Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, December 12, 1905, Image 4

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    Selected Team.
The local tryout for the selec
tion of debaters to represent the
col rge in inter-collegiate debat
ing ook place before a large au
dience in the college chapel
Fri av evening. The debate
was oronounced by some as the
bes' ever held at OAC. Every
ont if the seven competitors were
we I nerrared and handled the
sul i ct in a creditable manner,
The markings were close, there
beinj but a difference of four
points between the four ot highest
The question discussed was,
"Resolved, That the Federal
Government Should Own and
Co' irol the Railroads of the
United States." The affirma
tive was upheld by Mdud Graves,
of the Utopian Society; Min
nette Philips, of the Pierian So
ciety W. E. Forsvthe, Ami
citian: and M. B. Beldon, Ze-
taeatheans. Those defending
the negative were: Margaret Mc
Cormick, of the Feronians, F. M.
R.rh. Philadelphian; and M. V
Weaiherford, jeffersonhn. The
thtee selected to compose the
team were: W. E. Forsythe,
Minnette Philips and M. V,
Weatberford. Mr. Belden, who
received fouith place, will be
called upon to fill a position
should any of the first three
mentioned be unable to take part
v in any contest. '
This will be the first team to
represent OAC in inter-collegiate
debating. A date has been se
cured with Willamette Univer
sity and Mr. Bradley, president
of the association, will soon com
plete arrangements with another!
team for the second debate.
There was a great deal of inter
est taken in the tryout, which
signifies that the team will be
backed by the student body.
pick les, coffee, etc, wtil be served, j other college have any business
AdmiBPien fee of ten cents will be I T,i0,r;rlrr mirv Miilrmnmati aa
Additional Local.
See Bl; ck ledge for Linoleum, etc
Of Interest to Mothers.
Thousands of little o'nes die every year
of croup. Most of them could have been
saved by a few does ot toieys Jioney
and Tar, and every family with children
should keep it in the house. It contains
no opiates and is safe and sme. Mrs.
George H. Picket, San Francisco, . Cal.,
writes: "My baby had a dangerous at
tack of croup and we thought she would
choke to death, but one dose of Foley's
Honey and Tar relieved her at once after
other remedies had failed. We ara never
a minute without it in the house."
Sold by Graham & Welle.
Drop-head sewing machines $18
at Biackledge'e. 97tf
Acne Washing Machines at
Blackledere's. 97tf
Lurgeet line of matting in coun
ty at block edges. oUtf
New goods all the time at No
lan's. 99tf
Smalls are now advertising t
pell thefamou9 Holly brand of fljur
a $140 per sack. Tliis is the
sam brand of flour used by the:r
bakery. 97 tf
Anybody having a small fur
nished cottage which they will
rent, leave word at Gazette of
fice. WOtf
Wearthe Rubber-hide Bootsand
Shoes with waterproofed leather
bottoms. Absolutely water tight.
Sold by J. M. Nolan & Son. 96-106
Take a look at Nolan's holiday
windows. ' 99tf
Every man owes it to hirus If
and his family to master a trade or
profession. Read the display ad
vertisement of the Six ' MorBe
Schools of Telegraphy, in this issue
and It-am how easily a young man
or lady may learn telegraphy and
be assured a position. 67 tf
The Ladies' Guild of the Epis
copal church will hold a Christmas
Fair in the Opera House, on the
evening of December 12. A musi
cal and literary program will be
rendered, and at intervals durir.g
the evening the OAC band will play
appropriate music. The large
Honolulu goose, whic i arrived on
the steamer Pomona recently, will
be on exhibition a most wonderful
creature that will create intense
admiration and awe-inspiring at
tentioo. Refreshments consisting
of ice cream and cake, sandwiches,
charged. Children free. . Special
tt ructions . for the children have
been billed. 100 1
Rev George W. Bennett died in fort-
land, Saturday, at the age of nearly 89
years. The remains were b. ought to
this city yesterday and interred in New
tons' cemetery. Eev. Bennett was a
native of England and a highly respected
gentleman. For years he occupied the
puloit of the M. E ehurcn in Oorvallis,
where he resided nearly 50 years. He
was the father of Chas. Lincoln and E
H. Bennett. He took np his residence
in Portland a few years ago.
The Ladies' Aid Societies of the United
Evangelical chnrch are preparing for a
sale of lancy work and home made ar
tides to he held on Friday, and Sat'
urday, December 15 and 16, in the
Farmers' Hotel building. On Saturday
oysters will be served from 6 to 9 o'clock
Attorney W. E. Yates, now ol Van
couver. Wash., has passed the last few
days in this city.
Merwin McMaines went to Toledo yes
terday to remain a few days,
Tne home-coming of Miss Isabel Whit
by on a stretcher from a Portland hoepi
tal last week was a very sad affair. The
young lady has many friends who regret
to see her in such a critical condition
The following recent real estate sales
were made by Robinson & Stevenson : Dr
E. H, Taylor to H. H. Abel, 2 lots, house
and furniture, consideration, $3,400; Lee
HenbletoJ M. Howard, 14 lots an
house, $750; A. Hathaway to J. D.
Mower, of Lawton, Okla., 260 acres, Big
Elk, $4,500; D. D. Bernian to William
Ireland, grocery store, $2,400
A lady in 'Milwaukee, Oregon recently
became erroneously informed that the
people of Corvallis were being scourged
by an epidemic of diphtheria. There
no truth in the report, bat the lady
the goodness of her heart wrote Post
master Johnson a "sure cure" and wants
him to try it on us. Now Mr. Johnso
is not prac icing medicine, but gives it as
his opinion that the remedy that was
submitted for his approval would beat
the climates of Arizona or New Mexico
for any pulm .nary trouble.
hey can never hope to win by
air means. Time and again our
boys have been given the worst
of it by the club. The tactics of
the club men would then be to
pat us on the back and tell us
how good we are and coax a
game next year that the club
may make some money. - In the
course of a year we have invar
iably forgiven the abuses of the
year before to which we sub
mitted and have become pawns
in their hands. May we not
again do so.
If the other schools of the
northwest refuse to play Mult
nomah she can try her hand at
first and second team games and
see how much money she will get
as gate receipts and how inter
esting it will be to the public,
However, to the credit of the
club be it said that a majority
approved the action of our boys
and were outspoken in their ap
D Mann ' circuit court-. 21 20
Woldt, - 21 20
First Nat Bank Corvallis, Ass'g'd
Road Von hers 24 50
W T Hockema, Road work 15 oO
Bills Allowed.
P 00
3 40
3 40
Henry Hector, " ' 15 86 '
Henry Plunkett, Bounty ne wild
cat 2 00 I
Mrs W B White, Ac Poor Relief 10 Oo .
E Taylor, Road Work 1 5o I
J McDowell, Road Work 3 00 ,
Western Union Tel Co, Telegrams 60 I
E H Wallace, Road Work 4 50 1
W Walters & Son, lumber 14 28 !
Bp n ton Co Lumber Co, lumber 12 9i)
M P Morgan, Printing 2 75
W A Jolly, Co Commissioner. 7 40
Peter Richard. Coin Salary 8 40
D B Farley, Sup, Special Road
Fd No 15 - 69 47
George Plaster, Wit Pros Atty- 1 50
Victor P. Moses,
County Clerk.
Fifteen words or less, 25 cts for three
successive insertions, or 50 cts per
month; for all np to and including ten
additional words. cent a word for each
For all advertisements over 25 words,
1 ct per word for the first insertion, and
H ct per word for each additional inser
tion. Nothing inserted for less than 25
Lodge, society and church notices,
other than Blrictly news matter, will be
sharped for.
sisting of three lot and cottage, jnst
west of Dr. Pernot's residence. For
partic nlars inquire at residence of Mre.
E Carter, Monroe St between 2d and
4th. ioitf
Dancing School
at Fisher's Hall
Full term $5.00. All lessons private; positively no spectators; classes every
night, 7:30 to 10; lessons every afternoon, 2 till 6. A complete term consists of the
following named dances: Waltz, Two-Step, Schottieche, Three-Step and Five-Step.
The latest dances taught all dancers at the rate of 50 cents a lesson. The hall and
g every facility may be had for all parties of a social and private nature. Orchestra
, music furnished for all occasions. For further information inquire at the Hall of
All first-class cigirs and tobacco; whiet and pool rooms,
treated like a prince.
Every customer
Four dois north of poatoffice
Ind. Phone 130.
Annually, to fill the new positions created by
Railroad and Telegraph Companies. We want
YOUNG MEN and LADIES of good habits, to
And Railroad Accounting.
We furnish 75 per cent, of the Operator . '"'d
Station Agents in America. Our six school -. nt
the largest exclusive Telegraph Schools IN Thl
WORLD. Established 20 years and endorsed by
all leading Railway Officials.
We execute a $250 Bond to every student to
furnish him or her a position paying from $40
to $60 a month in states east of the Itoeky Moun
tains, or. from $75 to S100 a month in states west
of the Rockies, immediauly upon graduation.
Students can enter at any time. No vaca
tions. For full particulars regarding any of
our Schools write direct to our executive office
at Cincinnati, O. Catalogue froe.
The Morse School of Telegraphy,
Cincinnati Ohio. Buffalo N. Y
Atlanta Ga. LaCrosse Wis
Texarkana-Tex. San Francisco Cal
Heating !
Cornice, Roofing, Guttering,
ami ali kinds of Mnf-t Meta!
F. A Hencye
In connection 7.1th J. H.
for Job Work.
Torture of a Preacher.
The Btory of the torture of Eev. O. D,
Moore, pastor of the Baptist church of
narpersvuie, jn. x., will interest you
Me says : "I suffered agonies, because of
a persistant cough, resulting from the
grip. 1 had to sleep sitting up in bed. I
tried many remedies, without relief, until
I took jjr. King's New Discovery for
l.onsnmpiiou, Cousrhs and Culds. whh-i,
entirely cured my Cough, and saved me
from Consumption." A grand cure for
diseased conditions of Throat and lungs.
At Allen & Woodward druggists. 60c
$l.UU, guaranteed. Trial bottle free.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter of the Estate of j
Mary A. Garlinghouse, deceased, J
Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned
that the undersigned has been duly appointed ex
ecutrix of the last will and testament of Mary A.
Garlinghouse, deceased, by the County Court of
Benton County, Oregon.- All persons ha vine claims
against the said estate of Mary A. Garlinghouse, de
ceased, are required to present the same, with the
proper voucners, auiy vennea as required Dy law,
within six months from the date hereof, to the un
dersigned at her residence one mile east of Monroe.
Benton County, Oregon, or at the office of Yates &
1 ales, uorvaiiis, uregon.
Dated this 26th day of September, 1905.
Executrix of the last will and testament of Mary A,
Garlinghouse, deceased. 80-02
OAC Stands for Clean and Square
A Fearful Fate.
It is a terrible fate to have to endure
the terrible torture of piles. " I can
truthfully say,'' writes Harry Colson, of
Masonviile, la., "that tor Bund, Bleed
uir, Itu ing and Protruding Piles, Buck
ici.'tf Araica SkIv, is the best cnr
made" Also bet ;.r cuts' burns, and
injuries. 25 cent!' ht llen & Wood
ward itniggistH.
Iti Mad Chase.
Millions rush iu mad chase after health
from one extreme of faddism to another,
when, if they would only eat good food,
and keep their bowels regular with Dr.
Kings New Life Fills, their troubles
would alt pass away. Prompt relief and
quick enre for liver and stomach trouble.
25c. at Allen & Woodward drug store;
guaranteed. .
MHdwii aotftaj firm.
About four coach loads of our
people pulled out on a special"
train Saturday morning for Port
land to witness the last game of
the season in which OAC would
be a factor. There was nothing
worthy of chronicling until the
game between Multnomah Club
and OAC was on.
Between 2,000 and 3,000 peo
ple witnessed the game so far as
it went. We regret to report the
game as it was regret, not on
account of the action of our boys
in quitting the field in the second
half, but to publish to our read-
ers tne unaeniaDie trutn tnat a
little ring seems to dominate
Multnomah Club and this ring
was determined to win by fair
moans or fowl.
In the first half OAC made a
touchdown which made her five
points she failed to kick goal.
Multnomah also made a touch
down in this half and kicked
goal, making her six points.
Throughout the game there was
anything but courteous treat
ment for our boys at the hands
of their hosts and observing this
fact and considering matters
were rapidly approaching a Cri
sis the result of which would
have been a pitched battle be
tween the two contesting teams
Coach Steckle said , he thought it
wise to call his team from the
Coach Steckle, commenting on
the matter, did not have any
thing harsh to say of the officials
but did say that OAC had prac
tically no voice in selecting men
to officiate, and one after another
well-known men whom our boys
suggested as officials were re
fused by Multnomah. Our teams
! have always played clean foot-
j ball and time and again have
I taken the worst of it until it
seems other teams looked upon
them as "sissies." We rejoice
that they stood for their rights
and for a fair game. '
It is to be hoped that the effect
of OAC's action Saturday will be
to teach Multnomah that she
must play fair ball. '; We are told
4 that certain members of the
'Winged M" have declared nev
er again to play with OAC.
Again we rejoice. OAC nor any
The following bills were allowed by
the Countv .Court of Benton County
State of Oregon, at the regular December
Term thereof, 1905, to-wit:
A. B Taylor, Wit Circuit Court. $
Stewart Miller, Wit Pros Atty "
Dick Miller, Wit Pros Atty
R L White, Sheriff fees
Vidito Bros, Team Hire Circuit
Court . 2 00
Ohas Winant, Wit Circuit Court 20 00
J D Wells, Constable fees 5 50
R E LBrowu, Rebate tax 10 30
Victor P Moses, Tax Rolls Copy
ing and Comparing '-.
Corvallis Times, Printiag
Bushong & Co, Stationary
Blanks. :
Corvallis Independent Tel
Telephones ..
J D Wells, Janitor
T B Logsdon, Wood jail
Hansell , & Chambers, Sawing
wood .
Ellsworth Post, G A R 19, Relief
Indigent Soldiers
D D Berman, Ac Poor -' 6 00
Bert Peters, Road Work 36 82
J R Fehler, " 4 50
C Hughes, Ex Good Roads Con 6 00
Hotel Corvallis, Expeuse Good
Roads Convention 8 00
93 00
51 00
6 00
5 00
40 00
3 50
20 00
To those who have an i ra of getting a
Talking Machine for these long winter
'venings I will give a free entertainment
in your home. Just drop me a card or
call at my home on South Main street.
It you haven't the idea, get it, and ac
cept this offer. In the meantime, re
member that the Edison Machine and
the Edison Gold Moulded Records are
the best that money can buv.
Machines, $10, $20, $30 and $50.
Gold Moulded Records, 35c.
Accept nothing until you have heard
the Edison Eight years' experience with
talking machines.
G. B WHITNEY, The Concrete Man.
For Sale.
Choice oat, Vetch and cheat
seed, to be had at reasonable
prices eilher at the Corvallis or
Benton Flouring Mills.
Doctor's Could Not Help Her.
H J Reese,
W P McGee,
W H Green,
C Lillard,
M L Hnbler,
Ed Taylor,
Eoad Work-
Road Work
2 00
8 00
15 50
12 00
10 00
3 00
2 25
28 00
6 00
19 0.
19 00
20 00
16 00
5 25
12 00
9 00
4 50
- 3 00
" 10 15
. 7 50
" 26 75
" 23 00
" 24 00
H H Glassford, road Work- 22 00
R M Young, " " 2 00
C 8 Butler. " " 23 00
D H Fleming, " " - 15 00
Caas Felton,
W Newton,
C E Witham,
S B Cooper,
M H Young,
L A Barker,
Frank Boulden,
GeneTortor, " '
E W Wallace, " "
G A Cooper, ' "
Levi Oren, c
B O Young, ' "
Frank Gri ;gs, " "
Alex Campbbll, "
A E Bell, " "
DDPittman, ' "
W Tom, " "
Corvallis Transfer Co, Ex Road
J M Herron. Atfd Good Roads
Convention 1 4 00
K Jones, Road Work : 3150
R N Jones, Road Work 10 00
R M Gilbert, " 24 25
B E Graves, " " 10 00
E B Graves, ' ' 15 50
M V Leeper, Lumber--. '. 3 84
GH Harris, " 65 27
A M Gray, Gravel 10 00
W I Huggins, " : . 20 04
E D Jackson, " 2 35
R B Mason, " r- 2 40
F M Spencer, 1 00
AStegenald, " 3 00
M P Fruit, Ferryman Corvallis 53 Oo
O W Beck with, Ferry Work.-- 14 00
CorvalHs Tile & Brick Co, Tiling 72 63
J H Simpson.'Road. Supplies 4 25
R H Huston, Road Supplies 55
Benton Co Review, Printing 2 25
Corvallis Gazette. " -. 7 30
Allen & Woodward, Stationary 2 10
C A Gerhan, ' 2 65
Grhm- A W-ll, 3 75
Pa.- Slates Tel & Tel Co. Te-
ph-mrts- 7 50
Mrs D Huggins, Ac Poor 115 70
E Bennett, M fl county phyfci-
. cian -- 5 oo
A Kyles, ac poor- . 2 50
J F Yates Lewis & Clark Ex-,--- 5 i 0
School Dist No 8, Lewis & Clark
Exposition 10 oo
Breeding hen and pnllets at $1 earh.
Choice hi-ppdine cocker Is, from pen
headed by my $20 Arp's pnllet. bred
cock bird, at from $1 to $5 pach. Call
at Gallery. W. G. Emery, Bamd
Rock Specialist. 90tf
nnrlersipripd i row in this city and has
Iwn plac-pd in the hands of "the Cirv
Trnnsfpr Company for sale. Norwood
Trading Co. fi6tf
tifs prd po-cartP pt DiUpvA Arnold's.
Pnllpts. See J. M Porter. Corvallis.
Oregon. p,8tf
for Fa! Irjqniie of E. B. Hornins or
D G Hill. 98-106
'I had kidney troub e for years,"
writes Mrs. Ravmond Conner of Shelton,
Wash", "and the doews could not help
me. I tried Foley's Kidney Cnre, and
the very first dose gave me releif, and I
am now cured. 1 cannot say too mucn
for Foley's Kidney Cure.,' It makes the
diseased kidneys strong so that they
will eliminate the poisians from the
blood. Unless they do this good health
is impossible. Sold by Graham &
Cheap Sunday Rates Between
Portland and Willamette
Valley Points.
Low round trip rates have been placed
in effect between Portland and Willam
ette Valley points, in either direction.
Tickets will be sold
and limited to return on or before the
following Monday. Rate to or from Cor
vallis, 93.00 Call on Southern Pacific
Go's Agents for particulars. lOltf
Pirating Foley's Heaey and Tar.
Foley & Co., Chicago, originated
Hsney'and Tar as a throat and lung re
medy, and on account of the great merit
and popularity of Foley's Honey and
Tar many imitations are offered for the
genuine. Ask for Foley's Honey and
Tar and refuse any substitute offered as
no other preparation will give the same
satisfaction. It is mildy laxative. It
contains no opiates and is safest for
children and delicate persons. Sold by
(jrabam 6c Well.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is' hereby given that the undersigned
execumxoi me estate 01 v. a. Mcor aeueasea,
ha filed In the County Court of Benton Countv,
Oregon, her final acemmt as such executrix of
said estate, ana tnat Friday tne btn day of De
cember. 1905, at the hour ot ten o'clock A. M.
has been fixed by said Court as a time tor hear
ing objections to said acoount and tne settle
ment thereof. PEKSIS J. LINDEMAN.
Executrix of the estate of C. E. Moor, deceased
Office First National Bank Boi'dine,
Only tet of abstracts m Bentoi, County
Omcp in Post Office Building, Corval
,is, Oregon.
Notary, Titles, Convevanc
ing. Practice in all State and Federal
Courts. Office in Burnett Building.
eer, Corvallis, Or. P. A. Kline Line,
Phone No. 1. P. O. addrpss. Box 11.
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
live stock. Twenty yeare' 'experience
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Gazette and Weekly Oregonian at
$2.55 per year.
"For seven years" writes Geo. H. Hoff
man, of Harper, Wash., "I had a bitter
battle with chronic stomach and liver
trouble, but at last I won, and cured my
diseases, by the use of Electric Bitters.
I unhesitatingly recommend them to all
and don't intend in the future to be
without them in the house. They are
certainly a wonderful medicine, to have
cured such a bad case as mine. " Sold,
under sf'iaraiitee t -lo t.nsme for you,
by A'ln & vVoi'dWur l 1ri'gi;its, nt 5c-:.
a -bottle. Try tlifin lo.iay.
Corvallis, Oregon, -
MAKES LOANS on approved security
and especially on wheat, oats, flour,
wool, baled hay, chittim bark, and all
other classes of produce, upon the re
ceipt thereof stored in mills and public
warehouses, or upon chattel mortgages
and also upon other classes of good se
the principal financial centers of the
United States and foreign countries.
i: thus transferring money to all parts of
the civilized world.
A CONSERVATIVE general business
transacted in all lines of banking.
Veterinary Surgeon
Surgeon and Dentist. Permanently lo
cated here. Dr. Jackson is a post
graduate au 1 thoroughly qualified in
veterinary work. See him at IVei-
e .U! Uoipl. . lUltf
and Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build
in. Ottico Hours: 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to
I p. in. Residence: cor. 5th and Ad
ams 8ts Telephone at office and res
.im. Corvallis, Oregon.
Fred Fisk, Sheriff fees , 1 oO
W J Culver, " : state cases 3 75
R Bryson, court expenses, state
cases - - 12 60
R L White, 8 fees state' cases 1 00
Gay Metcalf, Wit Pros Atty- 7 10
J Miller, " " " - 7 10
Registration of Land Title.
In the Circuit Court of the iState of Oregon for
Benton Countv.
In the matter oi the application ofl
lircniDaju i. iviciveurmie 10 register
the title to the northeast quarter of
the southwest quarter and lot 3 in
section 3, township ir, south range,
4 west, of the Willamette meridian,
in Benton County, Oregon, contain
ing 78.60 acres more or less,
: against
Henry Rickert. defendent.
To. all whom it may concern: Take notice,
that on the 16th day of November, 1905, a'n appli
cation was filed by said Archibald N. McKechnie
in the Circuit Courtof Benton Countv. for initial
registration ot the title of the land above de- I
Now, unless you appear 011 or briore the 23rd j
day of December, A. B.. 1905, and show cause
why such application should :iot be g-anted the
same will be takf M'ii'?ssec, ant. a -ecre-will
be entere.; ao.-:Jing to the prayer' oi tne '
application, and yet bft !ore"rr barrel trom
disputing the :i-iiiv
VIC"! OR I: Mi.oI-.Sl Oe.
L. L. SWAN, a-it-n n.S ali'.rnev
Dated K iv." 1. :oc v-K-i '
4-.fl S'Urfton, Oflice an Residence, on
ilum Mtreet, Philomath, Oregon.
R. D. BURGESS. M. D. '
Office over Blackledge Furniture Store.,
Office hours : !0 to 12 aed 3 to 5.
ments; curbing made to order; clean
ing and repring done neatly: pve
en' -. ,i-snM . h.-T Jvorth
M -! m St. F, .i,U Van,,...... ,,. P-.'p. 9-Jtf"
Tor Infants and Children.
TIs Kind Yea Kara Ahrajs Exgbt
Bears the
are the most fatal of all dis
eases. . :
or money refunded. Contains,
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as tb pest for
Kidney and Bladder trot&s