Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 19, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Published Tuesdays and Fridays by
', Gazette Publishing Company.
The subscription pric of the Gazette
for several years has been, and remains,
, 2 per annum, or 25 per cent discpunt if
paid in a-1va i-e.
It seems that a moral wave is
sweeping over the entire coun
try. In nearly ever city and
hamlet of the United States we
hear of steps having been taken
for the suppression of vice, cor
ruption politically, and boodling
in general. The signs of the
times appear favorable. There
is every indication of a great
reform along all lines.
The movement, whether it
proves lasting or not, is indica
tive of the temper of the com
mon people and is reassuring.
The time beyond doubt -is ripe
for such a movement. These
expressions are the result of
sentiment and are more1 or less
epidemic. Reform movements
come about much after the same
fashion as a money or financial
crisis. When times are good
and the general condition of the
financial world appears bright
men gain courage and speculate
more rashly until almost every
thing is on a false basis then,
crash! uonservatism, or in
some cases ultra-conversatism,
rules again and it takes a long
time tq reach a state making
possible another crash. But it
comes just the same in time.
Just so with reforms and
moral waves. These are good
things, but unfortunately the
public in time becomes lax in its
duty and corruption again gets
the upper hand and affairs, moral
and otherwise, have to fester un
til putrification sets in before
public opinion demands a thor
ough purging that we maybe
come as "white as snow." v
Just now we are in the midst
of the task of '4 'cleaning up."
When we each and all have done
our duty we will rest from our
labors and fancy the job is for
ever done- .But, alas! like a
cancer, the root of evil at once
begins to take new life and ere
the public is aware has assumed
menacing proportions. Another
battle is on. So it has ever been
and so it will always be. An
eternal warfare must be waged
At present one would think
that corruption would be stamp
ed out forever, but , 'tis not so
Here in Oregon we have had our
land frauds and dealt with them
as best we could. Public senti
ment has been right and demand
ed punishment lor these crimes
In Portland a war of extermina
tion has been waged for a year
or two against all manner of
conditions that promised ill for
good morals such warfare is
still on. In many towns in Ore
gon similar struggles are in pro
gress. Oregon is not alone in
her effort to secure better con
ditions as the people of nearly
every state in the union are en
deavoring to solve the problem
of how best to better conditions.
All of which is a good sign.
Dr. Witkycombe's Platform.
Tuesday, Dr. Withycotnbe
filed notice xa Salem of fiis can
didacy for the republican nomi
nation lor ibe office of governor,
His motto lo be placed upon the
LilLt is: "Honest and fearless
perfoT-nce or public dutv. A
grestsr 2nd united Oregon."
He stands for taxation of many
concerns and businesses that here
tofore have evaded, or at least
alternated to evade.' taxation. He
advocates improvements on the
Columbia and Willamette rivers
a matter ot great moment to
the people of the state. Dr.
Wiihycombe' farther declares in
favor of the go .;rnn:et; owning
to locks at Oreg., O y. This
Utter proposition conpled with
an advocacy of improvements on
the Willamette river, is certain
to appeal strongly to all our Wil
lamette valley people.
But perh?ps
tare of his pbiltorm is his declar
ation in favor.; of a constitutional
amendment permitting the gov
ernor or the people to veto indi
vidual items . of appropriation
bills. A vear aero we saw clear
ly the necessity for the vesting of
snch power somewhere. The
doctor's declaration of principles
"Taxation of franchises and
gross earnings tax on telegraph,
telephone, express t- and sleeping-
car corporations; uniform assess
ment and taxation of railroads;
state regulation of state and pri
vate banks, trust companies and
savings banks; protection of-the
state in its ownership of public
lands; a board of control for state
institutions; one board of man
agement of normal schools ; im
provement 01 the Columbia and
Willamette rivers and coastsea-
ports; National ownership r;f the
Oregon City locks; constitutional
amendment permitting the gov
ernor or people to veto individual
items of appropriation; an honest
and fearless performance ot public
Irrigation Urged.
Do we need irrigation? is the
question of the hour, to judge
from the following which apear
ed in the Telegram:
mi 1 ai . J
ine possibility of. increasing
the agricultural and dairy pro
ductiveness of the Willamette
Valley by irrigation occupied the
attention of the Board of Trade
at a public meeting held in
Eagle's Hall last n:ght. Re
vision of the irrigation code of
the state so as to facilitate irri
gation enterprise was discussed
at length,, and a letter from
State Engineer John H. Lewis
to Secretary J. B. Laber, advo
ing steps to procure the services
of an expert from the depart
ment of agriculture in making
an- investigation as to the feasi
bility of irrigation in the Willam
ette Valley, was read.
The discussion embraced al
most every phase of irrigation
1- T 1
worm, ana tne suojects were
handled by , such well-known
authorities as W. W. Cotton, who
spoke on "Vested Rights;" H
L. Holeate, late legal counsel for
the Government Reclamation
Bureau, who gave an interest
ing review of the results accom
plished by the department in its
reclamation work; C. C. Hutch
mson, the organizer of the Des
chutes Irrigation & Power Com
pany, who discussed the "pro"
side of the Carey act, and Chair
man G- W. Allen, of the excu-
tive committee of the Board of
Trade, who spoke upon the
"con" side of the question.
A. H. Dever's topic was "The
Portland Business Man's Inter
est in Irrigation," in which
points were brought out showing
why the business interests of
this city should lend every pos
sible encouragement to irri
gation. President Nash, of the Board
of Trade held that the product
iveness of the valley land could
be increased from 22 to 25 per
cent with an adequate supply of
water during the growing sea
son. . A Just Rebuke
One of the sensible
thins left
to the credifof the Oregon De
velopment League and the Ore
gon Press Association is .the
forceful protest against the term
"Webfoot,'' as applied in face
tious vein to the State of Oregon
and that of "mossbacks" as ap
plied in the spirit of alleged
'.'fun" to Oregonians. The peo
ple of Oregon are themselves to
blame for these designations,
though perhaps in the outset they
did not intend to cast a slur upon
their state, its climate or its peo
ple by accepting them. These
terms have, in the light ot truth
and civilization, become a re-i
oroach. and instead ot rebuking
their utterance and the slur that
that the words imply, too .many
of our people have echoed them,
6r joined in the laugh to which
they have too often given rise.
It is high time that these terms
were discontinued, and the mis
representation of the climate and
energy for which thev stand be
icbaked by loyl . OxegonLin. 1
In Western Washington, where
the rainfall is at least as great as
in tHe Willamette Valley, the
people speak proudly of their
state as the "Evergreen Seate,"
and - they have no, sobriquet of
scorn to bestow upon its citizens.
Oregon has been singularly
lacking in what may " be termed
family pride in this respect, and
in the stupid reiteration of -stale
jokes about the climate. . It is
silly enough when a Califorman
bumptious and self-satisfied
declares that it rains thirteen
months of the year in Oregon;
but we can accredit . this exag
gerated speech to his ignorance
and intense desire to be funny at
our expense, and let it pass.
But when Oregomans accost each
other on an unusually storm v.
disagreeable morning with the
words, "This is Oregon weath
or "UieRou is nerseii
" and similar remarks re-
fleeting unjustly upon the climate
of Oregon, they betray a dis
loyalty which deserves febuke
and of which thev should be
ashamed. State pride should
torbid such expressions, even if
truth were not disregarded, as
it is, in making them. Let Ore
gonians retain from tnese belit
tliag expressions. State pride is
closely allied to family pride, and
thev who disregard the prompt-
mgs 01 tne one or tne otneT
make a blunder of which de
cency and self-respect are asham
ed. Oregonian.
Two Days' Session of Willamette
Next Wednesday afternoon the Wi!
lamette Valley Development League
meets here for a two Ways' session, and
the local committee on arrangements has
already taken steps to properly receive
the visitors and to; help make the con
vention of the league a complete success,
so far as the city entertaining the league
can dp so. The meetings of the league
will be three one on Wednesday after
noon at the court house, another Wed
nesday evening at the opera house, and
a third Thursday forenoon at the court
house. Following the meeting at the
opera house Wednesday evening, the
delegates will be given a reception at the
parlors of the Alco club, where ente
tainment will beprovided for them and
a social evening spent by the visitors.
These meetings will be given to the
work of the league and 110 time will be
wasted. A list of . speakers is on the
program that promises well for the meet
ing, and the reports of standing commit
tees that will deal with matters of inte;
est to the valley and the state-in general
promises to be oi exceptional interest.
The league auring its existence 01 one
year " has already accomplished great
things, and its future promises well for
the state, for the organization is composed
of men who "do things," and do them
well. It is composed of practical busi
ness men representing the 'commercial
organizations of the western half of the
state, and eyary member is giving his
time and effort- toward improving com
mercial and industrial "conditions in the
state for the people of the state.
The Albany Commercial "lub is the or
ganization directly charged with the duty
of preparing for the coming here of the
Willamette Valley league. A neat .invi
tation has been sent to all parts of the
state, inviting commercial bodies to be
represented at the convention next week,
and another invitation has been sent to
leading farmers and business men 'in all
parts of the valley to be present and take
part in the discussion.
On the afternoon of the first day Dr.
M. H. Ellis of the Albany Commercial
club will deliver a short address of wel
come to the league, and this will open
the business session of the organization.
At the evening meeting at the opera
bouse J. K. Weatherford will deliver a
20-minute lecture on ."Linn County,
Present and Prospective," and Frank J.
jMiller will speak at the same on "The
Value of a Pay Roll to a Communi'y."
These will be the two principal addresses
to be delivered by local "men on the open
ing day of the couveutioo. Other num
bers on the program will be selections by
the Albany qnartotte and some spe; ches
by some other local orators to be ar'acg
ed on the program later. The program
will be completed in a few days and wih
be one of the, best m the history of the
How to Avoid Pneumonia.
We have never heard of a single in
stance of a cold resulting in pneumonia
or other lung trouble when Foley's
Honey and Tar has been taken. It not
only stops, the congh, bnt heals and
strengthens' the lungs. Ask for Foley's
Honey and Tar and refase any substitute
ottered. Dr. U. J. .Bishop, of Agnew.
Mich., writes: "I have used Foley's
Honey and Tar in three very severe
cases of pneumonia with good results in
every case." Sold by araham & Worth
am. -
. Subscribe for the Gazette. .
Thg gem: gigar store
All first-elasscigvs and tobacco; whist and pool rooms. Every customer .
treated like a prince. j
,,m ikjii mi Four doois north of postoffice
JACK. MILNE . Ind. Phone 130.
Mrs. John Todd has been on . the sick
liBt for several days.
J. B. Arrants is laid up with the la
grippe. The revival meetings at Beulah church
closed Sunday night. There were forty
conversions, of which thirty-one joined
the church."
McFadtien (and .Brown were buying
sheep in our neighborhood last week.
Asa Miller is doing a good business
trapping for the midnight marauders that
visit our hen roosts .
Joe Hughes is getting very restless here
of late as he is not used to staying at
home seven days of the week. His
smiling face is always seen at the rural
mail-box far in advance of the carrier
waiting for his Oregonian.
When a boiler
explodes carry
ing death and
destruction with
it, every bodv
' says "Why : we
thought ft was
strong enough.
It -must have
had a weak spot
When a man
who has the out
ward appearance
01 Deing sound and strong
suddenly falls a prey to
disease, his . friends ex
claim: "why we thought
he was all risj-ht, ht. mmst.
have had a weak spot somewhere."
The fact is, almost everybody has a
weak spot somewhere. Death and dis
ease are always looking for weak spots.
If your stomach or your liver won't do
its proper work, if your body fails to
get its full nourishment from the food
you eat, and your brain loses part of the
.sleep it ought to have, no matter how big
your frame and muscular your limbs may
be, you will give out; disease will find the
weak spot, and nature will give way.
"Three years ago this spring: I was at
tacked with severe dyspepsia," writes Mr.
.. W. A. Cain, of 414 West Madison St,. Hast
ings. Mich. "Was treated by five different
uoccurs, dui Kept getting- worse until 1 was
afraid to go to the table to eat, as the least
little thing I ate distressed me so I could
hurdly stand it. After suffering for nearly
a year and falling off in weight from 126
pounds to 109 pounds I commenced taking
IT,..) 1 1 1 .- . t- . 1- .
wmcu juciutai iiscuvcry. xseiore x nau
taicen an 01 one DOttie 1 Degan to feel relief,
but kept on until I had taken eight bottles,
and now I am as well as ever, rrnn fat. any
thing 1 want, and I feel good. Am weighing
iw pounus ana ieei nne ail tne time. My
friends were surprised to notice such a Quick
change in me after seeing me suffer so long.
Several said they never expected to see me
get well. I have not had to- take" any medi
cine for stomach trouble since. I cannot say
enough in praise of your- ' Golden- Medical
xMscuvery. "
This srlocious "Discovery" srives thp.
stomach and liver power to do their nat
ural wont regularly and completely. It
makes healthy blood and steady nerves.
It helps the weak spots, making them
sound and strong.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be
used wim "Golden Medical Discovery"
whenever a laxative is required.
Four Hundred Babies.
Sr. Vincent's Infant Asylum, Chicago,
shelters homeless waifs awaiting adop
tion, and there are nearly 400 babies
there. Sister Julia writes: "I cannot
say too much in praise of Foley's Honey
and Tar for coughs, colds,, croop and
whooping cough." Contains no opiates
and is safe and sure. Ask for Foley's
Honev and Tar and insist on having it,
as it is a safe remedy and certain in re
sults. Refuse substitutes. Sold by Gra
ham & Wortham. .
for ttiitai att r3 . juih
'f It is tb fit of the petticoat that
maizes tha fit of the outer ekirt right
or wrong1.'
T , ' a supjort-
ruuat help to.drap thftouter skirt.
Such a service is attained in
The '
Pres de Soie
the new and better idea in petticoats.
An improyement over taffeta eilk
because Pres de Soie will outlatt
three gsriimnts of that material at
oae-thiul the cost.For sale by
me 10
g new
when you want to buy anything
in our line. We will put our time
against yours in showing goods.
Everything as IrepresentedJ or
money refunded. Corvallis' on
ly exclusive
men's furnishing
A. K. Russ,Prop.
Another Good Man Gone Wrong.
He neglected to take Foley's Kidney
CJare at the first signs of kidney trouble
hoping it would wear away, and h was
soon a victim of Bright's disease. - There
is danger in delay, bnt if Foley's Kidney
Cure is taken at once the symptoms will
disappear, the kidneys are strengthened
and you are soon sound and well. A. B.
Bass, of Morgantown, Ind., had to get
up ten or twelve times in the night, and
had a severe backache and pains in the
kidneys and was cured by Foley's Kid
ney Cure. Sold by Graham & Wortham.
Cheap Sunday Rates Between
Portland and Willamette
Valley Points.
Low round trip rates have been placed
in enVcr, between Portland and Willam
ette Valley points, in . either direction ,
Tickets will be sold
and limited to return on or before the
following Monday. Rate to or from Cor
vallis, 3.00 Call on "Southern Pacific
Go's Agents for particulars. lOltf
Pleasant and Mast Effective.
T. J. Chambers, Ed. Vindicator,
Libert-, Texas, writes Dec. 2o, jq02:
"With, pleasure and unsolicited by
you, I bear testimony to the curative
power of Ballard's Horehound Syrup.
have usjsd it in my family and can cheer
fully affirm it is the most effective and
best remedy for coughs and colds I have
ever used." Sold by Graham & Worth'
Have your printing done at the
Gazette office. We give you quick
service and save you money.
Imperfect Digestion.
Means less nutrition and in conse
quence less vitality. When the liver
fails to secrete bile, tne Diooa becomes
loaded with bilious properties, the di
gestion becomes impaired and the
bowels constipated. ierDine win rectify
this : it gives tone to the stomach, liver
and kidneys, strengthens the appetite,
clears and improves the complexion, in
fuses new li.'e and vigor 'to the whole
system. 50 cents a bottle. - Sold by
Graham & Wortham.
a warrant issued out ot tne county court ot .
tne suite ot oivguu ior ui muuy .
ton, bearing tne teai 01 saia oouri, u mo
sheriff ot said county directed ana aeuvereu,
and bearing date October 2T, 1905, com-
1 : : , w -1 tv tn llAot thA tares
UUU1U1UK IUQ OWiU aua..u. . .
as shown ; to bo delinquent on tne tax rou.
tor tne year ii. casrgeu iw
queats tliereca, and if necessary to sell tna
several articles ot personal or parcels of real
property- upon -which such taxos are levied.
as set tonn m sam i-
Said delinquent taxpayers, the amount ot
. 1 . 1. awnnT nt itarinlf :ifts4 &!ln the
lUXeS, U1U wiu xuvuu -
several parcels ot real property are , de
scribed as follows, to-wiu ; ,
Giesler, Albert soutawesi quanci
the southeast quarter 01 awuuu
. I "i mra 7 4A acres.. ..
Franklin. R. B. Northeast quarter of
section 10, lownsuiy ""e" .
Crandall. Calvin Beginning 16.08
1 mi . .... - - - -
chains east or tne soumwesi wmo
ot donation land claim ot J. Has- - t
kins, claim No. 71, township 10,
range 4 west ; run thence north
20.95- chains, east 23.92 chains,
south 20.95H chains, west 23.92
chains to beginning, except 20 acres
Krimble, J. East half of the south
east quarter ot section.?, lowuomii
11. ransre 5 west, 80 acres 3-6S
Hogue, C. C. Begining at a point -, -
which is west 1 .a cuams nu vu
southeast corner of claim No. 71,
township 10, range 4 west ; run
thence east 8.72 chains to begin-
: O , ahio ....... wav
Evans, Chas. South halt of Uio south- -
east quarter oi section o, wwuauw
11 i-flnco R .............. O.60
Smith, Sewell C. Northeast quarter
A hn KAiirnaacT n 11 ri (r (it soiiuii
8, township 15, range 8 west, 40
acres . .............
Smith, Lilla Northwest quarter of
section lis, townsnip 10, raus
4. 1 . - . . lkl.4i
Whitehead, R. K. Southeast quarter
of the soutneasi quu.ri.ei m
29, townsnip xa, raugo i
jipres .............
Clem, Chas. Beginning 21.20 clams
south and za.ou enmus ei u.
northwest corner of section 5,
south 14.28 chains, west 7 chains,
north 14.28 chains to beginning, in
section 5, township 15, range 5
Elzy. Geo. Northwest quarter, about
80 acres oemg m doui
section 10, township 15, range o
west.. 0 acres
Nye, E. V. and A. C. Lots 1, 2 and 3
' ' , - . ...... ..-,! nt ThA
and tne nonnwesi, . ---
southeast quarter of section dd, ,
township 14, range 8 west; south
east quarter of the southwest quar
ter of section 33, township 14, range
6 west; northeast quarter of the
northwest quarter, of section 4.
township 15, range 6 west, 240
acres " 1671
Price, L. N. Lots 1, 2. 5, b ana
section a, townsmp ai
west. 128 acres .is
Thomas, Charles Northeast quarter
of the nortneast quarier w
. r, IK nnra R 40 KCreS. 1.80
Trout, O. E. East half of the south-
east quarter oi sectiou
14. range 6, 80 acres............
Jackson, T. A. South hall or 101 o.
section 31, townsnip 2 54
West, X!7 aiiion . . . . - - - - - -
Kriens, Wm. (Heirs) The north half
of the toiiowing . bcsuiuuis . -southeast
corner of donation land
claim No. 57, township 12, range
6 west; run thence north 43 chains,
thence west on the north boundary
of said claim 18.60 chains, south 43
chains, east 18.60 chains to begin-
The Associated Banking & Trust Co. -
Northeast quarter oi ui ujn. ..
quarter ; northwest quarter of the
. i l nf nonTinn x. -
township xl, range 6 west, 80
acres -
Osburn, D. Lot 7, block -Lixon
i i:i : nnmrallie . ....... XI .OX
Lawrence, John W. Beginning at a
point on tne nan seciiuu mo -
. . i-. -- a u ; ii rttnm n west.
lion O, WTfuouii; 'I "D- j 1
26 rods north of the south boundary
of said section where said line in- .
tersects a slough; run thence in
northwesterly direction down said
slough to a point where said slougn
empties into another slough; thence
up last mentioned slough in an east
ciir direction to where said last
slough crosses said half section
line; thence south en said line to
beginning, 12 acres, - section 25, -township
14. range 5 west. . . . . x.oa
Maher, E. A. East hair cl section -
36, townsnip xz, ranee ' " lf o0
Clodfelter, Cora E. West half of the
southeast quarter of section .26,-
township 14, range 7 west, 80
AndSon Friday," "the 19th"da'y of 'January,
1906, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said
day;-at the sheriff's office in the court house
in the City of Corvallis, Benton county,
state of Oregon, ! will sell tne above de
scribed property at public sale to the per
son or persons who will bid the amount of
taxes, costs and penalties accrued against
each piece or parcel of real property and
take a certificate at the lowest rate of in
terest, for cash, subject to redemption, to
satisfy said warrant, osts coruing
' Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon.
Dated ueceniDer si, iw
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice, is hereby given that the dergned
administrator of the estate of B. B. Barnes,
deceased, bas filed in the CoontT Court of
Benton County, Oregon, his final account as
administrator of said est te, and Ita. .Mon
day, the 5th day ef February, 1906 at ; the
hour of ten o'clock A. M., has been fixed by
said Court as the time for neariDg of ob
jections to said report and the settlement
thereof K. F. BARNES,
Administrator of the Etate of B. B. BarneB,
Dated January 2, 1806.
1 rliptrir.t teochers
can be supr lied with njonthlv re
port cards by the Gazette. Write
your wants. 81tf
t Tlie Original.
TTrJer Ar fin . . fit Chicaao. originated
Honey anu Tar as a throat and lung
remedv, and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foley's Honey
and Tar many imitations are offered for
Afe for Fo'ev'8 Honev
and Tar and refuse any substitute offered
ns nn nther meDaration win give tu
aame- Batisfnrition. It is mildlv laxative.
safest for
children and delicate persons. Sold by
tiraham it vvortnam.
Calling cards -popular atyles m
cards and type at the Gazette
office. 80tf
Railroad Lands for Lease.
Lands of the . Oregon and California
Railroad Company, in Oregon, will be
leased for fbe year 190f, eobjf ct to can
cellation of lease in the event of . the
sale of the land during the term of the
Owners of farms and ranches adjoining
railroad lands should file their applica
tions not later than February 1, 1906,
after which date ' applications from
others will also be considered.
Address: Chables :. W. Ebkblein,
Acting Land Agent, 1035 Merchants
Exchange, San Francisco, Cal. 4-11
tS&iBS lSslx.ey ssB Bladder Bight