeting the past few
months. There is to be a called
meeting of the local lodge Wednes
day evening, and all members are
expected to attend.
Constable J. D. Wells went up
u Kiger's Island yesterday to at
tach the growing crop of Sit On, a
Chinaman who has the Henry Ger
hard place leased. Several articles
of attachment have been placed in
the sheriffs hands by F. L. Miller,
J. C. Hammel 6t al.
Milton P. Morgan goes to Port
land today to take the civil service
examination with the hope that he
may secure a position in the Philip
pines. The government offers a
salary of $1,600 per annum as a
starter for a printer of ability and
there is a possibility of increase
after the first year of service.
A "conundrum supper" is- an af
fair that the ladies of the M. E.
church are planning to give in the
near future. The proceeds are to
be used in the purchase of new
hymnals for the church, and each
guest at the affair is supposed to
wear something to represent the
title of a song.
Dr. Bowen Lester has not been
able to attend his office work for
the past ten days on account of a
carbuncle on his left wrist. There
is nothing more painful than one
of these "pets," but the doctor i?
now on the road to recovery and
will soon be found at his place cf
There is to be a game of basket
ball in the Armory next Friday
evening betweeu our girls and those
of Monmouth. The Monmouth
girls beat the OAC girls a couple of
weeks ago and we hope to hear of a
different result next time. The
game i3 to be called at 3:15. There
will be a band concert under the
direction of Prof. Beard previous to
the game. A rousing time is in
storef or those who attend .
The case of the state vs. Carl
Pressly on the charge of giving
liquor to a minor came up for hear
ing in the court house Friday be
fore Justice Holgate. It was not a
jury trial, but was argued before
Jndge Holgate who found sufficient
evidence to hold Mr. Pressly for his
appearance at the circuit court in
the sum of $200. Cash bail was
put up. Circuit court for this
county convenes on the fourth
Monday in March.
President Gatch returned Satur
day from a brief visit at Newport.
Floyd Lane returned Saturday
evening from a business trip to
Mrand Mrs. Thomas Reader, of
Monroe, transacted business in Cor
vallis, Thursday.
Eugene Cady left Thursday for
bis home in Seattle, after a visit in
Corvallis with his brother, Leslie,
who is a student at OAC.
A musical entertainment for the
benefit of the W. C. T. Uv reading
rooui is to be given in the Opera
House, Saturday evening, Febru
ary 10.
Ralph Davidson, of Parker sta
tion, came up baturday for a visit
with friends. He .was formerly in
the Western Union office in this
city, and has many friends here.
Will L. Lynn, representing the
Pacific Printers' Supply Company,
of Seattle, visited our city during
last week and proved a very pleas
ant and business-like gentleman.
A surprire party was tendered
Miss Nita Kerr at her home Thurs
day afternoon, a dozen little friends
being present. There were games
and refreshments and a jolly time
for all present.
On the evening of Friday, Feb
ruary 2nd, the members of Friend
ship Lodge No. 14, Ancient Order
of United Workmen, will give an
informal smoker to invited guests.
Fridav, F. L. Miller and son j
shipped six crates of fine thorough
bred chickens to various parts of
me country, ine Dims snipped
were Buff Orpingtons, White, Buff
and Brown Leghorns.
Harry Albright went to Portland,
Saturday, to look into conditions
there, with a possibility of locating,
Mr. Albright sold his residence pro
perty in Corvallis a few days ago to
M. L. Earnest for $850.
Mrs. T. T. Vincent is seriously ill
at her home in Job's addition. She
has been in ill health ever since
her return from Washington, but
her many friends hope for h?r early
restoration to health. .
A. L. Headrick, brother of GroverJ
m . . - "T
of this city, was in town during
the latter part of the week for the
purpose of submitting a bid on the
Y. M. C. A. building at the ccUc ere
He returned to his Salem home
Sunday morning.
A party left Corvallis, Friday,
for Philomath, by train, and from
that place tramped it to Marv's
eak. They returned Sunday, hav-
ng had a yery enjoyable time.
hose in the party were George and
Collie Cathey, Joe Patterson, of
itt6burg, Pa., and Forest Smith-:n.
Additional Local.
machines $18
." 97tf
A number of contractors hava been
n evidence of late figuring on the
new Y. M. U. A. building at the
college. Among others was A. F.
etersou, formerly of this city, but
now or Portland. Mr. Peterson
came up Friday and returned to
the metropolis, Monday.
Mr. Keiser, a brother-in-law of
Johnny Fowells, arrived a few
days ago from Iowa on a visit. The
entleman according to Mr. Fow
ells' statement lives just a days
drive from the north pole, and the
change from his home climate to
tli9 buq shiny weather experienced
ast week in Coryallis, was one of
delight to the Easterner.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Will Horning, Friday evening.
there was a most enjoyable party
given in honor of Joe Henkle, who
departed Sunday for Schenectady,
iN. i. twenty or more or the
ung man's friends gathered to do
Men honor and bid him God soeed.
The evening was passed in a most
enjoyable manner.
A few days ago Col. J. K. Phil
ips, at this city, received a letter
from Ms son, James, who is now
located near Dawson City, N. W.
T., Canada. James is dealing in
mines up there and has recently
turned a trick or two that netted
him a pretvy neat sum of money.
He was in good spirit when he
wrote and said his prospects were
Philip Phile is beyond doubt the
oldest man in this part of the
country who has ever operated the
ferry across the Willamette at this
city. Mr. Phile came to Corvallis
in 1S52 and the following year be
gan running the ferry. He con
tinued in the capacity of ferryman
until 1874. This was 21 years.
He then declared himself of age
and quit the ferry business.
G. A. Clark, sou of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Clark, of this city, ar
rived at his home town, Saturday,
from Salem. During the past six
years he has passed the greater
part of the time in Baker City and
Salem. From now on he will be
permanently located here and will
gradually assume the local manage
ment of the electric light and power
business for A. Welch find his company.
Drop head sewing
at Blackiedge's.
Miss Ella Wilkes resumed her
studies at OAC today, after " being
confined at home a 'week with ill
ness. .. ;:iV;'
Acme -Washing Machines a
Blackiedge's. V 97tf
L. L Swann, " the well-known
Albany attorney, "visited Coryallis
relatives Friday evening, and of
ficiated as judge in the oratorical
contest. , . -
Lost Leather wallet containing
papers and cards. Finder reward
ed by returning to John F. Allen!
. , ' -tf
Saturday evening the senior girls
of OAC gave a party to the senior
boys and other friends at Alpha
hall. The occasion was a merry
one for all, and the girls were voted
royal entertainers.
'Miss Mable Huddleson, of Salem,
attended the oratorical contest at
OAC, Friday night, and. remained
until today, the guest of friends.
Miss Huddleson formerly attended
A number of Corvallis people at
tended the lecture given Friday
evening in the U. P. church of Al
bany by Rv. Sam Jones. Among
those who vwent were E. K. Belk
nap and Wilbur otarr.
The OAC boys second team of
basketball players defeated the In
dependence team in a score of 17 to
16, Friday night, at Independence
It was an interesting contest from
start to finish. Claud Swann acted
as referee.
ine senior gins or uau were
entertained in a delightful manner
Friday afternoon, by Mrs. Thomas
Gatch. Very dainty refreshments
were served and the affair was
pronounced one of the moet pleas
ant events of the present social
There is tn be a big time among
the Corvallis Rebekahs on Febru
ary 10, when the president of the
order is to pay the local lodge a
fraternal visit. Elaborate plans
are being made for the occasion,
and it is evident .that the event
will be a memorable one.
etery, Whereinterment took
Deceased was a native of
Maryland, and was aged 77 years
and 4 months. He resided alter
nately in Maryland, Kansas
and Oregon, coming to the latter
state m 188o, but went back to
Kansas a few years later and
only returned to Oregon last
May. ; - ; " ----;
Though m feeble health for
two years it was only two weeks
ago that Mr. Dixon was con
sidered really ill, and death came
Friday morning.
ine surviving children are
Silas Dixon and Mrs. Hare, re
siding in Kansas, Ezra Dixon,
Portland, Michael Dixon, Day
ton, and Sam Dixon, -Corvallis.
First to File Petition.
H. R. Shattuck, a graduate of
Cornell, and accounted one of the
best orators of the day in the tern
perence work, addressed the Y. M.
C. A. members at the college chapel
yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
1 he address was given under the
.uspices of the state W. C. T. U.,
and was very interesting.
Meigs Bartmess, a graduate of
OAC in the class of '02, is now a
student in Perdue University at La-
tfayette, Indiana, where he was
able to register, as a senior. At
Christmas Mr. Bartmess was at
Cincinnati, Ohio, where h had the
pleasure of seeing the bride-elect,
Miss Alice Roosevelt.
An Endeavor Federation to plan
for the coming state convention,
was formed at the Congregational
church Friday evening. The fol-
A petition haa been filed with , the
count clerk by E. Woodward to have
his name printed on the official nomin
ating ballot of the Republican party as a
candidate for nomination for the office
of Couaty Judge to be voted at the prl
mary nominating election to be . held in
this county on the 2oth day of April
This is the first petition of this kind
filed in th9 clerk's office. This step is
made necessary by the primary election
law, for every one who desires his name
entered on the official nominating ballot
as a candidate for an office.
His petition further states "If I am
nominated and elected"! will favor liber
al expenditure or continued improve
ments of roads throughout the county
economy in county affairs that shall tend
to lpssen taxation, and will .levote my
time wholly to the duties of the office,
and shall try to see in the administration
of its affairs that every one gets a
' square deal."
New Train Service.
Following is the new schedule
that has been put into eflect on j
the C & E. between this city
and Albany:
Trains for Corvallis: No. 8
leaves Albanv at 7:55 a. m. alter
the arrival of local from Eugene.
Arrives at Corvallis at 8:35 a. m.
No. 2 leaves Albany at 12:45 p.
m., alter arrival ol south bound
train from Portland; arrives at
this city at 1:33 p. m. No. 10
leaves Albany for Corvallis at
2:30 p. m. after arrival of north
bound train from San Francisco;
arrives here at 3:10. No. 6
leaves Albany, after arrival in
that city of the Portland-Eugene
local, at 7:35 p. in. and reaches
Corvallis at 8:15 p. m.
Trains going to Albany: No.
5. leaves Corvallis at 6:30 a. m.
connecting with S. P. local for
Portland and train tor Mill City,
Detroit and Breitenbush Hot
Springs; arrives af Albany 7:10
a. rn. No. 1 leaves Corvallis at
11:30. connecting with West
Side train at Corvallis Crossing
and with south bound- train at
slurry up
! Two days more.
This is the closing Week
of our 36th Annual Clear
ance sale, x
Don't fail to take advantage of the radical reductions that we have
made in all departments.
Established 1864 Corvallis, Ore.
v .The People's Store
Our Big Stock Reducing
Cash Sale is Still On
Every article in the store sold at a reduction, ;
. excepting groceries
Anew supply of premium dishes has arrived with which tore-
deem all outstanding tickets, but no tickets will be given during
this cash sale. - We give you a cash discount instead.
Remember the Great January
Sale'of Women's and Children's
Muslin Underwear
12k, 19c, 29c, 59c, 79c and $1.10
a garment while they last. Latest styles & shapes
L. Miller
lowing officers were elected: Pi esi-5 Albany: arrives at latter place at
dent: Ethel Hollister; vice, Prof.
Shaw; secy John Sebroeder; treas.,
Mrs. McKinney. . The convention
will be held at Eugene Feb. 22nd.
At the convention of the Benton
county Sunday School Association
held in Corvalhfr last Thursday and
Friday, the "omcers for the year
were elected by the association as
follows: President, Prof. Henry
Sbeak, Philomath; Prof. Walking,
vice; Miss Ethel Hollister, Bec'y;
secretary cradle roil, Mrs. Sarah
Cauthorn; secretary of home de
partment, Mrs. - White, of Philo
math. Satisfied that the Willamette
Valley Traction Company means
business and that it is not a pro
motion scheme, the Board of Trus
tees of too Chamber of Commerce
Friday morning adopted a resolu
tion favoring the entrance of elec
tric railway into Portland by the
way of Front street. A copy of the
resoluiion was submitted to the
City Council yesterday afternoon.
The Chamber of Commerce is the
second commercial organization of
Portland to take action on the
Front-street matter, the Board of
Trade being on record as opposing
the granting of any franchise ' on
Front-street except for an elevated
roadway. Oregonian .
Buried Saturday.
12:15p.m. No. 9 leaves Corval
lis at 12:40 connecting at Albany
with S. P. No. 12 for all points
north on the East Side; arrives
at Albany at 1:25 p.m. No. 7
leaves Corvallis at 6 p. m., arriv
ing in Albany at 6:40 p. m. in
time to connect with S. P. local
for Eugene and way points.
. Sunday trains leave Corvallis
for Albany at 6:30 a. m., 11:30
a. m. and 6 p. m. ; trains leave
Albany for Corvallis at 7:55 a.
m., 12:45 p. m. and 7:35 p. m.
This certainly gives Corvallis
very fine train service. N
The funeral of the late Na
thaniel Dixon, who died at the Pzes.
Dixon dairy ranch at 3:15 Friday
morning, occurred at the Ply
mough church at 1 o'clock Sat
urday afternoon. Rev. G. H.
Feese, of the First Methodist
church, conducted the services,
and the I. O. O. F. participated
in the last rites at Newton cem-
We acknowledge a nice write-up
of the Sunday School convention,
but owing to its length and the
time it. reached us- we were obliged
to carry it over until our next is
Friday evening Rev. James G.
Himrod,a man of considerable note,
is to lecture at Plymouth chrch
and on Saturday evening at Mt.
View school house. His subject is
related to temperance and his lect
uie is free.
Mrs. F- G. Clark entertained the
Young Ladies of her Sunday-School
class, last Saturday afternoon from
2:30 til' 5 o'clock. Aftera delight
ful time spent in playing games
and a guessing contest, at which
Miss Aladeline Nichols secured the
first prize and Misses Nellie Farrar
and Mattie Fiechter the booby
a delicious luncheon was
served to the guests and all departed
after voting Mrs. Clark one of the
most entertaining of hostesses.
Those present were the Misses Ver-
na and Nellie Farrar, Madeline and
Grace Nichols, Hettie and Ruth
Lilly, Leatha and Verna Rickard,
Merle 'Hollister, - Ruby Fowells,
Pearl Guthrie, Clara "Mills and
Mattie Fiechter.
Every customer
All rst-claasjcigirajand tobacco; whist and pool roams,
' ' treated like a prince.
do8 north of po3toffice
ma. ri:one 13c.
We Fix Everything
Trial Solicited. Work Guaranteed.
J. G. TYLER, Successor to Dilley & Arnold.
When you are in a hurry for
Business Printing
of any kind come to the Gazette
Better service, Better Prices
We can please you
D. C. Hlestsnd.
Chsa. Blakeslee.
Patronize Home Industry
Outside Order Solicited.
All Work Guaranteed.
when you want' to buy anything
in dur line. We will-put our time
against yours in showing goods.
Everything as represented! or
money refunded. Corvallis' on
ly exclusive men's furnishing
A. K. Riiss, Prop.
Pleasant and Most Efiective.
.... v
T. J. Chambers, Ed. Vindicator,
Libert -, Texas, writes Dec. 25, I9O2 :
"With pleasure and uusolicited by
you, I bear testimony to the curative
power of Ballard's Horehound Syrup. I
have used it in my family and can cheer
fully affirm it ia the most effective and
best rsoiedv for coughs and colds I have
ever used." Sold by Graham & Worth-am.
Railroad Lands for Lease.
Lands of the Oregon and California
Railroad Company, in Oregon, will te
leased for fhe year 190P, eubject to can
cellation of lease in the event of the
sale of the land during the term of Ihe
lease.- . - ; . -
Owners of farms and ranches adjoining
railroad lands should file their applica
tions not later than February 1, 1906,
after which, date applications from
others will also be considered. V
Address: - Charles; W; Ebeelein,
Acting Land Agent, 1035 Merchants
Exchange, San Francisco, Cal. 4-11
Have your printing done at the
Gazette office. We givefyou quick
service and save you money.'