Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, August 11, 1905, Image 3

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Miss France Di'ley. is spending
a week with friends at Newport.
Mies Daify Brown, of Albany, is
the guest of Miss Mayme Rowland.
Eggs keep better when laid in a
cool place. Show this to your bene.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bethers re
turned Tuesday from their camping
trip in Alsea.
William Bogue and wife went to
Portland, Tuesday, to visit a few
days at the Fair.
Mrs. Ed Buxton, of this city, who
is seriously ill in a Portland hos
pital is reported no better.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gray went
to the coast the first of the week to
remain for a week or such a matter.
: Miss Lizzie Condra and two sons
arrived Tuesday from California to
epend the winter with the former's
brother, Prof. Holmes.
Mrs. Frances Purdy and daugh
ter, Miss Esther, arrived home last
week, after a month's visit with the
former's daughter in Portland.
T. W. Dilley, the original
"Fixer," took the early train Wed
nesday morning for iPortland,
where he will spend a week seeing
the sights.
The weather of late has been
v . . - U 11 J
wnai one wouiu. can warm uu we
hear any objections? As a mrtter
of fact, if inferno is any hotter we
prefer to remain here. .
Miss Blanche Hammel is to give
"a birthday party this -afternoon,
from three to five, at ber home,
Hotel Corvallis. Many lit le
friends will enjoy her hospitality.
The examination for teachers be
gan Wednesday morning at nine
o'clock. Supt. Denman is assisted
in the work by Professors N. Tartar,
of this city, and 0. V. White, of
In the majority of instances
where threshing has been done the
yield has been disappointing. In
many fields the straw would cause
one to expect a yield of 30 or more
bushels per acre, but only from 1C
to 15. bushels were realized.
; The members of the Christian
church will give an ice cream social
at the court house park next Tues
day evening, August 15, from 4 to
10 o. m.' We invite all friends to
VUUiO U.UU cab uicaui aim Dcuu
a social evening with us.
Hiram F. Meader, a nephew of
Mrs. D. C. Rose, spent Sunday with
his aunt at Rosedale Farm. Mr.
Meader is a fruit grower and a rep
resentative of Jackson county at tne
Lewis and Clark Exposition and
stopped over here while enroute to
his home at Medford, Oregon.
Mrs. A. J. Hall and Miss M. J.
Lee returned to their home in Polk
county yesterday after a few days
visit with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hall.
The ladies leave Monday for a visit
to the fair, and from Portland Miss
Les goes to Albion, Wash., for an
extended visit with Dr. and Mrs.
J.Frank Hall;
Mr. and Mrs. Otto F. Li Herse
and Miss Agnes Mewis, sister of
Mrs. Herse, returned home Wed
nesday evening from their trip to
Portland and up the Columbia.
They had an enjoyable outing.
Todav Mr. Herse starts for the
lOtuaD UUUIlul J . JJ T a. j - v. v t
port on a hunting trip
There was a life-sized runaway
on Mam street early Thursday
morning. A team belonging to
Sam King attached to a ' load of
lumber, took a spin down Main
street and at Hotel Corvallis took a
turn on Water street bringing up
near the electric light plant. So
dull are the times, however, that
not a single board was jolteTd off the
wagon, to furnish an item of inter
est for the tired reporter.
J. C. Lowe, of the Independent
Telephone Co., went to Portland
Wednesday. Yesterday, his mother,
Mrs. M. D. Lowe, who has been the
guest of her son in this city six
weeks, joined him in Portland.
After a visit at the Fair Mrs. Lowe
will go east, to her home in .El Reno,
Okla., and her son will return to
his duties in this city. Mrs. Lowe
is quite an observant woman and
during her visit here made many
friends. ; ', '- .
Two colored preachers down
South were in the same pulpit to
gether. While one was preaching
' he happened to say, "When Abra
ham built the ark." The one be-
liirvt atrnvra in nnTrant. Vila
.blunder by saying out loud, "Abra- IPreation
Mrs. A. J. Metz;er returned
Tuesday from a week's visit to the
Mrs. E. E. Mondy went to New
port, Tuesday, to remain a few
Walter Taylor returned home
Wednesday from a week's visit to
the exposition.
Mrs. Johnson Porter went to
Portland, Tuesday, to remain a
week or longer.
Miss Maud Hurt is to leave Sun
day for a visit with her brother,
Frank, in beattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johnson and
children left, Sunday, for Portland
to attend the Fair. .
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Starr of Mon
roe are guests of their children in
Corvallis this week.
The Elgin residence, on Third
street is almost completed and will
be ready for occupancy next week.
and Miss Ruby Starr left Wednes
day for a visit with Bellefountain
Miss Helen Holgate, accompan
ied by her guests, Mr. and MrsJ.
W. Williamson of Youngstown,
Ohio, left Wednesday for a visit at
There is talk among some of Cor
vallis base ball "has teens" of try
ing the present champions a game.
Should these teams play for blood
or high stakes we hope to be present.
Roy Rabef, who is one in charge
of Benton's exhibit at the Fair,
came up Wednesday on business
connected with our display. He in
tended to go back to the metropolis
yesterday afternoon.
A visitor in Corvallis Wednesday
was Andrew P. Wymore, sheriff of
Clay county, Missouri. Mr. Wy
more resides at Liberty, Mo. While
in the city he visited the Benton
county officials in their offices
Word has reached Corvallis to
the effect that Eii Spencer and
family are figuring on running a
hotel in Washington this winter.
They have finished their woik peel
ing chittim bark not far from Che
halis. .
Mrs. Hebery3wann accomppnied
by Her sifter, Miss Grace Glassford,
arrived home recently after an ab
sence of a month. While away they
visited the Fair at Portland; they
also visited in The Dalles and Ore
gon City. v
Mrs. Jesse Spencer went to Port
land Tuesday. There she met her
daughter, Miss Hattie, who has been
at Cove, Eastern Oregon, for some
time. After an extended visit at
the Fair the mother and daughter
are to come home together.
Mies Tillman, of Portland, is the
guest for the summer vacation of
Miss Jones, the nurse. Miss Till
man is also assisting in the taber
nacle meetings in . Jobs addition,
being a contralto singer whose yoics
is said to add much to the interest
of the meetings.
The county is having a splendid
bridge put in across a stream near
the Fischer mill. The structure is
to have cement abuttments and
these are already in place. Much
of the framing is already done and
it is now only a question of a short
time when the new bridge will be
open for travel. :.
A party consisting of B. W,
Bad Stubble Fire.
What might have been a most
disastrous fire occurred a few
miles south of Corvallis late
Tuesday afternoon. It appears
that a couple of boys, aged about
i a years, are thought to have
been smoking in the stubble of
Mrs. Ann Smith's wheat field
and to have thrown away their
cigarettes ' Thus is explained
the origin of the fire.
The names spread rapidly and
men gathered from every direc
tion to do battle. Some wheat
standing in the shock, the prop
erty ot Mrs. Smith, was destroy
ed. The fire reached the division
fence between the farm of Mrs.
Smith and Riley Hurlburt and
destroyed considerable of it. At
one time the flames were headed
directly for Mr. Huilburt's resi
dence, but by good fortune were
checked. A large stack of straw
belonging to Mr. Hurlburt was
consumed by the flames.
But for the prompt arrival of
fire-fighters untold damage might
have resulted. As it was, it was
a narrow escape and should serve
as a warning, not only to boys
but to everyone to be very care
ful about fire, especially at this
season of the vear.
Great Guns!
Harvey Sargent reports splen
did success in selling, his gopher
guns. Bor a number of years he
has been manufacturing and sell
ing these guns and finds that in
going over the same ground
formerly canvassed he meets with
greater success than in new territory.
These guns do the work. Of
this there is no doubt, as is
evidenced by the fact that Mr.
Sargent shot one of his fingers
in perfecting the sooner ex
A short time ago he started for
Southern Oregon on a junketing
trip and took with him 175 of
the guns. He got no farther than
Roseburg when a shortage in his
supply compelled his return to
this city that he might manu
facture more of them. A day or
two ago Mr. Sargent started on a
trip.down the east -side of "the
Willamette with Portland as his
destination. He will be absent
two or three weeks.
San Franscisco, have arrived for a
visit with Benton county relatives
and friends.
S. H. Moses, of Philomath, the
well known merchant, transacted
business in Corvallis Wednesday.
Hop pickers wanted between let
and 5th of September. Call on or
address C. E. Ireland, Corvallis,
Or. 65tf
Services in the Episcopal church.
The Rev. D. E. Holt, of Woodland,
California, is conducting services in
the church of the Good Samaritan.
There will be a service Saturday
evenipg at'8 o,clock. Sunday morn
ing at 11 o'clock, with Holy Com
munion, and Sunday night at 8
o'clock. Public invited.
Finder will please return to this
office Buckskin Glove gauntlet 1
with black star on it. 66 i
Additional Local.
See Blackledge for furniture, etc.
... . - . 26
H. Harrison, who recently sold
his ranch near summit, expects to
start shortly with his family for
Ellensburg, Wash: Whether he
wilt decide to locate there perma
nently will be determined after arrival.
People who have a telephone
need only to notify Small s bakery
any time they want bread and it
will be delivered at once. 62-71
Johnson, Alex Rennie, E. E. Wil
son and W. D. DeVarney expect to
leave tomorrow tor 1 achats on a
fishing and hunting expedition of a
week or two. Early next week
Mayor A. J. Johnson will join the
pany. Council meeting is next
Monday night and this prevents:
the mayor from going along to
morrow. ;
One of the quickest real estate
deals ever consummated in this city
was that made by Ambler & Wat
ters Tuesday. Mrs. M. L. Weber
met Judge Wattera on the street in
the morning and placed her resi
dence property in his hands to sell.
Within an hour the place was told
to Mm Anna L. Mills, a late arriv
al from Nebraska. The consider
ation was $1,800.
B. W. Johnson arrived home,
Tuesday evening from the Portland
where he bad been a visitor at tne
Fair, Mr. Johnson is loud in his
praises of the Exposition and de
clares that it ia not only a credit to
Oregon, but to any place on earth.
He said that he observed that people
who have visited all the great Ex
positions cf the country .are the
most free with their words of ap-
This is the "Get Away Season" and as usual we are up with the times.
We're not going to leave, but our stock of Summer Oxfords are!
They've received notice to depart. They leave via the Club Price
Route, and the new price should land every pair of them at their
destination within ten days. This means hundreds of pairs of this
season's best styles of fine Oxfords for men, women and children, at
one-fourth to one-third less than usual. Take advantage of it while
we have your style and size.
Summer Oxfords for AH, at Melted Prices.
$2.85 FOR OUR REGULAR - $3.50 JL $2.45 - FOR OUR REGULAR - $3.00
$1.95 - FOR OUR REGULAR . $2.50 $1.60 - FOR OVR REGULAR - $2.00
S3 ouj a
The White House,
Gorvallss, Ore.
Is Judged by theSHat heWears.
ham warn't thar.". But the speak
er pushed on, heedless of the inter
ruption, and only toofc occasion
shortly to repeat, still more de
cidedly, "I say, when Abraham
built the ark." ' "And I say," cried
out the other,' "Abraham warn't
thar." The preacher was too hard
to be beaten down in this way, and,
addressing' the people, exclaimed
with great indignation, "I say Abra
l.x.u w.r 'bar, 0-'hrirabcutF." Ex.
The college year is drawing near,
and those who intend to keep stu
dents will do well to call up or ad
dress C." L. Shepard at the, college,
A list of places is being prepared by
the Y. M. C. A. for the Information
Bureau, and most of the students
consult it in securing rooms arid
board. Places where students can
do work for their board wholly or in
part is especially desired, as many
f these sp Tc.itiorF arp ciming m.
Largest line of matting in coun
ty at Blackledges. . - ' "30tf
Mrs. Greenburg departed Wed
nesday for her home in San Fran
scisco, after a visit of some weeks
at the M. Jacobs home.
Percy Clark departed a couple of
days ago for , Tonopan, Nevada,
where be expects to engage in mining
as. an assayer. Tonopah, as we
understand it, is in the Death Val
ley district.
Reliable man wants work of any
kind or furnished ranch to run on
shares. Understands the care of
all kinds rf live stock. Addrets
"Box v47," Corvallis, Oregon. 65
Mrs. H. C. Baroell and daugh
ters returned Wednesday from a
six weeks' visit to the fair. -
The Wueetef eldt-Hodes camping
party returned from Alsea Thurs
day, haying been absent ten days.
Blackledge, . leading wall -paper
dealer. 80t-
Misses Atta Bray and Mae Hurt
leave tomorrow for a months outing
at Newport. ;
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Homer Lilly has been seriously ill
the past few days with cholera in
fantum. '
Wanted To rent a small cottae. Ad
dress "Kaerth" in care of Gazette.
1 "
Mrs. Doc Jackson has
Portland for a visit at the exposi
tion. :
Mrs. Milton Morgan and Mrs.
A. E. Morgan arrived home Wed
nesday from a week's visit at the
bay. .
A quantity of good household
furniture for sale. Fruit jars and
crockery at half price. Inquire at
residence. Mrs. M. L. Weber. ; 65tf
Mr. and Mrp Clarence ' Day, of
Engineer G. N. Miller is expected to
arrive today from Athena, Or., and from
now on will be at the command of the
water committee. The committee held
a regular meeting last Monday evening
The minutes of former meetings were
read and approved. Aside from this no
business of importance was transacted.
The semi-annual or mid-summer
teachers examination has been in pro
gress at the court house since Wednes
day morning. There are 32 applicants
far papers, mostly ladies. For state
papers there are but two or three applicants.
The W. 0. T. U. ice cream social on
the court houae lawn Wednesday even
ing was liberally patronized, considering
that the night proved rather cool. -' The
proceeds amounted to $28 which will be
used in fitting up the reading room.
The ice cream social that occurs this
Friday evening at the court house square
will undoubtedly prove an interesting
affair. A good program will be given,!
free, beginning promptly at eight o'clock I
It will include selections by a male
quartette, recitations by Miss Olive Mal
low and Miss JoBie Holmes, a vocal solo
by Dr. Cathey, an instrumental solo by
Miss Libbie Bice, vocal duet by Mrs. W.
C. Swaun and Mrs. S. B. Bane, and
other features of interest. Yoa are In
vited and the affair is given by the Meth
odist League. "
Revs. Clark and Cole, who are con
ducting the camp meeting in Corvallis,
have been giving very interesting ser
mons this week on "Bible Prophecies.' '
There is a fair attendance at the meet-. :
ings and the singing is good. j
From one of the crew of the Hoflake
thresher, one of the largest outfits here
abouts, comes the information that the
machine has quit threshing by the
bushel and is now charging $8 - an hour
for work. The reason for the change is,
that the machine owner was losing
money as the grain was too light to make
it profitable to thresh by the bushel. The
heaviest yield threshed, according to the
Gazette informant, went only a little
more than ten bushels per acre and from
other parts of the county came reporto
that the grain is much lighter than was
at first supposed it would be.
The outlook lor money tor school pur
poses is most flattering for the coming
year.' There is available of the state and
county funds about 14,000; $4,454of
this sum is state funds. This ; on ap
portionment . gives each pupil in ' the
We carry a larger stock of Hats
than some exclusive hat stores.
If you don't believe it we'll show
you the goods.
Ii yoa are looking for some real guoa
Bargaius In Stock, Grain, Fruit unci
Poultry Ranches, write for our pecii
list, or c me and see us. We will tftfc
pleasure in giving you reliaole informa
tion: also showing you over the county
Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies.
lnd?t. Phono Ice Cream, Confectionery and Indpt. Phono
257. Nuts, Cigars, Pipes and Tobac- 257,
co, Fine Soda Water, all flavors.
Open Day and fiigssi. Rooms Single or ErtSzsEte
J. G. H&SfSMEL, Prop.
: One ot the FJnest Equl&etS Hotels in the Valley
I Both Phones. ' Bus Meets all Trains.
64-5 county $4, the state part of it being $1.70..
xu 7 Bay a uai bills id iuo luuoh uiJU;y
per capita ever at his disposal since he
became clerk of this district many years
aao. " . . - ' .
TwoDays More. .
Ladies have been delighted with
the pretty needlework 1 Miss Ham
rick is Bhowing at Hotel Corvallis..
Friday and Saturday will probably
be the last of Miss Hamrick's en-
sv A r9 atyi nnr Vtava Aft
O. CHIaatand.
Cham. Blakomlee.
Oartslda Or dor a SoUclted.ZZB
All Work Guaranteed. "
Patronize Home Industry.
Bring your Job to the
v Gazette Office-