LOCAL AND PERSONAL Dr. M. M. Davis and J. H. Simpson are two Corvaliisites who visited Albany ' on business lxst week. Quite a large delegation went from this city to Salem, Saturday, to witness the football game between Willamette and U of O. The family of John Smallman ar rived, Sun lay, from Independence, and are domiciled in the W. P. Miner bouse on North Main street. There was a practice dance in the Armory Saturday afternoon and evening, at which time a goodly number of young people indulged in the terpsichorean pastime. Riley Shelton, accompanied by a Mr. Lund, left For Alsea country Saturday. They went via Monroe and are on a sheep buying trip. The gentlemen are from Scio. Supt Denman, who returned last week from a visit to the echools in Alsea, reports everything in that sectipn to be moving along nicely. Dick Llewellyn is the man at the helm at Small's bakery now. He is from Salem and began work in this city Friday. He is an experi enced baker and his work is first- lass. Heman Hall came up from Port land, Thursday, to visit for a few days in this city, his old home. He says that the folks are getting along nicely in Portland. At pres ent Hmnan is employed in the Im perial Hotel. It fa reported on pretty good authority that Thos. Leese, banker of Corvallis, and Mr. Scarth, of the Toledo bank, have rented rooms for 3 years in the J. T. Porter building at Newport and will open a branch bank in that city about the first of the year. Our board of school directors, F. L. Miller, C E. Hout and George E. Lilly, met Friday evening in the of5.ce of the clerk of the district, W. A. Buchanan for the transaction of such business as was on hand. The only thing requiring attention was the matter of salaries for the month. , Hope Grange, of Alsea, is pre paring for an anniversary celebra tion to be held December 4 Dr. James Withycombe, of OAC. will 1)9 invited to make the principal address. There will be a regular usual splendid banquet for which the Aleea matrons are noted. At present Thomas Chandler is postmaster -at Alsea, pending the appointment of some person 'to this position. There is a movement on foot to have the hotel, post office and telephone business at that place all under one roof. Steps are to be taken toward getting night operator for the telephone at that point and then there will be service j i . r j i . i tiunng every uour ui iue twenty four. W. G. Lane has awarded the contract for building a 5-room cot tage to R. N. Adams. The structure is to be erected just west of the dwelling at present occupied by Mr Lane. Mr. Adams is going to bustle tne worK on nana as is evi denced by the fact that while he did not secure the contract until Thursday evening, Friday saw him at work. A fellow who undertook to beat his way on the Corvallis train day or two ago had the good sense to change 'his mind when Conductor Thomas Riley asked for the fare and he -paid, though making threats ' of trouble for being compelled to do so. The fellow spent some hours in this city and some people who saw him thought he, had some mental affliction. Albany Herald. . . . Saturday, Clerk Moees awarded the contract to build a residence on bis property just west of the M. E church, South, to R. N. ' Adams The structure completed is to cost $1,2C0 and will be modern to the hour. It will have a cement foun dation and will be wood fibre finish ed. The residence will be two story and have seven rooms, in addition to large hallways and numerous clo3ets. The clans and specifications show that when done the residence will be among the most attractive in the city. The following very interesting dispatch was sent out from Satita Barbara, California, Friday: The bodies of more than twenty dead whales, known as "killers," are floating in the channel off Santa Cruz island. SO miles from this city. The gigantic corpses measure from 20 to 40 feet in length and bear mute evidence of a fierce battle among the monsters. This war fare has been going on between two - varitiea of whale and swqrdfish for several weeks in the ocean near the channel islands, and it is probable that in the extermination of so many of this variety of whale a signal victory has been won, by W. E. Yat- cam- up Saturday from Vancouver, Wat-h., where be is now making his home, to attend to some matters of business. Hon. V. E. Carter was in this city yesterday from his heme at Welle, looking after bupiness matters and affiliating wi'h the bos. The ladies of the Presbyterian missionary society wil enjoy a mis sionary tea at the home of Mrs. S N. Wilkins tomorrow afternoon. A fine new sign whs planted in front of Small's bakery Saturday. This, Charlix savs, whs in honor of Mr. Lewellyn, the nfw baker, who is reported to be A 1. J. C. Cecil came up from Port land a few days ago for a brief vis it with relatives in this city. He formerally attended OAC, but is now taking a course in a Portland business college. Sunday evening at the Presby terian, church Miss Lulu Spangler sang te Lord's Pruyer. She wa? in splendid voice and the solo was most effectively rendered Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Willkins gave a dinner party to a number of their friends. Cover was laid for ten and the event was mo6t enjoyable. Yesterday, Dr. Farra started a force of men at work on the task of ditching preparatory to laying a 6-lnch main for his water system. The main is to be laid from the corner at the M. E. church west, along college street to the residence of J. M. Porter. The Salem-Eugeoe game which many of our sportsmen wt-nt to Sa lena. Saturday, to witness resulted n a score of 11 to 6 in favor of Eugene. Next Saturday OAC will play Eugene on ber own field and battle royal will no doubt be witnessed by those attending. A pecial train will be run from this city to Pugene for the game. What is the matter with Eugene ports? During the past few months many things indicative of Eugene's confidence in winning from OAC the annual football game have been said, but from the fact that a little bag of lucr? from this city goes begging in Eugene we are inclined to the belief that their feet are cooling. : AGGIES VICTORIOUS. OAC's Second Team Defeats Eu gene's Second Team. Sunday, E. J. Garrow arrived home from Humboldt county, California. His sons, Wilbur and Joseph, came back to Oregon with him. Wilbur armed here Satur day, but Joseph stopped in Salem, where his wife has been for some time, the guest of relative. These gentlemen have been for several months in Homboidt constructing a large dam upon Eel river. Tbn work completed, they returned home. - Not long ago W. S. McFadden had an uncle come out west with bis family from Pennsylvania for a visit with relatives in Oregon. He has been visiting in Salem. Satur day our townsman was summoned to Salem on account of his uncle s illness. We are informed that the gentleman died, but just when could not learn. It had been the intention of the deceased to visit at the home of Mr. McFadden in Cor valli8 before returning to Pennsyl vania, but God disposes where man proposes and this will never be. Eva Marshall, the woman who was given preliminary hearing in Albany Thursday for uttering a forged instrument at the First Na tional Bank, has for two days re fused to partake of food or drink She stoutly maintains that so long as.C. L. Marshall, tha man whose nan e was forged to the check, had not been . injuried, abe bad com mitted no offense. ( JEier, actions are being Carefully noted, with a view to determining hrr sanity Ibis is the woman mentioned in the last issue of the Uazette as having fled to this county on find ing her attempt at forgery on the eve of detection. Last Saturday evening the boys who board at "Hotel De Henkle' gave an " at home to tneir laay fiiends. A musical program . was rendered, consisting of Bongs, duets solos, etc. Two numbers worthy ot mention were a Norwegian song. sung by Jens Lingaas, and a med lev Diaved by Joe MenKle. lbe medley contained twenty numbers and a prize was given to the one who guessed the greatest number of them. Miss Mary Danneman guess ert hueen ot them and was given the prize, a silver souvenir spoon. Miss Millie Dyer received the booby prize. Ketreshmenta were served The parlors were beautifully dec orated in autumn leaves. The matter of decorating was in the hands of "Mine Hosts," J. C. H kle, Brownie Brownell, Carl Steb ingor, Jens Lingaas, Erne Snyder, Fred Hoofer, Gus Graham, C. A and W. H. Davolt, Jones and Test All agreed that they had spent very pleasant evening and hoped In a game of football that would have been creditable to the first team of the respective colleges, Captain Walker's team defeated the U of O's second team by the score ot 5 to o Friday af ternoon on the local field. The score suggests the relative strength of the respective teams and tht stubbornness of the con test. Both sides experienced lit tle difficulty in advancing the ball yet at times neither team could make yardage and were forced to punt. Porterfield was by far the superior of Oregon's men iu the art of booting the oval. Oregon kicked to Corvallis, who fumbled on their 25-yard line, and Eugene recovered the ball. By rapid formations and quick plays they plunged through the opposing lines for good gains. It looked very much like a vic tory for Eugene. They were pena'ized and in their charges to make up the. yardage the ball was fumbled and ' captured by OAC on the 20-yard line. The ball slowly started up the field never again to visit OAC's end of the field. Sweek, Wal ker and Finn were hurled against the line with such force that Eu gene was unable to stop them. Every plunge yielded good gains for the farmers. Eugene took a brace and held near the center of the field; Porterfield punted to their 10-yard line; they advanced the bill ten yards and being unable to make yardage they punted. The remainder of the half was played with the ball near the center of the field and ended with no score for either side. The second half Oregon re ceived the kick-off on their 15 yard line. They fumbled and Darby fell on the ball. Corval lis' nervy backs alternately ham mered the line and slowly advanc ed the ball from the 35-yard line, at last forcing it over the line for the first and only touch down. Rose failed to kick the goal. Corvallis received the next kick-off on the 35-yard line. Sweek, the right half, got through for 20 yards. The tack les advanced the ball, until by end runs and plunges the oval was again on Oregon's field. here it remained in close prox- ltmtv to their goal. ,but OAC could not succeed in making another score. The game closed with the ball in Oregon's end of the field. The ast half was decidedly "in OAC's tavor. Finn, Porterfield, Sweek and Walker did .splendid work for the home team, .while the backs and ends showed up well for the visitors. The best of feel ing prevai 1 ed ; the OAC Juniors rooted for Ore gon. Tae hne-np was as. follows: Buried Saturday. The death of L. N. Price, formerly t this county, but who had brten living in Portland of late, occurred ia that city early Friday morning. Mr. Price wi s about 70 years of age and his death was occasioned by heart failure. He was making a purchase in one of the ci y stt res when he suddenly ex lired. The authorities conveyed ihe body to the eoroner's establishmen and it es eeveral hours before his p -ople could I e communicated with and then the de ceased was only identified by a check book in his pocket. His wife had ar. ranged to meet him in a certain place on the morning of his death, out the ful fillment of his word was deniedhin . Deceased was the father of Mrs. Arthur Hawley, of this county. 53ffe The remains were brought to Corvallis Saturday and in the afternoon conveyed to Simpson Chapel, in Southern Bentoo , where they were interred. Additional Local. See Blackledge for Linoleum, etc. 2b Miss Lura Flett went to Port land, Friday, to begin a course iu a business college. Blackledge, leading wall paper dealer. 0U1- The Empire Theatre company will play three nights this week Thursday, Friday and Saturday, ii the local Opera House. For the largest loaf of bread iii the city go to the Small bakery . 87 tf Clearance Sale Beginning on Thursday and lasting six weeks, Mrs. J. Mason will sell her ent're stock of ladies' hats at cost. 91. and art rugs at 30if OAC Rumbough Darby McKinnon Cherry endergrass Hughes Porterfield Sweek Finn Walker Officials: Bean. LER LTR LG R C R G h RTL Q u of o Johnson Jasper Mclntire . McClain Ray Whittlesey Taylor RHL Abertauffer L, H R Wood, E Penland Pelkineton and When you buy clothes here you may be sure of getting what you want. Hart Schaff ner & Marx clothes are noted for style and quality all-wool; no "mercerized" nor any other cotton. 'We've priced them right; the label is in them, a small thi"g to look for a big thing to find. :V1 -tr 1 Sole vallis. agents for Cor-. Copyright 1905 by Hart Schaffner Sr Marx ESTABLISHED 1864. ThB PaopJs's 'jStare, Corvallis, Ore. 1905 The Empire Theatre Co. in Repertoire at the Opera House Thursday Friday and Saturday nights . Art squires Blackledges. Remember that the Citizens' League meets thiB evening. Mat ters of interest and importance will come up for discussion and you had better be present. Largest line of matting in coun ty at Blackiedges. 3gtf For Sale-!-A good young Jersey cow, iresh. Li. JN. Edwards, Mon roe. 88tf At the close of school in this city Firday evening there was an en rollment of 555 pupils, says Prof. Holmes. This is encouraging in view of the fact that it is 39 more than were enrolle) at the same time last year. Country school dietrict teachers can be supplied with monthly re port cards by the Gazette. Write your wants. 81tf H. Mitchell, who has the con tract for construction work on the CorvalliF-Rick Creek water system, arrived, Saturday, from Seattle' and hs already arranged with certain parties to begin clearing the right way. Active preparations will begin soon, if they are not already progressing. Wood Choppers Wanted 10C0 cords to cut and woo;! to sell in stump. Anyone wanting to take contract come; do not write. P. A. Klines line phooe No. 1. P. A. Kline. 82tf Saturday, Jonathan Brown com pleted the task of building a yery fine chicken and msreon house for Henry Amblr. Mr. Ambler has eent to Ohio for some very fine pig- wins and will soon become possessed of a flock of thoroughbred chickens The pigeons are to occupy the sec ond story of the new house. Every man owes it to hims If and his fanoilv to master a trade or profession. Read the disolay ad vertisement of the Six Morse Schools of Telegraphy, in this issue and learn how. easily a young man or lady may learn telegraphy . and be assured a position. 67 tf Yesterday we were informed that bonds were being arranged in the club case of Chas. M- Kline, Jack Milne, and Merwin McMaines. It is understood that the work on hand was to furnish bonds complete to date and that Chas. M. Kline's tot-.l in all cases would be in the neighborhood of $4000, Jack Milne's about $1,000, and Merwin McMaine would furnieh some $2,oUU, Highest, cash price paid for all kinds of hides, pelts, beeswax and tallow. Junk wanted. Jacob Blumberg. Wl-4 1906 m$ Just receiveda large assortment of fan anil winter dress goods. This shipment includes broad cloths, henriettas, eioeues, cravcsiettes, waisting and fancy mixtures; wool plaids far ladies waists andchildrens dresses. to Palmer Garments Our first shipment of ladies and misses raincoats and ichildrens jackets has arrived. Ladies and misses Empire coats in transit. Style, fit and quality are the essentials in womens garments. The Palmer Garment excels in these three points and more than that, it gives you the money valtte. Style, fit and quality that are right. Yon are in vited to inspect this line. Miller, Corvallis, Oregon ancinsf sc at Fisher's Hall nooi Full terra $5 00. All leesons private; positively no spectators; classes every niyht, 7:30 to 10 ; lessons every afternoon, .2 till 5. A complete term consists of the following named dances: Waltz, Two-Step, Schottiache, Three-Step and Five Step. The latest dances tnught nil dancers at the rate of 50 cents a lesson. The ball and every facility may bd had for all parties of a socinl and private nature. Orchestra music furnished for all occasions. For further information inquire at the Hall of PROF Gm RAYMOND, INSTRUCTOR Social. At Oak Ridge school, Nov. 11. bring boxes gentlemen bring Program 7:30. Ladies purses. Committee. - for Sale. Choice oat, ; Vetch and cheat seed, to be had at reasonable prices eilher at the corvallis or Benton Flouring Mills. A. W. FISCHER. Man. 80tf ; Calling cards popular etyles in cards and type at the ''Gazette Printing is an Art m ?i . We have given the printing trade very close attention have made it a business to keep right up in the front rank. It took years of hard work to learn what we know about this art, and we jexpeet 'to learn more every day. We know how to turn out a down-to-date "job. If you doubt it, we can. "show yoir" any day. Bring your copy and we'll demonstrate our ability. W are experts in our line. You can rely on reasonable prices. OORVALUS QIZEITE ---- - , l eo ne of the leviatha- ?. . to agt:n be invited to an at home. office. 80tf