Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 15, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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f'titrsliea t-.esdara and V'd-jys by
r, "; Ct' '!& vjAZETTE
.. MLS
' --r it
p , ; l-i -.-A-sr.. "Cisw pJ.-w call be
, f : tt' .i h-fTOwi pail.
Affairs are not always adjust
ed as it is reasonable to expec
they should be. For instance
Cyrvallis property owners fehouk
be granted a Tar better "r&te o?
insurance again? t fire than thej
recoivr. Notwithstanding th
fact that during the past year s
fme mountain water system hss
been established in this city there
has been no di (Terence in ti..
rate of insurance' charared.' Th
haspiovcd a disappciV.tment to
niHisv, among who n &s. :
former strong advocates oft;;,
eiblish.nent of tb.3 new
'Vnd, iirk't'il, they have reason
to feel disappointed, for it was
but ra.- )nabl i to expect t;i
with greaser lira protection i.h
premium on a fire risk would be
les ened. It is fair figuring u
ree'eon that th2 smaller the risk
tiit; chcMjjcr it would be But
while Corvallis has a water sys
tem ftuca as is enjoyed by bet
few citi-js of her size there ha
Leo i no d ecrease in the cose o
insurance since the inauguration
of s:dd water system. YVe'v.
got a howl coming on this head.
Why not make a sort of stand
against what is evidently an un
fair deal? The people of almost,
any community can do wonder.
if .hey will but stand as a unit
on a given proposition. This is
true. So wiiy noc organize a lo
cal fire iasuranaee company 01
oar very own? There is no rea
son why if the master is properly
handled the business men of this
city, and property owners gen
erally, shouid not be able to
carry adequate insurance among
themselves and thus become in
dependent o foreign companies
who make no diiierence in rates
of insurance whether your water
protection be first class or third
rate- . ' 1 v.
A few evenings ago some of
our representative men were dis
cussing the matter and a senti
ment m favor of a home com
pany was in evidence- In regard
to why the rate of our insur
ance was not decreased, as was
expected on the completion of
tiie new system, the opinion of gentlemen seemed general
that the San Francisco disaster
had sjrne bearing on tiie case.
Be tins as it may, a little self
help is a good thing at any time
and is a mighty good thing to
use in forcing a .square deal.
In these days of so-called high
er education and general enlight
enment there are yet many evils
needing correction. We either
do nut stop to think, or thinking,
conclude to let "the other fel
low" apply the remedy. In the
propaj tion of man's kind there
is less atttniion paid than to the
breeding of hogs. No stock
ra ser who has enough common
sense to succeed in his business
would think of breeding inferior
Not so with the human race.
Here we find every sort of mix
up, good and bad blood (there
is nothing personal in this) men
tal weakness as well as physical
in both men and women. Moral
degeneracy cannot hope to pro
duce, as the hope of a union,
anything less than like degener
ates perhaps criminals of the
won.t type. There is much in
the saw that "like begets like,"
therefore is it not reasonable to
assume that m:re care should be
exercised in selling marriage
certificates? These little bits of
bond paper or artificial parch
ment cost only two or three dol
lars,, but they make possible, in
i i
fact.; legalize and legitimatize
the birth of a being that may
;ost the commonwealth dearly
and who finally swings from the
gallows or becomes an inmate of
a convicts' cell for all the days he
shall live.
Some people are responsible for
these conditions. Really, those
of sane mind are responsible for
all conditions, jsocial and cither
wise, and cannot hope to shirk
the duty of being the keepers of
those mentally, physically and
morally weak. That there is too
little attention paid to the fitness
of the contracting parties in the
matter of marriage is all too true.
Those who are looked upon as an
authority in these matters de
clare in strongest terms that the
race in some respects is retro
grading. If such be true there
can be but two causes for the
decadence, unfit marriage and
he mode of living in vosue.
It is hard to tell which way
the wind blows in California on
some problems. .Of late there
nas been great agitation in our
sister state regarding the exclu
sion of the Chinese and Japan
ese, particularly , the- latter.
From what has been given out
the impression likely to be estab
lished in the minds of persons
not versed in California affairs
-vould be that the people of that
state were almost a unit against
Asiatics. Such a view is discred
ted by the action of the State
federation of Labor in session
last week in Stockton, Calif
ornia. The Federation refused
to endorse the action of the
Humboldt county boycotters
against Japanese and Coreans
and all persons who employ
them. Another resolution com
mending the action of labor
unions in Humboldt county in
driving out Chinese who had
been shipped in also was voted
down. This shows a somewhat
strange change in the sentiment
of the California Federation of
Real Estate Transfers.
H Hirschberg to Benton Coun
ty Lumber Co, So acres sv of
Philomath; $i.
Annie Troxel and hus to S A
Fleener, 80 acres in Blbdgett Val-
!; $1.
Chas W Wilkinson et al to M
B Rmkirt, 160 acres sw of Phil
omath; $2240.
Fred E Simeral to M B Ran
kin, 120 acres sw of Philomath;
Chas E Wilkinson to M B
Rankin, 342 acres sw of Pail
omath; $4480.
Ernest W Snyder to M B Ran
kin, 160 acres sw of Philomath;
Chas L Odell to M B Rankin,
r2o acres southwest of Philomath
J C Perrin and wife to Monroe
& Everett Hanshw, 205 acres
near Bellefountaiu ; $4100.
B.-ntley Realty Co to John D
Wilcox, 320 acres near Blodett;
John D Wilcox to E W Ln
don, 240 acres near Blodgett;
$ I CO.
John D Wilcox to Edward T
Merrill, So acres hear Blodgett;
Frank Haller and wife to Man
E Taylor, 40 acres near Albany:
United States to John Barreit,
patent, 260 acres northwest of
A L Stevenson and wife to
Claude I Starr, lots 10, n and
12 in block 9, Co Add to Corval
lis; $1300.
Ho Visited Corvallis.
Last week the Perfect man
made this office a very pleasant
call. He gave the office force to
undersland that if he did not re
ceive his paper promptly at seven
o'clock on Friday morning he
didn't want it at all.
We are very sorry that he was
disappointed last week in not get
ting it on time, but we are la
boring under a load of care that
would break the back of even the
Perfect man. We are glad how
ever that he called and told us
how to get the paper out on time
at all times. In our humble way
we try to do things to suit such
individuals. We are well aware
that the Fernet man is never
late io his meals, that he is al
ways kind to his wife, ? that be
blankets, his horses . when he
comes to town on a cold ' day,
that he curries his cows before
breakfast and always washes
their udders before milking so
that no filth can get into the
milk, that he never waters .. the
milk he sells his neighbors, that
he never swears, that he never
gets but of patience under any
circumstances, that he doesn't
drink, gamble or use tobacco in
any form; in fact he is the Per
fect man. If we ; have omitted
anything please notify lis by re
turn mail. Ex.
"Old" Young People.
The number of 4,o"d" young
girls and boys nowadays is some
thing absolutely amazing. Ever
notice them, as you go about
your daily work and mingle With
the crowds here and there? Il
not, try it. ,
The girl of ten or twelve dress
ed as a young lady, posing as a
young lady and. aping the ways
of the grown-up; all the inno
cent girlishness gone and in its
stead a worldy air, a knowing
look from the eye aud a brazen
smirk on the lips, while a couple
of these mere .babies will carry
on a conversation with the great
est animation about 'he said,"
"we went," 4,my fellow" and so
on, until the listener turns away
in disgust.
And as it is with the girls, so
with the young boys. Smoking,
chewing, swearing, passing vul
gar comments about the opposite
sex; frequently going to places
where some men would hesitate
to be seen so goes the young
boys of the day.
As the scenes pass before one,
day after days, the querry arises,
"How long can present condi
tions last? and will the day ever
come when our girls and boys
will remain mere girls and boys
until they assume long dresses
and shed their" Buster Browns?"
Made Many Visits.
Major T. S. Clarkson, special
commissioner of th? Alaska-Yukon-Pacific
Exposition has re
turned to Seattle after visiting
every state in the union iu the
interest of the World's fair. He
reports thst everywhere he went
much interest was maniiested in
'he exposition of 1909 and in the
Pacific Northwest.
The object of Major Clarkson's
rrip was to inform the governors
if t'ne different common wealths
tho it the plan and scope of th
xp fsition and to extend to them
an invitation to p-jrtiripate. In
ev .ry instance the governor's and
jovemors-eiect gave him their as
surances tht they would go a
'ir n-; thf-v could iu the 'matttr oi
ivi'ig their stale take part in
visiti.'s? th
Lends most hitelHgsnt people to uss onty
mcdWiines of Jcncvvn composition. There
fore t is thaa Dr. Pierce's medicines, the
makerjjf wliica print every ingredient
enit-ring "tclo ? hem upon tho bottle wr8T
pei'3 a::a a up, us correctness uncte
are cai!y growing in favor. Th
position of Bi Pierce's medicines
rei-3 a::i attm its correctness under oath.
'he coru-
:s is open
to everybodj-iTtr. P!t" b"'? dogirons
of hvirr.JL'lJg.-';U:LiJIr.t.of foyestifta
'v. ivr.t-.d iiy rtn bis f or iv.v ? 33, teui
r ii-ii ny; wholly B8ua of the active
,cuici.ia! principles extracted, from na
tive forc?t roots, by ercact processes
original with Dr. P.lcrco, and without the
use of a drop of alcohol, triple-relinnd and
chemically glycerine being used in
stead in extracting and preserving the
curative virtues residing in the roots
employed, these medicines aro entirely
free from the objection of doir.jj harm
by creating an appetite for either al
coholic beverages or habit - forming
drags. Examine the formula on their
bottle wrappers tho same as sworn to by
Dr. Pierce, and yen will find that his
"Golden Medical Discovery," tho great,
blood-purifier, stomach tonic and bowel
regulator the medicine which, while not
recommended to cure consumption in its
advanced stages (no medicine will do that)
yet does cure all those catarrhal condi
tions of head and throat, weak stomach,
torpid liver end bronchial troubles, weak
lungs and hang-on-coughs, which, if neg
lected or badly treated lead up to and
finally termiTsr.te in consumption.
Take the " oldcn Medical Discovery"
in time and it is not likely to disappoint
yon if only you give it a thorough, and
fair trial.' fDon!'t expect miracles. It
won't do supernatural things. You must
exercise your patience and persevere in its
use for a reasonable length of time to tret
its full benefits. The ingredients of which
Dr. Pierce's medicines aro composed have
t' o rrjieuali'ied endorsement of scores of
medical leaders better than any amount
of Isy, or non-professional, testimonials.
The;.- pre Tot given awav to be experi
mented with but are sold by all dealers io
medicines at reasonable prices.
capitals ot each state he was in
terviewed by more than 200
newspaper men, thus obtaining
cinch publicity fo: tba expj:-i'i n
and this part of the -cu:?rTV.
"Question -! fs t: -n , -shot
at me and t ;'; ; 3 erest tt?.-: is
being taken u V P- ?;' :
west is ph e no
Claikson. "ii.e itic 01 tat
country are snxions to lenrr t-i
ther wonders oi Alaska and the
Pacific Northwest, and they look
forward to the exposition as a
great educator in this line. That
the interested section wUl receive
millions of: dollars worth of pub
licity through the fair is eviden
ced on all sides."
While in Washington, D. C,
Major Clarkson was warmly re
ceived by President Roosevelt
who told him that he came from
the finest part of America and
that the exposition will not be lor
the Pacific Northwest alone, but
will benefit the whole of North
Third Entertainment to be Given
Wednesday Night. .
A treat for those who appre
ciate good music is in store for
all who attend the entertainment
by the Lenora Jackson Co. at the
opera house next Wednesday
This will be the last and by
far the best musical number ot
the course. Miss Jackson is with
out ioubt the inosit noted violin
ist who has appeared in Corvallis
in years. Queen Victoria decor
ated her with he Victoria Star,
the Prussian government awarded
her the Mendelssohn state prize
at Berliu. She has appeared on
programs with Paderewski and
the greatest celebrites, and as
soloist of the most renowned mus
ical societies where no American
violinist has ever before been en
gaged. With Miss Jackson are
Miss Marion Pace of Chicago's
most gifted singers, Mr. Chas.
E. Clarke, baritone, and Mr.
Ralph E. Pluinmer, pianist.
Box office at Graham &
Wortham's will open for the bene
fit of holders of season tickets
Monday morning Jan. 14, at 8
Graham & Wells wilt Reftifld Mosey
If Mi-o-tia Tails to Cure.
Yon may ask why Graham & Wells
are able to guarantee to refund th
money unless Mi-o na Stomach Table!?
cure other remedy for stomach
trouble is sold in this manner.
The reason fot tliis is that ordinary
dyspepda tablets merely dig -st. tin food,
while Mi-o na builds up and strfnthenti
;lie digestive system to t.'-at it 8'.or: be
gins to digest the food ttddf without pain
or oistiess.
If the stomach is only given a rest by
using a digestive, th" njusclfu noon Vs-i-ome
weak and it is necessary to cot;
liuue taking a digestive tablet after each
meal. On the other hand. Mi o n iwd
before eativg. strengthens the stomm b
net thu you will soon bewail enough to
sjive up tho u"5e ot irieilmine.
Mi-o-na rosis ni 50 writs a bos umi
makes pjsiliveand complete curt-p. Thn
hest proofs of its uinits is the tunraiitet
to tefnnd the money if it does 1 ot i-ihi-t.fjHt
Graham & Wells give with ever;
til iX.
Shull yonr baby softer?
restless and fretful don't experiment with
him and use anv old thjnjf ycur ne;gfbot
reeominenrip. Bv a bottle of While's
Cream Vermifiige greatest known worm
meth'ine and -.-ura lor ali cliildrs :i:-
Hases. It in mild in its action, bivihta "p
the pystem, mates thin puny babies fai.
"My baby was thin and eirklv. ooulii
not retain its food and cried ail tdght I
used one bottle of Widie'd Ciearu Vermi
fuge and in a few dny8 baby v;-s lanjrh
ing happy ana well." isold by Graham &
Ml VaoVi3WI8t'
Hnki i Davi
tyv. lif.,y is.N'-3Sm?
'Notice of Stockholders' Meeting,
j The annual BiticR of the sto-khold-
era l iiav N i.' - Hi AnAmk of Cut v.U-
ii.. r ;
3eir- bifcrnsi house
u t .ii? t . ; 4. . f I t;.' , the i'ytii
'..- 7 . :-;.-i 3 hc rd of
!-. . ". s !:'; ctUr bt.t-i
If. ' . ' 'hen.
Woodwork, Pwuifatoi fs'id oaak. 5-il
Can la KatfTi.
Certainly smssiied a hole ia tha bar
rooms of Kansas, but Btdart's liore
hound Syrnp has smashed ell records as
a core for rough", Bron.-hitis, InSneosa,
and all Pulmonarv Htspp. T. f! H
fforton, Kansas, writes: 'I have never
tonnd a w edict ne that wond cure a
cough so quickly us Ballard's Horebonnd
vrut. I hsvnppdifc Inr Mum." Jirtld
by Graham & Wortham. .
The law requires that anyone owning
or harboring a dog within th corporate
limits of the City of Corvallis, shall, on
or before the first day of January, of
eachyear, pay into the city treasury the
sum of one dollar for each male and two
dollars lor each female dog so owned.
If the tax. is not paid by the timeabove
stated the law makes it incumbent upon
the Chief of Police to collect the same.
The books are no' in my hands and if
the tax is not paid at once I shall proceed
to collect it according to law.
5-S W. G. Laxk. Chief of Police.
Not it's of F'jsal Settlement.
In the County Court of : he StAtj oi Oregon
for Beuion C'oumy .
I11 the -V!ater of tiio Estatei
of i
James C. Taylor, dweasecl
Kutice is hereby t;tveu fhat the undprsiffned
hs titeJ ner final a. c'iiut as executrix of the
tstiite of Jttmes O. laylor, deees,stt, with the
Clerk of the above entitled. Court and that t.aid
Court has fixed nd appointed Saiurdtiy the 9th
day of Fi-briinry, l'ji;7. 11 1 the hour of ten oYlock
ia the forenoon of said day aud the Couuty
Judso's office in the Couuty Court house iu
Corvallis, in sai l Uenton Couuty. Oregon, as
the time mid place for hcari .g object-ous, if
any, to said account and settiemeut th reof.
AH persons interested and desiring to object to
said account are no' tried, to appear Hud tile their
objections iu writing thereto at said time and
Uat d this Hth dav of January, 1907. '
as Executrix of the llsiate of James C. Taylor,
Special Not tee.
All persons indebted to the estate of
C. H. Lee, deceased, are requested to call
at the office of McFadden & Bryson, post
otBee building, Corvallis, Oregon, and
settle their accounts.
Dated January 5, 19o7.
Administratrix estate of 0. H, Lee, de
Notice To Creditors.
Notice is here by triven to all Whom it g y n
cern trut the undersigned has bef n duly appoints
aitiuiuicst.rai.rix. oi tiie esiate oi u. ii. jee - deceased
oy the County Comt of Benton count v. Oreo-on
All persons having- claims against the estate of said
C. H. Lee, deceased, are hereby requir d to present
same, with proper vouchers therefore, duly verified
as by law tequired, within six months from the date
hereof, to the u:uie.M;(ied at her residence in Cor
vallis, Oregon, or at the office of McFaddeii & Bry
son, attorneys, in the FoBti.ttice Building,; Corvallis,
lotted at Corvallis, Oregon this 1st day of January)
Administratrix of the Estate of C. H. Lee, deceased
3 li
Tha Joy.
' Oniving is to have good health. Use
Herbi'-e and ou will bave bushes o1
j y. You need not be b'ai, frettul and
nave that bid ta to in your mouth. Tr
a bittle of Ht-rbiiiH, a positive cure for all
liver complaints. E. iiariell, Austin,
Ttxss, wri ts:
"I have ii.-e i Ilerhine for over a year,
and (ind it a tine ntu!ator. I glmilv re-
o . mt-nd it s a tine medMne for Dys-D:-p-sia."
Svld Jy Graliam & Wortham.
All ilio World.
li a 8!ii'iD t-tid l iHHrd3' Snow L;ni
merit i.iays a n.cst, important part. I
Ii ts no superior for Eeiim:iti-iii, stiff
j lints, cms. sprains and all pains. Buy
try it end yon wi!l al 'avs use it
iiycnidy wtio has used Ballards Snow
Liuimnu in a proof of w hat it does.
i' -y H trial botr'lo 251-, 50c and $1.
y Graham & Wortham.
Notice f r Publication.
United St.ites LanU Uiiice, ft.rtland.Orf gori, Ncv
ember tttt, UX
Xot.ce is hereby driven that in complainee with
the provis'O'is of tli'act of Conare-s of June a.
Ih78. entif leti Vn act for uie sale of tiniber lands in
the States of California, oreiron, Nevada, and Wash
ington Terrjteiy." as cxten-ied to all the public land
sia't-s by act of A'lijint 4, 1K32 Fred Fuitiuiller of
Albanv, OouTitv of Linn. State of Drcsfon. ha this
dav filed iti this office his sworn statement No. 7l;!8
f:)r the purchase of the w 'f of section No. 3o in
T. wnship No. 10, south ra-irje So 5, west ai.d will
offer proof to show that the land sought is more
vaiuabie for its timber or sone than for agricultural
purposes, aud to establish his claim to said land be
fore t'ountv Clerk of Benton County at his oliice at
Uorvallts. Oregon, o'.i Satuniav the 10th day of Feb.
ruary 19o7.
He names as witnesses: ftOBTSRT L GLASS of
Corvallis. Oreiroti; JOHN .loHNSON. of Wren.
Oregon; M. J CAMERON, of Albauy, Oregon; WIL
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
discribed lands ar" eouesred to ile their ?laims
LIAM tOO. of Wreiin, ortsfoti. - . .
at this oflice oil or betore said 16th day of Febru
ary 19t,7.
Tha Gazette
for Job Work
Market Report.
Eggs per dozen - 35c.
Batter, creamery per roll 60c.
" country per lb. - 25c.
potatoes, per bushel - 50c.
Spring chickens, live - - 9c.
Hogs, dressed - - - - 7jc.
Veal, " - 7c.
Wheat - - - - . . 58c.
Oats ------ 3032c.
mm UMBiisEMEins
classified advertisements:
Fifteen words or less, 25 cts for three
acceseive insertions, or 50 ts per
month; for air p to and includicg tea
additional words, cent a word for each
insertion,,' s
For all advertisements over 25 words,
I ct per word for the first insertion, and
ct per word for each additional ineer
tion.. Nothuax inserted for less than 26
nenta. - .-
Lodge, society and church notices,
tner than strictly news matter, will be
Wanted for. i i.
uregon, on instalment plan ' and as
sist purchasers to build homes oo them
if desired. Address First National
Banfe, Corvallis, Or. ,
Dr., for spot cash, balance instal
nents, and help parties to build homes
thereou, ii desired. Address M. S.
Vocd o.k, Ctrvailie, Or,
V'eternapy Stsrcseor
T"V i3 l. T A ,- -vt .. .
DR. K E. JACLoOiS, V!ilJiKIcAitx
surg iiQiiH dentist. Kesu'en: .y
Fruith i ti if t. Phine 39. C e
1C II Mail ute V phone 01 5-
fa ATHEY, m. p., physician
anafciJ-eon. Kooms 14, Bank Build
t ig. ice Hours : 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to
1 p. m. Residence: cor. 5th and Ad
auib tits. Telephone at office and res
idence. Corvallis, Oregon.
House Decorating.
W. E. Paul, Ind. 488 ltf '
ments ; curbing made to order ; clean
ing and reparing done neatly: save
agent's commission. Shop North
Main St , Frank Vannooaen, Prop. 92tt
Omce up stafrs in Zierolf Building,
Only set of abstracts m Bentoii County
Office in Post Office Building, Corval
lis, Oregon.
to rent a dwell. ng adjoining Corvallis
who is a kind good workman with a
team of horses. . 81 -tf.
GazjsttE and VV eekiy Oregonian at
$2.55 per year.
WANTED Sixty tons of clean
vetch seed, atid oas iu car lots
ioad care at nearest raiiroad f tation.
Wanted clean Italia.", and Et guin
Rye grass seed, can furnish gaso
line engine with cleaner and grind
er to cieati for fcinuers. For b- It-
young cow, b fr-6fi tuon, $25;
6-yeor-o.d boree for tiile 01 trade. L.
b. Brooks. Phone 155 Mountai.t
Corvfiliip, or a farm near town, torne
in and see ns before you bnv. VVe
ail kinds of properties . for sale, ma iy
of ihem are -hhi hwrainl eonif good
liv"acre traets clt;ae iu It dtm't ouKt,
jouone cent for ns to ihnvr wnat we
have. Come and t-ee tis-w may have
just what yon ant. AIcHknuy &
faiCE, Oorvalii?, Orvgori. 5tf
Corvailia, oregon, transacts a general
fonserv'ative hankintr business. Loans
money on approved ee nrity. Drafts
bought and told and money transferred
to the principhl titiee of the United
States, Europe and foreign countries.
Why Not Use Electric Lights?
Stop scratching mate ties on jour wall.
Tnose streaky match scratches look
mighty bad on any wall. But as long as
yoti continue to uee gas or oil you've got
to use matches.
The "matchless light" is the electric
light, a simple twist of the wrist does it.
We are improving and perfecting our
lighting service in this city and can give
better service for less money than ever
in the history of the city.
The cost of wiring has been reduced
until it is within reach of all.
If you would like to know more about
it, call on us in our new office opposite
the 0 J. Black ledge fnrniture store or
phone ns, Ind. Phone 4C9,
s- : Willamette Valley Co.
G. A. Clark, Mgr.
74- ,
. v