Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, August 08, 1905, Image 3

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The excarsion to the coast Sun
day was well patronized and all
who attended declare they had a
fine' time.. ..Z j J
; Yesterday Professor G. LeBter
Paul returned to Portland to re
Biima his classes in elocution and
.dramatic art. j
Mrs. F. P. SUeasgreen and little
girls returned home, Saturday,
from an outinsr of two or three
"weeks in Alsea.
0. J. Blackledge and family are
borne from their camping trip to
Waldport and other adjacent points.
They report a most enjoyable time,
Regent J. D. UaJy arrived in
Corvallis, Saturday, on the noon
train and after auditing the usual
monthly bills at OAC, departed in
the evening for irortland.
Alba Thompson, who duriDg the
cast year has been manager 01 a
eteam laundry at Heppner, Or.
has been renewing his acquaintance
in this city during the past week.
Saturday, W. D Barclay and S.
A. Tharp returned from Portland,
where for fifteen days they were
under guard while serving as jurors
during the Yilliamson-Gesner-
Biggs land fraud trial.
A game of base ball played in
this citv. Saturday, between Siletz
and Corvallis was very much of
disaDDomtment. eiletz made or
8 points, while Corvallis made in
the region of 6& points.
Four passenger coaches filled to
standing room departed (Saturday
for the coast. Warm weather
coupled with the many attractions
at the coast explains the reason for
the large crowd Saturday.
Mrs. Prudence Chipman depart
ed yesterday noon for the East.
She will visit relatives and friends
in Iowa and Minnesota until cold
weather compels her return to Ore
gon probably about Decembei 1st.
Stoney Wells and a party of five
other gentlemen took dinner in this
city Thursday while enroute from
Toledo to Mill City. They made
the trip by wagon. Stoney is to
do team work about tbe mill and
the others have employment there.
Mert Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs
Fred Ciark of this city, arrived in
Corvallis, Friday evening from his
home in Baker City. Mert's wife
has been here ' for some weeks .
Sunday all of the above parties
went over to the coast to remain
. several days.
Mrs. Leonora Speidel Smith and
eon, Harry, arrived in this ctty last
week from Buena Park, California,
and are guests at tbe J. A. Spanglei
home. Mrs. Smith is a niece of
Mrs. Spangler. Mrs. Smith was
born in this city and passed many
years of her life here,
A few days ago L. L. Brooks re
ceived a letter irom Mrs. Marco,
of Belleville, Neb., who stated that
she was on the eve of departing for
this county. At the same time he
received a letter from another lady
who has property in Nebraska she
desires to trade for property in
The merry-go-round people took
out license for ..three months last
Tuesday. This does not mean that
they will do business in Corvallis
for any length ot time, but it was
cheaper to do so. License by the
day costs about $10 for each day,
while license tor three montns may
be had for $50. Ihe merry-gO'
round will be here two or three
weeks and then will be taken to the
hop fields. '
Quite of ten items of asocial, or
eveu important, nature are received
at an hour too late for press. If
an itfm goes over until next issue
it becomes stale. Our time of go
ing to press is Mondays and Thurs
days, and notes should be handed
-in by 2 p. m . on these days at the
latest sooner, if possible. . We
fully appreciate the kindness of
many persons who tell us of events
and thank them for past favors as
well as those we feel they will do
us in the future.
The death of .Mrs. Huldah
Brown occurred Thursday afternoon
in this city at the home oi S. P,
Hunt. She had reached tb.9 ad
vanced age of 81 years. At three
o'clock Friday afternoon the funer
al services were he'd in the Chris
tian church and were conducted by
rastor i . hi. Jones. The remains
were taken to Buena Vista, former
home of the deceased, for inter
ment. Her maiden name was
uuiaan A. Zumwait. She was
born in Warren county, Missouri,
June 25, 1824, and came to Oregon
in 850. She was twice married,
her first husband being Dr. Davis.
After the death of her first hus
band she became the wife of S. K.
Brown, a well-known pioneer of
this county.' : The latter died a few
years after -vthis marriage. Mrs.
Brown had. many sincere friendB
Last Friday Minor Swick and
wife and Mrs. John Stewart arriv
ed home from Belknap Springs.
Hon. C. B. Crosnol, collector of
customs of the Port of Y equina,
was in Corvallis on business Satur
Among recent visitors at the
Fair were Misses Ora an-1 Nellie
Wood and their cousin, Miss Ida
Mrs. E. A. Chenoweth, of Kings
Valley, is visiting with her daugh
ter, Mrs. J. D. Wells. ' She is to re
main several weeks.
There is to be a lawn social given
on the court house lawn tomorrow
evening. It is to be under the
auspices of the W. C. T. U.
L. A. Houck and family arrived
last week from Gold Hill, Southern
Oregon, for a visit of a couple of
months with relatives and friends
of this section.
J. B. Mason was out from Wren,
Thursday, on matters of business.
Mr. Mason says everything is
flourishing in that section. Crop
prospects are immense.
Walter Lyons, editor of the
Westside Enterprise of Independ
ence, passed through Corvallis, Sat
urday, on his way to the coast,
where he is to spend several days.
Rev. D. E. Hoi' from Woodland,
Calif., will hold evening services at
7.45 o'clock for one week in the
Episcopal church, commencing the
eighth inst. Everyone cordially
Chief of Police Lane will hence
forth have his headquarters at the
office of Police Judge J. F. Yates.
Parties having occasion to phone a
message to the Chief should re
member this. '
Tbe threshing machine is doing
bu3ine?s again throughout the
county. It is stated that in many
fields the yield has been a disap
pointment. Plenty of straw, but
not an overbundance of . grain.
Mrs. Otto F. L. Herse and sister,
Mi3S Agnes Mewis, went to Port
land, Sunday. - Yesterday Mr.
Herse joined them and together
they are to visit the Fair and en
joy a trip up the Columbia by boat.
Corvallis played a game of base
ball in Toledo, Sunday, against a
combination team composed of the
best material of Lincoln county
and strengthened by three good
men from U of O. The score was
7 to 3 against our boys.
For the first time in many years
Norm Lilly will hot run a thresh
ing machine through grain harvest.
When Lesley Lillv, son of the
above, was here recently he was al
lowed to take the threshing outfit
back to Douglas county on his return.
W. H. Hansell, who is running
a wood saw in this city, is authority
for the statement that in his opin
ion the town is several hundred
cords short of what it was at this
time last year. If Mr. Han
sell is correct in his figures, and he
is in a position to be, why is this?
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Chiles ar
rived in Corvallis, Friday, f;om
Davisville, California, for a brief
visit with relatives. They will also
attend the Exposition m Portland
Mrs. Chiles is a daughter of the
late Richard Calloway and her
girlhood was passed' in Benton
JV L. Hainden, wife and daugh
ter,' arrived from Missouri last
week and are t be guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Crees for the next month
They visited the Fair a few days
before coming to this city. Mr.
Hainden is a nephew of Mr. Crees.
and the latter met . his relatives in
Mr. Barrett's Lecture.
Ha.rison D. Barrett, of Boston,
Mass., who is president of the
National Spiritualists' Associa
tion, delivered a most interest
ing address in Barrett Lyceum
last Friday evening. There was
scarcely standing room, so close
ly was the haH packed, yet in
spite of the heat he held the earn
est attention of all for over an
hour. .
After dwelling on the fact that
"God is Spirit," Mf. Barrett went
on to show the relation of spirit
manifestations of ancient times
and those of the present. The
tendency to doubt the word of
living witnesses along these lines,
while we revere the testimony of
ancieut writers, was commented
upon. " Many other interesting
points Were treated.
Mr. Barrett proved himself an
elocutionist of no ordinary abili
ty by his rendition of the poem
"Palestine". Local spiritualists
hope to receive another visit
from him in November as he is
considering a coast tour at that
time. Miss Mabel Keady sang
several songs with good effect.
Prof. Goodnough presided at the
organ. ,
Additional Local.
See Blackledge for
While there is considerable as
surance that hops will command a
good price this year, there seems
to be an idea that the valley crop
will be a trifle short. However, it
is claimed that the hops produced
will be of excellent quality. Let us
hone that the crop will exceed in
quantity what is estimated.
A couple of very large, ripe figs
were on exhibition a lew days ago
at the August Hodes grocery. They
were what h known a3 white figs
and were the fruit of a very small
tree in Mr. Hodes' yard in this city
The figs would be n credit to any
country, as they were both large
and ripe. The tree that bore the
fruit 11 only five feet high and but
a few years old, still it produced 14
large figs.
. It is reported that diphtheria has
been raging near Airlie. This has
been another instance where doc
tors have disagreed. Some have
held the disease to be regular old
stvle nutrid sore throat, others that
it was diphtheria. At any rate it
matters little what the name was.
but the fact that one death occured
does matter. This epidemic is re
ported to have about run its course
owing to precautionary measures
ndnT" v te poop1 of that eec
furniture, etc.
Saturday, Robinson & Stevenson
sold the William Hecker property
in this city to H. Harrison. The
consideration was $1,500.
Dr. George Ainslee, of Portland,
passed Sunday in Corvallis, the
guest of relatives.
. People who have a telephone
need only to notify Small's bakery
any time they want bread and it
will be delivered at once. 62-71
Jas. Fiett and family start today
for their homestead on Five Rivers,
where they are to remain a few
weeks. They will be accompanied
by Miss Bessie Yates.
Mrs. Leah Bell, of Los Angeles,
California, who has been in Port
laud visiting the Fair, arrived in
this city yesterday for a short visit
with relative?.
Largest line of matting in coun
ty at Blackledges. 30tf
Reliable man wants work of any
kind or furnished ranch to run on
shares. Understands the care of
II kinds of live stock. Addrets
Box 47," Corvallis, Oregon. 65
Mrs. E. S. Murray and eon,
Alpha, are making preparations to
move to Portland, where they in
tend making their residet.ce. They
expect to leave so soon as tcey can
ispose of their real and personal
Blackledge, leading wall' paper
dealer. 30t-
Born, in this city July 6, 1905,
to the wife of Austin Lufferty, a
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lilly, after
a short visit at the Fair, arrived in
Corvallis, Sunday, from their home
in La Grande. Eastern s Oreaon.
Frank will only remain a few days,
but his wife will visit here indefinitely.
5V anted To rent a small cottage. Ad
dress "Kaerth'' in care of Gazette. 64-5
A quantity of good household
furniture for sale. Fruit jars and
crockery at half price. Inquire at
residence. Mrs. m. L. Weber. 65tf
W. W. McDonald recently pur
chased tbe H. Harrison place at
Summit. Mr. McDonald tor some
years has been engaged in mining
m Alaska and was lucky. A few
days ago he exhibited some very
hne nuggets in this city, among
which was one valued at $74.
Mrs. Laton returned to her home
in Lebanon, yesterday, after a brief
visit in this city, the guest ot the
family of George Flannigan.
This is the "Get Away Season" and as usual we are up with the times.
We're not going to leave, but our stock of Summer Oxfords are.
They've received notice to depart. They leave via the Club Price
Route, and the new price should land every pair of them at their
destination within ten days. This means hundreds of pairs of this
season's best styles of fine Oxfords for men, women and children, at
one-fourth to one-third less than usual. Take advantage of it while
we have your style and size,
Summer Oxfords for All, at Melted Prices.
$2.85 - FOR OUR REGULAR - $3.50 J5 $2.45 - FOR OUR REGULAR - $3.00
$1.95 - FOR OUR REGULAR - $2.50 "IIL $1.60 - FOR OVR REGULAR - $2.00
The White House,
Corvallis, Ore.
Celebrated Golden Wedding.
Sunday, August 5, at their
home near Bellfountain, Mr. and
Mrs. William Rees celebrated
their golden wedding.
They were married m Jasper
county, Iowa, in 1055, and in
1863 answering the call of the
West came by prairie .schooner
to Oregon, where they settled in
Union county. After a stay of 6
years in Union county they mov
ed to their present home, where
they have resided for 36 years.
Seven children were born to
them, six of whom are living, ,
one being- buried in the cemetery
near Bellfountain. There are al
so ten grandchildren and four
great grandchildren.
Manv presents were . given.
chief among which was a gold
watch and chain presented to the j
bride by the groom. The bride
was attired much in the fashion
of ye olden time, her hair being 1
dressed the same as when a blush- j
ing yonng bride she was led to '
the altar. Mrs. Lee Henkle, , of.
our city, is a daughter 01 Mr.
and Mrs. Rees.
Future Prospects.
Is Judged by the!;Hat heSWears.
We carry a larger stock of Hats
than some exclusive hat stores.
If you don't believe it we'll show
you the
Hop pickers wanted between 1st j
and 5th ut September. Call on ot
address C.; E. Ireland, Corvallis,
Or. " 65tf
Mrs. Stephen Whitmore, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Radir,
arrived here Friday from her home
near Pittsburg, Pa. She came out
for a visit of a month's duration
with relatives and to see the Exposition.
Mrs. M. L. Weber intends spend
ing next winter in Portland and is
already disposing of her effects with
that intention in view.
The Home Telephone Com
pany, that got a franchise at the
last state election to build an
automatic telephone system in
Portland, has just bought at the
corner of Park and Uurnside
streets a corner lot 100x115 feet,
at a cost of $30,000, and will
erect a $70,000 building. As the
appliances are heavy for the auto
matic sytem, a more staple and
permanent building will have to
be had, than for- the ordinary
switch-board. On an automatic 1
switch-board any operator can
call anv telephone connected
with the system, no difference
how far it may be away on the
Work will begin about the 20
of this month on the conduits,
which are built of vitrified tile,
with three-inch holes, laid un
der ground in cement so as to be
absolutely water proof, with man
hotes at each street crossing.
Through each tile a lead cable
is pulled with 300 copper wires,
and spliced at each street cross
ing to the desired length.
It is expected that a long dis
tance line from Corvallis to Poit-
mill "Via Km til Illl-irtfY Vl
fall months, connecting the In
dependent svstem. W. D. , De-
Varney is connected- with the
Home Telephone Company, as
well as the Independent of this
Ii yon are looking for some real goo.
Bargains in Stock, Grain,. Fruit ana
Poultry Ranches, write for our special
list, or c .me aud see us. We will tax.
pleasure in giving you reliaole informa
tion ; also showing you over tbe count
If your watch shows any irregu
larity or gives other evidence that
something is wrong with it, better
have it examined by a competent
watchmaker. You won't find any
more skillful or more experienced
anywhere than right here. We clean and repair all sorts of
watches thoroughly and quickly and guarantee all our work as
well as our prices to be right. If your watch chain is beginning
to show signs of wear, or if you'd like a new chain for any rea
son, we are prepared to supply you with the best gold-filled one
made, at a moderate price. We carry the Simmons make, the
best known and most strongly guaranteed chains ever sold.
E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician..
Op on Day and Slisghi. Rooms Stifle or EtiSuite. f
J. Cm HfifflEWEL, Prop.
One ot the Firsost Etjuipotl Ho to is intho Valley.'
BothlPhones. Bos Meets all Trains..
Cheap Sunday Rates Between
Portland and Willamette
Valley Points.
Was In Poor Health For Years.
. Ira W. Kelley, of Mansfield. Pa.,
write : "I was in poor health for two
years, suffering from kidney and bladder
trouble, and spent considerable money
consulting physicians without obtaining
any marked benefit,- but was cured by
Foley's Kidnev Cure, and I desire to add
my testimony that it may be the cause of
restoring the health of others" , itemse
pnbtirifpp." PoM bv Graham & Worth
Low round trip rates have been placed
n effect 'between Portland and Willam
ette Valley points, in either direction.
Tickets will be sold
and, limited to return on or before the
following Monday. 1
'' Bate to or Feom Corvallis, $3.00.
- Call on Southern Pacific Co'a Agents
tor particulars.
O. C ffWmtf. CAas. Blakealee. I
21 Outalda Ordora Solicited. ' CORVALLIS, ' S
T! All Work Guaranteed. " - - OXGOH. j '
1 t.i Hi rin In 1 1) niH ft ii ifli iiirfn ili niai arxrfiaAi rnrrtnl
BringiurQb: work 16 the
Huldah.! " '"