SUL O'JliinLLK) UftLU ! L Published Tuesdays and Fridays by Gazette Publishing Company. The sut-s -rivtlon price of the Gazette for several vm- has been, and ren&ainp f:? t-f-r anr.tvu. -r 25 per cent, discount ii full Bil fLL Ult WORSE? The mass of humanity are a hopaful proposition and it is proper that such should be the case. The year 1905 has passed into history and we are now look ing into the face of 1906 and guessing what Time has in store for the next twelve months. Many declare the world to be getting better as the years roll by and civilization is presumed to be reaching higher standards. The year just closed saw rati fied the peace negotiations at the close of a bloody war between Russia a-nd Japan. This may be looked upon as either for or against civilization and a better ment of conditions. In thus reckoning this matter we must be governed by the view point. Is Russia getting better? There is still riot and bloodshed through out the great empire. At pres ent there is no evidence that conditions are better than they were in Russia last year and one can only hope that after a reign of butchery the shackles may be broken and liberty and enlight ment prevail to such a degree that the evil days leading to the brighter ones may be forgotten. In the way of sciences we are certainly making rapid progress, also in che field occupied by our inventive geniuses. Only a day or two ago a party was commis sioned to build an air-ship for an exploration of the north pole and the territory surrounding it. ' It may be cited in this connection that we are not much closer the pole now than we were 100 years ago, but it is not improbable that we, many of us, will live to note the arrival of some ad venturer at the pole and may be wrap the stars and stripes about it and perch an eagle on the top In the United States during 1905 there was less lynching that in former years 66 men lynched. Surely here is evi aence tnat we are gaming in goodness in this country, but we are not entitled to boast until we can point to a clean record in this, regard. Can we make the year '06 better than its prede cessor? We can if we vrill so let us do it. PA? HEED. Lafayette Young has just re turned from a trip around the world, having been a member of the excursion party to the Philip pines; but instead of returning eastward he kept on to the west ward and landed in New York. Of the absence of our flag every where our traveler went he could not help remarking: U id it ekainii and a humiliation to know that this j;reac republic ia not rep-re-fnled ou the sea. The traveler around the world practically travels un der nn alien flag from start 'o finish. Yet !h- in.iney which t-upports am: makes (.-i.-sib'e thpe German and ng-llt-i :ins iift'.vtcn !!ii;w and the Vi-iuti S:.itin is American money. The tic mans ::ud ni:w i-.:eer a; o b-tv.ih lt!n1 tin:. Tiiev away f ' tln-ir protvec English take our money ;. cmi :i try in tno same .i.tTthcs" things should tiit-ir !-::ij? to bulldoze n the I iHte-i Seated and ..; c etuvth e. I". Electing seriously on these and other facts, and in view of the talked of, perhaps impend ing. German treaty, Mr. Young clearly perceives the only danger menacing our country. He cau tions our government, which seems to have no true conception of the use of shipping, as follows: Btfore the American people cut down oar turi:T rates a-! invite Germany and Great Britain to fig.t with U3 for our twn trade which we no. ' .v h-y ought to hv-'ud an American i marine and officer it with a;:gre.ive Americans, who will talk for the Laited States in every clime and under every sky. Until we are thus prepared to go into the com mercial battle with Germany and Great Britain on the sea we had better ke"n what we h ve (ou the Laid) a.d which under present circumstances they can not rob as of. . . . How nnwise it would be to uce our tariff duties and invite a commercial war (in our own country) bafore building ships and pre paring for the t-or.flict. Alexander Hamilton said : ' 'To preserve the balance of trade in favor of a nation ought to be a leading aim of its policy." One way of doing this is by a ship ping policy, the vessels of a na tion doing all the carrying be longing to it. 'Another way is by an industrial policy that will secure to 'a nation its home market, the full employment of its people, diversification of trades and the raising, produc tion and fabrication of all its necessities. The proper reenr 1 J J? 5 iauon oi its commerce will en able any nation thus to stand on its own bottom and become rich. T" ? i t . i.i .DismarcK understood tne sci ence of modern government, The founders of our own govern ment knew their own business also, but we have fallen on evil times, the years passing with public men in doubt of the true principles of statesmanship. We have but a single s ring to our bow. Snap that and before we can recover the loss dread dis aster may befall our nation. Bismarck took care ' to increase and develop the German marine ii i - . . . as wen as to protect trie in dustries of his country by a tariff on importations. Both ways of maintaining a balance of trade is in use in Germany. Name over the great men we have had in the last forty years and see if one can be mentioned who has paid any attention to the maxim of Hamilton to maintain a bal ance of our trade. Our shipping has gone to the dogs. We have had no Madison, much less Bismarck. Now, impair but slightly the protection of the tariff and down goes our house of cards. Copy Britain, we are told; liberalize the tariff and be a nation among nations. But these shallowpates never say, 'copy Britain," increase the marine, r-"v a carry ou per cent oi our own commerce, be independent on the ocean as on land. Oh, no; that would be too English, you know. The British can do our transportation cheaper than we can ourselves! Ex. Pleasant and Most Effective. T J. Chambers, Ed. Vindicator, LiiDertf, i'exas, writes Dec. 2j, 1q02: With pleasure and unsolicited bv you, l bnir testimony to the curative power of Hallard's Horehound Svruo. have used it in my family and can cheer- nuiy athrm it ia the most effective and best remedy for coughs and colds I have ever used." Sold by Graham A Worth am. Leading Candidate. Dr. James Withycombe, of Corvaliis, was in the city yester day on his way lo Salem. Dr. Withycombe is one of the most prominent candidates for the Republican nomination for gov e.nor and he is receiving reports of satisfactory conditions from all ...-.- C T . 1- uaiLs oi iuc state , ieycirtunff nis candidacy. In speaking of his work in this direction yesterday, the doctor said: "I am not spending my time working in politics, but am at tending to my duties at the college aud the experiment station, my candidacy practically taking care ot itself. My duties keep me pretty close, too, but I am receiving the most encourag ing repoits from all parts of the state, and I have no doubt of my nomination. As I nave never heeu identified with factional pontics. I find my support equal ly strong with all classes of re publicans, and all clashes ot the jitizenssf the state are bringing me their support. The strength of my candidacy is greater than I had hoped for so early, aud this is veiy gratifying to me, and I hope I will be able to come up to the expectations of my friends when I am nominated and elec ted." Albany Herald. The Original. Foley & Co., of Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and t opularitv of Foiev's Honev and Tar many imitations are offered for the cenume. Aek for Foley's Honev and Tar and refuse any substitute offered as no other preparation will give the same satisfaction. It is mildly laxative. It contains no opiates and ia safest for children and delicate persons. Sold by Grp.ham & Wortham. With tiieclo of December 31, all licenses to hurt -xp?red and it is now up to our eportsmen io renew their licenses for another 'year. A license taken out today will be good for a whole year, not for a yart of th yar js was th case iu iuQ5. You "nay regitpr tod-v for vot i if t ttw cwfifig etate Kiid "county '--tioni. IT DRAWS HARD On a woman's vitality to do work for which she is unfitted, and we wonder how some of the women of our land live through a single season of pleasure or dissipation. They will say with tears in their eyes, when they mention the sub- iect at all, "it is a nara VulL" that with pain, weak ness and weariness they are "almost dragged out." Many, in this con alcoholic stimulants dition, and invisrorants " the after effects of which are very injurious. Dr. R. V. Pierce, forty years, ago found that women were being mistreated through ignorance or carelessness and determined to devote his life and energies to their relief. Having found the cause of their suf fering, he next smight for the means of relief, and found in Xature,s laboratory the earth, certain roots which had re markable and valuable medicinal virtues fof the cure of these ailments. Using chemically pure glycerine, of proper strength instead of alcohol,- he prepared extracts of these, and the result was so satisfactory that the combina tion became his "Favorite Prescription." The roots used are: Lady's Slipper root, Black Cohosh root. Unicorn root. Blue Cohosh root and Golden Seal root. The world knows it as Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription, which has the won derful and unparalleled record of a half million of cures in the last forty years. Write to Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for advice, given without charge. "I am grlad to be able to testify as to the merits of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for the many ills that women suffer with," writes Miss Gertrude Mitchell (President Young Ladies' Christian Endeavor Society), 43 Columbia Street. E.. Detroit. Mich. "After many years of suffering and pain. I took your medicine, and in a short time began to feel stronger, became more regular and didn't have the bearing-down pains which had been my lot for so long. Shall never cease to be very grateful that It was brought to my notice. I have no pains, and feel much stronger generally." Dr. Pierce's Pellets cleanse the clogged system from accumulated impurities. To those who have an Mea of getting a Talking Machine for these long winter evenings I will give a free entertainment in vour home. Just drop me a card or call at my home on South Main street If you haven't the idea, get it, and ac cepfthis offer. In the meantime, re meoiber that the E.lisou Mahin" and the Edison Gold Moulded Records a?e the beet that money can buy. Machines, $10, $20, $30 and $50." Gold Moulded Records, 35c. Accept nothing until you have heard the Edison. Eight years' experience with talking machines. , G. B. WHITNEY, The Concrete Man. Closing Out Sale of Pianos and Organs Mr. M. A. GOODNOUGH announces his retirement from the music business in Corvaliis and offers to the people of this city, instruments below cost. Prices absolutely cut no figure on the elegant NEEDHAM goods, which will be closed out this month. Call at residence near 4oh and Jackson Sts. Plumbing and Heatinir ! Cornice, Roofing, Guttering, and all kiads of Mieet Metal Work. F. A, Heticye In connection with J. H. SIMPSON'S HARDWARE STORE. W YEAI with a nsw Satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded Sold by A. K. R-uss The only exclusive men's fur- nishin house in Ccryallis , resort to Mappv New Year At this New Year Season we are not un mindful of the support and co-operation we have had from our many patrons. It is our purpose to conduct our business at all times to merit your fuivher consideration and con fidence. We wish to tender our thanks to you and the assurance of our best attention to your future commands. Wishing you all a JUappy JNew Year. Yours For 30 we will offer all our Talkaphone and Columbia Graphophones at twenty five per cent discount. We are also adding, to our line the YICTOK and EDISON talking machines. These two machines need no boastingthey speak for themselves. We also carry the following lines of records: Victor Records, Zonophone Records Columbia Records, Edison Records, American Records. Remember, we are headquarters for the above lines. GRAHAM D. E.MATTHEWS Graduate Optician and Jeweler Fits eyes accurately and scientifically. We give better bar gains in Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry than 1 any store in Corvaliis 16 size gold filled hunting, 20 year case with 15 jeweled Elgin movement $15.50 Baby and children's solid gold rings, plain and fancy each, - .50 Your watch cleaned and guaranteed one year for ... 1.00 (Cn not be done better at any price.) Mainsprings, guaranteed one year ----- 1.00 The above are samples of our bargains; call and jadfc"; for yourself. D. O. H last and. Patronize H&me Industry Outside Ofdsra SaliollerJ. All Work Guaranteed. at Fislier's Hall Full term $5.00. All lessons private; nifcht, 7:30 to 10 ; leesons every jifiernoon, following named dar.ces: Waiiz, Two-Step, fechottische.lhree-Stepand Five-Step. The latest dances taught all dancers at the rate of 50 cents a lesson. The hall and every facility may be had for all parties of a social and private nature. Orchestra music furnished for all occasions. For further information inquire at the Hall of PROF G. RAYhm&ES, INSTPMOTOR Another Good Man Gone Wrong. He neglected to take Foley's Kideey Cure at the first signs of kidBey trouble, hoping it would wear awav, and he was soon a victim of Bright'd disease. There is danger in delay, but if Foley's Kidney Cure is taken at once the symptoms will disappear, the kidneys are strengthened and you are soon sound and well. A. R. Bass, of Morgantown, Ind., had to get up ten or twelve times in the night, and had a severe backache and pains in the kidney and was cured by Foley's Kid ney Cure. Sold by G-sham &. TTortham. ; very f truly, days only Chas. B lakes lee. I conv&Lus, positively no spectators; classes every 2 till 5. A complete term consists of the Cheap Sunday Rates Between Portland and Willamette Valley Points. Low round trip rates have been placed in effect between Portland and Willam ette Valley point3, -in either direction. Tickets will be sold SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS and limited to return on or before the following Monday. Rate to or from Cor valiis, 3.00 Call on Southern Pacific Co's Agents for particulars. lOltf j oOiQLOOl. SHERIFF'S .SALE. a warrant issued out of the county court ot tiie state of Oregon tor the county ot Ben ion, bearing the seal of said court, to the sheriff of said county directed and delivered, and bearing date October 27, 1905, com manding tne saia snerut io coueci mo uuira as shown to be delinquent on the tax roll f . I. T OA I .liarimil f 1 fiflin. fluents thereon, and if necessary to sell the several articles ot persuuai or v v cia v. to. r.rancrt-v nnnn which such taxos are levijcl. as set forth in said tax list. Said delinquent taxpayers, tae amount ct taxes, and the amount of penalties and- the OTi-orsl narels of real Dronertv are de scribed as follows, to-wit : Simpson, Pay South nait oi tne soutneast quarter oi section jla, township 10. range 7 ; northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section lowasuip iu, rcuise . a. 1 O l 4.35 Giesler, Albert Southwest quarter of tne soutneast uuariwr wi owtiuu xv. 1.45 Franklin, R. B. Northeast quarter of . ... wi , o rr section jlo, townsuiy x, iusu 160 acres 14.60 Baldwin, W. Northeast quarter of the northwest quarter; southwest quar ter of the southeast quarter of sec tion 13, township 11, range 6, SO acres 3.65 Crandall, Calvin Beginning 16.08 , chains east of the soutnwest corner of donation land claim of J. Has kins, claim No. 71, township 10, range 4 west ; run thence north 20.95 chains, east 23.92 chains, south 20.95 chains, west 23.92 chains to beginning, except 20 acres sold, 30 acres 16.44 Krimble, J. East half of the south east quarter of section 7, township 11, range 5 west, 80 acres 3.65 Hogue, C. C. Begining at a point which is west 47.24 chains from the southeast corner of claim No. 71, township 10, range 4 west: run thence east 8.72 chains to begin ning, 9 acres 3.25 Evans, Chas. South half of the south east quarter of section 8, township 14, range S west 5.68 Smith, Sewell C. Northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 8, township 15, range 8 west, 40 acres 3-65 Smith, Lilla Northwest quarter of section 12, township 13, range 7 west, 160 acres 19.40 Whitehead, R. R. Southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of -section . . rr ........ At townsnip io, iciuB ClemCh'as. Beginning 21.20 chains south and 24.60 chains east of the northwest corner of section 5, south 14.28 chains, west 7 chains, north 14.28 chains to beginning, in section 5, township 15, range 5 west, 10 acres - Elzv, Geo. Northwest quarter, about 80 acres being in Benton county, section 10, township 15, range 6 west, 80 acres T-,.rt v. v onrt A. C. Lots 1. 2 and 3 2.45 2.28 3.65 and tne nortnwest quurtci ji m southeast quarter of section 33, township 14, range 8 west; south east quarter of the southwest quar ter of section 33, township 14, range 6 west; northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 4, township 15, range 6 west, 240 acres V V L6-7'L Price, I... N. Lots 1, 2, 5. 6 and 7. section 34, township 14, range 6 . west, 128 acres -12 Thomas, Charles Northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 12, township 15, range 6, 40 acres. 1.80 Trout, O. E. East half of the south east quarter of section 32, township 14, range 6, 80 acres -82 Jackson, T. A. South half of lot 5, section 31, township 14, range 4 west, 19 acres v Z-6 Kriens, Wm. (Heirs) The north half of the following: Beginning at the southeast corner of donation land claim No. 57, township 12, range 6 west; run thence north 43 chains, thence west on the north boundary of said claim 18.60 chains, south 43 chains, east 18.60 chains to begin-, ning, 40 acres 3 Philomath uouege lois xoo uu xuu, In block 43, in City of Philomath.. The Associated Banking & Trust Co. Northeast quarter of the northwest quarter : northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 19. township j.2, range 6 west, 80 acres 3.60 3.65 Osburn, D. Lot 7. block 2, Dixon 3 1st addition, Corvaliis . . 17.dl Hyde W. F. North half of the north west quarter of section 34, township 13, range 8 west. 80 acres 3.91 Lawrence, John W. Beginning at a point on the half section line of sec tion 25, township 14. range 5 west, 26 rods north of the south boundary of said section where said line in tersects a slough; run thence in northwesterly direction down said slough to a point where said slough empties into another slough; thence up last mentioned slough In an east erly direction to where said last slough crosses said half section line; thence south on said line to beginning, 12 acres, section 25, township 14. range 5 west i.o Maher, E. A. East half of section 36, township 12, range 7 west. 320 acres 18. OU Clodfelter, Cora E. West half of the southeast quar!er of section 6, township 14, range 7 west, 80 acres w.oo And on' FrHay. the 19th day of January, , - . 1 rt'nlnMr Ti .m. of said day 'at the sheriff's office in the court house in the uity or uorvaiua, state of Oregon, I will sell the above do , m n in to the Ter- son or persons who will bid the amount of taxes, costs ana peuama ; each piece or parcel of real property and take a certificate at the lowest rate of in , fnr i.9h Kublect to redemption, to satisfy said warrant, costs and accruing costs. r- " Sheriff or uenion wuuij, ub" Dated December 21, 1905. Notice of Final Settlement. v,;.,o h..Thr ffiven that the undersigned deceased, has filed in the Countv Court of Benton County, Oregon, his final account as administrator of said est te, and hat . Mon day, the 51h day f February, 1906, at the , -!i i i,.i. a f lms heen fixed bv nour oi ueuui.-iw.jk. - . - - - . . , said Court as the time for hearing of ob jections to said report and the settlement thereof K.F.BAKM.S, Administrator of the Etate of B. B. Barnes, deceased. . Daied January l, ivro. Country school district tescbers , t : . .1 ; . V. . . 1 1 1 rr rc. can tie sup! i"'i wj-.M ' pnrt card i y the Gazette. Write 81tf your wants. For Sale! Look! I bave 12,000 ebares Great Eastern Mining Co's stock and must tell at once. My loss is j our gain as the company bave struck good ore in the latest work. Rich. Bo hemia is on the boom and next summer will see great things. How is $45,000 for a week's work ? This is what the Oregon Securi ties will produce this wsek. First come, first served. This ad. may not appear again. Will sell whole block tor 4c per share cash, or any part of tt for 4Jc per share. The cheapest the company ever sold stock was 7c, and it is now 20c pr share. Will send stock to your bank with draft attached and you can see it before you buy. Address, Box 174 Cottage Grove, Oregon.