Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, October 06, 1905, Image 3

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See Dr. Lowe about your eyes
at once, ha leaves Friday night.
William Fuqua, a well known
stock man of Parker, was in Cor
vallia during the week on business.
Mrs. A. J. Hall returned to her
home in Burn Vista, 'Tuesday,
after a briet business visit in this
Mrs. F. R. Overlander went to
Portland during the first of the
week to remain for ten days or two
Harlev Hall went to Buet.a
Vista, Mondav, and returned home
Tuesday. tia was purely a busi
ness trip.
Not long ago John McGee sent
to Benton's exhibit at the Fair a
sunflower that measured 19 inches
in diameter. This was not a little
During the week G. V. Misner
and D. M, Prime, of Edison, Neb
raska, have been visiting relatives
in this city. They are soon to
leave for Southern California for a
visit with relatives in that part of
the country.
Attorney W. S. McFadden arriv
ed in Corvallis, Tuesday, from his
farm near Junction City, where the
ffreater Dart of the summer hns
been spent with his family. He
will return to this city with his
wife and children next week.
Dr. Lowe, the well known oculc
optician, is now at Hotel Corvallis
to remain till Friday night. Don't
fail to have him te6t your eyes for
glasses. He won't be back for 3
Remember that on the evening
of October 10, at the Opera House,
The Parland-Newhall Co., will ap
pear in this city. Here is an at
traction of great merit. Their
woik is an educational feature you
cannot afford to. miss.
Any persons having good books
or magazines which they do Dot
value should remember that they
will be thankfuily received, at the
new reading rooms. Here is an op
portunity for someone to assist in
a good cause without any out' ay of
Next Wednesday. October 11,
Gaorge Smith will start operations
with the cider factory. Here will
De an opportunity to secure some
KWMpr. chiht ir. Til m v s k i rn Hn il
apples to sell. The mill will only
he operated in the interest of the
local trade.
The father of L. L. Brooks, who
recently a; rived in this county to
visit with his son, has a can with
a history. The stick was cut from
a clump of brush close by the epot
where Jeff Davi8 was captured in
Georgia at the close of the war.
JNeecuess to say tne cane nas a
value placed up?rj it by . Mr,
Brooks, Sr. '
Charlie Heckart has the contract
ior buiidine a tine eignt room resi
dence for Gustave Harding at his
home a few miles north of this city.
The dwelling is to cost $1,700 and
wit' have all modern conveniences.
Work will begin as soon as the
materia is all on the ground and
some is oeing named now.
Some time ago Swingler & Hall
opened a butcher shop in this city
A few. weeks ago Ralph Cady
bought out Mr. Hall and the firm
name at present is SwiDgler &
Anybody desiring earth can se
cure the same by calling at the
First M. E. church.- Can have it
for hauling it away good soil, too.
EberMossie is visiting in Corval
lis. He formerly attended OAC
but at present is conducting a
lodging house in Pendleton.
Frank Groves .will return to
Bremerton, Wash., early next week.
i?'or several years he has held a
position in the quarter-master's de
partment at the government navy
yard at Bremerton, but is thinking
some of abandoning his position.
Tuesday, Miss DaEtte Jones, the
well-known trained nurse, arrived
back in Corvallis from a visit at
Portland. Her card in ai.other
coluuin annouuees the fact that her
services are available in cases of
The finest hand-bell3 in America
will peal forth at the Opera House,
Oct. 10. Do you want to hear
them? Take our word for it that
they are worth it. Beil-ringing
is but one of the many rare and re
fined treats in store for all who at
tend. '
Otto Headrick arrived in Corval
lis, Wednesday from Salem. It is
several years since Otto went to
Salem from this city. He is now in
business there for himself and is
doing well. Yesterday he went on
over to Alsea to visit his father and
other relatives and friends, . and in
tends to visit over there for about a
To be able to do one thing and do
it well is more commendable than
to do more things and none of
them as good as the best. Dr.
Lowe's exclusive specialty is fitting
glasses to the eye. Over eighteen
years experience. Take your chil-
iren to him and they are safe eye
safe and price safe.
J. H. McDonal, A. B., a grad
uate of Stanford University, has
arrived at the college to take
charge of the chair in the electrical
engineering department, recently
made vacant by the resignation of
Prof. Hayward. Professor Mc
Donal comes very highly recom
Of Great Importance.
Corvallis is to receive unusual honor
next month in the fact that she will en
tertain the State Good Koads Associa
tion in annual session. The meetings
are scheduled to occur Nov. 15, 16, and
17, and the probabilities are that the
court house will be the place chosen for
holding them. This is the first time in
the history of the association that the
annuals meetings have not been held in
Salem or Portland and that Corvallis re
ceives the distinction on thiB occasion is
perhaps largely due to the elfort of Judge
Watters, who is a member of the execu
tive board of the association.
It is a foregone conclusion that' many
of the professors of OAC will be active in
assisting to make these meetings suc
cessiul. The state university "at Eugene
always has several representatives at
these annual meetings. There are al
ways representatives from nearly every
county in the state. Governor Chamber
lain is pretty certain to attend, as he is
reported to be an enthusiastic advocate of
better roads.
It is to be hoped that every road sup
ervisor in the county will make it his
especial business to be oh hand on this
occasion, as many excellent papers are
to be read. There will also be a number
of practical road builders in attendance
to give their experience in the matter of
practical construction of substantial
highways. In dne season we hope to
give our readers the program in full.
Additional Local.
Cady. Ralph is a son of J. J
Cady, of this city. Thy new firm
are installing machinery for grind
ing sausage and other work in con
nection with a first, class shop and
will soon make a bid for a share- of
the public patrouage.
W. J. Warfield arrived in Cor
vallis, Saturday, from a visit at
the Exposition, .. While down there
Mr. Warfield purchased a couple of
very nne goats that were prize-J
winners at the lair. The anioauls
were exhibited from California and
are of a very fine strain of Angoras.
Mr. Warfield is constantly chang
ing stock in order to keep new
blood and build up his herd of
goats and this particular purchase
is but one of many deals - he has
made to improvn his flock. He
went on over to his Alsea home
with his goats, Tuesday.
The college has purchased
through Dr. James. Witbycombe,
tho first prize Shropshire ram at
the Lewis and Clark Exposition.
It goes without saying that this
ram is most likely finer than the
"lamb that Mary had." OAC at
present is keeping in Btock two
breeds of sheep, two breeds of cattle
and two breeds of swine especially1
for experimental purposes at the
station in the way of feeding and
class work. ' Dr. Witbycombe is
creating much interest in the mat
ter of animal husbandry, not onlv
at OAC but throughout the state.
Such work, will be of untold benefit
at some future time not far distant.
In fact, it is an important matter
right now and at present benefits
are apparent on every hand.
Many of our readers will recall
the play of "Blue Beard" given
some months back by youngsters
of the public school. The play oc
curred in the Opera House and ws
for the benent of the bchool library.
A few days ago the youngsters
proudly added 19 books to the li
brary- as a result of their entertain
ment. Their effort was a worthy.
one and was crowned with success
as shown by the above. .'
Beginning next Monday a num
ber of cases against the Corvallis
Social and Athletic Club will come
up for trial byiurv. The charge
agninst those attached tn the club
is eelhng ot giving liquor in viola
tion of the local option law. The
case called Monday is the State of
Oregon vs C. M. Kline and Merwm
McMames and will be held at the
court house. We are informed that
a Portland attorney will conduct
the defense.
Prof, and Mrs. S. W; Holmes
have had much company of late.
Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Swafford. of Baker City, departed
after a visit of a week. Mr, Swaf
ford is a ' brother-in-law of Prof.
Holmes. Mrs. Holmes' mother,
Mrs. A. F. Sanders, of Baker City,
is here at present. Wednesday,
Samuel Holmes arrived for a visit
of a few days; he is soon to start for
Southern California. ne is an
uncle of the professor.
For the first time in a number of
years the.Chemawa football team
will line up against the on
the local, .gridiron next Saturday
afternoon. The Indians have a re
cord behind them, and during pre
vious seasons they fought their way.
well up among the first rank of
college football teams: : As to th
style of play they will put up this
year, we are un-ible to conjecture,
At any rate Dr. Steckle's men will
be in good shape and ready to meet
them in any etyle of a game.
Tho game on last Saturday with
the Alumni, gave the hoys a good
drill, 'which combined with this
week of training and practice, will
put them in good shape for the
Saturday's game. The students are
turning out for practice better than
usual. Between forty and fifty
report for duty each evening
Abraham "the Big Swede" has
again ioined the Equad. Earl
Sweek, sub-fullback of last year
has also returned..- With such men
as were in the game last Saturday
'and those that have since reported
to choose from, Dr. Steckle will ex
perience little difficulty in picking
eleven men competent ot givinq; tn
siwashes a royal reception. Cap
tain R. C. Jackson, a member of
the senior class, has returned to
college. Mr. Jackson was delayed
on account of being in attendance
at the liyestock show in Portland
J. J. Clark, of the '06 class, and J
S. Keiley a prominent '07 have re
turned to college.
Not an Experiment.
When a play has been given in Port
land before coining to Corvallis, the pub
lic can alwavs assure themselves of the
kind and quality of the attraction by
reading the Portland papers. And the
fact that a play runs for a week at a Port
land theatre is of itself a guarantee that
it is worthy of patronage. "On the Bridge
at Midnight" came to the Empire theatre
last Sunday and has been running there
ever since. It has received excellent press
notices in both the Oregonian and the
Journal, particularly in last Monday's
This play was booked last summer from
Chicago and this is the second season
that the company has visited the.Pacific
coast with the same play. In preparing
the play it was insisted that it should
avoid tne ordinary sensational claptrap
and have a fresh, deep, wholesome, story
with plenty of humor in it ; and that it
should be unrivalled in its scenic details.
The minglinir of humor and pathos in
this play is as remarkable as the chief
scene and the story so fashioned that for
the deeply interested audience the great
bridge, lifting its valves to let a steamer
pass, is only an incident after all. There
is a laudable eCect shown ii this play to
avoid the cheap effects of reckless, sensa
tional melodrama and to stick to the gen
uine strength of wholesome drama. There
are many characters besides the professor
and the bootblack. ,
"On the Bridge at Midnight" will be
presented in Corvallis on the 11th' inst.
with ail the scenic effects and the same
company of eleven players, that are pre
senting the play in Portland this week.
This play is something good; don't mies
Eeserved seats are fifty and seventy-
five cents, the first row down stairs only,
bting seventy-five cents.
Corvallis Lyceum Course.
The first entertainment in the new
Lyceum Course will be given in the
Opera House next Tuesday, October 10,
by the Parland-Newhall Co. male quar
tette, bell ringers and inetumental
musicians.' The members of this com
pany have been in Lyceum courses all
over the country and - have won merited
praise by their splendid work. Their
voices are all strong and pure, and blend
in penect harmony.
They are also expert bell ringers and
delight their audiences with music from
a peal of more than one hundred hand
bells, ranging ia weight from three
ounces to fifteen pounds.
Coronets and trombones, in solos and
combinations, add a pleasing variety to
the program.
This company presents one of the mott
versatile, unique and artistic program
given on the Lyceum platforms of the
country, appealing to all tastes and is un.
reservedly commended, to those desiring
a high class concert and entei tainment
The ticket officet Graham & Worth-
ana's drug store, will be open on Satur
day for the holders of season tickets to
choose reserve seats. Single admission
tickets will be on sale at the same place
ou Monday and Tuesday at 50 cents
each. : "
The second entertainments in the
course will be by Maro, the greatest liv
ng magician, on Nov. 4, and others will
lollow at intervals of three to five weeks
during the' winter. . "
Season tickets are now selling at
each and no one will regret the expend!
ture when they can have some of the
best talent ever brought to the smaller
cities of the West.
See Blackledge for Linoleum, etc.
A. C. Miller was over from Kinpe.
Valley on business during the week.
Blackledge, leading wall papr
dealer. 30;-
Piof. Tailianlier goes to Povtlai d
tomorrow ou. business.
Art squares and art rugs at
Blackledges. 30if
James Bier returned from the
Fair a few days ago.
To Rent L'ght house-keeping
rooms, wood, light, and everything
furnished. Inq. Mrs. E. F. Bryant.
82 f
If the best is none too good for
your eyes wear Dr. Lowe's super
ior glasses.
James Fhtt arrived home Wed
nesday evening from Portland and
vicinity, having been absent for a
week or ten days.
Board Table boarders wanted. Mrs.
Florence Mulkey, 4th St., near Jackson;
Ind. pbone 47P. 76 84
George Smith will open the cider
factory about the middle of the
month for the convenience of home
customers. Date, Oct. 11. 81-2
Have Dr. Lowe relieve your
ht-ad and eye ache with a pair of
his superior glasses.
Country school district teachers
can be supplied with monthly re
port cards by the Gazette. Write
your wants. 81tf
Presbyterian Church, M. S.
Bush, pastor, Bible School at 10
o'clock a. m. Reception of new
members and communion 11 a. m.
C. E. meeting 6:30 p. m. Evening
service at 7:30, subject, "The
Christian Ideal and Its Pursuit.'
.Wood Choppers Wanted 10C0
cords to cut and wood to sell in
stump. Anyone wanting to take
contract come; do not write. P. A.
Kline's line phone No. 1. P. A.
Kline. , 82tf
Services at the Church of Christ
next Sunday will be as follows:
Sunday school at 10:00 a. no.;
preaching at 11 00, subject, "Is
everything for the best?" Y. P. S.
C. E. at 6:30 p. m. Preaching t
7.30, subject, '-Jt sus as a preacher."
All are welcocue.
D-Jii't forget that we are head
quarters far Graphophopes and
Records. We have just received a
new lot of Columbia Disc and Cy
linder Records. Also a lot of ths
American Blue Records the best
made. Graham & Welis. .. - 70if !
Next Wednesday evening the
ladies of the Presbyterian church
will give a New England supper in
the building formerly occupied by
D. D. Berman's grocery. Every
thing oid-fasbiond in style, but
up-to-the-minute in 'goodness. It
is good tast to be there and if
you're tiere it will taste good. Be
Every men owes it to hiais K
and his famiiv to master a tradfi or
profession. . Rad the Jisplav ad
vertisement of the Six Morse
Schools of Telegraphy, in this issue
and learn how easily a young man
or lady may learn telegraphy and
be assured a position. - 67 tf
When you buy clothes
here you maybe sure of
getting: what you want-
Hart Schaffner & Marx
clothes are noted for style
and quality all-wool; no
"mercerized" nor any
other cotton.
We've pric e d them
right; the label is in them,
a small thi'g to look for
a big thing to find.
agents for Cor-
in fs
?Ut ft w4" ,V
-r'M F
Copyright 1905 by
Hart Schafiher cr Marx
The People's Store, Gorvaffis, SSrem
f ! d
G 9
Just receiveda laro? assorijasiit of fall and winter
dress goods. This sStipnssrst laclsades isroad cloths,
henriettas, eloeaes, cravsaztlcs, wasting andfaacy
mixtures; was! p'aJJs Uv Mks waists asdjcfiildrens
Our first shipment of ladies and misses
raincoats and childrens jackets has
arrived. Ladies and misses Empire
coats hi transit. Style, fit and quality
are the essentials in woshens garrcients.
The Palmer Gartaetit excels in these three points
Style, fit .and qu
vited to inspect' this line.
re than tliat, it gives you the money value.
cy that are right. You are In-
For Sale.
Choice oat, Vetch and cheat
seed, to be had at reasonable
prices eilher at the Corvallis or
Benton Flouring Mills.
An Authorized Representative of
Eilers' Piano House a Resident
- of Corvallis.
Hart Schaffner & Marx clothing
is in such demand and so popular
that a whole shipment consigned to
S. L. Kline was stolen from the car
while ehroute to the "Peoples
Store.". ; 82
Lost In this city on September
26, '05, a gray fur boa having six
brown tabs. Finder please leave
at the G:.zoUerffice. 82
There is probably not a finer judge of
musical tone and general constrnction of
pianos, than the head of the piano de
partment of Corvallis Agricultural Col
lege, Prol. Taiilandier. He is a man of
fine musical attainment and broad ex
perience in the musical field, and his
judgment may be entirely relied upon.
We have arranged with Prof. Taiilan
dier to represent us in Coryallia and vi
cinity. Do not select your piano until
you see him. He can explain to you why
you can bny of us to much greater ad
vantage to youiself in bothpriceand pay
ment and also the superior merit of the
pianos carried by ns, and will render you
every assistance in securing a piano exact
ly suited to your needs and taste.
The house of Eilers is known through
out the Northwest as the most liberal and
reliable ef piano dealers.
Old instruments are accepted in part
payment for new ones, at a liberal valua
tion. And everv instrument we sell is
fully guaranteed by both ourselves and
the manufacturer.
Prof. Taiilandier cas be consulted every
evening at his residence on College Hill,
or any time on Saturdays," A telephone
call will brine him to your house. : Inde
pendent, 185. "' 1; ; .;':
Largest, leading, and most responsible
dealers in the Northwest. 79-82
The Gazette office is equipped Jwith
all the proper requisites inmachinery'
and tools to print anything from a call
ing card to a full sheet poster. Besides
you get the benefit of experienced print
ers to handle your work. Printing is
our business and while we are always
crowded we are never so busy but that
we can turn out a job on f short notice.
A few of the it?rns mortiohed below ruay 'be required by you this
month: The best for t ;e leant money. . Think, it over.
Trespass Notices printed on canvas.
District schoolteachers' monthly report cards.
Wedding announcements and society invitations.
. Business cards and circulars.
Letterheads, statements, envelopes, etc.
'- Fnneral announcements.!
,:. . . . ,1
1 Hlostand.
is. B lakes ea.
Patronize Homo Industry.,
Outaldo Orders Solicited.
All Work Guaranteed. 'Mi
For results advertise in the Gazette