ClMltD AUVtHHStMENlS CLASSIFIED ADVEBTI8EMENTS : . Fifteen words or less, 25 cts for three successive insertions, ' or 50 cts per month; for all op to and including ten additional words. cent a word.for.each insertion. ... For all advertisements over 25 words, 1 ct per word for the first insertion, and J ct per word for each additional inser tion. Nothing inserted for less than 25 cents. - Lodge, society and churck notices, other than strictly news matter, will be charged tor. Return Trip Rates. Beginning Sepmber 28, he Southern Pacific will sell return "tip tickets from Corvallis to Portland l r $2.t0. These tickets are good for u n day - and will be hi n red by any train going or coming on dat63 called for. FOR SALE 74 HEAD OF GOATS, MOSTLY NAN nifs. Inouire Wm Crees, CorvaHie, 77-9t OAK GRUB WOOD. CHEAT AND vetch hay satisfaction gnaranteed. T. A. Loesdon. Phone 55 Mt. View Line. 75tf FRESH, CLEAN -VETCH SEED, 2 cents Der nonnd. sacked. Inquire J. E. Aldrich, Corvallis, R. F. D. 3. 72-80 ALL WOOD HANDLED BY THE nnrlersigned is now in this city and has been placed in the hands of the Citv Transfer Comoanv for sale. Norwood Tradine Co. 66tf TWENTY HEAD WELL-BRED Shropshire ewes and ewe lambs. Ap ply George Armstrong, Corvallis. 77-9 NEW TIRES PUT ON BABY BUG- gies and go-carts, at Dilley& Arnold's ATTORNEYS SOME-RICH ARE SLOW PAY Notorious Fact Declares Writer That Han; in' Society Haggle Ovex Their Bills. Tnose Who Patronize. MANY ENGLISH IN MEXICO. Increasing' Use of Language in South ern Bepublic Makes Conver sation Easier. J. F. YATES. ATTORNE Y-AT-LA W. Office First National Bank Buildup. Only set of abstracts in Benton Conn y W. E. Yates. Bert Yater, YATES & YATES, Law,' Abstracting and Insurance. Both Phones. Corvallis.-Oregor. E. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Post Office Building, Corval lis, Oregon. JOSEPH H. WILSON, ATTORNE Y-at-Law. Notary, Titles, Conveyanc ing. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Office in Bnrnett Building. AUCTIONEER P A KLINE, LIVE STOCK AUCTION- eer, Corvallis, Or. P. A. Kline Linr, Phone No. 1. P. O. address, Box U. Pays highest prices for all kinds f live stock. Twenty years' experience, Satisfaction guaranteed. WANTED WAITE D 500 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE , Gazette ana Weekly Oregonian a $2.55per year. " DENTISTS E. H. TAYLOR, DENTIST. PAIN less extraction. In Zierolf building Opp. Post Office, Oorvatlis, Oregon. The increasing use and knowl edge of the English language in Mexico must not be considered by foreigners who propose to do busi ness in Mexico as relieving them from a necessity of knowing Span ish. For those who come in direct contact with the masses in any way the native language is still very essential, and will always be. The amount of English that can be heard by the visitor in the main street of this capital city is apt to be misleading. . It is not necessary to journey to the inte rior of the country to reach a sec tion where English is neither heard nor understood. By walk ing a few squares either to ,the right or left, away from the beat en track of the tourist and the foreigner, one readily encounters the Mexico that must be spoken to in Spanish. As has been said many times, it is more important that the man who comes to Mexico should know thoroughly his own business than that he should have a fluent knowledge of Spanish. Ignorance of his business is quickly detected by those with whom he has to deal, and at once discredits him, yet he may employ the services of an in terpreter without offense.- Many people who are not inti mately acquainted with condi tions in the Spanish islands that have recently come under the con trol of the United States imag ine that they" will be readily Americanized. They do not know what a long process is required to change the language andrthe customs of a race. It will not be done in a generation, nor in many of them. Children born of Ameri can parents in Mexico invariably learn to speak Spanish before they do English, and it must naturally folow that local customs are to them more familiar than those of their parents. The new dependen cies, and the constantly growing trade relation between the United States and Spanish-speaking countries, make it most desirable that the education of the young men of the United States should include a thorough course in Span ish. Many young men in coming years will hnd a knowledge of Spanish a valuable asset of their stock in trade. It is notorious that the rich are often scandalously slow in paying their bills. I recall one instance where the wife of a multi-millionaire (she waj3 afterward divorced), took no notice, month after month, of a bill amounting to over $20, 000 for her daughter's wedding trousseau, and this bill was not paid for more than a year after the ceremony, and only then because a resourceful collector "held up" the multimillionairehimself in the street one day, and finally got his check, declares Cleveland Moffett, in Success. I have been told of several rich women in the smart set, two of them very .rich, who are wont to haggle over prices in the shops as if they were in genteel poverty, one of these ladies, whose showy Newport fetes are widely pro claimed, tried on a certain occa sion, to "beat down" an estimate for candle shades, favors, etc., that she wanted in a hurry for dinner dance, and, having failed in her effort, she finally exclaimed. "Why, you oughtn't to charge me a cent for these things! Think of the advertising you can get out of it! If you treat me right I'll see that your place is mentioned by- all the reporters!" And another, whose husband is one of the richest men in the world, actually wept before Fifth avenue dressmaker in her pleadings for a reduction of $15 on the price of a certain garment that she simply had to have but could not afford, she declared, out of the small allowance made her by her husband. When I was in Newport last summer people were laughing at the latest petty economy of this same husband, who is certainly one of the "closest" of our idle mil lionaires. He had heard of a new aluminum paint, warranted to keep shiny without much rubbing, and he had forthwith given orders that the brasses on his beautif-jJ yacht be smeared over with this paint so that it might reduce his pay roll by the wages .of two sail ors previously needed to clean these brasses! This gentleman's income nfoist be at least $4,000,- ooo! . . For the promotion of a good and beneficial entertainments in Corvallis, we, the undersigned agree to take the number ot tickets set opposite our respect tive names for the followine- talent: - ' v ; 1. Male Quartette and Bell Ringers, 2. 3- hart. Maro, the magician. Honorable G. A. Gear- 4-5- Mr. Elias Day. The Harry T. Butterworth Company. Signed by the following : ' Edward F Green, James Withycombe; Thos M Gatch, A B Cordley, R L White head, T H Crawford, Geo Coote, Frank E Edwards, Brt Pilkington, George B Keady, M C Phillips, Wm H WicH. R Lake, T T Vincent, H S Pel not, W Kent, HF Wood, E C Hay ward, M Bush, E E Wilson, A L Knisely, Jas Brodie, E R Bryson, G A Covell, A Wilkins, B W Johnson, C T Hnrd, E Horning, RxrsB Adams, O E Peterson, G H Feese, J F Yates, Henry Ambler, R V Hollenberg, J C Hammel, J M Nolan, A Hodes, C CCathey, R J Watts, Jno F Allen, Alexander & Brown, Milton P. Morgan, 'John Reeves, F E Jonee, Milton Wyatt. P O Stewart, Dr Lester, M P Burnett.jMrs F dark, E D Jackson, A P Johnson, C J Johnson, C E Hout, T A Bell, W G Lane, Chas Colbert, O J Blackledge, C L Shepard, J B Horner, F Berchtold, Otto F L Herse, W TShaw, G Taillandier, F L Kent, M H Bauer, I D Bodine, Miss Fowelfs, Cbas Pernor, Chas L. Johnson, G V Skelton, O M McKeIir.8,iB:F Pernot, Thos Bilyeu, W A Buchanan. J O Lowe, J H Wortham, V E Watters, A J Metzger, Thos Calla han.E F Bryant, W T Wiles, C H Woodcock, Wm Whiteside, J B Irvine. Our Blessings.. STAGE LINE. PHILOMATH AND ALSEA STAGE Stage leaves Alsea 6 :30 a. m. ; arrives t Philemath at 12 m ; leaves Philo math 1 p. m., arrives at Alsea 6:30 p. m. All persons wishing to go or return from Alsea and points west can be accomodated at any time. Fare to Alsea $1.0 J Round trip same day $2.00. - 11. . KICKARD. BANKING. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF Corvallis. Oregon, MAKES LOANS on approved security and especially on wheat, oats,- Hour, wool, baled bay. chittim bark, and all other classes of produce, npon the re ceipt thereof stored in mills and public warehouses, or unen chattel mortgages . and also npon other classes of good se curity. DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD upon the principal financial centers "of the United States and foreign countries. thus transferring money to all parts of the ciyilized world. , A CONSERVATIVE general business transacted in all lines of banking. Slakes K'.dnaya caa Ciair- TJ-gA ELASTIC PULP PLASTER PHYSICIANS' B. A. OATHEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build ing. Office Honrs : 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4p.m. Residence : cor. 5th and Ad ams Sts. Telephone at office and res idence. Oorvailis, Oregon. O. H. NEWTH, M. D.PHYSICTAN and Surgeon, Office an 3 Residence, on Main street, Philomath, Oregon. B. D. BURGESS, M. D. Office over Blackledge Furniture Store. Office hours : 10 to 12 and 3 to 5.1 NO SAND. NO LIME. Fire Proof Water Proof WILL MOT - FALL OFFi CRACK CRUMBLE Jusf the Thing for Hop-Drl ers. Write for Catalogue. Pacific Pulp Plaster Co. PHONE MAIN 2362 517-521, Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, OREGON. R. M, WADE & CO., Agts., Corvallis. WOODSAWING. WASP 'BECOMES A HUNTER. Intelligent Insect Proves a Veritable Octopus In Preying on Its Fellows. When summer warmth has awakened the maternal instincts of the insect world, the mud dauber wasp may be seen gather ing mortar at the margin of stream, pool or puddle, writes C. H. McCook, in Harper's Magazine. Filling her mandibles, which serve as both spade and hod, she bears the load of mud to some rough sur face, rock or wall, or board or beam. She spreads and shapes her mortar, until, after many vis its to the mud-bed, she has built a tubular cell about an inch long and three-eighths of an inch wide. Then her huntress instinct awak- bbs and her raids upon tr e spider realm begin. For within this cyl inder the mother mason will put a single egg. - In the course of time this will hatch into a javenous larva, whose natural food is liv ing spiders; and these the mother proceeds to capture and entomb within the mud-daub nursery. On this errand she may be seen hawking over the near cobwebs of various sorts, venturing within the meshed and beaded snares that prove fatal to most incomers, and - sometimes even to herself. If the occupant, expectant of prey, : -I ' - f ' i 1 J ' ' - j't ' 'j ;- "1 aiiifs iuri.ii 10 seizctne-jniruuer. it finds itself a captive, not a cap tor. " The wasp shakes the silken 51ament from wings and feet, turns upon the spider, seizes and stings it, bears it to her cell, and thrusts it therein. - I I j nW ' ililllihHhiiitiiliiiiuiimm(liiiui)ittiiuiwi.iiiiiiiMmimiiiiiimiiHHHiitllilnll ? AVegetable Preparalionfor As similating ttieFoodandBegula- ung ttieatoinauis 1 anatwweis 01 Promotes Digesdort-Cheerful-ness andRestContains neither Opium,Morplune nor 'Mineral. Not Narcotic. UrnJan Seal" Jlx.SmM BodudUSallt- yhiutSeed. Apetfecl Remedy forConstipa Tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Fac Simile Signature of "NEW YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature v EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. In Use For Over Thirty Years THI CENTAUR OMMNY. MEW TOR CtTT. A few days ago A. C. "White, of this city received abetter from anold friend Perry S. Carter, who resides in Des Moines, Iowa, telling something of con ditions in that; part of the world. To digress a trifle, wemay state incidental' ly, that few of us who have our abode in Oregon realize to any considerable de gree the blessings in the way ot climate that have come nnto us in our daily pur suit of life, liberty and happiness "We are not in the belt where lightening strikes nor are we likely to get wrapped np in the tail of a cyclone. - - ' Of course we have some rain, but we could not io without it. Many of us are lulled to slumber on the long winter nights by the sound of one. raindrop after another sliding off our roofs and plunking onto the porches. But by way of recalling our blessings, we must again refer to an txcerpt from Mr. Gar ter's letter. . The writer believes in brevity'and is terse in dealing -with facts. Hesaye : . ' " , " VI was down to the Indianola Fair last week.. Lightening struck a tent and killed five people injured eight others. The Fair stopped, rifeht off. I don't want any more of that kind cf fireworks." . Corvallis Rates to Lewis and Clark Fair Over Southern Pacific Railroads.- $2.90 In Memoriam. . KIDNEY DISEASES are the eases. most fatal of all dis- Cni CV'C KIDNEY CURE It I rULCI u 6u2rast68d Remedy or money refunded. Contains NEW GASOLINE WOODSAW-AL1, "V t orders given prompt attention short , mat puyftrauu uu w w notice- orders solicited. Good work, I Kidney and Bfadgff tfOUPlCS as cheap as anybody. W. B. Hassell, 1 . '.- m. .j nn "-- The following resolutions were adopted by the Senior Class at OAC Septrnibpr 53, 1905. ; ' ' "Whereas, It has pleased Divine Provi dence to remove from our midst an teemed' lassmate, Louise Gilbfrr,' and Whereas,' The " life ' of the -departed friend was one of helpfulness and good cheer,'an.d ; "Whereas, In recognition of the loss sustained tbyus and that deeper .loss borne bv the family of the deceased, be it. - c'-. " rvv EesolveJ, That the heart felt sympathy of this clasB be extended to the parents and other .members of the family, for whom we desire the. comfort of Him "who doeth all things well," and be it r Eesolved, that a copy of these resolu tions be given the family, and also that they be published in the columns of our local papers. .- . Alice -r Edwards, . .- M' .E. Bruknap, :- Ethel A. Bekman, : ; Committee on Kesolutions.. . . i - . individual Tickets. RATE. . ."'.... One and one-third fare for the round trip. SALE DATES.. Daily from May 29th to Oct. 15th, 1905. LIMIT Thirty ds. but not later than Oct. 31,1905. IJj) m4 w a4 Tam am IIama rained ui 1 gii ui iviuic. For parties of ten or more from one point, (must travel together Lon one ticket both ways), party tickets will be sold as follows: RATE One fare for the round trip. ) SALE DATES. .Daily from May 29th to Oct. 15th, 1905. V JbZ.OU LIMIT.. Ten days. .. Organized Parties of 100 or More. day from one place, individual tickets will be sold as follows: RATE.. ..One fare for the round trip. aa SALE DATES . . Daily from May 29th to Oct. 15th, 1905- $2 .60 LIMIT........ Ten Days. ( Stopovers. No stonovers will be allowed on any of the above! tickets: 'they must be used for continuous passage in each direction.. , For further information call on J. E . F A R M E R , W. E. COMAIM, Agent, Corvallis Gen'l Pas. Agt., Portland. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. MA!L ARRIVES. , 8:30 a. m. Mail arrives by stage X for Portland and all points " North and East, also for . California and points on S. P. 10 a. m. From Monroe by stage. 11:15 a. m. From Philomath and points West on C. & E. 12 m. From Portland, and all points on the West Side. 1:30 p. m. From Albany and all points North, on the S. P. MAIL DEPARTS. S a. m. For Albany and points - East on the C. & E., and for points North of Albany on the S. P. . 10:30 a. m. For Albany and all points North and South on the S. P. 12:30 p. m. For West Side points, ... Portland, and points North and East, also for points . West on the C. & E. 2p.Rl. For Monroe, Or. BUS p. m. - For Portland, Cali - fornia, andpoints' North,. East and South. - v It's Not Unlikely. "Some marriages may be made in. Heaven," observed the Pohick ;Miilosopher, as he kicked the gro e;y cat off the cracker box, "but -x I plance around the ranks of s;-ssiety it occurs to me that the devil manufactures quite a few." Chicago Sun.-.i Hoisy Show. " : : XJuiteappropriately, the theater of war 'is devoted to blood and thunder performances. Puck. " - . LETTER LIST. The following Jetters remain uncalled for in the . Corvallis postoffice, for the ,wek ending Sept 23, 1905: ; Mayme Anderson, G. B. Bryant, Miss DorthylOooper, Miss Frances Ellis, Mrs. Jas. B. Gant 2, E. E. Given, Jesse T. Henderson, (A. B. Hartley, M. G. Hall, Mrs. G.;H. Harris, I. C. Harper, Mrs. John Heasting, Miss Bnby Jone?, Miss Adalade'Morris, B. L. Peterson; Mrs. S. B.Roberts. B. L. White, Mrs. Halda Snotn, Smith & WilliainB, Emett bheter, G. M. Beam, Mre. Etta Taylor. 1 . " B. W; Johnson, P. M. Reduction in Rates. loisie September 1, the round trip fare to Portland, account Exposition, w ill be re duced from $3.50 to JS2.90 for a thirty day ticket but not good after October 31st. This is voluntary reduction made by the S. P. B. B. and wilt be appreciated by the public as the last six weeks of the Fair will be the beat part and see the largest crowd. ' . J. IS. Farmer, &g,U, Corvallis. W. E, OomaoG.r F. P. -Agfc Port- .... r . . ?2tf . . Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis cuit homeHriiade. ; rThey will be fresher, cleaner, more tasty and wholesome. Royal Baking Powder helps the house wife to produce at home, quickly aijc eco nomically, fine and tasty .cake,r t! -a rIxd hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and muffins, with which the ready-made food found at the bake-shop or grocery does not compare. : - Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps. -- fml PAKINfl POWDER CO., i HEW VOMC -; PRIC33can4Wa. Ind. PD0B9 63v