jSVfcgetable Preparalloafor As similating tticroodandRegula ting theStoinachs anxlBowels of Promotes Digestion.Cheerful ness andRest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine norlliueraL Kot Narcotic. JltapeafOUJOrSAMUZlPIIClim Pumptm. Stxil jllx.Saut0, ftflxmrnt - MGriHSeed--Clarifitd Aimr WnOiyHm. Flam Aperfecl Remedy for Conslipa non, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature oF NEW YOHK. -1 IIMMlMUIMHiMIHI i ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. KEAiL ARRIVES. 8:30 a. m. Mail arrives by stage for Portland and all points North and East, also for Californiaandpointson S.P. 10 a. m. From Monroe by stage. 11:15 a. m. ' From Philomath and points West on C. & E. . 12 m. From Portland and all points on the West Side. 1:30 p. nt. From Albany and all points North on the S. P. soluteiy Pur A GRAPE CREAM F TARTAR BAKING POWDER It makes the most delicious and healthful hot breads, biscuit ami cake FREE FROM ALUM, LIME OR, PHOSPHATIC ACID No other baking preparation or powder has equal leavening strength or healthful qualities ROYAL BAKING P.1W3ER CO., NEW YORK - ' Notice for Publication. United States Lmrt fifflce,. Portland, Oregon, . August 19, lftofi. Notice is hereby given that in ompliaiH.e with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber laoii in the States of California, Oree-t.n, Nevada and Washington Teiritory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1882, IVA SHtiEtWOOD PATTY, of Corvallis. couuty of fientcn. State of Oregon, has this day riled in this office her sworn statement No 6S54, for the purchase of S J Si 54 of Section No 2e m Township No lo S.. Range No 0 West, and will offer proof to -how that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or scone than for agricultur al puroees, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Portland, Oregon, on Monday, the 6th day of November, 1905, She names as witnesses: Erwin R. Alexander, Thomas R. Graham, James H. Patty, all of Cor vallis, Oregon, Robt. A. Miiler, of Portland. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office onjor before said 6th day ot November, 1905. . ' ALGERNON S. DRFSSRR, iivguter, Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use or Over Thirty Years MAIL DEPARTS. G a. in. For Albany and points East on the C. & E., and fcr points North of Albany on the S. P. 10:30 a. m. For Albany and all points North and South on the S. P. 12:30 p. m. For West Side points, Portland, and points North and East, also for points West on the C. & E. 2 p. m. For Monroe, Or. 6:15 p. m. For Portland, Cali fornia, and points North, East and South. Registration of Land Title. In the Circuit Court of the jState of Oregon for Benton County. In the matter ot the application ofl niunufuu A-i. wiijrkci.iiiiie to register the title to the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter and lot 3 in section 3, township 11, south range, 4 west, of the Willamette meridian, in Benton County, Oregon, contain ing 78.60 acres more or less, J against Henry Rickert, defendent. To all whom it may csncern: ' Take notice, that on the 16th day of November, 1906, an aooli cahon was filed by said Archibald N. McKechnie in the Circuit Court of Benton County, for initial registration of the title ot the land above de scribed. Now, unless you appear on or before the 23rd day of December, A. B., 1905, and show cause why such application should not be granted the same will be taken as confessed, and a decree will be entered according to the prayer of the application, and you will be forever barred trom disputing the same. , VICTOR p, MOSS. Clerk. If X.. SWAN. it)p . .ant's attorney. Dated Nov ::, 1905. , ..c THE CENTAUR aOMPHNV. HEW YORK CtTV. COUNTRY CORRESPONDENCE. BKLLFOUNTAIN. Farmers bave been making good use of the favorable fall by Eeeding a larger acreage than usual. Early eown grain and grass have made a good growth. Stock are for the most part in fair condi tion and in demand at a good price. J. M. Baily is buying beef cattle for a paity in Harrisb'irg. Frank Dinges has gone to Portland with several carloads of sheep and hogs, besides the hundreds of cattle that he has shipped and sold on contract One wonders where all the stock comes from. This valley of the Willamette is regard ed by stockmen of wide observation as one of the beet breeding grounds for live stock in the world. If any one doubts this being a good place for the growth of cattle their doubts vonld soon be dis pelled by going to Frank Dinges' and look at four steers that he bought over on Lake creek. The four steers weigh 8,000 pounds and are being fed for Christmas beef. Ed. Williams and others bave been busy for several days rounding up their cuttle on prairie and mc untain an bring ing them off for the winter. Mrs. Casterline and children have moved to Portland where Mr. Casterline has been for some time. A literary society for mutual benefit has been organized under the auspices of the public school. E. H. Belknap has been appointed by the presiding elder of the M. E church, Dr. Wire, to take the place of Eev. Aitord who was unable to fill the appointments. Thanksgiving day will be observed by the people of this cemmunity by appro priate services at the Simpson chapel. It is hardiy to be wondered at that peo ple should enjoy celebrating Thanksgiving Day by partaking of bountiful dinners, but it seems strange that so many mane this a time for a special hunt and seem to set so much satisfaction out of just shoot ing the life out of some bird or beast. Thera is being some good prices offered for homes here-, but holders are rather slow to let go. , Floyd Biistow, who came home from a Portland h jtpital a week ago, seems lo be getting along first rate. ' Little Bado Tharp and Miss Dora Wat kins, who have been under the doctor's care for some time, and both are much improved. ; R. G. Hall, Sr., is butchering eight fine hogs today . Chas. Hout, of Corval lis, gets some of them. Local Try-Out. The local try-out for the OAC Inter collegiate Debating Team, will be held in the college chapel, Friday evening, Dec' 8. This is the first time in its history that the college has put out a debating team, hence, much interest is being tak en in the local contest. For the past few years each of the eight literary societies of the school has been represented by a team in a series of inter society debates for the Gateh cup. This organization will still exist, but a team selected from all of these societies will be chosen to represent the school in contests to be held with other colleges. Saven debaters will enter the contest. out of which three will be selected as the team. Four debaters of last year's socieiv teams and three seniors will be the per sonnel of the aspirants and a lively dis cussion is insured. The auestim to h discussed is, "'Resolved, That the govern oientof the United States should own and control the railroads." . LETTER LIST. The following letters remain uncalled for in the Corvallis postoffice, for the week PndinsNnv. 18, 1915: Mm. Rob B.wu, W. H. Berry, C. Bman, Miss Mobie Calleghan,. C. S. Cline, Miss Flett, E. M. Fenimore, F. E. Hutchinson, F. G. Hard.S. B. Jackson. J. T. Johnson, Mrs. Mary King, Miss barah King, Miss Ma7 Miller, F. A. Mil ler, Miss Elsie Miller, James Miller, Jus tus A. Miller, Miss Alice Moore, W. T. Price, Dr. Pedone, Fred T. Rugg, Miss B. Ross, Mrs. A. L. Smith, L. R. Watts, E. D. Wet more. ' B. W. Johnson, P. M, New York. The mermaids that dis port off Sea' Gate have been presented with a silver service worth $300. The knives, forks and spoons were intend ed originally for the Atlantic Yacht club, whose house is at Sea Gate. Packed in a fine case, the silver was put on board the steamboat Atlantic, which plies between the Battery and Sea Gate. Capt. Drake, of the At lantic, placed the silver in charge of one of his men until it should bo 1 delivered to Superintendent Stewart at the yacht club. - c When the. Atlantic reached the yacht club's landing the man put the case on his sioulder and started to gc ashore before the gangway was run out. ; He . stumbled, and the silver went overboard. ' ' The crew of the Atlantic and em ployes of the clubhouse started grap pling for the precious case, but the sand there is somewhat like quick sand, and the waves quickly bury any thing that goes down. Some of the yachtsmen put on bath ing suits and dived for the service, but the mermaids were stirring their cold tea with the spoons. A professional diver wil seek the silver. . . . y. i - FLASHES F!CL';E3 CF FirsZ. New Cash. Register Gives Further N Protection Against Dis honest Clerks. Washington. A cash register appears to be an essential piece of apparatus In all mercantile establishments, and the elaborations and embellishments ihat have been devised for the greater pro tection of the purchaser and the seller have made this device the most compli cated piece of mechanism in use by the general public. Not content with the protecting fea ture already provided, one of the largest manufacturers has just secured a patent which affords still greater protection for both parties to a transaction. The distinguishing feature of the new im provement is a display of the amount of the sale at a distance from the cash reg ister. This unique end is attained by the introduction of electric commuta tors, contacts and electrically lighted universal numerals, operated automatic ally by the manipulation of the register keys. The numerals are formed of black letters, Illumined with electric lights and so designed that any numeral can be flashed out of the same space by vary ing the contacts that is, by observing certain lines and illumining others. Whenever a sale is registered the amount of the sale is flashed out in larfre figures on a conspicuously located elec tric sign, so that there does not appe ar to be the slightest opportunity for false registration without detection. The in dicator comprises a rectangular frame with a semiopaque front of frosted or ground glass. MAIL BOXES TO BE GREEN. Aluminum Color Is Found to Be De tective After Having Been Given Long Trial. Washington. Green soon will b? the color that will guide writers o letters when they wish to commit 'heir missives to the care of Uncle 5am. Aluminum-colored post boxes -ire doomed, and the order has gone orth that boxes in Chicago and erywhere else are to become of e 'iriliiant grass- hue. Trarisfomatioc "f the 4,000 boxes in this city wil. commence soon, and by the. late fall, ;t is expected, aluminum-tinted boxes Till be a thing of history. The change is because aluminum 3?.int has . not proved ' satisfactory. 'There's nothing like green," declarer Vssistant Postmaster- Hubbard yei ' :rday. "Green retains its virility 713 freshness much longer than doco .luminals. Aluminum paint becomes lirty, dingy and rusty, while .green craafns spick-and-span. The ctaajD Is simply a common sense move and is a return , to the green boxes lhat prsceded the present ones. Twelve years or so ago the old green boxes were done away with. Boxes in otlier cities also wi!! assume . an emera'd hue, and the citizen will recognise his good friend the post box by it; complexion anywhere in the country." DOG A MOTHER TO CHICK3 Canine Shelters Wee Feathered Crcr. tures Chases Cats with Crim inal Intentions. Bloomfield, N. J. Edward G. Nau mann is the owner of seven lit ": hickens which' were 'brought to lire a an incubator.; Mr. Nauajnn is l:o t!;a o.tnSr of a pet dos. T;i3 1 .-.as basking in the sunsbia-' t , e littie chickens were t,rrr.:;il Vtrt t'? .,ra tcb, aai one of ths. litU j c:iiC.:pr,.-. Lttoa up arrainst. hiin and iiimi.U-iii-Y took shelter undar his ibecy Lai:-, -ia sis triers followed , suit. The dog did not resent the -'--03 zaZ tio chickens maie ' t: selves vc;y much at home, ma:': " short excursions from their sh-lt and thea rannig back again. Wr.-.i tho dog got up and moved he was fol lowed by the batch of little chickor-:;, and when he lay down again, the chicks again used him for a shelter. The intimacy thus formed developed Into a mutual attachment, and the log assumed a guardianship over the Sickens. . The dog, Mr. Neumann says, is a nderful guardian and protector. . i::133 there are no fences around ieweliyn avenue premises, yet such is cho sagaciousness of the dog and his intuitive ideas of surveying and ge ography that if the chickens attempt to cross the line of .the Neuman place, the deg noses them back to their proper bounds, and if a cat appears in the neighborhood the do : :uts. it to flight The dog is ver considerate of his charges and whn they want to rest he lies down ana the chickens cuddle up against hira. ICE THIRTY FEET THICK. Remarkable Discovery Kade by Con necticut Man Seeking Cold Water in a Well. New Haven. Conn. Th npnnlp nn in Coventry have been astonished to find mis year in tne early summer a well in a farm yard which is still ''"'.n to te n' ."1 "'!. !7o!" - . thl? has been knov-tt :'s ornctf pi t in years, the heavy ice banks of 1 6.-: a -having receded by this time of year. So"flshy" did this story seem that a Hartford reporter, exceptional for his veracity, personally looked the mattsr up. He found that the well had not been used recently, and that when the farmer on whose premises it, was thought he would like a drink of cold water tried to draw it his bucket struck a hard substance. Getting into the well, , the farmer found that the top of the well was thick with ice, which reached at least SO feet in a solid chunk to the bottom. The well has, performed unusual feats in keeping ice in recent years, but nothing so remarkable arf jhjs, -. r.v ... ." Administrator's notice. Notice io hereby given that the County Court of Benton County, Oregon, hag appoint ee the undersigned administrator of the estate of Huldah A. Brown desceased, and Uper. sons haviug claims against said estate will present tbe same according to law, to me at CorvuUis, Oregm, within six mouths from tnis date, W. S, LISVILLE, t . j o . , Administrator. Dated September 7, 1905. ELASTIC PULP PLASTER. NO SAND. NO LIME. Fire Proof Water Proof WILL NOT FALL OFF CRACK CRUMBLE Just the Thing for Hop-Driers. Write for Catalogue. Pacific Pulp Plaster Co. IPHONE MAIN 2362, 517-521, Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, OREGON. R. M. WADE 8 CO., Agts., Corvallis. 156 Christmas Presents For $1.80 Good for every farmer. Good for every farmer's wife. Good for every farmer's son. Good for every farmer's daughter. 3 Christmas Pre sents every week in 1906. A thoroughly practical, help ful, useful, entertaining Christ mas gift to any member of a farmer's family will be a sub scription for the year 1906 for the "Corvallis Gazstte" of Cor vallis, Oregon, your favorite home weekly newspaper, and a subscription for the year 1906 for "The New York Tribune Farmer." a twenty-page, bigh--class, illustrated, agricultural family weekly, thoroughly up-to-date iu everything which ad vances the interests cf the whole farm and household. The two papeis coming regu larly every week in 1906 will be a constant reminder of the giver and a Christmas jrift of the most substantial character continu ously throughnnt the year. These two papers will be sent to one subscriber both for one year for $1.80 cash paid in ad vance to ail now subscribers and to all old ones who will pav up all back subscription and the $1.80 for the one year in ad vance. A special contract enables us . to furnish doth of these papers for he entire ypar for $1.80, but if subsci ibed for separately the . regular price for both would be $2.50. In like manner the "Corvallis Gazette" and the "Tri-Weekly Tribune" will be sent to one subscriber both for one year for $2.30 cash paid in aavance to ail new subscribers, and to all old ones who have paid up all back subscription due and the $2.80 for the one j ear m advance, In like manner the "Corvallis Gazette," the weekly New York Tribune Farmer and the Weekly Oregonian will be sent to one . subscriber, all Ihree for one year for $2.85 cash paid in advance to all new subscribers and to all old ones who have paid up all back subscription due and tl. $2.85 for the one year in ad vance, Ser'1 fill orders with 'he mon ey to the CORVAL1 Is? 'JAZETTE, C:i .a i Or. (r..l-. Yorr an! i d on a , fwtn1 .nrii.o -'. W. .Bret, 'j .r.r.' Faun"! " ,rbir, New Yuik, and .na-ning this adver tisement, will bring you a free sample copy of the Tribane. Take The Gazette for all the iocal news. IMIFIEU ADVERTISLMENTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS t Fifteen words or less, 25 cts for three successive insertions, or 50 cts Tier month; for all up to and including ten additional words. cent a word for each insertion. For all advertisements over 25 words. I ct per word for the first insertion, and H ct per word for each additional inser tion. Nothing inserted for lees than 25 cents. Lodge, society and church notices. other than strictly news matter, will be charged for. FOR SALE BARBED PLYMOUTH ROCKS Breeding hens and pullets at $1 each. Choice breeding cocker Is. from pen headed by my $20 Arp's pullet bred cock bird, at from $1 to $5 each. Call at Gallery. W. G. Emery, Barred Rock Specialist. gotf ALL WOOD HANDLED BY THE undersigned iw now in this city and has been placed in the hands of the City Transfer Company for sale. Norwood Trading Co. 66tf NEW TIRES PUT ON BABY BUG g's and go-carts, at Dilley & Arnold's. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE $195.00; steam; in good condition, top lamps. Box 461, McMinnville, Or. 87 96 ATTORNEYS J. F. YATES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office First National Bank Building,. Only set of abstracts in Benton County S. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Post Office Building, Corval (is, Oregon. 'OSEPH H. WILSON, ATTORNEY-at-Law. Notary, Titles, Convevanc ing. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Office in Burnett Building. AUCTIONEER ' P A KLINE, LIVE STOCK AUCTION eer, CorvalliB, Or. P. A. Kline Line, Phone No. 1. P. O. address. Box 11. Pays highest prices for all kinds of live stock. Twenty years' experience Satisfaction guaranteed. WANTED WASTE D 500 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE Gazette ana 'Weekly Oregonian at $2.55per year. BANKING. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF' Corvallis, Oregon, MAKES LOANS on approved security and especially on wheat, oats, flour, wool, baled hay, chittim bark, and all other classes of produce, upon the re ceipt thereof stortd in mills and public warehouses, or npen chattel mortgages and also upon other classes of good se curity. . " ' DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD upon the principal financial centers of the United States and foreign countries, thus transferring money to all parts of ' the civilized world. A CONSERVATIVE general business transacted in all lines of banking. PHYSICIANS JB. A. OATHEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and burgeon. Kooms 14, Bank Build ing. Office Hour? : 10 to 12 a. m , 1 to t p. ni. ; Residence: cor. 5th and Ad ams Sta Telephone at orfice and res Itlence. Corvallis. Oregon. . !. H. NEWTH, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Office an.1 Residence, on Main street. Philomath, Oregon. R. D. BURGESS. M. D. OmVe ovtr Biu-cfcleilge Funnture Store.. Office hours : 10 to 12 and 3 to 5. MARBLE3SHOP. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONU meBts curbingf,made to order; clean ing and reparing done neatly: save agent's commission. Shop ' North Main St , Frank Vanhoosen, Prop. 92tf" Notice to Creditors. In tbe Matter of the Estate of Mary A. Garlinghouse. deceased Notice is hereby (riven to all Demons concerned that the undersigned has been duly appointed ex ecutrix of the last will and testament of Marv A. Garlinghouse, deceased, by the County Court of' Benton County, Oregon. AU persons having- claims against the said estate of Mary A. Oarlinirhouse, de ceased, are required to present the sanie. with the proper voacners, auiv venneti as required by law, within aix months from the date hereof, to the un neretned at her resideuce one mile east of Monroe, Benton Countv, Oregon, or at the office of Yates & . Vates. Corvallis, Oreaorc. Dated this 28th day of September. lOTS MALINOA. P. STARR. Executrix of the last will aud testament of Mary A. uaruugaouse, aeceasea. tMMtt ' Jforu- - f Fiit-il hctti-mcnt. Notice in hireb, ciw. I'a t! undent met! executrix of tin- estate "f O E. M r ie-aei. ha died in ibe County Court of Kenton county,, i Tee li. her finil acc- nnt as sui-h exi-cutrix of " sni',1 eit,., and rtia; Friday thft Mn duv of De cember, 1905, at the hour of ten uYlock A. M. ru-s been tixed by t-aid Court a time for hear i: (r ohjei -ttn to mid ncount nnd tne settle ment thereof. PEUSIS J. LINDKMAK Executrix of the estate of C. E. Moor, deceased' Gazette 433. -Iudepenttant phone No