Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, August 15, 1905, Image 1

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    3 WviiJdcocIi
Lid JL -
i -31
Vol. XLH.
Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon Tuesday. August 15, 1905.
Production of Big Crops With
Little Rain.
R. W. Jones, of this city, has
handed us a clipping from the
Little Falls Herald, ot Morrison
county, Minn., wherein is given
a system of dry farming by one
H. W. Campbell. It is believed
it will prove an interesting article
to many of our farmers. The
article follows: .
Anyone who has doubts of the
practicability of the Campbell
system should come here before
harvest and compare the crops on
the Pomeroy farm with those
upon the farms that surround it,
for the yield of wheat, oats, corn,
potatoes and everything else that
is growing will be four or five
times as great as will be harvest
ed on the other side of the fence.
Mr. Campbell has been work
ing in North Dakota, South Da
kota, Nebraska and Kansas for
twenty years of more, trying to
induce farmers to adopt his plan
ot "soil culture," as he calls it,
and everywhere he has been from j
the James River in the north to
the Arkansas, he has been equal
ly successful in producing with
out irrigation the same results
that are usually expected with
trrlnritinti vrri f Vi rntrinor'itn7Alu
little more expense, but a good
deal more care and labor. The
whole thing is simply the exer
cise of care and patience, and
any man of ordinary intelligence
can work it as well as a college
professor could.
Mr. Campbell's principles, as
he explains them to me are:
I Catch the rainfall and store
it where , the roots of the plant
can reach it.
2 Keep the soil always fine
and loose.
tt c i: j i j
ndVC 2L LllEU. aUllU JUUUU4"
tion under the soil a bottom to
hold the water.
I asked.
"The careful, , regular appli
cation, of these principles" in
farming will produce at least
three times the results of ordinary
farming-,; and often four or five
times the results," said Mr,
"What is that additional ex
"In Iowa or eastern Kansas
not more than 25 per cent more
labor is necessary than is usually
expended upon a crop by a good
farmer. On the prairies, .as
rule, farming is cheap and - slip
shod and twice the labor is neces
sary. But this is offset to a cer
tain extent by a saving ot two
thirds of the seed. An ordinary
farmer sows forty quarts of wheat
"'to the acre and gets from nothing
to twenty - bushels, thirteen
-bushels to the acre being the
average crop of the state, and
fifteen bushels the highest state
average that has been reached in
Kansas for ten years. Under my
system any painstaking farmer
by sowing twelve quarts of wheat
to the acre and cultivating his
sou carefully will harvest any
where from forty to fifty-six
-bushels without fail.
"How do you do it?" "
"By storing the rainfall in the
sou," answered Mr. Campbell,
"by keeping the surface of the
ground always loose, which stops
evaporation. It is impossible for
moisture to rise to the surface
through loose soil, and that leaves
the ground in the best condition
to receive the next rainfall. Thus
you can make fourteen inches of
ram go as far as twenty-five
inches .in raising all kinds of
crops or plants or trees. We do
not lose any of the rain we have
the full benefit of it. v ,We keep
it stored where the roots of the
plants can reach it when thev
need it." -
"How do youaccomplish this?"
"By stirnng up the sou with &
revolving disk, and then going
over it again and filling up the
furrow. We call this 'double
and levels" it off. , We keep go
ing over it again and again, be
gin early in the spring and con
tinuing until the last of June or
the first part of July. After
every rain we stir up the soil,
either with a disk or an 'Acme'
harrow. Finally we plow seven
iuches deep in the ordinary way
and follow the plow with a sub
surface packet a machine which
makes a compact, solid bottom,
four inches from the surface, un
der the loose soil. Then we s?o
over it again with the Acme har
row so as to keep the top soil
loose and pulverized. After
working the soil for a year in this
way by what we call 'summer
tilling,' we put in our wheat,
either in the fall or in the spring,
as is usual . The first year we
do not put in any seed. We
simply keep stirring up the soil
that it will remain loose and
pulverized, and after one year of
this, sort of cultivation three
crops can be grown in succession
without renewing the tilling. In
some cases it is better to till
every other year ana raise a crop
alternate years.
"If crops are planted every
year the reaper 'must be immedi
ately followed by' the plow and
the stubble immediately turned
under and the soil disk and liar-
row kept at work all winter it it
is spring wheat, or from the June
harvest to the September plant
ing it winter wheat, the same
rule must be applied to all the
other kinds of crops.
"10 repeat: it is simply a
question of the thorough work
ing of the sou, as I have des
cribed. That is more important
than the rainfall. No man can
expect a crop who simply turns
under the sod and scatters his
seed and. hauls a harrow careless-
y over the field. Labor and
pains are necessary to produce
good results, whether you -are
farming or making furniture . of
publishing a newspaper."
Horse Frightened at Traction
Engine, Breaks Shaft.
. engine
team be
the en
the pas
he is al
Doc's" Oysters.
Dr. M. M. Davis came out
irom the bay Friday on a matter
of business. ; -While ' here he
stated that things were humming
over at the coast. Passenger
traffic has been good over the C
& E of late and that makes busi
ness tor "Doc as tie is running
the boat .between Yaquina City
and Newport. He reported to
have had great sport 4as week
trolling for salmon. According;
to his report, the bay for a few
days was dotted with small boats
loaded with trollers. Salmon
were plentiful, good biters, and
as a consequence boats were iu
Last spring "Doc" ordered un
told thousands of eastern oysters
to plant in Yaquina biy waters.'
They arrived in season and were
duly sowed. At the time of ar
rival the little oysters were about
the size 01 one's ringer nail very
frail. A couple of weeks, ago
their owner had some of them
raked up for an examination. He
found that they are growing ra
pidly, in fact in the few months
they have been in these waters
they have attained the size of a
half dollar.
From this it is safe to assume
that the investment will prove to
be a good one, not alone for Dr,
Davis, out lor the country, in
general. While eastern oysters
planted when very young in Ya
quina waters are found to do
amazingly well, they will not
propagate there. It will be
necessary to oring young ones
from the east each year in order
to maintain the supply. "Doc
says there is a difference in some
way in the water and he lays it
to the temperature, Yaquina ber
ing loo cold. These oysters attain
their growth in three years
Here's to the oyster.
There is a law in Oregon de
fining the duties and responsibili
ties of men while operating
traction engines upon the high
ways. From this law rather a
peculiar case has come up; It is
the first of its kind in Benton
county. . "
Last week while mail cairier
Dawson was returning to Corval
lis from one of his trips he met
Leder Brothers' traction engine
on the state road south of town.
Now, according to law it is
necessary" for the man in charge
of such engine to bring it to a
full stop when a party with
a team appears within a Hun
dred yards of the
should said party and
traveling toward the
The rran in charge of
gine is obliged to await
sage of the team before
lowed to start his engine. - j
On the occasion in question
Mr. Dawson declares that the
engine was not stopped as it
should have been and the - result
was a broken shaft on his buggy.
For this he wants damages, ; ac
cording to the account that
reached us. " '"
Mr. Leder and some of his
men declare that the engine was
stopped as it should have been
within the hundred yards re
quired. They claim, however,
that steam was on so high that
it was on the point ot blowing
off, and for fear it would and
scare Mr. Dawson's animal when
it was right abreast the engine.
they deemed it necessary to start
the injector that water, might be
forced into the boiler and in this
manner keep the steam from
blowing off. At this, 'they
claim the horse .was, frightened
and cavorted to such an extent
that" one shaft was somewhat
broken .
These are the two versions of
the affair as stated to us, but it
is stated that after starting on to
town Mr. Dawson turned back
and overtook Mr. Leder and
asked $2.50 as damages. The
latter declared that he did not
think himself to blame and
would not- pay the price, al
though he wouid compromise the
m Alter by paying the expen:e of
having ihe damaged shaft repair
ed. Oa this basis the men failed
to agree and Mr. Dawson came!
on to town and swore out a com
plaint against Mr. Leder.
Constable J. D. Wells served
the papers and Mr. Leder ap
peared before Justice Holgate.
Mr. Leder decided to stand trial,
but desired Judge Holgate to set
the date of trial some distance in
the future, giving as a reason 1
that he wished to have some of!
his men present at the
vines will be good, while the old
vines all more or less unhealthy,
will, yield a more or less inferior
quality of hops. - -
y-Early in the season, when
the young vines were first coming
through the "ground, growers,
taking into consideration a new
acreage, thought the crop would
be touch larger than in 1904"
says J. W. Graham, a prominent
grower of Clackamas county, to
day;: "But soon (he old yards
began t to show a great many
missing hills, and in some of the
yards the vines showed an indi
cation of an unhealthy condition,
and soon after reaching the wires
began to color and fail to arm
out.' While the new yards of
the state seem to be doing very
well, the poor condition of the
old yards will be sufficient to
bring the output ot 1905 down
very? close to that of last year. ;
"When the lice put in their
appearance a few months ago,
the hon situation for the- cominsr
crop became very critical. Therel
have been reports to the effect
that lice have disappeared. This
may be true to a : ceitain extent
but all the yards which have
been affected, by 'lice will never
produce a good choice hop. The
vines in some yards which were
affected the most were practically
destroyed, for by jarring the
vines in some places the burs
will at once drop off showing the
lice ' have sapped the vines.
Again the leaves and vines have
that black, greasy appearance,
which is bound to make Ore
gon's crop for 1905 a mixed lot
of hops.
"Now there have, been all
kinds of reports about this year's
crop. : lne dealers hang arouna
a hotel lobby and cry the price
by manufacturing the supposed
conditions form the price then
and there. On - the . contrary,
growers are sometimes prejudiced
because of their interests, and
strain the situation the other
way. But the observations I
have made about the crops are
facts, and any man can prove
them for himself by making a
close examination of the yards.
"The buyers are claiming that
1904 crops which were held over
will see 10 cents, but they are
contracting the 1936 yield at 18
cents. Now, when they are al
ready contracting for a mixed lot
of hops at 18 cents, when they
could get a good choice hop of
last year's yield, for 20 or 25
cents, it seems to me something
is loose."
Notice Of Final Settlement
In the County Court of the State ot Oregon for Ben
ton County.
In the matter of the estate
and Last Will and testament '
of f "
William Wyatt, deceased J
Notice is hereby given that I have filed my final ac
count as executor of the last will and testament of
William Wyatt, deceased, with the clerk of the above
entitled Court and that said Court has fixed and ap
pointed Saturday, the 9th day of September, 1906 at,
11 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the ofice
of the Count Judge of said County at the Court
House in Benton County, Oregon, as the time and
place for hearine objections to and the settlement
of said Final Account; and all persons interested and
desiring to object thereto ar notified to appeal . at
said time and file their objections.
.. Bated, August 8th. 1905.
A.J. Williams, Executor, .
of the Estate of William Wyatt, deceased,
, Public Is Aroused.
The public is aroused to a knowledge
of the nrative merits ot that great
meriii inal toni-, Electriii Bitters, for
sick stomach liver and kidnevH. Mary
H. Walters, of 546 St. Clair "Ave.. Col
nmhia, 0., writes: ''For several months
I n as civen ui to die. . I had fever and
amie, my rervs were a wreck. I could
not fWp and my stomach was weak
from n--pesx doctors' drngo that" I could
not eat.. Son alter beginniug to take
Electric Bitters, 1 obtaiue.l relief and in
a short time I was entirely cured."
Guaranteed at Allen & Woodward's drug
store : price 50n
Was InPocr Health For Years.
Ira W. Kellev. of Mantfield. Pa.,
write: "I was in poor health for two
years. Buffeting from kidney and bladder
trouble, and spent considerabln money
consulting physicians without obtaining
any marked benefit, but was cured bv
Foley's Kidney Cure, and I dpsire to add
my testimony that it may be the conse of
restoring the health of others " Refuse
substitutes. Sold by Graham & Worth-am.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the executrix of the
last will of Seymour Chipman, deceased, has filed
her flnul account with county court, Benton county,
Oregon, and said county court has set Tuesday,
September 5, 1003, at 10 o'clock a. m at county
court room, Corvallis, t bear an) objections to
said report.
Prudence Chipman, .
War Against Consumption.
All nations are endeavoring to.check
the ravages f consumption the "white
nlagne" that c'aims so many eat h year.
Foley's Honey'and Tar cures eoujihs and
colds perfectly and yon are in tin dan-gi-r
of coiisntnpiinn. Do not risk your
health by taking pome uncrown prepa
ration wht-n Foley's Honey and Tar is
cafe and (vr ain in results. A?k for Fo
1p' Honey ai.rt Tar and in-it upon hav
ing it. Sold by Graham & Woitiiam.
If your watch shows any irregu
larity or gives other evidence that
something is wrong: with it, better
have it examined by a competent
watchmaker. You won't . find any
more skillful or more experienced
anywhere than right here. We clean and repair all sorts of
watches thoroughly and quickly and guarantee all our work as
well as our prices to be right. If your watch chain is beginning
to show.signs of wear, or if you'd like a new chain for any rea
son, we are prepared to supply you with the best gold-filled one
made, at a moderate price. We carry the Simmons make, the
best known and most strongly guaranteed chains ever sold.
E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.
When you pay out
good money for
printing, be sure
and get good print
ing for the money I
Cheap Sunday Rates Between
Portland and Willamette
"Valley Points.
Do not send out printed mat
ter to your customers that is
a disgrace to. your .business
a disgrace toyour town and
a disgrace to the printer Vf ho
puts it out. 5 -
Good Work, costs
you no more than
the bad.
Low round trip'rates have been placet!
effect between Portland and Willani-
trial as ette Valley pointR, in either direction.
witnesses and a he was running! ll,:lcet8 WU1 ne 801(1
a threshing machine it would be
too expensive to stop in the mid
dle of harvest. He said, how-,
ever,, that he could be in Cor
vallis without great inconven
ience a week from to-day. Judge
Holgate accordingly set the trial
for this date.
and limited to return on or before th
following Monday. .
. Rate to oe From Corvallis, $3.00. -'
Call on Southern Pacific Co'b Agents
for particulars.
Good printing is correct in
spelling correct in gram
mar, -correct in punctuation
on good stock printed
with good ink and some
thing that it is a pleasure to
look at. .
j . , . t T. - . - otttuD. uumauureu at jxiitsu cx ly uuu
ii&K.iug. puivenea uic &uu card's drug store ; price 25c
Fiendish Suffering
is often caused by sores, ulcers and
cancers that eat away your skin. Wm
Bedell, of Flat Rock, Mich., says: "
have used Buck leu's Arnioa Salve, for
Ulcers, Sores and Cancers. It is the
best healing dressing I have ever found."
It soothes and heals cuts, burns and
scalds. Guaranteed at Allen &
Equal to 1904.
week longer hop-picking
season will oe at nana. rear;
has been entertained here that
while the hops are of excellent
quality Ihe crop would be a trifle
light. ' The prediction is now
made that increased acreage will
make tip for 'any shortage that
tnieht occur in the state.. ; The
Telegram of. recent date gives
some interesting data to those
engaged in hops, as follows: j
Growers are nOw beginning to
estimate that the hop crop this
year will about equal' that of last
year.: They think the" increase
this year will be offset by the
damage to the hops from the lice
and the unhealthy conditions pre
vailing in some of the old yards.
At least Oregon's yield this year
will be a mixed lot of hops, they
say, for the product of 'the new
Evervthins: in -first-class order. Come and see usl
room, new fixtures, new goods, but same old prices.
We still have a very nice line of Go-Carts, at very reasona
ble prices. -
amping, come and see us.
loves, etc., always on hand.
it you are going
Tents, Cots, Camp
9U (Jvf I