Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, December 19, 1905, Image 3

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laBt week
W. Crawford and
Take The Gazette for all the
local news.
Mrs: D. R. N. Blackburn, of Al
bany, yisited a few days
at the home or J .
Remember you must enroll on or
before Thursday of tbjis week' m'tbe
Business College, if you wish the
discount of 20 per cent. V .103
Miss Alice McNeil, of Gervais,
Oreeori. has been th euest of Oor-
vailis friends during the past week
Sue expected to return to her home
yesterday.' ' .
The 60 China' pheasants recent
ly shipped tram this city to Kansas
bv tiene: Simpson ni&ae me 'rip m
cfood shaDe.v He received " word-'bf
their, arrival a few '.flays ! ago; and
only one of the 60 died on the trip.
The Corvallis. Business College
has extended the . time . for those
who wish to enroll under the special
discount provision, to December VI.
Better take advantage-of Prof.
Richardson's offer.' ' f
Mayor A. J. Johnson, who for
some weeks has been in Idaho and
Montana, employed in his capacity
as- national bank- iuspector, is ex
pected to arrive home in a few deys.
,' Prof. C. Raymond recently made
a tnp down the Weet, bide ; and
while away arranged to start danc
ing schools in Forest Grove and
Hillsboro. He expects Jo begin his
classes in thf-se - places ' "sometime'
thip week . in the meantime he
continues his classes in Corvallis.
Nrxt. term in this city will begin in
January .
Recent sales negotiated by Am
bler & Watters: Part of Henry
Hector's farm, 5 miles north of Cor
val!is,120 acres, price $5,500; R.
H. Legitt. of Fresno, California,
purchased this place for his son,
Thio fi.rc elm anA Into 1 fl or, A 11
block 30, Wilkins Addition, Cor
vallis, for W, P. Hughes to Mr.
Bullis, price $200.
. Dame Rumor is responsible for
the assertion that Toledo, the
. T - ' . 111
county seat oijuincom county, neia
a city election a week ago and after
the smoke of " battle had - cleared
away jt was discovered ", that the
election had been held ' ou - the
wrong day. . Things must have
been humming over at "sister's."
At noon tomorrow the examina
tions for the first term of school at
OAC will be a tiling of the past and
vacation will be declared until the
third of January. " On January 6th
the Farmers bnort Course together
,with the couroH in :' -dairying .twill
commence. On the reopening of
college there is no doubt " but the
total registration for the year will
be at least $700.
Last week A. J. Shirley, who dur
ing last winter looked after matters
in this city in the interest of the
O. C. T. Co.; paid CorvalliB a brief
visit. ' Mr. Shirley is still with
the company and is stationed for
the winter at Albany. Mr. Hoff
man is now in charge of this com
pany's business in Corvallis. An
other matter of V news is th fact
that Frank Thrasher, of Coryallis,
is now billing cleak for the O, C. T.
Co. and is stationed in Portland. ,
Last week we called attention to
the fact that Toledo needs a resi
dent physician. We would empha
size the need. All the central and
eastern part of the county have no
physician located in their territory.
While we admit that this is an ex
ceptionally healthy county, yet it is
not prudent to rely entirely on
breskfast foods and .chittim bark.
Toledo Reporter. Here is some ¬
thing that looks like a good open
ing for a hysician. ,';'-" -
A number of our citizens can
testify that the Modern Woodmen
of America are a live lot of fellows!
Several candidates were initiated
into the mysteries of the fraternity
The team from Monroe Camp came
down and assisted in the duties of
initiation. They are a clever lot of
fellows. A splendid banquet tempt
ed the appetites of between oU and
90 members present Saturday even
ing. The banquet was held at mid
night and was sumptuous in s the
extreme. From all standpoints it
1 was a memorable meeting.
There are in the foothills on both
Bides of the Willamette Valley
many small tracts of land admir
ably adapted to growing blackcap
raspberries. For the most part the
people who own these tracts are
remote from railroads and cannot
make it pay to raise small fruits for
market. The opportunity iB open
Mrs. F. R .Overlander iB just re
covei mg from a very serious ill
Prof. Harry. Beard, - who has
charge of the band at OAC, expects
to start tomorrow for .Nothern
California, where he will spend the
holiday vacation on a property he
owns in the Klamath river section
; There is no better Christmas
present than a scholarship in the
Business or. Shorthand Course in
the Corvallis Business College. If
you wish the $60 scholarship for $40,
see to it now . - . . 103
Miss Adelaide '' Greffoz, of I Port
land, has written a friend ,- in ibis
city that she will leave the metro
polis within " a few days Tor San
Francisco and vicinity to ' remain
several "months. '' Sue is compelled
to make this c move on account of
the state of her health.
Master John Wilson, son of Mr
and Mrs. Off Wilson, is very ill t" t
toe borne ot bis grand parents, Mr
and Mrs John Smith, in this city,
Saturday, Dr: Tucker was summon
ed from Portland to attend the lit
tle sufferer, and f the ailment wap
pronounced typhoid fever.
. Judge Harris and Prosecuting
Attorney Brown arrived in thit.
city in due season for. circuit court.
Although an1 argument was ' made
Saturday for a change ' of venue in
the case of Chas.. .M. Kline et al. it
was not granted and the case went
to trial yesterday. ' -
1 Mrs. J. A. Piessly, who arrived
in Corvallis some weeks ago from
Myrtle Point, is moving ;into the
Mrs.' Hulda; BiOwn ; propeitv, this
week. It is probable that she will
purchase property here uext spring.
Mrs. Pressly is a friend of Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Wilkins, and one
son, who nosy also locate here.
At the evening services at the
M- E. church, Sunday, a vocal solo
by Miss Janet Blackledge was much
appreciated by the audience. This
little lady has a voice of unusual
sweetness for one of her years, and
it is not improbable that in time
she will be something of an artist
in her line. . . ' -' :
The supper given Thursday even
ing by the ladies of the W. : C. R.
was in every way . a success. ;The
sum realized trom tbe supper
amounted to $18, r while the doll
that was raffled off brought1' $30.
Sam Kerr held the lucky number
that captured the prize, and dolly
went to Miss Nita Kerr. The pro
ceeds from the entire affair will be
sent to the Soldier's Home at Rose
burg, to be; used in i fitting up the
cottages for "indigent eoldiers who
wish to bring their wives to the
home with them. ;
L'cturer G. A. Gearhart departed
Friday for The Dalles, his next
date after Corvallis. ' He was ac
companied thus far by General T.
Tborp, who proceeded ou East to
Chicago. The. latter has been very
busy during the past year in per
fecting his agriculture mobile. The
machine is all completed -now faye
in tne matter ct narnessing u witn
power and this is what took the
general East again. He does not
expect to be away long on this
trip and believes that on his return
to Corvallis he will be ably to re
pott a most satisfactory completion
of his work and that his inyention
is a happy success.' i;
It is pleasing to note the interest
manifested by the Corvallis public
in recitals given at the college. The
recital t the college J nday even
ing by pupils of Prof. -Taillandier,"
head of the piano department, and
Prof. Helen V. Jrawford ot , the
elocutionary- department, assisted
by Miss - Lulu Spangler, vocalist,
was a most successful one in every
sense, in -act, it was tne . most
largely attended of any pupils' recit
al ever - given at the college, accord
ing to report, and this is saying a j
great deal. The c'aapel was packed
to standing room and more. Every
one on the program acquitted them
selyes most creditably. These re-
citals are of untold value : to stud
ents, as they provide opportunity
for Dublic appearances, and such a
large audience as was in evidence
Friday evening are very encourag
ing to a teacher, as they show an
interest in, and an appreciation of
the teacher's work.
.. , 1 ' -
Oren . Trout,' of Monroe, transacted
business' in Cor iallis yesterday. . ;
About $75 was taken in by the United
Evangelical ladies at their supper and
fair, Saturday. This is a good showing
and they should feel gratified over their
i success. -
The M. E. ladies' sale begins this after
noon at 2 o'clock; Refreshments will be
X&SnmK' rr&S), . . EVERYTHING
dUjiistmas (Mts
ople's: Store
"l (ffi holiday ; stocks were never so beautiful and comprehensive as they are this
year. You can make your Christmas purchases now out of a full assortment
and at your leisure, avoiding the great crowds that will surely come later on.
We will hold purchases made now and deliver them any day this month
; While we have given much time, to our holiday merchandise, we "have also'pro
: vided an immense variety of useful articles suitable ' for holiday gifts, and every
department has a liberal display. It is a genuine pleasure to visit this store now.
Dainty 'Kerchiefs and Laces
For ladies and gentlemen in linen"'
hemstitched, 1 lace and. embroidered
' edge,' and initial. All new, 9c,! 10c, 15c,
20c, 25c to 75c. Beautiful patterns in
' Mechlin and Oriental laces for Christ-
mas handkerchiefs and fancy work 5c -
to 50c per yard. V ,
" - Dolls' Christmas Fair, 1905 -
'Here we have grouped dolls of every
description and nationality, from plain
1 undressed kid and bisque dolls to hand
; somely gowned "Belles," surpassing
' values. 5c, 10c, 25c, up to $5.00 ' t
Decorated Ware and Pictures " ; '
! Every new idea - is Represented jn
Japanese and Austrian ware,' .lamps,"
plates, ornaments, and dishes, 5c to $5.
Iridescent vases all shapes, . ;25c': to -$1.50.
Water sets special $L50 ea'cli
complete. Pictures and burnt wood, '
new subjects,' tastefully mounted, ,10c,.
15c and 25c. ,
Christmas Slippers r
For men, , women, and children, a
. large, attractive line, 50c to $2.50.
Ties, Mufflers, and Gloves
In holiday 'suggesting designs and
colorings, values ' can't be beat, 25c,
50c, 75c,' and $1.00. '
- Basketry and Woodwork -
Products of Japanese handicraft in- .
geniously put together and handsome
ly decorated; boxes , and baskets
square, round, and octagon shapes in
many sizes for sewing, gloves," hand
kerchiefs, toilet and many "other uses :
, Baskets may be trimmed. Values at
5c, 10c, 15c to $3.00. '
Needle Work
. Cushion tops, 25c, 50c, 75c to -$1. 50,
of fancy art material with backs; tops
' stamped and - tinted in floral, cross
' stitch, and conventional designs! Sup-"
plies . and accessories , for - doing all
kinds of . needle work, including Har-
, danger, and Mfc Mellick; largest assort
ment of colors in Roman, Filo, and
- Hardanger silks in town- Brainard &
Armstrong silk in holders,. 4c pr skein.
Toilet Cases "
Latest novelties in matchless assort
ments 50c; 75c .$1.00 to $5-00.
Crokinole and combination game
boards good for 50 different games.
Matchless values 75c to $5. A large
assortment of, small games' and game
boards that afford amusement and
education, 10c to 50c.
Photo, postal, and autograph al
bums, handsomely decorated, new
patterns, 10c to $5.00. v
Hand Bags
Walrus and seal leather, black and
fancy colors, envelope pattern, 25c
to $3.00.
Ladies' Furs
Rich furs, new shapes, at low prices
during the holidays, $1.50, $2-00, $2.50
to $20.00. ' - ' - v
, Boxes
Embossed, celluloid, ' and leather
ette,' glove, handkerchief, and work
boxes; a more complete assortment '
than ever. 50c to $2.50. Old Mission
Court boxes $2.50 each..:
Clothing Special-Very acceptable gifts in H. S. & M. clothing and overcoats at
holiday prices. No better time to buy than now. Prices from $5.00 to S30.00.
Every department is ready,' so come early and see our large and varied Christmas'display. The People's Store is at its best.
Mail orders
promptly filled.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Established 1864:
The Christmas Supplies
that's wanied at Xmas time is almost
endless. Handsome gifts have to be
carefully selected. For instance, '
Cut Glass Christmas Presents
arenot only highly prized on account of -their
beauty, but on account of their in
trinsic value as well. We have a splend
id display of cat glass ware and you'll do
well to inspect and buy from it. ." :
Albert J. Metzoer
Occidental Building, - - - Corvalha
to them to raise - blackcap raspber- served. Bale concludes with big chicken
m . j i . mi
Ties : and dry tnena tor marsei. ine
scarcity oy pickers would : keep the
business on a rather1 Btxsall scale,
but on land which, holds a consid
erable amount of moisture all sum
mer large cropB could be maintain
ed and the market appears, to be
reliable. . The more of these minor
industries which we can develop in
Oregon the better it will be for us.
Oregon Agriculturist.
pie supper tomorrow from a to p. m
25 cents. Public invited.
A decree of divorce was granted in
the Benton circuit court Saturday in
thfi Hnit of Oovel vs. Covel. and 'also Of
Sargent and Sargent. ; In tbe latter case
the plaintiff was given the former name
of Mia. Ingram. '
Georse Houck, of Eugene, has
been in Corvallis the past few days,
ancing School
at Fisher's Hall
Alt Inaannn nrivate: Dositively no spectators j Classes every
nitht. 7:30 to 10 : lessons every afternoon, 2 till 5. . A complete term consists ui mo
Full term $5.00.
iHUiiH every iiGiiiu"t " . , - , c.
i-ii : j j . Tirn-Kton sp.lrlmBcne. xnree-oieu iiu nroKiu.
mu . j t 1.4. n Am-a of tha mt. nf RO cents a lesson. Ihe hall ana
every facility may be had tor an parties 01 a uji juj 7v wii i
intiBie furnished for all occasions. For further information inquire at. the Hall oi
" All first-class cigira and tobacco; whist and pool rooms. Every customer r :
treated like a prince.
3V ;
Four deois north of postoffice
ma. rnone ibu.
Our Big
Stock Reducing Gash
Sale is Still On
The first day's sales weighed in cash just ten pounds,
''and every customer went out of our store more than
pleased with their bargains. . , V
Our ladies', misses' and children's shoes ranging in
price from $1.40 to H that have not only been going
5 out in pairs, but in half dozen lots, at
96 cents the pair
are the talk of the town, v
Come early; you can't avoid the rush, but you can come
. . before your sizes are all gone.
- Every bolt of goods in the domestic department has
j been given 15 day's notice to' get out of the store at .
j prices that is' doing the business.' . " '
. ; Everything in the house reduced' (excepting grocer--'
ies) for cash.
F. L. Miller