Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, September 01, 1905, Image 2

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    !B C03VALUS LMtlft
Published Tuesdays and Fridays by
Gazette Publishing Company.
The subscription price of the Gazette
lor uouml i-ums hni been, and remains.
42 oer annum, nr -5 per cent, discount if
paid in aiva '"
Ths war between Russia and
Japan is now repented to be a
thing of the past a mere mat
ter of history. The plenipoten
tiary's from both countries
reached an agreement satisfac
tory to both governments at
Portsmouth, N. H., last Tues
Peports have it that men j
threw their hats in the air and
women wept on the announce
ment of the hews. Be this as it
may, if such were the case, we
wonder why they acted in this
manner. ' So far as we observed
the intelligence of a satisfactory
termination of the peace nego-icity
tiations did not cause a . tear in
Corvallis and we are about as
near the seat of war as were the
good people of Portsmouth.
Beyond doubt it is right that
the war should end; it is humane
to consider the sacrifice of life
that a war entails; another
thing to consider is property that
is lost and country devastated;
many families resident in the
war belt are caught as by the
tail of a cyclone and hurled to
destruction or direct poverty,
TWc 0.0 n rW fnlW
a declaration of war so truly as
night follows day, and a cessa
tion of hostilities means, in the
present instance, a cessation of
all these awful conditions.
Japan is thought by many to
have got worsted in including
the terms. If Japan is satisfied t
the matter is settled she is the
judge The general theory ad
vaneed is that Japan was out
generalled in the peace negotia
tions because she failed to se
cure an indemnity. Not so. It
may be possible thac the Mikado
never expected nor hoped for an
indemnity, but knowing well the
temper of the Russians, stuck for
what was almost on the face of
it an impossible thing.
By such an act Japan may
have reasoned " she would be
enabled to finally conclude peace
terms on a basis acceptable to
herself. 'If such were in truth
the case then the Japanese, not
the Russians, are the shrewder
' As for the Sahahlin island, it
matters little. Japan will un
doubtedly do with it ' about as
she pleases henceforth. It is too
near Japan's base for her to
worry over what Russia may or
may' not do on the island in the
future. Japan has trounced
Russia as she never was before
and possibly, probably, never
will be again.
' There are many reasons for
" Japan's splendid victory. First
. of all, Russia made a woeful un
derestimate of her adverary's
fighting ability this really was
the secret of . it all. Another
thing which conspired to Russia's
defeat was the ' disaffection of
her own subjects. That she was
fighting too far irom her '' base
of supplies, both of men and the
- materials of war, is another fac
tor in . her defeat. Her men
were, 'disloyal and her officers
corrupt and dissipated. Cdm-j
pared vith all these features,
J apan was fortunate in her po
sition, the loyality of her soldiers
and. citizens at home, and she
was likewise strengthened by
the knowledge that she possessed
the moral support of the major-
ity oi mansma.
Russia will not (should not)
Soon forget the lesson she has
been taught. May she profit by
. it. ; On the other hand it is to be
" hoped, that ' Japan will continue,
to merit the evidence and es
teem of the world by continuing
. along paths 'that, have se
" cured her naught ,but admiration.
' .J i
Gazette rBell phon No 341. : j
Linn to
Make Test
Option Law.
of Local
Since local option went into
effect January ist, last, many
ihave watched its workings with
Clubs were organized
and maintained at several points
in Oregon under the state law.
One of these existed in Lebanon
and, as stated in the: last
issue of the Gazette, the place
was raided recently by Linn
county authorities. Regarding
the matter the Albany Herald of
Wednesday has the following:
" The prosecutions under the
local ootion law have commenc
ed. Yesterday afternoon Gale
S. Hill, deputy "district attorney
Ior 1nn c unty, nied a com-
i..'t : i-.i t-. TTT
piaini in justice 01 me reace w.
S. Risley's court, charging
Andrew Jennings, of Lebanon,
with a violation of the local
option law by selling a glass of
beer to George Ray in the club
jxoms in Lebanon. Last even
ing Mr. Jennings came to this
and was nomisally plated
under arrest, and he will appear
in court todav and plead to the
Jennings, with his brother,
was formerly in the saloon busi
ness in Lebanon, and when the
precinct in which the saloon was
located went dry at the local
option election, and the city
council or Lebanon declined to
grant a license in the precinct in
which local option did not cany,
for the reason that it was the
residence district of the town,
the firm was temporarily out tf
lime ago JCI1
nings was cnargea witn selling
liquor in violation of the local
option law, and to this he at that
time pleaded guilty and was fin
ed. Since that time the Leban
on Social and Athletic Club was
organized, and the headquarters
of the organization are in the
buildinS formerly occupied by
the Jennings Brothers for
saloon. This was the place raid
ed test Saturday night by the
sheriff under a proceeding
brought for the purpose of secur
ing evidence of the - violation of
the law, and the case brought in
the justice camrt yesterday after
noon is the result,
The purpose is to test the local
option law and the legality o:
clubs, such as Lebanon had, to
operate in and supply its mem
bers with intoxicants, it being
held that the club organized m
Lebanon was but a subterfuge to
evade the local option law passed
by the people last fall.
.. Speaking of the matter last
evening Mr. Hill stated that this
was but one of a series of cases
that would be brought as the
result of the raid on the Lebanon
club and that violators of the
local option law, if they could
be proved to be violators, would
be prosecuted to the full extent
of the law. .
A ciut) similar to tne one in
Lebanon is running in Corvallis
and it is stated that the authori
ties in Benton county are eager
lv watching the outcome
of the case in Linn county
for if it is found that the
courts will uphold the officers i
their attempts to suppress such
clubs, steps will be taken lm
mediately to put a stoD to the
operations of the Corvallis club
Photographer's Meet.
The annual convention of th
Photographer's Association of
the Pacific Northwest will meet
in Portland next week from the
4th to the 8th inclusive Onr
local photographers, W. S Gard
nextand W. G. Emery are mem
bers of the association and the
iat'er will attend the convention
taking a few samples of his best
work.? Whether Mr. Gardner
has arranged to attend is not
known. ': ,
Corvallis work has received
splendid recognition at past con
ventions and we may expect to
hear of newr honors for our local
artists. Some of the features of
the convention aie the evening
sessions at which time a paper
; , Tor Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the VJ" y fT . sT
Signature of (ajCjfftUc
is read on a suggested topic and
the paper is then made the'sub-
ject for a general discussion.
Photographer Emeiy s name
appears on tne omciai program
as one of the lew men selected to
read papers. Mr. Emery's sub
ject will be, "The Country Pho
tographer.' The other speakers
are J. Savannal, of Victoria, B.
subject "Art Principles as
Applied to Photography;" A.
. Muir, of Seattle, subject,
Gum Bichromate Printing;"
S. E. Goodall, of San Francisco,
subject, "Cleanliness of studios
in general." These are all live
Wedding bells rang at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Kyle
in Jobs Addition, this city, Wed
nesday morning at ii o'clock.
At this time Miss Ethel Kyle
became the wife ot ; A. S. Hall,
the ceremony being performed by
Rev. Dr. Thompson, of Inde
pendence, who came up especi
ally for this purpose.
The young people are both
well known in this citv, where
they possess many warm friends.
Both are graduates of OAC. The
bride was one of the teachers in
the public schools of this city
and could have held her position
indefinitely had she so elected.
The groom after taking his de
gree at OAC went to Schen
ectady, N. Y., where he secured
a scholarship iu a large school of
electrical engineering:. He is
but rectullv back to this coast.
The young couple tok the
tram for Portland, Wednesday
afternoon. They go to Cleone,
not far from Portland. This
place is the home of Mr. Hall's
father and here they may remain,
as the elder Mr. Hall is well ad
vanced in years and desires Al
bert to remain at home.
The ceremony on this occasion
was performed only in the midst
of immediate relatives and one
or two close friends. Miss Hazel
Kyle accompanied the couple to
Portland for a visit at the metro
polis. No. 4301.
Of The Condition
the First National Bank of Corvallis, at
Corvallis. in the State of Oregon, at the
close of business, August 25, 1905.
Loans and Discounts-
-8120,051 74
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.
U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 50,()o0 00
U. S. Bonds on hand 400 00
Premiums on U.S. Bouds- 32 25
Bonos, securities, etc 1S.6J2 98
liauking-tiOLse, furniture and lixiure 21, ;o. t8
Other real estate owned 2.1137 41
Due from National Banks-nut reserve :.
- agents 9S.S9 94
Due from State Banks and Bankers lii.iiW 69
Due from approved reserve agents 1.9,279 5s
Internal-Revenue stHinps v?89 90
Checks and -other cash items . g 717 52
Notes of other National Uimks 1,035 00
4,343 94
racuonal paper currency, mukels,
Lawful Mosey Res. in Bank, viz:
ana eents
213 40
Legal-tender notes-.
37,747 10
1,070 00
Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer
5 per cent, of Circulation.-,
2,500 00
Total : f494,973 36
Capital stock paid in ; $50,000 00
surplus fund 10,U Ou
Undivided profits, less expenses and
taxes paid ; : 817 $0
National Bank notes outstanding 60.000 00
Due to State Banks and Bankers fi.622 17
Individual deposit subjeet to check 312,787 00
Demand certificates of denosit 52 507 n.i
Certified checks . 57 00
Liabilities other than those stated
above suspense-,
Reserved for taxes .
Liabilities other than those stated
9,723 40
39 94
above contingent-
2,419 00
$194,973 36
State of Oregon, County of Benton ssi .
I, Geo. E. Lilly, Cashier of the
above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
Geo. E. Liixy, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
31st day of August, 1905.
Bert Yates, Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
E. II. Wiles,
. M. S. Woodcock,
AV alter T. Wiles, .
The Franklin Hop Bailer is
the best, the cheapest, and
- for sale at our shop direct
to you. You get the com
. mission, 20 per cent, at our
shop or 15 per cent. F. O. B.
If you want a Bailer write us
for prices or come and see us
Attacked By a Mob.
and beaten, in a labor riot, until cover
ed with 80rep, a Chicago street car con
ductor applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
nd was Eoon sound and well, "fuse it
in my family," writes G. J. Welch, of
Tekonsha, Mich., "and find it perfect."
Simply great for cuts and burns. : Only
2"c :t' Api & ''or'!' rr,J,3 r'pij stor-2.
To the household but
how about the mother ?
Has she been Iovful ;
during the weeks and
months preceding the
Too many mothers
find it a time of fearful
anxiety because of the
knowledge that they
' are "not in good health."
Thev have allowed
weaknesses, pains and drains to accumu
late till the nealth is completely under
mined and they are "more than"discour
aged." and all because they have been
misadvised by well-meaning friends or
maltreated by an inefficient doctor.
To.all such here is the news that there
in a remedy that will heal and not hurt.
It was discovered forty years ago by
Dr. Pierce who searched A'ature's lahtrr
atoTithe earth, for the remedial agents
so liberally provided therein. He took
Lady's Slipper root, Black Cohosh root,
Unicorn root. Blue Cohosh root, Golden
Seal root, and by extracting, combining
and preserving, without the use of alco
hol, the glyceric extracts of these natural
remedies he has given to the world
Dr. Pierce's Favorite, Prescription,
which has to its credit the enviable and
unparalleled record of more than a half
million of cures in the last forty years.
"Only those who have given Dr. Plerce'9
Favorite Prescription a trial can appreciate
what a boon it is to suffering women." writes
MissVinna Seamore. of .33 Elm St.. Toronto.
Ont. "For two years I suffered intensely
from female weakness until life was a burden
tome, rhad distressing, bearing-down pains
so I could scarcely stand up. Had hot
flashes, was very despondent, weak, and ut
terly wretched. My physician save me treat
ments but without success. I tried several
remedies but obtained no relief until 1 be
Ban to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion. I began immediately to improve, and
in four months' time I was as well and strong
as ever."
Constipation cured by Doctor Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets.
Ne Fit , glasses
To all Defects of Sight.
MATTHEWS, The Optician
Room 12, Bank Building.
Annually, to fill the new positions created by
Railroad and Telegraph Companies. We want
YOUHS MEN and LADIES of good habits, to
We furnish 75 rer cent, of the Operators and
Station Agents in America. Our six schools are
the Inrgest exclusive Telegraph Schools IN THE
WORLD. Established 20 years and endorsed by
all leading Railway Officials.
We execute a $250 Bond to every stndent to
furnish him nr her a position paying from $40
to $60 a month in states east of the Roeky Moun
tains, or from $75 to 8100 a month in states west
of the Rockies, immodiattly open graduation.
Students can enter at any time. No vaca
tions. For full particulars regarding any of
our Schools wiite direct to our executive office
at Cincinnati, O. Catalogue froe.
The Morse School of Telegraphy,
Cincinnati, Ohio. Buffalo, N. Y.
Atlanta, Ga. LaCrosse, Wis.
Texarkana.Tex. San Francisco, Cal'
58-93 ' . .-
, and
Cornice.' Hoofing, Guttering,
and all kinds of JSheet Metal
Work. . -
F. A. Hencye
In connection with J. H.
Notice For Publication.
- . United States Land Office,
Portland, Oregon.
. July 7, 19C5
Notice is hereby given that in compliant with
the urovisioiis of the act of Congress of June 1.
1878, eutitled "An set for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory,"' as extended to all the
Public Laml States by act ot August 4, 1892,
of Monmouth, county of Polk, btate of Oreeron.
has this day filed i&this office his sworn state
ment fto. 6SK4. for the purchase of the E. of S. W.
i & W k of S. H. I of Section No. IS in Township No.
13 South, Range No. C West, and will offer proof
to show that the land slight is more valuable tor
its timber or stone than for Hgricultural purposes,
and to establish his olaim to said land before Regis
ter and Receiver at Portland. Oregon, on Tuesday,
tne r.nn uav oi oepbeinuer, imo.
He names as witnesses: Charles H. Nesman. Wil
lit'd Church, Philip H. Johnscn, Ernest R. Allen, all
01 aionmoin, ureon.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the above-
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this office on or before said 19th day of September
urn. - v
. Register.
A Cold Settled in His Kidneys.
A. J. Jennesse, 9201, Butler St.. Chi
cago, writes : "I am a switchman and I
am ont in all kinds of weather. I took a
cold which settled in my kidneys and I
was in a bad shape. 1 tried several ad
vertised remedies with no benefit, until
I was recommended to try .holey 8 Kid
ney cure. Two-thirds ef a bottle cured
me. SH hv Grphfim A Wrthsm.
We li'dre more blankets and comforters
than we have room for
we will commence a tsn days sale
Don't fail to attend thissale as
Get ready for winter, buy your
Our blankets are Oregon wool
Mills. Our comforters are from Columbus, Mississippi, knot
ted by hand.
CsrvaElis Rates to
er Southern
Individual Tickets.
RATE-. ....... One and one-third fare for the round trip.
SALE DATES.. Daily from May 29th to Oct. 15th, 1905.
LIMIT. .Thirty ds. but not later than Oct. 31, 1905.
Parties ot Ten or More.
. , .
For parties of ten or more from one point, (must travel together
on one ticket both ways), party tickets will be sold as follows:
RATE... One fare for the round trip. ) Ark
SALE DATES . . Daily from May 29th to Oct. 15th,; 1905. $ 2.60
LIMIT. ...... .Ten days. )
Organized Parties of 100!lor More.
For organized parties of one hundred or more moving on one
day from one place, individual tickets will be sold as follows:
RATE ....One fare for the round trip. Ln rr
SALE DATES. .Daily from May 29th to Oct. 15th, 1905. $2,60
LIMIT ..Ten Days. (
No stopovers will be allowed on any of the above tickets; they
must be used for continuous passage in each direction.
For -further information call on J. E. FARMER,
W. E. COM AN, Agent, Corvallis.
Gen'l Pas. Agt., Portland.
8:30 a. III. Mail arrives by stage
for Portland and all points
North and East, also for
California and points on S.P.
10 a. m. From Monroe by stage.
11:15 a. nt. From Philomath and
points West on C & E.
12 m. From Portland 'and all
points on the West Side.
1:30 p. m. From Albany and all
points North on the S. P.
222 South Peoria St.,
. Chicago, Ilu, Oct. 7, 1902.
Eight months ago I was so ill
that I was compelled to lie or sit
down nearly all the time. My
stomach was so weak and upset
that I could keep nothing; on it
and I vomited frequently. I ;
could not urinate without great
pain and I coughed so much that
my throat and lungs were raw
and sore. -. The doctors pro
nounced it Bright's disease and
others said it was consumption.
It mattered little to me what
they called it and I had no de
sire to live. A sister visited rae
from St. Louis and asked me if
I had ever tried Wine of Cardui.
I told her I had riot and, she
bought a bottle. I believe that
it saved my life. I believe many
women could save much suffer
ing if they but knew of its value.
Don't you want freedom from
pun? Take "Wine of Cardui
and make on1 -::e effort to
ha well. Yc ; need to be
a weak, helpli -icrer. You r
can have a woman's health and ;
j do a woman's work in life. Why ,.
not Becure a bottle o "Wine of
Cardui from your druggist to- '
day? - - -- - '
it meansmoney saved to you.
blankets an d comforters now
made by the Salem Woolen
Lewis and Clark Fair
6 a. m. For Albany and points
East on the C & E., and for
points North of Albany on.
the S. P.
10:30 a. m. For Albany and all
points North and South on
the S. P. '
12:30 p. m. For West Side points,
Portland, and points North
and East, also for points
West on the C. & E. '
2 p. m. For Monroe, Or.
6:15 p. m. For Portland, Cali
. fornia, and points North,
East and South. '
Given Up to Die.
B. Spiegel, 1204 X. Vireinift St. Tironc
ville, Jed., writes: "For over five years
1 was troubled with kidney and bladder
affections which caused me much pain
and worry. I lost flesh and was all run
down, and a year ago had to abandon
worK entirely. I had three of tne hest
pbyBicians who did me no conri and T
was practically given rip to die. Foley's
a-ianey iure was recommended and the
Bret, bottle heloea me and fifir tnbincr
the second bo'tle I was entirely cured."
Sold by Graham & Wortham.
; Like Finding Money. 1
Finding health is like fiading money
so think those who are sick. -When
you have a cough, cold, sore ' throat, or
chest irritation, better act DromDtlv lik
W. u. Barber, of Sandy Level, Va. H
says: I had a terriblei chest trouble,
caused by smoke and coal dust on my
lungs ; but after finding no relief in other
remedies, I was cured by Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds." Greatest sale of any congh or
lung medicine in the world. At Alien.
& Woodward's drug store; 50c and $1.00;
guaranteed. Trial bottle free.
Do Not be Imposed Upon. '
Foley & Co.,' Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy, and on account of the great
merit and pornilariry of Foley's Honey
and Tar may iuiiuiflcms are offered for
the genuine. Ask lor Foley's Honey and
Tar and refuse any substitute oBered as
no other preparation will give the same
satisfaction. It is mildly laxative. If
contains no opiates and is safest for the
children and delicate persons. For sale
by Graham A Wortham. ;' ' ,
: Gazette Independent phone No