10CAL AND PERSONAL trip to Johnson Porter made a Salem, Friday, on business. Cbas. M. Kline arrived home, Fridav. from a : visit of four or five days in Portland. . Calling carcU popular styles in cards and type at the Gaz tte office. r. . .. , 80tf Mrs. J&lla (Rosenberg arrived iu this city, .Friday, froin, Seattle, for a few days' visit at the M. Jacobs borne. ; v. r , v . , Moses- Kline, brother of S. L. Kliue, of this city, came -up- from Portland last week for a short visit with relatives. I, Mi. and &Irs. Vv H; Savage ar rived in this city fron Salem, Tues day, and are the guests, of relatives. Mr. Savage is a brotier-in-law of M.S. Woo-' cock. . J. Dv Mann,, who was r formerly in the furniture, business in this city, but whoi ,at . present resides near Salem, arrived, in , Corvallis, Thursday, on business that required a few days in our city. Dr. E. J. Thompson, now of In dependence, passed through Cor vallis, Saturday, with the contin gent of football enthusiasts from his section to witneps the game at Eagene between UoiO and OAC. Joseph Garrow arrived in Cor vallis, Wednesday, from Salem. He recently . returned to. ': Oregon from California and is makh-g his home in Salem. He came to Cor vnllin fnr a visit with relateves. it jn. Aaams was awaraeu me contract a few days ago to con struct a house for Mrs. Jennie B Adams on the lot which she re cently acquired of Eleworth Irwin. The contractor has the building well along now. Walter Wells, who at present holds a position in the drug store of W. S. Love, Portland, came up Friday to visit home relatives and friends and to go up to Eugene with the Corvallis contingent to see the game of football. G. H. Umbauh, who for the past two or three years has been em ployed in the Leader'office, of To ledo, Lincoln county, passed through Cotfvailis, Saturday, enroute to Ra nter, where he hopes to secure a position. J. A. Gt-Ilatly, formerly recorder r j l. - l L. i. I - oi lias couuiy, uui wuu ia now au ni i wri.: ton, recently sent ua a copy , of the Wenatchee Advance. From the appearance of the paper and some of the facts set forth in its columns regarding , the resources of that part of the country, we are inclined to believe that our former towns man is well located. ' .. Commenting on ,t be Coryallis Poultry Show to be held in this city November 30r and December 1 and "Z, the Eagene Register says It's a cold raw day when Gene Simpson and his associate poultry fanciers, of Oorvalhs, can't make an editor spend half a column of val uable spac in saying something nice about their annual poultry show. The Register editor has been elected an honorary member of the Corvallis Poultry Association and is entitled to all the yellow leeged chickens and Spanish om elettes he can eat at one sitting. A - communication - recently re ceived from Miss Alice Wicklund, who graduated from OAC, last Time, hnnrfl t.hn nnt.pl licrpnA that. , -- - she is now giving a series of ; dra matic recitals in various Utah , cities and is doing nicely. The Richfield Reaper says: Her recital was grand, but there is something more which impresses every ac quaintance of thejyoung lady. Her soul not only feels every det-iil of the stage art, but her ;whole being craves improvement. She is work ing onward to a goal which will radiate beams of satief-tction upon every citizen of this country. We need not wait for this pleasure, for we believe Miss Wicklund has few peers and no superiors of her age in the West. A pedestrian on our street, at the right time, Friday morning would have seen a flight, nniiRnnl in cit.v - O r- ' J life. A "mud ben" a sort of a mon grel water fowl, was roaming Main street with the appearance of the utmost unconcern. Gene Simp son had the mud hen presented to him by the party who caught it, with the suggestion that he place it among his pheasants until the Cor vallis poultry show, at which time . he could place it on exhibition Gene did not take kindly to this proposition and telephoned Prof. Shaw at OAC, hoping that the pro- m 1 "I 1 i 1 i lessor wouia taise tne mra in . nana, chloroform and mount it. Some person while coming to town Fri day morning captured the mud hen south of Corvallis a short distance and brought it in, turning it loose in Daley & Arnold's bicycle shop, Here it made itself so familiar that the proprietors kicked it out into the street. Use Spencer's Hair Grower and you'll never need a shampoo, 94 Richards a.id Pringles'., famou Georgia minstrels are to appear if the Corvallis Opera House next Saturday night. F. P. Sheasgreen cami home Sat urday evening from Portland, when- he is at present emploved at thi task of getting his mill m- readi ness for operation by the first of tb year. Lysle E. Ynckey, accompanied by bis mother, came over from Al bany, Sunday, and passed the day with , Miss Helen Yockpy, sister and daughter respectively.- During the past few ; days Harry Holgate has been visiting, relative? in this city. He baa severed bit connection .- with the government after a period of several years' ser vice and we understand is to estab lish himself in the practice of law. u There is . alwys: remorse when men insisVon betting.,,. Unless -sth-game is draw, somebody loses. The Corvallis supporters have one con solation which is rather cheering they couldn't find takers for all their money. Eugene Register. ; W. T. Small arriyed home Satur day from a visit to his old home in Indiana. He also visited in a num ber of other states during his ab sence. He considers the six weekp pnent on his trip a good investment from the standpoint 6f either timp or money. The story of "A Broken Heart" (at the Opera House Monday night) is a tale of mining lif- in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. It if of special interest since it is full of Western spirit, and interests a'l alike, for human nature is the same the world over. The Corvallis restaurant changed hands Thursday, Manfred. Seits re tiring and James Law assuming the proprietorship. By the trans fer Mr. Seits acquires a property near Newport, in Lincoln countv. Mr. Low is a comparative stranger in this section and is originally from Michigan. We hope him bus iness success. Coach Steckle is quoted as fol lows on Saturday's game: We are perfectly satisfied with the result. It was a hard iought-game and :hc honors were even, but the Univer sity team had a, golden chance to win and grasped it successfully Both elevens playedv hard clean ball. Shorts has a good team and his men play bard clean ball. Dol an played a fine game for the Agri cultural Co'lege, as did WilJiams and Rhinehart. We are naturally disappointed, but have no com plaint to make. . Speakjng of Saturday's game rf football, Coach Shorts, of the U. of O., said:. The game was very even ly matched. Corvallis made more yardage 'than Oregon did on straight plunges, but Oregon would have made more had not our. run ners fumbled repeatedly. It was not luck that won the, game it was football., Moores, who ia al ways alert, saw a chance to win the game, grasped it, and the result . 1 ' P TT - was a victory ior me university Latourette displayed great general ship in runnining hia . team, and George Hug put up a fine game at center. I never saw such a dis play of college enthusiasm as the University rooters furnished during the game and afterward. It was t fine spirit for a small university, ine uorvauis people are game losers, tne University is a sports manlike winner. , a gentleman, wnose name we could n.ot ascertain, came into town early yesterday morning in a man ner that reminds one of John Gil pin's 'famous ride,' save tht our in on a hayrack to which was, at tached two horses. The horses in some way got Deyonc; tne ariver ti control and ran for a mile: or two While the man stuck- to his post, he could not stop the animals and they ran clear to Vidito Bros. livery stable, where the 'boys ran out and checked them . The driver of the team was about exhausted as the result of tugging at the team and during his early and hasty flight had lost his hat and whip the- latter at the time he did not need. No damage was done. Quite a serious runaway accident occurred Sunday morning near Oakville, ,. in Linn county. Hardin McOaluster, his wife, and a gentle man friend were driving along the road and for some reason the team took fright and ran away. Mr. Mc Callister, who ia nearly 80 years of age, was driving and was unable to control the team. All parties were thrown , out and the vehicle somewhat damaged. Mr. McCal lister was the only person hurt, but his injuries were quite serious; one shoulder was broken, the other dis located, and some of his ribs were smashed, in. Dr. Pernot, of this city was hastily summoned and went to the scene and rendered all possible assistance to the wounded man. Popular Prices. . : Beginning last night, the Em pire Theatre Co., opened a" three nights' engagement in Corvallis with the play, ' 'A Broken Heart. ' ' This is the first attraction pre sented to Corvallis theatre goers at popular prices. The play the first night is said to be consider ably ahead of the ordinary melo drama so far as plot and con struction is concerned. The story is an interesting one, and it pos sesses. just sufficient,, of . comedy features to brighten it and prove entertaining. It does not lack for thrilling scenes nor opportun ities for theatrical red fire, but its features are softened, its ac tion smooth and graceful and the impossible situations of the aver age melodrama eliminated. For Tuesday and Wednesday evening, the plays though differ ing in character, are represented to be equally good. Tickets are now on sale at Graham & Worth am's drug store. Reserved seats, 35 cents; general admission, 25 cents; children, 15 cents. Real Estate Transfers. , Abstract for week ending Nov. 11, 1905: Albany College to C- M. Gid dings et al, 480 acreseear Blod- gett;$960. J. B. Horner and wife to Chas. McHenry, 2 lots Wilkins addition to Corvallis; $140. . J W. Simpson and wife to L. V. Flint, block "B" Jobs addi tion to Corvallis; $300. Oswald West and wife to Chas. Brown, land near Corvallis; $1. Ida Vanhoosen et al to Harriet E. Vanhoosen, q c d property near Corvallis; $1. ,G. Barchard to EtnaBarchard, 320 acres near Summit; $1. United States to F. A. Land- ingham, patent to 160 acres west of Bellfountain. S. H- Moore and wife to Virgil E. Watters, lot 12, block 6, Cor vallis; $1. . W. A. Wells and wife to M. E. Brown, 2 lots in Corvallis;, $400. R. D. Thornton and husband to Corvallis Creamery Co. , 2 lots in Corvallis; $1. W. A. Buchanan to Mary Miller, 3 lots County addition to Corval lis; $1. W. B. Kiger and wife to A. Hope and wife, 100 acres north west of Corvallis, $1,500 Thomas Leese and wife to E. W. Strong, q c d 200 acres west of Bellfountain; $1. Kasper Kropp and wife to E. Glenn, 20 acres near Albany ;$1Q. E.' Jones and wife to R. B. Ma son, q c d land ana lots m and near Philomath; $1. Forging Ahead. oppose Tariff legislation are the people themseives; and since the Dinley law was enacted and its benefit to American business and industry made apparent, the people the business men, the mtrctianis, the heads of great commcrtcal concerns, and the wage earners have been its champions. They have the up per hand and they intend to keep it. Burlington "Hawkeye." Additional Local. It is quite probable that never in the history of Corvallis has there been so rauch building in progress at any one time as at the present. About every man in thjs city who can. hammer a nail '.'home' ' is engaged , in assisting in the construction of some building. , , , ,. , , " . . A few of our contractors have called a halt in the matter of ac cepting any more wonr, saying that they cannot fulfill the con tracts if the buildings are to .be ceAipleted within the near future. : That all will be busy until aftetj the dawning of 1906 goes with out saying. . The buildings are mostly in thenature of residences Wiu present on this and are' scattered about in var ious sections of the city. There is no boom about the proposition, just a healthy growth. Now, that you've get tired of keeping your optics on other places, watch Corvallis grow. See Blackledge for Linoleum, etc. ' - ' : 26 , Prof. Goodnough, who is teach ing both in this city and Portland, will be piano soloist today for the Tuesday Afternoon Club, Portland. BlacK edge, , leading wall paper dealer. - 30t- Mrs. L. L. Porter, was expected to arrive . in Corvallis yesterday from Oregon Ciiy to be the guest of her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. J. A. Spangler, for a week or two. Art t-quares and art rugs , at Blackledgee. 30if Wanted 1,500 turkeys deliver ed here from 15 to 28 November. Smith ft Boulden. 92-6 Misses Sylva and Winifred Munkers returned to their home in Scio yesterday having visited in this city a few days during which time they were the guests of Mrs Riley Shelton. , v. Country school district .teachers can be supplied with monthly re port cards by the Gazette. Write your wants. 81tf Wood Choppers Wanted 10C0 cords to cut and wood to sell in stump. Anyone wanting to take contract come; do not write. P. A. Kline s line phone No. 1. P. A. Kline. 82tf Manfred Seits returned to Cor vallis yesterday from, a trip, to Newport., He wil) move his family to that place about December 1. Small now makes a specialty cf havii,g hi- cinnamon rolls ready for you every nfternoon at 4 o'clock. Everything etee inthe line of a first-class bakery. , . 94if The death cf A. R - Hartley oc curred in Eugetie last Saturday f- ternoon at 5 o'clock. ; The remaini- arrived in this, city . yesterday and the funeral services are to be held today in -the Presbyterian church. The deceased was a son of J. H. Hartley. Every man owes it to himS'lf and bis family to master a trad or profession.- Read the display ad vertisement of the'. Six . Morse Schools of Telegraphy, in this issue and lf-arn how easily a young man or lady may learn telegraphy and be assured a position . b7tf Highest cash , price paid for , all kinds of hides, pelts, bepswax. ami tallow. Junk wanted. Jacob Blumberg. -4 f The special services which have been conducted in the Evaneelical church will be continued another week. To destroy dandruff use Spencer's Hair Grower. ,'94 A few days ago J. M. Nolan and Robert Johnson circulated a petition among our businepa men to secure signers against the proposition to number rural free delivery boxes. Everybody eigned, as it was con sidered too much in the way of bene fitting the great mail-order houses of the East to have boxes numbered and gives concerns too great an ad vantage over our local merchants. The signatures-received the other dav as a result of the canvass will be sent to the postal department in Washington. -', Largest line of matting in coun ty at Blackledgee. . 30tf M. , Mukerje , came up from Portland, Sunday, to remain during the week in order to,, perfect .arrangements lor an en tertaintnent in College chapel next Fri day night. A' noted Hindu violinist occasion and Stylo am When you buy clothes here you may be sure of getting what you want. Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are noted for style and quality all-wool; no "mercerized" nor any other cotton. We've pric"e d t he m right; jblietejB'tner a small thing to look for a big thing to find. Sole vallis. agents for Cor- Copyright 190; by Hart Scliaffher er Marx a lis: LiME. ESTABLISHED 1864. The Psopte's Store, Corvallis, Ore. Just recieived a large assortment of fa)3 and winter dress goods, This shipment incSades broad cloths, henriettas, eloenes cravenettes, walsting and fancy mixtures; wool plaids for ladies waists and childrens dresses. . at PMtiier Gariiieilts Our first ship me tit of ladies and misses raincoafs and childrens jackets has arrived. ; Ladies and misses Empire coats i u transit. Style, fit and quality are the essentials in womens garments The Palmer Garment excels in these three points and more than that. It gives yott the money value. . . : Style, fit and quality that are right. You are in vited to inspect this Hue. Corvallis, Oregon The Reason Why. . Why will there be no Tariff legislation andN why . do ,;, ,those opposed to Tariff revision have the upperhand for the present?' ' Simply .; because the people do not want the Tariff revised; and simply because they are not, as the , revisionists ' have . claimed, clamoring for a cutting down of schedules; simply because present conditions are very satisfactory, and the people are not such fools as to permit a dangerous change at the behest of a few selfish politicians. ; As a matter cf fact, those who render the airs of his country. Indian magic will also be a prominent feature- such acts as raising a man from a basket, producing a tree from nothing, etc. It will be worth ..while beyond a doubt Watch for something later. Young men oyer 18 wanted'to prepare for railway mail clerks in Oregon, good salary, permanent civil " service positions. Write at once, E. O. Heynen, 12 Breeden Bldg., Portland, Oregon. 93f A BROKEN FACE lisqualilies a ti-h for work as well as a man. 11 your watch has a fractured counte nance ' . . . . y : BRING IT HERE FOR; REPAIRS In fact, if it has anything the matter with it, externally or internally, we can make it all right again. We repair the finest watches or tne simplest clocks. Don't throw either away until you have our judgment on it. Albert J. Metzgcr JEWELER Occidental Buildinp, - - - Coryallis 1 hpi 4 ii Printing is an Art For Sale. Choice oat, Vetch and cheat seed, to be had at reasonable prices eilher at the Corvallis or Benton, Flouring Mills. A.W. FISCHER, Mah. - - BOtf for Job Work. We have given the printing trade very close attention- it a business to up in the front took years of hard have made keep right rank. It work to learn what we know about this art, and we expect to learn more every day. We know how to turn out a down-to-date job. If you doubt it, we can "show you'" any day. Bring your copy anil we'll demonstrate our ability. We are experts in our line. You can rely on reasonable prices. WJ-ai ! m M tarn