Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, October 03, 1905, Image 2

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PuMisfaetJ Tuesdays and Fridays by
Gazette Publishing Company.
Tbo subscription, price of the Gazette !
fwaewral years has been, and remains. I
A sapplement of a recent issue
of the American Economist has
just foundFits way to our tab e.
It is one of the finest things of
its kind ever put out by any
publication and is in reality a
veiy , eompletej financial history
of the United States - during
periods, of panic and prosperity.
The supplement is worthy the
following quoting:
Well paid employment and
generous living mean prosperity.
These two conditions call . much
money into circulation. There
fore, the national circulation of
money per capita is an authentic
index of the general national
prosperity and of national ad
irersity. The government report of
annual circulationof money ex-
tends back to 1830, only. Hence,
tbe record of importation per
capita is taken 'to outline the
panic of 1819. The circulation
of money per capita at this time
TvaslS-SGi At that period there
ware neither embargo, blockade,
near non-intercourse laws to affect
foreign trade. We had no rail
roads; manufacture was small;
we depended largely upon im
ported goods. A decrease of
urosperity produced a decrease
-of importation.
When men see good opportune
ties ahead they borrow freely at
the banks in order that they may
profit by such opportunities
""When the future . is forbidding
they borrow little, and the banks
are less willing to make loans
Therefore, the record of bank
loans and discounts per capita is
. an authentic index? of prosperity
-and adversity in the three great
industries, manufacture, trans
portation and merchandising.
When farmers, manufacturers,
lumbermen and fishermen pro
dace their wares bountifully,
jailroads have a large freight
fejsiness and at paying rates,
lErom this fact it is recognized
ibat railroad freight earnings per
-capita furnish a third effective
index of the industrial and finan
eial condition of thefcountry.
From many records lit wouid
appear that the'panic of 1819 did
not last until 1830. It is a matter
of regret that the treasury de
partment has never computed the
annual circulation of money per
capita prior to 1830. It reports
lor census years, as follows:
1820, $6196; 1810,' $7.50; 1800,
4.99. The present amount of
money per capita in the United
Sates is figured somewhat above
After three trials Williamson,
Gesner and Biggs have been con
victed of conspiracy to suborn
perjury. John Newton William
son is representative to congress
from Oregon. Dr. Van Gesner is
Ms partner and Marion R. Biggs
is .their friend and also the
United States Land Commissioner
'for the general land office at
The jury in the other trials dis
agreed, some being willing to
convict Gesner and Biggs provi
ded Williamson would be turned j
Joose. The opinion prevails
among the mass of the people
that members of former juries
who made such a stand for Wil
liamson were either interested
themselves or else had close
friends in some way connected
'with Williamson's transactions.
There rriust have been some such
reason, else, why on the same
evidence would one man, a party
to the same misdeeds as his
confederates not be guilty like
lis pals?
, The example set by the gov
ernment authorities in regard to
this wholesale land siealing is j
certainly one of which the coun
try stood in nsed. Too long and
two often have .we heard the cry
that the rich are privileged ;ye
yond the daring of the poor: too
QTl listened to the assertion that.
. - . ,
J rich that they may grow richer
while the poor grow coiTespond-
mgly poorer. If ever this was
true, there are at present many
signs of a change of method;
there are indications that while
Teddy is in the saddle he will,
indeed, insist upona "square
deal" for every man.1. . ;
While many may bewail the
luck of Oregon in having her re
presentatives at the national
capital convicted of crimes
against the statutes,- few there
are bold enough to assert that in
the case just concluded the de
fendants did not have a fair and
impartial trial. Only, recently
Senator Mitchell fell from his
high place in the minds of men.
AncUo what dqes'tiis future
point? To naught but old age
and disgrace. Surely he has
paid a heavy price for overstep
ping the point of strict honesty.
So have the men just convicted-
lhat they might acquire a few
thousand acres additional land for
sheep , pasture, they have sold
their honor, their own self -re
spect, bartered away the right
to look honest men in the face
they stand today as rogues in the
estimation of good : men. A
kingdom is not worth the price.
The War Department Remem
bers Our Cadets.
xacre is an opportunity lor a
few well qualified, able-bodied
college men. In the Philippine
Islands twenty-five men are
needed for constabulary duty and
these men are to be selected
within the boundaries of the
United States. The OAC may
iurnish three of the twenty-five
These men are to be passed upon
by Lieutenant Quinlan, who is
commandant at the college, and
on his recommendation will . be
acceptable for a trial in the Is
During service in the Islands
Lieutenant Quinlan assisted in
establishing - the csnstabularv
He knows about the character of
a man required in that part of the
world and this fact should give
courar to a man whom he would
select ; ier full inquiry and ex
amination. There isno doub
but a large measure of the re
cognition our college is receiving
in this matter is due to the ef
forts of the lieutenant, both with
officials of "the war department
and in the task of working the
Doys up to such a splendid state
of efficiency on "the field . A few
days ago Lieutenant Quinlan re
ceiyed the following communica
tion from the war department
D'treau 01 insular affairs:
I have the honor to bring to
your attention a request cabled
by the Governor-General of the
Philippine Islands, that, this bu
reau choose conditionally about
twenty-live high grade college
men irom which selections may
be made for the appointment of a
number of Lieutenants in th
Philippine Constabulary. The
selection are to be made by Brig
adier General Henrv T. Allen.
Chief of the Constabulary, upon
his arrival lp Washington - on
leave of absence.
There is enclosed herewith
copy of General Orders . No. 78
and an extract irom Circular 28,
or the Constabulary, series of
1904, which afford much detail
ed information as to the requisite
quanncations. in addition, now
ever, I might add that some two
years ago in connection with the
selection of a number of 3rd
Lieutenants, General Allen wrote
as follows respecting the type of
men he desired to secure:
"Fellows who are by temper
ament soldiers, strong, fine look
ing, and intelligent, with plenty
of good sense and nerve." ;
The cablegram indicates that
the Philippine Commission has
passed a new law respecting the
pay of Constabulary officers, fix
ing the scale as follows: '
Third Lieutenant, per year :..$110O
Second, " 1200
First, " ." ' 1300
They have also adopted the
Army scale of longevity pay.
Appointees may pay their own
expenses to Manila subject to
rebursement after two -years' sat
isfactory service, or transporta
tion may be advanced bv this
Bureau, subject to deduction
irom their salaries at io per cewt
ana reinbursetrnnt aner two
years' service.
The examinations referred to
in General Orders 78 and Circu
lar's are not held in the United
States, and it is contemplated
that the selection of college men
may be made without such ex
amination along the line indicat
ed in paragraph 2 of the order
.It is hoped that you may know
of one or more thoroughly com
petent aMi desirable men, grad
uates of your school, who would
like one of these positions, and
this Bureau will appreciate your
interest in bringing the, matter
to the attention of such graduates
as you may regard desirable and
who would likely accept appoint
ment ifselec'ted. . I am enclosing
herewith three copies of Form 2,
on which it is desiied that ap
plicants set iorth their training,
experience and qualification, to
De mea wiin sucn credentials as
they may desire to offer.
For the guidance of r General
Allen it is. requested that you
write this Bureau regarding the
various graduates whom you can
recommend, so that he will have
as full information as iriav be ob
tainable to guide him in selecting
those to be appointed.
In case you can nake no re
commenaauons in. tne premises
will you kindly bring this to the
attention of the President of vour
Seniors Entertain Freshman.
In accordance with a long established
precedent, the Senior ulasa gave their
annual reoeption-to . , new ctiflents last
Friday evening. This is one of the
principal ancittl everittVif the fall trim
hiiu aiuiosi me enure student body were
in attendance, ' astis'i:?j.l'"llif srr.iors to
welcome the class of theast 0. While
the 09's are the last class that cun have
the cipher before the figure, they are
alsjone of the.Iaigest classes that ever
entered OAC.
, ltm Armory was crowded beyond
seating capacity when the meeting was
called to order and the programs betun
Everyone taking part in the excellent
program that was rendered acquitted
themselves . with honor and reflected
great credit on their rlass. The cornet
solo hy Prof. Beard, at r.ii.uj.mnied by
Miss Spanifirr,'. was itpprecithed very
highlv. air, iSouwt's o:h1 rolo and
Mias Phillips testation were .exception
ally well rendered. President. Gnhard
of the seniors aud Prof Lake made the
addresses. Prof. Tallandier gave an ex
eel lent piano selection. After the pro.
gram some little time was spent in get
ting acquainted, following which came
the delicious cocoa and wafers.
A numbc-r of students taking the agri
cultural course, in company with Dr.
Withycombe have been in attendance at
the Live Slock show in Portland during
the past week. v
Karl Steiwer, president of the '05 class
spent a few days visiting college iriends
arid also taking parf in the alumni game.
Bert Boweis and Wm Abraham, mem
bers of the '05 class known as the "big
tackle'' of '03-4. were in Corvallis during
the week. The boys will go East this
lall. .
The sophomore class has re-organizf d
for the yearjand the following is a list
of their new officers: President, J. W.
Finn ; Vice-President,Mammie Schoggin ;
Secretary, Miss MableCady; Treasurer,
E. E. Hughes ; Sg't at Arms, Tom Gra
ham. Browiisville
; Wooleii Mills
We have secured the
agency of the celebrat
ed Brownsville Wbol-
en Mills clothing for
men, suits ready -to-
wear and made --. to
measurement. For
farmers , mechanics,
and , worknieri these
goodshaveno superior.
Afteb Clottds co:.ies SuifsmTn!.
Afteii Drspoxdexcy cojies Joy.
Aftek Stckness comes Health.
: Aftei? Weakness comes Strength.
. Dr.. Pierce's Favorite Prescription .is
what tUjct It all. It's a wonder worker for
women '. because it is Nature's remedy,
adapted to the needs of twentieth cen
tury women.
ous drug. Made of glyceric extracts
from roots, thorefore their virtues grew
in them in Nature's laboratory, viz:
Lady's Slipper root. Black Cohosh root.
Unicorn root, .Blue Cohosh root, and
Golden Seal root; extracted, combined,
preserved without alcohol, by Doctor
Pierce's own peculiar process, and in
the most exact proportions to secure
the best effects.
If in need of careful, competent advico
before beginning treatment, you will re
ceive it without charge by writing, and
stating your case, to Dr: R. V. Pierce, 663
Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. All letters
confidentially received and answers sent
in securely sealed envelopes.
"I was a rreat sufferer for six years,"
writes Mrs. Geo. Sogden, of 641 Bond a Street,
Saginaw, Mich. "I commenced to take your
'Favorite Prescription' and haVe taken ten
bottles in all. Am now regular, after having
missed two years and suffered with pain in
the head and back. I was so nervous, could
not eat or sleep. Now I can thank you for
my recovery.". ; y .
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con
stipation. One little "Pellet" is a gentle
laxative, and two a mild cathartic.
' Bond Sale. .
- Sale of wa'er bonds Sealed proposals
will be -received by the : clerk of the
Water Committee of the Citv of C-irv-d-
lis, Benton Countv, Oregon, until: Oct
ober 9th, 19U5, at 6 o'clock p. m. for thn
purchase of part or all of a $75,000 bond
issue f said city. i
Said bonds are authorized, by special
legislative act of 1905, and issued to pay
lor the construction ot a gravity water
works Bystem, bear interest at the rate of
4 per cent per annum, in denominations
ot irom $100 to $1000, payable senu an
nually, and are payable at Corvallis,
Oregon, in U. S. gold coin, 40 years after
date ol issue, at the rate ot $2000 an
nually after 7 years, with option to pay
entire issue at end of ten years or any
time tnerealter.
. The assessed valuation of the City oi
Corvallis (.1904) was JS34.850, of which
the actual value is $1,250,000; population
within corporate limits 2400 ; no bonded
debt; general warrant indebtedness
$22,000, of which $15,000 is for construc
tion of sewer svstem.
Said ' Water Committee reserves the
riaht to reiect acv and all bids. Each
offer must be accompanied by a certified
check for 2 per cent of amount of bid,- to
be forfeited if bid is accepted and not
September 9th, 1905.
S. L. KLINE, Clerk
Notice for Publication.
Umted States Land Office,
Portland, Oregon,
Auirust 19. 19o5.
Notice is herebv given that in compliance with
tl'e provisions of the act of Coneress of June 3.
1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber land?
in the States of California, Oresfon, Nevada and
Washington Territory ,"as extended to all the
Puuiic Land States bv act of August 4, 1892,
of Corvallis, county ot Bentcn, State of Oregon,
has this day filed in this office her sworn statement
No 6S54, for the purchase of S. J Si ii of Section
No 26 in Township No lp S., Range No 6 West, and
will offer proof to show that the land sought is ir-ore
valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultur
al purpose?, and to establish her claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver ef this office at
PortlaLd. Oregon, on Monday, the, 6th day of
jNoveniDer, luoa. v
She names as witnesses: Erwin R. Alexander,
Thomas R. Graham, James H. Patty, all of Cor
vallis, Oregon, rtobt. A. Mnfer, ot Portland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the aboe
described lands are requested to file their claims in
tnis office on or betore said 6th day of November,
Administrator's Notice.
Notice io hereby given that the Countv
Court of Benton County, Oregon, has appoiut-
cu lixt: uuuccbif;ucu uuiiiiuiMrokor ui ut; estate
of Euldah A. Brown dec;ased, and llper
sons having claims against said estate will
present the same according to law. to me at
Oorvallls, Oregon, within six monthsjfrom this
Dated September 7, 1905. ,
Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter of the'Estate of J .
Mary A. Garlinghouse. deceased j
Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned
that the undersigned has been- duly appointed ex
ecutrix of the last will and testament of Mary A.
Garlinghouse, deceased, by the County Court of
Benton County, Oregon. All persons having claims
against the said estate of Mary A. Garlinghouse, de
ceased, are required to present the same, with the
proper vouchers, duly verified as required by law,
within six months from the date' hereof, to the un
dersigned at her residence one nnJe east of Monroe,
Bentqn Countv, Oregon, or at the office of Yates &
xates, uorvallis, uregon. . .'
Dated this 26th day of September, 1905.
Executrix of the last will and testament of Mary A.
Garlinghouse, deceased. 80 92
Take The Gazette for all the
ocal news.
Presidential Election Will :
Make Ko
No matter what candidate is elected.
Foley's Honey and Tar will remain the
people's favorite remedy for coughs,
colds, and incipient consumption. x It
cares colds quickly and prevents pneu
monia. A. J. Nusbaurn, Batesville, Ind..
writes; "I suffered for three months with
a severe coid. A druggist prepared,. me
some medicine and a physician pre
scribed for me, yet I did not improve., I
then tried Foley's Honey and . Tar and
eight doses cured me." Graham &
Calling cards popular styles in
cards . and type at the Gazftte
office. 80tf
.4 mr
VTRAGOor) -i . ( ry VJk Vf ''
Our comprehensive stocks of clotties
for both large and small boys are now at their best and include
everything needed for boys for street, dress, or school-wear. We
have an unlimited assortment of little chaps' suits and overcoats,
From 3 to 10 years, 2.50 to $7.50.
Will be .given' by the Undersigned
for the arrest and conviction of
any party killing China Pheasants
out of season in Benton County.
Ills Social
Plans to get Rlcn
are often frustrated bv sudden break
down, due to dyppsia or constipat
Brace up and take Dr. King's New l.i -Pills.
They take ou t the materials which
are clogaing your energies and give you
a new-start. Cure headache and dizzi
ness, too.. At Allen v Woodward's drug
store; 25c; guaranteed.
Consumptives Made Comfortable.
Incipient consumption is curea. by
Foley's Honey and Tar, but we do not
hold out talse hopes ,to consumptives hy
claiming that it will cure that dread d s
ease in the advanced stages; but if the
lungs are not too far gone Foley's Honey
and Tar will effect a cure, as it stops the
racking cough and ecoths the inflamed
air passages giving them a chance to
heal, and even the advanced tages it
always gives comfort, and relief. A. .A.
Herron, of Finch, Ark., writes: "Foley 's
Honey and Tar is the best preparation
tor coughs and lung trouble. I ; know
that this has cured consumption in the
first stages. Giahani & Wortham.
"Ifind Thedford's Black-Draught
a good medicine for liver disease,
"cured my Fon after he had spent
H00 with doctors. It is all the med-
irarKersourg, w. Va.
If your liver does not act reg- '
ularly go to your druggist and
secure a package of Thedford's
Black-Draucrbt and take a dose
tonight. This great - family
medicine frees the constipated
bowels, stirs np the torpid liver
and ca-iaes a healthy secretion
of bile. -
Thedford's Black - Draught
will cleanse the bowels of im
purities and strengthen the kid-
. neys. A torpid liver invites
colds, biliousness, chills and
fever and all manner of sick-
nes3 and contagion. Weak kid
neys result in"Bright's disease
which elaims ds many victims
as consumption. A 25-cent
package of Thedford's Black
Draught should always be kept
m the house.
' "I nsed Thedford's Blaek
. Dracght for liver and kidney com'
Ft 11 W ?T T T1???2,56tWnP eXCel
and Athletic Club
To all Defects of Sight.
Matthews, The optician
Room 12, Bank Building.
Annually, to fill the new positions created by
Railroad aud Telegraph Companies. We want
YOUNG MEN and LADIES of good habits, to
- And Railroad Accounting.
We furnish T5 per cent, of the Operato. f'i
Station Agents in America. Our six schools ni
the largest exclusive Telegraph Schools IN Th'(
WORLD. Established 20 years and endorsed by
all leading Railway Officials.
We execute a $250 Bond lo every student to
furnish him or her n position paying from S40
to 860 a month in states east of the Roeky Moun
tains, or from $76 to J0 a month in states west
of the Rockies, immediately upon graduation.
Students can enter at any time. . No vaca
tions. For full particulars regarding any of
our Schools write direct to our executive office
at Cincinnati, O. Catalogue froe. .
The Morse School cf Telegraphy,''53
Cincinnati, Ohio
Atlanta Ga.
Texarkana Tex.
- Buffalo, N. Y3
LaCrosse Wis.
San Francisco Cal
Cornice, Roofing, Guttering,
and all kinds of Sheet Metal
Work. i .
F; Ai Heiicye
In connection with. J. H.