T J aJR 1 M. (H- A ZETTE GORVA Vol. XLIIL County, Oregon, Monday. December S3. lOOn. TS; j THE CIRCUIT COURT. - . What Was Done ' at December " Term in Benton. ' The 'circuit, court of Benton county adjourned Thursday even ing; after transacting consider able busii. ess ot more 01 less ini im pbrtance. Judge Harris pre x sidtd The only cases of general interest were those of the Corval lis clubmen, act ounts of .which have already . been published in - the Gazette. The docket for the term, with the disposition of the cases, is as follows: ' ; ' ; Jas. L. Lewis vs. John McGee, taxation costs; judgment, $ 33. ' Palmer Ayers vs E. W. Strong, taxation costs: settled. William M. Howard vs. Adam Wilhelm & Sons, suit, injunction; dismissed. ; ' Mary E. Herbert, T. M. Coon, et al vs. A. I, r Coon, sale real propeitv: no service on defend- ' , ants.' v.. George A. Houck vs. H. M. and Mary Donat, and Robert W. Black, mortgage foreclosure; dis- 7- missed on motion of plaintiff. ' George A. Houck vs. George and Annie Schafer, Edward and Aenes Donat, suit, foreclosure real property; dismissed on mo tion of plaintiff. A. W. Fischer vs. J. K. Berry action; - dismissed on motion of plaintiff. "A. Wilhelm & Sons vs. Agnes C. McElroy, action'; settled. Thomas Whitehorn, et al vs. ,city council, et at, suit, injunc tion; At fault, judgment for $708.10; 55 atty. fees; also . " $445.82 on open account; order sale of real property; costs and disbursements. ' - . , ' Laura Burr vs. Agnes C. and sory note; default; judgment for $530:50; atty. fees, -costs, and . sale of real property T. A. .Rycraft vs. Nina Ry- craft, divorce; decree.-- Emma C. Sargent vs. Harvey Sargent, divorce; decree. Catherine . Boehringer vs. O. & C. R. R. Co., et al; continued. W. C. Covel vs. Abbie D. Covel, divorce; decree. State of Oregon vsl Chas. M. Kline, et al ; sentenced pay - $400 " fine, 30 days in - county jail, and costs of suit. . Appealed -oj supreme court. . ' 1 - M. J. Norton vs. Nahum Nor ton, divorce; dismissed on motion - plaintifL James L. Lewis vs. Spencer Bicknell. damage suit ; demurrer withdrawn; 30 days allowed de fendant to file answer. '- - i , Nellie Barden vs. August B. " Barden, divorce; 'dismissed on motion plaintiff. - W. J. Moores vs. J. C. Suther - land; judgment $52.88; atty fees, $15. W. J. Shipley vs. .. M. E. Far ley; order confirmed. J. R. Smith vs. Benton county Prune Co. ; judgment $950.00, - and interest from Oct. 1904. " Improvements in Progress. Things are doing these days at the Strong saw mill, and else' where in connection with the es tablishment. .Over near Summit a force of men are! engaged - in cutting several million feet ot fir timber, " and by use of a new . donkey engine this lumber will be loaded onto C. & E. cars and brought , tp Corvallis. In prepar ation for ; this, ' workmen; are now building a chute ; on the ,.river bank at the O. R.:N. :lartding, where these . cars .from - Summit will be unloaded and,.the:timber sent down - the,, chute into the river. From there it will be towed by Strong's steam launch to .the saw mill tor use. At the mill, a small seven horse power engine has been re ceived and will at once be in stalled for the purpose of oper ating a dynamo for furnishing electric lights for the entire mill. This will, it is thougnt, provide better light than is at present available, and in case of an emergency the mill would be in dependent in the matter, and could, if necessary, run all night. Other improvements , to be made will be the placing of two 160-horse power boilers to take ihe place of two loo-horse pow er boilers which will be removed. This is done to increase ' the power and capacity of the mill. The boilers are " to come from Minneapolis and will soon be in position. Guide to Elections. It will be seen that - the cam paign of 1906 really begins dur ing the last weekv in December of this year, when initiative peti tions must be filed if the pro moters desire to file pamphlets in support of the proposed meas ures. The, pamphlets must be brought to the office of Secretary of State Dunbar by .December 30. , If the promoters of measures do not desire to'file pamphlets, they will have until ; February 3 to file petitions. It should also be ' explained Z that petitions for nominations for district officers, such as circuit judge, district at- torney, joint senator and joint representatives, must be filed in the office of the : secretary or state, and not in the omces ot county clerks, and the dates gov erning nominations for state of fices are explicable. Theiouow- ine list contains all the dates of interest to the voter and the can- pidate, for -office. Secretary of State Dunbar and Attorney-General .Crawford have examined theelM'i5waQ3 fhVfbllowinsr table is the result of their investigations: . Registration Registration books opened by county clerks, Tuesday, January 2nd. . , Registration books closed for primary election, April .iol 5 p m. JUgistration books opened alter primary elections, April 25. Registration books closed for general election, May 15, 5 p m. 1 Initiative petitions " - Number of signers required to initiate laws ' or amendments 7489. . " Last dav of filine - initiative petitions, , February 3. Last day for filing pamphlets advocating measures, December 30, 1905. , , - ' , Last- day for filing pamplets opposing measures, feoruary 5. Direct primary election County clerks give notice ot primary eleciion not later than March 21. " Last day for filing petitions for placing names on ballot for state, congressional and district offices, March 30. , ' - Last day for filing petitions for connty offices, April 4. Date of primary election, April 20. Canvassing votes ot primary election for state offices, May 5. General election ; Last day for filing certificates of nomination for state offices by assembly of electors, April 19, " . Last day lor filing nominating petitions for state voffices, May 4. " Last day for " filing certificates of nomination for county officers by assembly of electors, May 4 "Last day for filing nominating petitions for county offices, May 19. - - s . General election, June 4. ?; In Mad Chase. MilKeus rush in mad cbaee after health from .one extreme of faddism to another, when, if they wonld only eat ' eood food, and keep their bowels regular with Dr. Kings New ' Life Pills their troubles wonld all pass away. Prompt relief and .quick care for liver and stomach trouble. 25c. at Allen & Woodward drug store; goaranteea. WHY LIE?' Comprehensive -. List of From Many Sources. Lies "Toe Deviltry of a Lie" was the eab jett of a discourse at the M. E. church rmade against this hydra of monsters Sunday evening. Rev. Feese, on ithe j.ne jjar. The liar question is more prac subject of "Liars," has the followiDjr tical than the liquor, 1 gambling, race thoughts that may be of interest ; to our jp-ind m0ney, tariff, free trade or Pana readeis:. ; --i&2'Canal questions. The word liar, rightly pronounced j , ; shades of controversy pertaining to sounds harshly.' Many inventions have Uhe right kind of government fade into bee 1 contrived 'o avoid the grating upoai c 1 i 1 uur uuei sensiuuiuesuy piam, uiiim use of the term.: The clever distinction ' liar from our borders. In , all great re are such as, he unintentionally uttered ) fortnatory movements this greater ques an untruth; deceived; f1fin-d; Mvari-?iticn seemB to have been ignored or for gated. Prevaricator is the most delicate ' gotten. Without hindrance the evil of and esthetic . modification of the term that our language affords. Sometimes distinguished, people are accused of evasions or equivocations.' Diplomat is another nams for the "walking, breathing, . living lie." These niceties are invented really to hide the monstrocity ; of the t-ue c-l aracter of lying. They keep pace with the ontward march of proeress. The word-painter does his best to cover up the ugliness of tbe liar.: By " up-to date methods he fairly succeeds. "1 . " . There are mummy liars. There are electric liars. The ancient liar is juBt as far behind the times as . he -who read by the grease dip or scrawled upon hardened mud. . Lies were once uttered singly and tremblingly; now they come forth mul titudinously, swiftly and boldly by patent ; process under the. snpervWju and con trol of lying syndicates. For the proteo ; tion of first-class liars a ... prevaricator's" trust is in process of formation, -r The trust will claim the exclusive riuht of the wireless methods." As a monster it defies everything. Its terrible arms reach over gulfs wide and deep, nioun. tains high and steep; that various sys tems of philosophy may construct against its fearful encioachmants. - It is a gourmand, a voluptuary. , Its pecul iar digestive organs fairly regale in the absorption of truth. The corrupt, pure; the ignorant, wise; the coarse, cultured; the ugly,. beautiful; the obscure, prom inent; the young, aged many are.the nullum onugiiug wnu;it,.:ii). serjiujeana reloetless embrace. ' It is a -vice exceed ing all other vices in its scope and in fluence. Its-field for operation is the broadest. At its command is the largest number and greatest variety, of agencies and opportunities. By its subtle methods it can enter where other vices meet with -stubborn resistance and ignominous defeat.' - - Even the confident student and teacher of Christian ethics, assisted by all the hallowed influences - arising from the highest research, lack of ' temptation, protected dignity and reputation,,-suffers his character to become ullied y this slimy and most infamous vice, and then soothes ) his wounded conscience by pleading prudence and tact authorized by moBt excellent jndgment. That word tact . covers a multitude of lies. Great danger is . encountered while exposing the liar to the-world. : Positive evidence is powerless to shake , his hold upon it. ... Of course the . 'world is shock' ed when a great and exalted liar is ex posed,, but the lesson taught is soon for gotten. Society lies according to .the lastest fashion. -Beanty curls her roseate lips tinted by the powdered paleness of her face, swings her gait with the elas ticity ot a padded lorm, and pleads ig norance to hide the absence of a fund of wit The tradesman by - constant practice becomes as skilful in the art eflyinst as any one in profession, art . ' or trade. "The just as good,''"the only,'' ""the below cost,'' "the closing out," "the underselling bargainer," "the one who never cheats, "can hold his own in the field that is free for all. But the skill achieved is never published upon the winds.' No one declares himself an ac complished liar. One philosopher taught to lie. People would expect nothing from him butflrst-class lies. He is out of date. We must not forget that the world is advancing. . '.We .have not the time. to be bored by a second class af fair, with a funeral procession gait and no capital. :. It takes capital now to - do busin3ss at the old stand. .Blasphemers, murderers, adulterers-. and thieves are few compared with the number of liars. Evidently Christianity has been turning its batteries against all other vices than lying For lying now is undoubtedly the prevailing and most reprehensive' vice of it. - - '- This writer is calm. lie will not call all men liars. ' He will give the - benefit of the doubt He bas .aot the time to unmask .the Dr. .Jekylls and ..Mr. Hydes. Lying is linked with every -other Vice naturally tbe most ' dangerous. It iaaquerry whether 'the .'murderer of truth may not be guilty of -as heinous a crime as be who take hnman life, VTbe lie may ravish virtue, besmirch piirity, instigate calumny and drive a dagger to the hilt into the back of an innocent victim. The home, the state, (be cbur"h are in greater peril in the presence of this dread foe - than that of all the others combined. If the crusade is to be the event of the hoar let it be utter insignificance when compared with " . . that movement which will remove the lying las been busily engaged in its deadly work. ." : v It now with ghost like approach and deathfnl grip is throttling the public con science. Notwithstanding the high or er o moral and Christian education among vn all suffer from its dastard conse quences. - There seems to be a justification - for certain clastes of lives that, weaken the efforts. Morality may peal forth. Once the charge of lying was made after very serious consideration. Now charges of -'ying come from high and' low places of public and private character without the least degree of compulsion, or compunc tion. This : unquestionably betrays bow common the crime of lying really is. The liar is the horror of horrors. : He embitters the sweets of the bridal cham- ter; commits sacrilege in the presence of the dead. . He prevents the righteous intentions that are brought together in the council of nations; drives from its home the spirit of : confidence, purity, sanctity,' imperils the public -morals blights every hope by sinking it into such a state as eternal damnation de- rees. Prevail against the liar.: Begin reformation where needed most. Turn the Woman's Christian Union 1 loose on the liar. The boasted influence of the press, the music of the poet, the1 Pbillipic of the oratar, the prayers of the saint should be turned against the liar., - EXCURSION TO CAUF0F.:;iA. Under the Auspices of the Oregon Development League. Secretary Tom Richardson, of the Ore gon Development League, is very anxious that the state at large should be well represented . on this excursion. The party; which will be composed of ladies and gentlemen, leaves Portland at mid night, January 13, 1906,.Btops at Sacra-j men to, San rancisco, ,"aio -Aiwvban Jose, Paso Bobles, Santa P.arbara and Los Angeles. Special entertainment ill accord the party at these points. I The rate from Portland will be $63 tor one person, which includes three meals to be served on diner between Portland and Sacramento, and Pullman bsrth to Los Angeles, - A , rate of $68 will be charged :; where two people occupy a double berth." -A deposit of $25 is neces sary on each ticket to secure reservation. Section reservations will be held until December 25th. This -is an -excellent opportunity t to visit California, as the auspices under which it is given insures a most enjoyable outing. - - The exeuraion is to be run only pio- vided that not lees 12o persons malt e the trip. All communications in -reference to reservations, and to - the. trip in general, should be addressed to Mr. Tom Richardssn, :Manager VPortland Com mercial Club, Portland, Oregon. "104-2 Don t miss the opportunity to look over our large line this week; Matchless bargains in rugs and art squares. Some very pretty Axministers added to our already large stock. It is not too earl)' to select your VJ(3t?j (BgdodgIJs We have a large and well selected stock bought express ly tor the holiday trade.- Another invoice of pictures ar rives this week. (SdDum! find snvd! a3(s ana : FOR OUR DEAREST silverware we ask no more than you would expect to pay for far inferior goods. We want you to feel able to afiord the best, whether it be for your table, side board or dressing case.. So we make a specialty of fine silverware moderately priced. We have sets and single pieces. Standard and special patterns. Every piece is-fully warranted to wear for years. We shall be very glad to have, you look at tbe collection any time. Albert J. Metzger JEWELER Occidental Building, - - ' - Corvallis Dancing5 School '"',-'--...'-:--. - - . f at Fisher's Hall Full term $5.00. All lessons private; positively no spectators; i:lassps every niht, 7:30 to 10; lessons every afternoon, 2 till 5. A complete term consists of the following named dances: Waltz, Two-Step, Schottische, I'hree-Stepand Five-Step. ' The latest dances taught all dancers at the rate of 50 cents a lesson. Tbe hall and every facility may be had for all parties of a social and private nature. Orchestra music furnished for all occasions. For further inforiration inquire at the Hall of PROF. Cm RAYMOND, INSTRUCTOR XhB GEM CIGAR All first-class cigire and tobacco; whist treated like JACK MILNE Christmas and New Year Beautiful Jewelry GIFTS The Holiday Season is near at hand time to think about your friends. This store is full of good suggestions and we invite you to inspect the large stock of magnificent holiday offerings. A FIFTY DOLLAR DIAMOND RING .Some ine ilget his ring .for. nothing next January .-. For. -every dollar purchase you get- a ticket. Ask us to explain. E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician. ; JANUARY 2, 1906 " the special class in Eclectic Shorthand will commence a raoid course with two to three recitations a day so as to complete the course APRIL 30, 1B06 with a speed of , 100 to 150 words a minute. Eclectic is easy to learn, none as easy to read and none so rapid. Wo &&i$t thirty studBnts " to enter this class not : later' than -January 2, and we will - make 20 per cent, discount to those who enroll December v 21; commence any time thereafter. Let us talk it over at . once. . . . ....:" . --. : I. E. RICHARDSON, President STORK and pool rooms. Every customer a prince. " Four dwois north of postoffice Ind. Phone 130. Lovely j Silverware u