Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, October 06, 1905, Image 2

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    Iff" CNttLUS biUtl
Published Tuesdays and Fridays by
Gazette Publishing Company.
The subscription price of the Gazette
for several years has beeu, and remains.
S2 ner annum, or 5 per cent discount i
' ,
paid in advance.
Some weeks ago the country
was fiercely shaken over a de-
claration at the Chicago reciproc-
ity congress in favor of a dual
tariff . . A tariff for our friends
and another for our enemies
sounds nice and convenient, does
it not? There is no need for
any dual tariff business what
ever at this or any other time.
Tariff revision Till, in all proba
bility, meet but little favor at
the hands of the next congress.
Revision, not being badly needed
in any particular degree at pres
ent, is not likely to become a
paramount issue. To re vise, at
present can further no end other
than to provide an issue for dem
ocracy. Considering every
thing, it is a fair guess that the
policy of the next congress will
be to let well enough alone so far
as tariff revision is concerned.
To revert io the dual tariff idea,
it may be of interest to quote
the Montreal Gazette, as follows:
Secretary Shaw has inquired
of Governor Cummins, of Iowa,
who attacked him fiercely at the
recent Chicago reciprocity con
ference, how the United States
can discriminate in favor of
France or any other European
nation of equal purchasing in
clination without discriminating
against Great Britian? It is
. most unkind of the Secretary to
ask such embarrassing questions
of gentlemen who are laboring
under the Fielding idea that the
Tariff is a thing which can. be
used as a bludgeon or as soft
soap. Secretary Shaw still holds
to the old idea that the success
ful Tariff must be framed in the
interests of the naiion that
makes it, and of tnat nation
' alone.
A few evenings ago, J. J- Hill,
the greao railroad magnate, was
varied and dined in Portland and
. during the course of the even
ing made quite a notable speech
, in behalf of the railroads of the
United States. Many of Mr,
Hill's remarks were of unusual
interest, although some or. them
were -somewhat misleading. Mr,
. Hill is no fool and a person must
not expect to hear from his lips
anything that is damaging to
railroads'and the "interest of rail
road owners. Among other things
he said:
The United States has today the lowest
rail transportation in the world by a
great extent. Russia has the next lowest
tp the United States, and they pay for
hauling a ton of freight loo miles on an
average of $1.70. Great Britain pays an
average ot $2.35 and the United States
pays an average of 76 cents. Notwith
standing that the average rate paid by
the people of the United States is only
about 40 per cent of that of Russia, we
have a great many people who are
preaching a new doctrine, and that is the
- regulation of railroad rates by Federi.1
authority. Now, let me say to you that
if the Federal laws or the state laws are
what they ought to be, they ought to pro
tect every man in the enjoymentjof his
own proper rights, and nothing beyond,
(Applause.) Take the case of our own
Great Northern railway. It has been an
nounced in an official manner that there
has been no reduction of rates in the
United States for 25 years; that tariffs
have been reduced at times, but that
whenever a tariff was reduced, the classi
fication was given another turn of the
wheel and advanced so as at least to off
set the reduction in the tariff. t.
. Now, grant we have cheaper
rates of transportation than any
other country, this does not
signify that the people Jiave no
grievances. Take Russia for in
stance, her hr.uls are shorter on
v the average tfcnn they are in the
United States a:: J it is but prop-
. er that they be proportionate
ly higher. England, on the other
. ' hand has to pay a higher rate
for railroad transportat.on be
cause her hauls on the average
in j
But the people of the United
States are not agrieved so much
on account of the rates charged
by the railroads (not but what
plenty is charged) as they are
over the system of rebates that
discriminate against one shipper
in favor of another. Here is
where gross injustice is done.
! A man with
means is given a
; club in the way of rates that he
j may kill off his business rival of
less financial backing. This is
'unjust; on this point is where
: the trouble hinges,
j There is no desire on the part
I of the general public of this great
j country to do an injustice to the
railroads. We all realize their
importance to the country, most
vital, too. It is to the interest !
of the people that railroads exist,
as they are one of the greatest .
fact as in our industrial life and
development, but when the man
agement of these roads inaugur-
I ate a system of discriminating
rates that crushes one man and
builds up another it is time to
call a halt. It is then time to
consider, seriously, too, the mat
ter of railroad rate control by
government as proposed by
President Roosevelt.
Retarded by Monopoly.
i he well-known newspaper
correspondent, William E. Cur
tis, who recently has been in
vestigattng conditions in western
states and territories and writing
a series ot ai tides for the Chi
cago-Record-Herald on the
growth and develepment of the
great southwestern region, in his
aiticla on New Mexico speaks
pointealy of the knd monopoly
of that territory. He declares
that one of the most serious ob
jections to the admission of New
Mexico into the Union is that
considerable poition of its lands
are held in lare tracts by corpor
ations and individual owners.
Nearly all the available water
is also monopolized bv these
rge land owners, and thus
settlers are shut out acd develop
ment is retarded. A few of the
grants have been sub-divided and
sold, but most of them are held
as stock ranches or for speculative
ourposes. These grants date
back to the time when the terri
tory was a part of old Mexico
and under the government of
Spain. After the annexation of
New Mexico, several of the
grant? were confirmed by indi
vidual - who paid little or nothing
for them. The Mora is the largest
grant which remains undivided
and embraces 2,100,000 acres.
Other large grants range from
80,000 to 400,000 acres and
The :'ederal government has
reserved large tracts of forest in
different parts of the territory,
which will insure the safety of
so,me of the most important
streams and sources of water
No doubt these large grants
are a great hindrance to the
settlement and development of
New Mexico and therefore a ser
ious objection to the admission
of the territory to statehood.
Our Hops.
Few hops can be found now
outside the bale. During the
last week many pickers could be
seen returning nome from the
various yards. While the Ore
gon crop was not so heavy as it
has been in some past years, the
yield was good and the quality
first-class. In fact, there is little
doubt but the hops raised in Ore
gon this year eclipse the crop of
any other section of earth.
Contract hops have already
commenced leaving the state lor
the East in considerable quanti
ties. They are found to be oi
such quality that buyers can find
no fault. , Some hops have been
sold at from 15c to 18c per pound.
1 "Oregon hops are the only
first-quality hops raised in the
world this year,", said E- J.
Smith, of Oneida, N. Y., recent
ly, "and they should bring top
prices. Saturday a sale of 200
bales choice Oregon hops was
made at 12 cents, and the New
York man who bought them is
in the market for 500 bales more.
Growers are not anxious to sell,
are shorter than they are
however, and I look lor a decid
ed advance belore many Oregon
hops have changed hands.
"We hear of Puyallup hops
being sold at low figures, but the
quality of Puyallup hops is poor
this year as a result of much ioz
coming up from the Paget Snnd
which turned them a cid gra
color. They can in no manner
be compared to the Oregoti-grown
Jones, Potter andgWadegare
The last hope oriWillard N.
Jones and Thaddeus S. Potter of
escaping trial on the .indictment
charging them and Ira Wad
with conspiracy to defraud iIk
Government or vnluabic UuiOer
and in the Siletz reserve was
swept away Tuesday morning by
Judge Hunt, when he denied the
demurrer interposed by the two
defendants. Wade made no ' at
tempt to avoid trial.
'I believe, gentlemen,' you
will have to go to trial in this
indictment," said Judge Hunt
when court opened Tuesday. "I
think that the first point urged
that the overt acts:? are not
sufficiently pleaded in the indict
ment is not well founded. On
tne second point 1 am not so
clear, but the Dealy case has
established that indictments of
this sort are good. The second
point is far more serious, but
think tins indictment is good,
and will be so held bv the courts
as the United States Sunreme
Court has given great latitude in
indictments for conspiracy.
can see where by strict construe
tion this indictment would be
held to not sufficiently state the
offense, but under the modern
construction the indictment wil
De sumcient. 1. tnereiore over
rule the demurrer."
Record time was made in the
selection of the inry to try the
case, the 12 men having beeu
chosen shortly afler 11 o'clock
Frank E. McEldowntv,- C. P,
Bishop G. W. McLane, . L. C
Marshall, Henry Hewitt and W
j B. Duncan were the first exam
ined, and were accepted by both
sices in one. two. thiee order
William C. Alvord, teller of tb
First National Bank, Portland
was peremptorily challenged by
the prosecution, and J. H. Al
origin was quickly excused bv
the defense.
E i. Hendricks, cba'.U
ed bv the ocfer.e. N. P. Crunie
Wiiiiam ijiirns and Waiter Low
were accepted," and the defer.:
used its last pcrempiory chalien;
on Harvey Walker, a Sle
farmer. Peter Hoffman, Loui
.eno ana w. c. uatneia were
accepted, but Edward Cooking
nam, a roruana Danker, was
challenged lor cause by the de
r t 1 " r 1 -
tense as ne naa rorraeci an opin
ion. 1 he challenge was . not re
sisted by the Government an
the juror was excused.
Ora Parker, one of the four
defendants in the latest indict
ment found by the grand iury
just before its adjournment, was
in court, but owing to his havin
not secured the services of an at
tornev. he was given a chance
to plead Wednesday morning.
Peter Hoffman, one ot the
jurors accepted, qualified after
court opened, as he was not a
citizen until he applied for
naturolization papers before
Judge Hunt Tuesday morning.
Among the spectators in the
court room Tuesday morning
were ex-Governor Geer and Sam
White, of Baker City, the Demo
cratic warhoise.
Announces Himself.
We are in receipt of the fol
lowing, written at Baker City,
Sept. 28, 1905. which is self
explanatoTy: Subject to the terms and con
ditions of the primary law, I am
and will be a candidate for
governor on the Republican
It is not a question of salary.
There are many things far more
valuable than gold, and to my
mind the office of governor of
the State of Oregon is one of
Am going to make, an honor
able effort to secure that position
and want all my friends through
out the state to assist me, and I
appeal to them for support. Any
promise or pledge wiU be made
f S . I f 1 I I
Persuade ax obstijtate case rather
than lash it into action if you want to see
good progress made. This is as true
when it is a faulty human system as
when It is a baulky mute.
Alcoholic stimulants and alcoholic med
icines whip the digestive functions into
quick action but do not prevent the weak
ening reaction wh ivh follows so closely.
In cases of impaired appetite and diges
tion mal-rmtmion and wasting away, a
safe and reliable tonic is needed ana is
the only thing that can be relied upon.
Dr. Pierce discovered, forty years ago,
that Nature had provided freely for these
needs of her children and that in her la
boraUyry wore the remedies. Glyceric
extracts of Golden Seal root, Queen's root.
Stone root, Black Cherryhark, uiooaroot
and Mandrake root, as prepared, com
bined and preserved without alcohol, in
Dr. Pierce's Golden, Medical Discovery,
constitute the most effective and certain
tonic, alterative and tissue rebuilding
remedy ever offered to the public.
A prominent merchant, Mr. J. Alfred
Arcand, of 6S9 Saint Lawrence Street. Mon
treal. Canada, writes: "I have used Doctor
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery off and
on for nine years. When I have it in the
bouse I need no doctor or other medicine.
Nine years ago 1 was trouDiea witn rneu
Tnatism. Your "Golden Medical Discovery
eliminated the uric acid from the system.
Since that time 1 have never Deen witnout
it in the house. There is no other medicine
think so much of, nor none l tninK its
equal. Every one to whom I recommended
it is pleased wim tne results, anu an manic
me for advisine its use. It is a splendid
remedy for stomach trouble; cures colds in
a few days, and is the only sure cure I know
of for ' La Grippe.' "
T)r. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps
to nav exnense of mailing only. Esena
21 one-cent stamps for the paper-covered
book, or 31 stamps tor tne ciotn-Douna.
Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
direct to the reoDle: no other
promise or pledge will be made.
Am not and will not become a
candidate of any faction, any
man, or combination of men.
Will either be nominated or de
feated on my merits, and will not
in the least compromise my
official integrity. Will stand by
this, even though it should cost
me the nomination. My noimn
ation would not mean the sue
cess or defeat of any element of
the Republican, party. I want
to see the party harmonized and
united and the whole ticket elect
ea, and it nominated and elected
will endeavor to accomplish that
end and give the state a clean,
honest, economical, business,
Republican administration.
No matter what may be the
result. I pledee mv hearty sup
port to the ticket.
Yours Truly,
C. A. Johns.
Bond Sale.
Sale of water bonds Sealed proposal,
will he received by the clerk of tl
Water Committee of the City of Carvsl
lis, Benton Couutv, Oregon, until Oct
ober 9tli. 19U5, at.6 o'clock p. m. forth
purchase of part or all of a $75,000 bond
issue of said city.
Said bonds a:e authorized by special
legislative act of 1905, and issued to pa
ror tlie construction of a gravity water
works system, bear interest at the rate of
4 per cent per annum, in denominations
of from $100 toSlOOl), payable semi an
nually, and are parable at Corvallia
Oregon, in U. S. gold coin, 40 years after
date of issue, at the rate ot SIMOOan
nually after 7 years, with option to pay
entire issue at end of ten years or any
time thereafter.
The assessed valuation of the City oi
Corvallis (1904) was 834,850, of whici
the actual value is $1,250,000; population
within corporate limits 2400 ; no bonded
debt; general warrant indebtedness.
$22,000, of which $15,000 is for construc
tion of sewer system.
Said Water Committee reserves the
right to reject any and all bids. Each
offer must be accompanied by a certified
check for 2 per cent of amount of bid, to
be forfeited if bid is accepted and not
September 9th 1905.
8. L. KLINE, Clerk.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Portland, Oregon,
Aueust 19. 19o6.
Notice 13 hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3,
1878, entitled "An act for th$ sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to all the
Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892,
of Corvallis. county of lientcn. State of Orecrou.
has this day filed in this office her sworn statement
No 6854, for the purchase of S. i Si W of Section
o 26 m lownship No lo S.. Kanire fco (i West, and
will offer proof to show that the laud sought is wore
valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultur
al purposes, and to establish her claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver ef this office at
Furtlaud. Oregon, on Monday, the, 6th day of
iNovemoer, lyua,
She names as witnesses: Erwin U. Alexander,
Thomas R. Graham. James H. Tatty, all of Cor
vallis, Oregon, llobt. A. Miiler. of Portland, Oreeon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this omce ou or belore said 6th day 01 November,
' Register,
Administrator's Notice.
Notice io hereby given that the County
Court of Benton County, Oregon, has appoint
ed the undersigned administrator of the estate
or Human A. Brown aesceased, ana llter.
sons haiug claims against said estate will
present the same according to law, to me at
Corvallis, Ortg"n, within six monthslfrom this
, Administrator.
Dated September 7, 1905.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter of the Estate of J
Mary A. Garlinghouse, deceased, j
Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned
tnat tne unaersignea nas Deen duly appomtoa ex
ecutrix of the last will and testament of Mary A.
Garlinghouse, deceased, by the County Court of
Benton County, Oregon. All persons havinp claims
against the said estate of Mary A. Garlinghouse, de
ceased, are required to present the same, with the
proper voucners, auly vennea as required oy laWj
within six months from the date hereof, to the un
dersigned at her residence one mile east of Monroe.
Kenton county, Oregon, or at tne omee 01 nates
Yates, Corvallis, Oregon.
Dated this 26th day of September, 1905.
Executrix of the last will and testament of Mary A,
Garliuihouse, dccep.sec'. 80-92
' H
7IU J Uffl f LLi Ulllimi XI IU f f f 1 1 1 LUIlilUllIlI
Oar .comprehensive
for both large and small boys are now at their best and include
everything needed for boys for street, dress, or school wear. We
have an unlimited assortment of
From 3 to 10 years,
Will be given by the Undersigned
for the arrest and conviction of
any party killing China Pheasants
out of season in Benton County.
Plans to get Ricli
are often frustrated bv sudden break
down, dua to dyi-ppeia or constipation.
Brace tip and take Dr. King's New Life
Fills. They take out the materials which
are clogaing your energies and give you
a new start. Cure headache and dizzi
ness, too. At Allen ,v. Woodward's drug
store; 25c; guaranteed.
Consumptives Made Comfortable.
Incipient consumption is enrea by
Foley's Honey and Tar, but we do not
hold out false hopes to consumptives ly
claiming that it will cure that dread dis
ease in the advanced stages; but if the
lungs are not too far gone Foley's Honey
and Tar will effect a cure, as it stops the
racking cough and sooths the inflamed
air passages giving them a chance io
heal, and even the advanced stages it
always gives comfort, and relief. A. A.
Herroa, of Finch, Ark., writes: "Foley's
Honey and Tar is the best preparation
tor coughs and lung trouble. I know
that this has cured consumption in the
first stages. Giaham & Worthani.
a good medicine for liver disease.
It cured my Fon after ho hod spent
$100 with doctors. Itisall ttiemed
icme I take." MRS. CAHOLINK
MAKTIN, Partersburg, W. Va.
If your liver does not act reg
ularly go to your drusrgist and
secure a package of Thedford's
Black-Draught" and take a dose
tonight. This great family
medicine frees the constipated
. bowels, stirs up the torpid liver
and causes a healthy secretion
of bile.
Thedford's Black - Draught
will cleanse the bowels of im
purities and strengthen the kid-;
neys. A torpid liver invites
colde, biliousness, chills and
fever and all manner of sick
ness and contagion. Weak kid
neys result in Bright 's disease
which claims is many victims
as consumption. A 25-cent
Backage of Thedford's Black
taught should always be kept
in the house.
"I need Thedford's Black
Draught for liver and kidney com
plaints and found nothing to excel
blehead, ni. . '
-TTHTinirTinnmilrr ' - -j-'1
ILLI iiif. L'i U J I 1 1 UiiiiLl Al Wi'-VLtB i ffj.
I'U 1 mi
stocks of clothes .
little chaps' suits and overcoats,
S2.50 to S7.50.
- ii
and Millets Qluh
&H Defects of Sight.
MATTHEWS, The Optica
Room 12, Bank Building.
Annually, to fill the new positions created hy
Railroad and Telegraph Companies We want
YOUNG MEN and LADIES of ;good habits, to
And RaiSroad Accounting.
We furnish 75 rer cent, of the Operato. ? d
Station Agents in America. Our six schools
the largest exclusive Telegraph Schools IN TK
WORLD. Established 20 years and endorsed by
all leading Railway Officials.
We execute a $250 Bond lo every student to
furnish him or her a position paying from $40
to $60 a month in states east of ttie Roeky Moun
tains, or from ?"S to siou a month in slates west
of the Rockies, immsLiaieiy upon graduation.
Students can enter at any time. No vaca
tions. For full particulars regarding any of
our Schools write direct to our executive office
at Cincinnati, O. Catalogue froe.
The Morse School of Telegraphy,
Cincinnati, Ohio. Buffalo, N. YR
Atlanta Ga. LaCrosse Wis.
Texarkana Tex. San Francisco Cal
Cornice, Roofing, Guttering,
and all kinds of ibbeet Metal
F. A. Hencye
In connection vith J. H.