Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 15, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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structure la Mexlc-
Solid Mafaofjnny.
As mahogany Is among the most cost
ly '.roofs in the world, it may well be
Inferred that this tropical material is
jut very extensively employed in tlie pensatian of bntzre that the dog, be-con-tree-ion
cf building.-!, etc. A bridge jyond ail question the chief friend of
constructed cf solid, manogauy is cer-
a rarity, a curiosity. There is
one. claimed to be the only one ia the
world, built of that
stra-.-iure 1 sea ted in
material. This
the department
i" Paleunne. stnte cf Chiapas, republic
A Mexico. ThU district lies in the ex-
t ?"! POfit!:wf-tT:i p?rt of Mexico. 'tame canine age as the child of seven.
n:-r tilt? bound tv line' of Guatemala. (At two years he is probably a littl
This muhw.r-v bridge i constructed jinore advanced than a fourteen-year-eutirely
of t'ii-'t valuable wood except old boy, but the canine age of three Is
i -j ; i -.r--.o:':3. i; races uuu uxins are r.i
The britJ;.
t!i! V.'.t Mich?!.
ci-.nISr.g ppr-webe -,
while lhe width is
lL!ts 'irn feet
l' '
r.rv I !;. both teams an 1 pedestrians,
an;:, nl'.her.g'j somewhat rude and
p:i; ;;iti .e i:i construction, it is very
No?:? of th. t ! r.ei's of the floor
were sa we :. frr in reglua there
are no sawmlLs. but were l:awu and
i n
it section of oil Mexico there
vt:A .very l-trg; rubber p!:tnta-
tlons. and i:'uli:v?.i
tvcc;? are q'.rite
,vay li:e tropical
ill? vjnu'i ruij-
common. In e!e;r:ug
forest : for netting o:
ber tree.; the tnahos
i us are
a?t crt davu ami re
wo:;d U qrdte. ah"!!'ia:i!
USi'il in building the b:
Inventor. .
owl. .U this
)':? of it was
e. American
Either !-. C!.-:t::ter f fi f.nn
!.; ? !:hii:i'! :;, l;-t:::;;t-ltT.
There i ; si: rely no word in the uo
meiifiafre of j;uns. L .' .; and little.
Wf:;:i I -':; caused
a i.-; .-.u:.-n:;j so
lay as the
tnticu c.iiif;:s:!u i:j tli
Word (:;I:".:or
The ceii Avion arisi's c'
y from the
;iv;U sense
we :.ay a
Use ;! tne t-.-rni
!'i a.i,v
to in iicale lei
co (.-.::
lery tin: os
is a
: '!' s
:: ! ,i :v:!n.
caliber as applied to artil-
les e-wmiaUy .-.nd at all
d:at:.:ter of the bore of a
u. then, of si inch caliber
u wiioae bore is just six inches,
c-dijvt'iii.'nce and becarse the
cf a run who:i once its bore has
been;l upon depends so greatly
upon its h'ii;;-fli, artillerists are in the of deilnijig Hie length of 'he gun
in tenrs cf the caliber.
The six inch rapid lire f,run, as mount
ed on the ships of the navy, is a trifle
unJcr t-.venty-fivo feet in length and
Is therefore known as a 50 caliber gun.
In Hie case of small arms the caliber
Is expressed, in hundredlhs of an inch,
as when we say a 22 caliber or 32 cali
ber pi.ol, meaning that the bore is
-.22 or .32 of tm inch in diameter. Sci
entific American.
Hadly Tangled.
i The Census Taker Your name, mum?
j "I don't know."
"Beg pardon, mum."
"I've I. eon divorced. At present my
name is Mrs. Jones in this state. In
several states It is Miss Smith, my ;
maiden name, and In three stales it Is
Mrs. Brown, my first husband's name."
"This your residence, mum?"
."I eat and sleep here, but I have a
trunk in a neighboring state, where I
am getting a divorce from my present
"Then you're married at present?"
"I'm married in Texas, New York
and Massachusetts, divorced in South
Dako;a, .Missouri, Alaska. Oklahoma
and t'a'.iforn'.a. a bigamist in three
other states and a single woman in
eight of hers." Chicago Tribune.
The Last Word.
"Having the last word." said a naval
officer, "reminds me of a story I heard
not long ago. A certain man died, and
a clergyman was engaged to offer a
eulogy. This worthy miuister prepared
a sermon of exceeding length and
strength, but just before he entered the
parlor to deliver It ho thought that It '
might be advisable to learn what the
dead man's last words had been. So
he turned to one of the weeping young
er sous and asked:
" 'My boy, can you tell me your fa
ther's last words?'
" "He didn't have none, the boy re
plied. Ma was with him to the end.' "
La Fontaine, the famous fable poet,
was a moat absentminded man. Meet
ing one day in a saloon a young man,
he was so favorably Impressed by his
conversation that he expressed his ad
miration for him in the most flattering
terms. "But he is your own son!" ex
claimed a guest in astonishment "Is
It so?" replied the poet. "Then I am
the more delighted to make his ac
quaintance." i A Remedy.
1 "For some time past I've been buy
ing a dozeu eggs every week at this
Store, and I invariably find two bad
ones In every dozen. Something's got
to be done about it," said an irate
"Well," said the uew clerk naively
and with a quiet smile,
mebbe if you i
only bought half a dozeu you'd only
eet one bad one." Grocer's Literary
i It Lasts.
When a man writes a proposal of
marriage to a woman he has written
something that will last forever. A
woman never destroys a letter that
contains an offer of marriage. Atchi
son Globe.
' To lire long ft Is necessary to 1t
Ills Roraul Lenjrth of Lite but Om.
seventh That of Su.
Sorely it is by tu unfortunate dls-
man among- uie oiuer umiuais, buuuiu
have a normal length of life which Is
no more, on a iair computation, man
one-seventh of his own. There Is no
i other figure which expresses the rela-
tive age3 of man and his dog so welL
!The puppy of one year is about at the
J 1 "
twenty-one. And so it continues
, . ,, . . j .
iuuman prime respectively, the ratio
'..I.. it , .5 T 1 J
mitted tuat tne oia age or nie dog, tnus
computed, outlasts the old age of the
man. One hears stories which seem to
be fairiy authentic of' dogs living up
,to eighteen, and if we do hear stories
of human beings living similarly up to
;12C, at least we do not believe them.
' But such an age for a dog is quite the
extreme limit. The dog of ten years
approaches the equivalent of the three
score and ten which had been named
as the fair end of the human crea
ture's tether, and on the whole the
multiplication of canine years by seven
all through the stages of life gives the
corresponding age of man better than
any other figure gives it. Westminster
Uses to Will oti Discarded Boots and
I Shoes Are Pot.
Old boots and shoes of leather are
cut up into small pieces and then are
put for two days into chloride of sul
phur, the effect of which i3 to make
the leather verv, hard and brittle.
When this Is fully effected the mate
rial is withdrawn from the action of
the chloride of sulphur, washed with
water, dried and ground to powder.
It is then mixed with some substance
that will cause it to adhere together,
such as shellac or other resinous mate
rial or even good glue, and a thick
solution of strong gum.
It is afterward pressed into molds' to
form combs, buttons and a variety of
other useful objects.
Prussiate of potash is also made out
of old leather. It is heated with pearl
ash and old iron hoops in a large pot.
The nitrogen and carbon form cyano
gen and then unite with the iron and
potassium. The soluble portions are
dissolved out and the resulting salt,
j added to one of each, produces the
well known Prussian blue, either for
dyeing purposes or as a pigment.
London Boot and Shoe Trades Jour
nal. A Doubtful Compliment.
Although Mr. Hobbs was taken at
his face value by his son and heir,
there were times when the youthful
William's admiring tributes embar
rassed his parent in the family group.
"I had quite an encounter as I came
nomas ioij?t." the valorous Mr. Hobbs
annoiruvtJ at the tea table. "Two men,
slightly intoxicated, were having
quarrel on the corner. As usual, there
; was no policeman in sight, and they
! were in a fair way to knock each oth
er's brains out when I stepped between
and separated them."
"Weren't you afraid, father?" asked
Mrs. Hobbs in a quavering voice.
"No, indeed! Why should I be?" in
quired Mr. Hobbs, inflating his chest.
"I guess there isn't anybody could
knock any brains out of my father!"
said Willy proudly. Youth's Compan
ion. Cock Crowcrs-An Kxtltict Trade,
"Cock crowcrs in the past got good
pay," said an antiquary, "but theirs is
an extinct business now. Cock crow
d's were employed by the rich in their
town houses to crow the hour. They
crowed only the rising !;onr for the
most part, but darieg Lo.:t they crow
ed everything cv-eu ;i;e halves and
i quarters all night le-.ig It was a kind
of penance. These iron were trained
; from childhood to caw. Sometimes in
I their childhood au operation was per-
iui'un u meir iaroiii.3; to give main
a mose eocklike delivery. Au ancestor
of mine on the maternal side was a
famus sock crower in his day." Lon
don Graphic.
No human being can come into the
world without increasing or diminish
ing the sua total of human happiness,
not enly ef the present, but of every
subsequent age ef humanity. No one
can 4etaeh himself from this connec
tion. Thare is sequestered spot in
the universe, no dark niche along the
disk of nonexistence to which he can
retreat from his relations to others,
where he can withdraw the influence
of his existence upon the moral desti
ny of the world. -erywhere he will
have companions will be better or
worse for hi a LnSutnce.
The Isaal Way.
When a mother forbade her daugh
ter social gayety on the ground that
she "had seen the folly of such things,"
the daughter very reasonably answer-
e,i that she wanted to see the follv of
them too. That is the attitude of
youth toward the warnings of age.
London Lady.
She Did.
Mr. Misfit (savagely) Eefore I mar
ried you was there any doddering
Idiot gone on you? Mrs. Misfit There
was one. Mr. Misfit I wish to good
ness you'd married him! Mrs. Misfit
I did. Los Angeles News.
The joy ef life i never fairy ncSml
until the fclejwUf f freely 10
freely &4m in tea tU
A mh Apart Tkat OmU B
Th most privately - conducted homo
must communicate with Increasing fre
quency with the world outside. The
coal man. the Ice man, the automobile
repair shop must be upbraided or ca
joled. Reports must be reviewed, ac
counts kept, bills examined and the
senders occasionally treated wltn a
check. From a room removed from
the rest of the house one most speak
with the railway station, settle with
the expressman." or deliberate with the
chauffeur or coachman, for none of
these things should disturb the tran
quillity of the home or the equanamlty
of guests. If the bouse is to minister
to all the activities of a home it is
high time that space be devoted to this
mechanism of living. For want of a
better term a room devoted to such a
purpose may be called the "office" of
the house. Here the telephone stands
on a table that bears also the mis
cellaneous utensils and printed matter
that are always wanted in a house
when they cannot be found. Here are
cookbooks, gardening books, diction
aries, time tables, while a few old
plates, a cast or two. bits of Dresden,
water colors and a few cherished pho
tographs relieve an otherwise hum
drum collection of necessities. Here
arriving parcels are placed and the
daily mail opened. Mysterious cup
boards there are and drawers with
locks that work. Indoors and Out.
French and English Women as They
Cross a Muddy Street.
See a Parisienae cross a muddy
street. She advances tiptoe to the
edge of the pavement, poises like a
bird ready for a flight, deftly raises
her dress more than enough to show
her embroidered skirt, the dainty hose
and elegant bottines, and without more
delay she trips across, toe and heel
bareSy touching and the mud refusing
to cling to the fairy feet that hardly
leave an impression on it. Landed on
the .other side, she gives her fine feath
ers a little shake into place and passes
on with shoes that look as if just put
on at that moment.
Watch an Englishwoman immediate
ly afterward. She reaches the curb
stone, comes to a dead standstill and
stolidly contemplates the muddy road.
Finally she selects a route. Then,
very cautiously, she lifts her dress,
making sure that txie tops of her
shoes are under cover; then, slowly
advancing, she puts her right foot out.
Plump it goes, the water oozing over
it, and then splash, splash, splash, un
til the other side is reached, when,
with soiled skirts and soaked shoes,
she proceeds on her wet and muddy
Nothing could be more characteristic
of their respective nationalities, and
nothing could be more amusing than
their mutual contempt for each oth
er's ways. Translated From the
French For St. Louis Republic.
SIcn's lists and Women's Veils.
"I see here that a woman writer
wonders why a man always looks in
his hat before he puts it on," said the
reflective man as he looked up from
his paper. "Here la what she says:
'When a man puts on his hat he most
always looks inside 't first. What he
expects to see remains a mystery, but
he looks for it, all the same.' That's
easy. lie looks m his hat to see if the ;
knot holding the inside band together .
will be at the back of his head when
he puts it on. Now, if she'll tell me ;
why a woman always pulls down her
veil sad parses up her mouth before .
she steps out of doors we'll call it .
square." New Y'ork Press.
Kiile V'M sliers.
In her last novel. "The Dream and
the Business," Mrs. .'raigie, I regret to
note, usod the expression "side whisk
ers." The redundant "side" is to be
found also in Meredith, Dickens, the
greater Richardson, Bronte, Caine,
Corelli, Sims and Shorter. As a matter
of fact, unlaws otV-arwise stated, the
least Intelligent rexdor would take it
for granted t.:.i-t- d j whiskers were
worn ea the sida of th face, as indeed '
is the usual prac-tieo. The terms "Hp
wh'slter" (mustache) and "chin whisk-'
er" (beardettu) are Amerloaaisms.
Pall U&il Gazette.
Just LiLie aba.
The Bar. Walter Coltoa. author of
"Ship and Shore" and other books, '
gave a most forcible tllustratioa ef the '
character ef an oQo e Ward the j
ship to which he was attoebat sm chap- ;
laia. Tie e-ffleer was always praddJing
with ether people's Bos&xess m& was j
seldom la his own plaoe. Oease-a. neatly j
he irti most unpopular with tee sail- i
ors. -One of them, goaded to unusual
irritation, said one day, "1 de believe
that at the general resurrection the
lieutenant will be found getting eat ef
somebody else's grave."
The Soft Aiuwer,
"Johnny," said the stern parent, "my
father used to whip me when I be
haved at the table as badly as yon are
"Well,' rejoined the precocious
youngster, "I hope I'll never have to
make a confession like that to my little
boys." Chicago News.
ESeet of Hlsrh Livinsr.
Goodman Gonrong Wake up, pard.
Wot ye groanin about? Tuffold Knutt
(rubbing his eyes) Gtsh. but I've had
a horrible dreaial I tL&ssgM I'd got a
job o work an wua do In' the mani
curin fur a octopus, Chicago TribuneT
A Restorative
EuppJ a Pin faint from lacfe of
foed. Bits Lady (generously) How
iieaflftit Bscs. smeU my vinaigrette
M bit V the Eatpxeaa Kagrnle tfcak
Bran Smile de GIrardln. whom Eo
genie welcomed !3 "the gravedigger of
dynasties' because he had gone to
Louis Philippe on the eve of his Sight
Uo 1843 to warn him as he came to
warn her now, said to her very serious
ly that night: ; "
"Should your majesty appear brave
ly on horseback In the midst of the
people your majesty can still count on
their enthusiasm and devotion."
Eugenie resolved to show herself on
horseback. She ordered that the rid- uoath and them title, receive at least
lug habit be chosen. It must be all 3,000, possibly more if there are bo
black, of the severest simplicity. Aud j nuses. If I have a ship and I insure
she would just pin the red ribbon of
the Legion of Honor on her left breast.
Often the slightest causes bring
about the gravest results. The tragedy
of the empire's last chance, therefore,
must be sought along with the black
riding skirt and corsage.
By Incredible 111 luck they could not
find it. There had been one. but it had
disappeared, '"doubtless stolen." Oth
ers were at Compiegne and Foutaine
bleau. They found a riding habit of
dark green with heavy gold braid, the
Lcostume of the imperial stag hunts.
"It will not do," Eugenie sobbed; "it
will not do!"
And so for lack of a black skirt and
corsage the empress of the French was
forced to flee her capital and lost an
empire. Sterling Heilig in Metropol
itan Magazine.
Tlie Way a Tiny Spfsler Inprisoacd
His Bis Vict Hi
"One morning when I in my
workshop." says a naturalist, "a large
fly. double the si::e of a bluebottle, wa.s
caught in a spider's web in the win
dow close to where I was at work. It
was held by two of its legs only, and
for some time the spider, which was
about the size of the fly's head, pro
ceeded to strengthen its hold by at
taching numerous extra iiues to the
two captive limbs, carefully 1; -p"ng
out of reach of tin dhers. which were
letting out in all directions in frantic
efforts to escape.
"During a short re.-pite in the cap
tive's struggles tlie spider cautiously
approached aud with its hind legs got
several turns of its tiny rope round
one of the limbs that were free. These
tactics were carried on till all the legs
were firmly bound. It then injected
poison into one of the legs. This soon
showed itself, for its deadening effects
reduced the victim's struggles in a
marked degree. The poison paralyzes,
but does uot kill.
"Shortly after a second bite resist
ance ceased, and the victor settled
down to suck the juices of its fallen
prey. The struggles lasted quite au
hour. Next morning the fly was alive,
and the spider was still sucking out its
Hfeblood." Chicago News.
The Missing Note.
One of the leading tenors in Moscow
was called upon to sing an opera in
which one note was much too high for
him, but he got a man In the orchestra
to come in just at the right time and
supply the note. In exchange e
tenor was to take him to supper. The
plan answered well, the applause was
loud, but the tenor forgot all about t'.j
supper. Next time he sang the opera
he went to the front of the stage, put
his hand on his heart and opened his
mouth as Wide as he could. His dis
comfiture was great when the expect
ant hush was broken by a voice from
the orchestra saying, "Where's my sup
per?" From Iskra.
Chinese Similes.
Some of the ordinary expressions cf
the Chinese are pointedly sarcastic
enough. A blustering, harmless fellow
they call "a paper tiger." When a
man values himself overmuch they
compare him to "a rat falling into a
scale and weighing itself." Overdoing
a thing they call "a hunchback making
a bow." A spendthrift they compare
to "a rocket" which goes ef? at once.
Those who expend their charity on re
mote objects, but neglect their fam
ilies, are said to "hang a lantern on a
pole, which is seen afar, but gives no
lijfct betew."
Fallowed His Pip.
An old Hungarian countryman had
smoked the same pipe for more than
fifty years and as a natural conse
quence had xrwwm to lore It as a
compasloa. One day, however, his In
fant .-;-2d smashed the pipe be
yond all hope ef repair. The H man
was so broken hearted af Ms less that
he hanged hlMself a a per. In his
pocket was found a scrap of paper on
which was scribbled, "My pipe is done
for, and I must ge tee."
Presence of Mind.
After the railway accident: "Did yer
let compensation. Bill?"
"Tes; 5 me and 5 the missus."
"Why, I didn't know she wor 'urt"
"She wasn't, but I had the presence
of mind to fetch 'er one on the 'ead
with me boot London Tatler.
In the Typewriter Shop.
Polite Salesman We have here our
new model. No. 23. You will notice It
Is equipped with the most approved
billing device and Fair Stenographer
Have you any model that also has a
cooing device? New York World.
Her Sad Fate.
Gerald You are the only girl I have
ever loved. Geraldine Must suffer
alone? Kew York Press.
Some pee-ple are so eantieoe
they area leek before they
WVU Asaownt Mar Sot Be Paid Ert
Wke Loss Ia Complete.
Ia a fire Insurance policy the sum In
sured merely marks the maximum lia
bility accepted by the insurance com-
pany and determines the premium to
be paid. It is not in any way admitted
t by the insurance office as a measure
; of the value of the property insured,
j If I have a life policy for o,0C0,
j eays a writer in the Nineteenth Cen-
tury, my heirs can, on proof of my
her with marine insurance companies
for 5,C00, I can recover the full 3,000
at ence should my ship be totally lost.
But if I insure my house against
fire for 5,C00 I cannot recover 5,CC0
unless I can prove the house to be
worth fully that sum. All that I am
entitled to demand is the actual value
of my house immediately before it was
burned, and I must give every assist
ance to the insurance company in or
der that the actual value may be justly
By statute the insurauce company
has the power to reinstate that house,
as far as the sum insured will go, in
stead of paying me anything. In prac
tice, compensation is usually agreed
and paid in cash without recourse on
either side .to the right of reinstate
ment, but I'l no case am I entitled to
more than the actual value of my
house as .i existed just before the fire.
Must lie In tfce Xexm of t!ie Actnal
Tho law provides for the granting of
patents only to the aciuul inventor of
the patented invention, aud a patent
granted in the name of any one else
Is invalid. For this reason it is essen
tial that the application for patent be
made In the name of t'aa one whom
the law regards as the "inventor. In
some factories it is the custom to pat
en!: every invention in the name of
(he proficient of the company. This
freqv.ently happens because the com
pany has been built up on inventions
made by the president or other oflicer,
an I as a matter of pride the president
wishes to see all patents issued in his
This is a dangerous thing to do in
he case of inventions which were con-
! coived by the employee independently
of the officer, such as inventions wholly
worked out by employee without sug
ge rtloa or assistance from the officer,
for if in a suit brought under such
patent it were shown that while the
patent was granted in the name of the
officer the invention was actually made
by an employee the patent would be
declared invalid, aud usually a suit
would not have reached such a stage
until it was too late to go back and
atent the invention in the name of
the real inventor. Edwin J. Trindle'
in Engineering Magazine.
The ITusrtienots.
Here are two essays on the Hugue
nots by Chicago public school pupils:
"The Hugonots are people in France
that are followers of Victor Hugo.
Their leader is a man named Jean Val
jean that was a thief, but got con
verted and turned (it well. The Hugo
nots are very good people. A lady
named Evangeline wrote a long poem
abov.t them, but it don't rhyme."
"The Huguenots i:? the name of a big
thing like a steam roller that the mo
gul used in India to run over people.
It sqconhed them to death and was
very trrible. It had eyes painted on
it llus a dragon and snorted steam
whan it waa running. They are no
Lui-rux-nots enny more."
Joiia Erifrlit siiid iord Manners.
In one of his speeches in the house
of commons John Bright quoted in a
spirit of banter and ridicule the well
known lines written by Lord John
Manners in his callow youth:
Let wedtli and ccrjmeree, laws and learn
ing die.
But leave ua still our old nobility.
Lord John, who was present, imme
diately got up and pulverized the great
tribune by retorting, "I would rather
be the foolish young man who wrote
thoe lines than the malignant old man
whe quoted them."
ilatrt lived thirty-seven years. His
first mass was composed when he was
less than ten years of age, and the
enormous quantity of his compositions
was the work of the succeeding twenty-seven
years. Mozart wrote forty
one symphonies, fifteen masses, over
thirty operas and dramatic composi
tions, forty-one sonatas, together with
an immense number of vocal and con
certed pieces in almost every line of
the art
Stippler Did Miss Kutts admire
your paintings? Dobber I don't know.
Stippler What did she say about
them? Dobber That she could feel
that I put a great deal of myself Into
my work. Stippler Well, that's praise.
Dobber Is it? The picture I showed
her was "Calves In a Meadow."
Real Reform.
Dibbles There goes Rhymer and his
rich wife. She married him nearly a
year ago to reform him. Scribbles
Did she succeed? Dibbles Sure. Ha
hasn't written a poem since they faced
the parson together. Chicago News. '
i SU radbft
Gladys I Am( sore he has sever
! hsCs . Fweloee Oh. I felt the
ssjsss -pay, totay hp jlsed H aaka
Hs Has Returned.
A few days ago there was con
siderable comment in the Eugene
papers about the prolonged ab
sence in the East of Coach Bez
el k and it was even rumored in
athletic circles there that the
young man did not intend to re
turn. Saturday Guard, how
ever, says
Coach Hugo Bezdek arrived in
Eugene iiom his trip to Chicago
on this morning's early train and
is ready to take up his duties
again at the university as physi
cal director. He says he had a
very good time back East and
woulu have come back sooner
but lor unavoidable delays.
Bezdek began work this aiter
noon again with the basketball
team. He thinks that there is
good material that will develop
very rapidly in the time at bis
disposal. While East he also
made arrangements so that he
an get all of his sporting goods
of the university, that cannot be
obtained here, quickly and easily
from Sari Francisco. Bezdek
will also coach the baseball team
ibis spring.
Arrargements are being made by the
order of Elks of this city to have a big
j ification. in which Albany Klks from
150 to 200, strong, will pa ititipate a
guests of honor. The time is to be the
25th. although something might possibly
arise to make a change of date necessary
It is understood the affair will be quite
elaborate and great preparations are on
foot for the event.
A. C. Tunnison has come to the front
with the biggest wood etory of the season.
Mr. Tunison cut a tree on hie place a few
days ago, ttat made I7 1-2 cords of wood
which, at the present rate of to per cord
means quite an item. The tree was red
fir and crew on tlie farm f ormerlj cwn
ed by Mrs. Agnes Thompson rfthis city
Miss Florence Jenkins of Poitland,
formerly of this city, is a guest at the
Hansell home.'
A Great Jumper Is This Strange Lit
tle Spotted Jungle Cat.
One of the most interesting animals
of the new world and yet one of which
little seems to be written, even by
sportsmen who have spent much time
in Mexico and the Central American
states, is the ocelot, the strange little
spotted cat of the dense jungles of
tropical parts of the two Americas.
They are not nearly so heavy as the
average lynx of the eastern woods and
are infinitely lighter on their feet.
They run with the greatest agility up
and down the almost perpendicular
trunks of trees and follow a crippled
bird out on limbs too slender, it would
seem, to bear the weight of the par
rot, let alone the cat. Parrots are the
ocelot's principal f ,,t- 'r;d their hunt
ing is done alrr.-.ji ,... v4etner by day,
though, like a!J iiif- cat tribe, they are
thoroughly at home in the blackest
The parrots which they hunt fre
quent the thickest of forests, coming
to the ground only in the rare open
spacts and along the banks of the
tuuuy small streams where they drink.
In order to follow them it is necessary
that the ocelots be great jumpers, aud
so they are. When I was following
the hounds through the southern Cali
fornia hills after wildcats and an oc
casional mountain lion I was wont to
say that the hitter was the greatest
jumper on earth. The ocelot bus any
mountain lion that ever walked !. eaten
a block, length for length and weight
for weight. forest and Stream.
Iiajsteail of 13 irrani'H It Kosilly Cost
4i,tGO I'-i-anca.
One day three friends in Paris were
taking a walk together.
"I should like to have an exquisite
lunch." said one of the three.
"I should be satisfied with a lunch,"
said the second, "which is a little short
of being exquisite."
"And I," remarked the third one,
"should be content with any kind of
Unfertuaately none of them was pos
sessed ef the necessary money. Pres
ently oae eX tke trio was struck by an
idea. He lad his friends to a music
publisher au4 made him an offer:
"Buy tveiB us a song. This gentle
man wrele the text; that one set it to
music, aaa I shall sing it. as I am the
only one ef us with a good voice."
"WelL Oac t f or a trial," replied the
The young man complied, and the
publisher seemed to be satisfied. He
paid 15 francs for the song, and the
friends hastened joyfully to a restau
rant. The author of the text was Alfred
de Musset, the musician was Monpur
and the singer Dupre. The song, which
was bought and paid for with 15
francs, "The Andalusian Girl," yield
ed the publisher 40,000 francs. Har
per's Weekly.
Tne "Wise snxa.
"This popular fiction is all rot. In
real life the girl's father seldom ob
jects to the man of her choice."
"You're wrong there. He often ob
jects, but he's v&aaUy too wise to say
anything." Len-ievW Courier-Journal.
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