On a Day Like This ' You want rubbers but you want rubbers that it will be a delight to wear. No "dr awn", burning feet no more corn and bunion agony try these. K&T TRADE MARK teVERSTICI For Men and Women We can perfectly fit your shoe either men's or women's. Try a pair and learn what rubber shoe comfort really is.' . For sale by J. M. Nolan & Son Blackledge The Leading Furniture Dealer New Morris Chairs New Reed Rockers New Oak Rockers New Couches Holiday Furniture In Great Assortment Blackledge W.T.&C. Authorized Agents The Columbia Prices, $15, $22.50, $25, 30, 40,50, 75, 100. $i ten in. records now 6oc 50c seven in. " . " 35c Housekeepers, let, us do your baking. Fresh Bread, Fresh Cinnamon Rolls, Fresh Cakes, Fresh Cookies, Fresh Doughnuts, Fresh Buns, Fresh Pies, ' . Dally at 4 P. M. Cheap Sunday Rates Between Portland and Willamette ' Valley Points. Low round trip rates have been placed in effect between Portland and Willam ette Valley points, in either direction . Tickets will be sold . SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS ' and limited to return on or before the following Monday. Rate to or from Cor vailis, $3.00 Call on Soutt-ern Pacific Co'a Agents for particulars. - lOltf Pirating Foley's Honey and Tar. Foley & Co., Chicago, oiriginated Heney and Tar as a throat and long re medy, and on account of the great merit . and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations' are offered for the genuine. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute offered as no other preparation will give the same 'satisfaction. It is mildy . laxative. It contains no opiates and is safest for children and delicate persons. Sold by Graham & Well t : f E. Small Mmwmmm Plumbing ' ..- and Hfeating! Cornice, Hoofing, Guttering, and all kinds of Sheet Metal Work. . F. A Hencye In connection with' J. H. SIMPSON'S HARDWARE STORK, Doctor's Could Not Help Her. 'I had kidney trouble for years," writes Mrs. Raymond Conner of Shelton, Wash', "and the doctors could not help me. I tried Foley's Kidney Cnfe, and the very first dose gave me releif, and I am now cured. . I cannot say too much for Foley's Kidney Cure.,' It makes the diseased kidneys strong so that they will eliminate the poisions from the blood. Unless they do this good health u imposeiDie. Bota or uranam a Well. I Additional Local See Bl ck ledge for Linoleum, fc - "- " ' ' 26 N mor nrhooH at OAC umi Jm.uarv 3, 1 906.' - . s Drop-h. hd sewing machines $18 at B ackli-dgcV 97tf CWei ce Ireland 'returned home frofti Independence, Wednesday. S-wii g machine f.r sl or t-1 1 At Hoiln.lerp & Cdy'8. 103-2 A Pint- -.Wafihinor M , J r" "VMIIIR - rat Black ledge's. :. : 97 it li' p cushion tops for X - hp prefer , Ft M's. Mason's. New goods all the time at No- lar ns.- - .99tf Juds'' Harris alj urned circuit iir ai . a' . ... noian s . noiiday aoods are worth one-hundred cents on the dollar the day after Christmas. 99 R-uifmb r December 27 ' Th-f when 'The Missouri Girl" comes to own. . . . , - JtJ'iy your holiday prpspots of Pratt, and gt-t a ticket on a $50 din nrnd ring to be given away. : 102-4 "You'll ' have to .show me That's it, 'Tha Miseouril Girl" is a h 'W and a good one, too. ; Lirgpst line of matting in conn y at Blackiedges. 30tf O HjT ft ... orw aire, mason lor sola pillow covers. - i f)4 Horace Locke, of Albanv: virtiterl in this cityyesteiday on matters of 'vusiness aia renewing his v ac quaintance. , . , -- " Wearthe'Rubberhide Boots and Shoes with waterproofed leather bottoms. Absolutely watertight Sold by J. M.Nolan & Son. 96-106 M. V. Weatherfoi d n. nnnn I OAO student, left "Wednesday for his Eastern Oreeon home to snend the holidays. , - . . Pratt is going to give away a $5C diamond ring thisXmas. Will you be the lucky one? , - 102-4 2000 yards mill ends' wide uhbfeached sheeting 6 1 2c the yard: value 8 1-2. J. M. No lan &S6n. .' V I02tf " Riley' 'Shelton j came over . Jrono' Scio, Tuesday, and remained " with his family until yesterday, when he returned to, his Linu county home. Hollenberg & Cady have 1, the largest line of Rues and Art Sduarip s in towD. ' V : l03tf G. S. O. Humbert, now of Eugene, formerly nastor of th f!hrisiian church, will occupy" the pulpit at saia cnurch Doth morning and even ing. -." All are cordially inyited. : Ribbons, Ribbons, just receiv ed 3000yds new Ribbons. Spe eia.150O yds ail silk taffeta at 10c the yd; 15c values. J- M. Nolan 4. Son. ' ' : 102-5 Call ink cards oonular stvles in cards and type at the Gazttte office. . r 80tf Le Roy Tucker traveling passenger agent of the Great Northern- Railway. was in our city yesterday in interest of nis company. , He predicts great thines for the, valley in the future. ' Remember! With every dollar's worth you buy at Pratt's you pet a ticket on the $50 - Diamond Ring given Free. ; , 102-4 The chicken, pis supper and Christmas sale of the ladies of "the M. E. church given Wednesday afternoon arid evening was a suc cess in every way. A neat sum was realized. ' . ."'... , Plain mixed candy, three pounds for 25 cents until January 1st. The biggest bargain in town. At W. T. and C. E. Small. There will be Sunday school as usual Sunday morning at 10:30 at the EDieconal church. , There will be no services in the morning owing to the absence of the rector, but he will be back in ? season for i.ho "First Even Song" in "the even ing at 7:d0 o'clock. Chrwtrn ah Dav services at. 10:30 December 25ih. ' . The owl wLich has been in Venn. inff bv the PostofficA emnlmfpa t a f- vj v" w be entered in the poultry - show turns out to be the one bought by O. P. Wolcott which was being kept in n box in the back yard of his store.. On Thurik-wiv!:,fr eve some oi thinking it was a lurkev w hie.H Mr. W. was f,ti ttdt. up to tke to Portland noid- a r nid on i( t Lh re- i-U'U l.HViog s.ot'xif breo learned thi-r than 1 he owl was allowed to no-its way.-r-Alhany Duuiocrat. Thnre is a niaii at Ottawawhn.ee obesity and slovenliness increase with hit aze. He has reached t.hn Soint where personal appearance is le least of his worries. x The other m oi nine he came down town irith his ohin all smeared with egg. "John. I'll bet I can tall vnn what Jjrwu uu iur uxcacitiitb tais morn ing," laid a bright young lawyer V.J i 1 i . il who met him. ' What did I have?" asked the man. . "You had eggs" rppljpd the lwyer. Y"U arp iuis- taken "said thp. man. 'T hud . pp yesterday mmrnii.g." The residents in the vicmitv of Plymouth church art- makine ereat preparations for miovaiPiiX out in their section tonight. There is to e an oy ster supper and h general good time, bie crowd aod lots of fuD. . Be there. - Mrs. C M i Cadv left vester. ftv for Daytotr, Wash., where she will JQin her husband, who recently purchased a laundry in that. city. Regarding1 this business, a Spokane paoe' says: Mrsv Fannie Dantz ccher bap sold her s'eam-"' iau drv u this ci'v m the C-crV Brothers. of Corvailis, Ore.- They wi 1 add new tpaohinerviand' exi ec ' to be ready to Btart an.'.ut the first of Januarv. GIVES BENTON MFNTI0N. (Continned from second page.) the food, water and climate con anions are such that thev give milk exceptionally free fiom un desirable flavors and odors, a fact which gives the -.Willamette Val ley dairyman a great advantage over his brother in the Eastern States. Notwithstanding these favor able conditions. however, the supply of dairv products is no wnere near equal to the demand Carloads of butter and tons o cheese are annually brought ti .1 - - o Oregon markets from the dairy regions ot the Mississiddi Vallev. Other carloads of dairy products are shipped through the state for the Alaskan and Oriental mar kets, which could be manufac tured cheaper here than in Iowa and Illinois. : Large quantities of condensed milk are used bv our people aud by ships ; which puranase tneir supplies in our markets, yet there is not a milk i.uuucusiug piauusin oui state, L,ast year first " Class creamer v batter ranged from; 17 to 30 cents per pounu, tne extreme prices prevailing tor about the same length of. time. Cheese prices ranged from 10 to . 14 cents per pound. - ' : , From the forgoing facts some idea of the county's inducements to tne energetic, jip-to-date dairy man may be gained. No indus try offers more flattering returns. Itt Mad Chase. Millieu8rush in mad chase after health from ope extreme of faddism to another, wnen, u they would only eat eood food and keep their bowels regn lar with Dr. Kings New Life Pills, their troubles would all pass away. Prompt relief and quiet cure ror liver ana stomach trouble. 25c. at Allen v Woodward drug store; guaranieea. - To those who have an i lea of getting a Talking Machine for these long winter evenings I will give a free entertainment in your home. . Just drop me a card or call at my home on South Main street. If you haven't the idea, get it, and at cept this offer. In the meantime,' re member that the Edison Machine and the Edison Gold Moulded Records are the best that money can buy. Machines, $10, $20, $30 and $50. , ; . Gold Moulded Records, 35c Accept nothing until you have heard the Edison. Eight yearb' experience with talking machines. G. B. WHITNEY, The Concrete Man. Of Interest to Mothers. Thousands of liftle nnp Hin amnr T.aa. of crnnn. Mnst nf t.hpm rnnl.l -hoira 1 vvu.i. 1. U T U UCOU saved by a few does of Foley's Honev .1 T r . . . J auu iar, auu every iamiiy witn cnilaren should keep it in' the house.. It contains no oui&tes and ts afA nnH qui. T.Ta George H. Picket, San Francisco, Cal., writes: "lay DaDy naa a dangerous at tack'of crnnn 'and wn fhmiorhf aha orA.lj choke to death, but one dose of Foley's Honey and Tar relieved her at once after uiaer rciueuies naa lanea. we ars never a minute without it in the house." Sold by Graham & Wells. - ' : '"'' Society invitations and wedding announcements. are constantly changing in styles of type faces and form. Have them printed neatly and up-to-date at the Gazette office. 80tf Closing Out -Sale of Pianos and Organs - Mr. M. A. GOODNOUGH announces bis retirement from the music business in Corvailis and offers to the people of this city, instruments below cost. Prices absolutely cut net figure on the elegant NEEDHAM goods, which will be closed oat this month. Call at residence near 4th and Jackaoa Sta. ' Washington Forests. .The Forest Service is now itudvine 1.367:000 acres of forest w V J M I land in .Washington.' Tn the western part of the state the work covers . 1,300,000 acres. The results of this work. TOhirh will be'eontinued during the com ing year, will be of ereat value lems of on tectirio- thpse" mast lemS OI nri tectino- th-p. nnaat torests from fire and preventing ! the present excessive waste in Egging, as well as in developing a plan . for .future itimber- pro duction. - The large number of prowth and volume measurements nh. tained by the Service durin? the past few years in this r egion pro- viaes a oasis tor estimates of present rstand and future yield of the more important timber trees. From these measurements it ap pears the red fir in the region of Puget Sound is one of the" fastest growing treesV in V the United States, surpassing even the lob lolly pine of the South in height and volume growth. The yield table shows that larger crops of nmoer may be expected from second-growth, forests of fir and hemlock than from any " other kind ot tree yet studied' by the Service. ,'. :, A detailed" study of waste in logging was part of the work called for. Stumps are now cut on an average about 6 feet high, and in large timber this means the loss of a great number of board feet of clear lumber peT acre. Waste also occurs in the use of- fir logs . for skids and bridges and in leaving merchant able logs in the tops. An esti mate of ' this waste will be made by actual measurement. In eastern "WashingtoH a tract of 67,000 . acres has been , ex amined. The forest is typical of a large region. ; It consists of western yellow pine, : fir and lodgepole ; pine. The object of tne owners was to aetermine the practicabiiitv of obtaining a sec ond cut of. timber from the cut .1 1 Mi y m - ' over ianas. : i ne field work oc cupied a party of three 'men for one month. , To secure a : basis for an. estimate of studies were made of the volume and rate of growth of the import ant species, the proportion of small trees left, the culled forest, and the reproduction after log ging. The erowtb of timber here, though much slower than in western Washington, promises well for the future, and the rapid increase in lumber and stumpage values is a strong inducement to conservative lumbering. By set-1 ting a nign du meter limit ot cut- ting and by preventing fire, a fair second cut can be obtiained within a reasonable period, and excellent reproduction for later crops will be secured. For Sale! Look! I have 12,000 shares Great .: Eastern Mining Co's stock and must sell at once. . My loss is your gain as the company have struck good ore" "in '.be latest work. Rich. Bo hemia is on the boom and next -summer will ..see great things. 1 How is$45,000 for a week's work? This is what the Oregon Securi ties will produce this wsek, v First come, first served. This ad. may not appear again. Will sell whole block tor 4c per share cash, or any part of tt for 4jc per share. The cheapest the company f ver 6old' stock was 7jc, and it is now 20c pr share. Will ppnd stock to yijur bank wun aratt attached ana you can see it before you buy. Address, Box 174 Cottage Grove, Oregon. STEAMER POMONA ' For Portland and way points, leaves Corvailis Monday, Wednesday and Fri day at 6 a. m. Albany 7 a. m." Fare to Portland, $1.75; round trio 3 00 H. A. Hoffman. Act. 103-10 . A Fearfut ('ate. - It. is a terrib.e futo to' rmve 'to pndii.u the terrible trtre of piles. "l ean truthfnUv eav." writpR Harrir Onluin ..f Mason ville, la., "that for Blind, Bleed ing, ltd ing and Protruding Piles, Buck len'a Arnica Salve, is the best cure made." Also best tor cuts, burns, and injuries, 25 cents at Allen & Wood ward druggists. : .... . 01-Sale.' Choice oat, Vetch and cheat seed, to be had at reasonable prices either at the Corvailis or Benton Flouring Mills. 7 A.W. FISCHER, Man. . eot CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS CLASSUIKD ADVERTISEMENTS 1 Fifteen words or less, 25 cts for three successive insertions, or 50 cts per month; for all np to and including tea additional words. cent a word for each insertion. For all advertisements over 25 words, 1 : . . . M ct per word for each additional Hen. Nothing inserted for less than 25 cents. c '. . - Lodge, society and church nntimw other than strictly news matter, will be cnargea tor. . FOR SALE FOR SALE, THE PROPERTY CON sisting of three lotf and cottage, just west of Dr. Pernot's residence. For particulars inquire at residence of Mrs. E Carter Monroe St. between 2d and 4tV ; v WW 7 : : BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS Breeding hens and pullets at $1 each. J.hoipe breeding cockerels, from pen '. headed hy my $20 Arc's pullet Wed c? b"'d' at from $1 to $5 each. Call at Gsllery W. G. Emery, Barred Rock Specialist. gotf ALT, WOOD HAMDT.isn Ttv TTJT undersigned i- now in this city and has been placed in the hands of the City I ransfer Company for sale. Norwood Trading Co. g6t NEW TIRES PUT ON BABY BUG gifs and go-carts at DillpyA raold'e. FOR S Al E. BROWN LEGHORN P"llets. See J. M. Porter, Corvailis. 0regp- ' 98tf No 1 FRESH JERSEY MILCH COW -'iora' Inquire of E. B. HorniDe or D G- Hill. . 98-106 ATTORNEYS J- TATES, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Office First National Bank Building. Only set of abstracts in Bentoi, County K. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Post Office Building, Corval J8, Oregon. 'OREPH-H. WILSON, ATTORNEY-at-Law. Notary,- Titles, Convevanc- , mg. Practice in all State and Federal Court. Office in Burnett Building. AUCTIONEER P A KLINE, LIVE STOCK AUCTION ' eer, Corvailis, Or. P. A. Kline Line, Phone No. 1. P. o. address. Box 11. Pays highest prices for all kinds of hve stock. . Twenty years' experience. Satisfaction guaranteed. WANTED WANTED A YOUNG MAN 'OF 21 years wants work from the 20 of this month until April 1, 3906. Would preter work in or near town. Willing to work on dairy or do : team work. For further information 'inquire at Ambler & Witters, or at this affice, Ralph E. Nelson, Corvailis. lo2-3f W AtfTE 0 600 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE - Gazkttb and Weekly Oregonian at $2.55 per year. BANKING. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF Corvailis, Oregon, MAKES LOANS on approved security and especially on wheat, oats, flour, wool, baled hay.chiuim bark, and all other classes of produce, upon the re ceipt thereof stortd in mills and public warehouses, or upon chattel mortgages and also upon other classes of good se curity. DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD upon the principal financial centers of the ; United States and foreign countries, thus transferring money to all parts of' the civilized world. - A CONSERVATIVE general business, - transacted in all lines of banking. Veterinary Surgeon DR. E. E. JACKSON. VETERINARY Surgeon and Dentist. Permanently lo cated here.V Dr. '-Jackson' is a post graduate an-l thoroughly qualified in yeterinary work. See him at Occi dental Hotel. - v loitf . PHYSICIANS B. A. OATHEY. -Ml D.. I'H YSTOTAW und Korgwin. Koota-; U, V?.nk Build ing, r Otiice Houtb : 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to t p. m. L Residence: cor. 6th aud Ad ams 8ts . Telephone at office and res-'.-Jence. Corvaliis. Oregon. I H. SEWTH, M. IX, PHYSICIAN and burgeon, Office an4 Residence, on Main street, Philomath, Oregon. R. D. BURGESS, M. D. - , Office over Blackledge Fnrnitnre Store. . ulifv iKiiirs-: ' 0 tn li ud :i to 5. GARBLE SHOP. MARBLE AND G&ANITE MONU- uit;nt; curiiinK made to. oMer; clean inn Hnd 'repring doue npHtly: save siicot' coiun.it-Hion . Shi-p " North' Main 8t.,"Frauk Vanhoosen, Prop, $2tf :' Bids for Wood . Bids for furnishing the Oregon Agri-. cultural College with wood for the Col- ' lege year of I9O6-7 will be received at the Office of the Clark and Pn-chasing Agent up to and includiug Saturday, December 30.1905. Call for ipedficatiOM at the v OoUegeOOce. 10MV