Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, December 19, 1905, Image 4

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Additional Local.
See Bl ckledge for Linoleum, etc.
A. K Milner arrived home Friday
trooi an extended visit to the Bo
hemia mines. . -,;'."
On a Day Like This
You want rubbers but you want rubbers that it will be a delight to wear.
No "drawn", burning feet no more corn and bunion agony try these.
For Men and Women
' We can perfectly fit your shoe either men's or women's.
Try a pair and learn what rubber shoe comfort really is.
For sale by J. M. Nolan & Son
Heating !
Corn ire, Koofi n g," G utteri n g,
and all kinds of Sheet Metal
F. A. Hencye
In connection -with J. H.
Torture of a Preacher.
The story of the torture of Rev. O. D.
Moore, pastor of tbe Baptist church of
Harpersville. N. Y., will interest you.
He says : "I suffered agonies, because of
a persistant cough, resulting from the
grip. I nad to sleep sitting op in Deu 1
tried many remedies, without relief, nntil
I took Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which
entirely cured my Cough, and taved me
from Consumption." A grand cure for
diseased conditions of Throat and lungs.
At Allen & Woodward druggists. 50c
$1.00, guaranteed. Trial bottle free.
Ia Mad Chase.
Millions rush in mad chase after health
from ope extreme of faddism to another,
when, if they would only eat good food,
and keep, their bowels regnlar with Dr.
Kings New Life Pills, their troubles
Would all pass away. Prompt relief and
quick cure for liver and stomach trouble.
25c. at Allen v Woodward drug Btore;
guaranteed. s' " - . . - c v -
,, Registration of Lead Title.
In the Circuit Court of the (State of Oregon for
; Benton Count v.
In the matter oi the application of)
the title to the northeast quarter of
the southwest quarter an lot 3 in
section 3, township 11, south range,
4 west, of the Willamette meridian,
in Benton County, Oregon, contain
ing 78.60 acres more or less,
Henry Rickert, defendent.
To all whom it may concern: Take notice,
that on the 16th day of November, 100S. an appli
cation was filed by said Archibald N. McKechnie
in the Circuit Courtef Benton County, for initial
registration ot the title of the land above described.
Now, unless yon appear on or before the 23rd
uay 01 xjecemDer,
Pirating Foley's Hoaey aad Tar
Foley & Co., Chicago, originated
Heneyand Tar as a throat and lung re
medy, and on account of the great merit
and popularity 'Ot Foley's - Honey ana
Tar many imitations are offered for the
genuine. . Ask for FpWs Howy pnd
Tar and refuse any substitute offered as
no other preparation will give the same
satisfaction. It is mildy laxative. It
contains no opiates and is safest for
children and delicate persons. Sold by
Graham & Well?.
Cheap Sunday Rates Between
Portland and Willamette
Valley Points.
' Low round ttip rates have been placed
in effect between Portland and Willam
ette Valley points, in either direction
Tickets will be sold
and limited to return on or before the
following Monday. Rate to or from Cor
vallis, $3.00 Call on Southern Pacific
Co's Agents for particulars. lOltf
A Fearful Fate.
It is a terrible fate to have to endure.
the terrible tortnre of piles. "I can
truthfully say." w ritt-s Harrv Colson, of
Masonville, la., "that (or Blind, Bleeri-
lng, Itc1 ing and Protruding Files, Buck
. len'a Araica Salve, is toe riept cure
made." . Aisobet;or calf, burns, and
injuries. 25 rents at' vllen & Wood'
ward druggists.
For Sale.
Choice oat. Vetch and cheat
seed, to be had at reasonable
prices eilher at the Corvallis or
Benton Flouring Mills.
A. B.,
and show cause
why such application should not be granted the
same ivill be taken as confessed, and a decree
will be entered accoiding to the prayer of the
application, and yen will be forever barred Irom
disputing the same,
U. u. SWAN, applicant's attcrnev. 1905..
Of Interest to Mothers.
Thousands of liftle ones die everv vear
ot croup. 'Most ot them could have been
saved by a few ..does of Foley's Honey
ana tar, ana every tamily with children
should keep it in Hip house. It contains
no opiates and is safe and saie. Mrs.
George H. Picket, San Francisco, Cat.,
writes: "My baby had a dangerous at-J
tack of croup and we thought she would
choke to death, but one dose of Foley's
Honey and Tar relieved her at once after
other remedies had failed. We ara never
a minute without it in the house."
Sold by Graham & Wells.
; Drop-head sewing machines $18
at Biackledge'e. . ; - 97tf
Sowing machine a lor sale or rei t
at Hollenberg & Cady's. 103-2
C. A. Trozel is papering his new
residence near the- bodine ware
house, and will shortly "occupy the
premises witb bis family, y
Acme Washing Machines at
Blackledpe's. - 7 ... ; ? ".,;-,'. 97tf
New goods alt the time at No
lan's. ; - 99tf
Casper Durst, formerly of Cor-, but now of Coburg, hue been
n ttis city t ie past few days at-
endine matters, of business.
Nolans holiday goods are
worth one-hundred cents on the
dollar the day after Christmas. 99
Buy your holiday presents of
Pratt and get a ticket on a $50 dia
mond ring to be given away. 102
Miss Linnie Linville returned
Saturday to her home-in Portland
iter an extended visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs John Lenger,
in this city. r
Largest line oi matting in conn
ty at Blackledges. 30tf
Suualls vare now advertising to
sell the famous Holly brand of fljur
at; $1 .40 per sack. This is tb
same brand of flour used by tbei
bakery. .. '.. ., - .. 97tf
Frank Lane, a brother of .Mrs
W. S. McFadden, is in Corvallis
for a visit after an abseuce of more
'ban 20 years, during which time
he nas been id tbe iiabt. ,
WeartheRubberhide Boots an
Shoes with waterproofed leathe
bottoms. Absolutelywater tight.
Sold by'J. M. Nolan &. Son, 96-106
Pratt is going to" give away a'$5C
diamond ring thisXmas. Will you
be tho lucky one? ! , i : . 102-4
Mrs. Charlie Lead better was "to
leave Saturday -for Nebraska, to
join her relatives and spend "tbe
winter J Mr. Lead better is- to accept
a position on one of the Willamette
river, boats. . ... - : vr 7 ::'.
2000, yards mill ends, yard
wide unbleached sheeting 6 1 2c
the yard, value 8 1-2. 4.M.;No-v
Ian & Son.' - v- JQ2U
Tbe Business College is offering a
discount of 20 per cent for the New
rear to those wno enroll on or be
fore the 21st of this month.5 Tms is
for either business or Short-band
Course. 'J03
Protect your chest and lungs ythis
cold, foggy weather with one of. those
"Frost King" or "Frost Queon" Cham
ois Vests attrahamS Wells. 102-2
Hollenberg & Cady have the
largest line of Rugs and Art Squares
in town. ' 103tf
In their hall Wednesday evening the
United Artisans are to hold a rousing
district -neeing, including the lodges of
Cprvallia, Albany and Wells. Thirty
candidates are to be initiated ' into the
local lodge.' and it is hoped that several!
candidates from the visiting lodges will
also be on hand for initiation. - A ba ?.
quet in Odd Fellows' hall will be tbe con
cluding feature of the affair.
Ribbons, Ribbons, just receiv
ed 3000yds new Ribbons. Spe-cial-1500
yds all silk taffeta at
10c the yd; 15c values. J- M.
Nolan & Son. : s 102-5
H. A. Hoffman, the local agent
for. the 0. C. T. Co , announce that
there " will be" very '6w holiday
rates, continuing until January 7.
See him at the dock office for
further information. . 104-1
j gentleman (?) was a member of the
I hobo fraternity and carried a huge
handle of beddiag. At a local resort he
threw hia bundle on the floor, took a
seat at a card table, and autarentlv
forgot his troubles for tbe time, if. .trou
bles he had. " . : : ;
About seven o'clock Saturday evening,
students occop ing.a bouse just north of
the Bodine warehouse telephoned to the
chief of police that a tramp had entered
their house and cone to bed. Chief
Lane went to the place and fonnd the
oily old - hobo snugly tacked in bed in
his own blankets, w bK-h he had placed
a small alcove. Without a word of
dissent, the cheeky traveler, who proved
to be a German, arose, .dressed and ac
companied Cheif LanB. .... When lot ked in
the county .jail, he looked about, slapped
his knee and exclaimed, "Ha 1 ha I home
again!" : - r ' , 's , . -;" - "
Sunday morning he was given' his
breakfast and started out of town, and
has not since been beard of. .
quite apparent that the project :s
now rounding into shape where it
can be carried forward on more
economical lines. ::.-
There will undoubtedly''be ob
jections raised at the , necessary
appropriations that must be made
in the future, and criticism of
the- mangaement. ; - Thd ' under
taking i is so great and the inter
ests affected too important to ex
pect otherwise, but the canal
will be buil t regardless of cost or
of obstructive tactics. .
- . L ; :
Editorial Comment by the Ore'
gqnian on Panama Canal.
Society invitations and wedding
announcements- are constantly
changing in styles of type faces and
form. Have them printed neatlv
and up-to-date at the Gazette
office. ' - 80tf
Mo Case of Pneumonia on Record.
We do not know of a single instance
where a cough or cold resulted in pneu
monia' or consumption when ioley's
Honey and Tar had been taken. It cures
coughs and colds perfectly, so do not
take chances on sonre unknown prepar
ation which mav contain opiates, which
cause constipation, a condition that re
tards recovery from a noid. Ask tor
Foley's Honey and Tar and retURe any
substitute offered. Bold by Graham A
Wells, '
Notice of Final Settlement.
. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
executrix of the estate of C. E. Moor deceased,
ha fileil in the Countv Court of Benton County.
Oregon, her final account as such executrix of
said estate, and tbat Friday the 8th day of De
ppmhflr. 105. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M.
has been fixed by said Court as a time for hear
ing objections to said account and tne settle
ment thereof. ' PERSIS J. LINDEMAN.
Executrix of the estate of C. E. Moor, deceased
Country- school district teachers
can be supplied with monthly re
port cards 67 the Gasette. Write
your wants., 81tf
Hyland In Trouble.
According to report Mike Kline had a
lucky escape at three o'clock Sunday
morning when, armed with a revolver,
and under the influence of liquor Clar
ence Hyland, the well known ' painter,
according to bis own insinuations, went
oh a hunt for the proprietor of the club.
Unable to find Mr. Kline, Hyland vent
to the Occidental hotel a- d' fired several
shots to the ceiling of the lobby. ..The
M. W. A., who had held a b k meeting
in Corvallis Saturday night, concluding
with a banquet, were just ariving at the
hotel when Hyland turned loose with his
gun. The guesis fled in all directions
ami u (Hated that. 1.1 v 'lid i t ..i;t
until thd third & : iia 1 (eu n d -at-J.
Mrs. N'xo'.i, . wne of the hotel ker,
slippi-d.out of aa a;per winitow i-ut-.a
shed ruof and t:iea to the gron:id, went
to Hotel Corvallis and telephoned. the
chief of police, uihcers Ltiie and Os
buru locked Hvlaud in the county jail,
where he still remains, pending a hear
ing which will probably be given him
before Jndge Holgate. :
Had His Nerve With Him.
r ;A queer old chap arrived in Corvallis
00 foot, Saturday, and proceeded to make
hnnaslf vary much at home, as was
proved by later " developmtata. The
When Engineer Wallace re
Signed from the Panama' Cana'
service, general regret was ex
pressed over the great loss that
would be suffered through delay
m replacing nim. in the light
of recent developments, it be
comes quite apparent that, de
spite the tremendous loss . oc
casioned by- reorganizing the
force and changing the plans for
work, positive gain has resulted
by his retirement. Both Sec
retary Taft and Chairman Shonts,
oi'tne ranama commission, so
strongly condemn the work done
by Mr. Wallace that it seems
certain the project has been left
in better shape by his departure.
The views expressed, by the sec
retary and the chairman bear out
in every respect a most interest
ing' report which has just ap
peared in Harper's Weekly, ex
tracts irom '.which are reprinted
elsewhere in this paper.
: Construction of the canal was
such a vast undertaking that the
difference between the proper
method of carrying on "the work
and the ' Wallace method would
entail an. enormous loss to the
government, as well as delay
completion of the canal for many
vears. It is quite clear, from
authentic reports received by the
officials, that the work . done by
Mr. -- Wallace cannot be used as a
criterion I or base on which to
make estimates for future work.
This is a fact that ' should effect
ually forestall any captious criti
cism on the part of the members
of the minority party in Congress,
who are only lukewarm on the
canal project,; The commission
must be giyen .pretty free rein.
and entrusted with a good deal
more discretion than would be
given the men in charge of an un
dertaking of smaller, magnitude.
, The delay and unnecessary ex
pense, according to Mr. Lewi,
or warper s starx, nave netu
almost entirely due to failure of
Mr, wanace ana tne om com
mission to start right. They be
gan the work ot excavating on
an extensive scale, without first
daring the plant, terminals and
railroad tracks in condition for
handling it. Practically noth
ing was doue to improve sani
tary conditions, and, as a result,
there was immense loss through
death ot laborers and the inability
of those who were not totally in
capacitated to render full value
for the money paid them. Since
the retirement of Mr. Wallace it
has been discovered that some of
the dirt which he excavated be
fore he had facilities for handling
it or before his plant was in any
thing like good working order.
wm nave to oe renanaiea.
When Congress., was scaling
down the $16,000,000 emergency
appropriation to $11,000,000
some of the canal obstructionists
were inclined to be harsh in their
-criticism over the amount of
money already expended with
but the little in the wav of fm?i
' L'res-i". - for ,it. Y
tie b.j4 nirvug h.,d :c- be m d
auu it tyegrniniatr 01 ui
uudertsikuig that carried with' it
the employment :f.'.d housing and
feeding of ai. aruiv of-nnore than
25,000 men for a period vf from
fignt to ten years, and the mass
ing and setting in readiness ot a
mechanical plant' that cost mil
lions'' When- a task of such
magnitude; the money spent ', on
any ' temporary makeshifts was
little better than wasted, and, re
gardlestfof the mistakes that hare
been made in the past, it seems
Illiterate Children.
It seems somewhat surprising
at first to find a lower degree of
illiteracy among the children" of
foreign-born parents than among
the children of native parents
For the former the proportion of
of, illiteracy is 8.8 per 1,000, for
the latter 44.1 per 1,000. This
difference, however, does not
prove that immigrants are more
anxious than the natives to se
cure for their children the ad
vantages of an elementary edu
cation. '
It .is explainable by the fact
1 1 1 t n 1
tnac tne ioreign-born are con
centrated in the larger cities to
a much greater extent than the
native population. Comparison
for individual cities indicates i
that there is little dinerence m
illiteracy between the two classes
of children living in the same
community.7 But such difference
as can be detected are usually in
favor, of' children of native
parents. '
Fifteen words or less, 25 cts for three
successive insertions, . or 50 cts per
month-for all up to and including ten
additional words, cent a word for each
insertion. . .
For all advertisements over 25 words.
1 ct per word for the first insertion, and
) ct per word for each additional inser
tion. Nothing inserted for less than 25
cents. ' . ,
Lodge, society and church notices,
other than strictly news matter, will be
charged for. . -
sisting of three lotf and cottage, jnst
west of Dr. Pernot's residence. For
particulars inquire at residence of Mrs.
E Carter, Monroe St. between 2d and
- 4th. lOltf
Breeding hens and pnllefs at $1 each.
Choice breeding cockerels, from pen
headed by my $20 Arp's pullet bred
cork bird, at from $1 to $5 each. Call
at Gallery. W. G. Emery, Barred
Rock Specialist. . 90tf
nndersigned i. now in this city and has
been placed in the hands of the City
Transfer Company for sale. Norwood
Trading Co. 66tf
PnlletB. See J. M. Porter, Corvallis,
Oregon. 98tf
Closina Out
Sale of Pianos
and Organs
announces his retirement from the music
business in Corvallis and offers to the
people of this city, instruments below
cost. ' i Prices absolutely cut no figure on
the 'elegant NEEDHAM goods, which
will be blosed out this month. Call at
residence near 4th and Jackson Sts.
for sal. Inquire of E. B. Hornine or
D. G. Hill. . 98-106
I have 12,000 shares Great
Eastern Mining Co's stock and
must sell at once. '
My loss is your, gain as the
company have struck good ore
: in the latest work.' Rich.; Bo-
hernia is on the boom and next
summer will see great things.
s How isfi5,000 for a week's work ?
This is what the Oregon Securi
ties will produce this w. ek.
; First come, Bret served.. This
ad. may not appear aain. Will
sell whole block tor 4c per share
cash, or any part of tt for 4c '
per share. - The, cheapest the
company ver soM stock was
7c. and it is now 20c pr share.
Will send stock t your bank '
" with draft attachel and you can
see it before you buy. -
- Address, Box 174
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
FwrioHB Fighting.
"For seven vears" wrier-snort. H Hi
man. of Harper. Wash., "I had a bitir
battle with chronic stomach and liver
trouole, bntat last I won, and cured my
diseases, bv the jiee of Electric Bittern
I unhesitatingly recommend them to all
and don't intend in the future to be
without them in the house. They are
certainly a wonderful medicine, to have
cured such a bad case as mine." . Sold,
under guarantee to do the same for you
bv Allan & Woodward druggists, at 50c,
a botttf. ' Try thpm to lay. " ; v
To thone w o have an i ea of getting
Talking Mai-hine for these long winter
eveningB I will give a free entertainment
in vour home. Just drop me a card or
call at,mv hoine on South Main street.
If you haven't the idea, get it, arid ac-
Nint thia nfffir Tn thfi meantime, re-
rceiL ber that the Edison Machine and
the Edison Gold Moulded Records are
the best that money can buy. -
. M-rl i $10, S.20. fS'-i and $50.-
; Go!-; m -u.i- R-c ,i .$.,
A'tpi fot.hiinf nn'iT von liPard
th KdlMsf Bi! tv- t-x.rf-n.-e n-il
talking machines.
G ti HITNEY,';T1..-C... . vi Man.
Doctor's Cou'd Not Help Her.
i "I hail kidney traub e for years
writes Mrs. Raymond Conner of Shelton,
Wash", "and the doctors could not help
me. I tried Foley 'a Kidney Cnre,' -and
n .' ' -J ,s-j
me very nrsc aose gave me reiejr, ana x
am now. cored.1 .1 cannot say too mnch
for Foley's Kidney Cnreu It nwkes the
diseased kidneys etrtng to that they
will eliminate the poisions. from. the
blood- Unless tney do tnis good health
ia ;ibap68ttblea Sbldf by .HGwlutBi';)4
eifs and go-carts at Dilley& Arnold's.
Offce First National Bank Building.
Only set of abstracts in Benton County
Office in Post Oflice Bnilding, Corval
is, Oregon. ,
, at-Law. Notary. Titles, Convevanc
ing. Practice in all State and Federal
Courts. Office in Burnett Building.
eer, Corvallis, Or. P. A. Kline Line,
Phone No. 1. P.- U. address. Box 11.
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
live stock. Twenty vpsrs' experience.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
years wants work from the 20 of this
month nntil April 1, J906.. Would
preler work in or near town. Willing
to work on dairy or do team work.
For further - information inquire at
Ambler & Wsttere, or at this office,
Ralph E. Nelson, Corvallis. lo2-3f
Gazette and Weekly Oregonian at
$2J5per year.'
Corvallis, Oregon.
MAKES LOANS on approved seenrity
and especially on.whtat, oats, flour,
wool, baled tinv. rhittiu. bark, pnd all
? t . .1 . . U u
ceipt thereof storfd in mills and pnblic-
warehouses, or npen chattel mortgages'
' and also upon other classes of good se
the principal financial centers of the
United States and foreiun .countries,
thus transferring money to all parts of
the civilized world. .
A CONSERVATIVE general business
. t ra unacted in all lines of banking.
Veterinary Surgeon
Surgeon and Dentist. Permanently lo
cated her". Dr Jackson is a post
graduate an i thoroughly qualified, in
! veterinary work. See bim at Occi
dental Hotel. 10U?
; and Surgeon. ' Rooms 14, Bank Build
in. Unite Hours: 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to
t p. m. ; Residence: cor. 5th aad Ad-
4vae Ste" Telephone at office and res
: trience. - Corvs Ilia, Oregon.
. uuil fuitjeon,' Othc an Residence, on
; Main otreet. Philomath, Oregon.
R D. BURGESS. M. D. -Office
over Blackleilge Fnrnitnre Store
':. illfiiv l"..i.r; ' it to 12 ' 3 in 5.
ju-i.ts; fiirliiHi; maite to fr.ier ; lean
inn iind -TepKiing ilone. neatly : save
-Mtseiit iMiiin-lxMoii . ' liop North
Main.St ,'Frok, yaniiooen, .Propk gJtf .
' Bids for Wood
! Bids for tarnishing tne Oregon Agri
cultural .College with wood for the Col
lege year of I9O6-7 wjQ1e received at the
Office, oi" the ClerJtnd Forcfaasing Agent
np ia and inciudiug Satnrday, December
301905. . Call, foi irpedfteetione at the
ColtogeOfflee. 1 . ' WJ-