Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 05, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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TfurnM WiikiLS visited friends
in Albany Monday and Tuesday.
P. D. Gilbert, of Albany,
Corvallis business visitor
- Dudley Trapp, of Chit wood, was
a Corvallis visitor sevetal days this
T.rwin McMalnes came back, to
Tuesday; from Toledo.
' Lincoln county.
'Fred Ewing arrived in this city
from Portland. Tuesday, to resume
- his studies at OAC.
Voters of Benton county" began
Teffisterine at the county clerk's
office Tuesday morning.
Mr. Everett and wife, of Sheri
dan, were New Year guests of Mr.
and Mrs. W. G. Davis. Mr. Ever
ett is Dresideut of the Sheridan
M. f
Lumber Company.
The annual buBioeBS meeting o:
the Christian church was held Sat
urday evening, light refreshments
beinp eerved from 6 to 10. and a
program rendered.
Dr. Lowe, the well known oculo-
optician will be at Hotel Ccrvallis
next week . Two days only, January
the 11 and 12th. It you value your
yes have hiru test them for glasses,
Prof. Harry Beard arrived home
Monday evening from a trip to
Klamath Likf. whfre h spent hie
Christmas. On Wednesday Har
rv resumed his duties as band
director at OAC.
Sidney Leverett left Tuesday
venine for Western Texas, in the
hope of petting relief from rheums
tisru, with which he is a great suf
ferer, He is a brother of Miss Aimee
Levette, of OAC.
The V. O W. installed officers
Tuesday night as follows; Council,
Prof. G. V. Skelton; Advisor,
Frank Francisco; Banker, A. P.
Johnson; Clerk, W..A. Buchanan
Escort, Carl Porter.
A Heart social was held at the
Presbyterian manse Monday even
ing, which is reported to have been
a very enjoyable affair. There was
a large attendance, and a good time
for all.
Light refreshments were
Presbyterian church, M. S. Bush,
pastor. B'ble school at 10 a. m
Worship at 11 a. m., subject, "The
Distinctive Features of C iristian
Faith." C. E. Consecration meet
ing at 6:30 p. ra. Evening service
at 7.30, subject, '"'TheHellespont."
A letter recently received from
Miss Nora Sargent, now in Phoenix,
Arizona, states that during the past
' month they had experienced regular
Indian summer weather, ihe ther
mometer registering at noon about
92 degrees in the 'sun and 62 in the
Among the evidences of enter
prise and progress that caught our
eye January 1st was a souvenir
edition of the Eugene Register. It
was a 32-page journal, replete with
fine cuts, and much well written
matter. It is a credit to the
publishers and the country sup
porting it.
The annual tea of the W. F. M.
S., of the M. E. church, was held
in the church parlors Wednesday
evening. A program was rendered
that included a vocal duet by A. P.
Johnson and daughter, Miss Inez;
recitation, Mabel Farmer; exercises,
12 children; reading, S. B. Bane;
duet, Carrie Buchanan and Marie
Cathey. Light refreshments were
served and a social time enjoyed by
those present.
The following officers were in
stalled Wednesday evening by the
United Artisans of Corvallis: P.
M. A., W. G. Lane; M. A., Mre.
Tillie Reed; Supt., Mrs. Arminta
Cole; Inep., A. Kyle; Sec, M. Eva
Starr; Treas., Frank Hubler; Sr.
Con., Ella King; M. C, W. E.
Brinn; Jr. Con., Mrs. Esther Cole;
Field Corns., Jos. Bryant, Mrs. El
len Mundy. Nine candidate? were
initiated into the order.
County Surveyor T. A. Jones and
Willis Vidito made a survey of the
road from Corvallis to Philomath,
Wednesday. The survey was made
ior distance only and by chain from
the postoffice in this city to the
Philomath office it is 7 and 3-5
miles. Heretofore it has been com
monly considered to be seven miles
from Corvallis to Philomath, so it
is seen that former estimates were
not far wrong.
Work is on once again at OAC
after the holiday vacation. With
a few exceptions the old students
have all returned; the places of
those who did not return have been
more than filled by new students.
Monday will mark the opening of
the Farmers' Short Course at OAC
and the prospects are first-class for
a good attendance. At any rate
Borne epledid work will be done in
the way of lectures and practical
demonstrations of many theories.
Stanley Hammel arrived home
Tuesday from a visit of several
days with Portland, relatives.
M. D. Harpole was down from
Junction Cjty yesterday attending
business in this city. Ha reports
everything looking promising in
his section
There will be a meeting of the
Woman's Home Mission Society of
the " M. E. church, - South, next
Tuesday at 2:30 o'clock, in the
church. AH members urged to be
County court has been in session
this week and much time has been
devoted to the appointnfent and re
appointment - of read supervisors.
Accoiding to law the supervisors
are to be appointed at the Jan
uary term of county court . for
the ensuing year.
, Sunday evening at the ' Congre
gational church in addition to, the
anthems by the full choir, 7 Miss
Allen and Mr. Knapp will sing a
duet, "Love Define All Love Ex
celling" by Stainer.' There will also
be a solo "The Harbor Bell" by
Mr. Ed Hughes..
A good-sized audience greeted
"Jeny from Kerry" at the Opera
House on Wednesday night. There
wa no plot to the entertainment,
it being of the vaudeville nature,
but there was not a duL moment
and eyery specialty was first-class.
They are as clever and entertain
ing an aggregation aa one can ex
pect to see anywhere.
There will be union meetings of
the Congregational and Presbyter
ian churches. The services cri Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday even
ings will be held in the' Presbyter
ian church. The meetings for the
balance of week will be held in the
Congregational church. You are
inyited to so arrange your affairs as
to attend the meetings.
Congregational Church. Sunday
School at 10, Class for Young Men
it 10, Worship and Sermon at 11,
Juuior Eddeavor at 4, Senior En
deavor at 6:30, Vesper and. Sermon
at 7:30. ' Celebration of the Lord s
Supper in the morning. The even
ing service will be devoted to the
opening of a series of services for the
week of praver as outlined bv the
Evangelical Alliance cf the U. S.
A. Sunday evening, the "Spirit
ana ine uire.
The committee from the council
on the matter of electric light and
power franchise met Tuesday even
ing and made many changes and
amendments in the proposed ar
ticles. It is now thought that
when submitted to the council at
the reguiar meeting Monday night
the franchise wiil be sanctioned by
that body. In the meantime the
city attorney; E. R. Bryson, is en
gaged at the task of engrossing the
ragments of the old franchise and
amendments thereto.'
Twelve little girls made merry
at the home of Mrs. McCausland
ast Fridav afternoon from 2 to 5
o'clock. The occasion was the
seventh anniversary of little Eliza
beth McCausland'8 birth. After
games, the little folks, keeping
time to music, marched to the din-
ne-room where from a table pret
tily decorated in pink and white,
daintv refreshments were served.
hose preseut were: Dorothy Per-
not, Mildred Jackson, Mildred
orter, Mabel Householder, Lillian
Hout, Emily Hout, Florence Gus-
teson, Ollie McLaughlin, Kathrene
Green, Wilda 'Horning, Maurine
and Elizabeth McCausland.
A new mode of swindling ha9
been practiced recently by some
ads who are well up in their teens
and therefore old enough to be
ooked after by the officers .if such
practice is kept up longer. It has
been their custom to steal tobacco
or cigarettes at local stores, and
then take the stolen goods to other
firms and demand a return of their
money, claiming to haye purchased
the articles at the latter store.
There have been enses in which
they bought tobacco on credit and
rotumed it to other business houses,
collecting cash for it. The swindle
has come to the attention of several
merchants, and it is likely that a
halt will be called.
The women of Woodcraft of
Mary's Peak Circle are justly proud
of their order and the promptness
with which it meets all obligations.
Mrs. Mary Leadbetter who died re
cently, held a policy for $1,000 in
the local circle. In exactly 19 days
after the death proofs were made
and sent in, the policy was paid in
full to the surviving husband,
whose gratitute to the order c n
well be imagined. Mrs. Leadbetter
had been ill for about two yesirs,
and in her case aa in many others
the value of life-insurance to be left
to those who have to meet the
bills incident to any continued ill
ness, is beyond estimate.
There is to be a joint installation
of the G. A; R. and W. R. C. at
their hall Saturday evening. These
occasions" are always enjoyable for
those who participate.
Additional Local.
See Blackledge for Linoleum, etc.
Miss Ethel Case of Albany, was
the guest this week of Mr. and Mrs.
C'yde Phillips. - y " '.x
.Little Prices but big values.
Nolans. - . :;. ' . .
. Drop head ' sewing machines' $18
at Blackledge's. ; .- 97tf
Ed Greffoe has been . in Corvallis
on businees during the" week. He
is now making his home '- at Craw-
fordsville. . '
Everything as advertised or ev
en a little better. ' Nolans.
Acme . Washing Machines at
Blackledge's. . 97tf
Take The Gazette for all the
local news. -
. Our store is the talk of the rich
and a blessing to trie poor. No
lans. . "
Waldo Finn, who spent the holi
day vacation with relatives at Mc
Coy, has returned to resume his
studies at OAC. " ,
Largest line of matting in coun
ty at Blackledges. 30tf
Charles Everett, who is employed
on the electric cars in Portland, is
spending a week with his family
in this city. "
Wanted to rent a typewriting
machine in good condition. Ad
dress xx Gazette. Corvallis. "
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Galliford
left Monday for Sacramento, after a
visit at the home of Mr. . and Mrs
Charles Eyerett. The visitors re
side at Big Lake, Minnesota. ' ' . -To
pass Nolan's Great Sale will
be an injustice to your pocket-
book, -yy 'ryvC ;
Walter ' Wiles and , - family left
Wednesday for a visit with rela
tives at Plainview. -
Dan Mclntyre, of Athena, East
ern Oregon; was the guest of Joe
Henkle for a day or two' duiihg the
Chris Tracer . and - daughter, of
Southern Benton, were in Corvallis
Tuesday? 'the . latter taking the
trained Monmouth to enter college;
ye keep iki ball roiling; we
don't believe in standing still
and permitting the world to pass
by us. Nolans. ,:
' Henry- Stone was on tne street
Wednesday for the first time in
many weeks. He has been a great
sufferer of neuralgia for about three
months. y . y
The weather was fine and clear
Wednesday afternoon and' an im:
mense crowd gathered on the streets
to hear the band of k Jerry from
Kerry." The band, is y certainly
fine and the music a genuine treat.,
E, W. Strong presented his wife
with one of the k most ' handsome
mantels in Benton y county for a
Christmas present' It if made 6f
Benton county ok, polished li&e a
mirror and has triangular" mirrors
inlid in it. ! The workmanship,
eyen to design, is that of , Norton
Adams and certainly i a testimon
ial to his skill. .
The Corvallis Water Committee
had a; meeting Tuesday - evening
and attended certain matters of
business that were . awaiting the
action of that body ; Work is be
ing prosecuted right along between
Philomath and the intake on' Rock
Creek. Five carloads of pipe have
already been received and sent out
to the front. ,;. . .;
D. B. Farley, a veteran rpad
buHder and a man of great ex
perience in this line of work, was
in Corvallis during the week at
tending court.. Until this meeting
of the court Mr. Farley, has been
road supervisor bf 'his district for
some years, but feels that he has
no . longer the time to spare for
such work and so notified the court
during its session.
J. E. Banton came over from Al
868 Tuesday and returned home
the following day. During the
past year or two he has been road
Supervisor, of his district, . but oa
account of other; business he waa
obliged to decline the honor for the
coming year. ; He reports that the
recent high -winds blew down .many
"trees On Alse& mountain nrtr) nnio'
-y -m. huw
a number obstructed the road. It
took quite a force of men two days
to clear the-highway.
There was a quiet wedding at
the Ashby home at 8 o'leock Tues
day eveninsr, the bride being Misa
Emma Ashby and the groom Mr.
Robert H. Holroyd, both members
of well-to-do families that have
recently located in Corvallis from
FayetteY Iowa. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. C. T. Hurd, of
the United 'Evangelical church,
and only the ' immediate relatives
and a few intimate friends were
witnesses. The bride was attired
in a pretty Costume ' of cream' mo
hair. Mr. and Mrs. Holroyd are
estimable young people and have
the well-wishes of numerous friends.
They went to house keeping at once
in apartments over the creamery.
Society invitations and wedding
announcements- are constantly
changing in styles of type faces and
form. Have them printed neatly
and up-to-date at the Gazette
office. . . 80tf
Subscribe for the Gazette. -
At the
People s
Time to clean up now, before spring goods begin to
time to cut tlie
prices deep enough to make sure the work of Clearance in the next thirty days
Every department contributes special features. Money-saving sales are to be
lurched in every section. Your interest is obvious if you want o save money.
Some people don't know that we have a grocery depart
ment, so we are making prices that will cause
you to get acquainted.
Diamond C soap regular 5c, special 8 bars 25c. .
' l6oz cans Schilling's Baking Powder, special 45c.
VBes't'' Cdriistarch regular 10c, special 5c. - ' -
15 candles full weight 12 oz. 25c.
30 pounds best beans $1.00.
K. C. baking powder 25 oz. 25c.
16 pounds best No. 1 Rice, $1.00.
1 pound package bird seed with bone 8c.
I X L Tamales regular 15c, special 10c.
IX L maccaroni and cheese regular 10c, special 5c.
Elite, Bixby, or Whiztemore's Shoe Polish regular 25c, special 14c.
Long's Woodlawn maple syrup guaranteed best grade on the market,
regular 75c, special 60c. ,
Star tobacco per plug 45c. . . -
Armour's washing powder regular 25c, special 15.
Cut nails per pound 2c.
1 poundoysters per can 10c.
Decorated mush bowels each 5c.
"DAIRY SALT" 50 pounds regular 50c, special 30c.
You caii save money by visit itig our store
the next thirty days
Every department offers surprising values. Watch
this space for further T&afgaifis nt isue.
Corvallis, Oregon
Mail orders filled.
Sale prices during the month.