iHf CORVALLiS'Lfti EITt Published Tuesdays and Fridays by Gazette Publishing Company. responsible party, not the com pany, the corporation or combine of which he is a member. As a member, a counselor or a direct iro'a corporation is a man in dividually responsible to the de- The subscription pm e ot the Otazettb : gree in which he hgures in an ir rverai y.-ar Uas t.eeu. and remans, j offense against the people. There in. H,nmm. or -5 per.vnt discount if , the the individual is pnil in anva WORTHY ANY TRUST.: the party for whom a stick should be sharpened if the ends of justice be sought. MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG" i-AND SICK WOMEN WELL. r In another column will be found a reply by Dr. James Withy combe to the attack of Regent W. P. Keady. The doctor, uses strong language, plain and forci cible there is no mistaking it. There is about the article of the doctor that "indefinable some thing" that rina-s true and car ries with it conviction. Dr. Withycombe's duties as head of the Experimental Sta tion at the State Agricultural College of Oregon are such, and ever have been in the past, that they carried him into nearly every nonlc and hamlet in the state. It is necessary for the welfare of the college that such should be the case. In every instan.ce he has filled to the fullest all duty and obligation to the school. His work has ever been high-class as is evidenced by the wide-spread interest his lectures have awaken ed. His speeches on agriculture and . animal husbandry at the various farmers' institutes have been quoted in nearly all the leading journals. Of his ability there is no question; of his sincerity in behalf of the college no one ac quainted with his work can doubt. During the many years he has been at the head of the college experimental staff no charges have been against his work; his record is of a nature he may well feel proud. In securing students. for the college no man has in any way excelled him. In this one partio ular line of work Prof. J. B Horner is his closest competitor, but with all respect to Prof. Horner . we doubt if 'he has brought so many students to the college year in and out as has Dr. Withycombe. The recent insinuation that the doctor has neglected his duty since becoming a candidate for governor of Oregon is grossly urv just and savors of low-class pol itics. It is his privilege to make the race' for governor and there is nothing dishonorable in his candidacy. What right under the circumstances has any man to take advantage of his regency to forbid this candidacy ? There is a '"nigger in the woodpile' " somewhere, and an unusually black one, too. To Pick by Weight. Ia a few more weeks hop picl -ing season wiil aain be- it band and hundieds of, pickers wi 1 be active in the fields of i he vail . No longer are there Lops 10 be picked bv the box in Oieon tor the legislature settled that hmc- forth hops !-hdlI oe picked l weight. An exchange comment ing ou this matiersajs: Hop-growers of the state are preparing to pak this -year's crop im the tore part of September. The picking t-etsun varies very little according to thoie in the business, for. a number of years past, and the pickers are usually in the field, ready to begin work ing, between the 4th and the 8th day 01 September. Hops are to be picked by the pound this year as the last, legislature pasted an .... 1 e act malting 50 pounds 01 nops a box. From 90c to $1 a hundred pounds will be the ruling price. and this about corresponds with 40c a box, the highest price usual ly paid for picking in the past five years. "ine oouna system is more satisfactcry to growers and pickers than the box system," a promin ent grower said today, '"as the box may vary in weight and the loss fall on one party or the other, with consequent dissatisfaction jnow, wnen a box contains 52 pounds of hops, the picker gets paid for the extra two pounds, and there is no chance for a con troversv, as there has been in been in past years." Forty years ago, Dr. Pierce searched Kutiire's lalwratorv for a remedy with L which to supplant the ignorant and vi- P ofmiu-1 mAtliiij if trnafntfini wit., 1fn- holic stimulants, then in vogue, and still too commonly prescribed and advised for woman's peculiar ailments. Nature abounds with most efficient rem edies, and in Lady's Slipper root, Black Cohosh root. Unicorn root. Blue Cohosh root and Golden Seal root, Dr. Pierce found medicinal properties, which when extracted and preserved by the use of chemically pure glycerine, have proven most potent, in- making weak women strong and sick women well. It contains no alcohol; is not a "patent medicine;" nor a secret one either. "I was suiTerins with nervous headache, pains in the back anil dizziness, so that at times 1 had to lie down for hours before I rnnlrl ruisf; mv head." writes Mrs. Marv M. Thomas, of 337 Win-ston Street. Los Angeles. Cat. "After takinsr the first bottle of ' Fa vorite Prescription." however. I was so pleased with tne results man i Kept on taKing u until I was restored to health and strength. I shall never be without this Treat medicine. and shall take a lew doses when i do not feel strong." One of the principal uses of Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription is tho preparation of prospective mothers for tho time of trial and dimmer that comos when a child is born. The "Prescription " is strength ening and invigorating and les.-T.ns pain and danger.- it insures the ported wcll hoincr and the cerfect health of both mother and child. Every woman should tubbing rice! The. BEAVER CREEK. know these things before she realW needi to know them. There are many wings in Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad viser, that every woman ought to know. This celebrated 'work reached a sale of GSO.000 copies at 81.50 each. The expense of production having thus been covered, it is now being given away. A copy will be sent to any address on receipt 01 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only, or, in cloth binding for 31 stamps. Address nr. a. v. fierce, cuuaiu, jx. x. Don't Be Hoodwinked, hg2sS& or over-persuaded into accepting a substitute for the Original Little Liver Pills, SJrst put up by old Dr. R. V; Pierce, over 40 years ago, and called Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They've been much imitated but never equaled. One or two are laxative, three or four cathartic. . ine GAZETTE lias made a special arrangement with the publishers of a number of the leading magazines and newspapers of the Unit ed States, whereby we are offered cut rates on these publications. Announces that the two first weeks of their Dissolution Sale eclipses all '. previous sales. For the next two weeks we have planned Still Greater Bargains in all Departments. Buy liberally NOW. Our new Fall stock will arrive early in august. Come to us for your Harvesting Outfits long range for ' Selection. , ' - PROPERLY, ACCURATELY, and SCIENTIFICALLY To ail Dsfects of Sight. iy3ATTHES, The Optician Room 12, Bank S jHriini;. Now we could charge you the full price for these and re serve the difference between the regular price and their special price to us, as our commission, but as the Ga zette is a home paper for home people, it will be sat isfied by receiving you as a new subscriber, or, if ypu are now a subscriber, then by receiving your renewal for a year in advance. This special rate may not last long, so take advantage of it NOW "while the chance is yours. OorvaESis Rates to Lewis and Clark Fair Mr. and Mrs. Dnffy were Corvallis visi tors one day last week. Mr. Daniels went to Philomath on bus iness last Saturday. : Ten days ago Sherman Gleason met with quite a serious accident; in some manner he was struck on the forearm by a board with such force that his arm was badly cut. He drove to Dusty, where Dr. Bennett found it necessary to sew up the wound. Binding will soon be over a d thresh ing is now on full blast. Miss Bertha Mercer is attending the Exposition at Portland this weak. ; Mr. Mercer, who ha9 been visltine his brother, returned one day last week to his home in Iowa. Mr. Winters is reported to be improv ing; be is r.ow able to get around by the use of two canes. - Last week a party of our young people spent a very enjoyable day in the moun tains on Beaver Creek. TELEGRAPHERS NEEDED THE MAN GOOD OR BAD. Notice of Final Settlement. According to Judge J. B- Dill, the eminent New Jersey jurist, it is the man or men, not the cor poration, that does the mischief or commits the crime, as the case may be. If you would strike at the vitals of the corporation evil apprehend the men composing said corporation. This sounds very logical. If men band together for an unrighteous purpose and seek to fortify themselves behind arti cles of incorporation, drag them from their hiding places and hold them individually responsi ble. By this act you get those responsible for the offense. You have an opportunity in this way of getting at the big fish, the arch schemer. It has too long been the policy " of courting the favor of a man of high posi tion, even though assured of his corruption, rather than bringing such man before a court of just ice. Such a course is ruinous When a man, of whatever de gree, is assured by the whole people that he shall be held m dividually responsible lor his every public act. for all shady and unscrupulous schemes he may in any wise aid and abett, then, and then, only will sucji man consider the matter of right eous public'duty. Notice is hereby given that the executrix of the last will of Seymour Chipman, deceased, has filed ner nnai account witn county court, ttenum county, Oregon, and said county court has set Tuesday, September 5, 1905, at 10 o'clock a. m. at county court room, Corvallis, to hear an objections to said report. - rrudence Chipman, Executrix.' 66-74 Public is Arottsed. The public is aroused to a knowledge of the curative merits ot that great medicinal tonic, Electric Bitters, for sick Btomacb, liver and kidneys. - Mary a. Walters, ot 546 St. Clair Ave., Col umbia, O., writes: "For several months I was given up to die. I had fever and ague, my nerves were a wreck. I could net sleep and my stomach was so weak from useless doctors' drugs that I could not eat. Soon after beginning to take Electric Bitters, I obtained relief and in a short tune 1 was entirely cured.' Guaranteed at Allen & Woodward's drug store; price 50c Notice Of Final Settlement Annually, to fill the new positions created by Rnilroad and Telera ph Companies. We want YOUNG MEN and LADIES of good habits, to LEARN TELEGRAPHY AND R. R. ACC0UNT!NG.EISa We furnish 7.1 er cent, o! th Operators mid Station Agent, iu America. Our fix j.chno!e are the I rgeatwlifive Telegraph fechl IN THE WORLD. Kstabl shtd 20 yers a:ti eudors d oy all loading tiauway Officials. We exeeu e a $i"0 Bond To every student 1o furnish him r her a position paying from $10 to $60 a mouth in states east of t e Roeky Moun tains, or from JT5 toS'.Ou a month in s ates west of the Rockies, immediately upon graduation. Students can enter at any time. No vaca tions. For full particulars regarding any of our Schools write direct to our executive office at Cincinnati, O. Catalogue froe. The Morse School of Telegraphy, Cincinnati, Ohio. Buffalo, N. Y. Atlanta, Ga. LaCrosae, Wis. Texarkana.Tex. San Francisco, Cal 58-93 Plumbing and Heating! Woman's Offer: Woman's Home Companion Frank Leslie's Monthly Modern Prlsclllaand Corvallis Gazette Individual Tickets. RATE One and one-third fare for the round trip. ) Ark SALE DATES. .Daily from May 29th to Oct. 15th, 1905. S3. 50 LIMIT. . Thirty ds. but not later than Oct. 31, 1905. PartiesIotSTeriEor More. For rarties of ten or more from one point, (must travel together on one ticket both ways), party tickets will be sold as follows: RATE. One fare for the round trip. ) A SALE DATES. .Daily from May 29th to Oct. 15th, 1905. ibZ.OU LIMIT ...Ten days. ) Organized Parties 'of 100 or More. For organized parties of one hundred or more movinar on one day from one place, individual tickets will be.sold as follows: RATE One fare for the round trip. SALE DATES . . Daily from May 29th to Oct. 15th, 1905. b2.60 LIMIT........ Ten Days. ( Stopovers. No stopovers will be allowed on any of the above! tickets: they must be used for continuous passage in each direction. For further information call on J . E . FA RMER, W. E. COM AN, Agent, Corvallis. Gen'l Pas. Agt., Portland. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. All five one year $3. 65 Cornice, Roofing, Guttering, and all kinds of heet Metal Work. F. A. Hencye In connection with J. H. SIMPSON'S "HARDWARE STORE. " In the County Court of the Stale of Oregon for Ben ton iKunty 9 In the matter of the estate and Iast Will and testament ( of f William Wyatt, deceased Notice is hereby given that I have filed my final ac count as executor of the last will and testament of William Wyatt, deceased, with the clerk of the above entitled Court and that said Court has fixed and ap pointed Saturday, the 9th day of September, 1905 at, 11 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the offee of the County Judge of said County at the C mrt House in Benton County, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to and the settlement of said Final Account; and all persons interested and desiring to object thereto art notified to appeal at said time and file their objections. Dated, August 8th, 1905. A. J. Williams, Executor, of the Estate of William Wyatt, deceased. 6C-74 KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases. ' SHI CV'O KIDNEY CURE Is a rULC I u 6oarant68d Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the Best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c and $1.00. Take The Gazette for all. the local news. War Against Consumption. All nations are endeavoring to check the ravages of consumption the "white plague" i hat claims so many each year.' Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs and colds perfectly and yon are in no .dan ger .of (ymsutnptiop,. Do not risk' your health bv takioa eome unknown prepa ration when Folev's Honey and TardBs safe and certain io results. - Ask. forFo-4 Tho mrvthe- K-E21,-13 the- ia-. U. sold bvtiraUm XWoi itfalfi. ' " - CASTOR! A or. Infants and Children...- The Kind Yell Have Always Bought Will Interest the Men: Weekly Oregonlan (San Francisco Examiner Corvallis Gazette All three oess year 35 Cosmc p a!isn .z g i zlne or Leslie 3, Housekeeper or YcCallV Corvallis Gazette Any three ..one year 2ao Address. Bnzetie Puis Go MAIL ARRIVES. 8:30 a. m. Mail arrives by stage for Portland and all points North and Bast, also for California and points on S.P, 10 a. m. From Monroe by stage. 11:15 a. m. From Philomath and points West on C. & E. 12 m. From Portland and all points on the West Side. 1:30 p. m. From Albany and all points North on the S. P. MAIL DEPARTS. 6 a. m. For Albany and points East on the C & E., and for points North of Albany on the S. P. 4 10:30 a. m. For Albany and all points North and South on the S. P. 12:30 p. m. ForjWest Side points, Portland, and points North and East, also for points West on the C. &, E. 2 p. m. For Monroe, Or. . 6:15 p. m. For Portland, Cal: fornia, and points North, East and South. MRS. CECELIA STOWE, . Orator, Ectre Ncas Club. 176 Warren Avenue, Chicago, III., Oct. 22, 1902. For newly four years I suffered from ovarian troubles. The doc tor insisted on an operation as the only way to get well. I, however, strongly objected to an operation. My husband felt disheartened es well as I, for home with a sick womaa is a disconsolate place at best. A friendly druggist advised him to get a bottle of Wine of Cardui for me to try, and he did so. I began to improve in a few days and my recovery -was very rapid. With in eighteen weeks I -was another being. oilH Mrs. Stowe's letter shows every woman how a home is saddened by remaie weasnes ana now completely Wine nf -Oardni ness and brings health and happi ness again. Do not go on Buffer ing. ; Go to your druggist today and secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine 6. B. Burhaiis testifies after four years, G. B. Burhans, of Carlisle Center, K. Y. writes: "About four years ago I wrote you stating that I had been entire ly cured of severe kidney trouble by tak ing less than two bottles of Foley's Kid ney Cure. It entirely stopped the brick dust sediment, and pain and symptoms of kidney disease disappeared. I am glad to say that I have never had a' re turn of any of those symptoms during the four years that have elapsed and I am evidently cured tn stay cured, and hearti ly recommend Foley's Kidney Cure to any one suflering from kidney or bladder trouble.' Sold by Graham and Wortbam. Was Wasting Away. "I have been troubled with kidney dis ease for the last five years," writes Robert R. Watts, of Salem, Mo. "I lost flesh and never felt' well and doctored with leading physicians and tried all remedies without irelief. Finally I tried Foley's Kidney Cure and less than two bottles cured me and I am now sound and well." During the summer kidney irregulari ties are often caused by excessive drink ing or being overheated. Attend to the kidneys at once by using Foley's Kidney Cure. - A Touching Story. is the saving from death of the baby girl of Geo. A. Eyler, Cumberland, Md. He writes: "At the age of 11 months our little girl was in declining health, with serious throat trouble, and two physicians gave her up.- We were almost in despair, when we. resolved to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. The first bottle gave relief, after taking four bottles she. was cured, and is now in perfect health." Never fails to relieve or cure a cough or cold. At Allen & Woodward's drugstore 50c and $1 guaranteed. Trial bottle free. Foley's Kidney .Cure -ns5-. 'nsyf md bladder right,