Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, August 18, 1905, Image 2

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Published Tuesdays and Fridays by
Gazette Publishing Company.
-, The subscription pru-. of the Gazette
for several yearn has been, aid remains.
$2 per annum, or i5 per cent, discount if
paid in a.lva 'i e.
Poor old Corvallis! On account
of a recent dispatch sent from
this city to the Telegram at
Portland we are to receive a
moral lecture in the form of an
editorial. It is presumed that
because our city bears the name
of "Corvallis" (the heart of the
valley) the supposition on the
part of "those . ignorant of oar
manners and morals is that our
' citizens are responsible for what
ever may occur within 50 miles
of here, even if. in another
It is plain that the dispatch
inspired the editor to take us to
task, but it is likewise clear that
the dispatch made no claims that
the city of Corvallis was the
roosting place "of the hoodlums
referred to in this ; dispatch.
Just why the editorial writer on
the Telegram should presume
that each and every hoodlum
who chances to be aboard an ex
cursion train bound out from
Newport to various points in the
valley belong solely to Corvallis
is not apparent. True, we have
our heritage of hoodlum every
mother's son who claims Corval
lis as his birth place may not be
what his fond mother thinks
him but, just the same we are
not lonely in this particular.
Other places contributed their
quota of riff-raff on the particu
lar occasion in question. These
Sunday excursions are not ex
clusively from Corvallis, but
carry people to and from the bay
from every part of Oregon, and
from other states. Neither the
citizens of Corvallis nor the
authorities can be held responsi
ble for; the acts of rowdyism
committed on the train while
passing through another county.
As a matter of fact, there is
scarcely an excursion run any
where that some disgusting hu
man, animal, idiot call him
what you like does not render
himself obnoxious to his fellows.
Corvallis is not alone in a case of
this kind.
We well remember a few ex
cursions that were run through
this city from Portland in the
past. A number of ruffians al
ways attempt to subjugate this
city on these occasions and Cor
vallis has footed the bill lor
extra police required and never
was complaint made or insin
uation to the effect that Portland
-tvas worse than other cities in
this respect. Nor is she.
In reality it seems that a rail
road company taking money
from a general public should
guarantee respectable people
protection from disturbance and
insult. It should be within the
power and duty of the train crew
to keep order they should have
authority and be held responsi
ble accordingly.
Some ,men are natural opti
mists and view everything
through magnifying glasses. For
instance, many are there who
hold to the opinion that the day
will come when this country will
do the greater part of the manu
facturing of the world. ' , They
arrive at this conclusion on
reckoning the vast resources of
the country they argue that
such a condition simply must be.
This is all very well, but there
are some features that they fail
to consider. The greatest item
the optimists overlook is labor.
We cannot be the greatest manu
facturing country in the world so
long as the wage-earners of other
nations work for a few cents per
day. To successfully compete
m any way or in any thing you
.must be able to do better work
or proiucea finr article cheaper.
than" it can be done elsewhere, j
The standard of living in the :
United Sr.nt.PS i3 riio-l-ior' t-Vion ir
n-MT. 11. i- 3 J"! 1 . 1 I
any utiici cuuniry aim tne laDorar
who will agree to any proposition
to IflWPr Mils sfsmrlpvrl io o fnn
I His living is practically all he
i i r 1 1 , i -,
tau uupe lor on cms. earcn ana
the better he lives the more there
is in his life.
We must . look , to supremacy
along other lines. In many ways
we will be the power behind the
throne. The most certain item
to reckon on is our raw material.
For example, take Japan, and
China- very little of our manu
factures they desire. Such
manufactured articles as the
Orientals require and decide to
buy abroad would in nine cases
out of ten be secured of Germanv
or Belgium on account of cheap
ness. On the other hand, we
can supply cotton, grain, iron
ore and coal to the Orient at
figures that beat : the; -world.
These are necessities andjn this
line we are "it." . . '
So it is and always will be;
there are many ways in which
we may be the leaders of all
mankind, but the idea that in all
things we are to have our inn
ings is but the imaginings of a
Construction and Bonds.
Engineer G. N. Miller of the
Corvallis water system did not
arrive in this city from Athena,
Oregon, last Friday as was ex
pected, but came late Satuiday
evening. Monday he made a
trip to the head pf Rock Creek,
or thereabouts and measured the
flow of water.
This was a matter of great im
portance and the measurements
taken were very reassuring. A
measurement' at this particular
season of the year is most trust
worthy, as the water is at its
'owest stage. Moreover, it is
reported that the streams all
over the . country are right at
present lower considerable than
they average year after year." As
Mr. Miller found a great flow
far in excess of what is required
for this citv- it is a matter of
congratulation. 1
Monday evening the water
committee met with the engineer
and matters of some importance
were discussed. Engineer Mil
ler stated that as he had been
employed to undertake the over
seeing ol the construction of a
water system for Independence it
would be necessary for him to go
down at once to attend a business
matter. He thought that he
could straighten ouc his business
affairs there in two or three days,
after which he would return to
Corvallis and be at the service of
the w.atercommittehereat home.
Mr. Miller went to Icdepend
ence, Tuesday.
' Such is the condition of affairs
so far as the matter of construc
tion work is concerned, but; if the
reader will look in another
column he will find a notice re
lating to the sale of water bonds.
It is evident from this notice that
it is the desire of the committee
to give any who may so desire
an uuuuiiuuuv iu uuv Donas.
These oonds are to draw 4 per
cent interest per annum, payable
semi-annually, and we are assur
ed will be sold in blocks small
enough to allow almost anyone
to become a bondholder. Should
any person desire particular in
formation in regard to this mat
ter, or any other relating to bonds,
construction or anything else in
any way touching on the matter
of the water system we refer
them to S. L,. Kline, who is the
clerk of the Corvallis Water
Card of Thanks.
To tlie many friends who so kindly
assisted us during the recent illness, and
whose kind offices were continued alter
the death of our little son, we desire to
exp ess our sincerest thanks.'
, . Air. and Mrs Homer Lillv.
Tor Infants and Children. ,
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Signature of Mc&i
S7. ' j
No woman can look beautiful without
good health. A woman's good health
depends on those organs peculiarly femi
nine, and which so often become disor
dered, causing misery and dragging-down
pain. Nature's laws are perfect, nealth
endures if you obey them, but disease
follows disobedience. The distressing
complaints of women are often brought
about by catching cold at a critical
period, breathing foul indoors' air and
long hours of work and nervous tension.
Go straight to Nature for the cure to
the forest. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription is Nature's cure for the dis
tressing complaints of women. Prof.
King, M. D., in his American Dispensatory.-
says of Black Cohosh or Black
Snake-root "our early American In
dians set a high value on this root in
diseases of women. It is surpassed by
no other ding, in congestive conditions
of the parts where there are dragging
pains and tenderness."
Lady's Slipper root is a "nerve stimulant
and tonic, improving both circulation and
nutrition of the nerve centers favoring
sleep and cheerful condition of the mind;
of service in mental depression, nervous
headache, irregularities of women with
despondency." Prof. King. Besides the
above ingredients there are Golden Seal,
Unicorn and Blue Cohosh roots in Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser will be sent free, paper-bound, for
21 one-cent stamps, or cloth-bound for 31
stamps. Over 1000 pages and illustrated.
Address Dr. E. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be
used with "Favorite Prescription " when
ever a laxative is required.
We Fit Glasses
To all D&fssts .'of Sight.
MATTHEWS, ,Ths Optician
Boom 12, Bank Building.
Annually, to fill the uew p 'sitions created by
Railroad and Telegraph Companies. We want
TUUNH MEN ana LADIES ol good Habits, to
e furnish 75 r er rem. of th - pnitnin ,mH
Station Agents in America. ourix schools arc.
the I'Tgesr pxHhmvb Telegraph Schools IN THE
wonlu. r.siaoi sma a yems an.i endorsed uy
all ldfeling kaiiay Official. .
We execute aJJ'iO Bond to every student to
furnish him nf her h position paving from $40
toS6uamonth in states enst of teltnekv Moun
tains, or from f"5 to Slow a month in sia'tes west
oi tne KocKies. immefliauiy npsa graduation.
Students can a t nv linse ' No vara.
turns. For full particulars regarding any of
at uincinnati, u. catalogue Iroe.
The Morse School of Telegraphy,
Cincinnati, Ohio. Buffalo, N. Y
Atlanta, Ga. LaCrosse, Wis
Texarkana.Tex.' San Francisco, Cal
our ocuwjn write uirect to our executive omce
Cornii-e, Roofing. Gutteriti!?.
and all kinds of jSheft Metal
F. A. Hencye
In connection with J. H.
Notice For Publication.
United States Land Office.
Portland, Oregon.
July 7, 1605.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of June
1 878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory,"' as extended to all the
Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892,
of Monmouth, county of Polk, State of Oregon,
has this day filed in this office his sworn state
ment No. 6584, for the purchase of the E. J of S. W.
i & W J of S. E. i of Section No. 18 in Township No.
13 South, Range No. 6 West, and will offer proof
to show that the land sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land befoie Reg's.!
ter and Receiver at Portland. Oregon, on Tuesday
the 19th day of September, 1905.
He names as witnesses: Charles H. Newman, 'Wii
lard Church, Philip H. Johnson, Ernest R. Allen, all
of Monmoth, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this oflice, on or before said 19th day of September
Peculiar Disappearance
J. D. Kunyan. of Butlerville. O.. laid
the peculiar disappearance of his painful
symptoms of indigestion and billiousnese
to Dr. King's New Life Pills. He Bays:
'They are a perfect remedy, for dizzi
ness, sour stomach, headache,, consti
pation, etc." Guaranteed at Alien &
Woodward's drug store; price 25c. ,
Gazette Bell i-huno No 341.
reai '
The .Gazette has made a
special arrangement with
the publishers of a number
of the leading magazines
and newspapers of the Unit
ed States, whereby we are
offered cut rates on these
Now we could charge you the
full price for these and re
serve the difference between
the regular price and their
special price to us, as our
commission, but as the Ga
zette is a home paper for
home people, it will be sat
isfied by receiving you as a
new subscriber, or, if you
are now a subscriber, then
by receiving your renewal
for a year in advance. This
special rate1 may not last
long, so take advantage'of it
NOW while the chance is
Woman's HomeJCompanlon
Frank LesHs's Monthly
Modern Prlsclila and
Corvallis Gazette'
All five
one year
Interest the
Weekly Oregonlan
San Francises Examiner
Corvallis Gazette
ASI thrse
one year
Cosmcps.'itan. Magazine
1 ... ' or LfBliea,
oiIYTcSall'f, :
Corvallis Gazette .
Any three ' 5 SO
one year
' -' Address
Gazette Pub J Co
Corvallis, Ore
Our great Dissolution and
Cleaning up Sale will close
Saturday, August 19th.
Still further reductions
all Remnants and
Broken Lines.
Our New Fall Stock is
now arriving.
Over Southern
Individual Tickets.
RATE One and one-third fare for the round trip.
SALE DATES.. Daily from May 29th to Oct. 15th, 1905.
LIMIT. Thirtv ds. but not later r.hnn Oct SI ions
Parties ot Ten or More.
For parties of ten or more from one point, (must travel together
on one ticket both ways), party tickets will be sold as. follows:
RATE .One fare for the round trip. jj! ) e&wswii
SALE DATES.. Daily from May 29th to Oct. 15th, 1905. $2.60
LIMIT ...Ten days. )
Organized Parties of 100 or More, i!
For organized parties of one Tiundred or more moving on one
day from one place, individual tickets will be sold as follows: -RATE
........ One fare for the round trip. ( :r aa
SALE DATES.. Daily from May 29th to Oct. 15th, 1905. S2.60
LIMIT ........ Ten Days. ' T ,
No stopovers will be allowed on any of the above tickets; they
must be used for continuous passage in each direction.
For further information call on j; E.JFARM ER
W. E. COMAIM, Agent, Corvallis.
Gen'l Pas. Agt., Portland.
8:30 a. m. Mail arrives by stage
for Portland and all points
North and East, also for
Californiaandpointson S.P.
10 a. m. From Monroe by stage.
11:15 a. mJ From Philomath and
points West on C. & E.
12 m. From Portland and all
points on the West Side.
1:30 p. m. From Albany and all
points North on the S. P.
Tflnd Thedford's Black-Dnraght
' fi80 medicine for liver disease.
It onred my pon after he had pent
JIM with doctors. It is all the med-
MARTIN, Parkersburg. W. Va.
. If your liver does not act reg
ularly go to your druggist and
secure a package of .Thedford'f
Black-Drauarht and take a dose
tonight. This great family
medjeine frees the constipated
bowels, stirs up the torpid liver
and cause a healthy secretion
of bile.
Thedford'o Black - Draught
will cleanse the bowels of im
purities and strengthen the kid
neys. A torpid liver invite
colds, biliousness, chills and
fever and all manner of sick
ness and contagion.- Weak kid
neys result in Bright 's disease
which claims oa many victims
as consumption. A 25-cent
package of Thedford's Black
Draught should always be kept
in the house.
"I nsed Thedford's Black
Draught for liver and kidney com- -R
,,ln3-a?d.fonnd nothing to excel
, i Mj ; , va.-
Pacific Railroads.
6 a. m. For Albany and points
East on the C. & E., and for
points North of Albany on
10:30 a. m. For Albany and all
points North and Sonth on
the S. P. -
12:30 p. m. For West Side points,
Portland, and points North
and East, also for points
West on the C. & E.
2 p. m. For Monroej Or.
6.15 p. m. For Portland, Cali
fornia, and points North,
East and South
G. B. Burhaas testifies after four
G. B. Burhans, of Carlisle Center, N.
Y. writes : "About four - years ago I
wrote you stating that I had been entire
ly cured of severe kidney trouble by tak
ing less than two bottles of Foley's Kid
ney Cure. It entirely stopped the brick
dust sediment, and pain and symptoms
of kidDey disease disappeared. I am
glad to say that I have never had a re
turn of anv nf thnaa svmntnma r3ii!i.fv
the four years that have elapsed and I am
eviuenuy crsrea to stay cured, and hearti
ly recomuu'iiil Foley's Kidney Cure to
any one suilering from kidnev or bladder
trouble.' Sold by Graham and Wortham.
Was Wasting A-way.
"I have heen trnnhleil with tirl
ease for the last five years," writes Robert
R. Watts, of Salem, Mo. "I lost flesh
and never folt iroll unH rtrWnroH
leadiDg physicians and tried all remedies
without relief. Finally I tried Foley's
Kidnev Cnrp nnH leea ilian fvn nttlaa
cured me and I am now Bound and well."
During the summer kidney irregulari
ties are often caused by excessive drink-
iuf? or oemg overneatea. Attend to the
kidneys at once by using Foley's Kidney
Cure. ,
A Touching Story.
is the savins from death of the babv
girl of Geo. A. Eyler, Cumberland, Md.
He writes : "At the age of 11 months
our little girl was in declining health,
witn serious tnroas trouble, ana two
physicians gave her up. We were almost -
in despair, when we resolved to try Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption, ,
Coughs and Colds. The first bottle gave -relief,
after takinz four' bottles she was -
cured, and is now in perfect health."-
Never fails to relieve or cure a cough or
cold. , At Allen & Woodward's drug store -50c
and fl guaranteed. .Trial bottle free.
fA-r:TTE Irdependentphone No