C3) 10CAL AMD PERSONAL Titus Rmi'y, tho Summit mer chant, passil through Corvallis a few days ng' t- Portland, where be will hav a vi81t a tb-e air- Abe Clark came out from Alsea a few days ajr. on bubinees thai will require u .itils time. He ib thinking ti moving his fasnily.to this city. Hon. V. A. Carter was doing business m Corvallis, Saturday. He also went out to the athletic fit-Id in t' e aiternoon to feeo the football tussle. A few day 8 ago Kiley Shelton, of Scio. rente J what . is known &e the old FrtfE i home, between the , two depots, and is soon to occupy the dwelling with his family. Miss Belle Kinney , began a term of school. at Wells yesterday . Here tofore she taught in Eastern Oregon for sometime, but has decided to wield the birch nearer home for a time. During the latter part of last week Victor Moses was in attend ance, at . the M. E. church. South, conference held at Grants 'Pass. During his absence Robert Johnson ws clerk of Benton courty. R-mietv invitations and weddine S announcements are constantly oKanninir in otwlpo nf t.vnfl fanes and form. Have them printed neatlr and up-to-date at the Gazette office. . 80tf Tomorrow evening, between the hours of 8 and 10 o'clock, a re .ception is to be given at the Episco pal rectory in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Simpson. To this function the public is extended a very-cordial invitation. Wavman Mason arrived in Cor vallis, Saturday, for a brief visit with his mother. The following day he departed for Spokane, Wash ington, where he expects to be for an indefinite time. This was his first visithome in two years. Conductor. Beard started the band at OAC last week. He has some sixteen or twenty men for band duty, among them are f cur cornets, six clarinets "and four slide trombbnep. He is handicapped by having no experienced man for tuba. A. J. Johnson, national bank in spector, arrived home b nday from a trip trarougn ldano and Mon tana for the purpose of inspecting the banks of that section. He will probably leave today for a trip to Portland and Astoria, after which he will have a chaLce to catch his breath. Levi Watkins and sons, Frank and Owen, came down from Mon roe. Saturday. The boys went on to Jfortland. if rank .holds a posi tion with the mammoth establish ment of Old?, Wortman & King, with whom be has been for three years. Owen went down to have a look at things metropolitan. After a. successful pastorate of ten years duration with the b irst Bap tist church of Corvallis, the Rev, M. Noble has declined the call .for another year. H takes , this op portunity for thanking all his good friends for their ruauy kfndnessess toward him during his stay in the city. ' Harry Fryer came up from his home at Carlton, Friday, to attend the reception given by the seniors. Also to see the game of football be tween the alumni and the presen team of OAC. Harry, graduated from our college last June. With in a few days he will start east to enter Cornell University: This will give Cornell three OAC grad uates from the class of '05. They are Theodore Garrow, Harry Fryer anc Merril Moores. M. H. Bell, a former Corvallisite and who still owns property in this city, arrived in Corvallis, baturuay Mr. Bell tow resides in Pririeyille Years ago ue clerked m various stores in this city. At one Aimehe was engaged in the warehouse bnsi ness in tnis city. .Later ne was city marshall and is reported to have looked after the peace and jgnity of the city to the Satisfaction of the masses. He left Prineyille last week and visited briefly at the Fair in Portland before coming to this city. It was his intention to return to Portland yesterday. . Postmasters sometime receive pe culiar commissions., Here is one that came to the,Corvallis, P. M., B. W. Johnson: Dear Sir Will you please make a little inquiry as to tne cultivation of horse radish in your country and what it can be had forF. 0. B. in bulk of from 500 to 1,C00 pounds? Yours truly, J. A. Balian, Reno, Nevada." Not being in the horse radish busi ness Postmaster Johnson desires us to give publicity to this matter and to suggest that parties possess ed of unlimited horse radish Com municate with Mr. Balian at the designated address. Misses Annie and Maggie Peter eon went-to Portland last week to have another look at the Fair. Manfred Seits has purchased the Commercial restaurant of Mrs. Siini King and is now in full pos session. Country Echool. district teachers can be supplied with monthly re port cards by the Gazette. Write your, wants. . 81tf Roy Raber, whd has been one in charge of Benton's exhibit at the Fair, arrived home Sunday. On account of his health he will not return to the Exposition. E. Hawkins, of Eugene, a form er Benton county farmer, has been on our streets for a few days. He and his daughter have been guests of his sitter, who resides here. Hop men seem inclined to hold heir product for a time yet, hoping of course, that the, price will im prove. Best qualify hops are quoted at from 13 to 15 cents per pound. D. C. Rose went to Portland yes terday to spend a few days at the air. . He wanted very much to go down during the stock show, but on account of his prune crop he could not get away. Logan Havs came up from Port- and, where he is cashier of one of the metropolitan banks, Friday evening, and renewed his acquaint ance with Corvaliis friends until yesterday morning, at which time he returned to Portland. Rev. C. L. McCausland, presid- ng elder for the M. E. church, South, of this district, is expected to arrive home today from Southern j Oregon whither he had been called to attend the conference iid other business matter. Be it known to the republicans of Benton county the reunion and coi.ference to be held in Portland, October 12, will take place in the Empire theatre. The hour of the conference is 1 0 o'clock Thursday morning, October 12. Marion ; Hayden returned from ortland, Sunday, and went on over to his Alsea home yesterday. He speaks in highest praise of the Fair, particularly of the Etock show which closed last week. Saturday night- occurred the eathbf Mrs. Sol Kins at the age f 83 years, 6 months and 4 clave. Services were held yesterday morn- ng at the family home northwest of this city and were conducted by Re?. M. 8 Bush. Interment was made in Odd Fellows' cemetery. In accordance with the findings of the jury last week in the case of M. Kline at;d Jack Milne, charg ed with selling liquor in violation f the local option law, Justics Hol- gate imposed a fine of $300 each yesterday morning. The defendants have thirty days in which to file an ppeal. ' During the recent conference at Grant's) Pass, Rev. J. A. Ellison was appointed to the pulpit of the M. E. church, South, this. city. Formerly he occupied the pulpit at Myrtle (Jreek. . Yesterday he was to have been wedded to a charming lady and is expected to arrive in this city with his bride tomorrow. Many hunters report to have found China pheasants lather scarce when afield Sunday, the first day of the open season. On th6 other hand, quite a number of our sportsmen bagged the number lim ited by law ten birds per day for one hunter. Claud.. Whitehorn got a little out of order by shooting an exceptionally large, fat jack rabbit when out Sunday. ounday evening i;ierk Moses returned from Grants Pass, L where he attended the conference of the M. E. church, South. On his re turn be called bur attention " to MONEY APPORTIONED. Funds Available for School Pur poses in Benton. Superintendent Denman has just completed the task of ap portioning the state and county money available for Benton county schools. There are in this county 2,620 children be tween the ages of 4 and 20 years who draw school money. Each child draws the sum of $4. 10 and in addition to this each school district, except those that are joint, draws $50. The total sum for educational purposes in the county is $13,415. Following is a list of the districts and the money allotted each: Dist No " ; Amount I :.$ 234 6.0 2 n3..... 4.......... . 5.... .: 6 ; 7-V s .'. 9 3' 514 50 10.. -.... 74 60 11........... 115 60 12 197 60 13 ............ , 230 40 14 135 50 15 137 20 16 Ill 50 17. 1045 50 18.... 95 10 19....... 214 00 20 250 9O 21.. 127 90 22 156 60 23 386 20 91 00 226 30 148 40 173 00 189 90 99 20 204 10 24.. 25.. 26.. 27 .. 28.. .; 98 20 . 296 00 164 80 164 80 24 80 29 173 00 31... 32... 36... 41... 42... 140 20 95 10 250 90 185 30 264 52 43 390 30 25 and 32, and five joint, havt failed to file their bonds with Superintendent Denman up t the present time. "On the Bridge at Midnight- "On the Bridge at Midnight," Klimt and Ga.zolo's famous drama, for which the scenerj alone cost $10,000 will soon be seen here. "On the Bridge at Midnight" is not a sensational melodrama but a genuine comedy drama. It is refreshingly free trom the cut-arid-dried devices ol ordinary plays arid its scenic and mechanical effects aire unrivalled. The reproduction of a famous jackknife ; bridge in Chicago is what gives the play its title and the wonderful operation of, this masterpiece of engineering is re produced with thrilling accuracy. The huge valves open and a vessel passes through: Wit arid humor follow each other through the play like sunshine and shadow on a showery day until the de votion of a blind mother is finall rewarded, and the part of Reddy, the mischievous urchin and lost child, is particularly mirth pro voking. There are many other interesting characters. At the Opera House, Monday, Oct. li. Additional Local. Court convenes this week. See BlaCkledge for Linoleum, etc. 26 Walter Kline is in San Francisco, where ne will spend two- or three weeks. BlaCkledge, dealer. leading wall paper 30t- , When you buy clothes here you may be sure of getting what you want. Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are noted for style and quality all-wool; no "mercerized" nor any other cotton. We've priced them right; the label Is in them, a smalt thing to look for a big thing to find. Sole vallis. agents and JQ : . for . Cor- ' ttl U " Copyright 1905 by Hart Schaffner cr Marx 3m El BEaHEa ESTABLISHED 1864. Ths Paaple's Store, Corvallis, Ore, 45.. 46.. 48 . 49.. 50.. 51.. 59.. 62. 69.: 72. 181 20 25 90 : 210 70 ." A 156 60 120 20 107 40 . 205 80 127 90 29 75 110 70 74 234 50 79... 132 00 81 - 80 30 83 127 90 86 90 '. 209 90 123 80 95 115 60 85.. 93.. 94.. 96. 97. 5 joint. 152 50 199 40 66 13 statement made by us that . his nephew, Leonard Moses,; was to enter his office yesterday morning I as nis deputy. inis, Victor as sures us is ad error as hi3 nephew enters simply as a copyist, ; not f a deputy. Between now arid the first of next January several people will be busy on the tax and assess ment rolls and other items in the Clerk's office and , Leonard simply becomes one of the force.- . Accompanied by a good half-tone, a former Coryallis boy received from the Sunday Oregoniari the following mention for himself and bride: That the chubby, little chap with the matrimonial bow and ar rows is still doing business at the Exposition is shown in the mar riage on Wednesday evening last of Mwood L. Clark, superintendent of the United States Postofnce at the Exposition and Miss Mattie A Yoder. of Oregon City. The groom has been employed as a clerk in the main post office for a , long time, and is widely acquainted. The bride is the daughter of ; a promi nent business man of Oregon City, and has been one of the leaders of society in the sprightly little city. Mr. and Mrs. Clark will make their, home in this city. The following: school clerks have filed their bonds iu Super- i intendent Denman's office for the! year beginning June, 1905, name, postofnce address and number of theirv district being given: R N Williamson, Wells.. 1 H Seifert, Kings Valley....... a T B Williamsoa, Albany............. 4 W A Schmidt, Corvallis 6 Eldorado Spencer, Alsea. 7 W N Locfce, Corvallis 8 W A Buchanan, Corvallis....... ... 9 CA Woods, Corvallis JO E Wil4e,., Wen...,.v... ,..,.,...11 E E Switzer, Blodgett ...........i....l2 E if Jfewtoa.l.Cprvaiiis, ................... .13 Walter Kisor. Philomath... ........14 A k Gray"; Philomath... 15 Addie Hurlburt, Coivallis. 16 A G Wright; Philomath.;.... ..:....1.17 Join Gilmah, Monroe............. ...... :J..18 J A Tadlock, Corvaiiis...:.....:.....;;...";:.ig Geo. C Winters, Coryallis ..........20 John Whitaker, Corvallis.......... .21 A Buchanan, Corvallis.. .. 2 3 H Edwards, Monroe..., ....23 H CHerron, Junction City .........24 Ellis Hammer Monroe-- ----26 C.Tracer, Junction City . , 27 Claire Trooholm, Angora- .". . . .. .28 Thca J Childs, Alsea 29 M H Whittrr, Corvallis -31 Storm Strouts, Summit;...... 36 C E Bantori, Akea 4l' M J Vernon, Alsea .- '. 42 B.C Wyatt, Albany--- 43 Joe Bryant, JCorvallis .-45 Thos Taylor, Box - -46 Walter Beed, Wren 48 O G Buntin, Corvallis - 49 DBobs Barclay, Junction City- - 50 J A Bottgar, Summit-. . . . . .-i 51 B W Taylor, Philomath 69 JP Anderson, Monroe - 62 H H Pament, Nashville - i . .69 Henry Hamm, Peak- - - - 72 H J Eeese, Albany 74 Jas Watson, Hoskins . 79 Misses Audie Shelton and Leona Montgomery, both of Scio, entered OAC yesterday. Art. Fquares and art rugs at Blackledges. 30if Board Table boarders wanted. Mrs. Florence Mulkey, 4th St., near Jackson; Ind. phone 470. 76 84 George Smith will open the cider factory about the middle of the month for the convenience of home customers. 81-2 Don't forget that we are head quarters for Graphophones and Records. We have just received a new lot of Columbia Disc and Cy linder Records. Also a lot of the American Blue Records the best made. Graham & Wells. 7(kf To Paint or not Paint? is the question iriany house owners are now puzziing over. Very likely if you knew the very low prices at which we are selling high grade paints ard oils you would decide to paint. We have everything you need for any painting iob. largo or G 3 Every man owes it to hinis If and nis iaraiir to master a tradf or profession. Read the disolav ad vertisement of the Six Morse Schools of Telegraphy, in this issue and Jearn how easily a young man or lady may learn telegraphy and be assured a position. t7tf mall. Graham & Weils. 70 f For Sale. Choice oat. .vetch , and cheat seed, to be had v at reasonable orices eilher at the Corvallis or Benton Flouring Mills. . A.W: FISCHER, Man. . " ' , , .. - 80 Just received--a large assortment of fall anil winter dress goods. This shipment inclL'des broad cloths, henriettas, eioenes, cravenettes, waisting and fancy mixtures; wool plaids far Sadies waists andchildreiis dresses. Our first shipment of ladies and misses raincoats and childrens jackets has arrived. Ladies and misses Empire cnats in transit. Style, fit and quality are the essentials in woraens garments. The Palmer Garment excels in these three points and more than that, it gives you the money value. Style, fit arid qua!ity that are right. You are in vited to inspect this line. Corvallis, Oregon 1 Fo L -Miller, 1 NOTICE TO PIANO BUYERS. An Authorized Representative of Eilers' Piano House a Resident of Corvallis. ; Society Invitations Wedding Announcements These, to look well, should be panted on the finest grades of paper and in the neatest types. We have just received a very popular and artistic series of type for this class of work. ' Highest quality con sidered, our prices are moderate. ' CORVALLIS GAZETTE, PRINTERS F D Bevans, Airlie 81 C P Willis, Blodgett- .83 N P Hash, Alsea. .85 Crosby G Davis, Corvallis 93 H C Miller, Monroe 94 Emma Gellatly, Wren 95 J F Houston, Monroe - 96 Jas Franklin, Monroe 97 Clerks of school districts 3, -5, , There is probably not a finer judge of musical tone and general construction of pianos, than the head of the piano de partment of Corvallis Agricultural Col lege, Prol. Taiilandier. He is a man of fine musical attainment and broad ex perience in trie musical field, and nis judgment may be entirely relied upon. We have arranged with Prof. Taiilan dier to represent us in Coryallis and vi cinity. Do not select your piano until you see him. He can explain to you why you can buy of us to much greater ad vantage to youiself in both price and pay ment and also the superior merit of the pianos carried by us, and will render you every assistance in securing a piano exact ly suited to your needs and taste . The house of Eilers is known through out the Northwest as the most liberal and reliable ef piano dealers. ' Old instruments are accepted in part payment for new ones, at a liberal valua tion. And every instrument we sell is fully guaranteed by both ourselves and the manufacturer. ." " . Prof. Taiilandier can be consulted every evening at his residence on College Hill, or any time on Saturdays. A telephone call will bring him to your house. Inde pendent, 185. - EILERS PIANO HOUSE Largest, leading, and: most responsible dealers in tho Northwest. 79-82 li .vera are looking for some real good Brirsjuina in stock. Grain, Fruit Poult) y Ktiucues, write for our epecuii lint, or c ane and see ns. We will t&Re yiieusure in giving you reliaole informa tiou: also showing you over the couuty AMBLEK. & WATTERS; REAL ESTATE, LOAMS WATTERS, Corvallis. INSURANCE HEN RYZAM BLERa PHILOMATH. Open Day and Night. RoosnslSsngle or EnSustCm 7. HAMfflfcL. P!ro. Ona 02 thg'JFi'nast Etjalpsd Hotels In the Valley Both Phonos 2?as Meets all Trains , D O. Hlostand. ' Chas. BlxlcBsloa. CORVALLIS STEAM LAUNDRY. " Patronize Home Industry Oufmldo Orders Solicited. ' All Work Guaranteed. 3 '.CORVALLIS, .-.;2 ' OREGON.