Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, December 19, 1905, Image 1

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    Vol. XT,TT.
Corvaijjs, Benton County, Oregon, Tuesday, December 19. 190H.
NO. lOt
Free Locks
and Open
River Year
Frsm time to time the Gazette
has endeavored to make plain to
its readers the importance ot hav
ing the Willamette river naviga-
bl- so far as this city during the
entire year. . That the locks at
Oegon City should be free is un
questionable. Can any i ason-
able man deny that in time to
come conditions ; on the Upper
Willamette will be such that
liht-draft boats will ply be
tween Portland and Corvallis
during the entire twelve months
of f he year? Of course not. '
This is a condition that is cer
tain to come fo be in time and
the question is if it is going to be
good for future generations of
Oregomans why; is it not proper
for us to besnr ourselves and se
cure some of the benefits before
we leave this vale of tears? As
regards the locks," ; too, we are
paying a pretty penny for toll.
Let us look at the speech of Capt.
A. B. Graham, ot the O. C. T.
Co., made last weefc betore rep
resentative men at.the Woodburn
Farmers' and Shippers' Congress,
as follows:
"More than any other one thing
tne Willamette valley should
have free locks and an open river.
The reasons have been for moie
than 30 years manifest, not only
to the man with the large busi
ness, but to the man with a
small one as well. Every pro
ducer and consumer is paying, a
tax to a corporation upon every
thing he buys and sells, whether
it is transported by rail or river:
On a conservative estimate the
Willamette valley, as far south
as Eugene, pays annually a , tri
bute in the way ot lockage to
the enormous . amount of $ ioo.
000 and has been doing so with
out very much remonstrance, for
30 years. -;; . v-v p
4 'At the rate fou. are going,
the loss to you people of the ' yal
ley in the next 30 years, will be
$3,000,000. f ; ) v'W
"Why this tax? , this lockage?
this loss? , Because ; you have
borne it passively, instead of
protesting vigorously to your
representative ' i n Congress,
urging them to use their in
fluence and eflorts with our
Federal government to acquire
by purchase the locks : at Oregon
City. ;
'But because the owners , of
the locks are not to be censured'
is -no reason why you should not
set in motion : now the govern
mental machinery for new or free
locks. - For almost a lifetime
you have neglected your own
inteists, and the owners of the
locks . have been profiting by
your negligence,
"lne Willamette drains one
of, if not the most, fertile valleys
on the globe. The locks at Ore
gon City drain the pockets of
you easy-mark Oregonians to the
pretty little tune of $100,000 an
nually, v
"Gentlemen, you have and are
still buying gold brick with your
eyes wide open.
"00 lar we nave commenced
at the right place, by demanding
that the locks be made free. . Our
next step is to have the Willam
ette made navigable to Corvallis,
every month in the year. All
that the river men want is . a
good four-foot channel at low
water just bue-tenth the depth
asked for our Columbia river bar.
"As in the lockage question,
here again we must demand that
our representatives in Congress
use their efforts with the Federal
authorities in our behall. 1 care
not the man's politics, if he has
his state's interests at heart he
will' demand these, our pressing
needs. Vi
'It is unnecessary to say be
fore tills intelligent audience that
even if both, -sides of rour river
should be girded with, a network
of electric and steam lines, the
and will always dictate freight
rates. Nature has bem extreme
ly kind to our state and especial
ly so to the Willamette valley,
but we have failed to realize our
advantages, to take a firm hold
upon jmr opportunities." ,
"Footprints of the Centuries."
From- every .: side we hear
naught but words of highest
praise for G. A. Gearhart' s ltc
ture, delivered in tbeOnera Hoiise
Thursday evening. His subject
was the 'Footprints of the Cen
turies" and it seemed that nearly
everything from the beginning of
time was given attention in the
masterful discourse.
It ; is, indeed, doubtful if a
more able man ever appeared in
Corvallis in the role of a lecturer.
His voice ' was fine, full and
round; his articulation clear and
distinct; the thoughts which he
expressed " gave evidence of a
mind of the highest type, mir
aculously rich and of profound-
est culture. He is the ideal. -
From the beginning to the end
of his discourse an hour and a-
half he edified, electrified and
entertained a very large audience.
Many times he said things that
moved his hearers to mirth,' but
the ' fear of losing the , next
thought of the speaker prevented
them from yielding, to a desire
to laugh. . , ;
Mr. Gearhart paid the highest
tribute to Americans, to their
energy and progress in all things,
pronouncing them almost ' the
ideal people taken as a whole,
yet he found many weak spots in
our characters, habits and our
objects and aims in life. Where
laudation was merited he gave it
unstintedly, but was as : .free to
point to error. One great fault
which he condemned severely was
deceit. - Let no man deceive him
self, which he must do before, he
can deceive others. , In other
words, let no "man be a hypo
To woman he paid the highest
tribute, but he also talked plain
ly to her. ; The "coming woman"
he declared to be the one who
reigned as queen f in her own
home. One who did not shift
the responsibilities of her house
hold to other shoulders in order
to indulge in the vanities of life.
Mr. Gearhart dwelt, in a very
pretty style upon the creation of
the earth and all its treasures. His
words were the expression of most
original thought along this line.
He said that in. the creation of
this great sphere ages, and untold
ages, before the origin of man,
God anticipated our : everv want
and made conditions possible
whereby mankind had it within
their power to better conditions
by discovering and 1 developing
these things. . '
The speaker dwelt upon elec
tricityan unknown quantity
and drew a picture of man har
nessingthis force and-' utilizing
it. He spoke of the gold and
other treasures secreted within
the bowels of the earth awaiting
uncovering at the hands of man
that he might profit " therefrom.
In every illustration '. the speaker
was plain, exact and logical.
Summing it all up it was a word
picture capable of arousing and
appealing to the best : minds of
the age.
' OAC Wins.
Fruit and Roses of Oregon Threat
ened by Pest.
That our fruit trees and fine
shrubs of all kinds are in danger
of complete extermination goes
without saying. In fact there is
no doubt ot it and that destruc
tion is wrought by ' the, ever in
creasing San Jose scaie. And
yet our people pay no heed to the
matter that is,' take the people
as a whole. . . .
. We are quite reliably informed
that there is a law on the statute
books of Oregon for the purpose
or compelling people to keep
trieir trees and shrubs healthy,
ana yet nothing is done save by
a few.-":-' It avails one orchardist
but little to attempt to. keep his
orchard, free from .' San Jose scale
it his neighbor- adjoining allows
! scale to multiply . at will. For
years a few frujt-growers in the
state have realized the deadly
work wrought by the San Jose
scale and have fought it to the
best of their ability yet with little
result because others would allow!
it to multiply.
In the course of a ' year 'this
scale multiplies itself three mil
lion times. For years it did Jiot
seem to threaten anything ser
ious, but in time on a basis ef
such rapid propagation it gets to
''going some" and this is now
coming to be recognized in all its
No matter how many laws we
have on the statutes for the regu
lation of a given thing, public
sentiment must justify them or
they are dead letters. .. So it has
been'in the past as regards San
Jose scale it lacked a sentiment
against. So long as a man's or
chard is all right he scoffs at the
idea .of deadly pests, no matter
what the condition . of his I mext
doo? neighbor's trees. Bat , let
his own Orchard begin to fail and
his faith in the 'deadly 2 effects of
scale and other things begins to
increase and he become an earn
est inquirer ; for " effective sprays ;
and the like. . ; -.-
I At present nearly every orchard
from the head of the Willametttej
Valley clear to Portland is infect
ed by this scale and from now on
we shall find an astonishing
growth of" sentiment favoring a
prosecution ot the law intended
for protection against' allowing
San Jose scale to" spread at will. -;
The roses that have made Ore
gon famous are dying off and the
beauty of bur world is threatened
In addition to our-fruits. We
must wake up in the valley and
follow the example of such sec
tions as "Hood River. In this
great fruit-raising valley when
scale is discovered the work of
extermination is at once . com
menced. If spraying will not
destroy the scale, then the tree is
cut down and burned, it matters
not whose tree or shrub it is nor
where it is located. It is for the
protection of all that this is done
and sentiment sees that it is done
Here self-preservation upholds
the law. "
Experts, men versed in these
matters, tells us that at the rate
the vSan Jose scale is now spread
ing throughout the valley it will
be but eight years until we have
no fruit. Surely it . is time to
act. Get your spray pumps and
get busy. :. ,-v
be converted into a splendid
Horticultural, ' Agricultural and
Manufacturers' Hall. J Every
effort will be made to not only
show the fruit possibilities of this
rich and fertile county, - but also
to show the many other industries
which contribute v to , make the
Grande Ronde Valley the verit
able "Garden Spot otthe West.'
An opportunity will be given the
delegates and visitors to see the
valley and learn the exact con
ditions existing here. A special
program has" been arranged for
the entertainment of the convention,-
and speakers of note along
horticultural lines have consent
ed to address the meetings. La
Grande invites all who are in-
teresedin the development ot
the West to attend , this meeting
and they promise every attention
possible, La Grande has ample
hotel and restaurant accommoda
tions and a whole town full of
wholesouled, enthusiastic citizens
whoare onjy tooanxiousto extend
the glad hand of friendship. '
r Can You Guess?
river - is still - nature's highway rwndowiu
The 'first basket ball game of the sea
son was played in the Armory Saturday
evening. The Newbury team was unable
to come as scheduled, and tha Salem Y.
M. O. A, were secured to be -the : first
team : to meet the farmers this year.
From the pace the locals set, it is quite
evident that OAC will be heard from in
basket ball this season.
ine larmers were Dy lar the superior
team. Their playing showed more con
sistent team - work, better individual
playing, and & better style of play all
around. ::-;. f - f .. :-
The following is the line-up of the
home team: 'Forwards, Beed and Swan;
Guards, Bilyeu and Khinebart; Center,
' v. 'r- - a
Take a look at Nolan's holiday
Homer Lilly has two exceptionally
fine steers and it is his intention to ex
hibit them'on Main street next Friday
and allow the patrons of his meat mar
ket to guess at their weight on foot. Tbe
man. who guesses nearest the combined
weight of the steers will .receive - a cash
prize of $5, while $2 50 will be awarded
for the party guessing nearest . the exaqt
weight of the steers taken separately.'
The animals were- ; recently Jbrousht
here from the Biusjaw ; country and Mr.
Lilly himself does not know their weight.
Tbe cuessing will dolose at. four o'clock
Saturday afternoon and. the ateere will
then be weighed. . If you wish to see
something big be on the street Friday.
Splendid Recital.
The joint recital given in the college
chapel last Friday evening, by Prof.
Taillandier'a class in instrumental music
44 -Prof. . Helen V . Crawford's twaior
class in eloiution, was one of the bust
ever given at OACi The large room
was not able to accommodate . the au
dience.-- The hallways and stairways
were -turned into an auditorium, yet
maDy were refused admittance even
under these conditions.
Every number of the program was
enjoyed by the appreciative audience.
Everyone performed their part in a
manner complimentary to themselves aa
well aa to reflect much credit upon their
instructors. .'. .' ' " -
.' Mies Lulu Spangler rendered two vocal
s'olo,wtiich were vt the highest order.
The instrumental soloa by Misses Moore,
Horner, McDonald and Sproat were ex
ceptionally well given. ' . . " - ;
It is an injustice to compliment any
individual taking part; everyone per
formed in such a creditable manner that
Ihey ; are deserving . of highest praise.
The writer, like all those in attendance,
will only remaik that the recital was an
entertain men t uuch as seldom visits
these parts. It was a pronounced suc
cess in every respect.
Bameinber! With every dollar's
worth ou buy at Prhtt'a - you get a
ticket on the $50 Diamond Ring
giveu Free. . "' : - 102-4
Ca luig cards popular styles m
tarde and type at tbo Gazf-tte
ofiioe. ' - . . ' 8U0I
For the Holiday Trade
We are now comfortably located in our new and large quarters
on north Main street in the Fischer building. Our stock is
new in every line and very complete. During: the next thirty
days there will be special inducements for the public to trade
here. Unmatchable bargains in every department Come.
Groceries, Shoes, Ladles' Dress Goods,
lien's and Ghlldresi's Clothing, Dislies,
Fancy Lamps, OutSery, Croskery, Ef.
Toys For the Little Folk
Lay in a supply now-while ' the stock is unbroken. Bring
the little children and let them suggest what Santa Claus
shall proyide. The variety is great and prices are low. -
Silverware Free with cash purchases. Goods delivered to all
parts of the city at all hours of the day.
Christmas and New Year
Beautiful Tl-rfTP C Lively
Jewelry xJIaJT X 3 Silverware
The Holiday Season is near at hand time to think about your
friends. This store is full of good suggestions and 'we invite
you to inspect the large' stock of magnificent holiday offerings
Some one will get this- ring for nothing next January. For
every dollar purchase you -get -a ticket. Ask us to explain.
El., W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.
JANUARY 2, 1906
the special class in Eclectic Shorthand will commence a
rapid course with two to . three recitations a day so as to
complete the course ; " . ; ;
April- 3pwW0S
with a speed of, 100 to 150 words a minute. Eclectic is
easy to learn, none as easy to read and none so rapid.
to enter this class not later than January 2, and we will
make 20 per cent, discount to those who enroll December
21; commence any time thereafter. Let us talk it over at
once, -r . -'''". :
I.E. RICHARDSON, President
Fruitgrowers Convention.
The next annual convention of
the Northwestern Fruitgrowers'
Association will be held in ,La
Grande, Union county, Oregon,
January 3rd to 5th . inclusive.
That appreciative citv is macing
every effort to make i he conven
tion a success a every way. - The
La Grande Commercial Clab has
taken the matter in hand and
will place itS-splendid new build
ing at the disposal of the con
vention. "The Club has also ar
ranged for a complete and , ex-
j baustive.gxhibit of the respurces
ot the coonty.i and'; tor tne tune,
the ereat Club -cymnasium will
Don t miss the opportunity to -look over our large line this
week. Matchless bargains in rugs and art squares. . Some
very pretty Axministers added to our already large slock.
Jt is not too. early to select your presents
We have a large and well selected stock bought express
ly ior the holiday trade. Goods will be marked and stored
until Christmas V: desired. Another invoice of pictures ar
rives this week.
ideODiflfiifSiund snsdJ gqgs bug