Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 18, 1906, Image 1

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Corvallis ,
Vol. XI.1V.
Corvai.l-is, Hent(n Count V, Oregon, Wway, January I8 1006.
NO. 8
Inves tlgatlun
shows that many goal watches are
poi'ed by tampering. Ho matter how
little you suppose is the m in
yours better
Havo us repair it
A whole lot of damage can be by
those who are Dot acquainted with the
delicate mechanism. We know watches
and iiD repair them as they should be
Bring ua youra if it doesn't ko just
Albert J. Metzger
Occidental Building, ... Corvallis
- Look m O&is Window -
For the correct thing in the jewelry line. We have a fine
of jewelry and silverware that is astonishing in its grace and
beauty and magnificent in its size and completeness.
Engraving nicely done in the latest ribbon script styles.
Repairing that is guaranteed and prices that are in keeping
with the class of work done.
E. W. S. PRATT, Jewsle and Optician
Om Om Hlmm-tmnd.
PatronlzoZHoma industry.
Oar dm Ordmrm Sollottmd.
All Work Ovarmnimmd.
We handle Jap-a-lac. A new
line Heed Rockers
0. J. BLACKLEOGE'S rmMm9tm
' Corvallis - - - Oregon
' ,
gfstjpM Brands of Qk J-
hhw Wo Carry aaw 'j
This food is put up in one pound packages and sold for
j f3 cents
r I a package at
Brina vour Job
It pays to bay a good one t
f-. , -?C !
and fS-00; the John B. Stetson
hat, t4.00 and $o 00. Sold by
Am it. RUGS
Hair invigorator
And Dandruff Eradlcalor
Price, - Fifty Cents
Manufaetnrad by
he Vegetable Compound Company
Corvallis, Oregon 9t
Pianos and O gane Ne and
eecond hand tor eaie and rent
R. N. White. Phone 405. 105-6-7
Cham. Blakmalm.
Work to the
M. B. Huntly, who was a lead
ing baker in Eugene for 15 year?,
19 now baking for Saul & Sod in
this city. Everything fresh every
evening. - 6-14
New line fancy ribbons iust re
ceived at the Bazaar. . 8-9
Lin handsome cushion tops 81-
.-Vf r ' I T3
V7 T r ' "J
-f 1 5 a
I .7 ' ' 5
A X V J So
Lvv -rV f 2
y" s - '
V S3
Request Made of Corvallisltes
The Plan.
Wnen the Ea terner has spent
enough time in Oregon to hav
become accustomed to the mild
climate, luscious fruits, attractive
scenery and numerous other good
poit.ts, his attentiou finally is at-
trdcttd to the scarcity of soot;
r.iids as compared to the middle
and eastern states. There, on a
spring morning, the air is tilled
with the melody of many a sweet
songster's early carol, but in Ore
gon comparatively little music of
this sort is beard.
This fact has bten so much re
gretted by bird lovers generally
that action has at last been taken
towards effecting a change in
conditions in Oregon. B. W.
Johnson is the recipient of a let
ter that may lead to some action
being taken in this section.
With so many of the sporting
fraternity and bird lovers here it
would seem an easy matter to
form the sort of 4 club suggested
in the letter to Mr. Tohnson.
which in full reads as follows: .
Portland, Oregon,
Dec. 29-h, 1906.
Dear Sir:
A club for the in
troduction into Oregon ot useful
European and American song
birds has been formed here. The
song birds so far imported and
liberated here by the Club has
resulted very satisfactorily. The
officers of the Club are: B. Fal
lows, President; Ralph Hoyt,
treasurer and C F. Pfluger, sec
In order to give all bird lovers
in Oregon an opportunity to par
ticipate in this public spirited en
terprise of stocking the State of
Oregon with these lovely song
birds, and as the aim is now to
introduce the English and Ger
man Skylarks into Oregon, in all
the different localities, I most re
spectfully suggest to you to start
a song bird Club there at your
place for the introduction of Sky
Your Club will get the Sky
larks at cost price, to-wit: $1-65
per pair, exclusive of expressage
from New York to Portland, Ore
gon, whica will amount to about
35 cents per pair.
After the Skylarks have arriv
ed in he Spring or Fall of 1907
the number of pairs of birds or
dered by your Club will be for
warded to you from here, and
your Club members can liberate
them upon your open fields and
meadows there.
The loss of b rds from New
York to Portland, Oregon, is but
very trifling, but each Club or
dering has to stand its propor
tionate shaie ot loss, if any.
T; e song of the Ssylark is ex
ceedingly agreeable, no bird
sings so continuously and with
mere method and melody; there
is an overture performed, vivace
cresendo in various notes of the
scale, when descending he grad
ually ceases to sing with a sink
ing of the strains before the final
close, and he drops with the vel
ocity of an arrow to the ground.
Now if you and your Club will
help in this laudable enterprise
of stocking our State with these
lovely song-birds, now is the
time to do it.
Try and interest all lovers of
song-birds there and get them tr
join your Song-bird Club, and
Lhen make your order according
ly tor as many pairs of Skvlarks
as you desire, to the undersign
ed. Yours respectfully,
C. F. Pfluger,
Secretary of the Song-bird Club,
Portland, Oregon.
All Oregon in Favor.
All Oregon is seemingly h
favor of the open river prrj c
and the purchase by the state 01
government of the -Oregon City
locks. That Eastern Oregra u
suoject is snown by - the utter
ances of Senator Whealdon of
Wasco, who said :
"All Eastern Oregon "people
Brtnly believe in open rivers
The tolls now being collected at
the Oregon City locks are un
questionably a burden on river
shipping, and we are in favor of
making the locks free.
"I believe I am expressing the
sentiment ot the entire Eastern
Oregon delegation when I say
this. While the more direct
benefit from the purchase by the
government of the Oregon City
locks would accrue to the people
of the Willamette Valley, we re
member that they have been very
generous in providing for our I
needs at Celilo, and certainly will
be favorably inclined to this pro
"We think that it is the pro
vince of the national government
to acquire these locks, but if this
should not be done, we would
favor their purchase by the state
or the adoption of anv other
measures to secure free open
Sum of $1,200,000 for Exposition
The Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Ex
position bill that has been intro
duced in Congress asking for an
appropriation ot $1,200,000 pro
vides only for the participation of
Hawaii, Alaska and the Philip
pines at the fair. The federal
government will be asked later
on to make provision for its gen-
e:aJ exhibit and a building to
house it.
The bill calls for a separate
building tor each territory. The
expenditures for the buildings
and the collection, installation
and maintenance of the displays
are divided in the estimates as
follows: department of interior,
$550,000; department of war,
$150,000; Alaska, $350,000; Ha
waii, $50,000; Phillipine Islands,
Although the bill has been in
troduced nothing further can be
accomplished until the state of
Washington has shown its good
faith in the exposition by mak
ing a liberal appropriation for its
participation. Senator Piles and
his colleagues have urged that
the state legislature act upon the
exposition bill that will be in
troduced at the forthcoming ses
sion as quickly as possible so
that the work at Washington can
go forward without delay. It is
also essential for the State of
Washington to make its appro
priation early and for congress to
take some action, in order for the
exposition management to secure
appropriations from the different
states that have their legislative
meetings this winter.
The bill provides for a govern
ment board composed of the sec
retaries of war, interior and treas
ury which will have general sup
ervision over all the govern
ment's representation. No
charge for exhibit space will be
made, and the states and foreign
countries which do not erect
their own buildings can secure
space in the general exhibit pal
aces. Starr'e Bakery bus secured the
senior of JD ck Liletvelivn. the
womieriul bread maker. 89 f
Ssnsifre ani Scisatifis Way t Care
Tiiis Dis2rjeaSle Dissass.
In no o'hr way c-in catarrh ba cured
ta natumilv nl uuicKly ad by ih nee
i)f H ouni !'af.icil tiirough the ueat
pocket, iuha er Hint ioaiej wilh every
In ihis way the ir that enters the
asal psSKi"fs, the throat or the tangs
i- tilled wic.ii rlviiei's heithni; uiedica
ioti. renoiii the mo t remote air cell
f the respinmry orne. and healing the
r rated um ous meaihrat-e.
S strong is G-ai am & Wells' faith in
the powc of Hvooiei to cure catarrh
troubles, that wi;h every dollar outfit
they sell they give a ifuaraotee to refund
III money an las ?i rurr.
Merchants' Carnival Many Peo
ple Were Present.
The Merchanls' Carnival"
given by home talent under the
direction of Can oil E Johnson
at the opera house Monday and
Tuesday nights was a decided
"hit" and has been hiyhly spok
en of by all who attended. Oulv
a few days for preparation bad
been given, but no hitch occurred
in carrying out the various fea
tures and there were no mistakes
by the participants, which in it
self is something worthy of not
ice. All the business houses had
creditable displays and the young
ladies evinced good taste in the
selection of their costumes.
many maicrous teature? were
introduced, as for inttanrv Mrc
fE. F. Pernot carried a little
white pig in her arms and sang a
ditty about "When little pigs be
gin to fly." She represented
bwingler & Cady's butcher shop,
Hout Sc. Jones were represented
bv Mrs. John Allen, who led a
little dog by a string, carried a
sausage grinder with which she
ground sausage and sang 'Oh
where, oh where is my littli dog
gone?" Miss Mary Nolan, dress
ed in blue print dress and sun
bonnet, led in a wonderful brin
dle cow made of a saw horse and
canvass. It wore a bell and bore
a sign "Kaupisch's Creamery
The college girls' sextette
pleased the audience, Miss Nelle
Marvin as representative of the
Coffey studio had a "catchy"
song and dance, Miss Gertie Mc-
Bee was pleasing in the "swing
song," and Miss Carrie Danne-
manas a "painless dentist" and
Mrs. H. W. Kaupisch as a "lady
barber" brought down the house.
One of the characters most
discussed was Miss Edith Keady
as-the huntress, representing M.
M. Long's gun and bicycle
store. With a rifle she appeared
in full hunting: costume, and
fired three shots into the scenery,
each time bringing down a china
pheasant from some high and un
seen perch.
Each ysung lady in the per
formance made a very pretty ap
pearance and did both herself and
the house she represented decid
ed credit.
M.. Carroll Johnson is cer
tainly clever in bis line of wore.
and as promoter and manager of
the carnival he deserves the
praise arid thanks of not on y
the Episcopal ladies but ot the
business men and the general
What It Has Maant.
The past few days have been
trying ones for Corvallis, al
though conditions here have been
more favorable than in many
sections elsewnere. a
cording to
newspaper dispatches.
The coldest weather experien
ced in years has prevailed and
the results have been quite trying
to the Webfooler who is not ac
customed to ouch conditions.
From one end of town to the
other there has been a crv for
plumbers, as water pipes have
been frozen and bursted and from
dawn until dark there has beer; a
call for plumbing repairs. These
calls have been attended to as
rapidly as possible, but even then
much inconvenience has beeu ex
perienced and people have felt
that they were justified in mak
ing a vigorous "kick" about the
With wood already scarce in
town and almost lmoossibleto
et at any price, the cold snap
has worked a hardship on many a
family and the condition may re
sult in positive distress to some
before spring comes. The scar
city of wood is due to the ,fact
that there is no help to be had in
getting it cut, because men who
other employment at better pi v
and will not go the wood camps
to chop.
Already dealers, in wood are
taking orders for next year at
figures far in advance of present
prices and those best informed
on conditions declare that next
year will see the greatest shortage
of fuel in this section ever exper
ienced here.
Our Great Growth Indicated by
Facts and Figures.
At ten o'clock yesterday morn
ing Postmaster B. W. Johnson
received innumerable patrons of
the office and escorted them
though the new building and
explained the use of the many
new conveniences of the new
postoffice building recently com
pleted by Senator A. J. Johnson.
The eq uipment ot the office is so
fine as to prove a veritable sur
prise to all and as for complete
ness it seems that not a single de
tail has been overlooked. The
building and its equipment are
certainly most creditable to Cor
vallis and stands as a monument
to her progress. . To A. J. John
sou and B. W. Johnson (latter is
postmaster) all praise is due for
making it possible for us to boast
so cieditabie a postoffice.
It is appropriate at this time to
chiouicle something relating to
the past growth of our postal busi
ness aad at the same time re
cord matters of present moment.
During the year endiag Decem
ber 31, 1896, the postal revenues
were $4,397 47; for the year end
ing Dicetnuer 31, 1906, they
were $9,141.02, showing again
in the past ten years of 108 per
cent During the year ending
Dec. 31, 1896, sixty six letters
were received for special delivery,
while for the year ending Dec.
31, 1906, one hundred and
eighty-lour letters were received
tor special delivery. The box
receipts for 1896 were $4.87. so:
for 196 $806.05. During 1896
3358 money orders were issued
and during the pasc year 7, 005.
For quarter ending Dec. 31, 1905,
the business amounted to $2,383 -
42; tor quarter ending Dec.
31, 1906, $25786.553 gain
of 17 per cent. Ten years ago
only three mails were received
and dispatched daily and tne of
fice was not open on Sundays, no
mails being received or dispatch
ed on that day, ann ten years ago
all mails were received and dis
patched between the hours of
11:30 a. m. and 1:3-1 p. m. Now
the first mail is dispatched at 6 a.
m. and the last mail arrives at
9 p. in. We now have 45 mails
a wees where only 18 were re
ceived ten years ago.
Ten years ago two persons
could easily handle the work of
the office and aside from TnTin
Lenger who was then the mail
messenger, there were no other
employes connected with the
mail service of this city. At that
time there were no star routes
and no rural delivery routes out
ot this office. Today there are
two star routes, one in operation
between Corvallis and Philomath
and the other between Corvallis
and Monroe. There art- four
ruial delivery routes now in oper
ation supplying som .fifteen hun
dred rural residents.
The personnel of the force em
ployed in aud out of the Corval
lis post office is as follows:
B. W. Jahnson 1 Postmaster
Lillian H. Johnson AesL Postmaster
Walter R. Corbett ..Gen. Ddl. Clerk
James A. Cooper Mailinc Clerk
Chancy W. LsVee Car. E. F. D. No. 1
O. B. Connor " " 2
H. M. Cummiags...... " " " 3
Ralph II. Metealf. " " " " 4
John V. Lenger Mail Messenger
Frank Bullis Mail Carrier Corval-
li8-Philomath Star Route
J.H. Read Mail Carrier Corvallis-Monroe
Star Route
heartily la eyaiMtky with tti
Tie tioral4 11 to met Mtfli eoate bat
.formerly did such work at a rea
holer's Kidney Cum
Mble wages ke fl7
ImM ute fitt takof, at the B$aar.