, IQCAL AMD PERSONAL Chicken pox has appeared in Cor- valhs the past lew days. Mra. Hollistor went to Eager.' yesterday to visit with relauver Mrs, Mary Yockey has visile friends in Albany the paet. fev days. T. H. Davis of this city wa; registered at Hotel Willamette, in Salem, Friday. Misa Ssphia Hartley, who has been suffering with appendicitis, is slowly improving. Mr. Abbott, Sr., is very ill at the home of his son C. D. in this city. His condition is quite serious. Arthur Boquet, the well-known student, was a Portland visitor laet week. i Charles McHenry is building a cottage on his lots in Job's addition just south of T. T. Vincent's home. Miss Gussie Bottemiiler of The Dalles was the guest several days last week of Mies Agnes Wuson in this city. Mrs. Sarah Lewis of Rickreal left Saturday for a visit in Philomath, utttr spending several days at the Mis. Johnson home in South Cor vallis. The Order of Washingtons are to have a bapket eocial at their ball next Monday night, which will doubtless be a jolly affair. Mrs. Bryant, Youne is expected home immediatly from Albion, Wash., wbeife sua has spent tie past few months with her daughter. Prof. C. E. Bradley' foimerly of P. U. but n v of in Oregon Agri cultural college, Cirvaii;S, was in town for a day or no th first ot the WPk. Forest Gmvrt Tim.c!. The military ball at OAC armor Fri -ay nitfut wa Uifit-ly atieud-i and a very enjoyable affair. Studt--niier's orchestra of Salem furnishei the music. There was a lively game o; bnsketbiill at OAC armory Satur day evening between the OAC and Wiuauietttu University 1 Is' te m Tn content was witnessed by a pood crowd and the ecore was IS t 7, in favor of OAC. A big time i3 being planned for tha fifth Wednesday evening in this month. Tne Maccabee lodjn is getting ready for a jolly social time hich will bean entertainment consisting of a splendid program, pecUl music, games, and a cln'ti supper. This lodge never does things in a half-hearted way and a eood time will be had on this oc casion, without doubt. In a letter to his brother, Harley, in this city, Dr. J. Frank Hall of Aibioo, Wash., writes: ''I attended the basketball game at Pullman and saw OAC skin W. A. C. by a tcore of 30 to 14. You have a lit tle ujiget on the OAC team that p'nys ttiti 'a-t-si, kidj of anyone I evT paw. He is a pippin." It i prmued Dr. Hall refrred-t "Swai-.nie," the basketball wizard of ttt: Northwest. Rj .i Mr". J.vm Spangler from Oiv- Ci' v, it, ha. come to light th:it four sof i pillows were taken frons tli- ir rf'sidoncf during thei absence Ti; G .z'ti recnt.ly mentioned a b'.t s'sir rcre that occurred a; th hn' S', but nt 'he. time nothing a.'. all w is misled as the po ice p ent th;oij:h tha rooms. The 3of pis o,s are the only articles that were taken Rilbomn a side boari stood aeaiby with a quanitity of silverwsri thereon. The case is cer.ainiy out f tin ordinary fititl is a i.uzz f both to the police and to Mr. a:id Mr? Spargler. Or Tuesdav there was a c&thpr- i.:. ? f ifids md neighbors at the hi..r.r t f Mr. i:ir iner at Oik Ride, it -bi-x h host's SOth birthday . I Mr. B.ireineer is one r-f the oldest j Aid !i)oi rtfj ct d residents in tLi. part of the country, and the man lier in which he performs his daily duties and hi well preserved look at ti e ag of 80 years, speaks well for the life he has led also for the country as a pnmoter of long life. The dinner served for the iccaeion by Mrs. ami Miss Bareinger was.de li.ious, fcnd was much enjoyed by the guests. There is nothing hurts a town bud as a kicker. If you can not gay a good word for the place where von live, for goodness cake, move aw:-y. You will not oe missed. Tan town will be made lo better off wiihout you. Your hoxe ppar woul l lake pleasure in writ ings fiae obituary for you anti piobably lie like thunder in attrib uting many virtues .o you that you never possessedj and everybody wouia oe glad to attend your faaeral. Brace up and be some Do ly. If a tax is tecessary to make needtd improvements pay it, even it it does seem pretty high. Everv improvement in the town, adds to Finil set.i nun; wa mad" Sat urday in tlie estate of Mabel A. Newth, by C. H. Newth, sdmir?? irror. J. B. Marvih erriv i hca S.;t- - ri - i bet i-l - -' l&lhSs' 30 V t. . a.tt in (.' . S3turdar, str.ted thit ha had left 'Frisco Thursday evairg an 1 tirt Berkeley hills WJia then covered with snow, for the first time in twelve years. Jaspev Hamsr, who had an arm broken in ths Price logging camp on the Luckiamute about six weeks ago, was in Corvallis Saturday. His arm is now almost well and will be as sound as ever in a short time. A newspaper has space to sell. not to give away. When you buy a suit of clothes from a merchant you do not expect him to wrap up a pair of shoes, a plug hat or a lawn mower and prerent them to you as a pemitK lor your pur chase. Exchange. There was a jolly party at the Allie McLaughlin home Fridav night. The'affair was planned by Grant McLaughlin and A. J. Fuller and a good time was the verdict of the dozen or more youog people who attended. The usual guinea and other features were enjoyed. "Box ball" is a new game to be in troduced at St. Johns. It is a favorite arr.usemer.t throughout the East but has n t yet been tried on this coast. The sport ia as sutiable for ladies as for gentlemen, and combines all the sport of the bowling alley with none of it9 ob jfctionnnle features. More than 1200 of these alleys are in use in the United Statts ior Y. M. C. A.'s. ' is-. Lillian L. Taylor has filed her final account as executrix cf the estate of J mes L. Taylor, deceased, and Saturday. February 9tb, has ft n sm at tne date for heariDg ob-j-ctions, if any !o s-id final account. In the f-s'ate of Lon. McNulty Irs. Ti.yior is lso exeeut r. fo It. mes T.-.y'(r, det'.HH'ed, und b (ate of tearing objii-c'iooS in h li'Xn'tv fj'ite lias been set fo February 9th. Shoveling snow is a rather tiove nxpHriMc-) f-r Oreg.Kii.ins 1 1 ibi -fciioo, Hjt, t'oey went at it with will S&Mirduy morning. Tne earli was white with a two-inch cat whe Oorvallis people aron Sif.Kdy morning nl the f-atbery fl'ike ontinu d to f.i'l morn or 't-ss do ing t'ie fcreooon. The snull by wain.hi3 iory, and everyoo made the b?t of the unusual con d.tion. The weather, ia spite o! the snow, was warmer. After an iilness of several year Mrs. Ed. Pkmkett did at ih fsimilv home in K'ngs Va'lny a; two o'clock Saturday morning. She was about 30 years of age and th ailment -.vi h which she t-uff't'd wn tuoniculosis. Tne tuo-ra occur r-eo Sundav and the rem.di.s w-re i -t-rrrd in Kt tg4 V-iitt-y cmeleiy. The iu -nedt ! survi -or art- tt hu-bat-.d, Edward ' lak -tt, two o trw f It i 1 . i r t- - ; i ivi) -is'-f7 l:? Tom Alexander and Mrs. Bv Kruntz of liiiitu V0ii , ih- b:j;hfrr O tf, To:n and Walter U-ed o Kinus Va ley and another brother. L. Read, of Corvaltis. "Kerry G w" at the Corvalhf operj. housH Friday night was ea- ii itie best tht'atricai attraction thai has been sen here this season. A clean, wholesome play and an un usually good sgregation of players w.th Alien Doone, the exceilijot Irish comedian in the titls ride, wm tin tudiencs and litld it throughout the pcrformanc-. The sweet singing of Mr. Doone was pan to hut one criticisim-there war not enough of it. The horso shoe ing sc.ne, the carrier pigeons, and oiht-r features wee first class, and j i ul ppeciji,Hties war introduced. Tho:e who did not attend th"s sli w mi.s3?d a treat, 'and Mr. Groves of the opera house deeervee the thanks of ibe public for ercur ingsucha.n attraction for Cjrvailis At a meeting held Saturday evening for 'he purpose of petfecting organiza tion of ths proposed Comuierical club a constitution and brlaws were a.'opted and another inee;ing is called for Friday nisiht, at whiuti thne oScera ior the club will be elected. There was a lively meeting of telephone patrons in Albany, Saturday, according to the Herald. It seems that W. D. De- Varney of the Home company, and Mi. Howlaad representing the Pacific States or Btll company, were present and in dulged ia a lively word-scrimmage, Mr. DdVarney makin g the farmers an excel lent offer of service which Mr. Howlanc could not match, Notice to the Churches On Thursday evening Miss Clara Ansorge, the state organizer of the Y department of the W. C. T. U. will speak at the First Methodist church at 7 : 30. It has been arranged for the prayer meetings of the churches to join in this meeting with Miss Ansorge, All are invited to come. Harvjy Sargent iett yesterday for Port laud, te remain. M:fb Etbel Linville returned Sunday frcV.t a several wren visit in .Portland. t 3ori .'je:j-on and Glen Gardner are o f:avj -;iaa lor tse Coos bay country. j wtiere the.'- axe to be employed. They oee:i t.ctrn:!ing UAO. ... V-:. A!ao Wihelm. Sr., who has been in a Portland hospital for several monU.e, is reported as not improving, and in a very precarious condition. Her many friends in Benton hope for better news from the bedside in the very near future. ; Starr's Bakery has secured the ser vice? of Dick Lie welly n, the wonderful bread maker. 89tf One of the star players on the Wil lamette University basketball team this year is Miss Stella JSeilknap, a Benton county girL Her home is at Belle fountain. Miss Ella Johnson returned Friday evening from a week's visit with rela tives in Albany. Wiibnr Croft expects to go to Seaside this week to see about purchasing a con fectionery store. Aire. A. J. L. Cator left yesterday for Portlacd, wnere ehe will remain indefi nitely. Mrs. Cator is a nurse. During the paet year the Albany creamery maue an excellent record. The annual meeting of the association was held this week aud the report showed tha t ia 1906 398, 186 pounds of cream were handled, and 124, 153 pounds of butter sold. The number of patrons will average obout 150. The receipts for the year were $29, 574,69 and the exj enses were $5,648 . 30. Her ald. M. B. Huntly, who was a lead ing baker in Eugene for 15 years, is now baking' lor Small & Son in this city. Everything fresh every evening. 6-14 A. J. Johnson has boen a Portland business visitor the past few days. T. M . Benard is to arrive from Port land tomorrow. He will be a guest at tne H. Armstrong home. Work on the Johnson brick is at a standstill on account of the cola snap, as the brick work cannot be done in freez ing weather. The contractor, W. O. . i t karr, aud ins 'vile arj t-pri ittiu ie liaie .t tne Herron iarm at Iihh Bend, u ii Hie weather gets warmer Bo that vv - k van be lesumed. T:if iaraMCt' iiieetinsr ,at Wells that ii-. -o have occuired iiext Saturday dv ha3 !ean postponed one week. It vi:l now be h-'d on Saturday January odi. .Everyone interested will please far the dale in mind' and be present next week. Pianos and Organs New and --o. nd hand for saN and rent. R. N. Wait. Phone 405. 5-7 J. O. Lowe, inanager of the Indepen- dnnr, telephone company of this city, ar rived home Sunday evening from Okla homa, where he attended the funeral of his mother. vn alirno of fire cause 1' mm excite ment about town at ll : 30 Sunday fore noon. Tne blaze was at the Ge.irgs B on-a brti bat it was extinguished he- it e any drr.a:e of consequence was 'ne. Mr. Brown was thawing the arcr pipe that snpplks Ids burn, and ;tiohy became ignitsd from the fire i-s 'he apparatus with which he was do i t ie thawing. I - Oi.O h ' IS3 0 MfiiMi? 0 MSis- - nflr ffrm?? 1 f? Will begin Wednesday, Januaiy 2, 1907. Offering bargains in - everyi? depart ment, and as is our custom we will make this one of the bargain events j of the. year. Space will not permit to quote prices on every article in the BIG STOUE, but wll reduced prices Dry 10a Outing Flannel 8c 12c ' ICc 1 Lot of colored dress goods 2"c 1 " . 35C 1 " $100 " GCb 54-in Navy and Green hom'nu 4oc 54-in Blue ladies cloth 45c loo Siikleen 10c i2c , 4v 93 Extra heavy mixed shirting, 20o grade 32c Floyd Schriber vent to Albany Satur day for a brief visit. , The attendance continues good at the evangelistic meetings - now in progress at the United Evangelical church. There is a deep interest manifested and the church is filled each night. Rev. A. A. Winter of Portland will ' remain all this week, and the meetings will continue indefinitely, ' Rev. and Mrs. M. S. Bush are to leave tomorrow for Baker City. In their honor a farewell" reception ia to be held this evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M.M. Davis. The departure of Bev. Bash and 'wife is widely regretted, and they are followed by the good wishes of a very large circle of friends. . N ' ; : Thorn aB Fawcett and family moved the last of the week into the Julian Mc Fadden house on Fourth street, recently vacated by Jim Githens. : W. R. Hansell went to Salem, Sunday for a month's business visit. George Whiteeides' dray team took a short spin on its own responsibility yes terday morning. While the driver was in the dock office the horses started and seeing George after them they broke in to a . run. At the Occidental corner, however, they gave it np, as the frozen I ground was too hard on their feet. No damage resulted. The enrollment at OAC yesterday was reported as something over 800. . Mre. Stetter came over from Albany yesterday on business. Born, Sunday, to Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Hathaway in this city, a son. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ross of Sodaville visited Corvallis friends last week. Prof. . R. Lake arrived home Sundav from attendance at the meeting of the Oregon State Horticultural society a t Portland, of which society he is secretary. Sunday's Oregonian endorses some o f the remarks made at this gathering by Prof. Lake relative to Willamette Valley fruit. The meeting this year was the largest in the history of the society, 5OO fruitmen and others participating, and the results will undoubtedly be far reach ing. Appointed a Committee. As a result ot the demands for an open Willamette river made it the Sn.ppers' and Producers' Convention at Albany a commit tee has been appointed to wcik for free locks at Oregon City. The committee consists of E. Hofer, of Salem ; W. A. Wessner, of Independence; Walter Lvon, of Albany; B. F. Irvine, of Cor vallis; Alex LaFolletee, of Misr fiion Bottom, Marion County; Ira Phelps, of iiarrisburg, and W. G. Gilstrap, of Enp; ne. All but one of the committee are news paper men. The committee will carry on an active campaign for condem nation and purchase of the locks and if Federal aid is uot secured before the Oregon Legislature completes its session, tha legisla ture will be asked tc aorropriarr money 10 buy h? locks. It is estimated that $350,000 would be necessary for this purpose and that it would save more than that amount evt ry vei: to shippers tributary to th- Wi'Lime'te. remind you that it is Goods ON ALL CHRIST WATCH AND WAIT FOR KLINE'S GREAT ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE stablished 1864. F If SfP Tt 5. 1. In addition to a lare and complete stock of Drugs and Medicines we have a fine assortment of holiday goods, such as Choice Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Fiae Stationery, Books, Musical Instru ments and Pyrograph Outfits. We also have the famous Edison Phonograph, the wonder of the age, with complete line of records, nothing better for a holiday gift. A call at our store will afford pleasure and profit. Prompt attention to mail orders. 1 : t i; J J f t,.,iwviu.grj.tw.TtJwti-frt ifj..--irnVirtBHTf.i.i .Tti-ti--ti .jca.ii;aig-l ji a genuine sale, and -3 1 $1U.00 Mens Suits reduced to., 12.50 " " 15.00 " " " " 18 50 " " " 20.00 " " " " 2 50 Boys " " " 3.00 " " " " 3 50 " ' " 4.50 " " " Youths clothing is aleo included in -'; "' ; trr C J THE TIME WHEN JVERYB0DY CAN SAVE MONEY AT THE PEO- LE'S STORE mm. c U4 V CU.iiJt usir asm ttiu tijm saa -r you everything goes lib -...$ 7 95 io.OO 12 00 J3 20 1600 195 2 25 2 95 '..'.'.".".".. s!45 this sale. 1 the value of vour property. Ex A collection will be taken. 2gggEffi5gfefgagtftrgjB tfajtfsggg 3