Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, September 01, 1905, Image 3

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    ioci a yd ptasawi
t . JU. iuirer - ana,
sriven up firm life for
family have
the present
and are at home in this cfy. .
Dr. and Mr. M. M. Davis came
out from the bay,, Tuesday,! to eee
how everything fared at home.
It is rumored that a branch of
the Corvallis Club is to be estab
lished, in Junction City in the near
Mrs. Julia Paul went back to
Portland, Wednesday, ii join her
husband after having vieited here
for a number of weeks.
Final touches are being added to
the C. E. Ireland hop drying
house. F. A. Hencye has charge
of the installation oE the piping.
, Dr. E. J. Thompson, .formerly
: pastor of the Presbyterian church
of this city, but now of Independ
ence, visited Corvallis friends dur
iDg the first of the week.
There will be German preaching
at the Presbyterian church next
Sabbath afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
These services will be conducted by
Rev. J. C. Byerline, of Albany.
All are cordially invited . " i
Ralph Gill, of Scio, spent Mon
day night in this city while on his
way to the coast. He went oyer
westward after a band of sheep
which he purchased recently.
J. E. Felton and "son started
taking out the old walk, in front of
the city hall, Tuesday , morning,
preparatory to putting a concrete
walk in froi.t of that building.
V. P. Fiske, editor of the Ore
con Woodman, published at Dallas,
Or.T has been in Crrvallis for sever
al days on business connected with
his paper and Woodmen generally
"James Flett and family, accom-
' panied by Miss Bssie Yates, return
ed to this city, 1 uesday, after spend
ing several weeks on Mr, Flett's
Five Rivers homstead. They had
an enjoyable outing.
We received a postal card a couple
of days ago from Rev. M. S. Bush
who has been taking an outing at
Elk City, requesting us to "Please
announce regular services at the
Presbyterian church next Sunday."
.Harvey Sargent arrived home.
Monday, from a peidling trip to
1 Portland and return. He had fair
ly good success,, but gives it as his
opinion that the farmers have no
money. He leaves shortly for the
Independence hop fields, where he
. intends establishing and running a
shooting gallery. ,
Mrs. W." W. Gar row and baby
arrived in this city, 1 uesday even
ing, and are the guests of relatives
They came from McCioud, Calif.
where they have made "their home
for a couple of years. Wilbur is
still there, but as he has disposed
of bis business at that place he in
. tend 8 to come to Coryallis in the
' . near future. '
Next week hop- hsrrvt-Mt. wi"
gin. - lne quantv tii crop
Benton 18 A I. Th yiil i
Erneet Kyle re'uriif-d honif t:
fi ret of the week from a trip
Eastern Oregon. He was not 8a -
tied with conditions there.
MibS Agnes "-Mw e returned . .
this city, Wednesday, '- from N;--
Club Raided.
All readers of ineGzette are
aware that some lew weeits ao.
there was estaohsned in thucrtv
a. cIuj being ka.nvn as the "Cor
vallis Social and Athletic Club."
That liquor was. a feature and
drawing card of the club none of
its managers nor officers denied.
The congregation1 of the Meth
odist Episcopal church will worship
in the M. E. church, South, both
morning and evening next Sunday.
The pastor, Rev. Feese will preach.
Morning subject, "Our Father in
Heaven;" evening subject,, "The
Good Derived from drawing near
.to God." This privilege has been
most cheerfully accorded by Rev,
Mr: Reeves, pastor of the Southern
Methodist church.
portwhere she had., spent a cupl
of weeks. Sne was accompaifeo
home by Mrs. E. E. Mundy.
Baptist Church next Lori
Day, Sunday school at ten o'clock.
preaching services at eleven an j
seven-thirty. The pastor wni
nappy t greet you all again.
Mrs. Ella Bowers arrived in thv
city recently aud is visiting rt-l-
tives. She is a cousin of Mis
Jennie Grier. Mrs. Bowers' horn-
is in Mexico and at the conclusion
of her visit she will return to tb
southern country. .
H. Hodes lore down the porch in
front of his gua store yesterdwy
morning. Early next week h
will start workmen at the task of
installing a cement walk in front of
his Diace of business. The front t
the store is to b& treated to a coat
of paint. "
W. S. Gardner and family arriv
ed home from the const 1 uesday.
The family were -ai the coast ,-s
couple of weeks, but. Mr,. Gardner
was only with them a part of the
$ime. Mark Fruit took them over
to the coaet and back by private
Mrs. W. H. Bartgess has gon to
Albany to visit friends, - and Miss
Loree Bartgess is visiting friends
neai Tangent. M'ss Francis Bart
gess left ytsterday afternoon fo'
Philomath to visit her aunt. They
have all been guests ' 'ecently of
Prof. Goodnough and mother, this
city. . .
On account of the repair work
being done at the- Christian church
there will be no services of an
kird next Sunday. All things
will be in readiness and all services
will be resumed September 10.
Children of the Sunday school are
asked to'-remember that Sunday
school will be held at that date.
It is reported here that a party
recently shot and killed an albino
China pheasant. It is said to have
been a very fine specimen, but as
it was out of season the party who
killed the bird was afraid to have
it mounted for fear of in this man
ner attracting to himself the yen
geanceof the law.
Bert Newton smashed a finger on
hiB left hand very badly yesterday
morning by striking it with a ham
mer. He had been working for
Adams Bros, on the Wilkinson
nouse. tie tore trie nail and a
good deal of the flesh off the end of
his finger', making quite a painful
wound. . '-
, ueorge apangier, wire ana son,
who have been visiting a few days
at the home of J. A. bpangler, this
city, departed yesterday for Albanv
to visit relatives in that city and
vicinity. They are enroute trt their
home in Santa
valuable articles ' were - saved.
The house was a very old one and
from time to time had undergone
repairs. It was, large and com
fortable, being conveniently ar
ranged. Hot and cold water was
carried through the dwelling.
While pld it was in good repair
and answered as well as an ex-
However the club was organized ! pensive new residence. Furniture
and incorporated under the taws
of the State of Oregon, and while
it was vejy obnoxious to the
nostrils of the local option . people,
thefact that quite a number -of
our substantial citizens are said
to be members proves conclusive
ly that" there were those who
opined the club was all right..
Iet opinion be as it may, the
fact remains that on a complaint
made out by Deputy District
Prosecuting. Attorney Bryson,
Wednesday, Sheriff Burnett and
his deputy, J. D. Wells, accom
panied by one or two other gen
tlemen raided the place. - This
was shortly after noon. -The
sheriff, according to the author
ity vsted by the complaint he
carried was entitled to take into
custody Mike- Kline, Merwin
McMaines, Tack Miline and.John
Doe. ' v ' ' '
Mr. Kline being absent from
town at the time, Messrs. Mc
Maines and Miline, were appre
hendedJohn Doe was not dis
turbed, although present in some
numbers. The tro men secured
were haled before Justice r Hol-
gate and vigorously , examined.
On representations they made the
matter was postponed, until even
ing, by which time Mike Kline
had promised oV ptioue to be
here. . .. ' ' ' - ,-- .-
The evening session was held
in Attorney Bry son's y office be
fore Judge Hoi gate. The de
fendants. Messrs. "K'ine. V Mc
Maines and Miline, plead I their
own case. ack JMUtne showed
that he was connected with the
club and its workings solely as
steward and, as we understand,
his case was dismissed. ' . 1
His Honor, realising that in
all probability a test case would
be made and the matter carnea
to a higher court, imposed a fine
of $300 each on Mike Kline and
Merwin McMaines for their
operations in defiance of the local
option law. It. is? commonly as-
serted that these men will. take
an appeal. They have thirty
days to carry the matter to
higher court and . a -reasonable
time to secure counsel -and file
their bonds, etc The matter
will be watched with.considerable
interest by the people of this city
and all, the loss is probably
$2y 500 i
Mrs. Harding did not know if
there was any insurance on the
house or furniture, but thought
there was on the latter possibly
on Both house and furniture. Mr
Harding being in Portland, we
were unable to ascertain the
facts on this point.- Mrs. Hard
ing, while regretting the de
struction of her home very much
ooked at the matter philosoph-
ically and said that she had ex
perienced greater misfortune.
Next Monday, September 4th,
is Labor Day, and the governor
has so proclaimed. It chances
that this is the date for old
soldiers to appear before County
Clerk Moses and draw their pen
sion lor the Quarter vear lust
a j
closed. (Ji course Labor Da v.
being a legal holiday, all public
offices will be closed in accord
ance with custom and law. How
ever, in order that the old sol
diers may not be disappointed in
the matter, and to accommodate
those who may be unmindful of
the fact that it is a legal holiday
and appear at the office anyway;
the clerk has decided to keep
open house for a couple of hours
on this occasion. These hours
are from 8 to 10 o'clock in the
morning and old soldiers shoulo
bear this in mind.
A Bad Fire.
Shortly before 9 o'clock yester
day morninsr- a telephone mes-
Ana,. Calif nrnia, j sage conveyed the intelligence
Senator P. Avery and Prof. John
Fulton arrived home the first of
the week from a hunting trip of
fifteen days duration . They went
onto the head waters of the north
fork of the Umpqua river- this is
distance between three and four
days' good driving. ; They crossed
the Cascades by what is known as
- the old military road. The hunters
killed four deer and wounded ' a
couple of black, bear, but did hot
follow the latter to their lairs, as
it was growing dark and the sports
men were not pasitive that they
had lostany crippled bear. Alto
geiher'they' saw about 125 deer
and 4 bear. . Mr. Avery says that
if it were not lor the fact that cat
tie are ranging all over that coun
try it would be a nunter s para
dise. - . , -
' H. L. Dunn,, wife and t ch:ld, ar
rived in this city, Tuesday, from
Oklahoma. They came , via Calif
" ornia and visited in San Diego and
Los Angeles while en route to Cor
vallis. They were about a month on
. road. They also visited ;the Ex
position in Portland before coming
herei Mr. Dunn is a 'nephew of
Jamas Spencer, of AlBea, and went!
over to see his relatives, ' Wednes- j
day. Mr. Dunn farmed in Okla
homa and speaks well of that sec-
tion of the country, his only parti-
" cular objection being the high
winds.- Where he was located the
'main crops were wheat and oats.
The average yield of the grain was
from 15 to 35 bushels per aete. Be
fore coining west Mr. ; Dunn - sold
everything he had tnere and it is
his intention to locate in - Oregon if
he finds anything to suit him. He
is wo1 T)il with what he has
l.u. -i .t Oregon.
arter visiting tne exposition ana to tra people that the country
George Spangler is a npphew of J.
A. Spangler. .
P. L. Miller has ttruck a snap.
His discovery is worth millions
but he cannot ; hope to realize in
any such sum. He raised some
vetch and wheat together and as
he wanted to save some clean vetch
seed he was at a loss how to separ
ate ji rrom nis wneas. v many a
novel idea came to him he fed the
vetch and wheat mixed , to his Buff
Orpington hens.. They ate the
wheat and left the vetch seed in
the pan. Under no cood'tions will
a chicken eat vetch. Of course Mr.
Miller cannot patent his discovery
Engineer G. N. Miller was re
ported to be in the edge of town
with his survey party yesterday
afternoon when we went to press
It is said that a : survey of a water
route was made thro igh the prior
cipal street of Philomath. It is
quite probable that the : engineer
will make a report before the water
committee at the regular monthly
meeting of that body next Monday
evening. During the absence oi j3.
L. Kline, clerk of the water com
mittee, in the East, that gentleman
has appointed E. E. Wilson deputy
clerk of the water committee. ;
1 As a showing of the heavy traffic
over theCorvalha & Eastern rail
road Bince the season commenced,
the number of checks used during
the summer will be interesting
dwelling of Gustave Harding
was being destroyed by flames.
Many rcen about the city made
haste to go to the scene of the
conflagration, in order that they
might render any assistance
- It seems, however, that noth
ing possible could have saved
the house, which was completely
licked up by the flames. From
what it learned, Mrs. Harding
thought the morning a trifle
chill and started a fire in the
fireplace. Just how. the fire
originated, even after this, is not
known, but the supposition is
that a spark lodged on the roof
and the brisk wind -blowing from
the north fanned'it into flames'.
When discovered the fire, was too
far advanced .to put 6ut and, the
only thing to attempt was the
saving of what could be carried
from the building in the way of
furniture and other valuables.
Mr. Harding' was in Portland,
but a couple of hired men were
on the place and they rendered
all possible assistance. Neigh
boring men gathered from all
quarters and did what they could
There is a very fine windmill near
For Old Soldiers.
On Wednesday and Thursday, Aug. 30th
and 3 1st, I w ill display my advance
Fall Styles of ' ;
Amsf ield's , Standard of Style Garments
All the best things Empire coats, loose
coats, skirts, jackets, rain coats, cra
iVenetts, Misses coats and tourist coats.
I have all the correct styles thai you are
looking for, as usual.. Amsfield's
ments are
I have the exclusive
Tiq Vfhiie House, GorvaSHs, Ore.
Additional Local.
See Bl;ckledge for furniture, etc.
Prof. G. Taillandier and wife
went to Newport yesterday to rt
main for a week or such a matter.
Kav Jones ariived home in thi6
cuy, vveduesday, from Minnesota,
where he had spent about a'year. v
Hart, Shaffher and Marx hand
tailored ready to wear clothes for
m?n. " Elegant line from ' $15.00 to
$25.00. S. L. Kline. ; 72
"Attorney J. F. Yates paid 'Al-
baay'a business visit Wednesday.
Get your wood. oak or fir-
P. A. Kline. It will keep, vu
warm this winter. 72
A week
see the
schools. How tioje8
Mrs. J. Mason
from next Monday will
opening Of our nublic
announcps'' thst
j sty,es
' - Guaranteed
n 1
! & . F.L. FILLER,
l Coryaliis, -
1.. COPYR1CHT190SBY" . - ' I
she has twentj'-s-vt-n and one-half
dozen very, fine new street haVs, il
tne latent styles, that she will dis
pose of at one-half Portland prices
these are the finest hats ever
brought to Corvallis. She a!s has
a very nne selection oi velvet suit
able for dress trimuningp. 72-3
Largest line of inatting in 'ontn
ty at Blackledges.. ' - 30tf
To Paint or not Paint ? is the
question riany , nouse owners are
now puzzling over. Very likely if
you knew the very low prices at
which we are selling high grade
paints arid oils you would decide lp
paint. We ' have everything -you
need for any painting job, large or
small. Graham & Wells. . 70 tf
leading wall
Since July 13 last the company has the house and an. abundance of
used for local baggage business 5,000 water was thus 1 provided for
paper cardboard cnecKs, asiae trom llfPpnW fl.o somewhat in
the brass checks' that are kept To
use continually Most of the checks
used by the road were between this
city and Corvallis on the one end,
to Newport on the other, the sum
mer travel of people going to the
seaside i and the mountains being
responsible for the great activity in
the transport ation 0 of baggage--
Ii yon are looking for some real g
Bargains in Stock, Grain. Fruit i
Poultry Ranches, write for our gpe -list,
or come aud see ns. We will V
pleasure iu giving you reliaole mloniia
tion: also showiug yon over i.he eonnt
kenrvIambler, PHILOmlH.
Open Day and NighL. , Rooms Single or EnSuito.
J. G HAMMEL, Prop.
On 9 oi Ttha FimstJEcjiiiBBd Hotels in the Valley
check, as the north wind kept
the mill humming.
Notwithstanding the report in
town that the fire had got into
the fields' and was spreading,
only the residence was destroyed.
A good portion., of the furniture
. ILjii't forget that we are head
Quarters for Graphophores and
Record?. We have just received,
new lot -of Columbia Disc and Cv
linder Records. Also a lot of the
American Blue Records the beet
made. Graham & Wells. 70tf
Services will be held in the Con
gregationsl - church on .Monday
evening, Sept. 4, at the usual hour
by'B. H. Barton, traveling "Pil
grim" of the society known as
"Millennial Dawn" people. All
are cordially invited. '
Austin Lifferty has accepted a
position at S. L, Kline's establish
ment. v
Prof. Goodnough goes to ' Port
land today to arrnnge with his
class of piano pupils for the ensuiog
Our new Halt, Schaffner and
Marx Fall suits for rcen have arri
ved in . all the n w styles v and
colors. ; Come in and look them
ove?; 'some swell ories . at $25.00.
S. L. Kline. f. . 72
Our Ladies, Misses" and Chil-
drens Cloaks, Jackets and Kain
Coats have arrived. Latest New
York styles. 'Call and see.v
72 5 J. M. MOLAN & SC
Both Phonasm i Bits Meets aHlTrains.
D. Cm H lest and. -
Chas. Blakealee.
Patronize Home I industry. . " 1
I Out a I do Orders Sollcited.'ZZXZ ZZiZ'ZZ
All Work Guaranteed. lxll - . "
Postponed Two Weeks.
I For Sale 1 set
harness, good repair.
single buggy
. John Reeves.
Wednesday afternoon .the ways and
means committee of , the city council met
with counsel representing E; P.- Greffoz
for the adjustment and settlement of the
city's claim against . Mr, GrefFoz; -, At
torney Hewitt, of "' Albany, represented
Mr. Greffoz and relatives in the matter.
At 7:30 in the evening a session of the
council was held, Attorney Hewitt being
present. No definite action was taken,
bat it is thought that , a plan for final
settlement was formulated along lines
that will be satisfactory alike to the city,
Mr- Greffoz and bU relatives. The mat
ter is to be taken up. again in he course
of a couple of weeks. . Miss Hortenae
Greffoz came up from Portland, Wednes
lir, an refime-'i hoane a-ain yesffril.ty.
Every man owes it to himsilf
and his familv to master a trade or
profession . 'Read tiie display ad
vertisement of the Six' Morse
Sch wls of Telegcaphy, in this issue
and learn how easily a young man
or lady may learn telegraphy and
be assured a position. 0tf
Got oil cueap. .
He may well think.'he has .got off
cheap, who, after having contracted, con
btipation oriadigestion, is still able to
perfectly. reBtore his - health. Nothing
will do this but Dr. King's New Life
Pills. A 'quick, pleasant and certain
cure for headache, constipation, etc. 2os
at Alln A Woodward -drug store; guar
anteed. ' -V