Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 16, 1906, Image 1

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    Corvallis, Benton Cotjivty, Oregon, Tuesday, January 16. lt 16.
Mrs. Edward Buxton.
After an illness of long dura
tion, Mrs. Edward Buxton died
at 6:30 p. m., Friday, at her
home in this city of cancer of
the liver. The remains were
taken to Forest Grove for inter
ment on the afternoon train Sat
urday and the funeral occurred
from the Forest Grove Hotel at
10:30 Sunday morning.
The maid -n name of the de
ceased was Elizabeth Roderick,
and she was born March 8, 1852.
in Joliet, Will county, Illinois.
By her parents she was brought
across the plains the same year
to Oregon and located in Albany.
Ox team was the means of loco
motion on this long journey.
At Forest Grove, January 22,
1871, she was united in marriage
with Edward Buxton. As the
result of this union she became
the mother of four children:
Mrs. George A. Sloan, of Port
land : George ' Buxton, of Port
land: Miss Minnie Buxton, of
Portland, and Harry E. Buxton,
of Corvallis. The husband, all
the children, and one sister, Mrs.
Shepard, of Portland, were at
the bedside of the desceased dur
ing her last hours.
Mrs. Buxton was the second
eldest of a family of six children
and is survived by four of them.
Her father and mother are both
dead. All of the children of the de
ceased were born in Forest Grove
and for this and other reasons
interment was made there.
During life Mrs. Buxton was a
member of the Eastern Star, and
of the Order of Washington,
formerly the order of Lyons. She
was in every wav a good woman
and her splendid character en
deared her to a large circle ol
friends. The bereaved survivors
have the sincere sympathy of the
entire community.
character of the winter is assur
ed. -
This has been a good week for
poultry-shippers as chickens have
commanded top prices. Receipts
have been light, and there will
be no chickens leftover on Front
street this week.
Football Degenerated,
Perhaps the latest stand by
football adherents is the action
reported from Stanford, Friday.
It will be of interest to our local
players and is as follows:
The faculty athletic committee
made public today -its annual re
port to President David Stan
Jordan on the condition of uni
versity athletics.
On the subject of football re
form the committee submits as
its opinion that close formations
in plays should be abolished;
that the modern game had de
teriorated from a sport to a busi
ness, that the game is exclusive
since only men of heavy weight
can participate, and that the
game is no longer in any sense a
college sport, since students do
not organize volunteer teams to
play for the love of the game.
Dealing with the game of base
ball, the committee declares
"that baseball is on a distinctive
ly lower level than any other
college sport, both as regards the
spirit of amateurism and of cour
tesy and fairness of play."
In conclusion the committee
commends tennis, track work and
rowing to a more liberal partici
pation by students as being man
ly sports.
For Breaking Lamps
The Portland Market.
Beef cattle are still plentiful
and prices do not advance. A
good many hay-fed beeves are
coming in from various points in
the Northwest, but drovers who
expected higher prices early in
the Winter have been disappoint
ed. Range-fed stock has disap
peared from the market for the
season, and will not be tat enough
for slaughter until about the first
of June. Live stock men who
have fat cattle desire, of course,
to sell them off as early in the
season as possible. in order to
save their fodder, which may be
needed later on to tide trie range
stock over a snowy spell, in
regions east of the mountains.
Sheep and hogs are in good
demand, and the present high
prices rather incline to an ad
vance. Sheepraisers are not
willing to let their stock go to
the slaughter-house, because
wool promises to bring a good
price in the Spring, Hogs :
hiph-onced because there are
practically none in the North
west fit for pork. and stocks
must be replenished from the
Eastern hograising centers as the
season progresses.
Fresh eggs are quoted at 2Sc a
dozen flat on Front street, but
up-town retailers say they cannot
ffet strictly fresh e22S at this
price, and that 29 cents is de
manded. Commission men say
egg receipts are daily becoming
heavier, and that unless the cold
spell of weather due within
month should fail to appear lower
prices are bound to follow. East
em eggs are marked down to 22
and 23 cents per dozen, and
large quantities of these are used
in restaurants and bakeries ot the
Fancy creamery butter is more
inclined to pile up both in the
Front street warehouses and with
the local creameries. No sign of
a decline in price is manifest,
however, as this is the season
when the cold spell usually cats
the pasture down and renders
cream scarce. Prices are likely
to stay where they are until the
During the past two weeks
a couple of 25 candle-power in
candescent street light globes
have been broken in this city.
The first one was broken about
New Year's and since then Chief
Lane and night officer --Osburn
have been doing some detective
work. The result was that the
boys were located. In the first
case the lad was taken to the of
ficers quarters and in, the pro
cess of a "sweating" to which he
was subjected admitted his guilt.
The next boy supposed to be
guilty of the offense was hailed
before Deputy Prosecuting At
torney Bryson tor a sweat witn
the result that he confessed.
Saturday morning the boys
were taken before Police Judge
Yates. Both .lads plead guilty
and will receive sentence this
morning. The minimum fine is
$10 or five days in jail and we
understand the maximum fine to
be $100 or fifty days in jail.
Thev are charged with the de
struction of property, t
These boys are 16 or 18
years old s and "are fully, tld
enough to know better. It is
beyond one to understand what
motive could actuate boys who
are vermin? into manhood to
commit such tricks, or misde
Enjoyable Lodge Affair.
ferty; inner sent,, Mrs. M. Ek;j
outer, Mrs. Con Gerhard; clerk, 1
Miss Etta Fuller. ' .
The W. O. W. installed the
following: Con. Com., Prof.
Skelton: JV.dv., Frank Fran
cisco; Clerk, W. A. Buchanan;
Banker, A. P. Johnson ; escort,
Carl Porter; outer sent., George
- Prospects Good.
In I. O. O. F. hall last Thurs
day night the Circle ladies and
the W. O. W held a joint in
stallation. A program was given
that included the lollowiner in
teresting numbers: Music by
OAC orchestra; . address, "Fra
ternity," E. R. Hughes; instru
mental solo. Prof. Tailandier;
violin solo, Frank Fowells; vocal
solo, Mrs. Charles Peterson ; cor
net solo, Harrv Beard ; and music
by the orchestra.
The installing for the Circle
was done by Mrs. D. A. Osburn,
and T. T. Vincent was installing
officer for the W. O. W. The
concluding feature was a banquet,
with 140 guests.
The Circle officers are: P. G.
N.. Mrs. Cora Underwood; G.
N., Mrs. G. W. Fuller; Adv.,
Mrs. D. D. Berman: Mag., Mrs,
Sarah Elgin; 1st mgr., Mrs: G.
V. Skelton; 2nd, Mrs. Lucy
Francisco; 3rd, Mrs. G. W. Den
man; Banker, Mrs. W. P. Laf-
Rights Disputed.
The annual stockholders meet
ing ot the Twin Rocks Gold
Mining and Milling Company
was held at the Company's offices
in Corvallis, Oregon, at 7:3b p
m., Tuesday evening, Jan. 9th.
A good attendance was in evi
dence and an interesting meeting
had. The following board of
directors was elected: Warren
B. Hartley cf Cottage Grove,
Ore, ; S. R. May, Mt. Zion, Illi
nois; Lewis Hartley, Corvallis,
Ore.; W. H. Winnings, Long
Creek, Ilinois; and Wallace Hart-
ey, of Sell wood, Ore.
The officers elected were Lewis
Hartley, president; S. R. May,
vice-president; Warren B. Hart-
ey, secretary and treasurer; Geo.
B. Spitler, Mt. Zion, Illinois, as
sistant secretary.
At the meeting plans were laid
"or systematic development of the
properties of the Company in the
Bohemia mining district. The
development will commence in
the ei rly spring and the first step
to be taken will be to strike the
main ledge with a cross-cut tun
nel that is already started. This
edge as opened on top shows 8
;eet of free-milling ore of a high
grade, and 100 feet more tunnel
will strike this" ledge at a depth
of more than 150 feet and will
undoubtedly show us an ore body
that is equal to the expectations
of the management of the Com
pany. After this work is com
pleted a site will be selected and
good buildings built and prepar
ations made for deeper work.
This property will be under
the management of able men
and the work done with a view
to economy and permanency.
The company have an office in
this citv. A limited amount ot
treasury stock has been put on
the market at five cents per share
or the purpose ot development.
The officers of this Company
serve without salary and will until
the company is put on a paying
basis. The property of the Com
pany consists of all claims, sit
uated three miles south of the
Music Mine in Bohemia. The
possibilities of the Company are
unlimited, as their charter allows
them to operate any place in the
state and to buy and sell stocks
as well as mines. Their atten
tion will be confined to their prop
erties in Bohemia for some time
Under date of Tanuary 11, the
following dispatch, was sent from
Salem: .. : - '
- The Kelliher land iraud es
tablished the fact, judicially that
hundreds of certificates of sale
for Oregon school land. Were is
sued on fraudulent applications.
The Attorney-General has held
that, where a certificate of sale
has been issued in due form and
all the money demanded by the
state has been paid for the 'land,
if the state could locate any of
the certificates that have been ob
tained by fraud in the hands of
the original holders, they could
be cancelled, and the owners of
the certificates would have to
surrender their claim to title ot
the land, receiving back the
money which they had paid to
the state. The state is in a pe
culiar position regarding these
bogus applications. The officials
know that they were obtained by
fraud in the first place, but the
certificates of sale are genuine
and the state has received all the
money required under the law.
It is a mooted question of law
which will probably have to be
determined by the courts, wheth
er a third party, who happens
to own some of these certificates
of sale, can claim the ' rights of
an innocent purchaser.
How to Avoid Pneumonia.
Invited to Eat Chicken.
We have never beard of a single in
stance of a cold resulting in pneumonia
or other lung trouble when Foley's
Honey and Tar has been taken. It not
only stops the cough, but heals and
strengthens the lungs. Aek for Foley's
Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute
offered. Dr. C. J. Bishop, of Agnew,
Mich., writes: "I have used Foley's
Honey and Tar in 'three very severe
cases of pneumonia witn good results in
every case." Sold'by 3raham & Worth-am.
Judge W. S. McFadden went to
Portland, Sunday, on business that
be expected would detain him for a
couple of days. ,
silverware we ask no more than you ,
would expect to pay for far inferior goods.
We want you to feel able to afford the
best, whether it be for your table, side
board or dressing case. So we make 'a
specialty of fine Bilverware moderately
priced. We have sets and single pieces.
Standard and special patterns. Every
piece is fally warranted to wear for years.
We shall be very glad to have you look
at the collection any time.
Albert J. Metzger
Occidental Building, - - - Corvallis
. has moved into the brick building Ber
man's old standand will be pleased to
serve all our old customers and many new
ones with all kinds of
Fresh and Cured Meats, Lard S Sausage
Call arid see us; we will treat you right.
. Goods delivered in all parts of the city
promptly and-satisfactory.
We run our own delivery wagon
Now that the holiday rush is over we have time to do your re
pair work with neatness and despatch.
Fine Watch Work a Specialty
The diamond ring drawing will come off Jan. 6, 1906. A ticket
with each dollar's worth purchased until that time. Everything
desired in the jewelry line is carried by us.
Eyes tested free and glasses fitted properly in a
most up-to-date manner.
E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.
The Weekly Oregonian and the Gazette
Both one year for $2.55
at January
For cash we will make special prices on
The "boys" grew reminiscent
i j j i j
a tew days ago anu ioiu
"stories" on each other. Among
other things recounted was an ex
perience that betell John Smith
some years ago. it seems inai
John concluded to go down to
his Tampico larm one evening
and it was a little after dark
when he arrived within sight of
the house.
There was supposed to be no
one at the house and Mr. Smith's
astonishment can be imagined
when he neared the place to dis
cover a light burning brightly.
He discovered that parties" were
moving about in the house and
he knew that something was
amiss. Notwithstanding the
fact that "he was alone and" single
handed, Mr. Smith went boldly
to the door and knocked. When
the door opened he beheld some
three or four tramps who hailed
him in a chorus with "Hello,
Partner, have some supper with
us!" . John was invited to a sup
per on his own chickens. What
happened later the boys did not
divulge. - '
Dining Oiiairs and
during the month of January as follows
Take The Gazette for all
local news.
17.50 couches 16.65
14.50 couches 12.05
13.25 couclies 11.85
1.50 chairs 81.30
1.10 chairs .95
.90 chairs .75
This is the best opportunity ever offer
ed to save money on these goods.
Our goods
re marked in plain figures and
you will find juices as quoted. Come and see.
LLEMBEM -& A0Y, Conallis