Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, November 24, 1905, Image 3

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Last nigh , tonight and tomorrow
night Georgia Harper Company
at the Opera House,
Attorney W. E- Yates came up
from Vancouver, Wash., Tuesday,
to attend legal business.
During, Monday ., and Tuesday,
Miss'Marie, Cm they entertained her
friend, Mies Kova Hays, of Tangent.
William Colbert took his defarr
ture. Tuesday, for his. old home, in
Iowa, where we are told he is to
live with his aunt.
A . B . Weatherford, of , Albany,
has been in C'orvallis a day or two
Luring " the week attending matters
of ait-gal nalure. v. '- !" : :
psjETriday night IheGeQigi&Uaxper
company, will present a comeay.ror
the enjoyment 'of Corvallis. theatre
eoers'.; ' The Dlav will probably be
"The Jylly Parisians.'?
Miea Etta Hale, came oyer from
Brownsville. Wednesday, for a short
visit," with her uncle and aunt Mr.
and 'Mrs. Taylor Porter. She ex
pects to return home to i lay. "w
Frank Hurt and, wife arrived, in
this city, Monday, from Seattle and
are to visit here for a month with
Frank's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0.
V. Hurt. ' " ' '
Manfred Sejts and family, went
to Pnilomath, , Wednesday, to. visit
friend for a lew. days. . 1 hey will
then depart for Newport, where
they have acquired property and
Sli reside.
I Active yi ung iady agents wanted
n every town ana city. Complete
I outfit furnished free. We guarantee
that you 'catv make from'$l, 'to ' $4
per day. ' ' Addref B P. O. Drawer
No. 999, Buffalo, N. Y. " '
Wednesday evening, at the home
of the bride's parents, MrV and Mrs.
Richird Ir.Wjnj.'B.niq 12 miles south
of this city, Miss Fannie, Irwin and
Howard i Wagner were united in
wedlock.: : Rev. T. . C. Hurd per
formed the cereu'iony. Mr. Wagner
is a resident of this city. Both
bride' and groom are highly respect
ed young people. , . ;. .
1 A Washington dispatch dated No
vember 2l contained the informa
tion that President "Roosevelt had
appointed Judge Charles , E Wol
verton as United States . District
Judge for Oregon. Jo. succeed the
late Charles B. Bellinger. Judge
rWolverton is daim.ed ty Albany
rnr( nar.nrnllv ilia nnnnla nf nnr
sister city are elated over the se
lection of the present judge. V
Governor George E. Chamber
lain has been in attendance at the
sessions of State Good Ronds As
sociation held in this city during
the past two days. George is all
right afd to hear him tell it there
is much (hat he knows about roads.
At any rate, he is lending all pos
sible ' encouragement toward ;; im
provement of our public highway?,
one of the most important things
staring the people of Oregon in the
face today. . ..
Eilers Piano House is the .largest
and most responsible and progres
sive piano establishment on the
coast It handles the most and the
best " pianos -Chickering, Weber,
Kimball, Sleek, Hazekon, Hobart
M. Cable and many others. Prof.
G. Taillandier. of the Agricultural
can tell you all about their
merits and th. advantage of buying
4Eiifrs Piai o House, where deal
ings are all on the fairest and most
reasonable basis. Prof. Taillandier
is at home on College Hill Satur
days and every evening of the
week. Ha will be glad to furnish
all information desired. -
y rars. a,, v. irreen, who is in
charge ot the vocal department at
OAC,- gave a pupils' recital before
the choral class of her department
luesday evening. The recital was
held in the college chapel and began
at 5 o clock. Quite a numbar oi
friends of the pupils were in at-"
tendance, although it was a private
recital. Everything moved off
nicely and from reports that come
tr us we feel convinced that
tnose on trie program on this oc
casion were in' a musical mood.
President Gatch was in attendance
lmd made some very interesting re-.
f marks. Mrs. Green has about 75
pices in her choral class and the
work is moving along quietly, but
on true art lines.
During the past week or so
Smith & Boulden have been dis
tributing money among farmers
who had poultry for sale at quite a
liyely rate. They have been buy
ing for the Portland market in
anticipation of the Thanksgiving
trade and have already expended
among , the farmers during the last
few days in the neighborhood of
$500. Wednesday they shipped
175 turkeys weighing 1800 pounds;
12 geete, 108 pounds; 4 veal, 500
pounds; 9 hogs, 1350 pounds; 1
coop of live chickens, 125 pounds.
This is interesting to all cor
cerned a market and a good price
is what we all want and what is
vital to the welfare of the com
t.uai!y .
Judge Lionel Webster, of Muli-
noma i county, is among thos in
attendance at the State Good Roads
Association now in annual session in
this city.
The pastor's subject at the First
Methodist church next Sunday
morning is, "Honoring the Hoiv
evening, "That GirlV
Case of Men Recently Arrested
Held From Jury.
As is quite well understood at
a meeting last week the city
council took steps to annull and
render void what was known
as the old Pittman water fran
chise for the City of Corvallis,
which had been , acquired by the
present water company of ' this
city, Dr. Farra being the head
6i: the company. This action
was taken in view of the fact
that the city recently elected to
establish and maintain a gravity
system of her own, T and the ad
ditional fact that Dr.' Farra was
employing men to ditch and, lay
water mains at the time the city
took such action to annull the
franchise. It may " also be con
sidered in a sense as a' sort of
preliminary to actions that may
Come before the courts at some
future date.
" " A' i i
ac any race nocice was given
Dr. Farra to cease laying pipe
and on the continuance of his
men at the task set them they
were placed under arrest Monday
afternoon and cited to appear
before Police Judge Yates Tues
day morning- As we understand
the matter, Attorney E. E. Bry
sonj who represented the city in
this case, consented to a . post
ponement of trial until 1 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon, in order
that counsel retained by the
water company could arrive At
torneys W. E. Yates, of Van
couver, wash,, and J. K. Wyatt,
of Albany, appeared in due sea
son to conduct the defense.
The matter of attending the
men under arrest, somewhere
near a dozen, was to have been
argued before a jury WednesT
day afternoon and the jury had
been empanelled, but the mat
ter was adjusted out of court.
Attorneys Bryson and Wyatt ar
rived at a conclusion satisfactory
to themselves and what would in
their minds be agreeable to
those whom they represented.
On Mr. Wyatt's securing the'
support of W. E. Yates, his con
frere, there vras conducted what
may be termed a compromise..
By the terms of this under
standing it was agreed that the
men who had been arrested -for
performing the labor of laying
the pipe should not be prosecuted
and Dr. Farra was allowed to go
ahead and complete the work
undertaken by his company! It
was thoroughiy understood, how
ever, that in no way was this to
be construed as establishing a
precedent in the event of any
future action which might occur.
This seems a wise proceeding on
the part of the attorneys for both
sides, as it avoids a good deal .of
expense for a trial that would
not provide a settlement of the
real issue.
The council has taken the pre
caution to appoint a street com
missioner, as provided for by an
ordinance of long ago, and this
official's duty is the inspection of
certain works on the streets, the
issuance of building permits and
for anything in the way of street
work. In future Dr. Farra is to
give 15 days' notice to this corn-
Senator Avery arrived home in
this, city Wednesday from the Sius-
law river, where for about a month
he has been on business " connected
with a salmon cannery in which he
has an interest. " 4 '
' . , ...
The piano lecture' recital given at
the college Friday evening, Decem
ber, 1st, by Prof. Taillandier will, be
free.: He, desires it" known that
minora, under, the , age of 15 years
must not attend unless accompanied,
wy some oiuer person.
Dr. Short, ; the noted Portland
pastor, will give hie humorous
lecture on the "Sunny. Side of Life"
uecemuer ibl ai me- nrsi iuetn
odis church He ie generously giv
ing the entire proceeds to the build
ing .fund of, , this church. ; Te
tickets are twenty-five1 cents and
many have already been sold.
Presiding Elder C. L. McQaua-
land, of the M.' E. church, South,
returned borne during the first of
the week from a three weeks' tri,j
through certain .sections of . South?
ern Oregon. He reports that it has
.been a very dry fall in that part of
the state.
In fthnnt, a week or two the
family of F. P. Sheaegreen' will
move to Portland to takejp their
residence permanently; ' They have
been citizens of Corvallis for many
years and are amon&o'url " foremost
people. Their departure will he re
gretted by many, ?
Dr. James A. Withycombe and
Professors Kent and Cordley, all of
O AC, have been delivering lectures j
before farmers and horticulturists
in Oregon City and Gresham dur
ing tpe week. All of these gentle
men are foremost in their advocacy
of 'diversified ' farming a ' good
doctrine to preach.
Our readers will remember that
not long ago J. M. Nolan & Son
offered to give a euit of clothes free to
the first boy in this city who would
locate a certain traveling" man on
bis arrival from Chicago. The gen
tleman was to arrive wrthin a cer
tain time and was to represent the
Cnicago house making what is
known as XtragooD clothes for
boys. The boy was to find his
man and "say to him : "You are
from . Ederheimer, Stein & Co , Chi
cago, and sell . aTHAGOoL) clothes."
Clifford Raber was the first boy to
do thie and got the $5 suit of clothes
offered by our local firm. The ; lad
sqowed great perseverance and
steadfast purpose and on the arrival
of the1 traveling Bailsman, Monday,
whs first to locate and win the sun
of clothes.
As our readers have Keen inform
ed, Morris Bros., of. Portland, pur
chased Corvallis water bonds recent
ly in the sum of $75,00Q. Recently
ihey asked for a complete report of
all proceedings from the inception of
the pioject to the present time.
This included notices of elections,
certified copy of the poll books, the
minutes of every meeting of the
Corvallis water board and many
little, things denoting strict care and
business sense. Everything asked
was furnished by S. L. Kline, clerk
of the water commit'.ee, and the re
port which was sent off within the
past day or two covers twenty-four.
pages ot closely type-written mat
ter. So far everything has proved
perfectly , satisfactory to Morris
Bros, and no doubt is entertained
but that the bonds will be printed
and the money on hand by January
-1st, this being tns date tnat it was
noped v lor. inings are moving
with all possible expedition.
"Tf t.Vift nrinnlsf.Inn nf tha flKtrlnn. J
keeps on increasing at the rate of missioner of any improvement he
the present and the past few week?," may desire to make on his water
Additional Local.
See Blackledge for Linoleum, etc.
Services at Ply mouth at 3 o'clock.
A good grade of wall-paper at 7
1-2 c per double roll at Hollen
6erg & Cady's. 94tf
Blackledge, leading wall paper
dealer. "' 30t-
, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Hall returned
home, Wednesday, from a visit with
Poll county relatives. : "'
Art squares and art ruga' at
Blackledgesi ; ' 30tf
. Wantedf7Tl50p. turkeys deliver
ed here from lo . to zo, JNovember
Smith & Boulden. 92-6
Mis. Susan Jenks, of Tangent,
visited during the first of the week
in this city and - was the guest of
her' parents, Rev. and Mre P.' A
Mosee. -' ' "
Small now makes a specialty of I
havjLg his cinnamoD rolls'ready for
you every afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Everything 'else'' in v the line "of" a
first-class bakery; ' " " - 94tf
Every man owes it to him'sdf
and. his family to master a trade or
profession. Read the display ad
vertisement of the Six Morse
Schools of, Telegraphy, in this issue
and learn how easily a young man
or lady may learn telegraphy and
be assured a position. 67tf
Theatre Companies having their
own private car have appeared in
Corvallis, but the Harper Co. is the
first company to bring their own
private car wiich contains nothing
but scenery. The public may,
therefore, expect , to see ' some hew
and pleasing scenic effects.
Largest line of matting in coun
ty at Blackledges." ; ' 30tf
Wantedr A young person to dp
janitor . work at the Business Col
lege for tuition. Call Tuesday or
Thursday afternoon 95-6
Congregational church: Sunday School
at 10; Class for Young Men 10; Worship
and sermon 11; Junior , Endeavor 4;
Senior Endeavor 6:30; Vespers and
worship 7 :30. Morning sermon "Seeing
the Invisible and Making it Visible ;"
Evening sermon,' "The Drygoods Ap
prentice Who Became a Knight, or tlie
Life and Work of George Williams, 1 the
founder of the Young Men's Christian
Association.'' Special - mnsic all the
Country school district teachers
can be supplied with monthly re
port cards by the Gazette. Write
your yanta. 81tf
Popular Leathers
Calf and patent leathers are the most popular :
this season. There "is a beautiful showing of them
-in the "Queen Quality" line. .
; The VQueeri' Quality" walking boots of calf are
as satisfactory as shoes can be. The constantly1
in?reasin demand for them is proof of this. ::. " ' ,""
. ess and semi-dress boots of patent leather are
indispensabW'to the toilet of every correctly ' air ;'
tired woman."
In both these leathers
our assortment includes
many shapes and styles,
and all are ' moderately
priced at
$3.50 and $3.00
The People's Store
, Corvallis, Oregon.
says superintendent J. - tf . ua!-
braitb, "we will be taxed to provide
accommodations. We will have to !
make the beet of the situation
under the circumstances and do
what we can with the facilities at
hand. The population has already
passed 140 mark, and keeps up at
a steidy increase. There is con
gestion now, particularly on the
female side of the institution, but
we can make room for a few more
in each department. When - it
comes to a pinch, we can resort to
the quarantine hospital, or pest-
house, which can be converted into
temporary quarters for female pa
tients and would provide accsmmo
dations for about 30. Upon the
men's side we have recourse to the
smoking or exercising-rooms, which
are situated at the ends and be
tween the wards. Beds could be
placed in these and provisions mad?
for about 30 more patients in each.
It would, of course, be rather incon
venient and unsatisfactory, ; but
would have to tuffice until some re
lief is nffirded by the legislature."
system: . The present street com
missioner is J. B. Irvine. Such
is a brief statement of facts as
nearly as we can get at them
with regard to the recent misun
derstanding. :
Calling cards popular . styles in
carde' .'and type at tho Gazi tte
office. ' ' SOtf
During the past two days Corval
lis has been, honored with the pres
ence of many ot. the stale's noted
men who have been at'-ending the
annual convention of State Good
Roads Association. Rluch interest
is reported to have occurred durii.g
the d;iy and evening sessions.
Wednesday and Thursday evenings
enjoyable programs were rendered
by some of tne b-st talent in Cor
vallis and an effort has been made
to make our guests very welcome
and to fittingly entertain, them
during their visit in this city. We
hope to give more extended mention
of the proceecing8 in our next issue.
We are in receipt of tne an
nouncement of the wedding ot Mies
Alice Wicklund , to Norman W.
Mcleod, who were united in mar
riage in Salt Lake City, Utah, Tues
day eveuing, November 21, Last
year Mies Wicklund, now Mrs.
Macleod, graduated from OAC with
honors, She is an exceptionally
bright young lady and during, her
attendance at college ,m this city
won many sincere friends who will
wish her all success and happiness
in her new i ff. The groom, Mr.
Macleod, is a native of Scotland, a
university man ot high attainmtits
and since coming . to America has
been identified with eoms of the
leading metropolitan papers of the
East as a ; writer. Mrs. Macle-jd
is soon to visit tor a snort time witn
her sister. Miss Candace Wicklund,
in Vale, Eastern Oregon, for a Bhort
time, aher which she and her
husband will go to Chicago to re
side. The Gazatte extends sincere
''Mapda'V Thursday night at the
Opera House.
Presbyterian church, M. S. Bush,
pastor. Bible School 10 a. m.;
Morning services 11. a. ra., subject,
"Thanksgiving;" C. E. meeting
6:30 p. m.; evening service at
7:30, the fourth in the series on
'How the Gospel Came to Rome;"
subject, "Allies. At the morning
service Mr. Otto Herse will sing
"Give Ye Thank8"--Mendelssohn
In the evening the large chorus
choir ;wiU sing the anthems,. "We
Praise Thee, O Lord" and "What
Shall I Render?" Miss Spangler
will sing, "Come Unto Me." There
will also be a number by a ladies'
quartet entitled, . "A Song in . My
30 dozen 50 cent grade ladies' handkerchief ?,
at 25 cents.
New lot handkerchief linen.
Sheer linen handkerchief centers, hemstitched,
readyto trim.
Round thread art linen.
Large assortment French Val. laces and in
sertions. Just what you need for that Xmas
Special valueglin embroidery, new pillo .v tops,
laundry ba?s. waist patterns.
ran be bought here for very little money.
Jnst how iittle you can learn by dropping in
and pricing a few. -
of all kinds and sizes. Tiny baby rings for
Tot, rings for the school girl, diamond rings
for tne third linger ot the lett. hand' of the
young waman, plain gold bands or hoops
for her later.;AU are very moderately priced.
' Albert J. Sietzger
Occidental Building, - - - - Corvallis
Its timeitp do your
Wearthe Rubberhide Boots and
Shoes with waterproofed leather
bottoms. Absolutely watertight.
Sold by J. M. Nolan &. Son. 96-106
:!An -Argument:
2 Russia, to is2TciBhJ, 1 illjLj? .r. ,wSr-,y.l.!i31?.i.
Japan for lack of preparation. Many business
'An early
; For Sale.
Choice oat, Vetch and cheat
seed, to be had at reasonable
prices eilher' at the Corvallis or
Benton Flouring Mills. '
. 80tt
The Gazette
for Job Work.
enterprises fail for the same reason.
bird gets the worm. "Are you still thinking
L'about it or are you going to act how ? ,
The Gazette Covers
the Field Well
Perhaps you are not accustomed to
write advertisements sort of out
of your line and harder than it seems.
If this is true, we will write them
for you.' You get this service
without extra charge. Are you will