Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, December 29, 1905, Image 1

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Vol. XLHI.
Corvalus, Benton County, Oregon, Friday, December 29. io:.
Victor P. Moses and
Miss Wood
The Methodist chinch, South,
was the scene i f an unusually
prettv wedding Christmas morn
ing, when Victoi P. Moses and
Mis Lavinid Clair Wood were
uni'ed in marriage by Rev. C.
I. McCausland, presiding elder
of this district.
Promptly at ten o'clock, with
Miss Edna Finley at the organ,
the bridal party entered the
church and proceeded to the
altar. Dell Alexander and Leon
ard Moses, Mark Weatherforo
and Thomas . Bilyea acted as
ushers, and marched up the left
isle, to the strains of the wedding
march. Following was Miss
Mabel Wood, cousin of the bride,
gowned in pink organdie over
white, and looking gitlish and
lovely, next came Beth McCaus
land, the little flower girl, and
lastly the bride, modest and
beautiful in her costume of cream
silk, with long tulle veil, , and
carrying an arm boquet of cream
chrysanthemums. The gro )m.
accompanied by his best man,
Ralph Pruett, advanced up the
right aisle and the bridal party
were met at the altar by Rev.
McCausland who performed the
brief but impressive . ceremony.
The bride and groom then pass.
ed down the right aisle, "followed
by bridesmaid, groomsman and
ushers, and entered the carriages
that took them to the Wood's
home where a reception was
held: "
A dainty wedding breakfast
was served to fifty guests, by two
friends of .the .. bride,' Miss Villa
, Fields,,, , of . Forest Grove. , .and
Miss Iulu . Rice, of Corvallis.
. The decorations at the. church
were very artistic, , consisting of
festoons of pink- and wh4te' crepe
paper, Oregon grape and mistle
toe. The ceremony ; was vperi
formed under a large white, bell
suspended from an1 arch of green
over .the altar. At the .Wood's
residence the'parlor was; "prettily
decorated 1 in cedar, and the din
ing room in. holly, mistletoe, and
Oregon grape. ; Many handsome
presents attested .the popularity
of, the bride and groom.
At 1:20' Mr. land Mrs. 'Moses
departed for a trip to Portland
and Seattle. They will reside in
Corvallis, where a new residencei
. belonging to the' groom awaits
them. ' '
The bride is the highly re
spected daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank D. Wood. v. The groom is
the popular clerk of Benton
county, and a son of Rev. and
Mrs. P. A. Moses. Both -have
the good wishes of the entire
community as thev start ..on the
journey of married life.
'Uncle Sam" Did Business.
That Postmaster Johnson and
his assistants, were busy about
Christmas day goes without say
ing. The increase of business
over last year along, postal "lines
was about 30 per cent probably
more,, From 30 to 50 sacks of
mail, were handled each ' day!"
Friday and Saturday of last week
the four R. ,F. ,D. :, carriers de
livered 1,717 packages of mail.
Four assistants were kept busy
for a week.
The matter of registered letters
and money orders was not small
by any means. There was dis
patched during the week before
Christmas 155 registered letters
and packages. During this period
there was received at the local
office 256 registered . letters' and
parcels. Cash paid into the
office for postage stamps during
this time amounted to $332.
During the, week there were is
sued 207 money orders amount
mg to 1,059.' .. 1vere,,were tjrer
ceiyed and the ofhee. 170
money orders, the total of those
.. paidben'g',I;4SI.;.''.l', '." "
, From the enormous bulk of all
kinds of mail matter handled in
this city during the holidays it
will be seen that we must be in
creasing our population . and bet
tering our condition, as there is
no better test of the status of af
fairs in any community than its
postal receipts.
Eighth Grade Examinations.
For the information of those
interested, Prof. J. H. Ackerman.
superintendent of public in
struction, has issued the following
information concerning eighth
grade final examinations:
The dates are February 1 and
2, 1906; May 17 and 18, 1906;
June 14 and 15, . 1906. Thurs
days Arithmetic, writing, his
tory, and civil government. Fri
days Grammar, -physiology,
geography and spelling. Ques
tions in the following subjects
;will be taken from the following
seurces: . - V
Geography State Course . of
Study; the coarse print in Frey's
Elements of Geography; map
questions in both coarse and fine
print of Frey's Elements of
Spelling Eighty per cent from
miscellaneous test words in
Reed's Word Lessons and
twenty per cent from manuscripts.
writing specimens 01 pen
manship as indicated in copied
matter and from manuscripts.
Language -Reed's Graded Les
sons in English, no diagramming.
Civil . Government United
States Constitution.
History List of topics from
History: Outline, in State Course
Study and current events.
Good Guessing.
Homer Xuly created- consider
able interest last week by offer
ing cash prizes for the best
guesses on a couple of very large
steers which . he owned. Many
men who considered - themselves
authorities on the size and weight
of cattle disagreed in their esti
mates and . the ' result was that
several : hundred dollars changed
hands before the animals were
placed on the scales.
The guessing ceased at four
o'clock, Saturday afternoon , and
the steers were Weighed J then fol
lowed a canvass of the votes. " It
was found that the lowest guess
on the combined weight of the
steers was 2,045 pounds and ' the
highest guess 7,963 pounds. To
gether the animals weighed 3,
980" pounds and this weight was
guessed exactly by Dr. E. H,
Taylor, - A. Leder and D. C.
Hiestand. ?. The prize offered by
Mr. Lilly for the best guess on
the weight of the animals together
was $5 cash. -The
black steer
I97Jz pounds and the nearest
guess was that of George Belt,
who was within half a pound of
the above figure,- guessing 1,968
pounds. -For his effort Mr.. Belt
received $2. so.
V. J. Kaerth guessed the
weigh of the spotted steer to- be
2,012 j . pounds and it weighed
2,011 pounds, leaving Mr. Kearth
shy a pound and a-half when the
steer tipped the beam. This
gentleman also received $2.50
for -what he knew about steers!
The black animal was skilled
after the guessing contest . and
when dressed - weighed 1,046
pounds. .
Pirating Foley's Honey and. Tar.
Foley"'' Sc Co., ' Chicago, ' originated
Honey and Tar aa a throat and lung re
medy, and on account of the great merit
and popularity of Foley's Honey, and
Tar many imitations are offered for the
genuine. Ast for Foley's Hooey and
Tar and refuse any substitute offered as
no other preparation will give the - same
satisfaction. ; It is mildy laxative. It
contains no opiates and is safest for
children and delicate persons. Sold by
Graham & Wells. '
The , .Cprvallia .football team won
a snappy, and ., interesting game of
ball at Brownsville Christmas by a
score of 6 to 5. The' bright stars
for. Corvallis were: Berchtold, Cro
nise, Hubler, v and Emrick, wh
played fine football.
First of the Kind Ever Held in
the Little Valley.
The Farmers' Institute held in
Alsea on the 19th insf, under
the management of Hope Grange
number "269" was a success in
every particular. Much credit
is due "'Worthy ' Master S. R.
Strow for the efficient manner in
which the Institute was conduct
ed. Although the weather was
very disagreeable, so much so
that every farmer thought , him
self and family would be the only
audience to hear the morning
address which would be delivered
by County Recorder T. T. Vin
cent, for Abe Lincoln" (as he
is sometimes called) has a stand
ing reputation of never having
dissappointed an audience and
true to his past record, eleven
o'clock found him standing be
fore an overflowing house of
rural folks, each of . which t had
brought not only a smiling . face
but a well filled basket which
always associate nicely together.
Mr. Vincent said he would
not attempt to speak on the
subject of agriculture, but would
leave that matter to his superiors,
who were on the road and would:
arrive shortly, and were capable
of doing justice to the subject;
but preferred .to talk' along the
line of home and home train
ing. " ,
He impressed ' the . people with
the necessity of 1 teaching obed
ience to their -childrenteaching
by example as well as by pre
cept, of kindness as well as firm
ness in the home. He spoke of
the i duty of '-children to - their
parents, of the importance of
beautyiggLthehQrQe,- and in alt
his address -was well -prepared
and well received."1 After speak
ing about 40 minutes . he con
cluded 1 by repeating the-poem of
which1 James Howard , Payne is
the I author, ' "Home Sweet
Home!" - '
The, Worthy Master announc
ed that the next number on the
programme "was one in which
everyone might participate. In
a few minutes, on a table, which
extended the full ' length' .of the
hall, was spread a ' banquet that
President Roosevelt could have
appreciated had he been so for
tunate as to have been present. :
Dr. Withycombe, of the Ore
gon Agricultural " College, in
company. with : Wm Schulmerick
a practical dairyman from Wash
ington County,., arrived in ample
time to occupy their place at the
table-' ..
' After the dinner hour the.
doctor was introduced.' , After
paying a tribute to the Alsea
valley, its' intelligent inhabitants
and splendid homes, he talked on
the all important subject of the
day, ' 'practical . farming. ' ' He
said in part, "the tarm is the
best place on earth." He
thought the f farmers of Alsea
should produce a concentrated
product such ' as butter, : butter
fat, cheese, wool, mohair, etc.
etc,' He said, "It 1 nave one
ambition in life it is ' to help
bung about a better . system of
farming in this,-the grandest state
in the Union. '? ;He continued
by saying the plant food as the
farmers' capital, to produce a ton
of wheat consumes $7 .30 worth
of plant food; in producing a like
amount: of butter fat you will
only consume ko cents worth of
plant food.
The doctor expiesses himself
very plainly tlu t he has but little
use for a man who will farm for
profit regardless of what - it may
cost his land in plant food values
He -believes in farming for pos
terity and at the same time real
lze a promt. ile stated mat id
Washington . county, .-. where" he
lived a number of years ago,
there were two flourishing : mills
kept running day" and night in
order to ; grjtad 1;he '; jmmeBse out
put ot wheat. : JJank accounts
were unknown amonc 1 the'faVm
erst atmost e'yeyy farm was rnort
gaged. The dairy ' business has
changed the scene; wheat mills,
and mortgages have taken itheir
places at the rear, while dairy
herds, fine homes, and fat bank
accounts have new taken their
places in the front ranks. It now
requires five banks to handle the
farmers' money in .Washington
county. He says in the East the
land has been farmed to death;
in the middle states the same
thing has been done and now the
glorious West is being "skim
med." '
Stand by the , farm, don't let
the eastern people have your
farm, and you go to town where
you think you will better yonr
condition.. Why, the young man
of today who owns a farm is a
prince. The;. West is going to
"be the grandest a2ricultural
country on earth. Portland will
be the greatest city in the world.
Nitrogen that Eastern farmers
pay 15 cents per. pound tor, we
may have here by growing legu
mes. Grow more vetches and more
alfalfa. Whether for dairy ' or
other purposes keep the best; it
costs no more to keep -a thor
oughbred cow, sheep, goat or
hog, than it does a scrub, -r He
invokes every farmer to indentify
himself with the grange. The
doctor has ;. been a granger for 33
years and is well aware that ihe
grange- has been - instrumental
in securing state legislation in
behalf ot the farmer; - The doctor
said in conclusion that as a stock
and dairv "country there was a
bright future for Alsea. ,
Mr; Wm Shulmerick was next
introduced as one of the best
posted practical dairyman in the
state. This gentleman told us
that the first and most" important
thing to do in beginning the
dairy,: business , is to select your
cows; use only the best," cull but
others. The only way to da this
properly is by testing their milk
with the Babcock Tester. When
this been done the next step of
importance is to select a good
sire. Don't be afraid of paving
to muchx for him, ; but get the
best that is" to be had. The first
six of his off-spring wilL pay for
the investment. Dairy cows
should have the best of care.
where there, is a herd over-fed
there are 99 that are under-fed.
Never leave a dairy cow out, in
a fence corner in a storm, with a
hump in her back. He told of a
dairyman in the Bandon country
who kept a bull dog to hold his
cows while he milked, -. but did
not advise that . practice. You
may feed for quantity . but you
must breed for quality. . ; Mr.
Schulmerich is of the impression
that here in our mild climate
that the silo may be abandoned,
and instead of ensilage, gather
the feed in from time to time as
we need it. He considers, vetch
a well balanced ration." For
all and winter feed he thinks
pumpkins a very cheap food tor
the dairy cow. ' Never make a
radical change from one ration to
another. He believes a good
dairy" cow will produce' an annual
; (Continued on fourth page.) -
invoiciing this week and and next, but not too busyto show
you a complete line of furniture and house furnishings. Have
you seen that Co? umbia Brussels carpet we are selling? It is
admired by everybody--nothing like its in town. It is abso
lutely the cheapest md best carpet ever sold in Corvallis.
We are headquarters tor Rugs, Rockers, Mirrors, Pictures, etc.
We want your tnu!e and will treat :y on right. If, in your
dealing with us you are in any way dissatisfied, let us know
and we . will cheerlully adjust the matter to your satisfaction.
Come in the next ten.4ays and talk with . .
silverware we ask no more than yon
would espeot to pay for far inferior goods.
We want you to feel able to afford the
best, whether it be for your table, side
board or dressing case. So we make a
specialty of fine silverware moderately
priced. We have sets and single pieces.
Standard and special patterns. Every
piece is fully warranted to wear foryears.
We shall be very glad to have you look
at the collection any time.
Albert J. Metzoer
Occidental Building, - - - Corvallis
at Fisher's Hall
Full term $5.00. All leesons private; positively no spectators ; dassfs every
night, 7:30 to 10; lessons every afternoon, i thl 5. A complete term coneiats of tlie
following named dances: Waltz, Two-Step. Sohottisohe. Three-Stepanvi Five-Step-.
The latest dances taught all dancers at the rate of 50 cents a lesson. The hall and
every facility may be had for all parties of a social and private nature. Orchestra
music furnished for all occasions. For further information inquire at the Hall of
1 IjJjM UlliAK lUKK
All first-class cigirs and tobacco; whist and pool rooms.
. ' treated like a prince..
Christmas and New Year
Beautiful gy T T"7HfH Cm Lovely 1
Jewelry A-J- AX JL. k3 Silverware
The Holiday. Season is near at hand time to think about your
friends. This store is full of good suggestions and we. invite
you ja!pect.the,lai:55jtock of .magnicnjtjtioliday. offerings.-
Some one will get this ring for nothing . next January. For.
every dollar purchase you . get, a ticket.- Ask us to explain.
E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.
JANUARY 2, 1906
the special class in Eclectic; Shorthand, will commence a -,
rapid course with two to three recitations a daysoasto -complete
the course "a
with a speed of 100 to 150 words a minute. Eclectic is -easy
to learn,' none as easy to read and none so rapid.
to enter this class not later than January 2, and we will
make 20 per cent, discount to those who'' enroll December
21; commence any time thereafter' Let us talk it over at
once. . - .- ., .
I. E. RICHARDSON, President
Everv customer
dois north of oostoffice
Ind. Phone 130.'
toiell you.