Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, September 26, 1905, Image 1

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Vol XLH.
Corvalus, Benton County, Oregon, Tuesday, "September 2G, IOOo.
V 5
Recalling '.'Pap Hayseed." the
Greatest of the Great.
The football season is again on.
At times we conclude that we
will cot take interest again in
the game. . That is the resolve
that has come to many a Cor
vallis man especially after the
last time we got skinned. It is
human nature on such circum
stances to swear off and that is
what we have all done.
But we don't stay quit. The
fascination little
Holgate, Gault, Hall, Elgin,
Nash and other old familiar
names were on the roll of battle
and to see the old men play again
brought manv a Corvallisite into
the grand stand. The same thing
will take place again next Satur
day and to the usual interest will
be added that unusual feature,
"Pap Havseed," playing center.
The other name of "Pap Hay
seed" is Harvey McAllister. He
traveled 200 miles last winter to
see the OAC team play Multno
mah on. Christmas. When the
first half was over "Pap" declar
by little comes ed tnat ne Qad 80t tne worm
back and we let it steal over us. ms money. At the same time
There is the hope of licking the he declared his purpose to take
the fellow that mav have licked part in the Alumni game
us. There is tbesuspense, the ycdr'
In his time McAllister was the
greatest football center in the
Northwest.- That honor was
conceded him without a dissent-
ng voice. It took him a long
seven years to learn tne game,
but in the last of those games he
was a wonder on the field. He
was tall and gaunt, but big
boned and with muscle of steel
to match. He never saw any
thing on a football field that he
was afraid of. No one ever saw
him running towards his own
goal. It He went down it was
plunge of the always with his race to the toe
nail-shod man orange to say, tnougn playing
The Irrigon Irrigator on' Country
as we
preparation and "the climax. It
spreads to youns and old alike
and draws them all into the
charmed circle. They all say
- the game is rough, and so it is.
Thev say there is an element of
chance in it, and so there is,
They say it takes a good man
and a gritty man to plav the
game, and so it does. And in
these things is the explanation
of why the game has such a hold
on the American people. We
all admire grit. We applaud
a good, strong man. We extol
the dash and
sweatered and
whn tears im and tWnps -thrmiwh center, f'Pap" often went with
' the organized mass of men dis- the ball when playing ofiense.
' pitting his progress to that goal How he got away, nobody knew,
t lor which eleven jood men are but he did. On defense he not
'dashine. and to defend which only played his own position, but
"eleven other good men are giving he generally met the other
' sturdy' battle. It is a game of positions and backed up tne line
'nerve: and 'what American does much after the fashion of Dow
not admire nerve? Walker.
Tr icn m(.vHiat horionno He was a player rarely match
el, W .orm hA nn ihi. ed and if as expected, he appears
cublic. and it has come to stav. in the lineuP next Saturday there
So, with the season again on, we
shall all watch the intricate pro
cess of developing a great foot
ball team. - -
The story is that things look
good on OAC field . now. Dr,
Steckle is the master spirit there,
and ' as a coach he is probably keason
witnout a peer m tne west, witn
him football is not a system of
set rules, a schedule . oi -tactics
always to be followed, and men
each a unit with all the plays to
be touched off exactly alike, no
matter who the units are or
what their capabilities be. He
is a student of the game, a
thinker, a planner, a strategist
who measures first the man, and
then builds the play to fit him
Speed, power and alertness,
these are the torces he calls into jn California and
play, and when he has them all hQ favor of such
combined to suit, the product
The country weekly
have it today came into
ance about 40 years ago,
the "patents" were first
at the disposal of the publishers,
and during these four decades the
rural newspapers, as a rule have
deteriorated rather. than progress
ed. In other words the country
press has not kept step with the
march of learning -and intelli
gence. '
On the second day of the pres
ent month out of about thirty
country weeklies which came to
the Irragator office, 27 hao
a!e-t, nihides or outsides, and
he-Tticks in. these patents bor
Jate lines principally of Augus
23, 24 and 25 with now and then
a so-'-alled ''special'' dated Aug-
town and community. To that
end we nil our two outside pages
with choice excerpts along the
lines of actual irrigation and
high class fruit and garden cul
ture, to do which we take nearly
every good farm paper in the
United States, and the glean
from these thousands of columns
the matter which we think is
the best to show our readers
what has and can be done along
lines they are treading.
And then we have what many
we will say most country
weeklies do not have-an editorial
page, upon which we print lrom
week to week articles written in
our own office. And, by the
way, in one of our exchanges,
published in this state, we notic
ed in the last issue an article
of nearly two columns about the
will not be a single old-time Cor
valhsile that won't want to be on
hand to see "Pap Hayseed" play.
A Matter of Roads.
One of the greatest drawbacks
to this country in the winter
is the. condition of the
roads. Perhaps it is the great
est single thing against which
we have to contend. The build
ing of highways has been of
greatest importance to all classes
of people from the period of the
ancients to the present.
In the past all sorts of experi
ments have been made in the
way of road building with more
or less success. - Of late there
has been great quantities of
petroleum used in making roads
we hear much
procedure, l it
S annears that down at Carlton an
a lightning offense that it takes experiment with oil has been
mighty ; men to stop. That is started, as will be made plain by
what the great Multnomah game the Observer, as follows:
opened witn last ennstmas, and Last Friday night' the hose
that was what enabled the col-
company was called out to give
r legians to execute 24 formations the street a thorough soaking pre-
ana drive tne great Multnomah paratory t fitting the ground for
men oacis. ior a toucn-aown in a frggh coat Gf 0ii. The car load
DUt nve minutes and lourteen Qf 0n put on . in-the spring has
.actuuu-, a apctuKJic m- gnuiron been highly satisfactory. The
u.iUv..uUmvuSw yy muuuu- flirt 6t the street was -dug up
mah experts never to have ' been - loose to the depth of four inches
seen Detore on Portland's held. ; and the oil carefully worked into
Even with !a - rawer, thinner, it. It is believed that by putting
lighter bunch ot men than are on another coat of oil before the
now on OAC's field each night, rainy season sets in it will turn
with,Steckle at the head would, as water and leave a smooth, hard
said above, look good out there, surface lor winter wear. If the
With a few old. yets, warriors I experiment proves as successful
1M fi i TTTM1 ' T 1 I r . .... f
nice js.001, wimams, isunoy, tor winter as it nas tor summer
Dunlap, Dolan and Lawrence in petroleum is the , key that will
the lineup, and with big, new unlock the door of the "good
men glore, the prospects of the roads" problem, and the dust of
season are as fair as an "Italian summer and the mud of winter
sky. ' 1 will no longer be looked upon as
The most interesting thing on j the things to be most dreaded in
the campus now is the alumni 1 the Willamette valley. As crude
game next Saturday. Nobody I oil costs eighty or ninety ceHts a
has forgotten the pleasure of a barrel the expense is so -light
that it will
pay to oil country
similar game last year. It was
the first of the kind that had oc
curred. It eclipsed anything of
the kind that ever transpired in
the state.' The old champion-
ship team of 1897. ..was , with one Jack8on Btreetfl ,8. rupiis
or two exceptions, in the lineup received at any time in Piano? Harmony
against ine new ior nd Theoretical subjects. Send lor cat
- ! Piano Lessons.
Mordannt A. Goodnough announces
the opening of his studio, on 4th and
and Theoretical subjects.
logoe. Phone Ind. 476.
championship honors. "Pap
Hayseed," the famous old center,
was not there, 3ut Bodine, Tiurs-1 Largest line of matting in coun
ton. JdcBride, Walters, Edwards, I tj at Blackledges. 30tf
ust 26. ' '
We find then that the so-called
ews was from seven to ten days
Id, which would have been a
tair record for. the days of the
Civil War, or tor an earlier date
when it took a letter two days to
go from New York to Philadel
phia, five days to Boston and s,ix
months to San Francisco.
In the meantime our postal and
telegraph facilities have been so
expedited that these days be
tween New York and Boston
and Philadelphia have been cut
down to hours, and the months
between New York and San
Francisco have been reduced to
less than days.
And during these fortv years
the rural population has grown
to be an eager army of readers
ot intelligent readers who want
the news, and they have learned
to rely , upon their home town
papers for local news only, and to
go to the city dailies, semi-week
lies and weeklies for the general
news of the world.
- The country publishers have
tried to see how large a paper
they could give their readers, re
gardless of the quality of the
matter it contained : and the pub
lishers or furnishers of the patents
have met this ; demand at low
figures bv filling a large portion
of their space with - noxious and
pernicious advertisements, nota
bly of the patent medicine and
get-rich-quick ads.
So today we find " the intelli
gence of the average country
publisher, below the intelligence
of his readers, for they send forth
each week a great mass of ttuff
which has been read days before
by their subscribers, and the re
suit is that only that . portion of
their columns devoted to home
or local news is of any interest to
There is a place for the little
country weekly, just as there is a
niche for the big city daily; there
is a work a useful work for
the village publisher as well as
the city publisher. The work
of each is to give the news of his
field, and the field of one is his
little local, or at most county
community, and the field of the
other, who is in touch with the
cable and overland telegraph, is
the world.
So we say that for a country
publisher to send out this
patent" stuff week after week is
an insult to the intelligence of
his subscribers, and the sooner
that this is learned and acknow
ledged the better it will be for
the rural newspaper fraternity of
the country. '
In this state we have a few no
table exceptions. Three of them
we noticed on our exchange table,
and there are probably others.
There fearless publishers are con
tent to fill the place allotted them
and leave the broader field to be
covered by the press at Portland,
Seattle and Spokane. :
We feel that the Irrigator has
a work to do, and that ; this work
is to educate our people along the
lines oi intensive farming on
small tracts of irrigated land,
and, mcidently to build up our
page,-not a
ine of editorial in the whole
Then comes our local page,
which enumerates such news as
those who are absent would like
to learn of our home doings
and a little "stuff" to fill up
and make people talk a'txmt us
and our town.
Russo-Jap war, under the editor-
line of ongi-
ial head and not a
nal matter on that
In First Rank.
Don't throw away the pieces
of your broken fyeplaepes or specta
cles. Bring them all here and have
U9 try our skill in
Repairing Eye dosses.
If the Ieneee be broken, we ran replace
them. It the frarre be broken we can
probably fix it up ae good as new. In
either case you eave 'he cost of a new
pair. That's an item worth considering,
isn't it?
Albert J. Metzocr
Occidental Building, ... Corvallis
1 1 hmmMM
M l
! ! !
BeginsJIits 24th year September 28. 3
Preparing for County and State certificates. Higher courses
recognized in Washington and other States.
Longer terms, higher wages and better
opportunities tor promotion award the
Normal graduate for his enterprise.
School directors appreciate the superior
ability of Monmouth graduates and the
demand far exceeds the supply. Special
attention given to methods work in "
graded and ungraded schools.
Catalogues Containing Full information
will be sent on application. Correspond
ence invited, address
E. D. RESSLER,' President.
Many of our citizens will re
call the time when Dave Rose-
brook was a resident ot this city,
and was director and leader of
the old Marine Band, which
made 'music well calculated to
tickle the ears of our music
lovers. Dave is a Lincoln coun
to boy; he grew up over there
and it might be said that he
never had any opportunities af
forded him for the study of
music. We have heard it said 1
that he sat out on a stump in a
patch of slashing and tooted
away .on his cornet morning,
noon and night. He played be
cause he could not help it.
Finally his reputation began
to reach away from home. He
could do wonderful things on his
chosen instrument. He drifted
to Portland a large field for a
backward, country raised bay.
In a year or two he out-grew
this city and was lured into San
Francisco musical circles. As a
cornetist in the bay city and at
the world-famous resort at Santa
Catalina Island he has won favor
steadily and as an artist is both
loved and envied. During the
time that Innes had his band at
Portland to open the Fair, Dave
occupied a chair under the great
conductor's baton.
He is the peer of any other
cornetist on the coast and the
equal of any other performers on
his instrument regardless of where
they hail from. " Regarding Dave
the Los Aneeles Times has the
Island visitors are having
rare treat nightly in the concerts
by the Catalina Island Marine
band. For the number of per
formers it is difficult to believe
better music is produced in the
West, and programs are arranged
to please all, from the most culti
vated, who enjoy the best com
posers, to those who care only
for the bright, catchy . work of
modern writers.
The solo work by real artists
is a teature in the Dana tnis sea
son. D. C. Rosebrobk is mak
ing a great hit with his audiences
and his popularity is well deserv
ed. In only one direction is his
popularity questioned. Wn?n
Mr. Rosebrook strikes pedal h,
awaydowh in the sub-cellar, th
men behind the big horns wb
think they should have a mom j
oly on such notes, can be set
to turn green with envy. :
Another phenomenal note 1
high G, which rings clear as r .
bell. When not with the islan
baad Mr. Rosebrook " occupies
the position of assistant diree'e".
of the celebra'ed Tark Band o
San Francisco.
Are you in the dark?
Do your eyes give you constant
service without pain ?
If not, your eyes are in a condition demanding investigation
and correction. Have your eyes examined by
E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.
Licensed to practice optometry in the state of Oregon.
Will be given by the Undersigned
for'the arrest and conviction of
any party killing China Pheasants
out of season in Benton County.
Corvallis Social and Athletic Club.
Come to the Gazette office and see the
very pretty new type faces suitable for
calling cards. We have an entire new
series for this class of work the very
latest and popular creations. Special
new types for invitation card work and
society printing. We can please you.
Our work helps you to realize that all the good printers are
not outside the limits of Corvallis.
Any quantity of vetch, clover,
and grass seeds at Zierolf 0. 75 tf
Do you know Ave keep a complete line
of house furnishing goods ? Everything
from a curtain poll to a parlor suite and
from a clothes pin to a steel range, al
ways on hand.
Just the thing for house lining. We buy it by the ton.
j : Keduced prices by the roll. ! "We are headquarters for
I stoves and ranges. Our ranges are fully warranted.
Ask to see those new air-tight heaters, just reeeiyed.