Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 12, 1906, Image 1

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H 1 J
Corvallis, Benton County, Orecson, Friday, January IS. 1900.
City Fathers Pass
Almost Unanimously
jtors or assigns, or any person or
i corporation under the authority
the Measure 'of this franchise shall disturb any
juf tHe said streets, alleys,
avenues, boulevards or thorough-
r j t
ordinance- grant. ny -ojIare10' 'ne purposes aioresaia ne,
it or tnev snaii res: re me same 10
Fr an
A. Welch, his heirs, , ext cut--is.
administrators and assigns; tht
xit' to errct and maintain n
sy.-t' in of electric power fnr
lights in the city of Corvallis,
Benton county, Oregon, and
authorizing the erection and con
struction of all eq"ipm.nt tr the
tood o:dcr and condition as soon
as practicable and without un
necessary delay, ad failing so to
do after five days notice from the
Street Commissioner or Street
Committee of the Common
Council of the said City the said
i c . r -
oueei ummissionor
Oi i.
operation and maintenance theie11 UU,UJ,IU"WI ur . c
r j Committee may place the said
, (street, a (ley, avenue, boulevard
or thoroughfare in such condition
at the expense of the City and
Section I. That authoritv be
and 'he same is hereby givej,
granted and vested by the Com
mon Council of the City of Cor
vallis, in Benton county, Oregon,
in A. Welch, his heirs, executors,
' administrators and assigns the
right, privilege and franchise to
erect, lay, equip, maintain, con
struct and operate in the ci'y of
Corvallis, in Benton county,
Oregon, including, all streets,
alleys, avenues, boulevards and
thoroughfares thereof, posts,
poles, towers, wires and other
conductors for the transmission
of electricity for electric pjwer,
electric lights and all other pur
poses for which electricity may
be or is used, and to sell or
otherwise dispose of electric
power, electric lights and elec
tricity to all persons or corpor
ations whatsoever within the
limits of said City of Corvallis.
Section 2. For the purposes
aforesaid and tor the practical en
joyment of the said rights and
franchise the said A. Welch, his
heirs, executors, administrators,
and assigns are hereby authorized
to string such wires or other con
ductors upon poles or other fix
tures above ground, or lay the
same under ground in pipes ot
conduits, or otherwise protected,
and to use such other apparatus
as may be necessary or proper to
maintain and operate the same.
Section 3. Such posts, poles,
towers, or other supports shall be
placed at such points in the streets,
alleys, avenues, boulevards and
thoroughfares of said city, and
the wires or other conductors
thereon strung to such a height
as least to interfere with the trav
el and use" thereof, and the
placing of snch posts, poles,
towers, or other supports and the
laying of such pipes and con
duits shall be subject to the rea
sonable control of the Common
Council of said City as the public
interests may require. No poles
or other supports above the
ground shall hereafter be placed
on Second street in said City be
tween Adams street and Van
Buren street, and from and after
the 28 day of November 191 3 all
wires maintained under the
authority of this faanchise as well
as the costs, poles, towers or
other supports thereof shall be re
moved from such portion of Sec
ond Street.
The City reserves the right to
require that all posts or other
. supports above the ground main
tained under the authority of
this franchise to be painted from
time to time as may be necessary
to keep the same in reasonably
sightly condition.
Section 4. It shall be lawful
for the said A. Welch, his heirs,
executors, administrators or as
signs, to make all needful or
convenient excavations in any of
the streets, alleys, avenues, boul
evardsand thoroughfares of said
Citv of Corvallis for the purpose
of erecting and maintaining the
posts, poles, towers, or other sup
ports for the said wires or for the
purpose of laying, maintaining
and operating wires and other
conductors under ground tor the
purposes aforesaid or to repair and
improve sucn electric power or
light system and to extend the
same as the growth of said City
or the needs of the inhabitants
thereof may require, provided
that when the said A. Welch,
his heirs, executors, administra-
tne iitv may recover
uerson or corporation
from the
this franchise double the amount
of the cost thereof
Section 5. None of the oper
ations, works, erections, or ex
cavations of the person or cor
poration enjoying this franchise
shall at any time be allowed to
interfere with the sewering,
grading paving, plankirg, repair
ing and altering of any of the
streets or alleys of the said City
or with any work c f like charac
ter undertaken for or on behalf of
said Citv in any such streets or
Section 6. Whenever any
person or corporation having ob
tained permission from the Street
committee of the Common Coun
cil of said City shall desire to re
move any building or. other
structure through any street of
said City with which moving the
wires or other conductors of the
person or corporation enjoying
this franchise shall upon twenty-
four hours notice from the said
Street Committee or some mem
ber thereof raise or remove said
wires or other conductors so as to
allow the free and unobstructed
passage ot such building or
structure, and upon the failure of
such person or corporation to
raise or remove any such wires or
other conductors the said Street
Committee may raisi or remove
the same at the expense of the
City and the City may recover
from the person or corporation
enjoying this franchise double
the expense thereot.
Section 7. On or before the
first day of May, 1906, the said A.
Welch, his heirs, executors, ad
ministrators, or assigns enjoying
this franchise shall bring electric
power to said City of Corvallis,
and install and have in operation
the necessary apparatus for dis
tributing of power ip said City of
Corvallis and shall thereafter dur
ing the life of this franchise
maintain sufficient power to
supply the demands of all persons
or corporations, public or private,
for power for manufacturing or
other purposes within said City
at reasonable rates, which shall
be uniform for like amount of
power under like circumstances,
and without discrimination
against any person or corpora
The franchise and authority to
sell electric power in said City
and to maintain wires and sup
ports for the purpose of convey
ing and distributing the same is
and shall be limited as follows:
The person, firm or corporation
enjoying this franchise shall not
during the term thereof charge
more than the following maxi
mum rates for power, to-wit:
Seven cents for 100 kilowatts
per month or less; six and one
half cents for 100 to 200 kilo
watts per month ; six cents for 200
to 300 kilowatts per month; nve
and one-half cents for irom 300
to 400 kilowatts per month; five
cents for from 400 to 600 kilo'
watts per months; four and one
half cents for from 600 to 800
kilowatts per month; . four cents
for from 800 to 1000 kilowatts
per month; three and one-half
cents for from 2000 to 4000 kilo
watts per month: two cents for
4000 or more kilqwatts per
Section 8. Failure on the
part of the said A. Welch, his
heirs, executors, administrators
this fran
chise fully to comply with the
provisions and; requirements of
the foregoing section shall work
a forfeiture of this franchise and
render void all rights, privileges
and franchise granted by this or
dinance. Section 9. On the 28th day of
November, 191 3, and at the end
of each successive period of five
years thereafter the said City
shall have the right and option
to purchase under proper legis
lative power either now held by
said City or hereafter to be grant
ed, upon one year's written notice
to the said A. Welch, his heirs,
executors, administrators or as
signs, the said electric light plant
including all fixtures, wires,
lamps, structures, buildings and
land necessary to the operation of
said electric light plant at a val
uation to be fixed and determined
by appraisement of such plant by
three arbitrators to be selected,
one by the said City of Corvallis,
one by said A. Welch, his heirs,
executors, administrators or as
signs, and the third to be chosen
by the two so selected, whose de
cision as . to the valuation of
said electric light plant shall be
final. In arriving at the value
of said electric light plant this
franchise and the good will of
said business shall not be deemed
apart thereof of the value.
When the value of such plant
shall be found and determined
by such appraisers the amount so
determined shall be paid bv the
said City of Cyrvallis to the said
A. Welch, his heirs, executors,
administrators or assigns, enjoy
ing this franchise, and thereupon
said electric light plant shall be
by said A. Welch, -his heirs, ex-
ecueors, administrators or assigns,
sold and conveyed to said City
clear of all encumbrance and the
possession thereof be delivered to
said City. However, nothing in
this section shall be construed as
giving to said City the right or
option to purchase or acquire
said power plant or any apparatus
used in or about the same or
necessary for its full enjoyment,
including the right and franchise
for the use of the streets, alleys,
avenues, boulevards and thor
oughfares of said City for said
power purposes.
Nothing herein shall be con
strued as requiriug. said City, in
the event of its pnrchasmg said
plant, to purchase an engine,
machinery or equipments used in
or for generating power for said
Section 10. In case the said
City shall at any time notify the
person or corporation enjoying
this franchise of its election to
exercise the option provided in
the foregoing section and the
person or corporation enjoying
this franchise shall fail to do or
perform all'acts and things nec
essary and proper by him cr it to
be done and performed to con-
sumate such sale within a rea
sonable time after such notice,
this franchise and all rights and
privileges hereby granted so far
as the same relates to the estab
lishment or maintenance of such
electric light plant or grants any
privileges to sell electric lights to
any person or corporation within
said City shall cease and become
null and void.
From and after the purchase of said
electric light plant or sach part thereof
as the said A. Welch, his heirs, execu
tors, administrators or assigns enjoying
this franchise may elect to sell upon re
ceiving notice of the election of said City
to exercise the option ot purchase herein
before provided, or from and after the
purchase of the electric light plant of
the Corvallis Electric Light and Power
Company, or in the event of such pur
chase, under authority or power so to lo
contained in an ordinance of said City
and contract with said Company therein
authorized, which ordinance passed the
Common Council of said City November
26, 19o3, and was approved by the Mayo.
of said City November 28, , 19o3, or other
wise, this franchise so far as it gires or
grants any right or privilege to sell
electric lights te any person or corpora
tion in the City of Corvallis or to main
tain a plant for that purpose of said City
shall become null and void.
. Section 11. In coosideration of the
rights and franchises herein granted and
after the expiration of the present light
ing contract between the City of Corval
lis and the CorvallU Electric Light and
Power Company the eaid A, Welch, his
heirs, executors, administrators and as
signs, asree to furnhh and supply, and
it is a condition of the grant of the
aforesaid franchise that the person or
corporation enjoying this franchise shall
furnish and supply electric lights to the
said City of Corvallis for street lighting
or other municipal purposes during any
portion ei the life of this, franchise de
sired by such city at a rate not to exceed
that charged or levied by said Corvallis
Electric Light and Power Company Com
pany under its present contract with said
City lor the same kind or. character of
lamp and candle power and not to ex
ceed $1.5o per month each for fifty
candle power incandescent lights.
The franchise and authority for the use
of the streets of said City herein granted
is and shall be limited by and subject to
the further condition that the person,
firm or corporation enjoying this fran
chise shall not during the term thereof
charge more than the following maxi
mum rates for electric lights: For resi
dences a flat rate of seventy-five cents
per month for one 16-candle power
light and of fifty cents per month each
for from two to four 16-candle power
lights, or a meter rate of ten cents per
thousand watts with seventy-five cents
month minimum charge. , For business
houses a meter rate of ten cents per
thousand watts with a minimum of $1.5o j
per month under ten 16-candle power
lights; and of $3 per month for lo or
more 16-candle ' power lights; arc lamps
$2 each per month and a meter charge of
five cents per thousand watts or a fiat
rate of $5 each per month for midnight
service. Provided that the maximum
rates herein shall not apply to the irregu
lar uses or such places as shall use but
small amounts of light.
The said City of Corvallis reserves and
shall have the right to regulate rates for
service to consumers within said city so
that they shall at all times be reasonable.
Alao reserve the right from and after No
vember 28, 1913, to fix a charge of not to
exceed 2 per cent of the annual gross
earnings of the electric light plant which
silverware we ask no more than yon
would expect to pay for far inferior goods.
We want yon to feel able to afford the
best, whether it be for your table, side
board or dressing case. So we make a
specialty of fine silverware moderately
priced. We have sets and single pieces.
Standard and special patterns. Every
piece is fully warranted to wear for years. -We
shall be very glad to have you look
at the collection any time. ' -
Albert J. Metzger
Occidental Building, - Corvallis
has moved intothe brick building Ber- ,
man's old. stand and will be pleased to
serve all our old customers and many new
ones with all kinds of
Fresft and Cured Meats, Lard Sausage
Call and see us; we will treat -you right.
Goods delivered in all parts of the city
promptly and satisfactory i
We run our own delivery wagon
(Continued on fourth page.)
Now that the holiday rush is over, we have time to do your re
pair work with neatness and despatch.
Fine Watch Work a Specialty
The diamond ring drawing will come off Jan. 6, 1906. A ticket
with each dollar's worth purchased until that time. Everything
desired in the jewelry line is carried by us.
Eyes tested free and glasses fitted properly in a
most up-to-date manner.
E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.
The Weekly Oregonian and the Gazette
Both one, year for $2.55
Great January
Dining Oh
For cash we will make special prices on
airs an
during1 the month of January as follows
117.50 couches 16.65
14.50 couches 12.05
13.25 couches 11.85
81.50 chairs 1.30
1.10 chairs .95
.90 chairs .75
This is the best opportunity ever offer
ed to savo money on these goods.
Our goods :i:e marked in plain figures and
you will find prices as quoted. Come and see.
)Y; Corvallis