33 TT4$tfoe 1 CORVA JV -2 i Vol. XLIII. Corvalijs, Benton County, Oregon, Tuesday, January 2, 1 i JOG- vfewJ' Al AY 7 v4 ' 1 THE WALNUT IDEA. Willamette Valley Farmers Inter ested in Their Culture. A jeatletnaa of this c'tv, who has aa abiding faith in possibili ties ot E iglish walnut culture in the YViiUraet'e Valley, has re quested that we reprint the fol lowing which appeared in the Oregonian recentlv: A correspondent wriMng from Monmouth, says the farmers of that vicinity have become inter esieil in the matter of walnut growing and would like infor ina'iou in regard to its culture. His letter follows: "Withm the past year or so much interest has manifested it self in this vicinity regarding the growth and culture of walnut. There are some bearing trees here now, but the source whence they were procured is not certain Quite extensive orchards of these nuts are being planned, but there is a lack of information as to the best time to plant, culture, and, most of all, as to the mo-t reliable place to secure good trees. "Some are planting trees of the English nuts, while others say that the only good nuts are from the trees from France. It is claimed also that the grafted tree is more preferable to the one grown from the nut itself, as they are more rugged, etc. This locality has been visited by men from California, who are in this work, and they say without a doubt that the soil andgeneral conditions here are admirable for this line of work. Several are considering the advisability of dividing their farms into small tracts for the culture of this nut. "While we hesitate to ask your valuable space and time, yet we are sure you will confer a great favor if you will give a clear statement of the most re liable places to buy, the best va riety and all additional informa tion you may deem of interest. It has been suggested that our Consul in France could be of great help iu this matter." Walnut-growing has become quite an industry in several parts of Oregon, particularly in the Willamette Valley, and it is be lieved the trees will do as well here as in California. They do not thrive as well east of the Cas cades, owing to the cold winters. There is but little difference, ex cept in name, between the En glish, French, Italian and Chi lean walnuts. The best nuts sold here couae from France and ate from grafted trees. They are worth about 75 cents a pound three or four times as high as the ordinary walnut of commerce. Nuts bought iu grocery stores cannot be counted on to produce satisfactorily. W. J. Talman, of the Port land Seed Company, who is an authority on walnut-growing, says: "It has now been demonstrated beyond a doubt that this is the ideal home of English walnut. In most every instance where we find a tree of bearing age it peo- duces good crops of nuts. Of course we find nuts of many va rieties coming from the trees grown from store nuts, and 'seed lings ot degenerated nuts, but among them some distinct va rieties which are known to our markets, many nuts of good size and excellent quality. In all cases they are well filled, and the meat of the most delicious flavor. proving that all we have to do is to plant varieties of the right sort. Many of our most progres sive farmers and business men foresee the great future of the walnut throughout the North west, hence many trees are being planted. Many are becoming rich in California. Why should we stand back when our country will produce nuts equal or better than any grown in the world, in our fertile valleys, and over our rolling hills where timber and trees of all kinds thrive with our mild climate. ' We advise those of good size known to be of prolific bearers and nuts of the greatest commer cial value. We have known in some instances of trees bearing one bnshel at six years. How ever, we claim that on good soil and proper care trees can be made t bear one bushel at seven years, which at the present market price, 14 cents an average of 35 piunds per bushel, would bring $4.00 per tree. Being planted 30 feet apart, making about 50 trees per acre, and an acre. ON THE ROCKS. Heavy Gales on the Pacific Does Damage. would brine $24. from that on the production will increase very rapidly; the trees will live many generations. "Walnut trees should be set out when they are yearlings in order that the main tap root may be removed from the ground, wnicn ts an essential poini in tne success of the growth and also the bearing qualities of the trees. Nature provides thisitree with a tap root that it could go deep into the earth, thereby gathering plenty ot" moisture. In some in stances trees fail to bear bloom profusely. Seeing trees iu full bloom and failing to bear, some are under the impression that they were caught bv frost which we find by investigation is not true, except in a very few cases. We learn that the fault lies in the imperfection or rather no pollenation or stimulate bud or male blossom appears, mat ured and dropped oft tour weeks before the female blossom or pist iiate buds, which produce the fruit, made ' their appearance, hence the tree is not fertilized and fails to bear. All of our most proline Dearers are tiiose tnat tne A'nother disDatch comes from female and male blossoms appeaTt Victoria, B. C, dated December From various points of the coast comes dispatches telling of loss of life and property as a re sult of the recent heavy gales. Last Friday the following dis patch was sent out from Bandon, Oregon: Grinding in the treacherous rocks of the north jetty the schooner Advance of San Fran cisco, lies tonight at the mercy of a maddened sea, while the crew slings to the rigging and spectators on shore are powerless to offer assistance. Heavy seas are continually breaking over the vessel, and the fate of the crew lies with the staunchness of the ship. Should the sea moderate it will be an easv matter to rescue the imperiled men, but if the storm continues or increases they face almost certain death. Early in the afternoon the Ad vance was seen creeping close in shore, apparently seeking shelter from the gale. She came too close to the treacherous rocks of the north jetty, and was swept upon them by the violent waves. Heavy seas are running, and it has been impossible to aid the stricken ship in any way, and the waves rushing over the decks have penned the crew .below out ot reach of their force. It seems impossible for the schooner long to withstand the pounding of the waves and the people are waiting anxiously for a calmer sea to permit some at tempt at rescuing the imprisoned men. about the same time, hence the fertilization occurs, and the trees will bear heavy crops of nuts. We wish to make one more sug gestion, that is, walnut trees will do well among other trees where there is a vacancy. Vegetables, berries and other like crops can be raised among the trees for the first few years, thereby giving your trees cultivation and re ceiving in return some compen sation for your labor. From a commercial standpoint these nut- bearing trees are not only val uable for their fruit, but also for their wood. Everybody is fami liar with walnut furniture, and costly at that, particularly what is known as French walnut ve neering. Game Warden's Report. Game Warden J. W. Baker's annual report shows that 17,000 of the inhabitants of Oregon are hunters, not taking into con sideration the farmers who hunt over their own lands and are, therefore, not required to pay the yearly tax of $1. Fees received amounted to $17,421, some of which came from nonresident hunters, who paid $10 for the privilege of kill ing wild game in the state; $166.40 was collected as fines for killing without a license. The game warden expended $7263.25, leaving a balance of $10,325.15. This will be avail able at once for deputies as soon as necessary. From the general appropriation fund, the warden received $1662.78 for salary and traveling expenses and $2499.88 was used for salaries and expenses of deputy wardens, making a total expediture for the year of $11,421.91 for the protection and propagation of game. Violations of the law have been less frequent this year than for some time, but justices ot the peace are not inclined to impose severe penalties. Eighty-four persons were con victed and fined for violation of the game laws, the fines averag ing $15. Calling cards popular styles in cards and type at the Gazette office. SOtf buried are described as follows: Height, 5 feet, 6 inches, light hair, sandy moustache, Stars and Stripes tattooed on right arm with circle on flag and date 1878. Height, 5 feet 10 inches, heavy build, age about 30, dark hair and Uuion Tack on right arm. The first body found was still bleeding from cuts in the head showing death had occurred but a short time before. It is be lieved that the .Captain's wife was amonsr those lost in the wreck, for amsng the miscellan eous wreckage washed ashore is a woman s crav coat trimmed with red cord. Scraps of a lo, book with the inscription, "John Houston, master; Donald Camer on, mate," were also round 1 nree 01 the ship s boats were washed ashore. The search for the bodies ot the victims is being continued. 28. and is as follows Bereft of clergy though with solemnity, the bodies of three victims of the wrecked British bark Pass of Melfort, were buried today in the little graveyard at Ucluelet, a village a tew miles distant from the scene of the disaster which v involves the lives of 26 men and one woman. The villagers all gathered at the cem etery and knelt in prayer while the interment took place. The wreck of the Pass of Mel fort, badly broken, is submerged about 50 yards from the shore, with two spars anchored to it, buoying the location. An Indian is said to have seen the ill-fated ship firing rockets just before she foundered The Indians just before dawn Tuesday morning heard reports and rushed out of their lodges, but not hearing other reports, they returned. One states he saw rockets, which is probably correct, as a small box marked rockets was washed ashore. The Indians went to Ucluelet settle ment, where the settlers were in formed that a wreck had occur red and both white men and Indians returned to the scene of the wreck. The steel bark had gone on the reef to the eastward of Amph- itrite Point, about 60 yards from the shore, and the wreckage was washed ashore in a small bay, 20 yards wide with steep jagged rocks at the mouth on both sides and fully exposed to the terrific southwest gale which still swept monstrous seas onto the rocks. The. sea rushes into the bay as though in a tide race and while the settlers were searching among the wreckage they saw two bodies, both of which were re covered with boathooks found among the wreckage. Two other bodies which were beating against the rocks could not be recovered, but it is reported that tbey have since come ashore. It is consid ered impossible for a man to land alive, so rocky is the vicin ity where the wreck occurred. On the rocks a handkerchief and collar were found with the name "A. S. Laurie" and a handkerchief and socks mark ed with the name "Wormell." Two oi the bodies recovered and Jerry from Kerry. Patten and Perry's High-Class Comedy, "Jerry from Kerry." A cyclone of fun is blowing this way. It bet ts any circus. So many 01 our town theatre goers have done nothing else but talk about its coming on. Patten and Perry and a big company of jolly maidens, funny comedians, graceful buckwing dances, up-to-date specialties, bright, catchy music, everything clean, clever and refined, three long acts, constant laughter, brimful of jolly frolic, music and original comedy. Two and a half hours of solid humor; everything goes with a dash, snap and sparkle, not a dull moment in it. The pretty girls with handsome faces and shapely figures, neatly cos tumed, will be a surprising fea ture seen in "Jerry from Kerry." Fun for "the boys, ; laughter for the girls. Bring the children, also grandma and grandpa, let the whole family see this attrac tion. This company also carry their own Superior Concert Band and Orchestra. Watch for Street Parade at 4 p. m. Wed nesday, January 3rd. ' Prices 75, 50, 35 and 25 cents. Got Wrong Trunk. What to do with the "duds" she has fallen heir to is pretty certain to worry a certain young lady ere long. The key to what we are suggesting is furnished by a dispatch sent from Cervallis to Portland, Saturday, as follows: When Miss Dellie Howard, who left' this town Thursday night, reaches her destination at Imperial, Cal., today and opens her trunk she will find it filled with football suits, shinguards, noseguards, headgear and other paraphernalia players wear at a football game. Two trunks that looked alike were at the station when she arrived with her friends. Amid the goodbyes and good wishes; she claimed and the baggageman checked the wrong trunk. The Agricultural Col lege team was compelled to play in overalls in their game with the Albany High School, in Jefferson. IFOR OUR DEAREST BHverwar we - &9k titf more thail you would expect to pay for far inferior goode. We want you to feel able to afford the best, whether it be for your table, Bide board or dressing case. So we make a specialty of fine silverware moderately priced. We have sets and single pieces. Standard and special patterns. Every piece is fully warranted to wear for years. We shall be very glad to have "you look at the collection any time. t Albert J. Metzger JEWELER Occidental Building, - - - Corvalli THE' CITY MEAT. IKET has moved into the brick building Ber man's old stand and will be pleased to serve all our old customers and many new ones with all kinds of Fresh and Cured Rsats, Lard Sausage Call and see us; we wi'l treat you right. Goods delivered in all parts of the city promptly and satisfactory. CADY, SCHWINQLERSC We run our own delivery wagon Xiie GEM CIGAR STORE All first-class cigirs and tobacco; whist and pool rooms. Every customer treated like a prince. iai uii Kir ,Four dois north of postoffiee JAUK MILNL Ind. Phone 130. Now that the holiday rush is over we have time to do your re 'J pair work with neatness and despatch. Fine Watch Work a Specialty . The diamond ring drawing will come off Jan. 6, 1906. A ticket with each dollar's worth purchased until that time. Everything desired in the jewelry line is carried by us. Eyes tested free and glasses fitted properly in a most up-to-date manner. E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician. JANUARY 2, 1906 ! 1 e special class in Eclectic Shorthand will commence Ja rapid course with two to three recitations a day so as to . complete the course APRIL 30, S90G with a speed of 100 to 150 words a minute. Eclectic is easy to learn, none as easy to read and none so rapid. tb thirty sts$dIMtts to enter this class not later than January 2, and we will make 20 per cent, discount to those who enroll December 21; commence any time thereafter. Let us talk it over at once. . E. RICHARDSON, President r w e will be busy invoicing this week and and next, but not too busy to show you a complete line of furniture and house furnishings. Have you seen that CoUimbia Brussels carpet we are selling It is admired by everybody--nothing like it in town. It is abso lutely the cheapest and best carpet ever sold in Corvallis. We are 'headquarters tor Rugs, Rockers, Mirrors, Pictures, etc. We want your tnv'e and will treat you right. If, in your dealing with us yor. are in any way dissatisfied, let us know and Ave will cheerf ully adjust the matter to your satisfaction. Come in the next ten days and talk with They have TTT T TPTVTTQ T7! HI &T H A TW" important f " a-a yi .a i iJ-iLiii j w vakJb 10 16U yOU. 1 ; 1 4 L