Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, July 28, 1905, Image 4

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    IHf MM GAElTh
Published Tuesdays and Fridays by
Gazette Publishing Company.
Tlie sur-s.riiptlon pnm of the Gazette
f r veins has iieeu. aid remains,
. i
$2 pi-r !Uii;ii:n. ir-i5 j'er cent
? tier uni-.iiMi ii--i5 pr cent discount if
paid in iv',v-i:
When one reads of the loyalty
to country on the part of our fore
fathers; their devotion to duty;
to public trust and in all matters
involving not alone the honor of
the party in whom the, people
reposed confidence, but of the
nation, a feeling of pride is par
donable. Such in an unusual
ly large degree was the standard
of the men who managed the
government during its earliest
Little by little there has grown
a sentiment of "the people be
damned" on the part of some of
our most trusted public servants.
It is not just nor fair to accuse
our public men as a body with
corruption, for beyond doubt we
still have as honest public offi
cials as ever there was at any
time in our history, but perhaps
not so large a percentage of
them. The age is a dollar one.
During recent" years, more parT
ticularly than at any other period,
has "money" become the stand
ard by which a man was meas
ured. This is. wrong and not
good for the country,
Throughout the land there is!
.an apparent awakening; the sen
timent in favor of honest legis
lation and discharge of public
duties above all things is being
born anew. The people of all
classes, the high and the low, the
rich and the poor, the patrician
and the plebeian, show signs of
the awakening of the spirit that
will demand a purer administra
tion of official affairs on the part
of our public servants.
In proof of the above let us
pointto Senator JohnH.MitcheU's
case. On July 25, at 10 a.m.,
in Portland, Judge De Haven in
the United States court pro-
" nounced sentence on him, where
by he shall serve six months in
the bounty jail of Multnomah
county and pay a fine of $1,000.
This for being implicated in the
Oregon land frauds. In spite of
all Mitchell has been, in Oregon,
in the United States, his great
power and recognized ability
everywhere, he was found guilty
by a jury of our common men
and sentence has been passed
No man should be above the law
and may Oregonians always-bear
this in mind.
It is worse that Senator Mit
chell be found guilty of this of
fense than if he were an aver
age citizen, for the reason that
he has not only committed an of
fense against the statutes but
has at the same time betrayed
his trust to the people. But the
case has been appealed to the su
preme court and until a decision
in the matter is handed down he
will not enter upon his sentence.
Should the supreme court confirm
the action of the lower court
then must he serve time and pay
his fine. Nor is this the sole pen
altyhe is a marked man in the
eyes of the world and is forever
debarred from holding in the
United States a place of trust.
She Tried Five Doctors.
Frances L. Sales, of Missouri Val
ley, 1.. . writes : I have been afflicted
with i-iriney trouble five years; had se
vere pains in my back and a frequent de
sire to urinate. When riding I experi
enced much rain over the region of the
kidLcvs. I tried five physicians without
benefit and then concluded to try Foley,s
Kidney Cure. After taking three $1 bot
tles I was completely cured.'' Sold by
Graham & Worthatn .
Cured ot Br tola's Disease.
Mr. Robert O. Burke, Elnora, N. Y.,
wric;. ''Before I started to use Foley's
Kidney Cure 1 had i 1 aet n p. from twelve
to twenty times a lijht, and was all
bloated up with drop:-'- i:iv eyesight
was so impaired I coui-j -an-ely- see one
of my family acrcss tho iooin. I had
given up hope of living when a friend
recommended Foley's Kidney Cure. One
50 cent bottle worked wonders and before
I had taken the third bottle the dropsy
bad goxe, as well as all other symptoms
of Bright's disease." Sold by Graham &
Coming to Corvallis.
W UWlll WWb Wl
One Day, Tues. Aug. 1st.
These Eminent Electro-Medical'
Physicians and Surgeons will
Visit our City and will be at
The Occidental Hotel.
This balng an Advertising trip to in
troduce a New System of Treat
ment, they will give to all com
mencing on above date, Consulta
tion, Examination, Advice, and all
Medicine necessary to Complete a
Cure Absolutely Free.
It will only be expected of patients
taking advantage of this offer to state to
their friend- the remits obtained by this
new system of tretituieitt They treat
It is very seldom that ailing people
have the privilege of consulting such re
nowned specialists, who are in constant
attendance to wait upon you, diagnose
your case, and give you the benefit of
their medical knowledge. There is no
experimenting or guesa work. Yon will
be told whether you can be cured or not.
If yeur case is curable they will treat
you ; if incurable, they will givef'such ad
vice as to be beneficial to you.
They treat deafness with an entirely
new method. Hearing restored to many
at once. Catarrh in all its vaiied forms
cured so that it will never return by
breaking up the cold-catching tendency
Men suffering from General Nervous
ness, Weakness, LoBt Memory, Strength,
Weak Back, Kidney Troubles, Rheuma
tism Lumbago, Sciatica, Torpid Liver,
Indigestion and Dyspepsia here can fund
a cure that permanently restores them to
their original strength and manhood
without loading their stomach with poi
sonous medicine. -
If yon have weak lungs or consump
tion, do not fail to be examined.
Their new discovery of OSMOSIS in
and all dfseases of the nervous system,
including EPILEPSY and ST. VITUS
DANCE, is a Godsend to suffering hu
manity. Medical men stand amazed at
the marvelous cures that are being effect
ed wherever this system has been intro
duced. Thousands who have given up
all hope of being cured now have an op
portunity of a lifetime to consult, with
out charge, doctors of a national reputa
tion. Remember their knowledge of med
icine combined with electricity gives
them control of disease that others do
not possess. If ypu have weak eyes,
headaches or dizziness, this' new system
will cure you quickly.
Don't fail to call on these eminent
specialists, as a visit costs yoa nothing
and may save your life.
If you suspect kidney troubles, take a
two ounce vial of your urine for chemic-
al and microscopical analysis
Go early as their offices are always
crowded. If you are improving uuder
your family physician do not go and take
up their valuable time. "
The rich and poor alike treated.
Eyes Examined FREE By an Expert
Opthamologist. -
If your vision is not good or
you have eye squint, headache dizzi
ness, nervous, and can't see fine print or
do fine work, eyes pain or Water, call on
us and we will help you out of your eye
-troubles, with a pair of glasses that are
ground lo fit you correctly by an eye
specialist of merit.
Women who suffei from the many
nervous derangements and ills TJeculiar
to their sex quickly cured without an op
eration by this new method.
Out of fivi hunared cases of Rupture
treatedjlast year by tlieir induction meth
od there. were cured 93 percent without
an operationor detention from buEinese.
B Cancers, tumors, wen's, goitres,
a 1 blood, sca'p and skin diseases cured
by this new method. - -
PIIvES CURED in a short time with
out !the knife. Ointmeut or the injec
tion method a eure and never-failing
remedy without loss of time. They
make a specialty ol all chronic diseases
peculiar to either sex, and cure where
others fail. Their treatment can ba used
at home. .
Kemember, not one cent will be charg
ed for all the medicine required 10 make
a permanent cure to all those commemc
ittg their new system of treatment on
this their first advertising trip.
NOTICE Married ladies must be ac
companied by their hufcbands.
9 a. m. to 4:3'.) p. m.
Remember the Date and Location.
Regular visits made.
Good Piano for Rent.
Terms three dollars per month, to the
right parties. Address H. W. Strong or
'"-jf'C a CorvaHis ?: lr??. 60 3
Lived Here.
We are requested to reprint
the following notice on the death
of Mrs. Angeline Sites, which
appeared in the Crook County
Mrs. Angeline Site?, ... one of
the early pioneer settlers of Ore
gon, died near Prineville after a
brief illness caused by indiges
tion, on Saturday, July 15, at the
age of 72 years. r
Angeline May was bon in
Boone county, Missouri, April 26
1833 She crossed the plains
with her parents in 1849 settling
near Salem, Oregon. She was
married to Dr. James R. . Sites,
dtceased, in Salem cn jauuaiy
30, 1859. . :
To this union five children
were horn, two ef whom survive
her, Mrs. J W. Howard, of Cor
valli?, and MrsrC. F. Smith of
this city.
Deceased, had beeu a devout
christian for the past 47 years.
Funeral services were conducted
Sunday afternoon at the resi
dence of C. F. Smith by the"
Rev. VV. P.'Tionett. pastor of the
Methodist church. Interment
took place at the Union cemetery.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the '
Signature of
Cheap Sunday Rates Between
Portland and Willamette
Valley Points.
Low round trip rates have been placed
n effect between Portland and Willam
ette Valley points, in either direction
Tickets will be sold
and limited to return on or before the
following Monday.
Rats to ob From Corvallis, $3.00.
Call on Southern Pacific Co's Agents
tor particulars -
: and
Cornire, Roofing, Guttering,
and all kinds of Sheet Metal
Work, ,
F. A. Hencye
In connection with J. H.
are the
most fatal of all dis-
j eases
I ULL I o Guaranteed Remedy
or money refunded Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the Best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICE 50c and $1.00.
6M 1-2 Congress St.
Portland, Maisb, Oct. 17, 190S.
1 consider Wine of Cardni superior
to any doctor's medicine I eTer used
fndJI.know wh6ref I speak. I suf
fered for nine months with suppressed
menstruation- which completely pros.
trat9d me. Pains would shoot through
my back and sides and I would have
blinding headaches. My limbs would
swell up and I would feel so weak I
oould not stand up. I naturally felt
discouraged for I seemed to be beyond
the heip of physicians, but Wine of
Cardni came as a God-send to me. I
felt a change for the better within a
week. After nineteen days treatment
I menstruated without suffering the
agonies 1 usually did and soon became
regular and without pain. Wine of
pardui is simply wonderful and I wish
that all suffering women knew ol it
good qualities.
Treasurer, Portland Economic League
Periodical headaches tell of fe
male weakness. - Wine of Cardui
cures permanently nineteen out of
every twenty cases of irregular
menses, bearing down pains or
any female weakness. If you are
discouraged and doctors have
failed, that is the best reason in
the world you should try Wine of
Cardui now. Remember that
headaches mean female weakness.
Secure a . $1.00 bottle of Wine of
Cardui today. ;
mi . t
ine viazette nas made a
special arrangement with
jthe publishers of a number
or tne leading magazmes
and newspapers of the Unit
ed . States, whereby we are
offered cut rates on these
Now we could charge you the
full price for these and re
serve the difference between
the regular price and their
special price to us, as5 our
commission, but as thej Ga
zette is a home paper for
home people, it will be sat
isfied by receiving you as a
new subscriber, or, 11: you
are now a subscriber, then
by receiving your renewal
for a year in advance. This
special rate may notlast
long, so take advantage of it
NOW while the chanceis
A Great
Woman's Home Companion
Frank Leslie's Monthly
Modern Priscflla and
-CorvalHs Gazette
AH five
one year
interest the
Weekly Oregonian
;San Francisco Examiner
Corvallis Gazette
AH thrse
one year
Cosmopolitan Magazine?
or Leslies,
or McCall'p, . '
Ccrvaliis Gazette
Any thrse
one year
2 30
- Address .
Announces that the two. first weeks
of their Dissolution Sale eclipses all
previous sales. For the next two weeks
we have planned Still Greater Bargains
in all Departments. Buy liberally
Now. Our new Fall stock will arrive
early in August. Come to us for your
Harvesting Outfits long range for
anywhere than right here. We clean and repair all sorts of
watches thoroughly and quickly and guarantee all our work as
well as our prices to be right. If your watch chain is beginning
to show signs of wearor if you'd like a new chain for any rea
son, we are prepared to supply you with the best gold-filled one
made, at a moderate price. We carry the Simmons make, the
best known and most strongly guaranteed chains ever sold.
- E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.
Open Day and Night.
J. C. HAM MEL, Prop.
One ot the Finest Eauined Hotels in the Valley.'
Both Phones.
D. O. Hlmmtmnd.
Patronize Home Industry.
Outside Ordora Solicited.
All Work Guaranteed.
Bring your Job Work to the
Gazette Office.
The Original.
Foley A Co.. Chicago, originated Hon
ey and Tar a throat and luag remedy,
and on acoount of the great merit and
popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar
many imitations are offered for tbe genu
ine. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and
refuse any tubstitute offered as no other
preparation will give the same satisfac
tion. It is mildly laxitire. It contains
no opiates and is safest for children and
delicate persons. Sold by. Graham &
Registration of Land Titie.
In theCircuit Court ot the State of Oregon for
Benton county. - - ".
In the matter of the Application of S. S. Traill
and J. R. Whitney. Applicants
and Plaintiffs, to register the title to the
North half; the Southeast quarter; and
and the North half of the Southwest quar
tor of Section 27; and the North half; tbe
Southeast quarter; and the East half of -tlie
Southwest quarter of Section 33; all iu
Township 10 South, Range 7 West of the
Willamette Meridian iu Benton County,
' vs. -J.
A. Dottier, Sol. Kins and The Ccast Land" &
Live Stock Company, a corporation. Defendants.
To all whom it may concern, Take notice: v
That on the 27 day of June, A. D.. 19o5, an ap-.
plication was filed by said S. S. Irain and J. R
Whitney, in the Circuit Court of Benton County,
Oregon, for initial registration of the title of the
land above described.
Now, unless you appear on or before the 29th day
of July, A. D., 19o5, aud show cause why such ap
plication shall not be granted, the same will be
taken as confessed, and a decree will he entered ac
cording to the prayer of the application, and you
will be forever haired from Disputing the same.
Percy R. K bat, VICTOR P. MOSES,
Applicant's Attorney. Clerk.
your watch shows any kreeu-
larity or gives other evidence that,
something is wrong with it, better
have it examined by a competent
watchmaker. You won't find any
more skillful or more experienced
Rooms Single or En Suite. I
Cham. Blakemlao.
If you are looking for some real good
Bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit and
Poultry Ranches, write for our special
list, or time and see us. We will take
pleasure in giving you reliaDle informa
tion; also showing you over the county
The Diamond Cure.
The latest news from Paris, is, that
they have discovered a diamond enre
for consumption- If yon fear consump
tion or pneumonia, it will, however, - be
be best for you to take that great remedy
mentioned by W. T. MeGee, of "Vanleer,
Tenn. T had a cough for fourteen
years. Nothing helped me until I took
IJr. Kinti's Ken- Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds, which gave in
etant relief, and eflected a permanent
cure." Unequalled quick cure for Throat
and Lnr.g Troubles. At Allen & Wood
ward's drug store: price 50 cents and $!,
guaranteed. Trial bottle free.
. -Registration
of Land Title.
Ia the Circuit Court of the State ofOregon for
Benton county.
lu the matter of the Application of E. M.
Howell and T, c. riowcll, Applicants and
Plaintiffs,, to register the title to tbe east
half of the east half of section 5; the north
half, and tbe southeast quarter of section 15,
the south half, and the south half of the
northwest quarter of section 17; the north
' east quarter, and the east half of the north
west quarter, and the northwest quarter of
tbe northwest quarter of section 21; all in
township 11 south, range 7 west of the Wil- :-
lamette Meridian, in Benton county, Oregon,
and containing 1317 acres,
vs. .
C. M. Ciddings, Defendant.
To all whom it may concern, Take notice:
That on the 14th day of June. A. D., 1965, an ap
plication was filed bv said E. M. Howell and T. C
Howell, in the Circuit Court of Benton county. Ore
eon, for initial registration of tbe title of tbe land
above described.
Now unless you appear on or before the 19th
day of July, A. D. , 1905, and show cause why such
application shall not be granted, the same will be
taken as confessed, and a decree will be entered ac
cording to the prayer of the application, and you
will be forever barred from disputing the same. -
Witness my hand and the seal of said Circuit
Court of Benton county, Oregon, hereunto affixed
this 14th day of June, A. D. , 1905.
County Clerk and Ex-Ofhcio Clerk of the Circuit
Court of "ilj of "V-jon for Benton cottnty.
. Btts Meets all Trains.