Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, July 28, 1905, Image 5

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: Mip Hi tty Lilly made a busi
ness tiip to Poriiand, Wednesday.
Prof. G. Lester Paul informs us
that he has been elected to occupy
his present docuticnary position in
Portland for another year.
We are in receipt of the annual
catalogue from the state normal
school Bt Monmouth, Or., for 1904'
5. It is nicely printed, well edited
and in every way attractive.
Tkn TnAnAnflflna Ttri crinfV tf"!lnh
will hold a meet tomorrow and
son 'e good events are promised.
Lovers of horse racing will un
Houbtedlv eet their money's worth
if thty attend.
Mrs. R. H. Nabbott, who has
been a cuest for a brief period of
Mrs. A. E. Wiikins, of this ci'y, de
partfd for her home in.. Webster
Oiiv. Iowa, last Tuesday. Webster
City-was formerly Mrs. Wiikins'
Mr s. G. R. Farra returned home.
Tuesday from a visit to the towns
of Grants Pass and Ashland,
Southern Oregon . She reports that
the thermometer climbed some dis
tance above the MJO mark on one
or two days during her visit in
that section.
Mr. and Mrs. Koy laylor are
down from The Dalles, and are
visiting at the home of Mrs. Tay
lor's father, John Porter, where
they will remain about a month
Roy is running a barber shop in
The Dalles and is getting along
nicely. He has been in business
tip there for about a year.
Virgil A. Pinkley, the well
known elocutionist who recently de
lighted an audience at the Fresby
terian church in this city, passed
through Corvallis, Tuesday, en
route to the bay, where he expect
ed to do something in his line. If
he fills any contracts over there we
bespeak him a good house, as he
. will merit it.
We are informed by Chief Lane
that it behooves people to be care'
ful hereafter where they tie their
cows about the city. He states
emphatically that henceforth any
cow that he finds tied where she
can get on the side wait will im
mediately be taken to the pound.
It matters not that she is tied it is
where she is fastened that cuts
Ed Clark arrived in this city
last Tuesday for a brief visit. He
now has charge of a bank at Glenns
Ferry, Idaho, and is getting along
nicely. For awhile after leaving
Corvallis some three years ago he
Ore., with his brother, Elmer. Ed
expected to take his departure
his Idaho home yeBterday.
Mrs. L. O. Wessel and Mrs. J
Willwerscheid, sisters of A.
Metzger, who arrived a week
from St. Paul, Minn., for a visit, de
parted Tuesday for Salem. After
a brief sojourn in that city they
will proceed to Portland, where
they will . visit 'the Exposition.
From there they will go to San
Francisco, from which point they
will return to their .Eastern home
over the Central Pacific.
J. C. Wells was in a reminiscent
moad Wednesday. He informed
the Gazette that it was the 45th
anniversary of his wedding. On
July 26, ) 860 he was united in
marriage with Elizabeth J. King at
the heme of . the bride s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. David King in
Pleasant Valley, this county. Only
a few of the older persons who at
tended the wedding are yet with
us. Rev. J. A. Hanna performed
'the marriage ceremony. .
A deed was filed at the recorders
office, Tuesday, whereby the Coast
Land and Live Stock Company,
with headquarters at Albany, Ore.,
ceda to James Aid Wcod all
grantors' lands in Benton, Lincoln
and Polk counties. There are 21,-
6bl acres thus deeded and the con
sideration. was $1. James Mcl
Wood in turn deeds these lands to
the Bently Realty Co., of Portland,
the consideration in this case being
$ 1 .
John Harbaugb, who ai rived
here a few weeks ago and thought
himsfclf settled permanently, has
yielded to a dislike his wife has
taken to the country and we are
informed that they will depart next
Sunday for Denver, Colorado. Mr.
TTarViaiiryti ia a rrrrA maAnonii oitf?
uut vuugu AW MP gUUU UJVUOiUl U11VI
has had employment with Adams
Bros. He likes the country very
much. They came originally from
Quite a large party of English
people arrived in this city, Tues-
day, and secured conveyances at
v iujiu mui Dvagig iui Aiooa, wucio
they are to enjoy an outing of some
length. It appears that some of
these people are very wealthy and
have built log cabins over there for
the entertainment of guests. There
to nna varv 1 a rera tinilrlinfr 4haf id
. tt - 0
used as a banquet hall. Several
people of note are reported to be
gue-'s '.n V..".- Yar?7 at present.
OUo F. L. Herse arriyed home
Wednesday evening, from a brief
trip to Eastern Oregon. .
Benton county peaches have al
ready made their appearance in the
local market. They are fine ones,
. A.
Merwin-McMaines returned last
Monday f.otn a trip to Washington
and a few days in camp with Ore
gon National Guard.
Carpenters are at work under the
supervision of Prof. Holmes placing
new seats in the public school build
ings. Other wrrk of improvement
is to be done.
Next Tuesday evening the regu
lar monthly meeting of the Benton
County Citizens' League will be
held and it is hoped that the mem
bers will all be in attendance.
Bert Bowers, a member of this
year's graduating class at 0 AC, was
expected to arrive from Portland
yesterday. After a visit with Cor
vallis friends be will go to Eastern
Oregon. -.. '
Mrs. Lizzie Estes and son went
to Portland last Tuesday to spend
a few days at the Fair. Mrs. Estes
and children expect to depart for
their home in San Francisco in the
course of a week or two.
A much-enjoyed launching party
was given on the Willamette last
Tuesday evening by E. J. Garrow
to about a dozen . of his friends.
This was on the eve of his departure
for Humboldt county, California.
Last Tuesday afternoon at 5
o'clock Rev. P. A. Moses united in
wedlock, at his residence, Henry P.
Spradling and Miss Ida May. The
young people are to reside in this
city in a dwelling near the C & E
depot. -
Presbyterian church, Rev. M. S.
Bush, pastor Bible school 10 a.m.;
reception of new members arid
communion 11 a. m., subject, "The
Unhallowed Sense;" C. E. meeting
7 p. m.: evening service at o p. m
subject, "Cain's Way or Christ's
Services at the Christian church
next Sunday wilLbe as follows
Sunday school 10 a. m.; preaching
11 a. m. subject, " the Divine View
point," YPSOE meeting 7 p.
m ; preaching at 8 p. rr., subject,
"Jonah, fh Runaway Preacher."
The preaching services will be made
short. All are invited. .
C. R. McEwan and wife are to
depart today for their home at Los
Angeiee, California. They have
been touring the valley and visiting
the .Exposition and included Cor
valliB in their itinerary. Mr. Mc
Ewan is a large stock raiser in New
Mexico. He has a ranch of 30,000
acres presided over by his sons.
Charley Heckart and a crew of
six carpenters went out to the
Beulah church district yesterday
where Mr. Heckart has the con
tract for building a very fioe coun
try residence for Doc McBee. Work
on the structure is to begin at once.
Mr. Heckart has j ist completed the
carpenter work on the Finley resi-:
dence here in town and it is now in
the handt of the plasterers.
The water commissioners held a
sort of informal meeting last Tues
day evening at which lime was
considered certain features of
Engineer Miller's estimates. As
several items of data regarding
piping was not clear to the com
missioners it was decided to com
municate with the engineer, who is
at Athena, Or., and have him come
to Corvallis if possible that the
commission may go over his figures
with him. All members of the
commission were present save M. S.
Woodcock and E. Woodward.
Wednesday evening Mrs. Rose
Selling gave a launching party in
honor of Mrs. Greenberg who is to
depart ere long for her home in San
Francisco. Strong's , launch was
secured for the occasion and there
were 29 invited guests. The party
went gaily down stream about 4
miles and had a splendid time of it;
On returning they had ascended
the Willamette about a mile when
the engine gave out broke. After
landing they pboned to town for a j
coach and awaited its arrival amid
much merriment. They finally ar-1
rived home about 12o'c,ock. They
had not only an enjoyable launch
ing party, but a memorable one.
The matter of a boat club and a
boat house has been conceived and
some of our young men are serious
ly considering the matter. The
proposition, if it's a go ,is to get ten
or twenty fellows interested at $100
or $50 each and build a double
deck boat bouse and club room to
be floated on the Willamette river."
It is estimated that the house
would cost about $500 nicely fixed
up, and a number of canoes could
be purchased for use of club mem
bers and for rent to outsiders. The
scheme seems' a good one and is
worth considering. . Ultimately
boating might become a popular
college sport and would undoubted
ly be better for the students than
To Receive Benefit.
As we stated in the Gazette a
week ago, W. O. Trine, physical
director at OAC. went to San
Francisco expecting to undergo
an operation for the removal of
a portion of diseased bone in his
chin. On arriving: there he as
certained" that the operation
could be performed in Portland
as weir as m San Francisco and
in order to be nearer home when
he submitted to the ordeal he re
turned at once to the former city.
Here n was operated - upon
aftid is stated to have stood it well
and that his chances are good
for recovery. He is widely known
in his profession and has a host
of friends, as is evidenced by the
following, which is taken from
the Oregonian:, - ' . ,
Several prominent local ath
letes are planning a monster
benefit in the shape of an athletic
carnival to be given to -W. O.
Trine, better known to the ath
letic fraternity by the sobriquet
of 'l)ad," who underwent an
operation in this city yesterday
whereby his lower jaw was al
most entirely removed owing to
a cancerous growth having formed.
"Dad" Trine is known all
over the Pacific Coast as one of
the squaresr. men who ever don-
nea a spixe snoe or Handled a
a track team. He has been con
nected with athletics, first as an
amateur - and later as a pro
fessional coach all of his life,
it i t
ana nas aone more toward pro
moting athletics on the coast
than almost any man in this
locality. Trine was a noted foot
racer in his day and later gained
prominence as a rtfnner with
M 1 .
nose reams wnen tnat sport was
at its zenith, and of- late years
has gained fame as a professional
coach, having been instructor for
the past several years of the
crack Oregon Agricultural Col
lege field and track teams. Many
ot- the most prominent of the
amateur athletes of the North
west today, owe their early suc
cess to the coaching of "Dad"
Trine, and these men are the
ones who will come to the front
and help : the proposed benefit
The affair is-being planned by
Jack King, Berl Kerrigan, Frank
Lonergan, "Dad" Moulton,
Billy Hay ward and a hostrtof
others who are putting their
shoulders to the wheel, and the
affair will undoubtedly prove
date has not yet
note. 4 He : thitks Corvallis has
g "ne ahead since he l'ved here a
few years ago and such is in fact
the case. -
People who have a telenhnne
need onlv to notifv Smnli's hafrpriz
any time they want bread and it
will be delivered at once. 62-71
Lost In' Corvallis or rear
Catholic cemetery July 9th, a lady's
black serge jacket with jet buttons.
mder please return to Mrs. Anna
Mattley and receive reward. 62
Just as we were going to press
yesterday afternoon word reached
us to the effect th.t Jacob Blum-
berg had withdrawn his appeal of
the case he recently had before
ustice Holgate, wherein he wae
charged with selling liquor, and
either will, or. has paid, his fine of
$50. We are informed that' John
McGee made affidavit recently that
Mr. Blumberz had sold him
whiskey as charged in the complaint.
The Corvallis base ball team
eaves todav for the coast. To-
morrow they will play the New
port team. The line, up of our
team for Saturday's game will be
follows. Reib n. Pilkinoton f
Colbert 1st b, Swan 2d b, Pratt 3db,
Uroni8e B 8. Butoloh If. Chnmripm
cf, Keady rf. On Sunday our boys
are to have a game with Siletz. to
be played atNewpoit, and the line
up will be slightly changed. It will
be as follows: . Colbert p. Cham
bers c, Pilkington lstb, Frink 2d b,
ratt dd b. lronise ss. Butoloh If.
Reib cf, Emery rf.
Miss Alice Wicklund expected to
go to Salem yesterday to remain
for some time. Shi is makiner
preparation for the inter-state pro-
niDition contest which is to be held
in Portland, Sept. 2lst. In this
contest six orators are to compete,
two each from the states of Cali
fornia, Oregon and Washington.
The winner of the contest will re
ceive a cash prize of $100 and the
honor of representing the Weet in
national conteet to be held in the
East some time next year. MiEB
Wicklund is one of Oregon's repre
sentatives and Chester Gates, of
Dallas, is the other.
From Corvallis. a dark brown horse.
weight 1050, strip on nose and one white
hind foot. Suitable reward will be given
for hiareturn, or information as lo his
62t Vmrro Bros.. Corvallis.
success. The
been, decided
upon, but will
likely be about August r5
Additional Local.
See Blackledge for furniture, etc.
. . - . 26
Miss Bessie Dilley arrived home
Wednesday from Scio, where Bhe
visited relatives.
Albert J. Metzger buys old gold
and silver 61-2
aire. m. a. Woodcock and son,
Edwin, went to Portland yesterday
for the purpose of attending the
Fair for a week or ten days.
See the surging crowd wending
its way to J. M. Nolan & toon s
great Dissolution Sale for bargains
It is reported that next week will
mark the beginning of threshing in
this county. Several .machines
will start it is claimed.
Largest line of matting in coun
ly at Blackledges. 30tf
So soon as deer are ripe Post
master Johnson and some friends
are plauning to spend a couple of
weeks in the Yachats country. :
iilackiedge, leading wail paper
dealer. ' 30t
Mrs. Grace E. Hall, who has
been visiting relatives at Buena
Vista for the past few days was ex
peeled to return home yesterday
Casoadia Water can be. supplied
by Wiley & Zeis. This water
comes from the famous Cascadin
Spring in the Cascade mountains
and is kept on ice by this house.
: : (,1
Mrs. Louise Smith-Glanville
leaves tomorrow for Roseberg, Or
for a short visit with her mother,
after which she will go to Grange
ville, Idaho, to , resume her classes
on piano, one is a very talented
lady and for the past year or more
has studied with Prof. Taillaudier
at OAC.
Elmer Clark and wife arriyed in
this city Wednesday evening from
Vale, Oregon. Elmer iB now the
banker at that city and is getting
fttr jr Ty) CS"Z' rlnH"C
35th GRAMD 35th
Letters remaining uncalled for in Cor
vallis week ending July 22 1905-
ThoatVermillion,GeorgeSam8el, Mrs, ,
M E Smith, M HTRose, F K Price, Chas
Pierce, ..Frank Needham, C L Nelson,
Miss Hazel Nouman, Miss Eme Mackay, '
Peter" Knhn, Mias Olive Harris. Gnv
Will Davis, J M Bradley, Leeter Huff
man, J A Bennett, Miss Josie Bryan.
Miss Fay Bowser, Mrs J M Barclay," L
Crynis, Rey Win Coney. .
B.W.Johnson, P. M.
Teachers' Examination.
As this week marks the Thirty-fifth year that
I have been in business in Corvallis, I wish
first to thank my patrons and friends for the
liberal patronage they have extended me, and
to announce that, as has been my custom, I am
going to hold an Anniversary Sale for just one
week, but this year I am going to offer you
prices that will eclipse any previously made
on the same lines of goods.
1,900 yards Torshon Lace and insertion, "all widths and select
patterns, while it lasts, 5c per yard-
Thompson's Glove Fitting and W. B. Corsets, to fit all forms,
$1.50, $1.25, and $1.00 grades are going at 75c.
50c values reduced to 36c
Ladies' Sailor Hats, this line we are going to discontinue.
. 50c values 24c 25c values 19c
Special, Amoskeag Ginghams, all colors, 5 c p e r y a rd .
Ladies' Purses and Hand Bags, black, brown, white andtan,
leather and velvet."""
Regular $1.50, reduced to $1.15.
125, " .95.
100, " " .75.
.75, " " ,48
Ladies' Auto, Yacht, Golf, and Saucy Susan caps, all colors.
$1.50 caps, now $1.05. $1.00 caps, now 78c
1.25 " " 95c 75c " " 56c
50c caps, now 38c. .
I want to close out my entire line of Summer Suitings and crash
goods, comprising Voiles, Scotch Oxfords, Mercerized Taffeta3
Spot Mohairs and Crepes, Luster Linens- and Homespun Suit
ings, n the season's latest shades, at the following prices:
' ' 40c goods reduced to 31c.
30c " . " " 22c.
20c " " " " 15c.
35c goods reduced to 27c.
25c' " 19
50 pairs of Men's Trousers and Outing Pants, reduced from
$4.50 to $3.60. $4.00 to $3.20. "
3.50 " 2.65. 3.00 " 2.35.
$2.50 to $195.
Boy's Buster Brown, Norfolk and Middy Suits, size 3 to 8 years.
Regular $3.50, special $2.95.
" 3.00, " 2.55.
" 2.50, " 2.15.
2.00, " 1.65.
" 1.50, 1.29.
Ball Mason Fruit Jars, pints-- 60c
1! quarts -73c
half-gal $1.00
21 pounds choice Rice--- -$1.00
6 cans Sardines ..... 25c
Extra Standard Tomatoes, per can 10c
Corn, per can ---10c
" Arm and Hammer or Schillings Soda,
4 packages for 25e
Western Dry Granulated Sugar, sack $5.70 -Fruit
Sugar, per sack -- $5.70
Notice ia hereby given that the county
superintendent of Benton county will
hold the .regular -examination ot appli
cants for state and county papers at Cor
vallis, Oregon, as follows:
- : Fob State Papers.
Commencing Wednesday, August 9, at
9 o'clock a. m., and continuing until Sat
urday, August 12, at 4 o'clock p. m.
Wednesday Penmanship, history, spell
ing, algebra, reading, school law.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of
teaching, grammar, bookkeeping,
physics, civil government.
Friday Philosophy, geography, mental
arithmetic, composition, physical
geography. -
Saturday Botany, plain geometry, gen
eral history.English literature, psy
chology, i
Foe Couhty Papers.
Commencing Wednesday, August 9, at
9 o'clock k. m. and continuing until Fri
day, August 11, at 4 o'clock p. m.
First, Second, Third Grade Certificates.
Wednesday Penmanship, history, areog-
raphy, reading.
Thurslay Wiitten arithmetic, theory ot
teaching, grammar, physiology.
Fiday Geography, mental arithmetic,
school law, civil government.
Primary Certificates. ;
Wednesday Penmanship,' orthography,
arithmetic, reading.
Thursday Art of questioning, theory of
. teaching, physiology.
Notic is further given to all appli
cants for county papers that persons not
known to the county board of examiners
will be required- to furnish testimonials
of good character before certificates will
be issued.
Notice 13 further given that the author
ity on which answers in Theory of Teach
ing will be held is "White' Art of
Dated this 28th day of July, 19o5, at
Corvallis, Oregon. . r
Gko. W. Djsnman,
CouLty School Superintend
. . ftcnt, Corvallis, Oregon.
The White House,
Gorv'allis, Ore,
Is Judged by the Hat he Wears.
Wo carry a larger stock of Hats
than some exclusive hat stores.
If you don't believe it we'll show
you the goods.
F. L miller, sr
- Forced to Starve.
B. F." Leek, of Concord, Ky., tays :
"For 20 years I' suffered agonies, with a
sore on my upper lip, so- painful some
times, that I could not eat. After vain
ly trying everything else, I cured it with
Bucklen's Arnica Salve." . It's great for
burns, cuts and wounds. At Allen &
'"-odward'f drngsto'e;-OE!7.25'. , -
A Surprise Party.
A pleasant surprise party may be given
to your sto nach " and "liver, by" taking a
medicine which will relieve their pain
and discomfort, viz : Dr. King's New Life
Pills . They are a most wonderful rem
edy, affording sure relief and cure for
headache, dizziness and constipation ;
25c at Allen fe Wola-d's ding sVre.