Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, September 26, 1905, Image 2

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    mm bwtiit
Published Tuesdays and Fridays by
Gazette Publishing Company.
The subscription price of the Gazette
for several years has been, and remaii ts
$2 per annum, or 5 per cent discount i;
paid in H.lvaiiie.
If you are a young man or
woman and in independent cir
cumstances you may, if your
tastes run that way, pursue some
hobby, may indulge in a purely
theoretical education along some
line of art. But if your pros
pects are such that the probabili
ties are that you will later in life
"earn your bread by the sweat
of your, brow" it is the part of
wisdom to -confine yourself in
your studies to that which js emi
nently practical.
To be successful you must have
something to dispose of, and
whatever this that you possess
may be, your success depends j
- wholly upon the demand for
what you have. If you are a
merchant you must have in stock
what the people want what
they require, what is a necessity
with those whom you expect to
patronize you. When you have
these things you may expect to
be a successful merchant, pro
vided, you can sell as reasonably
as any competitor you are likely
to have.
So it is with, an education. A
young man or woman starting
out in life, expecting - to carve
their own destiny unassisted,
should come to an early realiza
tion of the fact that what they
store in their heads in the way
of knowledge must have value.
In order to have value it must
be along practical lines and such
'that is of use to the masses. It
is the same in trades in the in
dustrial fields. What you train
your hand and eye to do must be
along lines that are productive of
something that is of material
worth. The practical aim should
be to produce a given thing for
which there is a demand. When
you have prepared yourself to
meet these requirements then
you may have reason to hope for
success, for you have possessed
yourself of that which you can
barter eternally.
their own price and take what
they willed.
Do our wa;o earners care 0
much for the "other fellow"
that they want the value of what
their labor produces to fall to
low that foreign trade Iwill be
stimulated? Would they be
willing, in order to increase our
exports, to work on shorter hours
and less pay ? Do our farmers
and manufacturers want the
value of their products to decline?
Do they want this badly enough
to take reciprocity "sop" to the
effect that the "other fellow" is
going to do the noble act in all
cheds and play fair?
Our College.
OAC is the pride of our peo
ple. It is the biggest thing in
town, in fact, the largest college
in the state and the greatest Agri
cultural Collet ; on the coast.
We are too apt to forget the im
portance ot our college and its
work on account of its location
in our midst. We need a re
minder now and then ; need have
the curtain raised that we may
imbibe somewhat ot the ideas of
others.- We ring up the curtain
on the fallowing, taken Iroui the
Rural Spirit:
The State Agricultural Col
leges afford a practical training
for the farm boy and girl. There
the young man may learn im
portant things connected with
the line ot work he has been
associated with all his life. He
will upon the completion of his
course be fitted to take up farm
work with renewed enthusiasm
There was never greater need for
trained heads in farm work than
1 . M t
at present. i ne wnys ana
and wherefores are essential
Land values are increasing, com
petition is Keener, tne many
questions that arise in farm
operations each year require
greater effort to make farm lands
pay good dividend?.
The graduate of an agricultur
al institution, who has common
sense and judgment, possesses a
valuable asset, that will count
for pleasure and renumeration in
his pursuit of agriculture. The
farm girl will be benefitted equal
lywith her brothei. . She wil
receive a training along the lines
of domestic economy that will
fit her for a helpmate on the farm
Her education will be useful
.She-will be taught to observe and
her position in life will be looked
up to. Get an education. Let
it be along the lines of usefulness
for only such an education counts
in the end.
ing a bill to regulate raiiu.. d
freight and passenger tariffs in
Oregon. A bill is in course ol
preparation which it is propot-ed L
shall be submitted to the uk
at the meeting to be held in
Eugene, September 29 and 30,
on which, if approved, the initia
tive is to be invoked at the nener
al state "tlccttim next Tunc.
Representative Graham, of thi
lty, is a member of one of the
committees that have the mattti
in charge.
Mr. Graham said this morning
that while he could not say what
action the convei tion would
take, he was of the opinion that
dratt ot a bill would be sub
mitted to the convention, but so
Far as he knew it would not be a
rastic measure, the aim being to
deal fairly with the people and
the rail nr. ds."
J. A. Carson, of this city, who
is chairman of the committee on
tax law, it is understood, will
have an interesting reoort to
make. More than ordinary, iu
terest centers in the railroad rate
aw. It is a proposition in which
members of the league, and the
railroad people are deeply inter
ested, as shown by recent develop
"Take off the duty' from
articles in which we are interest
ed and the foreigners will buy
more from us because we are
buying more from them." Such,
boiled to an essence, is the re
ciprocity program. If we take
away the duty on many things
we strike a blow at our own in
dustries. Take hides, for an ex
ample, when those produced by
foreign countries are allowed to
come to the United States duty
free, all those engaged in the
cattle raising industry must
necessarily have less money to
"spend, for the simply reason that
they will not have so good a
market as they had formerly.
It will be the same with wage
earners in steel. When they are
dut of work as the, result of
large importations of steel there
will be less- demand for various
products. They will no longer
have 'employment, and having
no work, will have no money.
If such bacomes the condition of
our people everything' will be
cheap on a par with all cheap
labor countries. And when we
have reached such'a state -foreign
countries will perhaps buy more
of us in quantity, but not value.
There will be no home market
and in consequence everything
we possess will be cheap. As our
industries become crippled - so
will the pocketboolcs of our wage
earners and the great common
people will u;p less of every
thing, even to the point of deny
ing their stomachs what Jthey
crave. Under these conditions
would it be remarkable if foreign
countries bought largely of us?
They would' -have but to name
For Infants and Children.
h8 Kind You Have Always Bought
Life is a constant fight against the dan
gers of disease, and he holds his own the
est wno Keeps
his body and
its functions in
the best work
ing trim.
There are
times in every.
lite wnen iNa
ture gratefully
accepts a little
aid. She does
not want a
whinninsr up
for that is inev
itably follow-
1 l ,i
IzA eu uy u:jius-
sing reaction.
In most cases
ZP a tonic and al
terative prop
erly com
Donndcd will
afford the required help by promoting
digestion, assimilation and reconstruc
tion of tissoe and reducing waste of vital
nerve forces.
It must not be an alcolwlw stimulaivt
just a vegetable tonic. Meeting these
neeas ana conuinons jjr. fierce s txoiacn
Modical Discovery lias been in successful
use these forty years and lias accumu
lated a record of cures uneaualed in the
history of medicine. It is composed of
non-alcoholic, glyceric extracts of Golden
Seal root, Queen s root, Stone root, Black
Cherrybark, Bloodroot and Mandrake
root, and by special processes rjerfected bv
ur. fierce, in nis own laDoratory, so com
bined in the most exact proportions, and
their medicinal properties preserved
without the use of alcohol as to render
it a safe and effective remedy for use in
the family without consultine a doctor.
Young or old can take it freely as needed,
and now that its composition Is pub
lished, there is no ground for prejudice
against it as a patent mediciue or secret
medicine. It is neither.
T2V Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets
''BtJrrS cure constipation. Constipa-
KeWeXs ion is tbe cause 01 many dis
eases, uuni tne cause uiiu .vuu
cure the disease. One " Pellet " Is a gentle
laxative, and two a mild cathartic Drug
gists sell them, and nothing is "just as good."
Dr. Pierce's greatf thousand-page illus
trated Common Sense Medical Adviser
will be sent free, paper-bound, for 21 one-
cent stamps, or ciotn-Douua ior n stamps.
Bears the
Signature of
We have secured the
agency of the celebrat
ed Brownsville Wool
en Mills clothing fo
men, suits ready - to
wear and made to
measurement. To
farmers, mechanics
and workmen these
goodshaveno superior,
There are many expressions
among the English speaking
people that are likely to bewilder
a person should such person pon
der deeply on a given idiosyn
crasy. For instance, of late we
have heard much of the' interest
ing features of the "live" stock
show at present held in connec
tion with the Portland Exposi
tion. This has set us wondering
anent the drawing capacitv of a
"dead" stock show. The fol
lowing annecdote is a little along
this line: v
As old Robinson was walking
along the principal street of his
native town something new
struck his eye in the window of
the watchmaker's shop.
It was a large haisdsoine deck
and from it was suspended a card
bearinj the words:
"Gees 300 days without wind
ing!" -
Suddenly an idea struck him,
and he went into the shop.
"That's an interesting clock
of your?," he said; "but there is
one thing I should like to know.'-'
"What's that?"
"How long it would run if it
waswound up?"
Work With League.
From what can be ascertained
it is realized that the Willamette
Development ' League is every
day becoming more important.
According to tbe following dis
patch sent out from Salem a few
days ago the Southern Pacific
Company will work in harmony
with members of the league:
A prominent Southern Pacific
representative is here today, pre
sumably to consult with leading
members of the Willamette Val
ley Development League, regard-
Cheap Sunday Rates Between
Portland and Willamette
Valfov Points
Bond Sale.
Sale of WR'er bonds Sealed proposals
will he rei-eived bv the clerk of Hie
Water Committee of the City of C .rval
lis. Benton County. Oregon, until U-t-
ober 9tb. 1905. at 6 o'clock p. m. for the
purchase of part or all ot a $7o,OUu Dona
issue of said city.
Said bonds ate authorized by special
legislative act of 1905, aud issued to pay
for the construction ot a gravity vaier
works svstem, bear interest at the rate of
4 per cent per annum, iu denominations
01 Irom ?1UU tof 1UUU, payame semian
nually, and are payable at Corvallis,
Oregon, in U. S. gold coin, 40 years after
date of issue, at the rate ot $ zuuu an
nually after 7 years, with option to pay
entire issue at end of ten years or any
time thereafter.'
rtie assessed valuation of the City ol
Corvallis (J904) was JS34.850, of which
the actual value is $1,250,000; population
within corporate limits 2400; no bonded
debt; general warrant indebtedness,
$22,000, of which $15,000 is for construc
tion of sewer system.
Said Water Committee reserves the
right to reject any and all bids. Each
offer must be accompanied by a certified
check for 2 per cent of amount of bid, to
be forfeited if bid is accepted ana not
September 9tn, 190.
S. L. KLINE, Clerk.
r, r - - ,;Z3 1 K Cl i
basmfc i m ii few i
Our comprehensive stocks of ciotfies
for both large and small boys are now at their best ,and include
everything needed for boys for street, dress, or school wear. We
have an unlimited assortment of little chaps' suits and overcoats,
From 3 to 10 years, S2.50 to $7.50.
Notice for Publication.
Low round trip rates have been placed
n eupct between Portland and Willam
ette Valley points, in either direction
ucKets will be sold;
and limited to return on or before the
following Monday.
Rate to or From Corvallis, $3.00. .
Call on Southern Pacific Co's Agents
for particulars
United States Land Office,
Portland, Oregon,
August 19, 19oS
Notice U hereby riven that in compliance with
I the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3,
1HS. entitled "An act tor tne saie 01 timoer tan
in tne States ot California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to aU the
Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892,
of Corvallis, county of Benton, State of Oregon
has this day filed in this otSce her sworn statement
No 651, for the purchase of S. J Si of Section
No 26 m Townshin No lo S.. Ran ire No 6 West, and
will offer proof to show that the land sought is irore
valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultur
al purpose?, and to establish, her claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver of this office at
tortlaLd. Oregon, on Monday, the:6thday of
Novemaer, 19lto,
she names as witnesses: crwin k. Alexander,
Thomas R. Graham, James H. Patty, all of Cor
vallis, Oregon, Robt. A. Miiler, of Portland, Orrgonr
Any and au persons Claiming adversely we aDove
described lands are requested to tile their claims iu
this office on or betore said (itn day ot JNovemDer,
Like Finding Money.
Finding health is like finding money I
so. tninK those who are sick. When
you have a cough, cold, sore throat, or
chest irritation, better act promptly like
W. 0. Barber, of Sandy Level, Va.' He
says: '"I had a terrible chest trouble,
caused by smoke and coal dust on my
lqngs ; but after finding no relief in other
remedies, I was cured by Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds." Greatest fale of any cough or
lung n xdicine in the world. At Alien
& Woodward's drug store; 50u and $1.00;
guaranteed. Trial bottle free.
- Cured of Briglit's Disease.
Geo. A. Sherman, Lisbon Red Mills,
Lawrence Co N. Y., wiites: "I had kid
ney disease for many years and had been
treated by physicians for twelve years ;
had taken a well known kidney medicine
and other . remedies , that were lecom
mended but got no relief until I began
using Fo'ej's KiJney Cure. The first
half bottle relieved meand four bottles
have cured me ot this teirible disease.
Before I began taking Foley's Kidney
Cure J had to make water about every
fifteen minutes, day and night, and pass
ed a brick-dust substance, and some
times a slimy substance. I believed I
would have died if I had not taken
Foley's Kidney Cure." Scld by Graham
& Worthara.
Miles Starr went to Poitlenda
few da) a ago foi the purpose of see
ing something of the Fair..
Gazette Independent phone No
Finest seeds in marketvetch
cloycr and grass at Ziero'f's. 75tf
Administrator's notice.
Notice io hereby given that the County
Court of Benton County, Oregon, has appoint
ed the undersigned administrator of the estate
ol luiaan A. ttrowu aesciaseo, ana uperi
sons haviug claims acaiiift said estate will
present the same according to law,, to me at
Corvallis, Oregun, within six mouths.from this
Dated September 7, 1905.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter of the Estate of I '
Mary A. Garlinghouse, deceased j
Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned
that tne undersigned has been duly appointed ex
ecutrix of the last will and testament of Mary A.
Garlinghouse, deceased, by the County Court of
Benton County, Oregon. All persons having claims
against the said estate of Mary A. Gailiughouse, de
ceased, are requirea to present tne same, witn tne
proper vonchers, duly verified as required by law,
within six months from the date hereof, to the un
dersigned at her residence one niile east of Monroe,
Benton Coonty, Oregon, or at the office of Yates &
1 ates, corvallis, urejjon.
Dated this 20th day of September, 1905.
Kxecutrix of the last will and testament of Mary A.
Garlinghouse. deceased. 80 62
Given Up to Die.,
B. Spiegel, 1204 N. Virginia St. Evans
villp, ltd , wiites : "For over five years
1 was troubled with kidney aud bladder
affections which caused me much pain
and worry. I lost flesh and was all run
down, and a year ago had to abandon
work entirely . I had three of tne best
physicians who did me no good and I
was practically given up to die. Foley's
Kidney Cure was recommended and the
first bottle helped me and after, taking
the second boitle I was entirelyjcured."
Sold by Graham & Wortham.
Take The Gazette for all the
ocal news.
Students Home First j class
board. Near College Armory. In
dependent phone 12. . 76-9 f
Do Not tie I reposed Upon.
Foley & Co., Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and Iubj.
remedy, and on account of the great
merit and popularity ot Jboley's rlonev
and Tar majy imitations aref:eied for
the genuine. Ask for Foley's Honey and
Tar and refupe any surtptittite oKeied as
no other preparation will give the same
satisfaction. It is mildly laxative. It
contains no opiates and is safest for the
children and delicate persons. For sale
by Graham & Wortham.
Foley's . Kidney Can
makes kidneys and fsteddei
Are You Engaged?
Engaged people, should remember,
that after marriage many quarrels can
be avoided, by keeping their digestions
in good condition with Electric Bitters
S. A. Brown, of Bennettsville, S. C,
says: "For years my wife suffered in
tensely from Dyspepsia, complicated
with a torpid liver, until she lost tier
strength and vigor, and became a mere
wreck of her former self. Then she tried
Electric Bitters, which helped her at
once, and finally made her entirely well.
She is now strong and heal hy." Allen
& Woodward druggists, sells and guaran
tees them, at 50c a bottle.
Attacked By a Mob.
and beaten, in a labor riot, nntil cover
ed with sees, a Chicago street car con
ductor applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
snd was soon sound and well. "I nee it
in my family," writes G. J. Welch, of
Ttkonsha, Mich., "and find it perfect."
Simply great for cuts and burns. - Only
25c at Allen & Woodward's drug store.
Try fbrtlealth
222 South Peoria St.,
Chicago, III., Oct. 7, 1902.
Eight months ago I was so ill
that I was compelled to lie or sit
down nearly all the time. My
stomach was so weak and upset
that I could keep nothing on it
and I vomited frequently. I
could not urinate without great
pain and I coughed so much that
my throat and lungs were raw
and sore. The doctors pro
nounced it Bright's disease and
others said it was consumption.
It mattered little to me what
they called it and I had no de- -sire
to live.. A. sister visited me
from St. Louis and asked me if
I had ever tried Wine of Cardui.
-1 told her I had not and she
bought a bottle. I believe that
it saved my 1 if e. I believe many
women could save much suffer
ing if they but knew of its value.
We Fit Glasses
To all Defects of Sight.
MATTHEWS, The Optician
Room 12, Bank Building.
hmhkb NEEDED
Aiinually, to fill the liew pi .sit ions created by
Rnilroad and Telegraph Compniiies- We want
YOUNG MEN and LADIES of good habits, to
We furnish 75 r-er cent, of the Operators aud
Station Agents in America. Our six schools are
the largest exclusive Telegraph Schools IN THE
WORLD. Established 20 years and endorsed by
all leading Railway Officials.
We execute a $250 Bond to every student to
furnish him or her a position paving from 940
to 360 a month in states eastof the Roeky Moun
tains, or from $75 to $100 a month in states west
of the Rockies, immwliataly upn graduation.
Students can enter at any time. No vaca
tions. For fall particulars regarding any of
our Schools wiite direct to our executive office
at Cincinnati, O. Catalogue froe.J
The Morse School of Telegraphy,
Cincinnati, Ohio
Atlanta Ga.
Texarkana Tex. San Francisco, Cal.5
Buffalo, N. VI
.Lacrosse Wis
Heating !
Cornire, Roofing, Guttering,
snrl all kinds of kfc-'heet Metal
F. A. Hencye
In connection -with J. H.
A Cold Settled in His Kidneys.
Don't you want freedom from
pain? Take Wine of Cardui
and make on- r .-r:ne effort to
be well. ' You t need to be
a weak, helpiec; 2exer. Tou
can have a woman's health and
do a woman's work in life. Why '
not secure a bottle of Wine of
Cardui from your druggist today?
. A. J. Jennesse, 9201, Butler St.. Chi
cago, writes : "I am a en itchman and I
am out in all kinds of weather. I took a
cold which settled in my kidneys and I
was in a bad shape. I tried several ad
vertised remedies with no benefit, nntil
was recommended to try Foley's Kid
ney cure. Two-thirds f a bottle cured
me. Sold by Graham A Wortham.
Got of f Cheap.
He may well think, he has got off
cheap, who, after having contracted con
stipation or indigestion, is still able to
perfectly restore his health. Nothing
will do this but Dr. King's New Life
Fills. A quick, pleasant and certain
aure for headache, constipation, etc. 25c
at Allen & Woodward drag store; guaranteed.