CUMitH --AUVkKllSfcMtllS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS I Fifteen words or less, 25 cts for three successive insertions, or 50 cts per month; for all up to and including ten additional worJs, yt cent a word for each insertion. For all advertisements over 25 word?, 1 ct per word for the first insertion, and ft per word for each additional inser tion. Nothine inserted for less than 25 cents. Lodge, society and church notices. other than strictly news matter, charged for. will be FOR SALE TWO SPRING MILCH COWS, 2 spring calves, household goods, etc. Mrs. S. E. Murray. 65-7 EIGHTY-THREE ACRES OF LAND miles west of Blodsett. on the county road, 20 acres in cultivation. More could be got. Fair house 4 rooms, fair barn, other outbuildings, good orchard, some small fruit. One larm wagon worth 50.. 10 .bead of cows, one two-vfiftr old bull. 1 yearling steer, calves, 40 head of sheep, 6 head of hncra. is tnns of good oat bav. 1 acre of potatoes, tools on the place, a bargain at $1,500. I. D. Pitman, Blodgett, Or, 6I-9 FOR SALE 400 CORDS MAPLE AND ash wood, $3 and $3.50 per cord, de livered latter cart of August. Leave orders at Abbott's feed barn. Norwood Tradine Co.. Bruce, Or. 42-68 r CAMERAS. KODAKS. KODAK SUP plies, a good dark room in the store, at Graham & Wells. iw PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS, Brushes, full stock of all painters' Sup plies, at Graham A Wei's. t u NEW TIRES PUT ON BABY BUG gies and go-carts, at Dilley & Arnold's ATT. T.ATR POPULAR SHEET MU sic, Guitars, Mandolins. Violins, Ac cordeons, Harmonicas, Musical Goods, coi rect pricps. Call and see them at Graham & Wells, Corvallis, Or. 40tf ATTORNEYS J. F. YATES. ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW, Office First National Bank Boildine Only set of abstracts in Benton County W. E. Yates. Bert Yates. YATES & YATES,' Law, Abstracting and Insurance. Both Phones. Corvallis, Oregon. E. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Post Office Building, Corval iis, Oregon. JOSEPH H. WILSON, ATTORNEY-at-Law. Notary, Titles, Conveyanc ing. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Office in Burnett Building. MEDICAL PURE FRESH DRUGS AND MEDI cines, some bought dirsot from the fac tory : Perfumery, Rubher Goods, Combs, Brushes, Stationery, Books, School Supplies'. Druggists' Sundries, ever thing found in a first-clsiss drug store, at Graham & Wells, Corvallis, Oregon. 40tf AUCTIONEER PTA KLINE. LIVE STOCK ATJCTION eer, Corvallis, Or. P. A. Klin 'Line, Phone No. J. P. V. address. Box 11. Pays highest prices for all kinds of live stock. Twenty years' experience. Satisfaction guaranteed, LAND AGENTS. WHEN IT COMES TO BUYING lands, new-comers in this county will make no mistake in consulting James Lewis. Mr. Lewis has been in Benton for 30 vears and not only Knows the county but the entire valley. . He has been actively engaged in selling and buying live stock and real estate all ot this time and naturally his judg ment is sound. He knows soils and values. His knowledge is worth money It nybody desiring correct and sincere information. 25-77 oTAGE LINE. PHILOMATH AND VLSEA STAGE Stage leaves Alsea 6:30 a. m. ; arri ve? t Philemath at 12 m : leaves Philo math I p. m., arrives at Alsea 6:3i p. m. All persons wishing to go or return from Alsea and points west can be accomodated at any time. Fare to Alsea $1.0 Bound trip lameday $2.00, M. S. Kickard. BANKING. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF 1. Corvallis, Oregon, does a general, con servative banking business. It guarded safely its customers' banking business . through the panics of the last two decades, which merits proper consider ation. It affords banking privileges at home and abroad, first-class, not ex celled by any institution in the United States. The members of the Board of . Directors were born and raised in Ben v ton County, except one. and that mem ber has resided In ths county forty-sbc yean. Ths business history of each is as an open book before the people of us county. Loaas to cuiiomers solicit ed, properly secured. 40tf WANTED WASTED 600 SUBSCRIBERS TO Tti J Gazette and Weekly Oregoman at $2.65 per year. DENTISTS E. H. TAYLOR, DENTIST. FAia- less extraction. In Zierolf bulletin Opp. Post Offi -e. W'l. Orwwn PHYSICIANS k DE ETTE JONES Trained nurse; massage a specialty. Phone 334. 57tf B. A. OAT HEY. M. 1).. f HI B1C1 ajn and Sureeon. Rooms 14, Bant Build inc. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to I p. m. Residence: cor. fith and Ad ams Sts. Telephone at oifice and res idence. Corvallis. Oregon, !. H. NEWTH, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon," Office an.! Residence, on Main street, Philomath, Oregon. R. D. BURGESS. M. D. Office over Blackledge Furniture Store. Office hours : 10 to 12 and 3 to 5. WOODSAWING. NEW GASOLINE WOODSAW ALL orders civen prompt attention; short notice orders solicited. Good work, as cheap as anybody. W. R. Hassell, Ind. nhone 835. 44tf. ELASTIC PULP PLASTER. NO SAND. NO LIME. Fire Proofs Water Proof WILL HOT FALL OFF CRACK CRUMBLE j Just ths Thing for Hop-Dri ers. Write for Catalogue. Pacific Pulp Plaster Co. PHONE MAIN 2362, 517-521, Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, OREGON. R. M. WADE & CO., Agts., Corvallis. Notice For Publication. iUnited States Land Office. Portland. Oregon. July 7, 19C5. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1 878. entitled "An pet for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,"' as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, EC6ESE BOGERT,; of Monmouth, county-of Polk, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement-No. 6584, for the purchase of the E. ot S. W. & W J of s. J of section No. 18 in Township No. 13 South, Ranee No. 6 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable lor its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land hefore Regis ter and Keceiver at Portland, -egou, on Tuesday fj me iwtn aay 01 oeptemoer, xwua. He names as witnesses: Charles H. Neman, Wil lard Church, Philip H. Johnson, Ernest R. Allen, all of Monmoth, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above desc: ibed lands are requested 10 tile their claims in this office on or before said lft:h day of September 1905. - 1ALGERNON &. DRESSER, tj gister. ' Pneumonia follows La Qrlpp but never follows the use of FOLEY'S Honey and Tar It ttopi the Cough and heals ths hugs. Prevent! Pneumonia and Consumption. H. O. Taohsb, at 157 Oigood 8 Chleaft iita "Mj wit had U cripp uiltUl hm with m mt aoack on h.t tnqg Mat hufUBMB iraa wwplatatjp." Peculiar Disappearatjc J. D. Knnyan of B itlervills, O., laid the peculiar disappearance of his painful svmptoms of indigestion and bili ousness 10 Dr Kinu's New Lifd Pills- He bhjb: 'They are a perfect rennel-. fur dizzi- n,". poor KtoMiHt-h, hertflHt-!; ropptj fH'inu. eti" lT'Hrn!itfd r All.-:; & Woodward's dnisf Rtorn : pric- 25- 1 Attended 10,000 Funerals. rXi the annual meeting of the parishioners of Farnworth-with-Kearsley parish church, near Bolton, it was mentioned that the sexton of the church, . George Holmes, had celebrated his ju bilee. He had commenced his duties when 16 years of age, and has officiated at nearly 10z000 fa nerala. " " ""- first Tissue. Paper, lissue paper;WafJ originally In lender to be placed between tissue ol gold ot saver, to prevent its fraying ob iarnishing Rhea toldeat b.enr. X&b aaffie. ut- CREEPING HORNED THINGS. Lizards, Bugs and Snakes In Nevada All Have Horns, Declares a Li da Eesident. "Everything that creeps has horns down in Nevada," says J.. II. Price of Lida, Nevada, in the Portland Oregonian. "The lizards. bugs and snakes all have horns. We have a species of the rattle snake down in Nevada which I do not believe is found in any other par; of the United States. It never crows to be more than a foot long, and is very slender. "It has a small horn on the top of its head and one rattle attached to the end of its tail. A bite from this small reptile nearly always results in death. Its' venom is said to be even more poisonous than that of the common rattle snake. You take one of these common prairie snakes and you have a chance to escape, as they will never attack you unless an gered. Besides they plenty of time to get their rattle can be , give you away, as distinctly heard quite a ways off. ; "But not so with the small rat tlesnake we have down there. If man goes within three or four feet of that reptile it will attack him. it will sound the alarm with its attle, but it is so small that it is rarely heard. Our rattler can spring at least three times its ength, so you can see that you lave to be very careful when wan lering about in the sagebrush. "Just before I came to Portland J was in Goldfields and Tonopah. There is no doubt but that lots of iieople" have died recently in that -iiining district, but I befieve that i'atal diseas'e they talk so much ibout is nothing less than pneu monia. I have known persons to lake down with pneumonia in that climate and die within six :iours. "You see when people go into that country their system be comes permeated with alkali. They neglect to take the proper care of themselves, and the first thing they know they catch cold, followed by the dreaded pneu monia. Then if the system is in bad condition death nearly always esuii'o. Of course there may be in unknown disease down there, but I believe' it is straight pneu :onia inti fisifled by the peculiar, imate conditions. You see it is ntensely hot during the daytime, iid at night it becomes very cold. Tlicss extremes do the work, in :;y opinion. "Nevertheless, I would not ad Isc anyone to go into that section o:' the country at present unless . hey ha ve f fiends there. If a man t nkes down sick it is hard to find .nyone to take care of him. Be sides work is hard to obtain now in these mining camps. There arc lots of good properties down there, but development is bein- i-i-i;i:-ccg oy 11:;; lieuu:: aspor tation facilities. There are sev ei ill railroad projects under con templation, and I think all' these camps will be connected with the outside world within a year or two." A Royal Bomp. . German emperor and em The .: rr.n unucr. en ocl...:. .i 1 rlin paper prints a letter from . member of the crew of the im perial yacht Hohenzollern de scribing the Easter day romp of .-uperor William and the em press. After the sailors had re ceived their Easter eggs and'oth c: presents they were all sent be lt, w while their majesties hid or r res. in the cabin and in various ; s-n round the deck. The sail .;. s then returned and hunted for oranges. "You have found i.i but two," said the emperor at n'.rth. and the:e was a fresh finally one of the sailors ;.: emperor's pocket bulging, i ..',s hand into it and took out in; range. The other missins: or- ange .was parasol. found in the empress' . And a Hard One, Too. "Does the winner of a prize f ! f..iic' all the prize?" asked the ifaiiS -.; aired typewriter boarder. ":o," replied the grocery clerk with the auburn tie, "the . loser a so gets a whack." Chicago Daily News. Slight Condition. Applicant Do yon allow chil dren in these flats? Owner Certainly! Provided they are brought up not to talk above a whisper. Detroit Tree Press. Ci JGi Poor Sailor Found a Lump of Amber - gris Valued at $12,000 Story of Life on Sea. Out of a job and depending on the flotsam of the bav for fuel and its deeps for fish to warm and feed the patient wife at home, and then! to pick up a 12,000 lump of am bergris, his ownership of which no man may successfully dispute, is the experience of William F. Getchell, of 1371 Goss streetOak land, Cal. In the early, days Getchell fol lowed the sea, but late years have found him slow in re sponding to the call of "top men aloft," so he has been forced to eke out a living by doing odd jobs around the Southern Pa cific ferry yards, ostensibly a painter, but of late work has been slack and money scarce. Fuel and food had to be provided, so he turned to that which had always provided it in the past the sea. Getchell secured a leaky old boat a few hooks and lines, and with these took to the bay, fishing and keeping a weather eye open for driftwood. 1 In company with Charles Acker man, a neighbor, he started for Goat Island. It's a long pull and a hard pull, a back and heart breaking pull from Oakland estu ary to Goat island, especially for men of their age, but Getchel! knew where the tide rip, racing past the island cast its flotsam on the shore. There he was almost sure to find wood. . , They wer e near the island when Getchell sighted an ash gray col ored mass .bobbing about on the waves. A landsman would have passed it without a second look but a sailor man passes nothing until he "Knows" what it is, Getchell headed the boat toward the greasy-looking object and poked it with an oar. The next in stant the boat was shipping water as he leaned far over the gun wale, his fingers clutching into the jelly-like lump, as he tried to drag it into the boat. With-the help of Ackerman this was accom plished and the quivering, stink ing, greasy 50-pound mass was soon lying at the bottom of the boat. "It's ambergris or I'm a land lubber," said Getchell. "Let' hurry up and get some wood and go home." Pieces of it were submitted to scientists at the University of Cal ifornia, who pronounced it amber gris of good quality. Liebes & Co., of this city, negotiated for its purchase, but reports of the chem ists are conflicting, and samples were sent to Xew York for further analysis. Meanwhile the lump re poses in a candle box under Getchell's bed. The lump is unusually large, 25 pounds being about the averatr" size, although a few have been picked up that weighed 60 pounds, and there is a record of one lump that weighed 225 pounds. ' ; ( Coining in China. Chinese mints v are literallv 'coining money" on a scheme re cently 'hit upon by which coppei coins are minted at a comparative ly small cost and made exchange able at the rate of 90 for a Mex ican dollar. At Hangchau 20,000, 000 of these copper coins are be ing made every month and shipped to Shanghai. The coins are ofti cially known as the ten-cash coins, corresponding to our American one-cent piece. One hundred of these coins weigh slightly over 24 ounces, and a pound and a half of copper costs only from 10 to 211 cents. No great amount of pow 1 I I L Jll er is neeaea to convert tne cop per into coin, and plenty of labor can be had at from four to eight dollars, gold, a month. Rice That. Is Thrown Away in Tons. According to the vicar of a Bir mingham church, about two rjounds of rice is thrown at the brides and bridegrooms every week at. each of the 75 churches in Birmingham and its suburbs and the 8,000 pounds of rice thu3 thrown away and absolutelv wasted last year might have been of very great use in. feeding the recently famine-stricken people of India. Ther are over 20,000 places of worship in England. and if this estimate be true for the other churches of the coun try, then it follows that nearly 90 tons of rice are yearly thrown taway at weddings and wasted, at a cost of oyer 4,000. LUCKl CF The Kind Ton Have Always in use for over 30 years, and -ffly flj. sonal supervision since its infancy. Allnwnn mi ft to rfoee.ivn von in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. . What Is CASTOR1A Castoria is a harmless substitute for. Castor Oil, Pare goric Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ib ' contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the e KM You Have Always Bought hi Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET, HEW YORK CITV. TALE OF LIGHT BRIGADE. How the Six Hundred. Rode Into the Jaws of Death Without a Single Warning. Sergt. Macauley, who died on January 6, gave this account of lialaklava: On the morning of Balaklava I was in a tent with ight comrades, and only two of them returned at night. I rode through the charge on the left file but one, the outside man being ailed Herbert. We had not gone far before Herbert was killed by cannon ball. A moment or two after my right-hand man had his head taken clean off by a round shot. His trunk kept upright on the horse for several yards and then fell over near me. Men and horses now began to fall very fast, and we galloped as hard as ever could. We got among the guns at last, and if it was a proud moment for us the feeling was short lived. We fully expected to be supported, but when the'-smoke' cleared awav -e discovered that what we took to be British troops were in real ty Russian cavalry. They came r us in a perfect cloud, and we faced about and rushed into them. There was an awful clash of swords and almost before we could realize it we had cut right through them. , This opened a passage for the remainder of the brigade and was the only real bit of fighting we had. The other was only slaughter. Have your cake, cuit home-made. cleaner, more tasty Royal Baldric wife to produce at home, qrH'V ;; nomically, fine and tasty cake, the hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted cake, cnsD cookies, muffins, with which the ready-made food found at the bake-shop or grocery does not compare. Royal is the greatest cf ba!:e-day helps- - . , HOYAL BAKINO FCWOER CO.. NCW YOrtK. Bought, and -which has been, nas borne the signature of has been made under his per- Signature of World's Water Power. The following list of the world's water-power electricity plants shows the aggregate power so ob tained in the respective countries: United States of America, 527,467 horse power; Canada, 228,225 horsepower; Mexico, 18,470-horse-power; Venezuela, 1,200-horse-power; Brazil, 800-horsepower; Japan, 3,450-horsepower; Switzer land, 133,302-horsepower; France 161,343 - horsepower; Germany; 81,077-horsepower.; Austria, 16,-000-horsepower; Sweden, 71,000 horsepower; Italy, 210,000-horse-power; India, 7,050-horsepower; South Africa, 2,100-horsepower; Great Britain, 11,906-horsepower; total, 1,483,390 - horsepower. don Engineer. Stuffed Her Husband. The body of M. Markoff, the great Siberian railway contractor, has been stutfed by his widow, fitted with glass eyes, and garbed in dress clothes, and it now inhab its a richly inlaid cabinet in a corner of Mme. Markoff's drawing-room. The Difference. ' One difference between a horse and a man is that if you lead a horse to water you can't make him drink, whereas if you lead a man to a bar, it is easy enough to mako him drink. Somerville Journal. Bain in Ireland.' Ireland has on an average a third more" rain yearly, acre foi" acre, than the east of England. muffins, and tea bis 1 hey wilt be fr - A - an md wholes?' Powder Lcb: : ...v U j. - , " cmilers, cn::t