Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, September 01, 1905, Image 1

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    Vol. XLH.
Corvai,us, Benton County. Oregon, Friday, September 1, 1903.
NO. 72
Ot Interest to Benton County
People by Special
To properly see and appreciate
the exhibit of the OAC in the
second floor of the Oriental
Building at the Lewis and Clark
Exposition visitors must place
themselves entirely under the
care of the able and intelligent
hostess of the department, Mrs.
Stella G. Webster, to whose
artistic skill and cultivated taste
the arrangement of the exhibit
was entrusted, and we guarantee
them a pleasant and profitable
half-hour and a knowledge of the
exhibit, impossible to attain in
any other manner. This was the
course adopted by your corres
pondent and the subjoined is an
almost verbatim report of our
interview with the lady who so
ably represents OAC, and so
faithfully champions its interests:
After discussing the original
plans for the display, and the
difficulties encountered at almost
every step in m its progress, the
limited space placed at their dis
posal, the changes in plans found
to be necessary, our hostess stop
ped to pay a fitting compliment
to ex-Senatoi John D. Daly, to
whose earnest and untiring
efforts, his zeal and fidelity to
the best interests qf the college,
his strong influence in official
quarters, was due - the final suc
cess attained, and to whom,
more than any other man, OAC
owes a debt of gratitude. ,
It was impossible, with so
limited a space for an exhibit to
give any general idea of the work
carried forth in the thirty differ
ent branches of pursuit at the
Oregon Agricultural College, so
after due deliberation it was de
cided not to attempt a popular
exhibit, but to display one branch
specially, in such a manner that
it might be indicative of the
seriousness of the work carried
on in all the departments, and to
touch lightly on as many of the
other branches as space permitt
ed. ' '
The work from the biological
department, of , which Wm. T.
Slaw is instructor, was chosen
as one of special interest to the
public, having - an instructive
value alike to amateur and scien
tist sufficient to warrant its being
placed pre-eminently in the fore
ground. The collection chosen
for this purpose of mounted
birds from the Northwest while
forming but one-fouTth of the
number of species, is complete
and perfect in its way, and one
of the most valuable on the
coast. The collection comprises
about ninety specimens, mount
ed in seperate .cases,, and posed
with a fidelity to Nature which
only the highest art could
achieve. There is just enough
in the simple . surroundings to
suggest something of the habits
and characteristics of the birds,
and whether it is the craning of
a blue bell's neck in search of
food, or the contraction of a
China pheasant's foot in the act
of walking, or the nestling at
titude of the mourning dove, all
speak the spirit of the work and
are communicated to the specta
tor. '
The public always gets from
the writer, the actor or the
rtist, just as much of the spirit
of hiswork as he himself feels,
no more no less. There are
about sixty-five wall cases con
taining the specimens,' 14x18
inches, shallow boxes" lined with
white, and surrounded with a
a two and one-half inch frame of
clull black. This gives an 'agree
able setting to the specimens on
thejreen background of the wall,
and with hangings of forest
. tapestry th exhibit presents a
restful harmony, in keeping with
the dignity of the display. Be
dsides the wall, cases there are six
large glass cases containing the
larger specimens, the canvasback
wosd duck, and blue bill, China
pheasants, nd the handsome and
imposing owls which occupy the
floor space, mounted upon sub
stantial tables, black in color to
correspond with the wall colors.
The other branches arc" repre
sented by. a bacteriological dis
play which occupies one corner
of the room, containing ninety
five tubes of living microbes and
one poor little guinea pig, long
since succumbed to the cause of
science. Here we find micro
organisms of all sorts and dis
criptions, from the fungus foot
disease ot India to the bacillus
mesenteriens vulgaris found so
commonly in water and earth.
In another corner the case con
taining the display from the
Chemistry and Pharmacy de
partment, in all 123 specimens.
Further on the wood and metal
testing taken up during the first
year in manual training and fol
lowed out later on by work in
the blacksmith shop in the sec
ond year, with finished tools and
machinery for the third and fourth
years, very good examples of
which appear in the cases set
aside for them.
History is taught in map work,
some examples being especially
noteworthy, the last in Volume 1
being of marked superiority. Mr.
Bowen's work is about as perfect
as hand work could be, and
stands one in the list of map
drawing. , Y
The department of Botany
which enters largely into college
work, and of which Prof. E. R.
Lake is the able head, is only
represented by a few large photo
graphs which are, however, very
very handsome and artistic. They
represent some interesting studies
of mushrooms, pine cones and
poison oak berries and add much
to the attractiveness of the cor-,
ridor. Together with the photo
graphs of college life, the case
containing these has the mechani
cal drawings, and the palms and
ferns from the horticultrual de
partment. College pennants are!
in evidence where a touch oi
orange is needed to brighten an
otherwise too sombre color
scheme, and pillows of the same
color invite the weary to a rest
on the " settee or the big easy
chairs, and from the windows
float four college banners, hand
somely and strikingly decorated
with the college monogram in
black which give a greeting and
a welcome to old friends and new
For Southern Oregon.
Dr. Withvcombe and Prof. F.
L. Kent, of OAC,jdeparted Wed
nesday for Southern Oregon,
where they are to hold a serits of
farmers' institutes. They will
be down there between two audi
three weeks' and will hold insti
tutes in the counties of Coos,
Josephine and Jackson They
will hold meetings in seven dif
ferent places as follows: Myrtle
Point, Marshfield, Eagle Point,
Jacksonville, Provolt, ' Kirby,
and Grants Pass. !
Dr. Withycombe will treat
largely .of the- soil and animal
husbandry, while Prof. Kent
will discuss various matters of
interest and importance to diary
men. Both gentlemen - will
touch on matters regarding irri
gation and kindred subjects.
William Schulmerich, of Hills
boro, accompanied the gentlemen
to Coos county. Prof. Cordley
will join the party at Grants
Pass. . . ...
Cured of Brlght's Disease.
Geo. A. Sherman, Lisbon Red Mills
Lawrence Co N. Yt, writes: -I had kid -
ney disease for many years and had been
treated by physicians for twelve years ;
had taken a well known kidney medicine
and other remedies that were recom
mended but got no relief until I began
using Foley's Kidney Cure. The first
half bottle relieved me and four bottles
have cured me ot this terrible disease.
Before I began tab in i? Foley's Kidney
Oure I had to make -water about every
fifteen minutes, day and night, and pass
ed a -brick-dust substance, and some
times a slimy substance. - I believed I
would bave died if I had not taken
Foley's Kidney Cure." Sold bv Graham
& Wortham,
Uncle Sam Tries fo Educate Red
Report of Miss Estella Reel,
superintendent 1 Indian Schools
in the United States, who attend
ed the sessions of the- Indian
Teacher's Institute at the Lewis
and Clark Fair, shows that theie
are 250 schools in the United
States, with an enrollment of
30,000 students. ...
The report states that the. value
of education to the Indian and
the duty of the Government to
give it to him, has been recogni
zed, and from the first regular ap
propriation of $10,000, this sum
has gradually been increased,
until in 1904 it reached' more
than $4,200,000! Each year
the number of schools and teach
ers has gradually increased, and
there has been a corresponding
annual increase in the attend
ance of pupils.
Examples to illustrate the good
results that have followed agri
cultural instruction in many
schools are numerous. In illus
tration of the practical work ac
complished, that of giving to in
dustrial training, the foremost
place in Indian education Miss
Reel notes that at Mescolero, N.
M., in the past year, the boys
sawed over 70,000 feet of lumber
and 40,000 shingles, and made
upwards of 120,000 bricks.
Bathouses have been erected at
28 of the day schools in the Pine
Ridge Reservation, S. D., for
the use of the pupils, a great deal
of the work being performed by
the boys.
The day schools generally
have continued their record of
good work during the year, and
in methods and results, noticeable
improvements have been made.
The civilizing and most elevat
ing influence of these schools up
on the older Indians is a most
important part of their useful-j
ness. . .
The Hampton Institute, Va.,
is one of the best equipped man
ual trammer schools. The re
cord of returned students is the
most complete . in the service,
showing 146 rated excellent, 336
good, 152 iair, 42 poor.
At the Rice Station Boarding
School, Arizona, large amounts
of garden products are raided by
the 200 fuil-blood Apaches'. In
New Mexico, 42 young men
from the Indian school at
Santa Fe worked on the Sau;a
Fe R-tiiroad. The Mescaleio
Apaches clipped 15,500 poujids
ot wool frOtH their own flock,
which brought them 13 cents
per pounu. The 200 Indians on
the Oneida reservation are prac
tically self-supporting:. Miss
Reel says that the arts and crafts
of the Indian have a far greater
value than is generally known,
and in many sections of the
country they become efficient
aids to him in earning a liveli
hood. The earnings of the Carl
isle school, the oldest and the
largest,, by the pupils, amounted
to about $30,000 the past year.
The demand for Indian work
nas largely increased the past
five years. The Flambeau Lum
ber Company, of Wisconsin,
handled, last year, about $2000
worth of Indian goods, as against
$300 or $400 - worth five ; years
ago. ; - : -; :';7;.: '
. More attention has been given
to the teaching of cooking than
ever before. Teachers iu the
Indian service ; find that if they
are to keep abrea of the times,
they must see thai1 the pupils are
instructed in the Dreparation ot
1 meals fo:- a small family similar
to those which they wiil hive t
prepare upoa their return horn-.
Toe The Mark.
The passing ot the old reim
in the land service of this ' t-ut
and the doing away with the o a
methods of securing public U d
is marked by the present 1 nr.
fraud investigations.
Hereafter the easy means by
which homesteads and timo r
claims have been acquired in this
state will not prevail and entry
men must . exhibit entire good
fiith in making their selections
and in completing their final
proofs. Actual residence, not
occasional "stay overnights,"
will be required. " The scandals
being uncovered now in connec
tion with the grand jury investi
gations mean a shaking up in
the land offices of this state and
will result in making frauds in
connection with the public lands
less possible. -
A former official of the land
office was before the grand jury
recently and it is said that, al
though he merely conducted his
office as had his predecessors,
there was considerable looseness
in the way matters were carried
out. Although land officials
may have had an inkling that
all was not in thorough accord'
with the spirit of the land laws,
when the investigations were
ordered and made, the special
agents in- charge of the investi
gations are said to have Droved
recreant to their trust and some
of them are also said to have
been amenable to bribes.
The interpretation of the land
laws has been far different than
is now to obtain. The custom
in the Northwest has been to
permit too much latitude in com
pliance with the law and the
present investigations mean that
the easy acquisition of the pub
lic domain must stop. It is be
lieved that half the land office
officials who have served in this
state could be indicted for their
slipshod methods of taking proofs
and the "readiness with which
they issued receipts. However.
I hey were guided by precedent.
it is claimed, and former trustees
of the public domain in similar
positions are said to have left be
hind .them no strict interpretation
of the land laws bv which to
guide incoming officials.
As a proof of the looseness of
the requirements of land officials
in this state is a batch of about
140 contests, hearing of which
will begin this week in the Port
land land office, lately moved
there from Oregon City, and
which will extend through a
large part of the winter. These
contests cover claims in all parts
of the Oregon City land district,
which .are alleged in the affida
vits of contest to be fraudulent
in that the entrymen never,com
plied with the land laws and
never intended to; that thev w-rt-govfrned
in their acts bv fonnei
slipshod intepretations of the
land laws and the easy rulings
ot former officials of the land
office. , It is said there is good
reason for contesting a large num
ber of entries made iu North
western Oregon, which is cover
ed by the Portland office, and the
same can doubtless be said of the
public lands in the rest of the
ento .pr pound, sacked. Inquire J
E. Aldriuli. CorvalliB. R. F. D. 3.
Will be given by the Undersigned
for the arrest and conviction of
any party killing China Pheasants
out of season in Benton County.
j CorvaHls Social and Athletic Club, n
II i
iij! wli Jiiii 1 L
anywhere than right here. We clean and repair all sorts of
watches thoroughly and quickly and guarantee all our work as
well as our prices to be right. If -your watch chain is beginning
to show signs of wear, or if you'd like a new chain for any rea
son, we are prepared to supply you with the best gold-filled one
made, at a moderate price. We carry the Simmons make, the
best known and most strongly guaranteed chains ever sold.
E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.
' Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies.
ndpt. Phone Ice Cream, Confectionery "and indpt. Phona
257- Nuts, Cigars, Pipes and Tobac- 257.
co, Fine Soda Water, all flavors.
Job Printing.
When you pay out
good money for
printing, be sure
and get good print
ing for the money I
and all your friends who are interested in Furniture and
House Furnishings. Our large store room is full of well
selected stock of goods, and more coming on every freight.
Do you need a Couch? 20 different styles to select from.
New' line of Linoleums just received, prices 60c to' 80c
per square ynrd. Come in and see .our new Side-boards
and Parlor Su;i After this date you will find our Stoves,
Ranges, and SVelf Goods all in the new store where you
are always wckome.
WOS . . r
Begins ifs 24fh year September 26.
Preparing for County and State certificates. Higher courses
recognized in Washington and other States.
Lonsrer terms, higher wno-pe anfl
" . . ' r o to ' 1
opportunities for promotion award the
Normal graduate for his enterprise.
School directors appreciate the superior
ability of Monmouth graduates and the
demand far exceeds the supply. Special
attention given to methods work in
graded and ungraded schools.
Catalogues Containing Fu!l information
will be sent on application. Correspond--ence
invited, address
E. D. RESSLER, President
If your watch shows any irregu
larity or gives other evidence' that
something is wrong with it, better
have it examined by a competent
watchmaker. You won't find any
mnre clrillfnl
- - Oregon.
Do not send out printed mat-.
ter to your customers that is
a disgrace to lyour business -a
disgrace to. your town and
a 'disgrace to the printer who
puts it out. :