Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, December 29, 1905, Image 2

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    fHF MM iiMUt
Published Tuesdays and Fridays by i
Gazette Pitbushing Company.
The siiis tiptloti price of the Gazette
for seveni) vhms has been, and remains
$2 wr an mi mi, or 25 per cent discount, if
All men who have never made
mistakes were either fools or
without nerve enough to at
tempt anything. "There are
more things in heaven and
earth, Horatio, than are dreamt
of in your philosophy," would
apply nicely to matters temporal,
In manyw ays we are too impet
uous as a people and are liable to
make too many errors.
Take us as a people and we at
present, regardless of political
affiliations ': blindly advocate a
thing simply because President
Koosevelt sanctions or espouses
it Granting that our president
is all right (and he certainly is) ,
is it not possible that we may be
establishing precedents that will
menace at some future time our
peace -and harmony and our wel
fare as the psople of a republic?
We may not, in fact, the
chances are against our having
very soon another such person as
the first man of our nation.
President Roosevelt is ruggedly
honest and blunt, intensely patri
otic, and the personification of
strenuosity. All of these qual
ities inspire the confidence of the
masses and endear him to the
people and they are willing to
allow him almost unlimited pow'
er. This may be well in Roosc
velt's case, but how will it be
with his successor?
Autocracy might be an ideal
condition for us and we might
f are'very well under this form of
government were we assured
that President Roosevelt would
always be the autocrat, and tnat
he would ever remain the same
Roosevelt. But this is beyond
""""hope. "The successor of Presi
dent IRoosevelt may be his an
tithesis, therefore, it is the part
of wisdom to have a care regard
ing precedents which are estab-
. lished during his term of office
With all respect to Miss Alice
Roosevelt it must be said that
to those who are keen lovers of
our republican form of govern
ment it cer ainly sounds queer to
hear this young lady referred to
as "Princess Alice." We won-
der how the term sounds to the
the young lady's father? Nor is
this all: Some cracked brained
fellow has conceived the idea
of. raising a dowry for "Princess
Alice" and proposes to make the
office of the state treasurer o:
Oregon the official vehicle for
trundling the scheme to a sue
cessful termination.
We have no cause for fawning
before, nor aping nobility (?)
we have no need of any empty
titles in this country; by being
honest and earnest -men and
women, and living up to the
standards set by our better class
of citizens we may, indeed,
maice of ourselves ' princes and
princesses in reality and not be
associated with all the corruption,
immorality and emptiness which
titles stand for in the old world.
Miss Roosevelt is a good young
la'ly and we wish her the best
of everything, but she is no bet
ter nor more deserving than
thousands of other young ladies
in this country who have . not
had half her advautages. Far
'better and more charitable it
would be to start a subscription
list, not for a dowry for Miss
Roosevelt, but to provide dppor-
; tunity for other girls who are
every bit as good as she but who
have not received, and never
will enjoy, what Van world has
yielded the daughter of our
president. It is charity to give
to the needy and deserving.
Miss Roosevelt, although deserv
ing, is not needy.
Well Satisfied.
If I should be given my
choice of either the office I now
hold or that of congressman from
the first district, it would not
take me a minute to decide to
stay right where I am," said
Circuit Judge Lawrence T. Har
ris, of the second judicial district,
who was registered at the . Im
perial, to a Telegram reporter a
few days ago. It was Jhdge
Harris, then speaker of the
house of representatives, who
gave Congressman Binger Her
mann such a close run for the
congressional nomination at the
Eugene convention in the fall of
1903. He has scores of friends
who believe he could be elected
it he were to enter the congres
sional race in the first district,
but he enters an emphatic "no."
' "I am out of politics altogether
now," he continued. "There is
nothing in it. A poor man has
no business in politics; much less
a man who has ambition to sue
ceed in any profession. Now ".
am in a position to develop in
my chosen profession. Were I
to go to congress, I would be ret
rograding -: in legal matters,
whereas, if I continue on the
bench of my district I will at
east be able to go into the field
and practice law at any time.
have been holding court in Ben-.
ton county and came to Portland
to spend Christmas and talk over
legal matters with friends."
Various . "Forest Industries
Bringing to a focus . the preparatory
work of the past six mouths, the Forest
Service is sending out question cards to
secure statistics of forest products. The
returns will be worked up jnto a report,
which will give by States, regions 'and
species the cut and shipments of lum
ber, shingles, laths, cooperage stock
ties, posts and poles during the year; the
stock on hand at the close of the year
and also the amount of wood used in the
various industries for ' which wood fur
nishes the raw material, and the value
of ' theproducts. 1 : . Circular ' fetters
manufacturers accompany the cards, ex-
plaining their use and object.
The vital importance of accurate, sta
tistics of forest products has , appealed
forcibly to manufacturers throughout the
country. , The National Lumber Mana
fact ui era' Association, and several other
associations of lumbermen and wood
users, are co-operating with the Forest
Service. During the sommer the ut
tnost pains has been taken to make the
investigation precise and practical to the
last detail. The question cards which
have resulted are clear and comprehen
sive, and may be filed out and returned
by the recipients mlh very little trouble.
It is quite plain that the success
this study now depends upon the care
ful assistance ot the industries concern
ed. In order that the returns may have
their full value to all, each individual
correspondent's card is necessary. The
returns will be regarded as strictly eon
tidential, and neither the name of the
correspondent uor the location of bis
mill will be made public by the Service
A copy ot the report, which is to be
published as a resultof the investigation
will be tent to all who till out the ques
tion cards and to others interested in the
use of forest products. .
Corvallis Won Game.
The Corvallis Juniors defeated
the Brownsville High ,Schoo
Football team on Christmas day
by a score of 6 to 5. The game
was called at 2:30 p. 'm. and was
played in 20 and 25 minute
halves. The game was witnessed
by not less than 150 people, and
the Brovfnsville band played for
the game. Corvallis made
touchdown in first seven minutes
of play. The local team - held
Corvallis for 6 to 0 in first hal
Brownsville scored five in second
half,' but failed on goal. Then
both teams held each other 'for
no more gains, the ball being in
Corvallis possession on . Browns
ville 15 yard line at the end of
game. Following was the
line-up: '
Berchtold L E R Coopingham
Tor Infants and Children.
Tha Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Kerron RGL Templeton
Spires LTR Oxford
Hubler RE L Weaver
Cooper C Oxford
horp LGR Childs
Cyle IRTL Templeton
Avery Q Windon
Emerick LHR Swank
Cronise, C RHL Elmond
Chas. Hubler P Warner .
Officials: Referee, Frank Sny
der; unpire, Milton ixng
r.IfA la n. constant ffuht against the dan
gers of disease, and he holds his own the
ueau wuu Keeps
his body and
Its functions in
the best work
ing trim.
There - are
times in every
life when Na
ture gratefully
accepts a little
aid. She does
not want a
whipping up
. itably follow-
sing reaction.
In most cases
a tonic and al
terative prop
erly com
Dounded will
afford the required help by promoting
digestion, assimilation ' and reconstruc
tion oi tissue ana reducing waste or vital
nerve forces.
It must not be an alcolwlic stimulant
just a vegetable tonic. Meeting these
neeas anu eonuiuons sji. jrierce s women
Medical Discovery has been in successful
use these forty years and has accumu
lated a record of cures unequaled in the
History oi meaicine.- it is composed oi
non-alcoholic, glyceric extracts of Golden
Seal root. Queen's root. Stone root. Black
Cherrybark, Jiloodroot and Mandrake
root, and by special processes perfected by
Dr. Pierce, In his own laboratorv. so com
bined in the most exact proportions, and
their medicinal properties preserved
without the use of alcohol as to render
it a safe and effective remedy for use in
trie lamuy witnout consulting a doctor.
Young or old can take it freely as needed.
and now tnat its composition is pub
lished, there is no ground for prejudice
against it as a patent medicine or secret
meaicine. it is neitner. . i .
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets
7feii.curo .constipation.
are constiDation. Constina'
eases. Cure the cause and you
cure the disease. One " Pellet " Is a gentle
. m ... tirm is tne cause oi man? dis
laxative, and two a mild catnartic. - urug
gists sell them; and nothing is " just as good."
Dr. Pierce's great thousand-page lllus
trated Common Sense Medical Adviser
will be sent free, paper-bound, for 21 one-
cent stamps, or ciotn-oouna ior 31 stamps.
A Fearful Fate.
It is a terrib'e fate to have to endure
the terrible torture of piles. '' I can
truthfully eav," writes Harry Colcon, of
Mason ville. la., tnat tor JSiina, jiieea
ing, Itct ing and Protruding Piles, Buck
len's Arnica Salve, is the bert cure
made.'' - Also best tor cuts, burns, and
miuries. 'to tents at - Alien x v ooa
ward druggists. :
Closing Out,
Sale of Pianos
and Organs
announces his retirement from the music
business in Corvallis and offers . to the
people of ' this city, instruments below
cost. Prices absolutely cut no figure on
the elegant NEEDHAM goods, which
will be closed out this moBth. Call at
residence near 4th and Jackson Sts.
. and
Heating !
Cornice, Roofing, Guttering
and all kinds of bheet Metal
F. A. Hencye
In connection, with J. 'H
Ths Packard
Every Pair Guaranteed
Sold by A. K. R.uss
iHapp v New Year!
At this New Year
mindful of the support
have had irom our many patrons. It is our
purpose to conduct our
o merit your further
fidence. We wish to
you and the assurance
o your future commands. Wishing you
an a nappy iew lear. EMH
For 30 days only
we will offer all our Talkaphone and
Columbia Graphophones at twenty
five per cent discount. We are also
adding to our line the VICTOR and
: EDISON talking machines. These
two machines need no boasting-they
v speak for themselves.7 We also carry
the following lines of records:
Victor Records, Zonophone Records
Columbia Records, Edison Records,
. . American Records.
Remember, we are headquarters "for
the above lmes.
Graduate Optician
and Jeweler
Fits eyes accurately and scientifically. . We give better bar
gains in Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry than;
. any store in Corvallis.
16 size gold filled hunting, 20 year case with 15 jeweled Elgin movement $15.50
Baby antf children's solid gold rings, plain and fancy each, - . .50
Your watch cleaned and guaranteed one year for - - - . . 1.00
(Cun not be done better at any price.) '
Mainsprings, guaranteed one year - - . -1.00
The above are samples of our bargains; call and judgo for yourself.
D. C. Hlaatandm -
Patronize Home Industry.
Out Ida Or don Solicited.
All Work Guaranteed. '.
To those who have an i'ea of getting a
Talking Machine for these long -winter
evenings I will give a free entertainment
in your home. Just drop me a. card or
call at my home on South Main street.
If you haven't the idea, get it, and ac
cept ''this offer. In the meantime, re
member that the Edison Machine and
the Edison (iold Moulded Records are
the best that money can buy.
Machines, $10, 20J $30 and $50. : '
Gold Moulded Records, 35c. i .
' Accept1 nothing until, you have heard
the Edison, Eightyears' experience with
talking machines. 11 :
G. B. WHITNEY, The Concrete Man.
Ia Mad Chase '
Millions rush in mad chase after health
from one extreme of fad diem to another,
when, if they would only eat good food,
and keep their bowels regular with Dr.
Kings New Life Fills, their troubles
would all pass away.--Prompt relief and
quick cure for liver and stomach trouble.
25c. at Allen & Woodward drug store:
guaranteed. . - .
Season we are not un
and co-operation we
business at all times
consideration and con-
tender our thanks to
of our best attention
very truly,
Chas- Biakoaleo.
For Sale! Look!
I have 12,000 shares Great
Eastern Mining Co's stock - and
must cell at once. - . - ..
. My loss is your gain as the
company have struck good ore
in the latest work. Rich. Bo
hemia is cn the boom and next
summer will see great things.
How is$45,000 for a week's work?
This is what the Oregon Securi
ties will produce this waek.
First come, firet served. This
. ad. may not appear again. Will
sell whole block tor 4c per share
cash, or any part of tt for 44c
per share. The cheapest the
company tver soM ctock was
74c, and it is now 20c pr share, -Will
send stock to your bank
. with draft attached and you can
eee it before yon bny.
Address, Box 174
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of
m warrant issued out of the county .court ot
the state of Oregon for the county of Ben-
.un, bearing the seal of eaid court, to the
heriff ef said county directed and delivered.
and bearing date October 27, 1905, com
manding the said sheriCt to collect the taxes
a shown to be delinquent on the. tax roll
for the year 1904, charged to said delin
quents therecn, and if necessary to sell th& -
several articles oi personal or parcels of real
property upon which surh taxes are levied.
is set icrtn in said tax list. -
Said delinquent taxpayers, the amount of
axes, and the amount ot penalties end the
several parcels of real property are - do-
'crlbud as follows, to-wit:
Simpson, Phy South half of the - -southeast
quarter ot section 11,
township 10. range 7 ; northwest
quarter of the northwest quarter of
section 13, township 10, range 7.
120 acres
Giesler, Albert Southwest quarter of
the southeast quarter of section 16,
township 11, range 7, 40 acres....
Franklin, R. B. Northeast quarter of
section 18, township l. range 7,
160 acres .. 14.60
Baldwin, V. Northeast quarter of the
northwest quarter; southwest quar
ter of the southeast quarter of sec
tion 13, township 11, range 6, 80
acres 3.65
Crandall. Calvin Beginning 16.08
chains, east of the southwest corner
of donation land claim ot J. Has
klns, claim No. 71, township 10,
range 4 west; run thence north
20.95 chains, east 23.92 chains,
south 20.95H chains, west 23.92
chains to beginning, except 20 acres
sold. 30 acres 16.44
Krimble, J. East half of the south
east quarter of section 7, township
11, range 5 west. 80 acres 3.65
Hogue, C. C Begining at a point
which Is west 47.24 chains from the
southeast corner of claim No. 71,
township 10. range 4 west; run -thence
east 8T.72 chains to begin
ning. 9 acres 3.25
Evans, Chas. South half of the south
east quarter of section 8, township
14, range 8 west, .". . 5.68
Smith, Sewell C. Northeast quarter
of the southeast quarter ot section
8, township 15, range 8 west, 40
acres 3.65
Smith, Lilla Northwest quarter of ,
section 12, township 13, range 7
west, 160 acres. ............. 19.40
Whitehead, R. R. Southeast quarter
of the southeast quarter of section
29, township 13, range 7 west, u
acres -
Clem, Chas. Beginning 21.20 chains
south and 24. oO chains east of the
northwest corner of section 5,
south 14.28 chains, west 7 chains,
north 14.28 chains to beginning, in
section 5, township 15, range 5
west, 10 acres
Elzy, Geo. Northwest quarter, about
80 acres being in Benton county,
section 10, township 15, range 6
west. 80 acres . 3.65
Nye, E. V. and A. C. Lots 1, 2 and 3
and tne nortnwest quarter oi me
southeast quarter of section 33,
township 14, range 8 west; south
east quarter of the southwest quar
ter of section 33, township 14, range
6 west; northeast quarter of the
northwest quarter of section 4,
township 15, range 6 west, 240
acres 16.71
Price, L. N. Lots 1, 2. 5, 6 and 7,
section 34, townsnip x, range o
west, 128 acres
Thomas, Charles Northeast quarter
of the northeast quarter of section
12, township .15, range 6, 40 acres.
Trout, O. E. East half of the south
east quarter of section 32, township
14, range 6, 80 acres
Jackson, T. A. South half of lot 5,
section 31, township 14, range 4
west, 19 acres ,
Krlens, Wm. (Heirs) The north half
of the following : Beginning at tne
southeast corner of donation land
claim No. 57, township 12, range
6 west ; run thence north 43 chains,
thence west on the north boundary
of said claim 18.60 chains, south 43
chains, east 18.60 chains to begin- .
ning, 40 acres
Philomath College Lots 165 and 166,
In block 43, in City of Philomath..
The Associated Banking a Trust uo. .
, -.Northeast quarter, of the northwest .
quarter; northwest quarter of the
northeast nuarter of section 19.
township j.2, range 6 west, 80
Osburn, D. Lot 7, block 2, Dixon's
1st addition, Corvallis 17.31
Hyde, W. F. North half of the north
. west quarter of section 34, township
13, range 8 west, 80 acres 3.91
Lawrence, John W. Beginning at a . .
point on the half section line of sec-
' tlon 25, township 14, range 5 west,
26 rods north of the south boundary
of said section where said line in
tersects a slough ; run thence in ,
northwesterly direction down said
slough to a point where said slough
empties into another slough ; thence
up last mentioned slough In an east
erly direction to where said last
slough crosses said half section
line; thence south on said line to
beginning, 12 acres, section ',
township 14. range 5 west
Maher, E. A. East halt of section
3fi. township 12. range 7 west. 320
Clodfelter, Cora E. West half of the
southeast ouarter of section 26.
township 14, range 7 west, 80
m frr4
And on Friday, the ltn oay oi January,
1906, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said
day, at the sheriff's office in the court house
in the City of Corvallis, Benton county,
state of Oregon, I will sell the above do
scribed property at public sale to the per
son or persons who will bid the amount of
taxes, costs and penalties accrued against
each piece or parcel ot real property and
take a certificate at the lowest rate ot in
terest, for cash, subject to -redemption, to
satisfy said warrant, costs and accruing
costs. M. P. BURNETT,
Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon.
Dated December 21, 1905. .
'Mo Case of Pneumonia . on Record .
We do not know of a single instance
where a cough or cold resulted in pneu
monia or consumption when Foley's
Honey and Tar had been taken. It cures
coughs ar,d colds periectly. so do not
take chances on some unknown prepar
ation which may contain opiates, which '
cause constipation, a condition that re
tards recovery from a cold. ABk for
Folev's Honey and Tar and retufe any
snbs'titute offered Sold by Graham &
Wells, - .' " ' : .
Notice of Fiual Settlement.
Notice Is horebv given that, the undersigned
executrix of the estate of C. E. Mcor deceased, .
ba tiled in the County Court of Benton County,
Oregon, her final account as such executrix of
said estate, and that Friday the kth dny of Pe-x"
cember, 1906, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M.
has been fixed by taid Courtasa time tot hear- .
ing objections to said account and tne settle
ment thereof. PEK8I8 J. LINDEMAN.
Executrix of the estate of C. E. Moor, deceased
Country school district, 'teachers
can be supplied with - month! v re--
port cards by the Gazette. Write
your wants. oltf
Society invitations and wedding
announcements , are constantly
changing in styles of type faces and
form. Have them printed neatly
and . up-to-date' at the Gazette
office. . 80tf
Tortttr ol a Preacher.
The storv of the torture of Rev. O. D.
Moore, pastor of the Baptist church of
Harpersville.N. Y., will interest you. '
He says : "I suffered agonies, because of
a persistant cough, resulting , from the
grip. I had to sleep sitting np in bed. I
tried many remedies, without relief, until
I took Dr. King's New . Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which
entirely cured my Cough, and saved me
from Consumption." A grand cure for
diseased conditions of Throat and lungs.
At Allen & Woodward druggists. - 50c
!$1.00, guaranteed. Trial bottle free.