Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, August 08, 1905, Image 1

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Al jV A II M
E -Yj
Vol. XLII.
The Hindu Student Writes
. G. Mukerji, a Hindu student
who for the past year or more at
tended OAC, recently issued a
circular having reference more
particularly to this college than
any other. It is intended as a
guide lor young men of his own
country who may desire to come
to the United States for an edu
cation. The writer during his
attendance at OAC proved him
self a bright and sincere student
and in his circular he pays high
triDute to his professors, fellow
students and citizens in general.
Following are excerpts from his
In the United States an edu
cational institution means an
academy where every kind of ed
ucation is imparted with special
reference to certain practical
branches or professions. A uni
versity or college means a nucleus
of different collegessuch as col
leges of law, of literature, poli
tics and economics.'-
A college of engineering con
sists of civil, mechanical elec
trical, mining and chemical en
gineering; a college of agricul
ture includes botany, zoology,
bacteriology, physics, chemistry,
irrigation, itock breeding, etc.
A college of household science
teaches sanitary science, cooking,
sewing and music.
Applied chemistry and applied
mechanics are the principal things
for all technical industries, and
for all these elaborate and expen
sive labratories and "workshops
are the main features of the col
leges where the boys get their in
' struction. More attention is paid
in increasing the practical ability
ot tne students. "Iearn to do
by doing, and learn to see bv see-
mg- is ine practical motto.
The department of chemical
engineering, or applied chemis
try, has the highest range of in
dustries, as by it . we practically
learn all the industries, such as
the manufacture of glass, porce
lain,' cement, rubber, dyeing,
electroplating, and a complete
uuic in tais insures success in
any chemical or mechanical man
ufacturing. Personal and friendly relations
are always maintained between
the professors and the boys. Our
personal experience has shown
that the American teachers are
highly cosmopolitan in their man
ner and habits. We enjoy equal
privileges with the other students
in this country. In fact, the
American teachers are the Hncan
nonized saints of the modern ae.
In general all state universities
are , free. Each state has its own
university, high schools and poly
technic colleges. The university
is located on the same ground in
different buildings, producing an
ennobling and grand influence on
the mind and character. Sani-N
tary rules are enforced around the
student town, and no intoxicating
liquors are allowed to be sold
near the place.
Since some parents do not like
to send their sons to foreign coun
tries, on the question of undesir
able foods, etc., we suggest that
if some number of students form
themselves into a nucleus and
come over here, every arrange
ment for our style of living can
be arranged suiting every strict
rule of our country. In this
country all kinds of
foods are abundant. There are
many Americans who live on
pure vegetable diet;, further, an
average American table contains
many vegetables. . Milk and but
ter are quite cheap and abundant
In this arrangement, all the boys
live satisfactory, at a very cheap
rate, and any one , seeking self--snpport
can be given the charge
of cooking, etc., so that one or
two boys can earn their educa
tion as well as others. If our
youths or the parents can make
this arrangement, they will open
grm dd of possibilities. It
is a great mistake to think that
every one coming over to this
country have to take meat, etc.
There are hundreds of Chinese and
Japanese students living in this
way, which is undoubtedly verv
economical and convenient; and
such arrangements must give
other less able young men a
chance to be self-supporting by
thus helping their countrvmen.
Now I ask those of my friends
who have been asking for work
nere, to volunteer their services
right in India, and find out how
many paying students they can
secure willing to come here for
education, and to live in such
economical way. I earnestly hope
some friend will work out this
plan, and if any one arrives in
this country I am ready at any
moment to render any possible
help. Boys coming through Ja
pan will be given letters nfinfrn.
duction to our friends.
It at least twelve boys give me
their positive assurance with r?.
liable authority to some editor, or
it - .... '
puDiic men, l will take charge of
every convenience of food, edu
cation, etc. I can also undertake.
wnuuui anv cost, to enot anv
i- . . . .
food that they desire while they
supply their expenses. My ser
vices of any kind is alwavs at thp
disposal ot our young men. If
the parents of the students take
up this plan they must send in
their final decision
memseives at the above place be
iore September 30.
Young Man Killed.
Freeman Bevans and
to Corvallis. Friday, fmm thi
home near Airlie and rptnrn
Sunday. While here Mr. Bevans
told of the death of a young man
by the name of Winterstein an.
cording to his information. - It
seems that the young man's
father resides in JNew Vnrt
w , - VV I.V
but had purchased a place not
far from Airlie and the son was
out awaiting the time when he
could take possession thought
to be when the crop was harvest
ed. Some goats, had strayed from
the ranch recently purchased and
Winterstein Jr. rode out to leca'te
them Wednesday evening. In
some way, it is not known posi
tively, the halter rope of the ani-
mai ne was riding became wrap
ped about one of his wrists and
he was dragged to his death.
Whether he was thrown from the
animal and dragged, or whether
he was walking at the time and
had the rope abcut his wrist
when the animal became frigh
tened and ran is a matter of con
The rope about the wrist broke
and the unfortunate young man
was released, but not until he
had been dragged to his death.
it is thought that he was only
carried about 200 yards before
the rope broke. It is stated that
alter being dragged a short dis
tance the young man evidently
regained his feet, as foot-prints
plainly pointed to this fact. Tf
such were the case, he was un
able to check the animal and
soon lost his footing, only to
meet death.
It was a sad affair, nartipnlar-
ly so as he was so far from home
and kindred. Mr. Wintersrpin
was aged about 24. years and was
a single man. The remains were
taken to Dallas to be emhalmcd
c i , , . .
iui buipmenr, to nis relatives in
New York.
Young Men's Outing Suits
:'. Fiendish Suffering
is often caused by sores, ulcers and
cancers that eat away yonr skin. Wm.
Bedell, of Flat Kock, Mich., says- "I
have used Bucklen's Arnica Salve, for
Ulcers, Sores and Cancers. It iB the
best healing dressing: I have ever found."
It soothes , and heals cuts, barns and
calds. Guaranteed at Allen & Wood
ward's drug store ; price 25c- -
Benton County, Oregon. Tuesday,
for What He
His Rights.
In the Portland Tm, rnal nf loot
xnursaay appears the following
a reply, of Dr. James. Withv
mDe 10 the recent attack of
xegent W. P. Keady: -
I T 1 1
a ne malicious attari- of w r
Keady in The Journal f July 28
cuaiactenstic ot the bitter fight
waged against me bv Mr. W. P.
Keady for political' effect." saii
Dr. Withycombe, professor in
the Agricultural College today
"Hitherto his attacks have been
made under cover, but now in
his moments of desnai'r h
pears in the open.
Piqued and humiliated at fhi
and previous utter defeats in his
personal warfare upon me before
the board of regents, thic mnrtii.,
o 7 -J "wimj
gcuuciuan rusnea into print.
"ine whole article from be
ginning to end, is a tissue of
falsehoods. Mr. Keadv save that
he did not consult with a mem
bember of the board
resolution before its introduction,
which is very improbable. - Fur
thermore, I have unimpeachable
evidence that vMr. Keady used
all the persuasive eloquence at
wc nanus or protessional lobby
ist oh a member of the board
from Portland to Corvallis in h.
halt of the resolution.
uThe statements made bv TVTr
Keady in his interview . relative
to ine neglect of inv wort at tne
college and the use of my office
for the promotion of mv nersnnoi
interests are absolutely false. No
one knows better 'than ivr-
Keady the falsity of these state
ments, because this matter was
thoroughly discussed at the- rp.
cent board meeting.
Among other fabrications
Mr. Keady states that T nave
been running over,the state to at
tend various meetings for ulterior
purposes, and that I ha
lected my classes, and at times
have turned them over to the
foreman of the farm, which is un-i
qualifiedly false. It is true I have
been away a good deal attending
farmers' institates and other ag
ricultural conventions, hllfnn ac-
sure Mr. Keady that these meet
ings have beer, kept upon a high
er plan than he is capable of ap
preciating, and h;ve not been
subservient to the selfish ambi
tion of any individual. These
iustitutes are usually held at a
reason when I have no class work.
In case I am called away when I
have classes the' work is prear
ranged and my associate profess
or, and not the foiemau of the
ferm, assumes charge. In fact,
I challenge' any person to show
where I have neglected a single
college or experimental station
"For answer to the.insinuation
of my incompetenev to conduct
the affairs of the station I respect
fully refer you to the last three
annual reports ot Dr. A. C. True,
director of United States experi
ment station. Washington, Dis
trict of Columbia. )
"Were such charges as those of
Mr. Keady made against me by
the president -of the college, or
by any menber of. the beard,
whose entire course during his
regency had not been largely dic
tated by political or personal mo
tives, I should feel that they were
worthy of consideration at my
hands. Coming from the-, source
they do I deem them and shall
so consider anything further1 from
the same source, unworthy of fur
ther notice." '
Great Plan Made.
At present the actions of thp
Co-Operative Christian Federa
tion are being 'watched with
great interest on the part of the
public. Should all go as con
templated it is quite probable
that thousands of oeoDle will
find opportunity to . secure homes
in Tne fertile section of Central
Co-Operative Christian Federa-
tion plans to accomodate 50,000
people on the projects already
,D teg,OD- a the
i itutu-ijienn rancn, which ' the
federation has secured i
county, there is room for 10,000
people, and cn the 8nn
ot land which the Jederation ex
- - -
uei:is to secure irom the nwnorc
of the old grants to the Wil
lamette Valley & Cascade Moun
tain Waeon Road, tnopthpr ;ti.
the factories and manufacturing
esiaDiisnments which it is plan
ned, to establish in the Wil
lamette valley.
... . - s
people wi I be accommodated.
TIT . '
were tne -orhcers of the federa
tion ready to begin the selection
of people for these enterprises.
the entire number could hp spoiii-:
ed in a few days say the federa
tion leaders. But the time when
work on the project will be actu
ally begun is yet too indefinitp
so no applications are hpin T ant
ed upon. A great many appli
cations are being received, how-!
ever. - . y , K
Hn tlw. T? 1
ricutu-uienn rancii a
model colonv will hp
Most of the land will be used for
diversified farmino- nnmnspc
the necessary enterprises to 'sup
port a farming district nf thai
size will be established. ' Thprp
will be an ODDoitunitv
of every profession and business
to locate there, and the 160,000
acres will accommodate approxi
mately 10,000 people.
The federation nlans tn
lish the factories and manufactur
ing establishments to. snnnl,, oil
its Oregon colonies at some point
vviuamette valley. The
officers of the company, believe
the valley is the best sitp fnr tlioco
industries, and they will be placed
west of the mountains, notwith
standing that most nf tVi in
dents of the colonies will live in
the eastern Dart of thp totp
The location for these industries
has not yet been determined, and
probably will not be until rail
road facilities of thp
are arranged. The industrial
and manufacturing projects and
the transportation facilities will
naturally go together.
Rev. David Leppert, D. D.,
vice-president of the federation,
arrived in Portland, Friday, and
will make his home in that citv.
He has been living in Ontario.
It was Dr Leppert who made the
investigations preparatory to the
purchase of the French-Glenn
ranch, and he perfected the ar
rangements lor the
this, property.
Real Estate Transfers.
Ed Ray to L M' Ra v, 10 acres
near, Bellfountain; consideration
lv ,M Ray to L N Price.
pcres near Bellfountain: $ir o.
August Youug to Hilda-', Gf
tafson, 2 lots Jobs Additional
H Wtinhard and wife to
1 :.. :
Everything in first-class order. Come and see us.
room, new fixtures, new goods, but same old prices.
- 1X7" -iMl 1 ------ ' 1
L1 bU11 nave a very nice line of Go-Carte, at very reasona
ble prices.
'If you are going camping, come and see us.
Tents, Cots, Camp Sjovcs, etc., always on hand.
1 no
August 190o.
nie S. Pratt, 104 acres south of
Philomath; $425
L R Ray to Frankie Ray. 66
acres south of Philrmath ; $1.
Mary E Doshe to L J King, 2
lots Corvallis; $1200.
F Skipton to M Scheiern, 76
acres south of Philomath ; $2100
H Harrison and wife to W W j
McDonald, 255 acres near Sum
mit; $2,000 -
Geo Bayre to A L Gump, 74.
acres at Wren; $7,5000
John Smith and wife to W 1U
Jones, lot in Corvallis and land
near city; $1,600
No Matter How Long Equines May
Live They Always Answer the
Calls of the Cornet.
These old horses never tnrcrat
the calls, no matter how long it
has been since they last heard
One day some years ago, when
I was passing an open lot in the
outskirts of Chicago, I found a
boy trying to play an old cornet,
says a writer in 'Forest and
Stream. While the boy and I were
at work on the cornet, an old negro
ash hauler came alone drivi an
animal that had once been a good
horse, but was now only a collec-
Gazette Bell phone No 341.
u,y u sr 1 ill liny
When you pay out
good money for
printing, be sure
and get good print
ing for the money I
Good Work costs
you no more than
the bad.
tion of skin and bones. The horse
stopped when he heard us and
stuck up his ears. I came to th
conclusion that he had once been
a cavalry horse and asked the old
negro" where he had got him.
"From a farmer," he said. I could
not find a "U. S. on the horse; he
had probably been discharged to
long ago that his brand had been
worn off. But taking the cornet I
sounded the stable call, and the
horse began to danc p.
"Hold fast to your lines, now,
uncle," I warned the old negro
am going to make the old horse do
some of the fastest running he has
ever done since he left the caval
ry." Then, beginning with thecal!
for the gallop, I next sounded thp
charge, and the old plug went
plunging up the road at his fast
est gait, dragging his wagon after
him. I gave him the recall next
and he came down to a walk, much
to the relief of the old negro. He
said that this was the first time he
had ever been able to get him to
go faster than a slow walk before
lon don't feed him well enough
to get him to do much running " I
told him. "That horse when he did
have to run got his 12 pounds of
com and all the hay he could eat
every day."
"Who can say anything to jus
tify race suicide?" thimr v,
orator, and a-thin, small ;
piped up: "Poets are born.
made!" Y. Herald. .
;- V
U4 ---rf
Do not send out printed mat
ter to your customers that is
a dissraee to your business
a disgrace toyour town and
a disgrace to the printer vrho
puts it out. 5 '
Good printing is
spelling correct
correct in
in erram-
correct in punctuation
on good stock printed
with good, ink and some
thing that it is a pleasure . to
look at.