CLASSIFIED AOVERTISbMEHTS CHANCES BRIDES TO SUIT. TEETH " OF 'DOGS PULLED. c CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS: Fifteen words or lees, 25 cts for three successive insertions, or 50 cts per month; for all up to and including ten additional worls. cent a word.for.eaoh insertion. Fit all advertisements over 25 w'ordp, 1 ct per word for the first insertion, and J ct per word for each additional inser tion Nothing inserted for less than 25 cent-. Lo'lge, society and church notices, other than Btrictly news matter, will be char i for. . FOR SALE BAT! RED PLYMOUTH ROCKS Brpeding hens and pullets at $1 each Choice breeding .cocker) Is. from pen heaHed by mv $20 Arp's pullet bred cork bird, at from $1 to $5 each. Call at Gallery. W. G. Emery, Barred Rock Specialist. 90tf ALT. WOOD HANDLED BY THE undersigned i: now in this city and has been placed in the bands of the Citv Transfer Company for sale. Norwood Trading Co. 66tf NEW TIRES PUT ON BABY BUG gs and go-carts, at Dilley& Arnold's. AUT MOBILE FOR SALE $195.00; steam ; in good condition, top lamps. Box 461, McMinnviHe, Or. 87 G6 ATTORNEYS J. F. YATES, ATTORNE Y-AT-LA W. Office First National Bank Buildine. Only set of abstracts in Bentoii County E. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in Post Office" Building, Corval- iis. Oregon. JOSfciPH H. WILSON, ATTORNEY' at-Law. Notary. Titles, Conveyanc ing. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Office in Burnett Building. AUCTIONEER P A KLINE, LIVE STOCK AUCTION eer, Corvallis, Or. P, A. Kline Linf, Phone No. 1. P. O. address, Box 11. Pays highest prices for all kinds cf live stock. Twenty years' experience, Satisfaction guaranteed. WANTED WANTED 500 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE Gazette and Weekly Oregonian at $2.55 per year. DENTISTS E. H. TAYLOR, DENTIST, PAIN less extraction. In Zierolf building Opp. Post Office, (JorvalliH, Oregon. BANKING. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF Corvallis, Oregon, MAKES LOANS on approved security and especially on wheat, oats, flour, wool, baled hay, chittim bark, and all other classes of produce, upon the re ceipt thereof stored in mills and public warehouses, or upon chattel mortgages and also upon other classes of good se curity. - DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD upon the principal financial centers of the United States and foreign countries, thus transferring money to all parts of the civilized world. A CONSERVATIVE gpneral business transacted in all lines of banking. PHYSICIANS B. A. OATIIEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build ing. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to 4 p.m. Residence : cor. 5th and Ad arr Sis- Telephone nt ofice and res idence. ,. Corvallis, Oregon. 0. H. NEWTH, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Office an1 Residence, on . Main street, Philomath, Oregon. R. D. BURtiESS. M. D. Office over Blackledge Furniture Store. Office hours : 10 to 12 and 3 to 5. MARBLE SHOP. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONU meats ; curbing made to order ; clean. mg and reparingdone neatly: save agents commission. Shop North Main St.Frank Vanhoosen, Prop, g2tf Notice to Creditors. In the Matter of the Estate of I Mary A. Garlinghouse. deceased. ) Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned that the undersigned has been duly appointed ex ecutrix of the last will and testament of Mary A. Garlinghouse, deceased, by the County Court of Benton County, Oregon. All persons havin? claims againstihe said estate of Mary A. Garlinghouse, de ceased, are required to present the same, with the proper vouchers, dulv verified as required by law, within six months from the date hereof, to the un dersigned at her residence one mile east of Monroe. Benton Comitv, Oregou, or at the office of Yates & lates, corvallis, Ureaon. Dated tiiis 26th day of September, 1905. MALIN0 F. 8TAHR. Executrix of the last will and testament of Mary A. Garlinghouse, deceased. -80-92 "I Thank ttie Lord " Cried Hannah Plant, "of Little Rock, Ark., "for the relief I got from Bncklin's Arnica Salve. It cuied my fearful run' ning sores, which nothing else wonld heal, and from which I suffered for five years." It is a marvellous healer for rats, burns and wonnds. Guaranteed at Allen & Woodward drug store.- 25c for ehUdrmat afa. ur H oplmxmm mm Baking Powder Makes the lightest most delicious and tasty hot biscuit Siciety invitations and wedding announcemeats are constantly changing in styles of type faces and form. Have them printed neatly and up-to-date at the Gazette office. ' 80tf Man's Unreasonableness. Is often as great as a woman's. But Thos. B. Austin, Mgr.. of the "Republi can," of Lavensworth, Ind., was not unreasonable when he refused to allow the doctors to operate upon his wife, for female trouble, "Instead," he says, ''we concluded to try Electric Bitters. My wife was then so week, she could hardly leave her bed and five (5) physi cians had failed to relieve her- Atter taking Einctric Bitteis, she was perfect ly cured and can now perform all her household duties. Guaranteed by Alien & Woodward druggists. -Price 50c.a Gazette Independent phone Np 433. -. , Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, Portland, Orjgon, Aumigfc 19. 19o!. . "' Notice is hereby given that, in commiance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1873, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California,' Oregon, Nevada and Wash: gton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land SUtes by act of August 4, 1892, IVASHKftWOOD PATTY, of Corvallis, county of Bentcn, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office her sworn statement No 01354; for the purchase of S. Si J4 of Section No 26 in Township No lo S., Range No (i West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultur al purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before me Kegister and Re-viver of this ofnee at Portlai.d. Or gou, on Monday, the 6th day of November, 1905, hhe names as w.tnesses: Erwin R. Alexander, Thomas R. Graham, James H. Patty, all of Cor vallis. Oregon, liobn A. Miiler. ot Portland, n-gon. Any and fill persons claimittir adversely the above- described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 6th dav of November, 1S05. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Reffit.M" Administrator's Notice. Notaoe io herebv civen that the Oonntv Court of Benton County, Oregon, has appoint ed the undersigned administrator of the estate of Huldah A. Brown deseeased, and 11 per sons having claims against said estate will present the same aTordinff to law. to me nt Corvallis, Oregou, within six mouths from this date. W. S. LINVILLE. Administrftrop. Dated September 7, 1905. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice ts hereby given 1' at the. undersigned executrix of the estate of C. IS. Mcor deceased. na hied in the County Court of Benton County, uregon. her final account as such executrix of said estate, and that Friday the 8th day of De cember, 1905, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. has been fixed by said Court as a time for hear ing objections to said account and ttie settle ment thereof. PERSIS J. LINDEMAN. Executrix of the estate of C. E. Moor.'deceased ELASTIC PULP PLASTER. NO SAND. NO LIME. Fire Proof Water Proof WILL NOT FALL OFFs CRACK CRUMBLE Just the Thing for Hop-Driers. Writs for Catalogue. Pacific Pulp Plaster Co. PHONE MAIN 2362, 517-521, Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, OREGON. R. M. WADE 8 CO., Agts., Corvallis, BafcM jCUMx m4 CtaMor Bia&4 Widow of 38, Falling Groom, He Pro poses to Damsel of 18 and Couple Is Harried. Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Ida Gosnell, a widow of 38, was to have married John C. Dorer, nine years her junior, and arrangements had been perfected for a wedding at the home of Mr. Oler, a mutual friend. ( The guests attended, and, with the minister, awaited the coming of the bridal pair. Mr. Dorer was on time, but the bride-to-be did not come. Messengers dispatched to her bouse came back with the information that the widow had changed her mind. Those present were not to be cheat ed in this .way. . The refreshments had arrived, and it was decided to go on with the reception. So they did, when Mr. Dorer de cided to marry a Miss Higgins, and proposed before the company dis persed. He was accepted. This settled, it was up to Mr. Dorer to secure another license. Taking the one he had, he waited at the door of the courthouse until the clem arrived. He wanted the names changed, but this could not be done, so he got an other. Mr. Dorer and Miss Higgins went to the parsonage of the Starr Method ist church and were married by the pastor, Rev. G. W. Haddaway. Mr. Oler acted as best man, and Miss Alice Cassell was bridesmaid. Upon returning to the home of Mr. Oler the wedding party entered upon another reception. Mrs. Dorer is only 18 years of age, and the bridegroom says he is very well satisfied with the change. FLYING SNAKE IN VIRGINIA. Reptile with Wings, That Fed on Birds, Is Killed in King George. " Comorn, Va. A most remarkable and uncommon "flying snake" that was cap tured and killed at "Berry plain," the home of John S. Dickinson, in this county, a few days ago, has attracted wide attention. The curious reptile was first noticed flying about in the air, presenting the appearance of an ordinary snake at tached to a strange looking bird. As far as is known, it never once descended to the earth and crawled on the ground after the manner of snakes, but it would occasionally alight in trees and catch such birds as best suit ed its fancy. It was finally killed and- proved to be five feet long and about, one inch in diameter of body. It had Wings . of good size, covered with feathers. "Berry plain," where the curious thing made its advent ari'd met its un timely end, is one of the finest planta tions in King George bsing' situated on the banks of the Rappahannock.' It 5s conjectured by some that the "fly ing snake" may have come from an impenetrable marsh of the. river or some neighboring creek. . But thi3 theory is not accepted by many, for, as far as can be learned, nothing bearing a similarity to this ?erpent was ever before seen or heard, of anywhere in this section of x the country. . SHE DANCES' 12 HOURS. Bride Wins $235 by Her Endurance in the Giddy Whirl for Half a Day. Sharon, Pa. Paula Walliski, a pretty Polish maiden, was married recently to Joe Spurski. At all Polish weddings it is a custom for the bride to dance with ail the male guests, and every time a guest is thus favored he throws a piece of silver money into a plate which stands in the center of the room. The amount of money thus contributed to the bride depends entirely upon the en durance cf the bride. Paula is a husky young woman, and she started with the first dance at noon. Around the. room she was whirled time Vm r.?.iT!. r-.l-TrV.Ii r rc !.e 'aekels dropped on 'the plate. Supper lime came, hut the bride did not stop for ths meal, and continued to dance. Nine o'clock came, when the wedding repast was served, but still Paula was too busydancing and making money. At midnight she dropped to the floor exhausted, ' Then the money was count ed, and it was found that the" bride had danced herself into the possession of $235. CUPID ROUTS "BACH". GIRLS Club Disrupted by Little Archer and Sixteen Marriages Are Then ' Booked. V- Buffalo, N. Y. Sixteen young wom en, members of the 1 Bachelor Girls' club, claiming Corry, Pa'., as their home, arrived in Buffalo for a whole sale marriage at the Robinson hotel. Their ages range from 24 to 28 years. In 1900 they organized the Bachelor Girls' club and each took an oath not to marry as long as the ortpiizatiori was in e:ritence. It is under tiod they have fallen one by one bnf ire Cupid's army, and that they deeded to become brides in a bunch, which arrangement was agreed to by their suitors. The young women arrived in Buf falo and there were married. Marry on Merry-Go-Rouitd. In St. Louis a few days ago a man ind a woman were married on a merry- go-round while it was in operation. Later they will be likely to take matri mony more seriously. Traction Question. With automobiles bumping street cars off the track in Chicago, the trac tion question there becomes even more complicated. Valuable Canines of Pennsylvania Town Lose Ivories in Mys terious Manner. Philadelphia. Following the poison ing of several valuable dogs in Ardmore recently comes the discovery that some unknown culprit had been going about pulling the teeth of blooded canines. What, object anyone could possibly have in pulling dogs' teeth or for what pur-t pose they are wanted are questions that threaten to give residents brain fatigue. The most plasuible reason suggested so far is that some father whose child has suffered from the fangs of a dog, or some man who has himself been bitten, is acting as canine tooth' extractor out of revenge. The first dog to fall victim to the tooth puller was a white poodle, valued, at ?100, owned by a resident of South Ardmore. The dog, aside from its value and beauty, was master of many clever tricks, some of which were performed with the aid of its mouth and teeth. One day the dog, which had been away from home during the morning, appeared at the back door of the Moylau cottage whining piteously, A servant who opened the door noticed that there was something strange about the dog, and that it did not appear as lively as usual. 1 Thinking, that it was suffering from the heat, the servant let the canine go unnoticed until after lunch. Then a hone was thrown to the dog, and, in stead of catching it in its teeth and scam pering off, as it usually did, the animal walked up to. here the bone lay, give a Yew sniffs, and ran off whining. In the evening the owner was informed of the strange actions of the dog, and upon making an investigation he dis covered that every tooth had disap peared from the animal's mouth. The belief that some strange disease had stricken the canine and caused the testh to fall out kept the dog's owner ;m making his discovery known to his neighbors. He decided, however, to seek the advice of a veterinary physi cian, when he found that there were ther dogs that were minus their teeth. having lost them as mysteriously as had his own. . It was discovered through the visit of a friend that three other valuable and blooded dogs had fallen victims of the tooth puller. The dogs were owned by residents of South Ardmore. The dogs were collies, and every tooth had been pulled. Many residents believe that a dental student is responsible for the pulling ci the dogs' teeth, but the owners of the canines are not satisfied at this e:; rJlanatica, and teliave that tt:r3 lis a deep mystery around the strange case. STATE IS SHORT OF WOMEN Last Census Shows Forty-Six Thou sand Surplus of Slen in Iowa. Sioux City, la. Iowa promises to be come the Mecca for women since Di rector Davidson, of the state census tu- reiu.'nas just announced its-.u . 46.-000 more men' than wsl. ic ihi. slate, 'liiis is contrary to u.c Thvu-. ing rule in most states s;d war-. at large. From time in; i has heen said that spinst-rn'oo-i ;z inevitable for many wcciej owing i '.his disparity in the number cf tL. a-. Hat in lor.-a, with full returns lr;ir. l. counties. Mr. Davidson cc:a;.-a:si- tt. :hsre is room to a;coinL.uiL..c more women in Iowa, and provide tnen. with suitable helpmeets. Nev Ercland, according to E2tiorr 3Ssu3 figurs3. has but 48 men ts evf. oO women. It is anticipated that i'Li.i will be a gsseral escius to' this ut... when the census figures are gi. t j ' iicity.- If they are capable of te&ct. " school they can find employment in taii vocation Vvhile awaiting i-rcposals ot marriage, as there is an unparalleled dearth of Echoolma'ms in Iowa, and 162 schdols have been compelled to close because of inability to obtain instruc tors. ' It is believed the figures com piled by the census director account for the shortage in school-teachers. . Out of the 62 counties whose census has been compiled but two show, a larger number of women than mien. These ace Floyd and Des Moines. What women have seen in either county to in duce them to bestow their presence more generously is not revealed by the hard, cold and sometimes brutal census cards. ; But the disproportion is not at all alarming in either county, as in Des Moines there are but 96 more females than males, and in Floyd but 42. v Appanoose, Sioux and Kossuth coun ties may prepare for an influx of spin;.! .sters as soon as the facts 'become known. In Sioux county there are 1.333 more men than women. In Appanoose 1,224, and in Kossuth 959. The entire census-taking bureau has marveled greatly at these figures. Wright county- is practically in the same class, with 900 more men than women; Marshall county has 800 more, and Harrison, Lyon and Crawford counties each have 700 more. " Audubon, Buena Vista, Emmett, Clay, Hamilton. O'Brien and Pocahontas each has 600 more. Dallas, Crawford. Ida, .Mont gomery, Ringold aud Sac each have EQO surplus men. It is noteworthy that -e rural districts . show the-greater dis parity, and that in the cities the women outnumber the men. Thus it appears women dislike farm life. High Jumping Hog. -A jumping hog afforded much amuse ment In the hog yards at the Kansas City stock yards the other morning. Although the animal weighed' 180 pounds, it would jump board fences five feet high. The speculator who bought the hog found it impossible to confine it to a pen, so the pen had to be covered with boards. , According to men who have been at the hog yards for years this was the first hog that had ever leaped a fence there. - The Kind You Have Always w use ior oyer su years, M All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good "are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Clxildren Experience against Experiment , What is CASTORIA Castoria is .a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and-Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. 16 contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic i substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverislrness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep s The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMntNV. TT ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. MAIL ARRIVES. 8:30 a. m. Mail arrives by stage for Portland and all points ' North and East, also for . Californiaandpointson S.P. 108. m. From Monroe by stage. 11:15 a. m. From Philomath and points West on C. & E. 12 m. From Portland and all points on the West Side. 1:30 p. m. From Albany and all ' . points North on the S. P. AMBLER & WATTERS, REAL ESTATE, LOANS- INSURANCE VIRGIL E. WATTERS, CORVALLIS. HEN BY AMBLER, PHILOMATH. Empire Theatre Company ;Opera House Three Nights 18 Actors 18 Mondnight, Tuesday,r"The'Great Diamond Robbery' UfQWednesday, "The Prices, 15,125 Money fcheerfully refunded if entire satis faction is not given. Bringfyour JoblWork to the Gazette Office. Bought, and which has been nas borne the signature of ana nas been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. AllYtlr Tir fin A trt winirft vrn in 4 1, 7 a Signature of HURRAY STREET. HEW VORK CITV. MAIL DEPARTS. 6 a. m. For Albany and points East on the C. & E., and for points North of Albany on the S. P. 10:30 a. m. For Albany sud all points North ar,d South on the S. P. 12:30 p.m. For Wesf Side points, Portland, and points North and East, also for points West on the C. & E. 2 p. m. For Monroe, Or. 6:15 p. m. For Portland, California,- and points North, East and South. Ii you are looking for some real good Bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our special list, or come and see xa. We will take pleasure in giving you reliaole informa tion : also showing you over the county "A Broken Heart' Man From Japan" and 35 cents.