Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 01, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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    C3 7
Mrs. P. A. Mosier wjnt to Port-
laud Friday for a. vwii with her
George Whiteside relumed Sun
diy evening fro a a weeks' visit in
Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Norton de
parted Friday for their home at
Hood River, after a holiday visit
with Corvallis i datives.
James Gitbens and family moved
S nurd ay to the Julian McFadden
farm near the Odd bm.ow ceme
tery northwest of Corirallis.
William Sklpton, the well known
8alem horsebuyer and former Cor-
valhsite wa3 in this city several
days tb latter part of the week,
looking after business in' his line.
B. F. Irvine of this city has ben
re-appointed a regent of OAC. Mrs.
Waldo, of Macleay, Oregon, lecturer
lor the State Grange has also been
re-appointed'. ... ."; .
Dr. and Mrs'. H. S. Pernot cele
brated their tin wedding anniver
sary at their home last evening.
The invitations were unique, being
suitably worded and attached to
tin tags. ,
Miss Pauline Kline will He at
lioain to her friends on New Years
day from 2 to 6: p. w. She will
keep "ojea house" during these
W. D. Ireland has purchased the
Osburn hop yard acioss the Wil
lamette river from Corva'iip, for
$10,000. Tne plac comprises lv)
acres of hep?, CG of timber land
and SO acres cf farm land.
A. Baraboo, Wis., woman is said to
have been kicked on the chin bv a
mule, causing her to bite off the
end of her tongue so that she can
not talk. Her husband has re
fu3ed $1,000 for the mule -Ex.
TYdny there is to be a game of
football between the Corvallis
Juniois and a team from Browns
ville, The admission is 15 cents
and the contest will probably be
Prof. Ruthyn Turney arrived
home Friday from a two montsB'
visit with his parents at Los
Angeles. Prof. Turney is improved
in health and has resumed his
position on the Gazette.
Attorney E. E. Wilson of this city
has been) appointed a member of
the board iof regeutaof OAC, taking
tie placet formerly held bv John
Duly as secretary. Mr. Wilson is
thoroughly fitted for the position
and his appointment is gratifying
to his many friends hereaboute.
Miss Sue Breckeo ridge of Albany
i9 the guest of Miss Agnes Wileon.
She arrived Satutday. The two
young ladies went onth? Oregonin
frre trip o t e Ynllowttne Park
laft summer, ard thoie formed a
warm friendship that will probably
endure fir all time.
Professor Willis C. Hawlev, of
the chair of history nr.d -conomie8,
dean :f the Cjl e of Li he! al A hp
of Willamette University, has,
tendered his resignation to the
trustees of tha institution, to take
effect at tha close rf tha present
half year. Congressman-elect
Hawley expects to leave for Wash
ington, District of Columbia, the
first part of February to familiar
ize himself with tho work of the
National law-Jiaking bo-Ay.
The postoffice has not yet been
moved, owing to the fact that all
tho reports of the office have to be
rxihde out on the first cf each
month and this is euch a task that
to begin moving at euch a time is
out of the question. The finishing
work in tha new office is also siow
in reaching completion,, and it is
now figured that the move will be
made about Jan. 5th In the mean
time, peple haviiig postoffica boxa?
t-hould remember the request they
have received m regard to having
their mail addressed to toeir ti3w
box number, as this will be of great
BSsistance to the office employes in
distributing in tbe newly-arranged
Thursday Dr. Bowea Lester sold
his dental business to Dr. W. A.
G. Hanford, of Portland. The new
dentist is now in possession of the
office. Dr Hanford has a wife and
child who art expected to arrive in
this city sotue time during Janu
ary. He comes to Corvahis with
first-class credentials and nodiubt,
will give Bati.-factioo. Dr. Lester,
the retiring dentist, has been fol
lowing his profession in Corvallis
for sixteen years. During this
time he baa made many friends
and bis work in dentistry has al
ways been of very high order. His
patrons regret that he 13 retirmi
from practice, bat shoald he ever
conclude ts azam enter tb.9. profes
sion they will give him l?yal sup
port. It n gratifying to his friends
that b 'will continue his residence
in this city.
Walter Kline arrived home Sun
day from a weekV visit in ;Port
Mrs. El CutYimings and Vivan
Wellsber left Fndjy for Portland
or a visit.
Miss Madge Baldwin has return
ed to.Carlton after a holiday visit
with Corvallis friends.
Mrs. Amelia Schubert and little
son left yesterdav for Monroe to
visit relatives for a few day.
Miss Lulu Rice returned Sunday
evening from a few days visit with
Miss Lulu Turner, in Portland.
Miss Harriet She&egreen left
yesterday for Portland on a visit to
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. P
Prof. Mrs. S. I. Pratt left yester
day for their home at Newport,
after a week s visit with Prof, and
Mrs. G. A. Covell in this city.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fletcher and
daughter Savina went to Portland
the last of the week for a vitit with
Miss Myrtle Spaulding returns
to Portland today where she is at
tending school. She has been
visiting relatives in Corvallis for a
Oaaer Murphv and familv
moved Friday into the Barneli
house on Ninth street. Mr. Murphv
s a con of Mr. and Mrs. Hender
son Murpby of South Corvalli?.
Clark and Hovey Belknap have
returned to Salem to resume their
studies, wfier tpetidinz Chriftmas
with their parents at Beliefountain.
Mrs. B. S. Snyder of Home Val-
ey, vvash. is on a visit to orvauis
relatives. Mrs. Snyder v&s
formerly Miss Louise Meeier of
this city.
Mr. and Mrs. I- a Mingo - and
daughter of Portland have been
guestB for several day3 of Corvallis
relatives. Mis. M;ngr will be re
membered in this city as Miss
The Intermediate League of thn
M. E. church was to hold a watch
meeting in the M. E. church last
night alter, the Gazette press hour.
A program was to be given and the
Epwarth L?ague members were al
eo invited to participate. -
Miss Margaret McCormick re
turned to her home at Lebnou the"
last cf the week, after a visit at the
Mrs. Sarah Elgin home in this city.
Miss McCormick graduated from
OAC this spring and is now teach
ing school at Sweet Home.
Clarence Chipman and Clarence
Vidito have purchased the furni
ture and fixtures of the Bayview
hotel at Newport and will operate
it the coming season. The arrange
ments are now completed.
v rs. LillieJ Kingreturned thelast
of the week from Portland, where she
went to visit her son who was in
jured in a street car accident. The
young man was struck on the head
and so far ho is unable to recall
ny of the events of the dav on
which he was injured.
There was a eddiDg at Hepp
ner, Oregon, Christmas - morning in
which two former OAC students
participated. The bride was Mies
Ltura B. Clark and ti e groom
Verne L. Haiiiiiton. They will
reside in Portland. The groom
will be remembered as a player on
tha OAC football team three or
four years ago.
The marriage of Miss Alice
Mehsffey to Walter Wells of Inde
pendence, Polk county, occurs at the
h ide's home in this city this noon.
The ceremony will be performed bv
Rev. G. II. Feese of tha First
Methodisr chu;ch and Miss Libbie
Rice will play the wedding march.
Mr. Wells is a young -man of sterl
ing worth, and the bride is a highly
esteemed young lady of this city.
The United Artisans have
changed their quarters and also
their meeting" night, two import
ant tacts that should be borne in
mind by the member?. The meet
ings will hereafter occur on Thurs
day evenings and the Odd Fellows
hall will be the piac?. Thursday
night the: e will be installation of
officers and all rrembers should be
nreert to make the occasioa en
joy ablr.
F. O. Grav, formerly of this city,
who went to San Francisco recently
to work for the We:ls Fargo ex
press company is nnv at Tonopah,
Nevada, in the employ of the same
firm. He writes that he did not
in the least like 'Frisco and that he
cannot see how tb.9 city can be
made to look cleanly and attractive
again, owinz to the tons upon tons
of rubbish piled in tha streets and
everywhere, eull to be cleated.a
way. The first snow of the season in this
section rnaje its appeareacn Sunday
night abont 7 : 3D. and . yesterday morn
ing the streets were a glare of ice, caused
by the snow freezing before it had began
to meltw
' Mr. and -Mrs. B". F. Irvine were Port
land visitors the last of Ihe' wet. -
Raymond Peterson returned to -his
home in Portland Saturday -after a. visit
with his- grand jiother, Mrs. "-Agnes
Thompson. J ;
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to the firm of Smith arid Bouldea
are requested to call and settle at once,
as Mr. Bonlden is retiring from the
firm.' -.:'- .-;'r'--'':"';
Kev. Wilson of Spokane a, brother-in-law
of Dr. Lester, .has been visiting in
Corvallia the past few days. He preached
at the Congregational cbnrch Sunday
morning and at the Presbyterian ia the
evening. Mia sermons, are .highly prais
ed by those who beard them.
Mr. and Mrs. Fendall of Fi?e Rivers
who recently came to this city because
of the illness of their daughter, Miss
Lou, moved Saturday into the Green
house in Job? addition. The daughter
is not much improved, her- mental con
dition still being far from what it should
be, although ic is hoped she may soon
recover. . . ; i
The "Tongues of Fire" people have
reached Albany and a sensational meeting
is in progress, one subject having been
kept flat on -the floor' of ;the hall until
one o clock oaturaay-- mornin' and
when released was too weakto stand
alone. The orgies are growing wilder
each day and there is much speculation
as to what the termination will be". 1
The marriage ' of Tliouas -Flett and
Miss Maud Foster is to occur at:' noon
today at the home of tb.3 bride in this
city. The young couple will reside .for
the presant at the liome of the. eroom'a
parent?, Mr. and Mrs. James Flett. A
dinner aud reception wi 1 be given at Ihe
Fleft home this noon for ttie wedding
party, the day being tbe 27th anniversary
of their marriage, as well as the wedding
day of their oldest son.
George F. Kevins, the new man at the
head of the Corvallis and Eastern rail
road's affairs in Albany, arrived from
Chicago Tuesday. J. C. Mayo, general
freight and passenger agent of the A. &
and C. & E. was up from Astoria
Thursday and G. W. Talbot. General
manager of both roads arrived from
Portland last night. Albany is the proper
place for headquarters for the two roads.
anyway, mileage considered. Albany
Presidant Gatch of OAC received
word Friday morning that he had
been elected to the privileges of the
Carnegie Fouudtion, with an al
lowance of $1000 a year. This
fund is for retired educators " who
have done faithful service for a long
period of time. President Gatch
is to retire fiom the presidency of
OAC next June,but it is not known
when he will take advantage of the
privilege of the Carnegie fund, if at
.Gene M. Simeon is to return tonight
from a brief visit in Portland. I ' ,
George Horning of Peoria was a besi-
ness visitor in this city Saturday.
- Alex Ronnie returned- Friday evening
from a business trip to Eugene. . -
; Charles Shenofield the Bell telepeone
man, was an. -Albany . visitor Saturday
Clayton and Robert Herrox of Irish
Bend, prosperous farmers, were visitors
in Corvallis Saturday. .
Mr. and Mrs. John Spangler are do
Oregon City, guests of .their -daughter,
Mrs. L. L. Porter. . . i
Mr. and - Mrs. M. H. Bauer were to
entertain a partyof friends at their home
last night, after the Gazette . had gone to
preeB. . ..... - -..
Clem King -visited relatives and
friends in Corvallis a few days last week.
He left Friday lor Phonix, Arizona.
After transacting certain business there
he goes to Mexico. i
Mrs, B.' E. Essen of Hood River ar
rived Saturday for a visit with Corvallis
relatives'.: Mrs. Eesen will be remem
bered'.here as Miss Edna Gillett former
popula'rbo6k keeper Tor R M. Wade &
Co. ' i" n--: ..?
- The E?A. S. 6f the ' Presbyterian
church was entertained by Mrs. J. IE
Harris-'Saturday afternoon. About i 25
ladies were pres'ent to enjoy the:evenri
There wefe guessing games and a s,ocial
time,' a-jd tUe, hour? .were very enjoyable
ones for all.reeent. , : ; ; .. ...
Philip Jtitnehart ot tne UAU camr
home to spend the holidays' with iris
mother, Dr. B. C. FergusDn. Henry
Zimmerman, who is a studentat the An
ricultural college, came home for tbe 1 oli
dys Roy Sellek, who is a student at
Oregon Agricultural college, arrived in
this city Friday night and left the fol
lowing day for his home at Boyd. The
Dalles Optimist.
, Work is progressing slowly but steadi
ly on the A. -J. Johneon building and
the pressed brick front is assuming form.
It is te-lious work with these, bricks aa it
takes much care in placing them, and
the arches in the big front tire a particu
lar job. When this building is com
pleted and the new postoffice is occupied,
there will be a marked change in the
appearance of Main street.
Marshall Miller has been over at New
port the past week, looking after busi
ness interests and putting a new roof on
his Front street, building. A great boom
in property is expected at Newport Dext
season and Mr.' Miller is noted for his
ability in getting in on the "ground
floor." '
i: 23 Per
1 .
Corvallis, Oregon. I
At the annual business meeting of
the Oangregational church the following
officers were elected" and those holding
over: Deacons, A. B. Cordley, W. J.
Kent, Frank Wood. R, Li Whitehead,
Charles Pernot. R. J. Nichols; Deacon
8seP. Mrs. Martha Burnett Mrs. Fred
Clark, Mrs. Martha Berchtoid ; trustees,
R. L. Whitehead, Chae. Pernot. F.
Berchtoid, V. J. Kent. A. B. Cordley,
Fran wood; church clerk. Mrs. Fred
Clark; treasurer, Miss N. Campbell;
fup'fc. of Sunday school, Chas Pernot;
assistant sup't, Mrs. A. E. Wilkins;
librarian. Rubv Fowlls; sec'y Merle
Hollister; organist, Mrg-ret Fo veils.
MO. Hiestsnd. Cha. Blakclce.
PatnonizeZHomo Industry.
utslda Order Solicited.
All Work '.Guaranteed.
o The clerks at : Nolan's are to give a
banquet tomorrow night at Hotel Cor
vallis in honor of their fellow-clerk, Alex
Rennie, who is to leave the following
day, or Friday, for. Spokane, to begin
his duties as traveling salesman for a
large wholesale house of that city.'
There was a big shooting match at
Bellefountain Thursday, given by the
women and girls of that locality, and an
OAC girl carried off leacing honors of
the day. She is Miss Claire Starr and
her score and that of Miss Hazel Ed
wards were the highest made. Fifty
women and girls participated in the
shoot, which occurred :n Grange hall,
and the losing side gave a banquet to
the victors Friday night, 100 women,
young and old, enjoying the event. The
two teams weie captained by Mrs. John
Buckingham and Mrs. Verne Woodcock.
A nice Christmas present for
a-Gentleman is a good hat
We sell the John B. St6tson hat
which reccommends itself.
Also a complete line of Men's
& Boys furnishings.
. Give ns a call.
OtajsosSte ths Postoffice
fnd. Phone No. 481.
1 w
Will beffin Wednesday, January 2, 1907. Offering bargains in every
ment, and as is our custom we will make this one of the bargain events
year. Space will not permit to quote prices on every article in the
STOBE, but will remind you that it is a genuine sale, and everything goes
reduced prices.
Dry Goods
Outing 'Flannel.'.
1 Lot cf colored dreBB goods.
i $ioo " " I."!!!."."."..."!!
54-in Navy and Green homespun........
54-in Blue ladies cloth..
15c Silkleen....
i2c " .:.
. . . . 8o
.. ..3Po
. ...60o
. . ..45c
Mens Suits reduced to.,
.... i
Extra heavy mixed shirting, 20c grade.. ; .12c
16 50
2 50
3 50
Youths clothing is also included in this sale.
20 Yards of Good GaliGO$lmQO
Extra Special on Table Linen, Napkins
of the
. 10.00
. 12.00
. 13.20
. 16.00
. 1.95
. 2.25
. 2 95
. 3.45